Application of Solvent-free Sample Preparation Methods for MALDI-TOFMS to Organometallic and Coordination Compounds Laura Hughes, Mark F. Wyatt, Bridget K. Stein and A. Gareth Brenton EPSRC National Mass Spectrometry Service Centre (NMSSC), Swansea University, Swansea, SA2 8PP, U.K. Results – VIIIacac3 Complex with DCTB Matrix Samples and matrices were mixed in molar ratios of 1:50, 1:75, 1:100, 1:200, 1:500 and 1:1000. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) is a very important and successful analytical technique for a wide variety of samples. Generally, sample preparation involves placing a droplet of mixed matrix/sample solution onto a sample target, and then allowing the solvent to evaporate. This technique relies on sample and matrix combinations that are soluble in the same low boiling point solvent or miscible solvents. However, a significant number of samples submitted to the NMSSC are insoluble or only soluble in high boiling point solvents, e.g. DMSO. Additionally, some samples are unstable in solution. The development of solvent-free preparation methods is clearly beneficial to the NMSSC and the wider scientific community. Previous work in this area has focussed mainly on synthetic polymers,1-3 but has also been applied to biochemical samples.4,5 1. Pressed disc: Sample/matrix mixture was pressed into a disc utilising a die and press apparatus normally used to press KBr discs for IR measurements. 10 tonnes of pressure were applied. Discs were fixed onto the sample plate with adhesive tape. 2. Pressed disc with KBr: KBr was added to the mixtures in molar ratios of 2:1, 1:1, 0.5:1, 0.25:1 and 0.1:1, with respect to the matrix. 3. Suspension in non-solvent: Sample/matrix mixture was suspended in 0.5 mL of water by using a vortex mixer. 1 μL was then placed onto the sample plate via pipette, and the solvent allowed to evaporate. 4. Dabbing: For pestle and mortar preparations, an aliquot of the mixture was transferred to the sample plate and lightly flattened with a microspatula. For ball milled samples, either the above would occur, or the mixture-coated ball was extracted from the vial with tweezers, and tapped on the plate to transfer mixture, which was then lightly flattened with a microspatula. 5. Double-sided adhesive tape: Tape was fixed to the plate and the sample/matrix mixture was spread onto it with a microspatula. The plate was then brought upright and tapped on the bench to remove excess mixture. The following solvent-free mixing methods were studied: 1. Pestle and mortar.1 2. Steel ball milling.6 MetIIIacac3 (Met = V, Cr) complexes, were 2 (Met = Fe, Zn) and purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (U.K.), have been analysed previously.7 •DCTB and 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) charge-transfer matrices were purchased from Fluka (U.K.). •HPLC-grade water purchased from Fisher (U.K.). •MALDI-TOFMS measurements obtained with a Voyager DE-STR instrument (Applied Biosystems, U.S.A.). •Whirlimixer vortex mixer (Fisher, U.K.) was used for milling and creating suspensions. •3 mm steel balls were purchased from Wheelies Cycles (Swansea, U.K.). •Discs were pressed using a C-30 Press (Research and Industrial Instruments Company, London, U.K.). •Potassium bromide (KBr) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (U.K.). Intensity (%) •MetIIacac VIIIacac3 100 80 60 40 20 0 150 The following methods of sample deposition were also studied: 1. Pressed disc.1 2. Pressed disc with KBr.1 3. Suspension in non-solvent. 4. Dabbing. 5. Double-sided adhesive tape. Materials and Instrumentation 100 80 60 40 20 0 346.0 100 80 60 40 20 0 346.0 (a) 349.0 347.2 348.4 348.2 349.6 100 80 60 40 20 0 150 100 80 60 40 20 0 150 100 80 60 40 20 0 150 3397.3 (a) Solution prep. 370 348.4 260 250.2 350.3 347.2 348.4 349.6 370 348.2 387.2 370 348.4 480 590 349.1 347.2 3397.3 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 346.0 352.0 348.4 349.6 348.4 0 352.0 350.8 (b) 9.1E+3 349.4 347.2 2.7E+4 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 352.0 346.0 348.4 349.6 348.4 480 590 0 700 2.7E+4 (c) Pressed KBr disc prep. 500.5 480 590 0 700 1.3E+4 370 480 Mass (m/z) 590 •Proposed structure for solid9 was proven by crystallography. •Radical molecular ion was not observed with solution preparation (a), but observed peaks could be fragments, including apparent ½M+˙. •The Woollins group proposed that the sample was degrading in solution. •Results for solvent-free preparation method (b) were similar to those observed with solution preparation. 1.3E+4 (d) 349.4 347.2 348.4 349.6 350.8 0 352.0 Case Study 1 – Insoluble Compound •Insoluble ferrocene compound8 observed as extremely low intensity radical molecular ion, with fragments or impurities also observed. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000.0 1251.3 HgOAc AcOHg AcOHg Fe HgOAc HgOAc HgOAc HgOAc AcOHg AcOHg 1600.2 2200.4 100 Theoretical 80 Pattern M+˙ 60 (1E+4 FWHM) 40 20 0 2756.0 2762.8 2769.6 M 849.9 851.9 852.9 847.9 847 850 853 Theoretical Pattern ½M+˙ 100 (1E+4 FWHM) 854.9 0 856 859 4944.1 Mass (m/z) <<STA85WOO(ASMS)_0001>> Voyager Spec #1=>AdvBC(64,0.5,0.1)=>NF0.7[BP = 851.9, 4944] 849.9 851.8 Observed Data 4944.1 853.9 847.9 847 855.8 850 1220 853 0 859 856 1374.8 1480 0 2000 1.8E+4 1740 Fe Fe EtO P EtO S P Hg S S S S S Hg S P S OEt P Fe OEt Fe 1376.8 1220 1480 1740 0 2000 Mass (m/z) Conclusions and Future Work •Several mixing and deposition methods were investigated; ‘ball mill and dab’ (BMD) method considered best overall, for ease of application and quality of results. •Single steel ball was adequate, and DCTB was easier to handle than TCNQ. •Case study 1: method was applied to completely insoluble mercury-ferrocene compound. Extremely low intensity radical molecular ion was observed. •Case study 2: method was applied to compounds with poor solution stability. Radical molecular ion was not observed, and results were similar to those obtained in solution. •Further work required to refine method in order to improve mixture homogeneity, data quality and reproducibility. References 2800.6 3400.8 2771.8 2776.8 2779.8 2783.8 2776.4 2783.2 ( / ) 0 4001.0 100 0 2790.0 Voyager Spec #1=>AdvBC(32,0.5,0.1)=>NF0.7[BP = 616.4, 8027] 100 Observed Data 80 2766.0 60 40 20 0 2756.0 2762.8 2769.6 851.8 100 90 (a) 849.9 100 50 80 0 70 844 60 50 853.9 100 40 50 30 0 844 20 855.8 10 0 700 960 852.0 100 850.0 90 (b) 80 70 60 50 848.0 40 30 20 856.0 10 0 700 960 HgOAc 2512.9 2254.9 2774.9 2769.9 0 700 Case Study 2 – Solvent-degradable Compound 0 352.0 350.8 •The ball milling method of Hanton and Parees uses 2 balls, but 1 appears to be sufficient. •Comparable data was acquired for each method of solids mixing, regardless of the method of application onto the samples plate. However, ball milling is quicker, cleaner and less labour intensive. •The pressed discs were very fragile, making handling difficult. •KBr was added to the mixtures in order to improve the structural integrity of the pressed discs. Additionally, promoting the formation of [M+K]+ species was sought, and these species were observed. •DCTB considered better matrix, due to TCNQ discs being more fragile and milled TCNQ mixtures adhering to both ball and vial. •Radical molecular ions were not observed by the suspension and adhesive tape methods. •Cleanest, highest resolution data obtained with the dabbing method. •Similar trends were noted in the data obtained for the other acac complexes. •The method used affected mass accuracy. 0 700 9.1E+3 (d) Dabbing with ball prep. 250.3 260 350.8 100 Observations 371.4 371.2 260 (c) 100 80 60 40 20 0 346.0 Theoretical Pattern (1E+4 FWHM) Mass (m/z) (b) Pressed disc prep. 249.5 235.4 350.8 349.2 348.1 Complex with DCTB Matrix 348.0 260 for 348.0 Experimental - Deposition of Mixture onto Plate Results – Current Investigation Comparison of the species acquired VIII(acac)3. Intensity (%) Introduction 1. Pestle and mortar: Portions of sample and matrix were ground until the mixture was judged by eye to be homogeneous, which was approximately 3 minutes. 2. Steel ball milling: Portions of sample and matrix were added to a plastic, cone-shaped, sample vial. A 3 mm steel ball was added and the mixture ground by agitating the vial with a vortex mixer until judged by eye to be homogeneous, which was approximately 1 minute. M+˙ Intensity (%) Experimental – Solids Mixing •Recent research has focussed on the use of MALDI-TOFMS to characterize organometallic/coordination/highly conjugated compounds. •2-[(2E)-3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methylprop-2-enylidene]malononitrile (DCTB) matrix is very effective for these compounds, with radical ions observed. •Solvent-free preparation is required for such compounds that are insoluble, soluble in non-volatile solvents, or unstable in solution. •First-row transition metal acetylacetonate (Met(II)acac2 and Met(III)acac3) complexes were used to develop a working method. •Several mixing and deposition methods were investigated; the ‘ball mill and dab’ (BMD) method was considered best overall. •Case study 1: BMD method was applied to completely insoluble mercuryferrocene compound. Radical molecular ion was observed. •Case study 2: BMD method was applied to compounds with poor solution stability. Radical molecular ion was not observed. Intensity (%) Overview 197.4 2774.9 2777.0 2776.4 Mass (m/z) 2783.2 0 2790.0 1. Skelton, R.; Dubois, F.; Zenobi, R. Anal. Chem. 2000, 72, 1707-1710. 2. Marie, A.; Fournier, F.; Tabet, J. C. Anal. Chem. 2000, 72, 5106-5114. 3. Trimpin, S.; Rouhanipour, A.; Az, R.; Räder, H. J.; Müllen, K. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2001, 15, 1364-1373. 4. Wang, M. Z.; Fitzgerald, M. C. Anal. Chem. 2001, 73, 625-631. 5. Trimpin, S.; Deinzer, M. L. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2005, 16, 542-547. 6. Hanton, S. D.; Parees, D. M. Proceedings of the 52nd ASMS Conference, Nashville TN, 2004. 7. Wyatt, M. F.; Havard, S.; Stein, B. K.; Brenton, A. G. Proceedings of the 52nd ASMS Conference, Nashville TN, 2004. 8. Sample submitted to the NMSSC by M. Parry and I. R. Butler, University of Wales Bangor, U.K. 9. Sample submitted to the NMSSC by I. P. Gray and J. D. Woollins, University of St. Andrews, U.K.
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