(Izpolni FURS) Registrska številka: TEHNIČNI VPRAŠALNIK - Hruška Technical questionnaire - Pear 1. Ime vrste, ki ji pripada sorta / Name of the species to which the variety belongs: Pyrus communis L. – NAVADNA HRUŠKA / PEAR 2. Prijavitelj(i): Ime(na) in priimek(ki), firma oz. naslov, sedež / Applicant(s): Name(s) and full postal address(es): 3. Poimenovanje sorte (uporabljate velike in male črke) / Variety denomination (using capital and upper-case letters) (a) Predlog imena sorte / Proposal for variety denomination: (b) Začasna žlahtniteljeva oznaka sorte / Breeders reference: 4. Podatki o izvoru, vzdrževanju in razmnoževanju prijavljene sorte / Information on origin, maintenance and reproduction/propagation of the variety 4.1 Izvor sorte (navedite shemo žlahtnjenja, starše, druge podatke) / Origin of the variety (please indicate breeding scheme, parents, other information): (a) Sejanec neznanih staršev / Seedling of unknown parentage (b) Načrtna oprašitev (navedite starševske sorte, opraševalno sorto na prvem mestu) / Controlled pollination (indicate parent varieties, give pollinator at the first place): (c) Naključna oprašitev (navedite starševske sorte, ki so poznane) / Open pollination of (indicate known parent varieties): FURS–TV/Pyrus communis L. 1.6.2010 1 (c) Mutant ali spot (navedite starševsko sorto) / Mutation or spot from (indicate parent variety): (d) Drugo (navedite, kje, kdaj, kako je bila sorta odkrita ali razvita) / Other (please indicate where, when and how the variety is discovered or developed): 4.2 Razmnoževanje / Propagation: S potaknjenci / Cuttings Razmnoževanje 'In vitro' / 'In vitro' propagation S semenom / Seed Drugo / Other 4.3 Zdravstveni status / Plant health status: Sorta je / The variety is: Testirana na viruse (navedite, na katere) / Virus tested (indicate against which virus): Zdravstveni status ni znan / Plant health status is unknown 4.4 Geografsko poreklo sorte (dežela in država, kjer je bila sorta odkrita ali razvita) / Geographical origin of the variety (the region and the country in which the variety was bread or discovered): 1 5. Lastnosti prijavljene sorte / Characteristics of candidate variety 1: CPVO koda / Lastnosti sorte / Characteristics of the variety Stopnja izražanja 2 / State of expression 2 code 5.1 CPVO-40 Plod - položaj največjega premera / Fruit - position of maximum 5.2 CPVO-41 Plod - velikost / Fruit - size 5.3 CPVO-43 Plod - oblika v vzdolžnem prerezu / Fruit - profile of sides 5.4 CPVO-44 Plod - osnovna barva kožice / Fruit - ground colour of skin 5.5 CPVO-50 Plod - dolžina peclja / Fruit - length of stalk 5.6 CPVO-64 Začetek cvetenja / Time of beginning of flowering 5.7 CPVO-65 Užitna zrelost / Time of maturity for consumption diameter 6. Navedite sorte, ki so prijavljeni sorti najbolj podobne, in lastnost/i, po kateri se prijavljena sorta loči od njih / Indicate similar varieties and characteristics in which candidate variety differs from similar varieties: 1 V skladu s Protokolom Urada za varstvo sort Skupnosti (CPVO) za preizkušanje razločljivosti izenačenosti in nespremenljivosti (RIN) pri hruški (Pyrus communis L.): CPVO-TP/15/1 z dne 27.3.2003. / According to Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) Protocol for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) tests for pear (Pyrus communis L.): CPVOTP/15/1 adopted on 27.3.2003. 2 Stopnje izražanja lastnosti so pojasnjene v Prilogi / States of expression of characteristics are explained in the Annex FURS–TV/Pyrus communis L. 1.6.2010 2 Ime podobne sorte / Lastnosti podobne sorte, ki so različne / Stopnja izražanja lastnosti / State of expresion Denomination of similar Characteristics in which the similar variety is pri podobni sorti / of pri prijavljeni sorti / of different variety similar variety candidate variety 7. Drugi podatki, ki so pomembni za lažje razločevanje prijavljene sorte / Additional information which may help to distinguish the candidate variety: 7.1 Odpornost proti boleznim in škodljivcem / Resistance to pests and diseases: 7.2 Skupina (glede na namen uporabe) / Group (with regard to the intended use): sadna sorta / fruit variety podlaga / rootstock 7.3 Posebne zahteve za preizkušanje sorte / Special conditions for the examination of the variety: DA / YES NE / NO 7.4 Drugi podatki / Other information 8. Ali je sorta gensko spremenjeni organizem (GSO) v skladu s Členom 2 Direktive Sveta 2001/18/ES? / Is the variety genetically modified organism (GMO) within the meaning of Article 2 of Council Directive 2001/18/EC? DA / YES NE / NO V primeru DA, navedite kodo za identificiranje GSO / If YES, give code for identification of the GMO) 9. Podatki o materialu, ki bo preizkušan 3 / Information on the material to be examined 3 : 9.1 Prosimo, navedite spodaj, po svoji najboljši vednosti, ali je bil rastlinski material, ki se bo preizkušal, izpostavljen naslednjim dejavnikom / Please indicate below, to the best of your knowledge, if the plant material to be examined has been subjected to: 3 Na izražanje ene ali več lastnosti sorte lahko vplivajo številni dejavniki, kot so: bolezni in škodljivci, kemikalije, s katerimi je bil material tretiran (npr. rastni regulatorji ali pesticidi), gojenje v tkivni kulturi, različne podlage, razvojna faza, v kateri je matična rastlina v času rezanja cepičev. / The expression of a characteristic or several characteristics of a variety may be affected by factors, such as pests and disease, chemical treatment (e.g. growth retardants or pesticides), effects of tissue culture, different rootstocks, scions taken from different growth phases of a tree, etc. FURS–TV/Pyrus communis L. 1.6.2010 3 (a) mikroorganizmi (virusi, bakterije, fitoplazme) / DA / YES NE / NO DA / YES NE / NO (c) tkivna kultura / tissue culture DA / YES NE / NO (d) drugi dejavniki / other factors DA / YES NE / NO microorganisms (e.g. virus, bacteria, phytoplasma) (b) kemično tretiranje (z rastnimi regulatorji, pesticidi) / chemical treatment (e.g. growth retardants or pesticides) 9.2 Prosimo navedite podrobnosti o dejavnikih, pri katerih ste označili »DA« / Please provide details of where you have indicated »Yes« : IZJAVA/ STATEMENT Izjavljam(o), da so navedbe v prijavi in prilogah, po moji (naši) najboljši vednosti popolne in pravilne. I/We declare that to the best of my/our knowledge the statements made in this application are complete and correct. Strinjam(o) se, da se Uprava posvetuje in izmenja podatke s tujimi sortnimi uradi. I/We agree that the Administration may consult and exchange data with other variety offices. Kraj in datum: (Place and date) Podpis prijavitelja oz. pooblaščenca: (Signature of applicant or representative) FURS–TV/Pyrus communis L. 1.6.2010 4 PRILOGA Stopnje izražanja lastnosti – pojasnila / States of expression of characteristics – explanation Koda/Code Stopnja izražanja / State of expression Primerjalne sorte/Example varieties 5.1 Plod - položaj največjega premera / Fruit - position of maximum diameter CPVO – 40 (1) na sredi / in middle Bergamotte Esperen (2) rahlo pomaknjen k muhi / slightly towards calyx Beurre Alexandre Lucas (Lukasova), Doyenné du Comice (Društvenka) (3) opazno bliže muhi / clearly towards calyx Conférence (Konferans) (1) (2) (3) Koda/Code Stopnja izražanja / State of expression 5.2 Plod - velikost / Fruit - size: CPVO – 41 (1) zelo majhen / very small (3) majhen / small Primerjalne sorte/Example varieties Petit Muscat, Précoce de Cassano Colorée de Juillet (Julijska pisana), Citron des Carmes Epine du Mas, Docteur Jules Guyot (Guyotova) Passe Crassane (Krasanka), Doyenné du Comice (Društvenka) Marguerite Marillat, Belle Angevine (5) srednje velik / medium (7) velik / large (9) zelo velik / very large 5.3 Plod - oblika v vzdolžnem prerezu / Fruit - profile of sides: CPVO – 43 (1) vzbočen / concave (2) raven / straight (3) izbočen / convex (1) FURS–TV/Pyrus communis L. 1.6.2010 (2) Beurré Bosc (Boskova steklenka), Abbé Fatel (Fetelova) Beurré Giffard (Žifardova) Doyenné d’Hiver (Zimska dekanka), Olivier de Serres (3) 5 Koda/Code Stopnja izražanja / State of expression 5.4 Plod - osnovna barva kožice / Fruit - ground colour of skin: CPVO – 44 (1) ni vidna / not visible (2) zelena / green (3) rumeno zelena / yellow green (4) rumena / yellow 5.5 Plod - dolžina peclja / Fruit - length of stalk: CPVO –50 (3) kratek / short (5) srednji / medium (7) dolg / long 5.6 Začetek cvetenja / Time of beginning of flowering: CPVO – 64 (1) zelo zgodaj / very early (3) zgodaj / early (5) srednje / medium (7) pozno / late (9) zelo pozno / very late 5.7 Užitna zrelost / Time of maturity for consumption: CPVO – 65 (1) zelo zgodaj / very early (3) zgodaj / early (5) srednje / medium (7) pozno / late (9) zelo pozno / very late FURS–TV/Pyrus communis L. 1.6.2010 Primerjalne sorte/Example varieties Grand Champion, Uta Nouveau Poiteau Beurré Giffard (Žifardova), Beurré Hardy (Hardijeva ali Gelertova) Président Drouard (Druardova), Williams’ Bon Chrétien (Viljamovka) Beurré d’Anjou, Beurré des Enfants Nantais Beurré Hardy (Hardijeva ali Gelertova), Alexandrine Douillard Beurré Bosc (Boskova steklenka), Curé (Pastorjevka) Beurré Alexandre Lucas (Lukasova), Pitmaston Duchesse d’Angoulême Delfrap, Louise Bonne d’Avranches (Avranška) Packham’s Triumph (Pakhamova), Williams’ Bon Chrétien (Viljamovka) Doyenné du Comice (Društvenka), Jeanne d’Arc Frangipane Mirandino Rosso Précoce de Trevoux (Trevuška) Coscia (Košja) Beurré Hardy (Hardijeva ali Gelertova), Doyenné du Comice (Društvenka), Jeanne d’Arc Doyenné d’Hiver (Zimska dekanka), Nordhäuser Wintersorelle (Zimska postrvka), Président Drouard (Druardova) 6
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