THE LIST OF APPROVED PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES FOR COMMEMORATING THE 100TH ANNIVERSARIES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR IN 2014– 2018 I. Year The main State ceremonies, organised or co-organized by the National Committee Project/activity Period 9 September 2014 , Žale Cemetry 2014 State Commemoration 2015 Opening of the Walk of Peace from the 21. March 2015, Trg Alps to the Adriatic, Trg Evrope/Transalpina, Nova Evrope/Transalpina, Nova GoricaGorica/Gorica Gorizia I. 2016 Commemorative ceremony at the Last weekend of July 2016 th Russian Chapel – 100 Anniversariy 2017 Military Bands Performance 2018 Conclusion of the European Peace 2018 Charter on the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War Project holder National Committee Provincia di Gorizia, Ustanova Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju [ The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region” Foundation] project Pot miru/Via di pace Society Slovenija – Rusija, Embassy of the Russian Federation, Municipality of Kranjska gora julij 2017, Kobarid National Committee, Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju [The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region” Foundation] II. Projects and activities in the Republic of Slovenia 1 Project/activity holder Koroški pokrajinski muzej [Carinthian Regional Museum] Tolminski muzej [Tolmin Museum] Društvo Most Univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje Ajdovščina [Society Bridge, Slovenian Third Age University Municipality Šempeter Vrtojba, Society Soška fronta in Ustanova Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju [The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region” Foundation] Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske [Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces] and Park vojaške zgodovine [Park of Military History] Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske Project/activity Period First World War and its echoes in the Carinthia Region, , research projectm exhibition and Publication of the folder »German Ossury« Exhibition »First World War in Words and Stone« 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2018 Opening of the Walks of Peace in the Municipality of Šempeter Vrtojba 29 March 2014 Notes March 2014 28 March 6 April 2014 Animation event in the First Word War cavern on the quote 110 21 June 2014 Documentary film on the Slovenens during World War June 2014 – November 2018 [Caving Club Temnica] The 34th meeting of the caving clubs from Slovenija, Italy and Austria) 20 - 22 June 2014 Municipality Miren Kostanjevica The Premier of the film about Svetozar Borojević von Bojna Summer 2014 [Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces] and Park vojaške zgodovine [Park of Military History] Jamarski klub Temnica 2 SPIRIT Slovenia, public Agency Crossbaord Workshop for the tourist agents and agencies on the historical tourism with special accent on the Walks of peace and the centenary of the First World War 16 April 2014 Narodni muzej Slovenije in Železniški muzej Slovenskih železnic [The National Museum of Slovenia, Railway Museum] Exbition “ Miru je konec. Rudolf Cvetko in prva svetovna vojna˝ [The End of Peace, Rudolf Cvetko in World war I] 15 May 2014 (to 15 May 2015) Marijan Bevk, Mittelteatro Čedad (Andrea Martinis) Theater-musical-dance performance Cimitero sul confine Kolovrat , 22 and 25 May 2014 Tolminski muzej [Tolmin Museum] A storm is shaking the hostile world, Bosnian and Herzegovinian soldiers on the Isonzo Front 13 Jne – 18July and 5 August to 30 September 2014 Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije [National Museum of Contemporary History] Exhibition “We never imagined such a War” 21 June 2014 – May 2015 Municipality of Bovec Concert of the wind orchestra Koper 28 June 2014, Fortress Kluže Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana [Historcal Archive Ljubljana] Exhibition “O Lord, Save Us from Plague, Starvation and War. Carniola in the First year of the War” 28 June 2014 – Autumn 2014 Ustanova Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju [The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region” Foundation], Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana Exhibition “1914 - Položaj žensk na predvečer vojne” [1914 – the Position of Women on the Eve of the War] 10 July 2014 Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije [National Museum of Contemporary History Exhibition ˝Solunski front u objektivu ratnog slikara i fotografa Dragoljuba Pavlovića˝ [The Salonica front in the Objective of war Photographer Dragoljub Pavlović] 15 July 2014 3 Tolminski muzej [Tolmin Museum] Exhibition ˝Tri zgodbe avstroogrskih vojakov˝ [Three Stories of the Austro-Hungarian Soldiers] and guided tours at the Tolmin Ossuary during the Festival Metaldays 20 – 27 July 2014 Archdiocese Ljubljana Commemoration Mass, Brezje 15 August 2014 16 August 2014 »Peski 1915-1917« Tolmin Society 14 Ceremony at Mrzli Vrh for the Fallen Soldiers in World War I , the cavern with the altar beneath the peak v Mrzli Vrh Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor [National Liberation Museum Maribor] 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War and 70th anniversary of the bombardment of Maribor 25 September 2014 Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor [National Liberation Museum Maribor], Narodni muzej Karelije [National Museum Karelija] The Path to the Ocean. Austro-Hungarian PoWs in the construction of the Murmans Railway , exhibition th Military History Festival September 2014–2018 Learning from the experience of the First World War Autumn 2014 People of Kamnik and hundred years of the First World War, exhibition June – October 2014 First World War and its responses in Celje and its September 2014 Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske [Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces] and Park vojaške zgodovine [Park of Military History] Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske [Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces] and Park vojaške zgodovine [Park of Military History] Medobčinski muzej Kamnik [Intermunicipal Museum of Kamnik] Zgodovinski arhiv Celje, Muzej novejše September 2014 Dedicated to the First World War, accompanied by meetings of reenactment groups, presentations of publications, lectures, and commemorative exhibitions. 4 zgodovine Celje , Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije [Historical archive Celje, Museum of recent history Celje, National Museum of Contemporary History, Ljubljana] Narodni muzej Slovenije Železniški muzej Slovenskih železnic [National Museum of Slovenia, Slovenian railway Museum] Pokrajinski muzej PtujOrmož, Zgodovinski arhiv na Ptuju [Ptuj Regional Museum, Historical archive Ptuj] Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana region , exhibition Rudolf Cvetko and the First World War, exhibition at the restored medical wagon GET 821 standing at the first platform fo the Ljubljana Railway station September 2014 First World War in the Ptuj . Ormož region, exhibition Razstava » September 2014 The enemy storm is shaking the world [National and University Library Ljubljana] 9 October 2014 -24 January 2015 Turistično društvo I. SVIT goriški Kras, Lokvica Opening of the steel globe October 2014 The Memorial Walk to the Krn Lake 8 November 2014 Symphonic poem of Avgust Ipavec Publication of the poems and memires of the AustroHungarian Ivan Uršič Scientific symposium Art and War Cankarjev dom, 10–16 November 2014 November 2014 Registering archival materials 2014–2016 [The Gorica Karst tourims Society I. SVIT , Lokvica] Municipality of Bovec, Društvo 1313, Ustanova Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju , [The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region” Foundation] Kobariški muzej [kobarid Museum]. Slovenska filharmonija [Slovene Philharmonic] Tolminski muzej [Tolmin Museum] ZRC SAZU [Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts] Arhiv Republike Slovenije November 2014 5 [Archives of the Republic of Slovenia] and regional archives on the First World War in Slovenian archives Arhiv Republike Slovenije [Archives of the Republic of Slovenia] Tolminski muzej [Tolmin Museum] Exhibition Arhivi – zakladnice spomina [Archives – Treasuries of Memory] Opening of an international exhibition Before - after, with the map of the Walks of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic, the photographic exhibition Publication of the photographic monograph on the Isonzo Front Municipality of Brda Kobariški muzej [Kobarid Museum], ZRC SAZU [Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts] Tolminski muzej [Tolmin Museum] Tolminski muzej [Tolmin Museum] Goriški muzej [Gorica Museum] Občina Kobarid [Kobarid Municipality] Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj – Ormož, Zgodovinski arhiv na Ptuju [Regional Museum Ptuj, Historical Archive Ptuj] Society »Peski 19151917« Tolmin et al. Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske [Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces] and Park vojaške zgodovine [Park of Military History] Društvo Slovenija– Rusija [Slovenia–Russia Society] Municipality of Bovec, Društvo 1313, Ustanova Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju , [The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region” Foundation] January–April 2015 2015 April 2015 May 2015 Publication of the memoirs of a Slovenian soldier from Breginj Publication of the translation of the book Maliř na frontě Exhibition Soška fronta [The Isonzo Front] Dedication ceremony at the monument to civilian casualties at Idrsko The Prisoners of War Camp and the reserve hospitals Strnišče pri Ptuju 1915 – 1918, exhibition 15th Ceremony at Mrzli Vrh for the Fallen Soldiers in World War I , the cavern with the altar beneath the peak v Mrzli Vrh Learning from the experience of the First World War Commemorative ceremony at the Russian Chapel The Memorial Walk to the Krn Lake May 2015 June 2015 June 2015 22 August 2015 Autumn 2014 Last weekend in July 2015 November 2015 6 Kobariški muzej [kobarid Museum]. Kobariški muzej [Kobarid Museum] Kobarid Museum Day Občina Tolmin [Tolmin Municipality] Ceremony at Javorca in the Church of the Holy Spirit on the 100th anniversary of its construction Ruska akademija znanosti [Russian Academy of Sciences], ZRC SAZU [Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts], Društvo Slovenija– Rusija [Slovenia–Russia Society], Ruski center znanosti in kulture v Ljubljani [Russian Centre of Science and Culture, Ljubljana] Društvo Slovenija– Rusija [Slovenia–Russia Society] Society »Peski 19151917« Tolmin et al. Goriški muzej [Gorica Museum] Tolminski muzej [Tolmin Museum] Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske [Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces] and Park vojaške zgodovine [Park of Military History] NO-100-1SV [NC-100-WW1], Kobariški muzej [Kobarid Museum] Society »Peski 19151917« Tolmin et al. ZRC SAZU October 2015 International scientific symposium on prisoners of war July 2016 Commemorative ceremony at the Russian Chapel Last weekend in July 2016 16th Ceremony at Mrzli Vrh for the Fallen Soldiers in World War I , the cavern with the altar beneath the peak v Mrzli Vrh Exhibitions on the battles for Gorizia International exhibition 20 August 2016 August 2016 Autumn 2016 Learning from the experience of the First World War Military bands performance – a concert with maestro Riccardo Mutti 17th Ceremony at Mrzli Vrh for the Fallen Soldiers in World War I , the cavern with the altar beneath the peak v Mrzli Vrh International conference on July 2017 19 August 2016 August/Septem 7 [Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts], Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani [Faculty of Theology, Ljubljana] peace initiatives during the First World War ber 2017 Goriški muzej [Gorica Museum] Exhibition on the battles on Banjška Plateau and Mt. Škabrijel August/Septem ber 2017 Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske [Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces] and Park vojaške zgodovine [Park of Military History] Learning from the experience of the First World War Kobariški muzej [Kobarid Museum] Kobarid Museum Day, 100th anniversary of the Breakthrough at Caporetto/Kobarid – international conference, exhibition Municipality of Bovec, Društvo 1313, Ustanova Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju , [The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region” Foundation] Kobariški muzej [kobarid Museum]. The Memorial Walk to the Krn Lake Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske [Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces] and Park vojaške zgodovine [Park of Military History] Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju [Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation]/National Committee Občina Kobarid [Kobarid Municipality], Občina Bovec [Bovec Municipality], Kobariški muzej [Kobarid Museum], Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju [Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation] Autumn 2017 October 2017 November 2017 Autumn 2018 Learning from the experience of the First World War Conclusion of the European Peace Charter on the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War 11 November 2018 The Memorial Walk to the Krn Lake 8 November 2014Mt. Krn 11 November 2018 8 Goriški muzej [Gorica Museum] Exhibition Spomin [Memory] November 2018 Mass for peace, Sveta gora November 2018 Koper Diocese 9 II. Registered projects and activities outside the Republic of Slovenia Project/activity holder Slovenian Embassy in Austria ZRC SAZU [Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts] (P. Svoljšak) Slovenian Embassy in Czech Republic Slovenian Embassy in Czech Republic Slovenian Embassy in India E4+ (Slovenian Embassy in Bratislava, Budapest, Prague, Warsaw) Slovenian Embassy in Poland Project/activity Period Commemorative ceremony at the memorial dedicated to the former refugee camp Bruck an der Leitha, Austria International conference One Hundred Years since the Beginning of the First World War Cooperation with National Travel – “The Great War" Geographic – Exhibition in the National Museum in Prague Exhibition and conference (photographic exhibition on the Isonzo Front) Project dedicated to commemorating the beginning of the First World War (leading partner Photon) – exhibition Polish – Slovenian scientific conference May 2014 19–20 June 2014 2014 (application to be submitted until 15 January 2014) 2014 November 2014 E4 meeting of foreign ministers 28 – 30 May 2014 ˝Spuren/Sledi˝, wandering exhibition April – december 2014 (Ljubljana May 2014) The project in the occasion of the First World War centenary (lead partner Photon), exhibition Meeting of the feroign Ministers of the Visegrad group, Bratislava, 7. October 2014 Slovenian Embassy in India A photographic exhibition aboti Isonzo Front and a conference November 2014 Slovenian Embassy in Czech republic National Geographic – Traveller, project 2014 Slovenian Embassy in Austria The Visegrad group+ (Slovenian Embassies in Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Repubic and Poland) 10
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