OZNAČITEV KULTURNIH SPOMENIKOV NA OBMOČJU UE ŽALEC Izdelal: ZVKDS OE Celje 28.06.2013 Vodja območne enote: Tanja HOHNEC, univ. dipl. etnol. Izdelal: ZAVOD ZA VARSTVO KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE SLOVENIJE Območna enota Celje Glavni trg 1 SI-3000 CELJE Vodja območne enote: Tanja HOHNEC, univ. dipl. etnol. Zadeva: Označitev kulturnih spomenikov na območju UE Žalec Avtorji: Tanja Hohnec, univ. dipl. etnol. Božena Hostnik, univ. dipl. etnol. Urška Kerbavec, univ. dipl. um. zgod. Milana Klemen, univ. dipl. inž. kraj. arh. Andreja Mihelčič, univ. dipl. inž. kraj. arh. Matija Plevnik, univ. dipl. um. zgod.. Nataša Podkrižnik, univ. dipl. um. zgod. Tonka Šoba, univ. dipl. arheol. Datum: 28. junij 2013 NC številka: 1006/13 Št. zadeve: EG-10791/2012-15,BH,BK Elaborat je nastal v okviru projekta LAS SSD 2007-2013, Tematski potep po SSD, junij 2013. POLZELA Andraž nad Polzelo ANDRAŽ NAD POLZELO – CERKEV SV. ANDREJA (EŠD 2849) ANDRAŽ OVER POLZELA – THE ST.ANDREW'S CHURCH (EŠD 2849) Prvič se omenja l. 1229, vendar od prvotnega objekta danes ni nič ohranjenega. Današnja, župnijska cerkev je v osnovi gotska taborna cerkev, postavili naj bi jo polzelski komendatorji in celjski grofje (ok. 1400). V 18. in 19. stol. predelana. Zvoniku sledi pravokotna ladja s prizidanima kapelama in prezbiterij z zakristijo in oratorijem. Oprema iz sredine 19. stol. It was first mentioned in 1229, but nothing from the original building is preserved. Today's parish church was a gothic camp church in design and was built by Komturs of Polzela and the Counts of Celje (ca 1400). It was restored in the 18th and 19th century. Bell tower is followed by a rectangular nave with two chapels and the presbytery with the vestry and oratory. Equipment is from the middle of the 19th century. MOČNIKOV MLIN NA VODNO KOLO THE MOČNIK'S MILL WITH WATER WHEEL Andraž nad Polzelo – Mlin na domačiji Andraž nad Polzelo 13 (EŠD 26910) Andraž over Polzela – Mill on the Andraž over Polzela 13 homestead (EŠD 26910) Prvotni Močnikov mlin je že vrisan v Franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825. Sedanji leseni Močnikov mlin na vodno kolo pa naj bi bil ob potoku Laščica postavljen leta 1905. Ohranjen ima celoten mlinski mehanizem: stope, en mlinski kamen, mlinsko kolo in »pajkl« za čiščenje žit. Mlin je deloval do leta 1985. Original Močnik's mill was drawn in Franziscean land cadastre from the year 1825. The current wooden Močnik's mill on water wheel is supposted to be built by the Laščica stream in 1905. The entire millstones mechanism is preserved: stamps, one millstone, mill wheel and "pajkl" for cleaning cereals. The mill operated until 1985. BRUNŠEKOVA DOMAČIJA THE BRUNŠEK'S HOMESTEAD Andraž nad Polzelo – Domačija Andraž nad Polzelo 44 (EŠD 26900) Andraž over Polzela –Andraž over Polzela 44 homestead (EŠD 26900) Prva omemba Brunšekove domačije je v urbarju iz leta 1347. Domačija je v sedanji podobi nastajala od začetka 18. stol. Najstarejša je vinska klet iz leta 1701, ki ima prešni kamen z letnico 1714 ter letnico na preši 1823. Stanovanjska hiša je bila zgrajena leta 1829, kozolec leta 1863 ter gospodarsko poslopje leta 1923. First mention of Brunšek's homestead is in the monasterial land register from the year 1347. The homestead in the current state was established in the beginning of 18th century. The oldest part is the wine cellar from the year 1701, which include stamping stone (year 1714) and press (year 1823). The house was built in 1829, haystack in 1863 and barn in 1923. STRMŠKOVA KAŠTA THE STRMŠEK'S GRANARY Andraž nad Polzelo – Kašča na domačiji Andraž nad Polzelo 45 (EŠD 27011) Andraž over Polzela - Granary on the Andraž over Polzela 45 homestead (EŠD 27011) Strmškova vrhkletna, delno lesena in delno kamnita kašča je s krajšo fasado postavljena ob breg. Nad vhodom v bivalni del je letnica 1836. V gospodarskem delu sta prostor s prešnico in kašča za shranjevanje žit. Strmšek's top-cellar, partly wooden and partly stone granary is with a shorter frontage overlooking the hill. Above the entrance to residential part is a 1836 year mark. In the other part of the building there is a room with a press and granary for storing cereals. STRMŠKOV KOZOLEC THE STRMŠEK'S HAYSTACK Andraž nad Polzelo – Kozolec na domačiji Andraž nad Polzelo 45 (EŠD 27010) Andraž over Polzela - Haystacks at the Andraž over Polzela 45 homestead (EŠD 27010) Strmškov kozolec – toplar ima tri pare oken in stoji na kamnitih podstavkih. Dvojne podporne ročice so ravne. Mreža tramičev na brani je redka. Na prečnem tramu je vrezana slabo razvidna letnica 1724 ter napis PAVLISOMOBOR. Do leta 1988 je bil kozolec pokrit s slamo. Strmšek's haystack - hayrack has three sets of windows and stands on a stone plates. Double support arms are straight. Mesh of beams on the harrow is thin. On the cross beam a carved, poorly visible year 1724 and »PAVLISOMOBOR« inscription are shown. Until 1988 the haystack was covered with straw. JELOVŠKOVA KAŠČA THE JELOVŠEK'S GRANARY Andraž nad Polzelo – Kašča na domačiji Andraž nad Polzelo 62 (EŠD 26906) Andraž over Polzela - Granary on the Andraž over Polzela 62 homestead (EŠD 26906) Jelovškova kašča je spodaj kamnita, zgoraj lesena. Opasuje jo gank z dekorativno rezljano ograjo. Na lesenem vhodnem portalu je umetelno obeležen postavitelj ter letnica 1810. Ohranjena je tlorisna zasnova, od notranje opreme pa lesena skrinja za žito z letnico 1776. Jelovšek's granary is partly made of stone (below) and partly made of wood (above). It is surrounded by wooden balcony with a decorative carved fence. On the wooden entrance portal, a builder is skillfully commemorated along with year 1810. Original layout of the building and wooden chest for cereals from 1776 are preserved. JELOVŠKOV KOZOLEC THE JELOVŠEK'S HAYSTACK Kozolec – toplar ima štiri pare oken in stoji na kamnitih podstavkih. Podporne ročico so različne: enojne, dvojne in valovite. Mreža tramičev na brani je srednje gosta. Zanimiv je iz gradbenorazvojnega vidika, saj je nastajal fazno – o tem pričajo tri različne letnice na kozolcu: 1801, 1850 in 1872. Jelovšek's haystack - hayrack has four sets of windows and stands on a stone plates. Support arms vary: they are single, double and wavy. Mesh of beams on the harrow is middle. It is particulary interested from structural engineering point of view, because it was build in phases (three carved years 1801, 1850 and 1872). PRAPROTNIKOVA SUŠILNICA THE PRAPROTNIK'S HOP KILN Andraž nad Polzelo – Praprotnikova sušilnica za hmelj (EŠD 29870) Andraž over Polzela – The Praprotnik's hop kiln (EŠD 29870) Ob breg postavljena, delno zidana in delno lesena sušilnica za hmelj je bila zgrajena na prelomu 19. in 20. stoletja. Sušilnica, ki še vedno obratuje, ima ohranjene prvotne sušilne naprave: lese, kurišče, rore in predmete za sušenje. Partly brick and partly wooden hop kiln, was built on the slope at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. Oast, which is still operational, has preserved original drying appliances: wooden plates, firebox, ovens and objects for drying. Dobrič ŠTOBARJEVA DOMAČIJA THE ŠTOBAR'S HOMESTEAD Dobrič – Homestead Dobrič 24 (EŠD 9294) Domačija se v arhivskih virih omenja v 18. stoletju, letnica 1841 na kamnitem vhodnem portalu hiše po vsej verjetnosti priča o njeni obnovi z bogato dekorativno fasado, edino te vrste v vsej Spodnji Savinjski dolini, inicialki J. B. pa označujeta tedanjega lastnika Janeza Blagotinška. Predstavlja tip hiše s črno kuhinjo, ki je bila po 2. sv. vojni predelana. Lastniki so se ukvarjali z mešanim kmetijstvom, do leta 1992 so gojili tudi hmelj. Ohranjena je še vrhkletna lesena kašča in delno hmeljska sušilnica s svinjaki. In the archival sources the homestead is mentioned in the 18th century and the year 1841 in a stone entrance portal is most likely a testimony of its reconstruction with a rich decorative facade, only one of this kind in entire Lower Savinja valley and initials J. B. indicate the former owner Janez Blagotinšek. The homestead represents the type of house with a black kitchen, which was renovated after second world war. Owners were engaged with mixed agriculture, they also cultivate hop until 1992. Over-cellar wooden granary and (partly) hop drying room with pigstyes are also preserved. KAŠČA PRI ZGORNJEM GABERŠKU THE GRANARY AT ZGORNJI GABERŠAK Dobrič – Kašča s sušilnico za hmelj na domačiji Dobrič 27 (EŠD 26918) Dobrič – granary with hop drying room on the homestead Dobrič 27 (EŠD 26918) Nad vhodom v vrhkletno leseno kaščo je vrezana letnica 1831 ter napis Gabershek. Ročno tesana bruna so vezana z utori na lastovičji rep. V notranjosti so ohranjene »košte« – lesene skrinje za shranjevanje žita. Leta 1938 je bila kašči prizidana sušilnica za hmelj, ki ne deluje več. Above the entrance to over-cellar wooden granary, the year 1831 and the sign »Gabershek« are carved in. Hand carved logs are bound with the dovetail joints. In the interior, »košta« are preserved - wooden chests for storing cereals. In 1938, the hop drying room was added to granary, but it doesn't operate any more. BOLČINOVA HIŠA THE BOLČINA'S HOUSE Dobrič – Hiša Dobrič 38 (EŠD 27022) Dobrič – House Dobrič 38 (EŠD 27022) Nadstropna, kamnita hiša ima na prečnem tramu lesenega stropa v bivalnem delu vrezano letnico 1725. Ohranjena je prvotna tlorisna zasnova; v pritličju so obokane kleti, v nadstropju pa bivalni del s črno kuhinjo in kaščo. Leta 1926 so prizidali sušilnico za hmelj. V preteklosti naj bi se tukaj pobirala desetina za bližnji Klošter v Založah. Two-storey, stone house has a year 1725 written on the cross beam of the wooden ceiling in the living part of the house. Original layout is preserved; arched cellars on the ground floor and living part with a black kitchen and a granary. In 1926 the hop kiln was added. In the past one-tenth was accordingly collected in Bolčina's house for the nearby cloister in Založe. ŠTOBARJEVA SUŠILNICA THE ŠTOBAR'S HOP KILN Dobrič – Domačija Dobrič 24 (EŠD 9294) Dobrič – The Homestead Dobrič 24 (EŠD 9294) Delno zidana in delno lesena sušilnica ima v pritličju svinjake, v nadstropju pa prostor za skladiščenje hmelja. Ohranjen je originalen arhitekturni »Načrt za svinjak in sušilnico« iz leta 1949. Delovati je prenehala v sredini 80. let 20. stoletja. Partly brick and partly wooden hop kiln has pigsties on the ground floor and hop storage space on the first floor. Original architectural »Plan for pigsty and drying« from 1949 is preserved. It has stopped working in the mid 80s 1980s. ZADRUŽNA SUŠILNICA THE COOPERATIVE HOP KILN Dobrič – Zadružna sušilnica za hmelj (EŠD 26919) Dobrič – The Cooperative hop kiln (EŠD 26919) Zadružna sušilnica za hmelj je bila zgrajena sredi šestdesetih let 20. stoletja. Delovala je do leta 2004. V tronadstropni, delno zidani in delno leseni stavbi s sušilnim stolpom so še vedno ohranjeni stroji in predmeti, povezani s hmeljarstvom. The Cooperative hop kiln was built in the middle of 1960s. It was operational until 2004. In three-storey, partially brick and partly wooden building with a drying tower, machinery and objects related to hop growing are still preserved. Gora Oljka GORA OLJKA – CERKEV SV. KRIŽA (EŠD 3271) GORA OLJKA – THE CHURCH OF ST. CROSS (EŠD 3271) Romarsko cerkev deteljasto oblikovane ladje z dvema zvonikoma in pravokotnim prezbiterijem in zakristijo je zgradil Janez Nepomuk Mayer (1754 - 57). Od izvirne opreme je ostal glavni oltar (avtor Ferdinand Gallo), preostala oprema iz 19. stol. Pod ladjo je še spodnje svetišče, v katerem se nahajajo trije oltarji iz 19. stoletja. Celotna zunanjščina je baročno členjena. This pilgrimage church with clover designed nave with two bell towers, rectangular presbytery and vestry, was built by Janez Nepomuk Mayer (1754 - 57). From the original features only the main altar (work of Ferdinand Gallo) has remained, other equipment is from the 19th century. There is a lower shrine under a nave, in which three altars from the 19th century are positioned. The exterior has a Baroque structure. Ločica ob Savinji BARBANKOVA DOMAČIJA THE BARBANK'S HOMESTEAD Ločica ob Savinji – Domačija Ločica ob Savinji 11 (EŠD 27031) Ločica ob Savinji – Homested Ločica ob Savinji 11 (EŠD 27031) Barbankovo domačijo v gruči, ki je vrisana na Franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825, sestavljajo delno lesena in delno zidana stanovanjska hiša, gospodarsko poslopje, svinjak, kozolec - toplar z letnico 1864, ter vodnjak na štirno. Sušilnica za hmelj, ki je bila postavljena leta 1926, je delovala do leta 1963. Barbank's homestead in a cluster, which is drawn in the Franziscean land cadastre from 1825, consists of partly wooden and partly brick dwelling house, barn, pigsty, haystacks - hayrack with the year 1864 and a fountain. Hop kiln, which was built in 1926, operated until 1963. BRINŠKOV MLIN THE BRINŠEK'S MILL Ločica ob Savinji – Brinškova domačija (EŠD 29591) Ločica ob Savinji – The Brinšek's homestead (EŠD 29591) Mlin na Brinškovi domačiji, ki je vrisana v Franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825, ima ohranjen vhodni portal z vklesano letnico 1829. Mlin na tri kamne ter tri valjčne kamne ima v treh nadstropjih ohranjen celoten mehanizem. Deloval je do sredine 80. let prejšnjega stoletja. Mill on the Brinšek's homestead, which is drawn in the Franziscean land cadastre from 1825, has a preserved entrance portal with a carved year 1829. Mill with three millstones and three rolling stones has a preserved mechanism in three storeys. It had operated until the mid 1980s. BRINŠKOVA SUŠILNICA THE BRINŠEK'S HOP KILN Ločica ob Savinji – Brinškova domačija (EŠD 29591) Ločica ob Savinji – The Brinšek's homestead (EŠD 29591) Delno zidana in delno lesena nadstropna sušilnica za hmelj ima na vzhodni fasadi letnico 1901. Ob njej stoji kašča, ki je vrisana v Franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825, h kateri je bila pozneje dozidana sušilnica. Ohranjeni so »ladlci«, v katerih se je prvotno sušil hmelj, preša za hmelj, dvigalo in peč na drva s cevmi, imenovana »na rore«. Hmelj so sušili do leta 2012. Partly brick and partly wooden storeyed hop kiln has a year 1901 written on the eastern facade. Next to it stands a granary, drawn in Franziscean land cadastre from the year 1825. »Ladlci« (drawers), in which hop was initially dried, hop press, lift and firewood oven with tubes, called "na rore", are preserved. They dried hop until 2012. BARBANKOVA SUŠILNICA THE BARBANK'S HOP KILN Ločica ob Savinji – Domačija Ločica ob Savinji 11 (EŠD 27031) Ločica ob Savinji – The Homestead Ločica ob Savinji 11 (EŠD 27031) Sušilnica za hmelj je bila zgrajena leta 1926, s pridelavo hmelja pa so se ukvarjali do leta 1993. Delno zidana in delno lesena nadstropna sušilnica za hmelj podolžnega tlorisa ima ohranjeno avtentično leseno stavbno pohištvo in starejši tip les za sušenje hmelja. The Hop kiln was built in 1926 and was operational until 1993. Partly bricked and partly wooden storeyed hop kiln with a longitudinal floor plan has preserved authentic wooden fixtures and older type of wooden plates for drying hops. Novi Klošter NOVI KLOŠTER (NEUKLOSTER) NOVI KLOŠTER (NEUKLOSTER) Novi Klošter – Dvorec s parkom (EŠD 10412) Novi Klošter – The Manor house with a park (EŠD 10412) Dvorec je postavljen na mestu nekdanjega samostanskega kompleksa dominikancev, ki ga je leta 1451 ustanovil grof Friderik II. Celjski. Po opustitvi leta 1787 je samostan menjal številne lastnike, ki so ga postopoma spremenili v dvorec. Današnja podoba s kapelo sv. Dominika je iz 1. pol. 19. stoletja. V zidovih in zemeljskih plasteh so bili odkriti posamezni ostanki samostana (cerkev, križni hodnik, hodni nivoji… ). Ohranjeni so tudi nekdanji parkovni elementi. The Mansion was built on the site of the former Dominican monastery complex, which was built in 1451 by Frederick II, the Count of Celje. After cessation in 1787, the monastery had many owners, who gradually changed it to mansion. Today's look with the Chapel of St. Dominic is from first half of the 19th century. Individual remains of the monastery (church, cloister, walkgrounds etc. ) were found in the walls and earth layers. Former park elements are also preserved. Podvin pri Polzeli PODVIN PRI POLZELI – CERKEV SV. MIKLAVŽA (EŠD 3272) PODVIN PRI POLZELI – THE CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS (EŠD 3272) Enoladijska podružnična cerkev z ožjim triosminsko zaključenim prezbiterijem z nizkimi oporniki in šilastoločnim oknom s krogovičjem je v svoji zasnovi iz 2. pol. 14. stoletja. Zakristija, zvonik in obok ladje so iz 1. pol. 18. stoletja. V notranjščini prezbiterija so ohranjene gotske freske. Veliki oltar je baročen, iz sredine 18. stoletja, preostala oprema je iz 18. in 19. stoletja. Single-nave succursal church with a narrow threeeights concluded presbytery with low pillars and second pointed window with tracery, is from the second half of the 14th century in design. A sacristy, the bell tower and the vaulting of the nave are from the first half of the 18th century. In the interior of the presbytery Gothic frescoes are preserved. The high altar is from the middle of the 18th century and the other equipment is from the 18th and 19th century. ZALESNIKOVA HIŠA THE ZALESNIK'S HOUSE Podvin pri Polzeli – Rojstna hiša Neže Maurer (EŠD 12658) Podvin pri Polzeli – The Birthplace of Neža Maurer (EŠD 12658) Zalesnikova hiša, ki je v kleti kamnita, v bivalnem delu pa grajena iz lesenih brun, je vrisana v Franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825. Ohranjena je prvotna tlorisna zasnova, delno je še ohranjena črna kuhinja. V hiši je bila leta 1930 rojena pesnica in pisateljica Neža Maurer, kateri je posvečena spominska soba. The Zalesnik's house, which is made of stone in the basement and built of logs in the living area, is drawn in the Franziscean land cadastre from the year 1825. Original layout is preserved, along with partly preserved black kitchen. Poet and writer Neža Maurer was born in this house in 1930 and there is a memorial room dedicated to her in the house. ZADRUŽNA SUŠILNICA THE COOPERATIVE HOP KILN Podvin pri Polzeli – Zadružna sušilnica za hmelj (EŠD 27067) Podvin pri Polzeli – The Cooperative hop kiln (EŠD 27067) Zadružna sušilnica za hmelj je bila zgrajena leta 1958, hmelj pa so v njej sušili do leta 2002. Delno zidana in delno lesena nadstropna stavba s sušilnim stolpom je primer večjega objekta iz obdobja razpona hmeljarske proizvodnje v Spodnji Savinjski dolini. Ohranjene so še lese, kurišče in nekatera orodja. The Cooperative hop kiln was built in 1958 and was operational until 2002. Partly brick and partly wooden two-storey building with a drying tower is an example of a larger object from expansion of hop production in the Lower Savinja valley period. Wooden plates, furnace and some tools are still preserved. Polzela POLZELA – CERKEV SV. MARJETE (EŠD 3270) POLZELA – THE ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH (EŠD 3270) Prva omemba cerkve sega v romaniko (1255), l. 1265 postane komendatorska cerkev malteških vitezov. Pomembne prezidave je objekt doživel v obdobju gotike (14. stol.), še bolj korenite pa v obdobju baroka (17., 18. stol.). Zvoniku sledi v osnovi romanska ladja s kapelama (18. stol.), podaljšek ladje z zakristijama (18. stol.) in prezbiterij s prehodom v novo cerkev. Oprema je iz 19. in 20. stol. First reference of the church dates back to Romanesque period (1255), and in 1265 it became Komtur church of the Maltese knights. The church undergone an important rebuilding in gothic period (14th century) and even more radical, in the period of baroque (17th and 18th century). The bell tower is followed by a Romanic nave with two chapels (18th century), extension of nave with two vestries (18th century) and the presbytery with the crossing to the new church. Equipment is from the 19th and 20th century. DVOREC ŠENEK (SCHOENEGG) THE ŠENEK MANSION (SCHOENEGG) Polzela – Dvorec Šenek s parkom (EŠD 7891) Polzela – The Šenek Mansion with a park (EŠD 7891) Dvorec in park predstavljata krajinsko arhitekturno celoto na gričevnem obrobju SV od Polzele. V 15. stol. je na tem mestu stal srednjeveški dvor, ki ga je nadomestil dvonadstropni poznobaročni dvorec z gospodarskimi objekti, ki so mu po l. 1869 prizidali trakta in vogalni stolpič. Na prelomu 19. in 20. stol. je švedski vrtni arhitekt Swensson zasnoval park, katerega zasnova obsega parterna formalna vrtova, paviljon, kapelo sv. Florijana in park, oblikovan v krajinskem slogu. The Mansion and park represent a landscape architectural whole which is situated on a incline in the northern outskirts of Polzela. In the 15th century, a medieval mansion stood on its grounds and was later replaced with two-storey, late baroque mansion, with farm premises. After 1869, two wings and a corner tower were added. At the turn of the 19th and 20th century, a Swedish garden architect Swensson, designed a park, whose concept includes formal floor gardens, pavilion, a chapel of St. Florian and park, designed in landscape style. POLZELA – GRAD KOMENDA (EŠD 10414) POLZELA – THE CASTLE KOMENDA (EŠD 10414) Grajski kompleks s tremi nadstropnimi trakti in notranjim dvoriščem se je domnevno razvil iz srednjeveške stolpaste zasnove že v 13. stoletju, največjo prezidavo pa je kot najmočnejša slovenska komenda doživel v sredini 16. stoletja. V celoviti prenovi, ki je potekala med leti 200811, je bil gradu povrnjen videz srednjeveške obrambne fevdalne arhitekture s prezentiranimi renesančnimi, gotskimi in romanskimi likovno-arhitekturnimi elementi. The Castle complex with three storeyed wings and inner courtyard was allegedly developed from medieval towery design in the 13th century, but the largest rebuilding, as the strongest slovenian Komture, was in the middle of the 16th century. In a comprehensive renovation, which took place between the years 2008-11, the castle recovered it's medieval defense feudal architecture look, with renaissance, gothic and romanesque art and architectural elements on display. MEŠIČEV MLIN THE MEŠIČ MILL Polzela – Vaško jedro (EŠD 24569) Polzela – The Village center (EŠD 24569) Nadstropna kamnita stavba je delno bivalna, delno pa namenjena dvonadstropnemu mlinu. Prvotni mlin, ki je vrisan na Franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825, je bil na tri kamne. Leta 1940 je bil posodobljen na tri kamne in dva valjčna kamna. Deloval je do leta 1951. Ohranjena je vsa mlinska oprema. Two-storey stone building is partially for accommodation and partly intended as a two-storey mill. The original mill, which is drawn in Franziscean land cadastre from the year 1825, operated with three millstones. It has been updated to three millstones and two roller stones in 1940 and was operational until 1951. All of the mill equipment is preserved. GOSIJEKOVA SUŠILNICA THE GOSIJEK'S HOP KILN Polzela - Vaško jedro (EŠD 24569) Polzela – The Village center (EŠD 24569) Tipološko zanimiva sušilnica za hmelj je postavljena pravokotno na kozolec – toplar. Brana kozolca s tremi okni je bila ob postavitvi sušilnice v celoti obita z deskami in namenjena skladiščnemu prostoru. Sušilnica je bila postavljena sredi 30. let 20. stoletja, delovala pa je dobrih 50 let. Typologically interesting hop kiln is built perpendicular to haystacks - hayrack. At the hop kiln's layout, haystack's harrow with three windows was fully covered with boards and intended as a storage space. Hop kiln was built in the middle of 1930s and was operational over 50 years. BRASLOVČE Braslovče BRASLOVČE – CERKEV MARIJINEGA VNEBOVZETJA (EŠD 2895) BRASLOVČE – THE CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY (EŠD 2895) V zasnovi romanska, pozneje gotizirana župnijska cerkev je večjo prezidavo doživela po požaru leta 1600 s pozidavo kapel in zvonika. Današnja podoba je iz 18. in 19. stoletja. Ob cerkvi so ohranjeni ostanki tabornega obzidja iz 2. pol. 15. stoletja. Veliki oltar je leta 1766 izdelal Ferdinand Gallo, oltarno sliko pa naslikal Leopold Layer. Stranska oltarja sta delo Matije Tomca, oltarni sliki je naslikal Matevž Langus. Notranjščino je leta 1882 poslikal Tomaž Fantoni. Romanesque in design and later restored in gothic style, the parish church had been generaly rebuilt after the fire in the year 1600 with the re-construction of chapels and a bell tower. Today's appearance is from the 18th and 19th century. Next to the church remains of the old church walls from 2nd half of the 15th century are preserved. The high altar was made in 1766 by Ferdinand Gallo, altarpiece was painted by Leopold Layer, the side altars are the work of Matija Tomec, and the altar paintings by Matevž Langus. The interior was painted in 1882 by Tomaž Fantoni. Dobrovlje DOBROVLJE – CERKEV SV. JANEZA IN PAVLA (EŠD 2897) DOBROVLJE – THE CHURCH OF ST. JOHN AND PAUL (EŠD 2897) Podružnična cerkev se v virih prvič omenja v letu 1545 kot »St. Johann am Perg«, nato leta 1616 kot »Ecclesia ss. Joannis et Pauli na Planini«. Večje predelave in obnove je doživela zaradi slabega stanja v 2. pol. 18. in v 2. pol. 19. stoletja. Veliki oltar je leta 1907 izdelal celjski podobar Vinko Čamernik, oltar sv. Izidorja je iz 1. pol. 18., prižnica pa iz sredine 19. stoletja. Succursal church was first mentioned in 1545 as "St. Johann am Perg", and then in 1616 as the "Ecclesia ss. Joannis et Pauli na Planini". Bigger reconstruction was performed due to the bad condition in the 2nd half of the 18th and in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The high altar was made in 1907 by Celje fine artist Vinko Čamernik, the altar of St. Izidor is from the 1st half of the 18th and the pulpit is from the middle of the 19th century. DOBROVLJE – CERKEV SV. URBANA (EŠD 3152) DOBROVLJE – THE CHURCH OF ST. URBAN (EŠD 3152) V zasnovi romanska podružnična cerkev s polkrožno apsido je bila temeljito prezidana v sredini 17. stoletja s pozidavo zvonika in izgradnjo nove ladje. Barokizirano cerkev so v sredini 19. stoletja podaljšali. Veliki oltar je delo Janeza Vurnika iz leta 1886. Romanesque church with a semicircular apse was thoroughly rebuilt in the mid 17th century along with the construction of the bell tower and new nave. The church was extended in the middle of the 19th century. The high altar is the work of Janez Vurnik from 1886. Gomilsko GOMILSKO – CERKEV SV. ŠTEFANA (EŠD 2982) GOMILSKO – THE CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN (EŠD 2982) Župnijska cerkev je bila zgrajena v 15. stoletju, iz tega časa sta ohranjena zvonik in ladja. Prezbiterij je iz 17. stoletja, kapeli in obok ladje pa iz 18. stoletja. Zakristija z oratorijem je iz 19. stoletja. Veliki oltar in stranski Marijin oltar sta delo Ferdinanda Galla. V notranjščini so ohranjeni ostanki srednjeveških in baročnih fresk. Parish church was built in the 15th century and the bell tower and nave are preserved from that time. The presbytery is from the 17th century, the chapel and the arch of the nave are from the 18th century. A sacristy with oratory is from the 19th century. The high altar and the side altar statue are work of Ferdinand Gallo. In the interior medieval and Baroque frescoes are preserved. Grajska vas GRAJSKA VAS – CERKEV SV. KRIŠTOFA (EŠD 1126) GRAJSKA VAS – THE ST. CHRISTOPHER'S CHURCH (EŠD 1126) V zasnovi poznogotska župnijska cerkev je dobila današnjo podobo v 17. in 18. stoletju. V notranjščini so ohranjeni t. i. zlati oltar iz l. 1720, stranska oltarja iz konca 18. in zakristijska omara iz konca 17. stoletja. Late-gothic in design, this parish church had acquired its present appearance in the 17th and 18th century. In the interior, the so-called golden altar from 1720, side altars from the late 18th century and the sacristy closet from the end of the 17th century, are preserved HMELJARSKI DOM THE HOP HOUSE Grajska vas – Hmeljarski dom (EŠD 20254) Grajska vas – The Hop house (EŠD 20254) Hmeljarski dom je bil zgrajen leta 1958 na pobudo v zadrugo združenih hmeljarjev. Večnadstropno zidano večnamensko poslopje je imelo v pritličju poslovne prostore, v nadstropju pa se vrstijo skladišča in sušilne naprave. Na glavnem pročelju ima objekt v sgraffito tehniki izveden napis »Hmeljarski dom«, poleg njega hmeljev ornament in letnico gradnje. V objektu je ohranjeno veliko tovorno dvigalo, imenovano »aufcug«. The Hop house was built in 1958 on the initiative of hop growers united into cooperative. A multilevel brick, multi-purpose building had a business premises on the ground floor, and warehouses and drying appliances on the upper floors. On the main facade, a sign »Hmeljarski dom« (Hop home) is written in sgraffito technique, next to hop ornament and the year of construction. A large service elevator, called »aufcug«, is also preserved in the facilty. MIHOVČEVA SUŠILNICA THE MIHOVČEV'S HOP KILN Grajska vas – Sušilnica za hmelj na domačiji Grajska vas 20 (EŠD 15440) Grajska vas – The Hop kiln on homestead Grajska vas 20 (EŠD 15440) Sušilnica za hmelj je bila postavljena okoli leta 1930 in stoji v okviru domačije gručastega tipa. Zasnovana je kot nadstropna delno zidana in delno lesena stavba s sušilnim stolpom ter zunanjimi lesenimi stopnicami. V sušilnem stolpu je vgrajen star Lorberjev sušilni mehanizem. The Hop kiln was built around 1930 and is located in the nucleated homestead. It is designed as a storeyed, partly brick and partly wooden building, with a drying tower and external wooden staircase. Old Lorber's drying mechanism is installed in the drying tower. MEHETOVA SUŠILNICA THE MEHET'S HOP KILN Grajska vas – Sušilnica za hmelj na domačiji Grajska vas 33 (EŠD 20261) Grajska vas – The Hop kiln on homestead Grajska vas 33 (EŠD 20261) Sušilnica za hmelj je bila postavljena leta 1940 in je delovala do okoli leta 1990. Prvotno je imela dvigalo na ročni pogon, pozneje preurejeno na elektromotor, ter svinjake in svinjsko kuhinjo v pritličju. Zdaj so v pritličju sušilnega stolpa ohranjene novejša peč ter lese za sušenje hmelja. The Hop kiln was built in 1940 and it operated until around 1990. Originally it had a manual drive lift, later rearranged on the electric motor, and pigsties and pig kitchen on the ground floor. Newer furnace and wooden plates for hop drying are still preserved on the ground floor of the drying tower. Letuš LETUŠ – CERKEV SV. JANEZA KRSTNIKA (EŠD 2896) LETUŠ – THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST'S CHURCH (EŠD 2896) Podružnična cerkev je bila zgrajena na prehodu gotike v renesanso. V 18. stoletju sta bila ladja in prezbiterij na novo obokana, v 1. polovici 19. stoletja je bila ladja podaljšana, zvonik pa povišan. V notranjščini se je ohranil veliki baročni oltar s Cebejevo oltarno sliko, renesančni leseni triptih z upodobitvami svetnic iz konca 16. stoletja ter kvalitetna stranska oltarja iz 1. pol. 19. stoletja. The succursal church was built in transition from gothic to the renaissance. In the 18th century the nave and presbytery were newly vaulted and in the first half of the 19th century the nave was extended and the bell tower was raised. In the interior, large baroque altar with Cebe's altar painting, renaissance wooden triptych with depictions of women councillors from the late 16th century and two skilful side altars from 1st half of the 19th century, are preserved. Male Braslovče PLASKANOV MLIN THE PLASKAN'S MILL Male Braslovče – Mlin na domačiji Male Braslovče 16 (EŠD 19715 ) Male Braslovče – Mill on the homestead Male Braslovče 16 (EŠD 19715 ) Nadstropen, zidan Plaskanov mlin ob potoku Struga ima na vhodnem portalu letnico 1825, vrisan pa je tudi v Franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825. V njem dela že tretja generacija mlinarjev. Mlinske naprave so posodobljene, prvotna zasnova in funkcija mlina pa sta nespremenjeni. Storeyed, bricked Plaskan's mill by the Struga stream has a year 1825 carved on the entrance portal and is also drawn in the Franziscean land cadastre from 1825. Already the third generation of millers work in the mill. The milling devices are updated, but the original design and function of mill remain unchanged. VAŠKO PERIŠČE THE VILLAGE WASHING AREA Vaško perišče je bila pravokotna lesena stavba, ki ima betonsko brodišče ter štiri betonske plohe za pranje perila. Zgrajeno je bilo sredi 50. let prejšnjega stoletja. Namenjeno je bilo ročnemu pranju perila v potoku Struga. Bilo je tudi prostor druženja ter izmenjave novic. The village washing area was a perpendicular wood building, which had a concrete wade and 4 concrete planks for washing clothes. It was built in the mid 1950s and was intended for manual washing the laundry in the Struga stream. It was also a place for socializing and exchanging the news. Šentrupert pri Braslovčah ŠENTRUPERT PRI BRASLOVČAH – CERKEV SV. RUPERTA (EŠD 2983) ŠENTRUPERT PRI BRASLOVČAH – THE CHURCH OF ST. RUPERT (EŠD 2983) Podružnična cerkev je bila zgrajena na gotski ali celo romanski predhodnici. Današnja podoba je iz 19. stoletja, ko je bila podaljšana in obokana ladja ter prizidani kapeli in zvonik. V notranjščini je ohranjena oltarna oprema iz 1. polovice 19. stoletja. The Succursal church was built on the Gothic or even Romanesque ancestor. Today's appearance is from the 19th century, when the nave was extended and vaulted and a chapel and bell tower were added. In the interior the altar features from the first half of the 19th century is preserved. Šmatevž ŠMATEVŽ – CERKEV SV. MATEVŽA (EŠD 2984) ŠMATEVŽ – THE CHURCH OF ST. MATTHEW (EŠD 2984) Podružnična cerkev je kljub barokizaciji ohranila gotski arhitekturni tloris in posamezne detajle iz 1. polovice 15. stoletja. Posebnost je okrogel zvonik iz 1. polovice 16. stoletja. Na zunanjščini in v notranjščini so restavrirane ohranjene gotske freske. Veliki oltar je iz leta 1795, preostala oprema je iz 19. stoletja. V cerkvi hranijo bronast gotski zvon iz 1. polovice 15. stoletja. The succursal church has preserved gothic architectural layout and individual details from the first half of the 15th century, despite being baroqued. A special feature is a round bell tower from the first half of the 16 th century. On the exterior and interior gothic frescoes have been preserved and restored. The high altar is from 1795, other equipment is from the 19th century. A bronze gothic bell from the first half of the 15th century is held in the church. ŠMATEVŽ – DVOREC ŠTROVSENEK S PARKOM (EŠD 7932) ŠMATEVŽ – THE MANSION ŠTROVSENEK WITH A PARK (EŠD 7932) Dvorec ima štiri trakte z notranjim arkadnim dvoriščem. Najstarejši trakt je iz 1578-1590, trije trakti so bili dodani v 18. stol., leta 1869 pa je bil dvorec prezidan. Park je zasnovan v angleškem krajinskem slogu z romantičnimi sestavinami, značilnimi za 19. stol., kot so razgledni leseni paviljon z ledenico, ribnik z ostanki umetelno kovane ograje, organsko speljane poti, drevesne eksote in kultiviran gozdič. The Mansion has four wings with internal arcaded courtyard. The oldest wing is from 1578-1590, three wings were added in the 18th century, and in 1869 the mansion was rebuilt. Park was designed in english landscape style with Romantic elements, typical for the 19th century, such as the wooden lookout pavilion with icehouse, a pond with remains of skillfully forged fence, organic trail, exotic trees and cultured small wood. Žovnek ŽOVNEK – DVOREC S PARKOM (EŠD 10418) ŽOVNEK – THE MANSION WITH A PARK (EŠD 10418) Enonadstropna stavba pravokotnega tlorisa s štirikapno streho, zgrajena po letu 1816. Pozidana je v klasicističnem slogu in je že od izgradnje naprej služila za stanovanjske in upravne zadeve. Dvorcu pripada tudi domiselno zasnovan park iz 2. polovice 19. stol. z eksotičnimi drevesi, vodnjakom in pripadajočim vedutnim prostorom. Do graščine vodi mogočen drevored divjih kostanjev in lip, ki je svojevrstna posebnost celotnega kompleksa. One-storey building with a rectangular layout and hipped roof was built after the year 1816. It has been built in the classicist style and has served for residential and administrative matters since construction. An imaginative park from second half of the 19th century, with exotic trees, a fountain and its sight space, are also part of the mansion. A mighty chestnut and lime tree avenue, which is a unique feature of the whole complex, leads to the mansion. ŽOVNEK – RAZVALINE GRADU (EŠD 7892) ŽOVNEK – THE CASTLE RUINS (EŠD 7892) Družinski grad svobodnih gospodov Žovneških (pozneje Celjskih). V osnovi romanskemu obodnemu gradu, prvič omenjenemu leta 1130, so v 13. in zgodnjem 14. stoletju dodali gotski stolp. Grad je bil gotiziran, kar pričajo številni kamnoseški elementi iz 15. stoletja. Opuščen leta 1816. Danes je grad z izjemo vhoda in okroglega obrambnega stolpa razvalina, ki pa se od l. 1993 obnavlja. The family Castle of the Žovnek (later Celje) Lords. Romanic, circular castle in design, was first mentioned in 1130. In the 13th and early 14th century a Gothic tower was added. The Castle was later gothicised - many 15th century masonry elements are evidence of that. It was abandoned in 1816. Today, most of the castle with the exception of the entrance portal and a round defense tower are ruins. Since 1993 a lot of renovation has been done. VRANSKO Čreta pri Vranskem/Čreta by Vransko ČRETA PRI VRANSKEM – CERKEV MATERE BOŽJE (EŠD 3504) ČRETA PRI VRANSKO – THE CHURCH OF MOTHER OF GOD (EŠD 3504) Podružnična cerkev je do danes ohranila svojo gotsko podobo z zunanjimi oporniki, vhodnim pazduhastim portalom in zvezdasto rebrastim obokom notranjščine. Zakristija je iz 16. stoletja, kapela sv. Ane pa iz 18. stoletja. Veliki oltar in tabernakelj sta iz 18. stoletja, stranska oltarja sta baročno-klasicistični deli iz konca 18. stoletja, oltar v kapeli iz leta 1865 je delo Andreja Cesarja. Baročni sta tudi prižnica in orgle. Succursal church has maintained its gothic appearance until today, along with exterior brackets, armpit portal and star-ribbed arched interior. A sacristy is from the 16th century and the chapel of St. Anna is from the 18th century. The high altar and tabernacle are from the 18th century, side altars are Baroque-classicist works from the end of the 18th century and the altar in the chapel was made by Andrej Cesar in 1865. Pulpit and organs are also baroquely. ČRETA PRI VRANSKEM – CERKEV SV. KATARINE (EŠD 3503) ČRETA PRI VRANSKEM – THE CHURCH OF ST. CATHERINE (EŠD 3503) Podružnična cerkev je do danes ohranila videz poznogotske cerkve z ožjim prezbiterijem, z ohranjenimi okenskimi odprtinami, vhodnim portalom in rebrastim obokanjem notranjščine. Zakristija je bila dozidana leta 1867. Med drugo svetovno vojno je bila cerkev z opremo požgana. Obnovljena je bila leta 1952. Succursal church has maintained its late gothic appearance until today, along with a narrower presbytery, with preserved window openings, the entry portal and ribbed arched interior. A sacristy was added in 1867. During the second world war, the church was burned down along with all the interior features. It was renovated in 1952. Jeronim JERONIM – CERKEV SV. HIERONIMA (EŠD 3507) JERONIM – THE ST. HIERONIM CHURCH (EŠD 3507) V zasnovi poznogotska podružnična cerkev iz 1. polovice 15. stoletja je od prvotne podobe ohranila tlorisno zasnovo enoladijske cerkve s triosminskim prezbiterijem. Zunanjščino opirajo polkrožni stebri, v prezbiteriju so ohranjeni ostanki gotskih oken s krogovičji. V 18. stoletju je bila cerkev podaljšana proti zahodu. Prizidana sta bila zvonik in zakristija. Ostanki tabornega obzidja s stolpom datirajo v začetek 16. stoletja. V notranjščini se je ohranil gotski obok in oprema iz 19. stoletja. Late-gothic in design, this succursal church from the first half of the 15th century has a layout with the one-nave church with threeeights concluded presbytery preserved. Exterior is leant with semicircular pillars and in the presbytery remains of Gothic windows with tracery are preserved. In the 18th century the church was extended to the west. The bell tower and sacristy were added. Remains of the church walls with a tower date back to the early 16th century. In the interior Gothic arch and equipment from the 19th century are preserved Ločica pri Vranskem LOČICA PRI VRANSKEM – CERKEV SV. MARIJE MAGDALENE (EŠD 3508) LOČICA PRI VRANSKEM – THE CHURCH OF ST. MARY MAGDALENE (EŠD 3508) Poznogotska podružnična enoladijska cerkev s triosminsko zaključenim prezbiterijem, profiliranim vhodnim portalom, ohranjenimi gotskimi okni in rebrastim obokom v notranjščini. Zvonik na zahodni strani je bil prizidan v 17. stoletju. Oprema je pretežno neogotska iz 2. polovice 19. stoletja, v prezbiteriju so ohranjeni ostanki poznogotskih fresk. Late Gothic single-nave succursal church with threeeights concluded presbytery, profiled entry portal, preserved gothic windows and ribbed vault in the interior. The bell tower on the west side was added in the 17th century. Equipment is predominantly neogothic from second half of the 19th century and in the presbytery remains of late Gothic frescoes are preserved. Podvrh PODVRH – CERKEV SV. MARTINA (EŠD 3505) PODVRH – THE ST. MARTINS'S CHURCH (EŠD 3505) V zasnovi poznogotska podružnična cerkev s triosminskim prezbiterijem in na jugu prizidanim baročnim zvonikom je bila temeljito prenovljena v letih 1861-1862. V letu 2006 so bili odstranjeni vhodna lopa, zahodni del cerkve in zakristija. Veliki oltar in prižnico je z izjemo posameznih kipov leta 1862 izdelal Andrej Cesar, stranska oltarja sta v osnovi baročna, a predelana v 19. stoletju. Late Gothic in design, the succursal church with threeeights concluded presbytery, and added Baroque bell tower in the south, was thoroughly restored in the years 1861-1862. In 2006, the entrance shed, western part of the church and sacristy were removed. The high altar and pulpit, with the exception of some individual sculptures, were made by Andrej Cesar in 1862 and the two side altars are baroque in design, but rebuilt in the 19th century. Stopnik STOPNIK – CERKEV SV. MOHORJA IN FORTUNATA (EŠD 3506) STOPNIK – THE ST. MOHOR IN FORTUNAT'S CHURCH (EŠD 3506) Podružnična cerkev je ohranila značilen tloris poznogotske cerkve z zunanjimi oporniki ter šilastoločnimi profiliranimi okni in portaloma. V 17. in 19. stoletju je bila prezidana. Veliki oltar je delo Andreja Buta iz leta 1896, stranska oltarja sta z izjemo posameznih baročnih kipov iz 19. stoletja, prižnica je iz konca 17. stoletja. V zvoniku je ohranjen eden izmed najstarejših zvonov na Slovenskem iz leta 1317. The Succursal church has preserved a typical layout of a gothic church with exterior pillars, second pointed windows and two portals. It was rebuilt in the 17th and 19th century,. The high altar is the work of Andrej Buta from 1896, side altars are, with the exception of baroque sculptures, from the 19th century, and the pulpit is from the end of the 17th century. In the bell tower one of the oldest bells in Slovenia from 1317 is preserved. Vransko VRANSKO – CERKEV SV. MIHAELA (EŠD 3502) VRANSKO – THE CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL (EŠD 3502) Župnijska cerkev z romanskim in gotskim jedrom je dobila končno podobo v 19. stoletju. V baroku so bile prizidane stranski ladji, zakristija in južna kapela sv. Antona z oltarjem Francesca Robbe in njegove delavnice. V Marijinem oltarju je ohranjen poznogotski kip iz okoli leta 1500. The parish church with Romanesque and Gothic center has been given its final look in the 19th century. In the Baroque period, the side-nave, the vestry and south chapel of St. Anton with the altar made by Francesco Robba and his workshop were additionally built. In St. Mary's altar, late Gothic statue from around the year 1500 is preserved. VRANSKO – DVOREC (EŠD 10417) VRANSKO – THE MANSION (EŠD 10417) Enonadstropna, štiri krat osemosna stavba, pozidana na pravokotnem tlorisu. Na jugozahodni strani je srednjeveško jedro stavbe – vogalni stolp, začelna stran dvorca pa ima prizidano kapelo. Dvorec, prvotno mitnica iz 14. ali 15. stol., je bil večkrat prezidan. V 19. stol. dobi današnjo klasicistično podobo. Prvotno se je imenoval Witenbach, nato pa Avgustenburg, Prajhaus in Avžlak. Objekt je služil tudi kot pivovarna ter v času Napoleonove Ilirije kot obmejna carinarnica. One-storey, four times eight-axis building is built on a rectangular floor plan. Mansion's medieval core – corner tower is on the southwest side and on the back side of the mansion a chapel has been added. The mansion, originally »mitnica« (customs house) from the 14th or 15th century, was rebuilt several times and got today's classicist look in the 19th century. Originally it was called Witenbach and later Avgustenburg, Prajhaus and Avžlak. The building also served as a brewery and, in the time of Napoleon's Illyria, as border customs office. SCHWENTNERJEVA HIŠA THE SCHWENTNER'S HOUSE Vransko – Hiša Vransko 25 (EŠD 10421) Vransko – The House Vransko 25 (EŠD 10421) Nadstropna petosna stavba z dvokapno streho. Bivališče premožnih tržanov Schwentnerjev. Rustikalnost ulične fasade razbijajo lizene med okni. Osnova je iz prve polovice 18. stol. Današnja fasada je rezultat adaptacije po prvi svetovni vojni, takrat je bil prizidan pritlični objekt – trgovina. V objektu je muzejska zbirka z intaktno ohranjenim pohištvom iz 19. stol. Rojstna hiša Lavoslava Schwentnerja, knjigarnarja, mecena in založnika pesnikov ter pisateljev slovenske moderne. Two-storey five axis building with a gabled roof. Residence of wealthy inhabitats of market town the Schwentner's. Simplicity of street facades is broken with pilasters between windows. Basis is from the first half of the 18th century. Today's facade is a result of the adaptation after the first world war, when a ground floor building – the shop was added. In the facility, the museum collection with an intact furniture from the 19th century, is on display. Schwenter's house is also the birthplace of Lavoslav Schwentner, the bookseller, patron and publisher of modern Slovene poets and writers. VRANSKO – HIŠA VRANSKO 29 (EŠD 10422) VRANSKO – THE HOUSE VRANSKO 29 (EŠD 10422) Nadstropna, vogalno zasnovana stavba pravokotnega tlorisa, s štirikapno streho. Objekt, zgrajen na prelomu 19. in 20. stoletja, je dober primer kvalitetne secesijske arhitekture, kar dokazujejo tako celotna fasada kot njeni elementi (horizontalna in vertikalna členitev, keramične ploščice, valovit omet…), ki skupaj ustvarjajo značilno svobodno izraznost secesijskega sloga. Two-storey, corner-shaped building with a rectangular layout and hipped roof. The house, which was built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, is a good example of high-quality secession architecture - entire facade and its elements (horizontal and vertical layout, ceramic tiles, corrugated plaster, etc. ). Together they form a typical free expressiveness of a seccesion style. VRANSKO – HIŠA VRANSKO 36 (EŠD 10423) VRANSKO – THE HOUSE VRANSKO 36 (EŠD 10423) Nadstropna, petosna stavba s štirikapno streho, zgrajena v 18. stol. Nad kamnitim vhodnim portalom je grb Vranskega z motivom vrana na smrekovem delu in pod njim letnica 1868. Stavba je bila sedež občine vse od leta 1868, ko je bilo Vransko povišano v deželno-knežji trg in dobilo svoj grb. Na hiši je na čelni fasadi pritrjena spominska plošča žrtvam in padlim v NOB. Two-storey, five axis building with a hipped roof was built in the 18th century. Above the stone entrance portal, a emblem of Vransko with a motiv of crow on a spruce tree and a year 1868, are shown. The building has been the seat of the municipality since 1868, when Vransko was promoted into provincial-duke's market and got its coat-of-arms. There is a memorial table dedicated to the victims of NOB, mounted on the front facade of the house. VRANSKO – POŠTNA POSTAJA VRANSKO 16 (EŠD 10420) VRANSKO – THE POST OFFICE VRANSKO 16 (EŠD 10420) Nadstropna, visoka stavba s tlorisom v oblike črke T. Zunanjščina je načlenjena, dober primer raščene arhitekture. V pritličju ohranjeni konjušnica in remiza. Ena izmed najstarejših stavb v trgu, zgrajena v 17. stol., je delovala kot poštna postaja do leta 1865. Od l. 1802 deluje redna vozna poštna veza Gradec-Ljubljana-Trst. Na Vranskem je takrat delovala večja postaja za priprego konjev za trojanski klanec. Two-storey, tall building with a T-shaped layout. Exterior is devided and is a good example of multiple-architecture. On the ground floor a stable and a shed are preserved. It is one of the oldest buildings in the square, built in 17th century and it acted as a postal station until 1865. Since 1802, a regular postal correspondence Gradec-Ljubljana-Trieste is working. At that time a station for horse yoke for Trojane Hill was operational. VRANSKO – VILA VRANSKO 59 (EŠD 10424) VRANSKO – THE VILLA VRANSKO 59 (EŠD 10424) Nadstropna stavba kvadratnega tlorisa, krita s sedlasto štirikapno streho. Tipični primer reprezentančne vile z ograjenim vrtom, zgrajene v secesijskem slogu. Leta 1910 jo je postavil Franc Oset – trgovec s hmeljem. Fasadna členitev, kovani izdelki, poslikave, gravirana stekla, keramične ploščice, vsi detajli so prežeti s secesijo. Two-storey, square-shaped layout building is covered with a saddled hipped roof. A typical example of the representational villa with enclosed garden, built in seccesional style. It was built in 1910 by Franc Oset – hop merchant. Facade structure, forged products, paintings, engraved glass, ceramic tiles - all details are soaked with secession. VRANSKO – ŽUPNIŠČE (EŠD 10426) VRANSKO – THE PRESBYTERY (EŠD 10426) Visoka, masivna, dvonadstropna stavba z nečlenjeno zunanjščino, krita s strmo dvokapno streho. Na jugu stavbe je prizidan dvonadstropni arkadni prizidek (sredina 19. stol.), na severu objekta je stopniščni prizidek, zgrajen ob adaptaciji (1930). V jedru je stavba iz 16. stol., kar dokazujejo ohranjeni križnogrebenastimi oboki, današnja podoba je iz 19. stol. Tall, massive, two-storey building with non-devided exterior is covered with a steep gable roof. A two-storey arcade extension (mid 19th century) was added to the south side of the building, and a stair extension was built on adaptation (1930) on the north side. Originally, the building is from the 16th century, which is evidenced by the preserved cross-ribbed arches. Today's appearance is from the 19th century. Prekopa POTOČNIKOVA SUŠILNICA THE POTOČNIK'S HOP KILN Prekopa – Domačija Prekopa 40 (EŠD 29871) Prekopa – The Homestead Prekopa 40 (EŠD 29871) Nadstropna in v celoti zidana sušilnica za hmelj je bila postavljena v začetku 20. stoletja. Zdaj je posodobljena in še vedno obratuje. V njej so ohranjeni nekateri stari predmeti in naprave. Storeyed and fully brick hop kiln was built in the beginning of the 20th century. It has been renovated and is still operational. Some old objects and devices are preserved in it. PREBOLD Marija Reka MARIJA REKA – CERKEV MARIJINEGA VNEBOVZETJA (EŠD 3153) MARIJA REKA – THE CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION OF VIRGIN MARY (EŠD 3153) V zasnovi gotska podružnična cerkev je bila temeljito prezidana in na novo obokana po požaru leta 1790 ter obnovljena v 19. stoletju. Notranja oprema je iz 1. pol. 19. stoletja. The Gothic church was thoroughly rebuilt and newly vaulted after a fire in 1790 and reconstructed in the 19th century. Interior equipment is from the 1st half of the 19th century. Matke MATKE – CERKEV SV. MARIJE MAGDALENE (EŠD 3221) MATKE – THE CHURCH OF ST. MARY MAGDALENE (EŠD 3221) Enoladijska podružnična cerkev s samostoječim zvonikom iz 1. polovice 18. stoletja je v zasnovi iz 1. polovice 14. stoletja. Temeljite prezidave je doživela v 19. stoletju. Veliki oltar je iz začetka 19. stoletja, leta 1899 ga je obnovil Ivan Cesar, stranska oltarja in votivni sliki so baročni, iz 18. stoletja. Single-nave church with a floor-mounted bell tower from the first half of the 18th century, is originally from the first half of the 14th century. It was thoroughly rebuilt in the 19th century. The high altar is from the beginning of the 19th century and was renewed by Ivan Cesar in 1899. Two side altars and a votive paintings are from the 18th century Baroque period. Prebold PREBOLD – CERKEV SV. PAVLA (EŠD 1125) PREBOLD – THE ST. PAUL'S CHURCH (EŠD 1125) Župnijsko cerkev je po načrtih Hansa Pacherja v neoromanskem slogu leta 1898 na mestu srednjeveške in baročne predhodnice pozidal Ferdinand Gologranc. Notranjščino sta leta 1898 poslikala Anton Brollo in Osvald Bierti, oltarna oprema je sočasna, medtem ko so orgle prenesene iz stare cerkve, delo Jerneja Billicha iz leta 1846. The Parish church was built in the neo-Romanesque style in 1898, on the site of a medieval and baroque predecessor, built by Ferdinand Gologranc according to the plans of Hans Pacher. The interior was painted in 1898 by Anton Brollo and Osvald Bierti, the altar equipment is concomitant, while the church organs, transferred from the old church, are work of Jernej Billich from 1846. DVOREC PREBOLD (PRAGWALD) THE PREBOLD MANSION (PRAGWALD) Prebold – Dvorec s parkom (EŠD 1124) Prebold – The Mansion with park (EŠD 1124) Dvonadstropen dvorec s parkom stoji na pomolu na SZ robu Prebolda. Dvorec iz 17. st. je bil zgrajen na starejših temeljih. Sestavljajo ga trije trakti s kvadratnimi stolpi na vogalih in nizek zid. V severnem traktu se nahaja baročna reprezentančna dvorana. L. 1635 je bil med kmečkim uporom razdejan, kasneje na novo pozidan in večkrat predelan. Nekdanji park ni ohranjen, pred dvorcem se ob vstopni poti nahaja dvoredni drevored. Two-floor mansion with a park stands on the pier on the NW edge of Prebold. 17th century mansion was built on older foundations. It consists of three wings with square towers at the corners and low wall. In the northern tract baroque representative hall is located. The mansion was devastated in 1635 during peasant revolt and later rebuilt and remodelled several times. Former park is not maintained, but the two-row tree lane is located by the entrance path before the mansion. Sveti Lovrenc SVETI LOVRENC – CERKEV SV. LOVRENCA (EŠD 3220) SVETI LOVRENC – THE CHURCH OF ST. LOWRENCE (EŠD 3220) V zasnovi srednjeveška podružnična cerkev je dobila današnjo podobo v prezidavi med leti 18121813, ko je bilo izvedeno obokanje ladje in predelava okenskih ter vratnih odprtin. Sočasno je bil predzidan tudi zvonik. Oltarna oprema je izdelana v poznobaročni tradiciji med leti 1812-1813. Orgle in prižnica so iz leta 1847. Medieval in desgin, this succursal church acquired its present look during 1812-1813, when the nave vaulting and renovation of window and door openings was completed. At the same time the bell tower was also added. The altar equipment was made in late baroque tradition between the years 1812-1813. Organ and pulpit are from the year 1847. TABOR Kapla KAPLA – CERKEV SV. RADEGUNDE (EŠD 3039) KAPLA – THE ST. RADEGUNDA'S CHURCH (EŠD 3039) Od srednjeveške podružnične cerkve se je do danes ohranil prezbiterij z zunanjimi oporniki in ostanki gotskih oken. Današnji zvonik je zamenjal leseni stolpič leta 1669. Največjo predelavo je cerkev doživela leta 1868 z novim obokanjem, povečanjem oken in prizidavo kapel. Veliki oltar in prižnica sta iz leta 1869, oltarja v kapelah iz leta 1870. Križev pot je delo Josipa Kastnerja z Dunaja iz leta 1858. From a medieval succursal church, the presbytery with exterior buttresses and the remains of Gothic windows, are kept. Today's bell tower has replaced a wooden tower in 1669. Church had undergone the biggest renovation in 1868, with new vaulting, windows extension and chapels addition. The high altar and pulpit are from 1869 and altars in chapel are from the year 1870. The Stations of the cross is work of Josip Kastner from Vienna from 1858. DRČEVA SUŠILNICA THE DRČA'S HOP KILN Kapla – Sušilnica za hmelj na domačiji Kapla 19 (EŠD 21431) Kapla – The Hop kiln on homestead Kapla 19 (EŠD 21431) Sušilnica za hmelj je bila gospodarskemu poslopju s kaščo prizidana leta 1955. Vzdolž južne fasade poteka lesen gank z dekorativno rezljano ograjo, ogrodje za lese pa je železno. Posodobljena sušilnica se še zdaj uporablja za sušenje in skladiščenje hmelja. The Hop kiln was added to the agricultural building with a granary in 1955. Along the south facade is a wooden balcony with a decorative carved fence. Renovated hop kiln is still used for drying and storing hops. HAMOTOVA SUŠILNICA THE HAMOT'S HOP KILN Kapla – Domačija Kapla 58 (EŠD 24356) Kapla – The Homestead Kapla 58 (EŠD 24356) Sušilnica za hmelj je v celoti zidana in ometana. Na zahodni strani ima pozneje dograjen kozolec na dve okni. Fasadni omet na sušilnici je členjen z okenskimi obrobami in mejnim zidcem. V notranjosti so ohranjene železne lese za sušenje hmelja. The Hop kiln is entirely brick and plastered. On the west side two windows haystack has been subsequently built. Facade plaster is devided with window outlines and border wall. In the interior iron plates for hop drying are preserved. Miklavž pri Taboru MIKLAVŽ PRI TABORU – CERKEV SV. MIKLAVŽA (EŠD 3040) MIKLAVŽ PRI TABORU – THE CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS (EŠD 3040) V zasnovi srednjeveška podružnična cerkev je dobila današnjo podobo v celoviti prenovi v 19. stoletju. Pravokotni prezbiterij je iz 16. stoletja. Vso oltarno opremo je leta 1868 izdelal Andrej Cesar. V cerkvi je ohranjena kvalitetna votivna slika sv. Florjana iz leta 1699. The medieval church in design had acquired its present appearance in a comprehensive renovation in the 19th century. The rectangular presbytery is from the 16th century. All altar equipment was made in 1868 by Andrej Cesar. The quality votive picture of St. Florian from 1699 is preserved in the church. Tabor TABOR – CERKEV SV. JURIJA (EŠD 3038) TABOR – THE ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH (EŠD 3038) Današnja neorenesančna podoba župnijske cerkve s prečno ladjo je rezultat prezidave, ki je bila leta 1900 izvedena po načrtih Konrada Gologranca. Od nekdanje gotske cerkve, ki jo je v 2. polovici 15. stoletja obdajalo taborno obzidje s stolpi, se je do danes ohranil le prezbiterij z zunanjimi oporniki. Notranjščino sta leta 1892 poslikala Osvald Bierti in Anton Brollo, oltarna oprema in prižnica so iz konca 19. in začetka 20. stoletja, krstni križ je leta 1955 izdelal Jože Plečnik. Today's neo-renaissance look of the parish church with a transversal nave, is result of a major reconstruction in 1900 planed by Konrad Gologranec. From the former Gothic church, which was surrounded with church wall with towers in the second half of the 15th century, only the presbytery with exterior pillars is kept. The interior was painted in 1892 by the Osvald Bierti and Anton Brollo, the altar and the pulpit are from the late 19th and early 20th century and the baptism cross was made in 1955 by Jože Plečnik. Ojstriška vas CUKALOVA SUŠILNICA THE CUKAL'S HOP KILN Ojstriška vas – Sušilnica za hmelj na domačiji Ojstriška vas 24 (EŠD 24465) Ojstriška vas – The Hop kiln on homestead Ojstriška vas 24 (EŠD 24465) Dvonadstropna sušilnica za hmelj je bila zgrajena na prelomu 19. in 20. stoletja, delovala pa je do začetka 90. let 20. stol. Zanimiva je zaradi simetrično zasnovane južne fasade, ki je okrašena z likovno-arhitekturnimi detajli ter lesenim in umetelno izdelanim stavbnim pohištvom. Two-storey's hop kiln was built at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, and operated until the early 1990s. Symmetrically designed southern facade, which is decorated with fine-architectural details and skillfully crafted wooden fixtures, makes Cukal's hop kiln an interesting site. ŽALEC GALICIJA ŽUPNIJSKA CERKEV SV. JAKOBA STAREJŠEGA THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. JACOB SENIOR Galicija - Cerkev sv. Jakoba (EŠD 2978) Poznogotska cerkev iz 16. stoletja je bila med leti 1772 in 1782 prezidana po načrtih Lovrenca Pragerja. Obok prezbiterija je po letu 1775 poslikal Anton Lerhinger. Oltarno steno sta leta 1864 poslikala Tomaž Fantoni in Jakob Brollo. Levi stranki oltar je delo Jožefa Vrenka iz leta 1869; desni, iz leta 1870, je delo Ignacija Oblaka; glavni oltar je leta 1890 izdelal Ivan Vurnik. The Late Gothic church from the 16th century was rebuilt between 1772 and 1782 according to the plans by Lovrenc Prager. The presbytery arch was painted sometime after 1775 by Anton Lerhinger. The altar wall was painted in 1864 by Tomaž Fantoni and Jakob Brollo. The altar on the left hand side was made by Jožef Vrenko in 1869; the altar on the right hand side was made by Ignacij Oblak in 1870; the main altar was made in 1890 by Ivan Vurnik. KOROŠČEVA SUŠILNICA THE KOROŠEC HOP KILN Galicija – Koroščeva sušilnica za hmelj (EŠD 29877) Galicija – The Korošec hop kiln (EŠD 29877) Hmeljska sušilnica je bila postavljena leta 1920 za potrebe sušenja hmelja na nekdanji Koroščevi domačiji. Delovala je do leta 1965. V zidanem sušilnem stolpu je poleg manjše muzejske zbirke ohranjena peč »na rore« in sušilnica z lesami. The Hop kiln was built in the 1920s for hop drying needs on the former Korošec homestead. It was operational until 1965. In the brick drying tower, an oven on tubes »na rore« and drying room with wooden plates are preserved as well as a small museum collection. GOTOVLJE ŽUPNIJSKA CERKEV SV. JURIJA THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. GEORGE Gotovlje - Cerkev sv. Jurija (EŠD 3000) Gotska cerkev iz srede 15. stoletja je bila po letu 1745 nadzidana in obokana. Sočasno je bila na severni strani dozidana kapela. Današnja podoba zvonika je iz leta 1907. V glavnem oltarju, postavljenem leta 1904, je slika sv. Jurija, delo slikarja Janeza Andreja Straussa iz leta 1771. Stranska oltarja iz leta 1767 sta pripisana Ferdinandu Gallu. The Gothic church from the middle of the 15th century was extended and arched some time after 1745. At the same time, a chapel was built on the northern side of the church. The presentday appearance of the belfry was established in 1907. The main altar, built in 1904, features a painting of St. George, the work of Janez Andrej Strauss from 1771. The side altars from 1767 are attribute to Ferdinand Gallo. PODRUŽNIČNA CERKEV SV. JEDRTI THE SUCCURSAL CHURCH OF ST. GERTRUDE Gotovlje - Cerkev sv. Jedrti (EŠD 3001) Prvotna romanska cerkev je bila predelana v prvi polovici 16. stoletja. Prezbiterij ima poznogotski križnorebrasti obok. Stranska oltarja sta iz srede 17. stoletja. Cerkvene klopi so datirane v leto 1707 in 1745. Veliki oltar je iz 80. let 19. stoletja. The original Roman church was rebuilt in the first half of the 16th century. The presbytery features a Late Gothic ribbed rib vaulting. The side altars originate from the middle of the 17th century. The church benches date back to 1707 and 1745. The main altar was made in the 1880s. GRIŽE ŽUPNIJSKA CERKEV SV. PANKRACIJA THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. PANCRAS Griže - Cerkev sv. Pankracija (EŠD 3006) Prvotna gotska cerkev je bila v baroku predelana, sedanjo je med letoma 1883 in 1884 v neoromanskem slogu zgradil stavbenik Vincenc Grein. Prezbiterij je leta 1884 poslikal Jakob Brollo. The original Gothic church was rebuilt during the Baroque period – the present-day church was built between 1883 and 1884 in the Neo-Roman style by the architect Vincenc Grein. The presbytery was painted by Jakob Brollo in 1884. MIGOJNICE PODRUŽNIČNA CERKEV LURŠKE MATERE BOŽJE THE SUCCURSAL CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES Migojnice - Cerkev Lurške Matere božje (EŠD 3547) Cerkev je med leti 1888 in 1891 zgradil stavbenik Vincenc Grein. Notranjost je leta 1892 poslikal Jakob Brollo, ki je leta 1893 naslikal tudi postaje križevega pota. Oprema s konca 19. stoletja je delo domačih podobarskih delavnic. The church was built between 1888 and 1891 by the architect Vincenc Grein. The interior was painted in 1892 by Jakob Brollo, who in 1893 also painted the Stations of the Cross. The furniture was made at the end of the 19th century by local fine art workshops. NOVO CELJE DVOREC NOVO CELJE THE NOVO CELJE MANSION Gradnjo dvorca Novo Celje je med leti 1756 in 1764 naročila plemiška družina Gaisruck; načrte je izdelal arhitekt Matija Persky. The Novo Celje mansion was constructed between 1756 and 1764 by order of an aristocratic family named Gaisruck; the plans were designed by architect Matija Persky. PERNOVO PODRUŽNIČNA CERKEV SV. OŽBALTA THE SUCCURSAL CHURCH OF ST. OSWALD Pernovo - Cerkev sv. Ožbolta (EŠD 2980) Prvotna romanska cerkev s polkrožno apsido iz 13. stoletja je bila v 16. stoletju podaljšana v zahodnem delu. Zvonik je bil pozidan v začetku 17. stoletja. Barokizirani cerkvi so leta 1836 dozidali bočni kapeli in zakristijo. Glavni oltar in oba stranska so delo Jožefa Vrenka iz 60. let 19. stoletja. The original Roman church with a semicircular apse from the 13th century was extended in the 16th century at the western end. The belfry was built at the beginning of the 17th century. Two side chapels and a vestry were added to the Baroque style church in 1836. The main altar and both side altars were made by Jožef Vrenko in the 1860s. KOVAČKOVA ZIDANICA THE KAVAČEK'S VINEYARD COTTAGE Pernovo – Zidanica domačije Pernovo 35 (EŠD 27296) Pernovo – Vineyard cottage of homestead Pernovo 35 (EŠD 27296) Pritlična, enocelična, kamnita zidanica, ki je vrisana v Franciscejskem katastru za Štajersko (1823 – 1869), je edinstven primer med zidanicami. Poslikave na prednji fasadi, ki so delo domačega mojstra, predstavljajo motiv Križanega, sv. Martina, angele ter Marijino kronanje. Ground floor, single cell, stone vineyard cottage, which is drawn in the Franziscean land cadastre for Styria (1823 - 1869), is a unique example among vineyard cottages. Paintings on the front facade, which are the work of local craftman, represent motive of the Crucified, St. Martin, angels and the Coronation of Mary. PETROVČE ŽUPNIJSKA CERKEV MARIJINEGA OBISKANJA THE PARISH CHURCH OF THE VISITATION OF MARY Srednjeveška cerkev je bila med leti 1760 in 1773 prezidana po načrtih Lovrenca Pragerja. V stranski kapeli je oltar Matije Plainerja iz leta 1650. Prezbiterij je okoli leta 1760 poslikal Anton Lerhinger. Veliki oltar je med leti 1760 in1780 nastal v delavnici Veita Königerja. Oltar sv. Janeza in Pavla iz okoli leta 1779 je pripisan Ferdinandu Gallu. Ladjo in kapele je leta 1875 poslikal Jakob Brollo. The medieval church was rebuilt in 1760 and in 1773 using the plans by Lovrenc Prager. The side chapel features an altar made by Matija Plainer in 1650. The presbytery was painted around 1760 by Anton Lerhinger. The main altar was made between 1760 and 1780 in the workshop of Veit Königer. The altar of St. John and St. Paul from 1779 is attribute to Ferdinand Gallo. The nave and the chapels were painted in 1875 by Jakob Brollo. »PETROVŠKI KRIŽI« "THE CROSSES OF PETROVČE" Baročno figuralno skupino sestavljajo podobe sv. Vincenca Fererskega med mučencema sv. Janezom in Pavlom ter dvema puttoma. Med leti 1760 in 1770 je kipe izdelal Veit Königer. Prvotno so stali pri vstopu v naselje Petrovče ob deželni cesti Dunaj - Trst. The figurative Baroque group consists of the figure of St. Vincent Ferrer between the martyrs St. John and St. Paul and two putti. The statues were sculpted by Veit Königer between 1760 and 1770. They were originally located at the entrance to Petrovče by the provincial road between Vienna and Trieste. Plevna DVOREC PLEVNA (PLIUNA) THE PLEVNA MANSION (PLIUNA) Plevna – Dvorec s parkom (EŠD 10413) Plevna – The Mansion with a park (EŠD 10413) Dvorec s parkom stoji na položnem griču severno od naselja Gotovlje. Dvonadstropna, pravokotna, klasicistična stavba iz druge polovice 19. stol. ima rustikalno poudarjeno trikotno čelo in vogale. Obdaja jo park v krajinskem slogu s posameznimi historičnimi drevesi, odprtimi travnimi površinami in mogočnim, smrekovim drevoredom ob nekdanji glavni dostopni poti, ki še danes predstavlja markantno krajinsko strukturo v širšem prostoru. The Mansion with a park stands on a gentle hill north of village Gotovlje. The two-storey, rectangular, neoclassical building from the second half of the 19th century, has a rustic pointed triangular front and corners. Surrounded by park in landscape style with individual historical trees, open grassy slopes and mighty, two-row spruce avenue along the former main access routes, which even today represents a distinctive landscape structure in a wider area. Podlog v Savinjski dolini RUJČEVA SUŠILNICA THE RUJČ'S HOP KILN Podlog v Savinjski dolini – Domačija Podlog v Savinjski dolini 18 (EŠD 27063) Podlog v Savinjski dolini – The Homestead Podlog v Savinjski dolini 18 (EŠD 27063) Domačijo stegnjenega tipa sestavljajo pritlična zidana hiša, ki je vrisana v Franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825, gospodarsko poslopje ter sušilnica za hmelj. Sušilnica za hmelj je tipološko redek primer, saj je nastala kot posledica pomanjkanja prostora v naselju in socialnega statusa takratnega lastnika. Hmelj so v njej prenehali sušiti v začetku 21. stoletja. Stretched homestead consists of a one-storey brick house, which is drawn in Franziscean land cadastre from the year 1825, a barn and a hop kiln. Hop kiln is typologically a rare case, because it was created as a result of the lack of space in the settlement and the social status of the owner. It stopped operating at the beginning of the 21st century. Pongrac MEJAVŠKOVA KAŠČA THE MEJAVŠEK'S GRANARY Pongrac – Kašča na domačiji Pongrac 162 (EŠD 27077) Pongrac – The Granary on the homestead Pongrac 162 (EŠD 27077) Preprosta, spodaj kamnita zgoraj lesena enocelična kašča ima ob vhodu vrezano letnico 1792. Tesana bruna so vezana z utori na križ. Somerna streha je bila do leta 1970 krita s slamo. Kašta je bila namenjena shranjevanju pridelkov. Simple, made of stone (below) and wood (above), single cell granary has entrance with the year 1792 carved in. Hand carved logs are bound with the cross joints. Symetrical roof was covered with straw until 1970. Granary was intended for storing crops. PONIKVA PRI ŽALCU ŽUPNIJSKA CERKEV SV. PANKRACIJA THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. PANCRAS Ponikva pri Žalcu - Cerkev sv. Pankracija (EŠD 2988) Cerkev je bila zgrajena med leti 1921 in 1925 na mestu nekdanje gotske in baročne stavbe. Veliki oltar je leta 1926 izdelal Vincenc Čamernik, stranska oltarja leta 1926 Feliks Toman, prižnico pa leta 1928 Ivan Cesar. Notranjost je leta 1921 poslikal Vincenc Vipotnik. The church was built between 1921 and 1925 on the site of a Gothic and Baroque building. The main altar was made in 1926 by Vincenc Čamernik, the side altars in 1926 by Feliks Toman and the pulpit in 1927 by Ivan Cesar. The interior was painted in 1921 by Vincenc Vipotnik. ŠOŠTARJEVA SUŠILNICA THE ŠOŠTAR'S HOP KILN Ponikva pri Žalcu – Šoštarjeva sušilnica za hmelj (EŠD 27086) Ponikva pri Žalcu – The Šoštar's hop kiln (EŠD 27086) Manjša sušilnica za hmelj ima zidan sušilni stolp in lesen skladiščni prostor. Njena zasnova nam priča o skromnem socialnem stanju na kmetiji v času, ko je bila postavljena – začetek 20. stoletja. Smaller hop kiln has a brick drying tower and wooden storage room. Its design is a testimony of the humble social status on the farm at the time, when hop kiln was built - the beginning of the 20th century. POLIČEVA HIŠA THE POLIČ'S HOUSE Ponikva pri Žalcu – Hiša Ponikva pri Žalcu 55 (EŠD 27085) Ponikva pri Žalcu – The House Ponikva pri Žalcu 55 (EŠD 27085) Vrhkletna, delno zidana in delno lesena hiša, ki je vrisana v Franciscejski kataster iz leta 1825, ima ohranjeno tradicionalna razporeditev prostorov ter stavbno pohištvo. Ohranjena in delujoča je tudi črna kuhinja. Somerna dvokapnica je krita z bobrovcem. Overcellar, partly brick and partly wooden house, which is drawn in the Franziscean land cadastre from the year 1825, has retained traditional layout and carpenrty. Black kitchen is also preserved and functionable. Symetrical gable roof is covered with bobrovec roofing tiles. ŠEMPETER V SAVINJSKI DOLINI ŽUPNIJSKA CERKEV SV. PETRA THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. PETER Prvotna romanska cerkev je bila prezidana okoli leta 1500 ter barokizirana leta 1767. Leta 1859 je bil na novo zgrajen prezbiterij, ki je bil leta 1913 podaljšan. Ladjo in kapeli je leta 1893 poslikal Jakob Brollo, prezbiterij pa leta 1913 Osvald Bierti. Veliki oltar iz leta 1913 je izdelal Leopold Seeber. Stranska oltarja sta iz leta 1859. V rožnovenski kapeli je kip sedeče Marije z Jezusom iz okoli leta 1320. The original Roman church was rebuilt around the year of 1500 and was made Baroque in 1767. The presbytery was rebuilt in 1859 and extended in 1913. The nave and the chapels were painted in 1893 by Jakob Brollo and the presbytery in 1913 by Osvald Bierti. The main altar was made in 1913 by Leopold Seeber. The side altars were made in 1859. The chapel of the Rosary features a statue of the sitting Mary with Jesus from 1320. VELIKA PIREŠICA DVOREC GRMOVJE THE GRMOVJE MANSION Grmovje - Dvorec s parkom (EŠD 10410) Današnji dvorec so pozidali leta 1867 na mestu starejšega renesančnega dvora iz 16. stoletja. Oblikovan je kot podeželski dvorec v maniri historizma druge polovice 19. stoletja z neoklasicistično zunanjščino in neogotskim lesenim vogalnim pomolom. V veliki dvorani sta ohranjena bogato ornamentiran parket ter tramovni strop s štukiranimi konzolami. Podoben parket je ohranjen še v dveh sobanah; od nekdanje bogate poslikave soban pa so ohranjeni fragmenti stropne poslikave v t. i. »kitajski sobi«. Dvorec obdaja park, ki je spredaj osno zasnovan in poudarjen z bazenom in belvederom. The present-day mansion was built in 1867 on the site of an older Renaissance mansion from the 16th century. It has the design of a rustic mansion in the style of the historicism of the second half of the 19th century, with a neoclassical exterior and a wooden Neo-Gothic oriel. Its large hall has a well-preserved richly ornamented parquet floor and a beam ceiling with stucco corbels. There is a similar well-preserved parquet floor in two other rooms; but all that remains of the halls' richly decorated walls are the preserved fragments of the ceiling painting in the socalled "Chinese room". The mansion is surrounded by a park, which is axially shaped at the front and accentuated by a pool and a belvedere. DVOREC GRMOVJE – KAPELA THE GRMOVJE MANSION – THE CHAPEL Grmovje - Dvorec s parkom (EŠD 10410) za kapelo ni posebej EŠD Podkleteno kapelo je dal leta 1742 postaviti tedanji lastnik dvorca Bernard Pilpach. Današnjo neogotsko podobo je dobila leta 1887, ko so njeno pročelje okrasili s kamnitim, gotsko profiliranim portalom. The basement chapel was built in 1742 by its owner at the time, Bernard Pilpach. Its present-day Neo-Gothic appearance was acquired in 1887, when its façade was decorated with a stone Gothic portal. KLESETOVA SUŠILNICA THE KLESET'S HOP KILN Velika Pirešica – Sušilnica za hmelj na domačiji Velika Pirešica 23 (EŠD 27272) Velika Pirešica – The Hop kiln on a homestead Velika Pirešica 23 (EŠD 27272) Sušilnica za hmelj ima zidan sušilni stolp in lesen skladiščni prostor, ki stoji na lesenih podpornikih. Njena zasnova nam priča o skromnem socialnem stanju na kmetiji v času, ko je bila postavljena – začetek 20. stoletja. The Hop kiln has a brick drying tower and wooden storage area, which stands on wooden supports. Its design is a testimony of the humble social status on the farm at the time, when hop kiln was built - the beginning of the 20th century. VRBJE VIZJAKOVA HIŠA THE VIZJAK HOUSE Vrbje- Vizjakova hiša (EŠD 11917) Hiša izvira iz druge polovice 17. stoletja in ima ohranjeno tradicionalno tlorisno zasnovo ter zunanjo podobo. Sodi med najstarejše s slamo krite kmečke hiše tega območja. S svojo gradbeno zasnovo izpričuje način življenja, bivalne kulture in gospodarjenja v preteklosti. The house originates from the second half of the 17th century and has its original traditional floor plan design and exterior appearance. It is one of the oldest thatched-roof houses in the area. Its architectural design speaks of a past way of life, dwelling culture and management. ŽALEC ŽUPNIJSKA CERKEV SV. NIKOLAJA THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS Prvotna romanska cerkev ni ohranjena. Portal v zvoniku z letnico 1518 je ostanek cerkve iz 16. stoletja. Zvonik je bil leta 1898 povišan po načrtih arhitekta Hansa Pascherja. Sedanjo cerkev je v neorenesančnem stilu med leti 1903 in 1906 zgradil Ferdinand Gologranc. Notranjost je leta 1909 poslikal Osvald Bierti. V velikem oltarju je slika sv. Miklavža, delo Ferdinanda Berganta iz leta 1764. Prižnica je delo Veita Königerja iz 70-ih let 18. stoletja. V cerkvi je več renesančnih in baročnih nagrobnikov. The original Roman church has not been preserved. The portal in the belfry from 1518 is a remnant of the church from the 16th century. The belfry was augmented in 1898 according to the plans by the architect Hans Pascher. The new church was built in the Neo-Renaissance style between 1903 and 1906 by Ferdinand Gologranc. The interior was painted in 1909 by Osvald Bierti. The main altar features a painting of St. Nicholas, painted by Ferdinand Bergant in 1764. The pulpit is the work of Veit Königer from the 1770s. The church also features several Renaissance and Baroque tombstones. ŽUPNIŠČE THE PRESBYTERY Stavba župnišča je bila pozidana v 17. stoletju na ostankih tabornega obrambnega stolpa, na kar opozarjajo ohranjene strelne line. Ponaša se z reprezentančnimi renesančnimi dvonadstropnimi arkadami, portali ter vogalno arhitekturno poslikavo. The presbytery was built in the 17th century on the ruins of a defence tower, as is evident from the well-preserved embrasures. It boasts representative two-storeyed Renaissance arcades, portals and its architecturally painted corners. STARA KAPLANIJA – BENEFICIATNA HIŠA THE CURACY – THE BENEFICE HOUSE Baročna stavba z naslikanimi pilastri, bogato ornamentiranim portalom ter fresko sv. Nikolaja je bila zgrajena na mestu nadstropnega, kvadratnega tabornega obrambnega stolpa, od katerega sta ostali severna in del zahodne stranice, z vidnimi strelnimi linami. The Baroque building with its painted pilasters, richly ornamented portal and the fresco of St. Nicholas was erected on the site of a rectangular, storeyed defence tower, of which only the northern and part of the western wall, with the visible embrasures, remain. OBRAMBNI STOLP THE DEFENCE TOWER Od nekdanjega tabornega obzidja s štirimi vogalnimi stolpi, ki je v 16. stoletju obdajalo cerkev in jo varovalo pred turškimi vpadi, je v celoti ohranjen le obrambni stolp. S kamnito gradnjo, stožčasto streho, obokano kletno in leseno nadstropno etažo ter kamnoseško obdelanimi portali, svetlobnimi in strelnimi linami predstavlja tipičen primer zgodnjerenesančne obrambne arhitekture. The defence tower is all that remains of the old defensive wall with four corner towers which surrounded the church in the 16th century and shielded it from Turkish invasions. With its stone built, arched cellar and wooden upper storeys, sculpted portals, loopholes and embrasures, it is a typical example of Early Renaissance defence architecture. PODRUŽNIČNA CERKEV SV. KANCIJANA IN TOVARIŠEV THE SUCCURSAL CHURCH OF ST. CANTIUS Poznogotski cerkvi iz 16. stoletja so v 17. stoletju dozidali zvonik in stranski kapeli. Današnja podoba cerkve je nastala v 18. stoletju. V velikem oltarju je sočasna baročna slika Valentina Metzingerja iz leta 1757. A belfry and two side chapels were added in the 17th century to the Late Gothic church from the 16th century. The current appearance of the church was established in the 18th century. The main altar features a contemporary painting by Valentin Metzinger from 1757. SAVINOVA HIŠA THE SAVIN HOUSE Stavba je bila zgrajena leta 1669 in predstavlja redek primer kvalitetne, celovito ohranjene renesančne arhitekture s prvotno tlorisno zasnovo in križnogrebenastimi oboki in portali. Tu se je rodil slovenski skladatelj Fiderik Širca - Risto Savin (1859 - 1948). The building was erected in 1669, and it is a rare example of quality, entirely preserved Renaissance architecture with its original floor plan design and groined vaults and portals. It is the birthplace of the Slovene composer Friderik Širca – Risto Savin (1859–1948). ROBLEKOVA HIŠA THE ROBLEK HOUSE Reprezentančno, celovito ohranjeno primestno vilo je ob koncu 19. stoletja zgradil Fran Roblek (1865-1935), žalski župan in poslanec na Dunaju. Vila je del velikega posestva z začetka 19. stoletja s tremi ohranjenimi gospodarskimi objekti. The representative, entirely preserved villa was built at the end of the 19th century by Fran Roblek (1865–1935), who was the mayor of Žalec and a representative in Vienna. The villa is part of a large early 19th century estate with three preserved outbuildings. ZOTLOVA KOVAČIJA THE ZOTEL FORGE Jedro stavbe z ohranjeno križnogrebenasto obokano vhodno vežo in kletjo je iz 16. stoletja. Današnjo podobo je stavba dobila leta 1840. V 16. stoletju je bila v hiši nekaj časa protestantska kapela, od leta 1802 do danes deluje v njej kovačnica z ohranjenim prvotnim kovaškim ognjiščem. The core of the building with its groined vaulting vestibule and cellar was built in the 16th century. The building's current appearance was established in 1840. It served as a Protestant chapel for a time in the 16th century. From 1802 and to the present it has served as a forge, its original hearth still well-preserved. STEINBECKOVA HIŠA THE STEINBECK HOUSE Renesančna stavba izvira iz prve polovice 17. stoletja in ima ohranjene grebenaste oboke ter dvoriščni stebrni arkadni hodnik s križnogrebenastimi oboki. V prvi četrtini 19. stoletja je dobila bogato členjeno klasicistično fasado s kaneliranimi pilastri, štukirano ornamentiko in kamnitimi portali. The Renaissance building originates from the first half of the 17th century and has groined vaulting and an arcaded courtyard hallway with groined vaulting. In the first quarter of the 19th century, it gained a rich segmented classicistic façade with fluting pilasters, stucco ornamentation and stone portals. KARČIČEVA HIŠA THE KARČIČ HOUSE Stavba je bila zgrajena v prvi polovici 18. stoletja in ima ohranjeno prvotno tlorisno zasnovo, banjaste oboke ter dvoriščne arkade s kamnitimi stebriči. V začetku 19. stoletja je dobila klasicistično pročelje z bogato fasadno členitvijo in portalom. The building was erected in the first half of the 18th century and retains its original floor plan design, barrel vaults and courtyard arcades with stone pillars. In the beginning of the 19th century, it gained a richly segmented classicistic façade with a portal. KVEDROVA HIŠA THE KVEDER HOUSE Stavba z veliko dvoriščno parcelo in dvema gospodarskima objektoma je bila zasnovana v drugi polovici 18. stoletja. V notranjosti je ohranjena prvotna tlorisna zasnova, baročni kapasti oboki, dvoriščne arkade, delno pa tudi vratno pohištvo z baročnim okovjem. Leta 1836 je dobila novo fasadno preobleko s kamnitim vhodnim portalom. The building with a large courtyard and two outbuildings was designed in the second half of the 18th century. The interior retains its original floor plan design, Baroque cap arches, courtyard arcades and partially preserved door furniture. In 1836, its façade was enriched with a stone portal. HAUSENBICHLERJEVA HIŠA THE HAUSENBICHLER HOUSE Tu se je rodil in živel Janez Hausenbichler (1838 - 1896), žalski narodnjak, hmeljar in politik. V hiši je nekaj časa delovala žalska čitalnica. It is the birthplace of Janez Hausenbichler (1838–1896), a patriot, hop grower and politician. For a time, Žalec's reading club operated in this house. BERGMANOVA VILA THE BERGMANN VILLA Bergmanova vila se imenuje po zdravnikih - očetu dr. Mihaelu Bergmannu in sinu dr. Richardu Bergmannu, ki sta delovala v Žalcu. The Bergmann villa is named after the doctors – father Dr. Mihael Bergmann and son Dr. Richard Bergmann, who operated in Žalec. PIKLOVA HIŠA THE PIKL HOUSE V tej stavbi je bil med leti 1926 in 1948 hotel družine Pikl. The Pikl family ran a hotel in this building from 1926 to 1948. KUKČEVA HIŠA THE KUKEC HOUSE Hiša je bila zgrajena leta 1890. V njej je dolga leta delovala Savinjska posojilnica. The house was built in 1890. For years, it served as the premises of Savinjska posojilnica, a loan bank. LORBERJEVA HIŠA THE LORBER HOUSE Lastnik hiše Josip Lorber je leta 1878 ustanovil obrt za izdelovanje poljedelskih strojev in hmejskih sušilnic, ki se je razvila v tovarno, kasneje imenovano Ferralit. Tovarniški obrati so bili na dvoriščni strani hiše. Josip Lorber, the owner of the house, founded a craft company in 1878 which manufactured agricultural machinery and hop drying equipment and which later became a factory named Ferralit. The factory was situated in the courtyard area of the house.
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