Modena November 27th 2014 h.11:30 Mee ng of University Delegates for the MIUR project The mul media technologies and the new reali es for knowledge, networking and valorisa on of scien fic cultural heritage The role of Italian University Museums Network University of Bari, University of Cagliari, University of Chie Pescara , University of Ferrara, University of Florence, University of Genoa, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Second University of Naples, University of Parma, University of Pavia University of Perugia, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, University of Siena, University of Salento, University of Tuscia, Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia, Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin (only for delegates and collaborators) Organisa onal and scien fic coordina on University of Modena e Reggio Emilia Prof. Elena Corradini Organisa onal secretary Dr. Lorenzo Cos Dr. Viviana Ebner Dr. Elisa Gabbi Dr. Alessandra Mantovani Dr. Silvia Pellegrini Financial support FONDAZIONE CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI MODENA Informa ons [email protected] [email protected] Viviana.ebner@unimore-it [email protected] Master in Catalogazione e accessibilità del patrimonio culturale It is necessary to set up an up-to-date image of the museums, designed as laboratories and places of promotion of a critical dialog, interdisciplinary and linked to current scientific themes, deans of continuous science and technology trainings during and after school, places of intellectuals meetings, social solidarity and strengthen civil society, active in promoting local, regional and virtual systems and in getting started in the enable national and international synergies for lifelong learning activities targeted on diversified. The attractiveness of the museums is in fact linked to their ability to continually think to educational activities linked to cultural heritage with the intention of renew them in particularly with the use of the new technologies, in consideration of the increasingly marked use of the means of communication mediated through computers and with the use of mobile devices. A fundamental objective of the seminar is to promote initiatives that stimulate, through artifacts and collections stored in University Museums, processes of formal and informal learning on various issues related to scientific culture through the use of digital technologies to insert on streaming into the network, maximizing network, enriching its content and enhancing its communicative efficacy. The University Museums and Innova on The contribution of digital technologies to the development of their social and cultural role Interna onal Seminar November 28th -29th 2014 Modena Big Hall Historical Palace University of Modena and Reggio E. Via Università 4 November 27th 2014 Reggio Emilia Dosse+ Palace (Zucchi ex-barracks) V.le Allegri 9 Inaugura on of exhibi on: “Giovanni Ba+sta Amici” h: 18.3030 Modena November 28th 2014 h. 9 -13 Introduction Angelo Oreste Andrisano Chancellor of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Modena November 28th 2014 h.15-19 Modena November 29th 2014 h.9-13 Cordero Graciela Weisinger & Maria del Carmen Maza Introduction University of Argentine Social Museum Sergio Ferrari Un Acercamiento a un Problema Complejo: La trandisciplinriedad en los Museos Pro-Chancellor of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Alessandro Capra Lauro Magnani, Laura Stagno University of Genoa Director of Department of Mechanical and Civil IEngineering “E. Ferrari” Kaje Jeeser University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Estonian Museums Information System Consultant Giorgio Mellerio, Paolo Mazzarello University of Pavia Hugues Dreyssé Workflow and data exchamge between museums: documenting of exhibitions in the Estonian Museum Information System Augusto Garuccio, Ruggero Francescangeli University of Perugia, Centro di Ateneo dei Musei Scientifici President of UMAC- ICOM , University Museums and Collections International Committee—University of Strasbourg Sofia Talas President of UNIVERSEUM - European Academic Heritage Network—University of Padua University of Bari—President of Cismus Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per la Museologia Scientifica Luisa D’Arienzo Angelo Barili, Raffaele Barocco, Carlo Cavalletti, Cristina Galassi, Sergio Gentili, Marco Maovaz, Emanuela Ughi Francesca Vannozzi, Davide Orsini . Alessandro Marchini University of Siena, Simus – Sistema Universitario Museale Senese Istituto per i beni artistici culturali e naturali della Regione Emilia Romagna Luigi Capasso, Antonietta di Fabrizio, Maria del Cimmuto, Alessia Fazio Elena Corradini Digital hunting for Ancient photons:: the experience of the Astronomical Museum Observatory of the University of Siena Elisabetta De Minicis, Vera Anelli University of Chieti, Museo Universitario di Chieti University of Tuscia, Sistema Museale di Ateneo Vicepresident of ICOM-UMAC -President of UMAC- ICOM , University Museums and Collections International Committee - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia New tools at University Museum of Chieti Valentina Galloni University of Cagliari Regional coordinator of International Council of Museums of Emilia Romagna Luigi Campanella, Luigi Campanella President of Polo Museale - University of Rome “La Sapienza” Patrizia Scandurra The new generation of the Scientific Museum Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin Giorgio Manzi Director of Polo Museale- University of Rome “La Sapienza” Coffee Break Relations Hugues Dreyssé Dossetti Palace (Zucchi ex-barracks) University of Modena and Reggio Emilia V.le Allegri 9, Reggio Emilia (first floor) Nathalie Nyst University of Florence , Museo di Storia Naturale Director Weisman Art Museum University Museums as Translator Reggio Emilia November 27th 2014 h. 18.30 University of Ferrara Giovanni Pratesi Lyndel King Conclusion Ursula Thun Hohenstein , Claudio Berto President of ICOM-UMAC - University of Strasbourg Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia President of Polo Museale, University of Rome “La Sapienza” Giorgio Manzi Director of Polo Museale- University of Rome “La Sapienza” Silvia Chicchi, Elisabetta Farioli Giovanni Petrillo Univesrity of Genoa Inauguration of exhibition Giovanni Battista Amici Ottico, astronomo naturalista 28th November 2014- 28 February 2015 Till to 20th December : Monday - Saturday : h. 9.00-18.00 From 22th December to 27th February : Monday-Friday : h 9.00-18.00
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