Health Assessment E L P M Your plan for better health begins with completing this health assessment. The answers to this assessment will help us to identify programs and resources that are available at no cost to you. A S After your health assessment is received by our wellness team, they will generate a personalized report and mail it to you within 30 days. Your health report will include a wellness score as well as valuable tips and recommendations on how to maintain or enhance your health. Instructions Use a pen or pencil Make sure all bubbles are filled in completely Please answer all applicable questions Return your completed health assessment and survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope Consent The information below describes how your personal information will be safeguarded and used to develop your Health Assessment Report. Please read and sign to agree to the terms. Health Assessment Notice to End Users Use of Personal Information The information you submit in the course of taking the attached health assessment will be retained and used to create your Health Assessment Report. Your answers will be combined with other participants’ data for reporting purposes. You will not be personally identified. Terms of Use By participating in the health assessment you agree that the results of the assessment will be used for instructive purposes only. The health assessment is not intended to and cannot replace the advice of a medical professional. You should not rely on the health assessment or Health Assessment Report for diagnosis or treatment. All people who display disease symptoms, fall into certain high risk categories, and/or who receive abnormal laboratory test results should consult a physician before starting any course of action or lifestyle change. Consent By signing below you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the above and assert that you are at least 18 years of age. Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Please turn page over Page 1 of 16 My Profile Date: (mm/dd/yyyy) A S Number & Street Address City E L P M I. Last Name First Name State Zip Code Date of Birth: Email address: Gender: Female Male Age: Height: feet inches R acial/E th n ic B ack g r ou n d How would you best describe your racial/ethnic background? African American Middle Eastern Asian and Pacific Islander Native Indian Caucasian Other Hispanic Current Weight: lbs. Goal/Ideal Weight: My goal is: Gain weight: 1 lb a week Gain weight: 2 lbs. a week Lose weight: 1 lb. a week Lose weight: 2 lbs. a week Maintain weight 235_HealthAssessmentSurvey Please turn page over Page 2 of 16 lbs. E L My activity level is: P M Sedentary - little or no exercise, office job Lightly active - light exercise/sports 1-3 days a week A S Moderately active - moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days a week Very active - hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week Extremely active - hard daily exercise/sports & physical job My fitness goal is: Anaerobic fitness Cardiovascular fitness Heart healthy Weight management Female specific information: Pregnant Currently breast-feeding 1st Trimester 1st six months 2nd Trimester 2nd six months 3rd Trimester Currently not breast-feeding Not pregnant General Health 1.1 Please complete the following statement: "In General, my overall health is. . ." Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Your Current Health 1.3 Have you ever been told you have any of the following diseases or illnesses? Please indicate whether you are taking any medication for the health problem. Stroke 1.3 A Yes Taking medication for health problem No Yes Please turn page over Page 3 of 16 No E L Your Current Health continued 1.3 B Asthma Yes 1.3 C Diabetes Yes P M A S No No 1.3 E No Yes Yes No 1.3 I No Yes 1.3 J No Yes Yes No No No No No No Taking medication for health problem Yes 1.3 K Chronic bronchitis, COPD Yes No Taking medication for health problem High blood pressure Yes No Taking medication for health problem Cancer Yes No Taking medication for health problem 1.3 H High cholesterol Yes No Taking medication for health problem 1.3 G Osteoporosis Yes Yes Taking medication for health problem 1.3 F Depression Yes No Taking medication for health problem Yes No Back pain Yes Yes Taking medication for health problem 1.3 D Arthritis Yes Taking medication for health problem No Taking medication for health problem Yes Please turn page over Page 4 of 16 No 1.3 L Angina, congestive heart failure or heart attack Yes 1.3 M Heartburn Yes 1.3 N 1.3 P No Taking medication for health problem Yes No No Taking medication for health problem No Yes Allergies Yes No Yes Anxiety Yes Yes Taking medication for health problem Headaches Yes 1.3 O A S No E L P M No Taking medication for health problem No Taking medication for health problem No Yes No Preventive Health 2.1 When was your last physical? (Leave blank if you can't remember.) Month Year 2.2 When was your last pap smear? (Leave blank if you can't remember.) (If Male skip to question 2.10) Month Year 2.3 Have you ever had an abnormal pap smear? (If Male skip to question 2.11) Yes No 2.4 If you had an abnormal pap smear, did you follow up as recommended by your provider? (If Male skip to question 2.10) Yes No 2.5 Have you had a HPV testing done in combination with your Pap smear in the last 5 years? (Fill in only one.) (If Male skip to question 2.11) Yes No Not sure 2.6 Do you take a folate supplement or multivitamin? (If Male skip to question 2.11) Yes No Please turn page over Page 5 of 16 2.7 Have you ever had a mammogram? (If Male skip to question 2.10) Yes No P M Not Applicable A S 2.8 Date of last mammogram (If Male skip to question 2.10) Month E L Year 2.9 Do you have a mammogram performed yearly? (If Male skip to question 2.10) Yes No 2.10 Do you receive at least 1200 mg/day of calcium? (If Male skip to question 2.10) Yes No Not sure 2.11 Have you ever had a colonoscopy? Yes No 2.12 Have you ever had a PSA test to screen for prostate cancer? (If Female skip to question 2.12) Yes No 2.13 Have you had a flu shot in the last 12 months? Yes No Nutrition Breakfast 3.1 How often do you eat breakfast, more than just a roll and a cup of coffee? Eat breakfast every day Eat breakfast most mornings Eat breakfast two or three times per week Seldom or never eat breakfast Please turn page over Page 6 of 16 Snacks E L 3.2 How often do you eat snack foods between meals (chips, pastries, soft drinks, candy, ice cream, cookies)? P M Three or more times per day A S Once or twice per day Few times per week Seldom or never eat typical snacks Salt 3.3 How often do you add salt to your food or eat salty foods (chips, pickles, soy sauce)? Seldom or never Some meals Most meals Nearly every meal Fat Intake 3.4 Indicate the foods you usually eat. High-Fat Examples Low-Fat Examples Hamburgers Hot dogs Bologna Steaks Sour cream Cheese Whole milk Eggs Butter Cake Pastry Ice cream Chocolate Fried foods Many fast foods Lean meats Skinless poultry Fish Skim milk Low-fat dairy products Fruit desserts Gelatin Vegetables Pasta Legumes (peas and beans) Nearly always eat high-fat foods Eat mostly high-fat foods, some low-fat Eat both about the same Eat mostly low-fat foods, some high-fat Eat only low-fat foods Please turn page over Page 7 of 16 Breads and Grains Refined-Grain Examples A S White bread White rolls Regular pancakes/waffles White rice Typical breakfast cereals Typical baked goods E L P M 3.5 Indicate the kinds of breads and grains you usually eat. Whole-Grain Examples Whole-grain breads Brown rice Oatmeal and many other cooked cereals Whole-grain or high-fiber cereals Nearly always eat refined grain products Eat mostly refined grain products, some whole-grain Eat both about the same Eat primarily whole-grain products, some refined Eat only whole-grain products Fruits and Vegetables 3.6 How many servings of fruits or vegetables do you eat daily? (One serving = 1 cup fresh, 1/2 cup cooked, 1 medium size fruit or 3/4 cup juice). One or less Two daily Three daily Four daily Five or more daily Sweets and Desserts 3.7 How many servings of cookies, cakes, donuts, candy, soda, or packets of sugar do you eat daily? One or less Two daily Three daily Four daily Five or more daily Please turn page over Page 8 of 16 E L Physical Activity 4.1 How many days per week do you participate in at least 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity? Moderate = Brisk walk, enough to break a light sweat, but with out becoming winded. Vigorous = Running, enough to break a heavy sweat and experience heavy breathing. P M A S None One day of moderate exercise Two days of moderate exercise Three days of moderate OR 1 day of vigorous exercise Four days of moderate OR 2 days of vigorous exercise Five days of moderate OR 3 days of vigorous exercise Six days of moderate OR 4 days of vigorous exercise Seven days of moderate OR more than 4 days of vigorous exercise Strength Exercises 4.2 How many days per week do you engage in strength training exercises? None Once a week Twice a week Three or more times a week Stretching Exercises 4.3 How many times per week do you do stretching exercises to improve the flexibility of your back, neck, shoulders, and legs? None Once a week Twice a week Three or more times a week Emotional Health 5.1 During the last 2 weeks, has feeling down, depressed or hopeless bothered you? Yes No 5.2 During the last 2 weeks, has little interest or little pleasure in doing things bothered you? Yes No Please turn page over Page 9 of 16 Emotional Health - continued E L P M 5.3 Do you have a history of depression? Yes No A S 5.4 In the last six months, have you thought about hurting yourself? Yes No 5.5 Do you have a suicide plan? Yes No If you answered yes to questions 5.3, 5.4 or 5.5 regarding suicide and depression, it is urgent that you seek immediate medical treatment for depression/anxiety. You may call you local health care provider, 911, or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255) or Emotional Problems 5.6 In the past month, have you felt any of the following? (Select all that apply.) Downhearted or sad Angry or hostile Nervous or uptight That you are receiving good support from friends and family That interesting and challenging situations fill your life Social Activity 5.7 During the past four weeks, to what extent has your physical health or an emotional problem interfered with your normal activities with family, friends, neighbors, or groups? None at all Slightly Moderately Quite a bit Coping Status 5.8 How well do you feel you are coping with your current stress load? Coping very well Coping fairly well Have trouble coping at times Often have trouble coping Feel unable to cope Please turn page over Page 10 of 16 Extremely E L Coping Status - continued P M 5.9 Do you have good support from your family and friends? Yes No 5.10 During the past year have you had any major life or work changes? Yes A S No Stress Signals 5.11 Select any item below that applies to you: (Select all that apply.) Minor problems throw me for a loop I find it dificult to get along with people Nothing seems to give me pleasure anymore I am unable to stop thinking about my problems I feel frustrated, impatient, or angry much of the time I feel tense or anxious much of the time 5.12 Stress reduction techniques (things like exercise, reading, journaling, drawing, mediation, etc) are useful in managing daily stress. How often do you incorporate stress reduction techniques into your week? (Fill in only one.) Daily Most days Few days Never Sleep 5.13 How often do you get seven to eight hours of sleep per night? (Fill in only one.) Always Most of the time Less than half the time Seldom or never Less than half the time Seldom or never Automotive 6.1 Do you wear a seatbelt in the car? Yes No 6.2 How often do you wear a seatbelt? Always Most of the time Home 6.3 Do you have a smoke detector in your home? Yes No Not sure 6.4 Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home? Yes No Not sure Please turn page over Page 11 of 16 Self E L P M 6.5 Do you regularly apply sunscreen of SPF 15 or greater? Yes No Sometimes A S 6.6 Within the last 12 months, have you been in a relationship in which threats, pushing, grabbing, hitting, kicking, breaking things or other harmful behavior was used? Yes Smoking Status No 7.1 Select the appropriate response: Have never smoked Quit smoking two or more years ago Quit smoking one or two years ago Quit smoking 6-12 months ago Currently smoke a pipe or cigar only Currently smoke less than 10 cigarettes daily Currently smoke 10 or more cigarettes daily Chewing Tobacco 7.2 Do you use chewing tobacco? Yes No Alcohol Number of Drinks 8.1 How many alcoholic drinks do you usually consume each week? (One drink = a 12 oz. beer or wine cooler, 5 oz. wine, or 1.5 oz. distilled liquor) 0 1 to 7 8 to 14 15 to 20 21 or more 8.2 Have you had 5 or more alcoholic drinks in a single sitting in the last 6 months? Yes No Please turn page over Page 12 of 16 Drinking and Driving E L P M 8.3 Do you sometimes drive when perhaps you've had too much to drink or do you ever ride with a person who has been drinking? Yes No A S Medications and Drugs 8.4 How often do you use drugs or medications (include prescription and non-prescription) that affect your mood, help you relax, or help you sleep? (This question is intended to assess those that are taking medications OTHER THAN daily use medications for the treatment of depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions.) Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never Indicate how ready you are to make changes or improvements in your health in the following ways: 9.1 Be physically active most days. Haven't thought about changing Plan a change in the next 6 months Plan to change this month Recently started doing this Do this regularly (last 6 months) 9.2 Eat mostly healthy foods. Haven't thought about changing Plan a change in the next 6 months Plan to change this month Recently started doing this Do this regularly (last 6 months) 9.3 Live smoke and tobacco free. Haven't thought about changing Plan a change in the next 6 months Plan to change this month Recently started doing this Do this regularly (last 6 months) Please turn page over Page 13 of 16 9.4 Achieve/maintain healthy weight. Plan a change in the next 6 months A S Plan to change this month Recently started doing this E L P M Haven't thought about changing Do this regularly (last 6 months) 9.5 Handle stress well. Haven't thought about changing Plan a change in the next 6 months Plan to change this month Recently started doing this Do this regularly (last 6 months) 9.6 Live an overall healthy lifestyle. Haven't thought about changing Plan a change in the next 6 months Plan to change this month Recently started doing this Do this regularly (last 6 months) Biometrics Providing your biometric data will help us to further assess your health. If you have recently completed an on-site health screening or have had your physician complete your health screening, please enter the results below. If you do not have current data available, please enter the most recent data you have or leave it blank. Current Weight: lbs. Blood Pressure: Systolic (mmHg) (Top number) Blood Glucose: (mg/dL) Total Cholesterol: (mg/dL) Please turn page over Page 14 of 16 Diastolic (mmHg) (Bottom number) E L P M HDL (good) Cholesterol: (mg/dL) A S LDL (bad) Cholesterol: Triglycerides: (mg/dL) (mg/dL) 2012 Health Assessment Supplemental Survey Please answer all applicable questions. Thank You! 11.1 Physical Activity - Compared to one year ago, how would you rate your physical health in general now? Much better Slightly better About the same Slightly worse Much worse 11.2 Physical Activity - In the past 12 months, did you talk with a doctor or other health provider about your level of exercise or physical activity? For example, a doctor or other health provider may ask if you exercise regularly or take part in physical exercise. Yes No I had no visits in the past 12 months 11.3 Mental Health -Compared to one year ago, how would you rate your emotional problems (such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable) in general now? Much better Slightly better About the same Slightly worse Much worse 11.4 Incontinence - Many people experience problems with urinary incontinence, the leakage of urine. In the past 6 months, have you accidentally leaked urine? Yes No Please turn page over Page 15 of 16 E L 11.5 Incontinence - If yes to above, have you talked to your current doctor or other health provider about your urine leakage problem? Yes P M No A S 11.6 Fall Prevention - In the past 12 months, have you had a problem with balance or walking? Yes No 11.7 Fall Prevention - In the past 12 months, has your doctor or other heath provider done anything to help prevent falls or treat problems with balance or walking? Some things they might do include: suggest that you use a cane or walker, check your blood pressure lying or standing, suggest that you do an exercise or physical therapy program or suggest a vision or hearing test. Yes No I had no visits in the past 12 months 11.8 Osteoporosis - Have you ever had a bone density test to check for osteoporosis, sometimes thought of as "brittle bones?" This test may have been done to your back, hip, waist, heel or finger. Yes No Thank You for participating! You'll receive your Health Assessment Report within 30 days. Page 16 of 16
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