Poslovne priložnosti za slovenska podjetja v Avstraliji Poslovne priložnosti za slovenska podjetja v Avstraliji – Ljubljana 24. november 2014 10.00 – 10.05 Pozdravni nagovor g. Aleš Cantarutti, direktor, Center za mednarodno poslovanje, GZS 10.05 – 10.15 Pozdravni nagovor, vloga častnega konzulata in napoved ustanavljanja Slovensko avstralskega poslovnega kluba g. Anthony Tomažin, častni konzul RS v Sydneyu 10.15 – 10.40 Koncept trženja slovenskih podjetij v Avstraliji in Novi Zelandiji ISKRA d.d., ETI d.d., Kolektor ETRA d.o.o. , Bisol d.o.o. (Skype) g. Marko Batič, pooblaščeni direktor prodaje, Sentosa Trading Pty Ltd Melbourne g. Peter Mikuš, direktor in lastnik podjetja, TOTO Properties Pty Ltd Melbourne (področje gradbeništva) 10.40 – 11.20 Priložnosti za slovenska podjetja v Avstraliji g. Robert Walters, svetovalec, Evropska pravna fakulteta v Novi Gorici in Victoria University v Melbournu (angl. jezik) 11.20 – 11.40 Odmor za kavo 11.40 – 12.20 Poslovna in migracijska zakonodaja, davki, kako ustanoviti podjetje v Avstraliji g. Robert Walters, svetovalec, Evropska pravna fakulteta v Novi Gorici in Victoria University v Melbournu (angl. jezik) 12.20 – 12.40 Izkušnje poslovanja slovenskega podjetja ISKRA ZAŠČITE d.o.o. – dr. Tony Surtees, direktor, Iskra Protection USA, Cleveland, Ohio, ZDA, prodajni zastopnik za trge ZDA in Avstralije (angl.jezik) 12.40 – 13.00 Kako različno smo si – praktične informacije o vstopu na avstralski trg g. Vinko Rizmal, direktor, Slovensko avstralsko združenje za poslovno in kulturno sodelovanje 13.00 – 13.15 Odgovori in vprašanja 13.15 Zaključek seminarja in mreženje udeležencev SLOVENIA – AVSTRALIJA in mill. € SKUPAJ IZVOZ UVOZ 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 (I-VII) (I-VII) SLOVENIA – AVSTRALIJA 2013 UVOZ IZVOZ § deli za gradbene stroje § aluminijeve rude § zdravila za prodajo na drobno § stroji § pralni stroji § izdelki za družabne igre § sesalniki za prah § stikala, varovalke, vtiči,.. § stroji za sušenje in pomivanje § letalain letalska oprema posode § kamere in projektorji § plovila § živila § papir in karton § izdelki za prevoz in pakiranje § avtomobilske gume § osciloskopi § električni akumulatorji § izdelki iz aluminija Vir: Statistični urad RS Avstralija je velika dežela Evropa vs Avstralija Uporabne informacije Poslovanje z Avstralijo – kako začeti? http://www.asic.gov.au/for-business/starting-a-company/how-to-start-a-company/ http://www.business.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx http://www.austrade.gov.au/Invest/Doing-business-in-Australia Priročnik za dobavitelje in uvoznike (avstralske) http://sistemas.mre.gov.br/kitweb/datafiles/Sydney/pt-br/file/Trade%20Information/ Australia_A_Guide_to_the_Market_2009_Word_Version.pdf Varstvo potrošnikov http://www.consumerlaw.gov.au/content/the_acl/downloads/product_safety_guide.pdf Slovensko – avstralska gospodarska zbornica http://www.slovenianaustralianchamber.com.au/members-profiles Naprej vsi lepo pozdravljeni, • Sem poslovnež, s podjetji v Avstraliji in Sloveniji, ter Častni Konzul za NSW. • V Avstraliji - V Sydeney-u sem lastnik finančnega podjetja, ki je neodvisno od bank in finančnih institucij, specializirano za zagotavljanje posojil za stanovanjske in poslovne namene. • V SIoveniji pa sem lastnik dveh podjetij, ki se ukvarjata z nepremičninami, gostinstvom in informacijsko tehnologijo. • Vesel sem, da vam lahko povem, da imamo letos v Avstraliji štiri novoimenovane častne konzule. • V Sydneju, kjer delujem, smo ustanovili poslovni klub "Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce". Klub je bil registriran pred kratkim - pretekli petek, tako da več informacij najdete na spletni strani kluba. • Poslovni klub bo svojim članom nudil brezplačno uporabo konferenčne sobe, internet in faks. • Po ugodni ceni bo klub nudil iskanje poslovnih informacij, raziskovanje trgov, bonitetne ocene vaših bodočih partnerjev ali agentov ter finančno in pravno svetovanje. • Poslovni klub bo v prihodnosti organiziral poslovne dogodke in sicer na vseh glavnih štirih lokacijah konzulatov po Avstraliji ( Južna Avstralija - Adelaide, Victoria Melbourne, NSW - Sydeney in Brisbane - Queensland). • Statut poslovnega kluba predvideva, da imajo stalno mesto vsakokratni predstavniki veleposlaništva RS in ČK. • Članstvo je odprto vsakemu, ki želi promovirati cilje poslovnega kluba oz. pri promociji gospodarskega sodelovanja med Slovenijo in Avstralijo. • • • • Članarina je simbolična in sicer: - za 1 leto: 20 AUD - za 3 leta: 50 AUD - za 10 let: 150 AUD • Avstralija predstavlja predvsem potencial za inovativne izdelke, tehnologije in storitve, saj je 12. največje gospodarstvo sveta in 4. največje v okviru azijsko pacifiške regije. Med zanimivimi področji za sodelovanje velja omeniti informacijsko tehnologijo, zdravstvo, varovanje okolja, energetiko v povezavi z alternativnimi viri, izobraževanje, razvoj infrastrukture in seveda turizem. • Avstralska podjetja so že izrazila interes za gospodarsko sodelovanje in radi bi, da bi Avstralija prepoznala Slovenijo tudi za naložbene možnosti. • Sklenitev Sporazuma o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčenja z AU bo omogočila ugodnejše pogoje za poslovanje med slovenskimi in avstralskimi podjetiji. • Vljudno vabljeni, da se nam pridružite, da skupaj raziščemo možnosti, ki jih ponuja Avstralija! • Australian & Slovenia Business Co-‐opera4on Robert Walters Faculty of European Law, Nova Gorica & Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia Email for any assistance – [email protected] Background – Australia’s Economy – Australia’s major industries – Australia legal environment (Business) – European – Australian Business Council – Australian Government (State Governments) assistance – Links to Asia and the grow economies of South East Asia – Australia’s bilateral arrangements with Slovenia – Australian law (property, tax, employment, immigra4on) http://www.mapsofworld.com/australia • States and Territories – – – – – – – Adelaide (South Australia) Brisbane (Queensland) Darwin (the Northern Territory) Hobart (Tasmania) Melbourne (Victoria) Perth (Western Australia) Sydney (New South Wales) The above capitals all have major interna:onal air and sea ports. Popula:on -‐ March2014 – – – – – – – – New South Wales 7 500.6 Victoria 5 821.3 Queensland 4 708.5 South Australia 1 682.6 Western Australia 2 565.6 Tasmania 514.7 Northern Territory 243.7 Australian Capital Territory 385.6 Australia 23 425.7 Source -‐ hHp://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mf/3101.0 The economy of Australia is one of the largest capitalist economies in the world, with a GDP of US$1 trillion as of 2013. – Australia's total wealth is 6.4 trillion dollars. – In 2012, it was the 12th largest na4onal economy by nominal GDP and the 17th-‐largest, about 1.7% of the world economy. – Australia is the 19th-‐largest importer and 19th-‐largest exporter. – The Australian economy is dominated by its service sector, comprising 68% of GDP. The mining sector represents 10% of GDP; the "mining-‐related economy" represents 9% of GDP – the total mining sector is 19% of GDP. – Economic growth is largely dependent on the mining sector and agricultural sector with the products to be exported mainly to the East Asian market. – OECD has predicted economic output is projected to increase by 2½ per cent in 2014 and by nearly 3% in 2015 – Reserve Bank of Australia over 2014/15, GDP growth is expected to be a bit below trend at close to 2¾ per cent Australia has: – Has a strong and robust and safe regulatory environment (e.g. corrup4on) – Economic and banking ins4tu4ons – Public sector finances – Easy access to markets and should not be viewed as a burden but rather as an opportunity and safe. – Strict quaran4ne and custom laws. However, these laws are procedural based and easy to follow and comply with. – Easy access air and sea ports (efficient and effec4ve) Air cargo cost have been declining for some 4me and is expected to become more compe44ve. Thus, Australia can be only 24 hours way by air rather than a month or more by ship. – Easy access to markets and business opportuni4es for Slovenia and Slovenes in Asia. Asian growth has been steady now for some years and is expected to con4nue for the next decade and beyond (Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and now the opening up of Burma) Major Industry • Mining – Coal is mined primarily in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. 54% of the coal mined in Australia is exported, mostly to East Asia. Coal provides about 85% of Australia's electricity produc4on. – Australia's Argyle mine is the second largest diamond mine in the world es4mated to produce 12.6 million carats in 2014, worth over $500 million. • Manufacturing – The manufacturing industry in Australia has declined from 30% of GDP in the 1960s to 12% of GDP in 2007. E.G. Melbourne Airport is being expanded due to the expected growth in air travel over the next 30 years. • Agriculture and Food (Forestry and Fisheries -‐ Equipment and Value Adding) – Agriculture contributes 3% of Australia's GDP at the farm gate and when value-‐added processing beyond the farm is included this figure rises to 12%. • • Services – IT related jobs (such as computer system design and engineering) are defined as Professional, Scien4fic and Technical Services by the Department of Educa4on, Employment and Workplace Rela4ons of Australia. IT job crea4on occurs mostly in the state capital ci4es of Australia. Financial services Educa:on – In 2010–11, there were 250,000 student visa applica4ons granted. one fioh of all student visa applica4ons lodged and granted were from China (18% and 20% respec4vely), followed by India (14% and 12% respec4vely) and South Korea (both 5%). – In 2010, there were 470,000 interna4onal students studying in Australia Educa4on Con4nued Size of exports -‐ an Example • Interna4onal educa4on ac4vity (b) contributed $16.3 billion in export income to the Australian economy in 2010-‐11. • Of the total export income generated by educa4on services, $15.8 billion was from spending on fees and goods and services by onshore students and a further $595 million was earned through offshore and other educa4onal ac4vi4es. • Educa4on services is Australia’s largest services export industry ahead of other personal travel services ($11.9 billion). Future areas of the economy • Deloiqe’s have recently stated the following growth areas of the Australian economy Future Investment Con4nued • Health (medical research and equipment including pharmaceu4cals) • Developing new ways of financing the future (with home-‐grown demand for innova4ve products to assist with the challenges of an ageing popula4on with a huge asset base) • Private schooling (birth rates have jumped, while parents are keen to get what they see as the best educa4on for their kids) • Gas transport: Australia has heaps to do to bring its gas poten4al to frui4on, and that will open huge opportuni4es for our transport and construc4on sectors • ICT (Informa4on and Communica4on Technology) will be a gateway for our growth sectors, enabling everything from water-‐saving sensor systems and disease-‐resistant crops on our farms, to robots and automated systems in mining, to the likes of ICT-‐enabled lower-‐cost advice models in wealth management • Australia’s strong Finance sector • Food processing European Australian Business Council (EABC) – The European Union has been one of Australia’s largest economic partner for more than 25 years – At the end of 2009, EU Foreign direct investment in Australia totalled $146.6 billion -‐ approximately 34% of total foreign direct investment. • Development coopera4on between Australia and the EU is currently enabled under the Australia – European Union (EU) Partnership Framework of 2008. The 2008 Framework is due to be replaced by a treaty-‐level Framework Agreement. • The development rela4onship between Australia and the EU is strongest in Indonesia, where we are both major contributors to the Educa4on Sector Support Program (ESSP). ESSP supports Indonesia’s move towards universal educa4on and is worth approximately $1 billion over five years. • The EU provides significant development assistance to the Pacific. We work together on Pacific regional ini4a4ves and in Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Timor Leste. • The Framework also extends to trade and investment under mutual arrangements. • There is no Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Australia. EABC-‐Cont To assist in this trade the EABC play a major role. The EABC is: – one of the premier and most effec4ve corporate forums in Australia and does not does not provide funding to organisa4ons or country business councils. – enables business leaders to engage in high-‐level dialogue on economic and public policy issues with Australian and European poli4cal leaders, senior officials, diplomats and business delega4ons • EABC’s programme of events is designed specifically for Members to engage in high-‐level discussion with Australian and European leaders to discuss economic and public-‐policy issues and developments reflec4ng the size, significance and dynamics of the Australia-‐Europe trade, commerce and investment rela4onship. • Most events are restricted to EABC Members only, and include a series of regular forums held in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra. • EABC works closely with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Delega4on of the European Union to Australia, and EU Member State Embassies. This will include Slovenia. • Recently the EABC has assisted (in an advisory role) in the crea4on of the new Hellenic Australian business council in Athens. EABC -‐ Cont • Membership can be acquired under two categories: – One is for corporates – our members there are generally ‘ins4tu4onal’ companies – very large and they make a large financial contribu4on to be members of EABC – our Major Partner pay $50K per annum – (do not have SME members as this is the area of most focus for bilateral chambers of commerce, thus SME enterprises in Slovenia encouraged to go through second op4on) – The second stream includes bilateral Chambers of Commerce and industry groups (not for profit), and also Australian and European government agencies – Embassies, Consulates and Trade Commissions (at present no Slovenian representa4ves) • EABC hosts 2-‐3 mee4ngs a year of the bilateral chambers and about the same number of events where these representa4ves aqend (at no charge). • We also assist in hos4ng an event or mee4ng with incoming Ministers/business delega4ons from individual member states – we have done this year with Portugal, Cyprus, Ireland, Sweden Government Assistance Austrade – www.austrade.gov.au • Provide strategic investment links to exporters and foreign business wan4ng to engage with Australian business community. The key areas Austrade focus on include: – Export from Australia, About Expor4ng, Export markets, Grants and Assistance – Buy from Australia -‐ Finding a supplier or product, Australian industry capabili4es – Invest in Australia, Opportuni4es in Australia, Investment Specialists – Educa2on in Australia • The Australian Government welcomes foreign investment. Austrade works to inform investors about growth opportuni4es in five areas which play to our strengths, jointly agreed by Australian and State and Territory Governments: • Agribusiness and food • Major infrastructure • Tourism infrastructure • Resources and energy • Within advanced manufacturing, services and technology, Austrade focuses on highligh4ng growth opportuni4es for investment in Australian medical and materials sciences and technologies, and digital technologies State Government – Victorian Example Department of state development, business and innova:on hHp://dsdbi.vic.gov.au/, supports and engages Victorian businesses through a wide range of programs and ac4vi4es that encourage produc4vity improvement and expansion into new markets. • Business Development Managers -‐ ensure businesses have local access to Government support, the Department manages a network of interna4onal and Melbourne metropolitan Victorian Business Government Offices (VGBOs) and 19 sites throughout Victoria in Regional Development Victoria (RDV) Offices. • Interna:onal engagement -‐ there are regular overseas trade missions to Victoria's strategic and emerging markets, receiving exposure for their goods and services. • Business engagement -‐ directly engage with over 12,000 businesses each year and uses a structured business engagement model to manage the government's interac4on with businesses. • Support small business -‐ par4cularly in the area of skills development. This is provided through low-‐cost workshops and seminars, mentoring services and Victoria's Small Business Fes4val. • Skilled migra:on -‐ Victorian businesses hampered by skill shortages and workforce needs that cannot be met locally are supported by the Department's ac4vi4es to aqract skilled migrants to Victoria. • The Department provides grants and assistance -‐ to businesses to support the development of areas such as research, management and export. • Regional Growth Fund – provides about $1 billion over eight years to build strong, vibrant regional ci4es and country communi4es. The Fund supports major strategic infrastructure and community-‐led local ini4a4ves. • Trade missions -‐ provide Victorian companies with export opportuni4es and market intelligence. Business/Company Registra4on • Australian Securi4es and Investments Commission hqp://www.asic.gov.au/for-‐business/registering-‐a-‐business-‐name/ A foreign company wishing to carry on business in Australia must be registered A foreign company is an incorporated or an unincorporated body that is formed in an external territory of Australia or outside Australia This may not be required if dealing with an established Australian business and Slovene business wants to prepare contracts between the two business. Relevant Business Laws Taxa:on (depending on what business arrangements are established) • Income tax in Australia, Goods and Services Tax (Australia), Passenger Movement Charge and Fiscal imbalance in Australia 10% on most goods and services. • Taxa4on in Australia is levied at the federal, state, and local government levels. The federal government raises revenue from personal income taxes and business taxes. Other taxes include the goods and services tax (General Service Tax), excise and customs du4es. The federal government is the main source of income for state governments. • Company Tax rate is 30% Business laws con4nued Example: Slovene company send an employee to be employed by an Australian partner • For an Australia ci4zen, or, individual on a skilled migra4on visa who is employed, the personal income tax rate includes; from $18,201.00 to $37,000.00; 32.5% from $37,001.00 to $80,001.00; 37% from $80,001.00 to $180,000.00; 45% from $180,000.00. • Deloiqe Interna4onal Tax, Slovenia 2013 personal income tax rates, 16% up to €7,814.04, 27% €18,534, 41% €69,312.96, 50% exceeding €69,312.96, hHp:// www.deloiHe.com/assets/Dcom-‐Global/Local%20Assets/Documents/Tax/ Taxa:on%20and%20Investment%20Guides/2013/ dHl_tax_highlight_2013_Slovenia.pdf. • There are special rules for paying tax in Australia based on a similar approach to Slovenia for the amount of 4me spent in the country (183 days). Immigra4on and Visas • Australia has a complex immigra4on framework. For Slovenes -‐ On 27 October 2008, the Australian government introduced a new electronic visa procedure, i.e. eVisitors. The eVisitors system applies to ci4zens of all EU member states and some other European countries. • The eVisitors is a fee free system that enables mul4ple entries to Australia for up to three months at 4me as many 4mes as one likes over a 12-‐month period. • For longer stays in Australia there is visas for business, skilled labour, educa4on and many others. • Australia’s has more than 150 visas classes and subclasses. Examples include Business Skills-‐-‐Business Talent (Permanent) (Class EA) » 132 (Business Talent) Business Skills (Permanent) (Class EC) » 888 (Business Innova4on and Investment (Permanent)) Business Skills (Residence) (Class DF) » 890 (Business Owner) » 891 (Investor) » 892 (State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner) » 893 (State/Territory Sponsored Business Skills (Provisional) (Class UR) » 160 (Business Owner (Provisional) » 161 (Senior Execu4ve (Provisional) » 162 (Investor (Provisional) » 163 (State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) » 164 (State/Territory Sponsored • Slovenes will also need a visa for most if not all countries throughout Asia. Property (Land and Buildings) Subject to Commonwealth and State Law • Immovable Property can be purchased by foreigners in both Australia and Slovenia. • Depending on where the property is acquired in Australia, for example, property acquired in the State of Victoria will be subject to that state’s legisla4on, unlike the na4onal laws of Slovenia. The process in not cumbersome or difficult. • Foreign Investment Board, hqp://www.firb.gov.au/content/real_estate/real_estate.asp Ar4cle 68, The Cons4tu4on of the Republic of Slovenia, Official Gazeqe Republic of Slovenia Nos. 33/91-‐I, 42/97, 66/2000, 24/03, 69/04, 68/06, and 47/13. Victorian Legisla4on for the purchase and sale of property includes the Property Law Act 1958, Sale of Land Act 1962, Sale of Land Regula2ons 1962, Transfer of Land Act 1958, Transfer of Land (General) Regula2ons 2004, Trustees Act 1958. Opportuni:es in Asia Australia is strategically placed in Asia and could assist Slovene companies (partnerships) and business access to Asian markets. Asia’s rise is changing the world. – – – – – Within only a few years, Asia will not only be the world’s largest producer of goods and services, it will also be the world’s largest consumer of them. It is already the most populous region in the world. In the future, it will also be home to the majority of the world’s middle class. Between 2000 and 2006, around a million people were lioed out of poverty every week in East Asia alone (Gill & Kharas 2007). Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), Singapore and, more recently, China and India doubled their income perperson within a decade. It took the United Kingdom over 50 years to double its income per person during the epoch-‐defining Industrial Revolu4on (Maddison 2010). Crea4ng a large middle class of consumers. The Asian century offers a wealth of opportuni4es for business and government: – – – – – – – – in mining and resource in tourism, sport, educa4on, the arts and crea4ve industries, professional, banking financial services, and science and technology—thanks to growing affluence in agriculture—rising food demand, connected to rising popula4ons and an in manufacturing and services— infrastructure development, urban design and health and aged care educa4on sector (many opportuni4es) Australians leverage their exper4se to do business with their neighbours. Slovenes and Slovenia should also look for broader opportuni:es in the Asia (ASEAN) Region. Bilateral Arrangements with Slovenia and EU Health Care • Slovenia and Australia has established an agreement for medical protec4on should they be injured in either state. The agreement only relate to ci4zens of Slovenia and Australia when present in either state. For instance, a Slovene ci4zen (Y) travelling to Australia under a 405 or 410 re4rement visa, is en4tled to be covered by health insurance and reside in Australia for more than six (6) months in a twelve (12) month period. This extends to free treatment as a public pa4ent in a public hospital; subsidised medica4on; and out of hospital treatment. However, Y must have health insurance in Slovenia. Social Security • Australia and Slovenia have established an interna4onal social security agreement. For these arrangements to be effec4ve individuals must be ci4zens of either state, provided they have been resident in either territory. For instance, Y having dual ci4zenship and has worked in Australia for thirty years is able to claim an age or disability pension. These reciprocal arrangements, in accordance with the Social Security Act, enable a Slovene ci4zen to receive those payments in Australia. Tax • Australia has not established a double tax trea4es with Slovenia, although trea4es have been established with its neighbours Austria, Italy and Hungary. Therefore, further work should be undertaken by both states to enhance that rela4onship by establishing a double tax treaty between Australia and Slovenia. Source -‐ Australian Government, Department of Immigra4on and Ci4zenship, hqp://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/re4rement/410/, accessed 6 April 2013. Health Care and Health Insurance Act 1992, Official Gazeqe of the Republic of Slovenia 99. Australian-‐Slovenia Reciprocal Health Care Agreement, Australian Government, Department of Human Services, hqp://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/enablers/medicare/reciprocal-‐health-‐care-‐ agreements/slovenia, accessed 26 November 2013. For proof the individual needs a current Slovenian Passport, evidence of eligibility of health insurance in Slovenia and European Health Insurance Card. Private Ac4vi4es There are well established laws in place for Slovenes wan4ng to spend more 4me in Australia and very easy to follow, that fall outside of the business domain, but, involve family and private ac4vi4es. The Private Interna2onal Law and Procedures Act operates between Slovenia and third countries such as Australia in regula4ng areas of marriage, divorce, matrimonial property, rela4ons between children and parents, paternity or maternity, maintenance, and interna4onal adop4on, wills probate affairs, personal names, and guardianship. Australia’s system is dispersed across a lot of legisla4on and decided by the courts. Slovenia’s is simpler to follow. Conclusion Slovenes and Slovenia: – Resilient country and people – Have a lot to offer other regions of the world – An amazing wealth of informa4on, intellect and advanced businesses – Are progressive and know how to advance themselves Finally, I am amazed and hold Slovenia up as a model to other na:ons that are also small in size at the way you have developed the new Slovenia. Thank you for the opportunity to present to you -‐ Robert Poročilo o poslovnem dogodku – izjava za javnost Seminar: Poslovne priložnosti za slovenska podjetja v Avstraliji, Ljubljana 24.11.2014 V ponedeljek 24. novembra 2014 je v prostorih restavracije Nebotičnik v Ljubljani potekal seminar o priložnostih slovenskih podjetij pri poslovanju z Avstralijo, ki ga je organizirala Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije v sodelovanju z Veleposlaništvom RS v Canberri ter častnim konzulom iz Sydneyja g. Anthonyjem Tomažinom. Na seminarju je g. Anthony Tomažin predstavil možnosti in priložnosti za sodelovanje, ki jih slovenskim podjetjem ponuja njegov konzulat v Sydneyju in povabil podjetja, da se pridružijo novo ustanovljenemu poslovnemu klubu, ki je bil pod imenom Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce uradno registriran pretekli teden. Več informacij o poslovnem klubu in pristopna izjava je dostopna na sledeči internetni strani: http://www.slovenianaustralianchamber.com.au/ Vse prisotne je v imenu Gospodarske zbornice nagovoril g. Aleš Cantarutti, direktor Centra za mednarodno poslovanje na GZS, ki je omenil, da je Avstralija sicer oddaljen trg, sorazmerno majhen kar se tiče števila potrošnikov, pri čemer pa njihova kupna moč, razvoj lastne industrije, naravna bogastva, razvoj energetike na osnovi obnovljivih virov in vzpodbude za tuje investitorje predstavljajo vzpodbude za vstop slovenskih podjetij na ta trg. Še posebej pa je potrebno upoštevati dejstvo, da lahko Avstralija prispeva odlično izhodišče za poslovanje s širšo Azijsko pacifiško regijo. V živo sta udeležence včerajšnjega posveta iz daljnega Melbourna pozdravila in predstavila svoje izkušnje ter ostale zanimivosti pri poslovanju z Avstralijo g. Marko Batič, pooblaščeni direktor prodaje v Sentosa Trading Pty Ltd Melbourne, ki uspešno posluje predvsem na področju električne opreme in naprav – podjetje že uspešno zastopa podjetja Iskra d.d., ETI d.d. ter Kolektor Etra d.o.o., ter g. Peter Mikuš, ki že osem let v okviru lastnega podjetja TOTO Properties Pty Ltd Melbourne deluje na področju nepremičnin in gradbeništva. Slednji je izpostavil žalostno dejstvo kako Avstrijci uspešno izvažajo lesene polizdelke namenjene gradnji in gradbeništvu, ki pa v osnovi prihajajo iz slovenskih gozdov. Sta pa oba govornika pozvala slovenska podjetja, da se v okviru svojega poslovanja poizkusijo uveljaviti tudi na avstralskem trgu, pri čemer sta pripravljena ponuditi tudi svoje izkušnje in znanje. Pravne okvire poslovanja in priložnosti, ki jih ponuja avstralski trg je predstavil strokovnjak za pravne in politične zadeve g. Robert Walters, doktorski študent na Evropski pravni fakulteti v Novi Gorici in na Victoria University v Melbournu. V svoji predstavitvi je povzel zakonodajo na področju davkov, ustanavljanja podjetij ter viznega režima. Izkušnje in način poslovanja podjetja Iskra Zaščite d.o.o. je predstavil dr. Antony Surtees, direktor podjetja Iskra Protection USA iz Clevelanda, ki sicer za podjetje pokriva tako ameriški, kot tudi avstralski trg, kjer je živel in delal preden se je preselil v ZDA. Sicer podjetje Iskra Zaščite d.o.o. izvaža na avstralski trg kar tretjino svoje proizvodnje. Trg je po mnenju dr. Surteesa zanimiv tudi kot testni trg za visoko kvalitetne in tehnološko napredne izdelke, saj je zaradi sorazmerno majhnega števila prebivalcev obvladljiv, hkrati pa s svojo kvaliteto življenja, visoko strokovnostjo in znanjem omogoča vstop samo najboljšim. Nekaj praktičnih izkušenj in nasvetov je na koncu predstavil tudi g. Vinko Rizmal, direktor Slovensko avstralskega združenja za poslovno in kulturno sodelovanje, ki je večino svojega življenja skupaj z družino preživel v Avstraliji, kjer se je aktivno ukvarjal na vseh področjih: kulturnem, političnem in gospodarskem. Med drugim je tudi glavni pobudnik za prenos stare mariborske trte na avstralska tla, v zadnjem času, pa se ukvarja predvsem s promocijo in vključevanjem v poslovno mrežo, ki se je razvila v Avstraliji (www.uglii.com ) Seminarja se je udeležilo preko 50 predstavnikov različnih podjetij, državnih inštitucij in medijev, kar potrjuje aktualnost tematike in zanimanje slovenskih podjetnikov za vstop na avstralski trg. ORGANISATION Anigmoteh BATRIS d.o.o. BISOL Group d.o.o. CNJ d.o.o. Cresys d.o.o. Elea iC Elea iC Epigraf Epilog d.o.o Glider Service Franc Novak s.p. Glider Service Franc Novak s.p. INEA INO BREŽICE D.O.O. INOTHERM d.o.o. IONEX d.o.o. Iskra Zaščite Kaliopa d.o.o. Kaliopa d.o.o. Life Learning Academia Metrel d.d. Mogenas d.o.o. MZZ MZZ MZZ MZZ MZZ NUMIP OZS Peter Korpar Polident d.o.o. Polident d.o.o. ROBUST d.o.o. SICO d.o.o. SODALIS d.o.o. SRC d.o.o. Steklarna Hrastnik d.o.o. Timrich d.o.o. TIPS TIPS TOVARNA MERIL KOVINE D.D. TrendNET TRUK M&Z Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Urad za Slovence po svetu NAME Sašo Velkov Matevž Bambič Dag Kralj Mak Kordić Danijel Šlebinger Miha Hafner David Rajšter Miha Prapotnik Renata Weiss Ksenija Novak Franc Novak Tina Baggia Zlatka vučinić David Janež Lorena Leonardos Monika Podpečan Igor Dimnik Slavko Gerčer Marjetka Kastner Bruno Jelenčič Matjaž Gros Emil Ferjančič Andreja Kodermac Mojca Nemec van Gorp Dejan Vidic Mojca Deželak Maja Lorenci Zdenka Bedekovič peter korpar Dani Pečečnik Beate Pečečnik Saša Praznik Marjan Volpe Miljana Fink Alenka Valher Mojca Fink Jana Poharič Sandi Lekše Milan Lapajne Andreja Brezovnik Bojan Oremuž Zoran Turk Vida Kampuš Trop Zvone Žigon EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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