3 this year's programme of the eighth consecutive Slovenian Innovation Forum shows through its professionalism, variety and numerous points of interest that we are acutely aware in Slovenia of the importance of innovation to economic development and the raising of the economy’s competitiveness. This was confirmed by the numerous innovation entries – there were as many as 127 of them. These included 82 products, 39 services and 6 business models. It is especially encouraging that the most applications were submitted by micro-, small- and medium-sized companies. Another promising fact is that individual innovators or groups of innovators as well as young innovators (pupils, university students and young researchers) handed in their applications. The substantive variety of the entered innovations shows that the innovative spirit in Slovenia is alive and well in all areas and that it has good prospects. At the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, we strive together with implementing institutions and partners to build an incentivising and competitive environment through the policy geared towards the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation. The environment that we would like to create is one that is able to nurture, keep and support the most valuable talents of our society of knowledge. It is, however, essential for this knowledge to be converted into products and services that are interesting to the market. This is why it is of great importance for the National Assessment Committee to have been guided in the assessment of the entered innovations by the key assessment criteria including applicability, innovation, potential significance or impact – relevance, practical feasibility, market appeal, socio-economic impacts and the merits of the approach. Within the scope of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, we have fast -track preparations of programme documents for the next seven-year period underway, which we are preparing in cooperation with other ministries and stakeholders. This involves the formulation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy, the Strategy for the Development of Slovenia, the Partnership Agreement and the Operative Programme. We wish the contents of the above documents to be realistic and realisable. We would not like them to remain mere words on paper. These documents will serve as the basis for the drawing of funds from the EU Cohesion Policy for the 2014–2020 period. The funds will be attentively channelled to those areas that have the greatest impact on growth and the creation of jobs – at least 50% will go to the promotion of competitiveness of SMEs, the boosting of research, technological development and innovation, and the employment of primarily young people. May the presentation of innovations at the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum and this catalogue serve as incentives to all who have already started on the path of innovation as well as to new innovators. Last but not least, they should serve as motivation to entrepreneurs who will send as many products and services, which answer social challenges, onto markets at home and abroad together with you and aided by their knowledge and their skills. These challenges are sustainable energy, construction and mobility, efficient use of resources, health, food, the environment, and an inclusive and safe society. Stanko Stepišnik, MSc Minister of Economic Development and Technology harmful to health or the environment. The substances employed have not been used in the production of stained glass up until now. 1st best innovation of the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum RC eNeM Novi materiali d.o.o. Podružnica Steklarna Hrastnik Podvine 36, 1410 Zagorje ob Savi ID673 T: 00386 3 56 54 864 E: [email protected] www.rc-enem.si FLORIAN 3. najboljša inovacija 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij 3rd best innovation of the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum ID831 SESALNA ENOTA V KAPSULI Florian poskrbi, da se z isto količino drv grejete dlje časa in znatno prihranite pri porabi. Florian je pametna naprava, ki predstavlja popolno novost v svetovnem merilu in je edinstven produkt na področju nadzorovanja vleka v dimniških ceveh. S samodejnim reguliranjem vleka v dimniških ceveh Florian ustvarja optimalne pogoje izgorevanja v kaminskih pečeh na drva. S tem se za 20 % povečuje učinkovitost izgorevanja v peči, kar predstavlja znatne prihranke pri porabi goriva in nižje emisije izpustnih plinov. Florian keeps you warmer longer and saves you wood. Florian is a smart device that represents a complete novelty on a global scale and is a unique product in the area of chimney pipe draft control. By way of automatic chimney pipe draft regulation, Florian creates optimal combustion conditions in the wood-burning stove. It thus increases combustion efficiency by 20%, which represents significant savings in fuel consumption and lower emissions of exhaust gases. ATech elektronika d.o.o. Bač pri Materiji 30, 6242 Materija T: +386 08 200 88 00 E: [email protected] www.atech.si www.fumis.si/en/florian 2. najboljša inovacija 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij 2nd best innovation of the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum ID690 VACUUMING UNIT IN A CAPSULE Inovacija podjetja Domel d.o.o. problem rešuje s tem, da vodi zrak okoli sesalne enote po ohišju vpetja, kjer se odlično zaduši hrup, hkrati pa je sesalna enota mehko vpeta s posebnim vpetjem v kapsulo, ta pa je z istim vpetjem vgrajena v ohišje sesalnika. S tem je Domel kupcem ponudil več, dvignil dodano vrednost izdelkom in zagotovil lasten vpliv na način vgradnje visokoučinkovitih enot in s tem vpliv na izvedbo sesalnika kot končnega produkta. The innovation of the Domel d.o.o. company resolves problem by channelling the air around the vacuuming unit through the housing of the mounting mechanism where noise is muffled well. The vacuuming unit is also softly mounted with a special mounting mechanism into a capsule, which is in turn built into the housing of the vacuum cleaner with the same mounting mechanism. Domel was thus able to offer its customers more, raise the added value of their products and ensure that the company c an influence the method of integration of highefficiency units and thereby affect the construction of the vacuum cleaner as an end product. Domel d.o.o., NELA d.o.o., Razvojni center Otoki Otoki 21, 4228 Železniki T: 00386 4 5117 100 E: [email protected] www.domel.com/sl Priznanje za najboljšo storitveno inovacijo 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij: Award for the best service innovation of the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum ECO–COLORED GLASS Druga najboljša inovacija po mnenju nacionalne ocenjevalne komisije je plod sodelovanja med Razvojnim centrom eNeM novi materiali, Steklarno Hrastnik in Nanotesla Institutom. Podjetje računa na ekskluzivo, saj je glavna dodana vrednost produkta v uporabi zdravstveno in ekološko neškodljivih snovi, ki jih najdemo v naravi, te pa se pri pripravi obarvanega stekla do zdaj še niso uporabljale. The second best innovation according to the assessment by the National Assessment Committee is the result of cooperation between the eNeM Development Centre – New Materials, the Steklarna Hrastnik glassworks and the Nanotesla Institute. The company counts on the exclusivity of its product because the main added value comes from the use of substances found in nature that are not ID796 PEDAGOŠKO ZDRAVSTVENI MODEL INTENZIVNE OBRAVNAVE OTROK IN MLADOSTNIKOV V VZ PLANINA PEDAGOGICAL MEDICAL MODEL FOR THE INTENSIVE TREATMENT OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS AT THE PLANINA RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT INSTITUTION Obravnava otrok in mladostnikov s težavami v duševnem zdravju ni samo pedagoški problem. Pedagoško zdravstveni model intenzivne obravnave otrok in mladostnikov izstopa po celostni obravnavi, ki se izvaja v njihovem življenjskem okolju in jim omogoča redno šolanje ob kontinuirani zdravstveni in pedagoški obravnavi. Obstoječe pedopsihiatrične službe v Sloveniji odklanjajo obravnavo otrok in mladostnikov s hudimi težavami v duševnem Zmagovalne inovacije Winning innovations Dear innovators, 1. najboljša inovacija 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij 4 Zmagovalne inovacije Winning innovations multidisciplinary nature of the project, we have felt the need to connect with other companies. AURORA 3M+ d.o.o. Dunajska 156, 1000 Ljubljana T: 00386 51 710 044 E: [email protected] www.aurora3m.si zdravju in pridruženim nasilnim ter heteroagresivnim vedenjem, zato je bil do zdaj edini izhod urgentna hospitalizacija na intenzivnih zaprtih oddelkih psihiatričnih bolnišnic skupaj z odraslimi bolniki, s tem pa so bile pravice otrok in mladostnikov grobo kršene. Uvedba novega modela ustreza tudi določilom Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah. Treatment of children and adolescents with mental health problems is not only a pedagogical problem.The pedagogical medical model of intensive treatment of children and adolescents stands out from the rest in terms of its comprehensive treatment that is provided in the living environment of the subjects, enabling them to attend full-time schooling alongside continuous medical and pedagogical treatment. Existing pedopsychiatric services in Slovenia refuse treatment to children and adolescents with severe mental health and and the associated violent and aggressive behavior disorders, which is why the only solution up until now has been urgent hospitalisation at closed ward intensive care units of psychiatric hospitals together with adults, which meant that the rights of children and adolescents were grossly violated. The introduction of the new model complies with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Vzgojni zavod Planina Planina 211, 6232 Planina T: 00386 41 750 858 E: [email protected] [email protected] www.vz-planina.si Priznanje za najboljšo inovacijo start-up podjetja 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij Award for the best innovation by a startup company of the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum ID844 ECOCELL – IONSKI BOJLER ECOCELL – ION BOILER Priznanje za najboljšo inovacijo raziskovalne institucije 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij Award for the best innovation by a research institution of the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum ID703 NOVO KOROZIJSKO ODPORNO ORODNO JEKLO ZA PREOBLIKOVANJE PLASTIKE ACRONI T85 ACRONI T85 NEW CORROSION RESISTANT TOOL STEEL FOR PLASTICS FORMING T: 00386 1 320 45 30 E: [email protected] www.goopti.com Razvojni center Jesenice je v sodelovanju s podjetjem Acroni razvil tehnologijo izdelave, ulivanja, predelave in toplotne obdelave jekla, namenjenega uporabi pri povišanih temperaturah in tlakih. Za vsako proizvodno fazo povsem nove vrste jekla so izdelali tehnološke predpise, ki so varovana skrivnost in namenjeni le interni uporabi podjetja Acroni. Postopek izdelave zagotavlja ustrezno kakovost nove vrste jekla, ki je v skladu s predpisi po mednarodnih standardih EN in ASME ter je prilagojena zahtevam kupca. In cooperation with the Acroni company, the Jesenice Development Centre has developed a technology for the production, casting, processing and heat treatment of steel for use in high temperature and high pressure applications. They produced technological regulations for each production phase of a completely new type of steel, whereby the said regulations are a highly guarded secret and intended exclusively for internal use at the Acroni company. The production procedure ensures the suitable quality of a new type of steel that complies with the regulations laid down in the international EN and ASME standards and is adapted to meet the needs of the buyer. Acroni d.o.o. Kidričeva 44, 4270 Jesenice Because of the deficiencies exhibited by conventional electric heaters, a need has arisen for the production of a more efficient electric heater that generates heat within a much shorter period of time and is easy to use and control as well as functions without emission losses. The company has successfully utilised all of the advantages of the support environment for innovation and has obtained a subsidy for startup capital. However, owing to the The unique feature of the GoOpti business model is the introduction of the so-called time window – agreement with a passenger who is flexible and willing to agree on a time of departure in exchange for a lower price of transport and timely arrival at a destination. The innovation takes a sustainable approach to resolving the problem of mobility, meaning that passenger transport is environmentally-friendly and provides all parties in the GoOpti business model value chain with sustainable growth of operations. TM Vista d.o.o. Tehnološki park 18, 1000 Ljubljana Razvojni center Jesenice d.o.o. Oddelek za razvoj jekel in tehnologij, Zaradi pomanjkljivosti, ki jih kažejo konvencionalni električni grelniki, je nastala potreba po izdelavi bolj učinkovitega električnega grelnika, ki proizvaja toploto v veliko krajšem času ter je enostaven za upravljanje in kontrolo ter obratuje brez emisijskih izgub. Podjetje je uspešno uporabilo vse prednosti podpornega okolja za inovacije in pridobilo subvencijo za zagonska sredstva, zaradi multidisciplinarnosti projekta pa so začutili tudi potrebo po povezovanju z drugimi podjetji. pristop k reševanju problema mobilnosti – transporta potnikov, ki je do okolja prijazen in ki vsem sodelujočim v vrednostni verigi poslovnega modela omogoča trajnostno rast poslovanja. T: 00386 51 683 958 E: [email protected] [email protected] www.acroni.si Priznanje za najbolj inovativen poslovni model 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij Award for the most innovative business model of the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum ID743 GoOpti – INTELIGENTNI TRANSPORT POTNIKOV GoOpti – INTELLIGENT PASSENGER TRANSPORT Edinstveni del GoOpti poslovnega modela je vpeljava t. i. časovnega okna – dogovora s potnikom, ki se je v zameno za nižjo ceno prevoza pripravljen dogovoriti za čas odhoda ob pravočasnem prihodu na želeno destinacijo. Inovacija uvaja trajnostni Priznanje za odličnost uporabnosti ustvarjalnih industrij 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij Award for the excellence of application of creative industries of the 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum ID650 ILLUSION GLASS Postopek izdelave efektnega crackle stekla, ki daje videz razbitega stekla, je poznan že dalj časa. Inovacija, ki je prejela priznanje za odličnost uporabnosti ustvarjalnih industrij, uvaja nov način proizvodnje in predstavlja trajnostno rast tega segmenta. Visoke zahteve po energetski varčnosti so izpolnjene z novim pristopom v proizvodnji, ki jo glede na dosedanji znani proces v svetu lahko štejemo med t. i. vitke proizvodnje. The procedure for the production of crackle effect glass that gives the appearance of broken glass has been known for a long time. The innovation that received the award for the excellence of application of creative industries introduces a new production method and represents a possibility for the sustainable growth of this segment. Exacting demands for energy efficiency have been met with a new production approach that can be considered to represent the so-called lean production when compared to the process known around the world up until now. RC eNeM Novi materiali d.o.o. Podružnica Steklarna Hrastnik Podvine 36, 1410 Zagorje ob Savi T: 00386 3 56 54864 E: [email protected] W:www.rc-enem.si 5 ID649 SISTEM PREZRAČEVANE FASADE ARMAT SiKal - MERILNA PRIPRAVA ZA KALIBRACIJO STROJEV ZA MERJENJE SILE ARMAT FAÇADE VENTILATION SYSTEM SIKAL - MEASUREMENT DEVICE FOR THE CALIBRATION OF FORCE MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT Armat d.o.o. Krmelj 37A, 8296 Krmelj T: 00386 7 39 33 400 E: [email protected] www.armat.si ID643 PONNOD PRIME Green technology enabling the simultaneous production of fish and vegetables that doesn’t require any external water sources for fish farming, reduces water consumption by up to 90% and is particularly useful for the utilization of industrial waste heat. Ponika, raziskave in razvoj, d.o.o. Zbure 39, 8220 Šmarješke toplice T: 00386 40 798322 E: [email protected] www.ponnod.com ID 645 SiKal so vmesniki iz visokokakovostnih jekel za natančnejše in varnejše meritve sil. SiKal – high-quality steel interfaces for more accurate and safer force measurements. LOTRIČ meroslovje d.o.o. Selca 163, 4227 Selca T: 00386 4 517 07 00 E: [email protected] www.lotric.si AVTOMATSKI MERILNIK KONCENTRACIJE ELEMENTOV V MIKRO KOMORAH - BlistO2 DEVICE FOR THE AUTOMATIC MEASUREMENT OF ELEMENTS IN MICRO-CHAMBERS - BlistO2 BlistO2 je patentiran avtomatski merilnik koncentracij kisika v pretisnih omotih za testiranje atmosfere v embalaži. ID675 BlistO2 is a patented automatic mea-suring system for determining oxygen concentrations in blister packs for testing the atmosphere in packaging. ADVANCED SYSTEM FOR A DYNAMIC BIKE FITTING INNOVATIVE ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR A BICYCLE T: 00386 3 759 23 80 E: [email protected] www.echo.si ID 666 PARKauto - S KLIKOM DO NAJBLIŽJEGA PARKIRIŠČA GEM motors d.o.o. Ljubljanska 45, 1241 Kamnik T: 00386 59 023890 E: [email protected] www.gemmotors.si SLS (Sunlight System) is a system for the transfer of natural light into outdoor premises of production halls, business premises, vessels, greenhouses and other buildings with the purpose of utilizing the main advantages of illumination with sunlight, which are in turn reflected in an improvement in working conditions and energy savings. Venous je diagnostična medicinska naprava, ki s pomočjo izboljšane volumske pletizmografije meri indeks venske polnitve in se uporablja za diagnosticiranje venskega popuščanja spodnjih okončin pri odraslih osebah v zgodnjih fazah bolezni. Venous is a diagnostic medical device which measures the venous filling index (VFI) by means of iproved volume plethysmography and is used for diagnosing venous insufficiency of the lower extremities in adults in the early stages of the disease. MESI, razvoj medicinskih naprav, d.o.o. Leskoškova 9d, 1000 Ljubljana T: 00386 1 6203487 E: [email protected] www.mesimedical.com ID685 MECODES – MECHATRONIC COLLABORATION DESIGN SOLUTION T: 00386 30 643 735 E: [email protected] Echo, d.o.o. Stari trg 37, 3210 Slovenske Konjice The company GEM motors d.o.o. has developed a new innovative type of electric motor in the wheel of a vehicle, which represents a simple, high efficient and high performance drive for electric vehicles. SLS (Sunlight System) je sistem za prenos naravne svetlobe v notranje prostore proizvodnih hal, poslovnih prostorov, plovil, rastlinjakov in drugih objektov z namenom koriščenja glavih prednosti razsvetljave s sončno svetlobo, ki se kažejo v izboljšanju delovnih razmer in v energetskih prihrankih. Rok Mihelj Usnjarska ulica 16, 1241 Kamnik INOVATIVNI ELEKTROMOTOR V KOLESU Podjetje GEM motors d.o.o. je razvilo nov inovativen tip elektromotorja v kolesu vozila, ki predstavlja preprost, učinkovit in visokozmogljiv pogon za električna vozila. VENOUS MEDICAL DEVICE FOR DIAGNOSING CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY SLS - Sunlight System ID660 Zelena tehnologija hkratne pridelave rib in zelenjave, ki za vzgojo rib ne potrebuje zunanjih vodnih virov, do 90 % zmanjša porabo vode in je še posebej primerna za izrabljanje odvečne toplote iz industrije. T: 00386 40 848532 E: [email protected] www.parkauto.mobi VENOUS – MEDICINSKA NAPRAVA ZA DIAGNOZO KRONIČNEGA VENSKEGA POPUŠČANJA ID668 Fasada, ki vrača s toploto in lepoto. A façade that brings back warmth and beauty. Parkauto d.o.o. Gerbičeva 57, 1000 Ljubljana ID 684 PARKauto - FIND THE NEAREST PARKING SPOT WITH A CLICK NAPREDNI SISTEM ZA DINAMIČNI BIKE FITTING Edinstven sistem, podprt z znanstvenimi raziskavami, omogoča celovito biomehansko analizo kolesarja in na podlagi dobljenih podatkov izvedbo optimalne geometrije kolesa po meri posameznika. A unique system that is based on scientific research enables the comprehensive biomechanical analysis of a cyclist and the setup of an optimum bicycle geometry to suit each individual based on the gathered data. S2P, znanost v prakso, d.o.o. Tehnološki park 19, 1000 Ljubljana Sistem Parkauto uporabnikom omogoča, da v realnem času poiščejo in rezervirajo prosto parkirno mesto in dostopajo do njega s pomočjo mobilnega telefona; lastnikom majhnih in velikih parkirišč omogoča oddajanje parkirnih mest brez velikih začetnih investicij. T: 00386 40 202 396 0044 7748057791 E: [email protected] www.s2p.si, www.s2p-cycling.si Integracijska rešitev MECODES (Mechatronic Collaboration Design Solution) omogoča procesno orientirano povezovanje sistemov ECAD MCAD skozi integracijo kritičnih funkcij za sodelovanje znotraj orodij CAD. The MECODES (Mechatronic Collaboration Design Solution) integration solution enables processoriented integration of ECAD/MCAD systems through the integration of critical functions for cooperation within CAD tools. CADCAM Lab d.o.o. Tržaška 132, 1000 Ljubljana T: 00386 1 426733 E: [email protected] www.cadcamlab.si ID 692 VODNA VZMETNICA AQUASPRING AQUASPRING WATER MATTRESS Vodna vzmetnica AquaSpring kot prva na svetu združuje v enem ležišču prednosti vrhunske vzmetnice ter vodne postelje, prilagodljivost, zračnost in odlično podporo. The AquaSpring water mattress is a world’s first that combines the advantages of a cutting-edge spring mattress and waterbed, Inovacije Innovations ID640 The Parkauto system enables users to find, book and access a free parking space in real time via their mobile phones; it gives the owners of small or bigger parking lots the opportunity to lease parking spaces without any initial investment. 6 Inovacije Innovations adaptability, ventilation and excellent support in a single bed. ID699 ID 722 NOVA LEGIRANA PLOČEVINA ZA UPORABO PRI POVIŠANIH TEMPERATURAH IN TLAKIH PREZRAČEVALNIK ID739 NEW ALLOY SHEET METAL FOR USE IN HIGH TEMPERATURE AND HIGH PRESSURE APPLICATIONS AMFIBIJSKO LETALO, EKRANOPLAN, HOVERCRAFT AMPHIBIAN AIRPLANE, EKRANOPLAN, HOVERCRAFT T: 00386 1 561 09-00 E: [email protected] www.lectus.si www.leticia.si PAMETNE ZNAČKE V KMETIJSTVU SMART LABELS IN AGRICULTURE Pametne značke v kmetijstvu so inovacija, ki bo pocenila, optimizirala ter povečala varnost in kakovost pridelane hrane. Smart labels in agriculture are an innovation which will cheapen, optimize and increase the safety and quality of produced food. Blaž Germšek Koroška cesta 158, 2000 Maribor T: 00386 41 956 303 E: [email protected] www. freshmarket.si http://ams.com/eng Razvili smo tehnologijo izdelave, predelave in toplotne obdelave zelo redke vrste jekla SA387 Grade91, ki ga odlikuje odlična korozijska odpornost pri povišanih temperaturah in je zelo pomemben gradnik brezhibnega delovanja termoelektrarn. We have developed the technology of making, processing and thermally treating a very rare type of steel, SA387 Grade 91, which is distinguished by excellent corrosion resistance under increased temperatures and is a very important building element of flawless operation of thermal power plants. Razvojni center Jesenice d.o.o. Oddelek za razvoj jekel in tehnologij MERILNI SISTEM ZA OBJEKTIVNO VREDNOTENJE ŽIVČNO-MIŠIČNIH FUNKCIJ TRUPA GEOSOLARNA ENERGETSKA PLATFORMA GEO-SOLAR ENERGY PLATFORM Our innovation is a service which validly, objectively and reliably evaluates neuromuscular functions of the lower torso, and on the basis of obtained results formulates scientifically-grounded prevention and/or therapeutic measures. S2P, Znanost v Prakso, d.o.o. Tehnološki park 19, 1000 Ljubljana T: 00386 40 429 505 E: [email protected] www.s2p.si Toring turbine d.o.o., Kozlovičeva 21, 6000 Koper T: 00386 31 368 758 E: [email protected] http://www.toring.com The geosolar platform is an independent energy-generation system for the heating and cooling of buildings with the ability to store heat seasonally that employs the energy of the Sun and the Earth for its operation. ALTENG Letala d.o.o. Pečje 28, 8290 Sevnica T: 00386 40 864 981 E: [email protected] ID728 PAMETNO KRMILJE JAVNE LED RAZSVETLJAVE SMART CONTROLS FOR LED PUBLIC LIGHTING ID 742 TechGen, ALGORITEM IN PROGRAMSKI MODUL ZA SAMODEJNO GENERIRANJE TEHNOLOŠKIH POSTOPKOV TechGen, ALGORITHM AND SOFTWARE MODULE FOR AUTOMATED TECHNOLOGICAL PROCEDURE GENERATION Pametno krmilje javne LEDrazsvetljave izstopa po svoji majhnosti, varčnosti, ekološki komponenti in dostopni ceni, hkrati pa bistveno poveča varnost v prometu. Luka Rojs, Laporje 50, 2318 Laporje T: 00386 70874894 E: [email protected] ID734 ELEKTROPOGON ROBOLINE FITNES ROBOLINE FITNES ELECTRIC DRIVE Enertus d.o.o. Mednarodni prehod 6, 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici T: 00386 31 446 122 E: [email protected] www.enertus.si A modern multipurpose three-seater general aviation CANARD aircraft. www.alteng-aircraft.com/index.html Smart controls for public LED street lights are distinguished by their small size, economy, ecological component and affordable price combined with enhanced traffic safety. Geosolarna platforma je samostojen energetski sistem za ogrevanje in hlajenje stavb s sposobnostjo sezonskega shranjevanja toplote, ki za svoje delovanje izkorišča energijo sonca in zemlje. Moderno večnamensko trisedežno KANARD letalo splošnega letalstva. The self-aspiration aerator is a part of the new generation which applies the principle of precession, which is used for mixing liquids. T: 00386 4 584 13 09 E: [email protected] [email protected] www.acroni.si MEASUREMENT SYSTEM FOR OBJECTIVE EVALUATION OF THE TORSO NERVOUS AND MUSCLE FUNCTIONS Naša inovacija je storitev, ki veljavno, objektivno in zanesljivo vrednoti živčno-mišične funkcije spodnjega dela trupa ter na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov oblikuje znanstveno utemeljene preventivne in/ali terapevtske ukrepe. Samoaspiracijski prezračevalnik je del nove generacije, ki deluje na načelu precesije, ki se uporablja za mešanje tekočin. ACRONI d.o.o., Cesta Borisa Kidriča 44, 4270 Jesenice ID 702 ID697 T: 00386 31 762 775 E: [email protected] AERATOR Maremico d.o.o. Šlandrova 4, 1231 Lj-Črnuče ID 693 S&Heron d.o.o. Jančerjeva 8, 2000 Maribor Algoritem in programski modul TechGen omogočata samodejno izdelavo tehnoloških postopkov novih izdelkov s pomočjo njihovih značilnosti ter podatkov o pretekli proizvodnji podobnih izdelkov. The algorithm and the TechGen program module enable automated creation of production procedures for new products by using product characteristics and data on past production processes for similar products. Inea, d.o.o., Ljubljana Stegne 11, 1000 Ljubljana T: 00386 1 51 38 120 E: [email protected] www.inea.si ID750 INTELIGENTNI SISTEM E-VRATAR Vsebina inovacije je električni pogon fitnes in rehabilitacijskih vadbenih nap-rav, ki omogoča računalniško krmiljenje vadbenih naprav za nizko ceno in masovno proizvodnjo. The content of the innovation is the electric drive of fitness and rehabilitation exercise machines, which enales computer control of fitness devices at a low price and for mass production. INTELLIGENT E-DOORMAN SYSTEM V svetu sta izraz inteligentna oziroma pametna hiša že močno uveljavljena. E-vratar je razvojna rešitev, ki ima lastnosti in sposobnosti sistemskega gradnika pametne hiše s ciljem, da spremlja, varuje ter asistira stanovalce v hiši oziroma v stanovanju. The expression “intelligent or smart house” is a well-established concept 7 ID 764 MegaTel MOBILNA PREDIZBIRA MegaTel MOBILE PRESELECT Joser d.o.o. Podlog v Savinjski dolini 56 3311 Šempeter v Savinjski dolini T: 00386 40 193197 E: [email protected] www.joser.si ID782 KONSTANTNA ZAKASNITEV SIGNALA V OPTIČNEM VLAKNU NA DOLGIH RAZDALJAH Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega program krepitve regionalnih razvojnih potencialov za obdobje 2007-2013, 1. razvojne prioritete: Konkurenčnost podjetij in raziskovalna odličnost; prednostne usmeritve 1.1.: Izboljšanje konkurenčnih sposobnosti podjetij in raziskovalna odličnost. INTECH-LES, razvojni center, d.o.o. Unec 25, 1381 Rakek T: 00386 41 379 105 00386 1 705 33 01 E: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.intechles.si ID752 MegaTel Mobilna Predizbira je sistem nižanja stroškov mobilnih klicev v tujino ob hkratni ohranitvi najvišje kvalitete storitve in udobju uporabe. MegaTel Mobile Preselect is a system intended for lowering costs of international mobile calls and at the same time preserving the highest quality of service and comfort of use. MEGA M, d.o.o., Velenje Šaleška cesta 2a, 3320 Velenje T: 00386 3 777 0000 E: [email protected] www.mega-m.net inovacija: tujina.megatel.si INTELIGENTNI POMOČNIK INTELLIGENT ASSISTANT Inteligentni pomočnik prek spletnih in ID 766 ADMIRAL ON DEMAND ADMIRAL ON DEMAND CONSTANT SIGNAL DELAY IN AN OPTIC FIBER OVER LONG DISTANCES Via web and mobile applications the intelligent assistant facilitates users’ access to information and use of web services. Institut »Jožef Stefan« Odsek za inteligentne sisteme Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana T: 00386 1 477 3230 E: [email protected] www.dis.ijs.si ID757 Optilabova storitev Admiral on Demand s svojo zasnovanostjo v oblaku zavarovalnicam omogoča hitrejšo in lažjo implementacijo rešitev za obvladovanje goljufij. T: 00386 1 2419887 E: [email protected] www.optilab.net e-TURIST ID 772 DIREKTEN NADZOR PORABE VODE/TEKOČIN DIRECT CONTROL OF WATER/ LIQUID CONSUMPTION E-Turist je spletna storitev, ki uporabniku na podlagi njegovih zanimanj in časovnih omejitev pripravi prilagojen načrt ogleda s pomočjo inteligentnih metod za priporočanje in načrtovanje. E-Turist is a web service which, by applying intelligent recommendation and planning methods, creates an adapted sightseeing itinerary for a user on the basis of stated preferences and time restrictions. Inštitut “Jožef Štefan” Jamova ulica 39, 1000 Ljubljana T: 00386 1 477 33 80 E: [email protected] www.dis.ijs.si, www.e-turist.si The device compensates interferences on the optical transmission path and provides for a stable delay of a random signal between two points. InLambda BDT, optoelektronske rešitve, d.o.o., Center odličnosti za biosenzoriko, instrumentacijo in procesno kontrolo Tovarniška 26, 5270 Ajdovščina ID 783 IZOTERM KRITINA IZOTERM ROOFING ID 789 Mobilis je modularna mobilna senzorska platforma z zajemom podatkov iz različnih senzorjev, prikazovanjem, shranjevanjem, obdelovanjem, kriptiranjem in prenosom na oddaljen strežnik ali v oblak, ki omogoča samostojno delo ali enostavno vključitev v različne produkte s področja eZdravja, spremljanja starostnikov, športnikov in avtomatizacije procesov. Mobilis is a modular mobile sensor platform with data capture from various sensors, display, storage, processing, encrypting and transfer to a remote sensor or to a cloud which enables independent work or simple inclusion in various products in the area of eHealth, monitoring of senior citizens, athletes and process automation. Mobili d.o.o. Abramova 12, 1000 Ljubljana Kritina Izoterm z lastnostjo termične izolacije bo poskrbela za povečano kvaliteto bivanja in občutne prihranke energije v vašem objektu. Izoterm roofing with a thermal insulation function will contribute to an increased quality of living and significant energy savings in your building. T: 00386 41 663 195 E: [email protected] www.mobili.si ID794 QuickA SVS SISTEMI d.o.o. inženirske dejavnosti in tehnično sodelovanje Kraljeva 9, 6000 Koper T: 00386 41 611 643 E: [email protected] MyAirbubble – THE TRUE COLOR OF AIR System for control, analysis, prediction of consumption as well as advice on optimum methods of water or liquid consumption, which are also environmentally friendly and comply with sustainability principles. T: 00386 40 735 832 E: [email protected] www.myairbubble.com Naprava kompenzira motnje na optični prenosni poti in skrbi za stabilno zakasnitev poljubnega signala med dvema točkama. ID 786 Sistem za nadzor, analiziranje, napovedovanje porabe, kot tudi svetovanje o optimalnih načinih porabe vode oz. tekočin, ki so tudi do okolja prijazne oz. ki ustrezajo načelom trajnosti. Tjaša Flis Bičevje 4, 1000 Ljubljana MOBILIS- MOBILE SENSOR PLATFORM Thanks to its cloud operation, Optilab’s solution Admiral on Demand provides insurance companies with a faster and simpler implementation of solutions for managing frauds. Optilab d.o.o. informacijske tehnologije in poslovne storitve Župančičeva 8, 5270 Ajdovščina MyAirbubble is an invention in the area of electronics. The device measures the quality of air, which it constantly displays by changing the colour of the ambient lamp. MOBILIS - MOBILNA SENZORSKA PLATFORMA T: 00386 41 284 957 E: [email protected] www.inlambda.com mobilnih aplikacij olajša uporabnikom dostop do informacij in uporabo spletnih storitev. prikazuje s spreminjanjem barve ambientalne lučke. MyAirbubble – THE TRUE COLOR OF AIR QuickA je napredna mobilna aplikacija, ki podjetjem omogoča pridobivanje povratnih informacij o kupcih v realnem času, kupcem pa v zameno ponuja akcijske ponudbe ali točke zvestobe. QuickA is an advanced mobile application which enables companies to obtain feedback information on buyers in real time, and in return provides buyers with special offers or loyalty points. S&T Slovenija d.d. Leskoškova 6, 1000 Ljubljana MyAirbubble je izum na področju elektronike, in sicer naprava meri kvaliteto zraka, ki jo konstantno T: 00386 1 585 57 54 E: [email protected] www.quicka.si Inovacije Innovations globally. E-doorman is a development solution which has features and capacities of a system component of a smart house with the objective of monitoring, protecting and assisting the residents in a house or apartment. 8 Inovacije Innovations ID812 AKTIVNA PODLOGA ZA MIŠKO S TELOVADNIMI LASTNOSTMI GIVE HAND A CHANCE GIVE HAND A CHANCE ACTIVE MOUSE PAD WITH EXERCISE PROPERTIES The innovation is a professional high-precision device for wireless temperature measurement under laboratory and industrial conditions. DMS d.o.o. Golnik Golnik 3, 4204 Golnik T: 000386 4 2519620 E: [email protected] www.dms.si ID839 MODULARNI SISTEM GRADNJE ZIDOV WALLRUN GABION WALL SYSTEM BY PETRIČ MODULAR SYSTEM FOR WALL CONSTRUCTION - WALLRUN GABION WALL SYSTEM BY PETRIČ ID829 BlinkerGrips ODSEVNI KOLESARSKI ROČAJI IN SMERNIKI Zabava z aktivno podlogo za miško Give hand a chance. Razgibajmo prste, dlan in zapestja ter se izognimo bolečinam – svetovna patentirana novost. BlinkerGrips REFLECTIVE BICYCLE GRIPS AND TURN INDICATORS A new system for landscaping the surroundings of buildings featuring unique combinations of rocks, concrete and metal. Fun with the Give hand a chance active mouse pad. Let’s exercise our fingers, palms and wrists and avoid pain – a patented global innovation. Status d.o.o. Metlika Ulica Belokranjskega odreda 19, 8330 Metlika T: 00386 7 3691 230 E: [email protected] www.status.si ID 816 sitecElube - SISTEM ZA DODATNO MAZANJE VENTILOV sitecElube - SYSTEM FOR THE ADDITIONAL LUBRICATION OF VALVES Nov pristop k urejanju okolice objektov – unikatne kombinacije kamenja, betona in železa. Mednarodno nagrajene inovativne kolesarske ročaje BlinkerGrips lahko ob zmanjšani vidljivosti oziroma ponoči uporabljamo kot smernike in stranske luči ter s tem povečamo svojo vidnost in varnost v cestnem prometu. The international prize winning innovative BlinkerGrips bicycle grips can be used as turn indicators or side lights in case of reduced visibility or at night. The innovation increases our visibility and safety in road traffic. Petrič d.o.o. Goriška 57, 5270 Ajdovščina T: 00386 31 334 633 E: [email protected] www.petric.si ID840 ETERNALWOOD EKI d.o.o. Majer 27, 8340 Črnomelj T: 00386 70 727565 E: [email protected] www.si.blinkergrips.com Sistem za elektronsko doziranje mazivnega sredstva v motorje z notranjim izgorevanjem, ki kot pogonsko gorivo uporabljajo avtoplin. System for the electronic dosing of lubricant into internal combustion engines that use LPG as a fuel. SITEC d.o.o. Meljski dol 1, 2000 Maribor D830 POSTELJNI VLOŽEK P-CONTRADOL CD/VR (MOTORNA & MEHANSKA IZVEDBA) P-CONTRADOL CD/VR SLATTED BED BASE (MOTORISED & MECHANICAL VERSION) Eternalwood – barva, ki jo vidite danes, je barva, ki jo boste videli jutri. Eternalwood – The color you see today is the color you see tomorrow. Replikateh d.o.o. Tržaška ulica 42, 1000 Ljubljana T: 00386 59 050 159 E: [email protected] www.replikateh.com Celoten Katalog inovacij 8. Slovenskega foruma inovacij z razširjenimi opisi inovacij in seznamom vseh prijavljenih inovacij je dosegljiv na spletni strani: www.foruminovacij.si. A full Catalogue of Innovation of 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum with extended descriptions of innovation and a list of all applied innovation is available on the website: www.foruminovacij.si. Inovativni potencial Slovenije The Innovative Potential of Slovenia 8. Slovenski forum inovacij 8th Slovenian Innovation Forum Catalogue of Innovation Katalog inovacij November 2013 Izdajatelj - Publisher: SPIRIT Slovenija, Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za spodbujanje podjetništva, inovativnosti, razvoja, investicij in turizma T: 00386 70 855144 E: [email protected] www.sitec.si Za izdajatelja - For the publisher: Boštjan Skalar, direktor v.d. ID824 BREZŽIČNI PRECIZIJSKI ELEKTRONSKI TERMOMETER V STANDARDNI LABORATORIJSKI IZVEDBI Z DRŽALOM TER IZDVOJENIM MERILNIM TIPALOM STANDARD LABORATORY WIRELESS PRECISION ELECTRONIC THERMOMETER WITH HANDLE AND DETACHED SENSOR Inovacija predstavlja profesionalno visokoprecizno napravo za brezžično merjenje temperature v laboratorijskih in industrijskih razmerah. Posteljni vložek P-CONTRADOL CD/ VR za izboljšanje kvalitete življenja in funkcionalnosti vzmetnice. The P-CONTRADOL CD/VR slatted bed base improves ones quality of life and the functionality of the mattress. Moba d.o.o. Obrtna cona 15, 8333 Semič T: 00386 7-30-68-400 E: [email protected] www.moba.si Editor - Uredila: mag. Alenka Pahor Žvanut Avtorji besedil - Authors: Boštjan Skalar, mag. Alenka Pahor Žvanut, mag. Stanko Stepišnik, avtorji inovacij. Oblikovanje - Design: Arnoldvuga d.o.o. Lektura - Language editor: Prevajalska agencija Julija d.o.o. Prevod - Translation: Prelest d.o.o. Tisk Print: R-tisk Naklada/ Issue: 5.000 kosov Naročnik: SPIRIT Slovenija, Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za spodbujanje podjetništva, inovativnosti, razvoja, investicij in turizma ob finančni podpori Ministrstva za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo Sponsor: SPIRIT Slovenija - Slovenian Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Development, Investment and Tourism with financial support of Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
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