EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 1 od 14 ODDELEK 1: Identifikacija snovi/zmesi in družbe/podjetja 1.1 Dentifikator izdelka Komercialno ime: REACH registrirna št.: Nafta 01-2119475133-43-XXXX št. št. št. št. št. 37 38 39 41 42 - Lahki bencin LSR (RB) Lahki bencin (BK) Nafta (RB) Virgin Nafta (RB) Virgin Nafta (BK) 1.2 Pomembne identificirane uporabe snovi ali zmesi in odsvetovane uporabe Splošna uporaba Snov za uporabo v petrokemiji Identificirane uporabe 1. Proizvodnja snovi 1a. Porazdelitev snovi 1b. Uporaba kot vmesni produkt 2. Priprava in (pre-)pakiranje snovi in zmesi 3a. Uporaba pri premazih 4a. Uporaba v čistilnih sredstvih 12a. Uporaba kot gorivo: Industrijsko 12b. Uporaba kot gorivo: Obrt 12c. Uporaba kot gorivo: Porabnik 13. Proizvodnja in predelava gume: Industrijsko 1.3 Podrobnosti o dobavitelju varnostnega lista Naziv firme: Eni Deutschland GmbH 23 Cesta/poštni predal: Sonnenstr. Država, poštna št., kraj: Telefon: Telefaks: D-80331 Muenchen +49 (0)89-59 07-0 +49 (0)89-59 63-03 območje za informiranje: Herr Hückinghaus, Telefon: +49 (0)89-59 07-344, Email: [email protected] 1.4 Telefonska številka za nujne primere Beratungsstelle für Vergiftungserscheinungen (GIZ) Telefon: +49 (0)228-19240 tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 2 od 14 ODDELEK 2: Določitev nevarnosti 2.1 Razvrstitev snovi ali zmesi Klasifikacija (CLP): STOT SE. 3; H336 Repr. 2; H361 Lahko povzroči zaspanost ali omotico. Verjetno lahko negativno vpliva na plodnost ali poškoduje otroka v materinem telesu. Aquatic Chronic 2; H411 Strupeno za vodne organizme, z dolgotrajnimi učinki. Asp. Tox. 1; H304 Pri zaužitju in vstopu v dihalne poti je lahko smrtno. Skin Irrit. 2; H315 Povzroča draženje kože. Flam. Liq. 2; H225 Lahko vnetljiva tekočina in hlapi. Carc. 1B; H350 Lahko povzroči raka. Muta. 1B; H340 Lahko povzroči genetske okvare. Klasifikacija glede na Direktivo 67/548/EGS: Carc. Cat. 2; R45 Lahko povzroči raka. Muta. Cat. 2; R46 Lahko povzroči dedne genetske okvare. F; R11 Lahko vnetljivo. Xn; R65 Zdravju škodljivo: pri zaužitju lahko povzroči poškodbo pljuč. Xi; R38 Draži kožo. R67 Hlapi lahko povzročijo zaspanost in omotico. N; R51-53 Strupeno za vodne organizme: lahko povzroči dolgotrajne škodljive učinke na vodno okolje. 2.2 Elementi etikete Oznaka (CLP) Opozorilna beseda Stavki o nevarnosti Nevarno H225 H304 H315 H336 H340 H350 H361 H411 Varnostna navodila P201 P210 P280 Lahko vnetljiva tekočina in hlapi. Pri zaužitju in vstopu v dihalne poti je lahko smrtno. Povzroča draženje kože. Lahko povzroči zaspanost ali omotico. Lahko povzroči genetske okvare. Lahko povzroči raka. Verjetno lahko negativno vpliva na plodnost ali poškoduje otroka v materinem telesu. Strupeno za vodne organizme, z dolgotrajnimi učinki. Pred uporabo pridobiti posebna navodila. Hraniti ločeno od vročine/isker/odprtega ognja/vročih površin. — Kajenje prepovedano. Nositi zaščitne rokavice/zaščitno obleko/zaščito za oči/zaščito za obraz. P301+P310 PRI ZAUŽITJU: takoj pokličite CENTER ZA ZASTRUPITVE ali zdravnika. P403+P233 Hraniti na dobro prezračevanem mestu. Hraniti v tesno zaprti posodi. P501 Odstraniti vsebino/posodo nevarnih ali posebnih odpadkov. tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Oznaka (67/548/EES ali 1999/45/ES) F T lahko vnetljivo R-stavki: R 45 R 46 R 11 R 38 R 51/53 R 65 R 67 S-stavki: S 53 S2 S 23 S 24 S 29 S 36/37 S 43 S 45 S 51 S 61 S 62 Verzija 6 / Stran: 3 od 14 N okolju nevarno Lahko povzroči raka. Lahko povzroči dedne genetske okvare. Lahko vnetljivo. Draži kožo. Strupeno za vodne organizme: lahko povzroči dolgotrajne škodljive učinke na vodno okolje. Zdravju škodljivo: pri zaužitju lahko povzroči poškodbo pljuč. Hlapi lahko povzročijo zaspanost in omotico. Izogibati se izpostavljanju - pred uporabo pridobiti posebna navodila. Hraniti izven dosega otrok. Ne vdihavati hlapov. Preprečiti stik s kožo. Ne izprazniti v kanalizacijo. Nositi primerno zaščitno obleko in zaščitne rokavice. Za gašenje uporabiti Pena, sredstvo za suho gašenje, vodni curek ali ogljikov dioksid. Ob nezgodi ali slabem počutju, takoj poiskati zdravniško pomoč. Uporabljati le v dobro prezračevanih prostorih. Ne izpuščati/odlagati v okolje. Upoštevati posebna navodila/varnostni list. Po zaužitju ne izzivati bruhanja: takoj poiskati zdravniško pomoč in pokazati embalažo ali etiketo. 2.3 Druge nevarnosti Hlapi so težji od zraka, širijo se po tleh. Tudi pri nizkih okoljskih temperaturah lahko nastajajo eksplozivne zmesi hlapov/zraka. ODDELEK 3: Sestava/podatki o sestavinah 3.1 Snovi Kemična karakterizacija (snov): Nafta z nizkim vreliščem tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 4 od 14 UVCB snov - Podatki o sestavinah: Sestavina EINECS 265-065-1 CAS 64741-63-5 REACH 01-2119474679-18-xxxx EINECS 265-042-6 CAS 64741-42-0 EINECS 265-151-9 CAS 64742-49-0 EINECS 265-046-8 CAS 64741-46-4 EINECS 265-041-0 CAS 64741-41-9 EINECS 270-690-8 CAS 68476-50-6 REACH 01-2119447106-44-xxxx EINECS 200-753-7 CAS 71-43-2 tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland Oznaka Nafta (zemeljsko olje), lahka katalitsko reformirana Nafta (zemeljsko olje), v velikem temperaturnem intervalu, direktna destilacija Nafta (zemeljsko olje), lahka, obdelana z vodikom Nafta (zemeljsko olje), lahka iz direktne destilacije Nafta (zemeljsko olje), tezka iz direktne destilacije Ogljikovodiki, C >=5, pretezno Vsebnost 0-100 % Benzen >= 0,1 % 0-100 % 0-100 % 0-100 % 0-100 % 0-100 % Klasifikacija EU: Carc. Cat. 2; R45. Muta. Cat. 2; R46. Xn; R65. CLP: Muta. 1B; H340. Carc. 1B; H350. Asp. Tox. 1; H304. EU: Carc. Cat. 2; R45. Muta. Cat. 2; R46. Xn; R65. CLP: Muta. 1B; H340. Carc. 1B; H350. Asp. Tox. 1; H304. EU: Carc. Cat. 2; R45. Muta. Cat. 2; R46. Xn; R65. CLP: Muta. 1B; H340. Carc. 1B; H350. Asp. Tox. 1; H304. EU: Carc. Cat. 2; R45. Muta. Cat. 2; R46. Xn; R65. CLP: Muta. 1B; H340. Carc. 1B; H350. Asp. Tox. 1; H304. EU: Carc. Cat. 2; R45. Muta. Cat. 2; R46. Xn; R65. CLP: Muta. 1B; H340. Carc. 1B; H350. Asp. Tox. 1; H304. EU: Carc. Cat. 2; R45. Muta. Cat. 2; R46. Xn; R65. CLP: Muta. 1B; H340. Carc. 1B; H350. Asp. Tox. 1; H304. EU: Carc. Cat. 1; R45. F; R11. Muta. Cat. 2; R46. Xn; R65. T; R48/23/24/25. Xi; R36/38. CLP: Asp. Tox. 1; H304. Carc. 1A; H350. Eye Irrit. 2; H319. Flam. Liq. 2; H225. Muta. 1B; H340. STOT RE 1; H372. Skin Irrit. 2; H315. ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Dodatna opozorila: Verzija 6 / Stran: 5 od 14 Verjetno lahko negativno vpliva na plodnost ali poškoduje otroka v materinem telesu. test CAS 64741-63-5 - Chemiebenzin: Zmes ogljikovodikov, C5-C11, območje vrenja 35°C do 190°C CAS 64741-42-0 - Full Range Naphtha: Zmes ogljikovodikov, C4-C11, območje vrenja-20°C do 220°C CAS 64742-49-0 - Light Distillate Feedstock: Zmes ogljikovodikov, C4-C11, območje vrenja-20°C do 190°C CAS 64741-46-4-5 - Light Virgin Naphtha: Zmes ogljikovodikov, C4-C10, območje vrenja-20°C do 180°C CAS 64741-41-9 - Mittelbenzin: Zmes ogljikovodikov, C6-C12, območje vrenja 65°C do 230°C CAS 68476-50-6 - Leichtbenzin: Zmes ogljikovodikov, >= C5 ODDELEK 4: Ukrepi za prvo pomoč 4.1 Opis ukrepov za prvo pomoč splošna navodila: Po vdihavanju: Po stiku s kožo: Po stiku z očmi: Po zaužitju: Oseba, ki nudi prvo pomoč: Paziti na samozaščito! vdihavanje večjih količin povzroča: Motnje v koordinaciji, opitost, glavobol, draženje na bruhanje. Pri dolgotrajnejši izpostavljenosti: vrtoglavica, nezavest in zastoj dihanja možno. Prizadete odvesti na sveži zrak. V primeru težav z dihanjem dati kisik. Pri nepravilnem dihanju ali prenehanju dihanja dati umetno dihanje. Takoj poiskati zdravniško pomoč. V primeru nevarnosti, da oseba izgubi zavest, jo poležemo in transportiramo v stabilnem bočnem položaju. Takoj sleči vso onesnaženo obleko. Ob stiku s kožo takoj sprati z veliko vode in mila. V primeru dražanja kože obiskati zdravnika. Z odprtimi vekami takoj spirati 10 do 5 minut s tekočo vodo. Zatem se posvetovati z očesnim zdravnikom. Ne povzročati bruhanja. Če je oseba pogoltnila proizvod oz. če bljuva, je nevarnost za vdor v pljuča. V primeru bruhanja in nezavesti stavilan stranska lega. Dihalne poti pustiti proste. Takoj poiskati zdravniško pomoč. 4.2 Najpomembnejši simptomi in učinki, akutni in zapozneli Po vdihavanju: Glavobol, vinjenost, slabost, omotičnost, vrtoglavica, težko dihanje. V primeru prisotnosti večjih koncentracij: Motnje CNS, nezavest, narkoza, zastoj dihanja. Po použitju: Motnje prebavnega trakta, driska. tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 6 od 14 4.3 Navedba kakršne koli takojšnje medicinske oskrbe in posebnega zdravljenja Lahko se pokažejo naslednji simptomi: Glavobol, vinjenost, slabost, draženje na bruhanje, omotičnost, vrtoglavica, težko dihanje, nezavest, zastoj dihanja. V primeru zaužitja in zatem bruhanja lahko pride do aspiracije v pljuča, kar povzroči kemijsko pneumonijo ali zadušitev. Zdravljenje: Po potrebi dajanje kisika. V primeru nadraženja pljuč prvo zdravljenje s spray-em Dexametazon. ODDELEK 5: Protipožarni ukrepi 5.1 Sredstva za gašenje primerna sredstva za gašenje: Pena, sredstvo za suho gašenje (ABC-prah), vodni curek, ogljikov dioksid. iz varnostnih razlogov neprimerna sredstva za gašenje: Močni vodni curek 5.2 Posebne nevarnosti v zvezi s snovjo ali zmesjo Lahko vnetljivo. Možnost nastajanja eksplozivnih zmesi hlapov in zraka. Paziti na povratni vžig. V primeru požara lahko nastane: Dušikovi oksidi (NOx), žveplovi oksidi, ogljikov monoksid in ogljikov dioksid. 5.3 Nasvet za gasilce posebna zaščitna oprema pri gašenju požara: Dodatna navodila: Uporabiti zaščitni dihalni aparat, ki ni odvisen od zraka v okolju, in nositi zaščitno oblačilo za kemikalije. Ogrožene rezervoarje ohladiti z razprševanjem vode. Ne vdihavati plinov, ki nastanejo ob požaru in/ali eksploziji. Kontaminirano sredstvo za gašenje zbirati ločeno. Preprečiti prodiranje vode za gašenje v vodotoke ali podtalnico. ODDELEK 6: Ukrepi ob nenamernih izpustih 6.1 Osebni varnostni ukrepi, zašcitna oprema in postopki v sili Preprečiti stik s substanco. Nositi primerno zaščitno obleko. Ljudi spraviti na varno. Onemogočiti dostop nezaščitenim osebam. Skrbeti za zadostno prezračevanje. Ne vdihavati hlapov. 6.2 Okoljevarstveni ukrepi Preprečiti širjenje po površini (npr.z zajezitvijo ali oljnimi barierami). Preprečiti prodiranje v zemljo, vodotoke ali kanalizacijo. Nevarnost eksplozije! V primeru izločanja obvestiti pristojne organe. 6.3 Metode in materiali za zadrževanje in čiščenje Odstraniti z vodne gladine (npr. posneti, izsesati). Pobrati z negorljivim sredstvom ki veže tekočine (npr. pesek/zemlja/kremenova prst/Vermiculit) in skladno s predpisi odstraniti. Ne odplakovati z vodo ali vodenimi čistilnimi sredstvi. tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Dodatna navodila: Verzija 6 / Stran: 7 od 14 Odstraniti vse vžigalne pobude. Paziti na povratni vžig. Uporabljati orodje, ki ne iskri. Posebna nevarnost za spolzkost zaradi izteklega/ politega proizvoda. 6.4 Sklicevanje na druge oddelke ni potrebno ODDELEK 7: Ravnanje in skladiščenje 7.1 Varnostni ukrepi za varno ravnanje Navodila za varno uporabo Skrbeti za dobro odzračevanje in prezračevanje skladišča in delovnega mesta. Pri rokovanju je potrebno preprečiti brizganje in razlitje. preprečite nastajanje aerosola in megle. Ne vdihavati hlapov. Med uporabo ne jesti, ne piti in ne kaditi. Uporabiti samo za čiščenje. Navodila za zaščito pred požarom in eksplozijo: Hraniti ločeno od virov vžiga - ne kaditi. Preprečiti statično naelektrenje. Predvideti ozemljitev posod, apartur, črpalk in naprav za izsesavanje. Uporabljati samo orodje, ki je antistatično (ki ne iskri). Uporabljeti je potrebno antistatično oblačilo. 7.2 Pogoji za varno skladiščenje, vključno z nezdružljivostjo zahteve glede skladiščnih prostorov in posod: Hraniti v tesno zaprti posodi ne dobro prezračevanem mestu. Preprečiti stik z viri vžiga in toplote. Primerni material: jeklo, avtorizirana rezervna ročka Dostop do skladišča je dovoljen samo strokovnemu osebju. Opozorila glede skupnega skladiščenju Razred skladišča VCI: Ne shranjevati skupaj z snovmi, ki pospešujejo gorenje, samovnetljivimi snovmi kot tudi lahko vnetljivimi trdnimi snovmi. 3 = Vnetljive tekoče snovi 7.3 Posebne končne uporabe Snov za uporabo v petrokemiji ODDELEK 8: Nadzor izpostavljenosti/osebna zaščita 8.1 Parametri nadzora Št.CAS 71-43-2 Dodatna navodila: Oznaka Benzen Vrsta Evropa, BOELV: TWA Mejna vrednost Koža 3,25 mg/m3; 1 ppm mejna vrednost Otto goriva (Analogni zaključek): 250 mg/m3 (Mejna vrednost za Otto goriva po DIN EN 228 je mejna vrednost vsot vseh ogljikovodikov vključno z benzolom in vsemi komponentami, ki vsebujejo kisik.) tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 8 od 14 DNEL Kratkotrajno, delavci, inhalacijski: 1300 mg/m3 / 15 (4320 mg/m3/h) DNEL Kratkotrajno, delavci, inhalacijski: 1110 mg/m3 / 15 (2400 mg/m3/h) DNEL Dolgotrajno, delavci, inhalacijski: 840 mg/m3 / 8h (10000 mg/m3/6 h) DNEL Kratkotrajno, uporabniki, inhalacijski: 1200 mg/m3 / 15 (4320 mg/m3/h) DNEL Kratkotrajno, uporabniki, inhalacijski: 640 mg/m3 / 15 (2400 mg/m3/h) DNEL Dolgotrajno, uporabniki, inhalacijski: 180 mg/m3 / 8h (10000 mg/m3/6 h) DNEL 8.2 Nadzor izpostavljenosti Skrbeti za dobro prezračevanje prostora ter za odsesavanja/odzračevanje. V delovnem okolju naj bosta lahko dostopna tuš in priprava za spiranje oči. Z materialom se naj rokuje samo v zaprtih napravah ali sistemih. Nadzor izpostavljenosti na delovnem mestu zaščita dihal: V primeru prisotnosti večjih koncentracij: Dihalni aparat z/s filter A (označevalna barva rjavo) v skladu z/s EN 141. (Hlapi do 0,1 Vol.-%: A1, do 0,5 Vol.-% A2, do 1 Vol.-% A3.) Pri nejasnih razmerah in vsebnosti kisika pod 17% uporabiti zaščitno dihalno napravo, ki ni odvisna od okoljskega zraka. Kontrola zraka za dihanje: Testna cevka Auer Benzin A, BNZ, Gasolin 30, QL. zaščita rok: Nepropustne zaščitne rokavice v skladu z/s EN 374. Material za rokavice: Nitrilni kavčuk. neustrezni material: Usnje, tkanina. Rok trajanja (maksimalni čas nošenja): > 480 min. Upoštevati podatke proizvajalca zaščitnih rokavic glede prepustnosti in trajnosti. Zaščita oči: Zaščitna očala, ki dobro tesnijo v skladu z/s EN 166. Pri povečani ogroženosti dodatno Ščitnik za obraz zaščita telesa: Antistatična zaščitna obleka/škornji. zaščitni in higienski ukrepi: Na delovnem mestu je prepovedano jesti, piti, kaditi, njuhati. Takoj sleči vso onesnaženo obleko. Čistilne krpe, prepojene s proizvodom, ne nositi v žepu. po opravljenem delu sta potrebna temeljito čiščenje in nega kože. ODDELEK 9: Fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti 9.1 Podatki o osnovnih fizikalnih in kemijskih lastnostih Oblika/ stanje: Barva Vonj: Vrelišče/ območje vrenja: Tališče/ talilno območje: Plamtišče: Temperatura vžiga Samovnetljivost: Meje eksplozivnosti: Parni tlak: tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland tekoč brezbarven do rumen značilen(a)(o) 51 - 186 °C (DIN EN ISO3405) <= -60 °C (Eaton 1990) <0 do <55 Stopinj C (EN ISO 13736) ca. 200 °C 280 - 470 °C (Eaton 1990) SME (Spodnja meja eksplozivnosti): 0,60 Vol% ZEM (zgornja eksplozivna meja): 9,50 Vol% pri 38 °C: CONCAWE (2010) 40-2400 hPa (EN 13016-1) ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Razdelitveni koeficient n-oktanol/voda: pri 15 °C: 0,7434 g/mL (ISO 3675/EN ISO 12185) pri 20 °C: majhno >= 3 log P(o/w) Viskoznost, kinematski: pri 20 °C: ca. 0,68 mm2/s Gostota: Vodotopnost: Verzija 6 / Stran: 9 od 14 9.2 Druge informacije Vsebnost žveplo (DIN 51400 T.6): max. 1500 mg/kg ODDELEK 10: Obstojnost in reaktivnost 10.1 Reaktivnost Lahko vnetljiva tekočina in hlapi. 10.2 Kemijska stabilnost Proizvod je ob normalnih pogojih skladiščenja stabilen. 10.3 Možnost poteka nevarnih reakcij Ni razpoložljivih podatkov 10.4 Pogoji, ki se jim je treba izogniti Lahko vnetljivo. Preprečiti odprto svetlobo, ogenj in druge vire vžiga. Pri močnem segretju: Nevarnost požara/Nevarnost za samovžig. Možnost nastajanja eksplozivnih zmesi hlapov in zraka. Hlapi so težji od zraka, širijo se po tleh. 10.5 Nezdružljivi materiali oksidacijsko sredstvo 10.6 Nevarni razpadli proizvodi V primeru požara lahko nastane: Dušikovi oksidi (NOx), žveplovi oksidi, ogljikov monoksid in ogljikov dioksid. ODDELEK 11: Toksikološki podatki 11.1 Podatki o toksikoloških učinkih Akutna toksičnost: LD50 Podgana, oralni: > 5000 mg/[m3] (OECD TG 401) LC50 Podgana, inhalacijski: > 5,61 mg/L (OECD TG 403) LD50 Zajec, kožni: > 2000 mg/kg (OECD TG 402) NOAEL Podgana, kožni: 3750 mg/kg/28d (OECD TG 410) NOAEL Podgana, inhalacijski: 9840 mg/m3 (OECD TG 412) Po vdihavanju: Hlapi lahko povzročijo zaspanost in omotico. Po zaužitju: Zdravju škodljivo: pri zaužitju lahko povzroči poškodbo pljuč. Po stiku s kožo: Dražeč. Nevarnost hudih okvar zdravja pri dolgotrajnejši izpostavljenosti. Na kožo deluje razmaščujoče. Po stiku z očmi: Dolgotrajnejša in/ali ponavljajoča se izpostavljenost lahko povzroči nadraženost oči. tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 10 od 14 kancerogeni učinki, mutageni učinki kot tudi učinki, ki ogrožajo razmnoževanje Repr. 2 - Verjetno lahko negativno vpliva na plodnost ali poškoduje otroka v materinem telesu. Carc. 1B - Lahko povzroči raka. Muta. 1B - Lahko povzroči genetske okvare. Simptomi Po vdihavanju: Glavobol, vinjenost, slabost, omotičnost, vrtoglavica, težko dihanje. V primeru prisotnosti večjih koncentracij: Motnje CNS, nezavest, narkoza, zastoj dihanja. Po použitju: Motnje prebavnega trakta, driska. splošne opombe Oralno zaužitje oz. inhaliranje povzroči pri podganah nefrotoksične spremembe. Strupen učinek na organe, ki proizvajajo kri. Proizvod vsebuje benzol, ki povzroča levkemijo. Mutagenost: ni mutageno pri bakterijah, in-vitro (OECD TG 471 ) Genske mutacije celic sesalcev, in-vitro (OECD TG 476): negativen Test mikro jeder in-vivo, Podgana (OECD TG 474): negativen Kromosomske aberacije, in-vivo, Podgana (OECD 475): negativen Karcinogenost: Kronična (dolgotrajna), kožni aplikacija Miš, NOEL: 0,5 ml (blended gasoline): no significantly changes compared to negative and historical controls Kronična inhalacijska toksičnost, Podgana, NOEL: 292 ppm. Pri poizkusih na živalih so pri glodalcih pri visoki kronični inhalativni izpostavljenosti opazili porast števila tumorjev na jetrih. Pomen teh rezultativ za človeka ni pojasnjen. Strupenost za razmnoževanje: NOAEL >24700 mg/m3 (OECD TG 421). Ne vpliva na razmnoževalno sposobnost pri poskusih z živalmi. : : pri Koncentracija > 20000 mg/m3. tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 11 od 14 ODDELEK 12: Ekološki podatki 12.1 Strupenost toksičnost vode: Strupeno za vodne organizme: lahko povzroči dolgotrajne škodljive učinke na vodno okolje. Akutni učinki: Toksičnost za alge: sladkovodne vrste: 72h EL50 pseudokirchnerialla subcapitata (zelene alge): 3,1 mg/L (OEDC 201, based on: ) (Izvor: CONCAWE 1995o) sladkovodne vrste: 72h NOELR pseudokirchnerialla subcapitata (zelene alge): 0,5 mg/L (OEDC 201, based on: ) (Izvor: CONCAWE 1996a) Toksičnost za ribe: sladkovodne vrste: 96h LC50 (Postrv (Oncorhynchus mykiss)): 10 mg/L (OEDC 203) (Izvor: CONCAWE 1995a, 1996a,b) sladkovodne vrste: 96h LC50 (črnoglavi pisanec): 8,2 mg/L (EPA 66013-75-009) (Izvor: PPSC 1995a) Strupenost za nevretenčarje: sladkovodne vrste: 48h ES50 (daphnia magna (velika vodna bolha)): 4,5 mg/L (OEDC 202, based on: Mobilnost) (Izvor: CONCAWE 1995h, 1996j,k) Bakteriološka toksičnost:: sladkovodne vrste Tetrahymena pyriformis: 72h LL50 15,41 mg/L (Metoda: QSAR PETROTOX) (Izvor: Redman et al. 2010b) Dolgoročni učinki: sladkovodne vrste: Daphnia magna (velika vodna bolha): 21d NOEL: 2,6 mg/L (OEDC 211, based on: reprodukcija) (Izvor: Springborn Laboratories Inc. 1999d) Razred ogroženosti vode: 3 = Močno ogroža vodo 12.2. Obstojnost in razgradljivost Druga navodila: Inherentno biološko razgradljivo (Solano-Serena, F. et al (1999)). (Neely, W.B., Blau, G.E. (1985)) 12.3 Zmožnost kopičenja v organizmih Razdelitveni koeficient n-oktanol/voda: >= 3 log P(o/w) 12.4 Mobilnost v tleh Razdelitev v okolju po model za preračune (PETRORISK): zrak: 93,02 % voda: 5,83 % tla: 0,34 % usedlina: 0,81 % (Izvor: Redman et al., 2010a) 12.5 Rezultati ocene PBT in vPvB ta snov ne izpolnjuje PBT-/vPvB-kriterijev odredbe REACH, aneks XIII. 12.6 Drugi neugodni učinki splošna navodila: Ne dopustiti, da pride v podtalnico, vodotoke ali kanalizacijo. tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 12 od 14 ODDELEK 13: Odstranjevanje 13.1 Metode ravnanja z odpadki Proizvod Identifikacijska številka odpadka priporočilo: 13 07 02* = Odpadki pri tekočih gorivih: Bencin * = odstranjevanje odpadnih snovi mora biti dokazljivo. Predaja pooblaščenemu podjetju za odstranjevanje odpadnih snovi. Možne alternative: Zažigati samo z uradnim dovoljenjem. nadaljnji podatki Prevoz s cisterno (cestni promet). Previdno in po možnosti popolnoma izprazniti. Previdnost pri izpraznjenih posodah. V primeru vžiga je možna eksplozija. Preprečiti je treba vnašanje v okolje. ODDELEK 14: Podatki o prevozu 14.1 Številka ZN ADR/RID, IMDG, IATA: 1268 14.2 Pravilno odpremno ime ZN ADR/RID: IMDG, IATA: NAFTNI DESTILATI, N.O.S. PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.S. 14.3 Razredi nevarnosti prevoza ADR/RID: IMDG: IATA: razred 3, Koda: F1 Class 3, Code Class 3 14.4 Skupina embalaže ADR/RID, IMDG, IATA: I 14.5 Nevarnosti za okolje Marine Pollutant Yes 14.6 Posebni previdnostni ukrepi za uporabnika Transport po kopnem (ADR/RID) Opozorilna tabla: ADR/RID: Številka nevarnosti 33, Številka ZN 1268 Nalepka z oznako nevarnosti 3 Omejene količine 500 mL EQ E3 Embalaža: Navodila P001 Posebni predpisi za pakiranje MP7 MP17 Prenosni rezervoarji: Navodila T11 Prenosni rezervoarji: Posebni predpisi TP1 TP8 Kodiranje rezervoarja L4BN Koda za omejitve predorov: D/E tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 13 od 14 ladijski transport (IMDG) EmS: Posebni predpisi Omejene količine EQ Embalaža: Navodila Embalaža: Predpisi IBC: Navodila IBC: Predpisi Navodila za rezervoar: IMO Navodila za rezervoar: UN Navodila za rezervoar Predpisi Stowage and segregation Properties and observations F-E, S-E 500 mL E3 P001 T11 TP1, TP8 Category E. Immiscible with water. Zračni transport (IATA) Flamm. liquid E3 Forbidden Pack.Instr. 351 - Max.Qty. 1 L Pack.Instr. 361 - Max.Qty. 30 L A3 3H Hazard EQ Passenger Ltd.Qty.: Passenger: Cargo: Special Provisioning ERG 14.7 Prevoz v razsutem stanju v skladu s Prilogo II k MARPOL 73/78 in Kodeksom IBC Ni razpoložljivih podatkov ODDELEK 15: Zakonsko predpisani podatki 15.1 Predpisi/zakonodaja o zdravju, varnosti in okolju, specifični za snov ali zmes Nacionalni predpisi - Nemčija Razred skladišča VCI: 3 = Vnetljive tekoče snovi Razred ogroženosti vode: 3 = Močno ogroža vodo odredba v primeru motnje: priloga I, Seznam snovi Nr. 8 Navodila za omejitev dela: Pri delu upoštevati omejitve za mladostnike. Pri delu upoštevati omejitve za nosečnice in doječe matere. drugi predpisi, omejitve in odredbe: Uporabiti samo za čiščenje. Nacionalni predpisi - Švica Vsebnost hlapljivih organskih spojin (VOC): 743 g/L Nacionalni predpisi - Velika Britanija koda DG-EA (Hazchem): 3YE tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT EU-VARNOSTNA LISTINA v skladu z/s Udredba (ES) št. 1907/2006 in Uredba (EU) št. 453/2010 (REACH) Tiskano: Obdelano: Nastavljeno: 31.08.2011 24.08.2011 11.03.2008 Nafta Številka materiala N001 Verzija 6 / Stran: 14 od 14 Nacionalni predpisi - Države članice ES Vsebnost hlapljivih organskih spojin (VOC): 100 % teže Nacionalni predpisi - ZDA Sistemi za ocenjevanje nevarnosti 4 3 0 NFPA Hazard Rating: Health: 3 (Serious) Fire: 4 (Severe) Reactivity: 0 (Minimal) HMIS Version III Rating: Health: 3 (Serious) - Chronic effects Flammability: 4 (Severe) Physical Hazard: 0 (Minimal) Personal Protection: X = Consult your supervisor HEALTH * FLAMMABILITY PHYSICAL HAZARD 3 4 0 X 15.2 Ocena kemijske varnosti Izveden je bil test glede varnosti za to snov. ODDELEK 16: Drugi podatki nadaljnje informacije vzrok za zadnje spremembe: Literatura: Sprememba v odlomku 1: Številka za klic v sili CONCAWE (Madouplein 1, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium): - CSR Low Boiling Point Naphthas (Gasoline) 06/2010 - Dossier 'Liquified Petroleum Gas', 92/102 - Report 01/54 (Environmental Classification of Petroleum Substances Summary data and Rationale) - Report 01/53 (Classification and of Labelling of Petroleum Substances Directive) - CONCAWE Dossier 'Liquified Petroleum Gas', 92/102 (Madouplein 1, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium) - CONCAWE Report 01/54 (Environmental Classification of Petroleum Substances - Summary data and Rationale) - CONCAWE Report 01/53 (Classification and of Labelling of Petroleum Substances Directive) Področje, na katerem je bil izdan sesznam podatkov Kontaktna oseba: glej poglavje 1, področje za informacije. Podatki na tem listu so zbrani po najboljšem znanju in ustrezajo stanju podatkov na dan obdelave. Vendar se pravno ne zavezujejo, da bodo upoštevali določene lastnosti. tiskano s strani Eni Deutschland ... s Qualisys SUMDAT Anhang Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title Title: Manufacture of substance Use Descriptor Sector(s) of Use Process Categories SU3, SU8, SU9 PROC1, PROC15, PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b ERC1, ERC4 ESVOC 1.1.v1 Environmental Release Categories Specific Environmental Release Category Processes, tasks, activities covered Manufacture of the substance or use as an intermediate, process chemical or extracting agent. Includes recycling/ recovery, material transfers, storage, maintenance and loading (ncluding marine vessel/barge, road/rail car and bulk container). Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure Product Characteristic Liquid Duration, frequency and amount Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated differently)[G2] Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %[G13 ] Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1] Contributing Scenarios/Specific Risk Management Measures and Operating Conditions (only required controls to demonstrate safe use listed) General measures (skin irritants) PROC1 Avoid direct skin contact with product. Identify potential areas for indirect skin contact. Wear gloves (tested to EN374) if hand contact with substance likely. Clean up contamination/spills as soon as they occur. wash off any skin contamination immediately. provide basic employee training to prevent / minimise exposures and to report any skin problems that may develop. General measures (carcinogens) PROC1 Consider technical advances and process upgrades (including automation) for the elimination of releases. minimise exposure using measures such as closed systems, dedicated facilities and suitable general/local exhaust ventilation. Drain down systems and clear transfer lines prior to breaking containment. Clean/flush equipment, where possible, prior to maintenance Where there is potential for exposure: restrict access to authorised persons; provide specific activity training to operators to minimise exposures; wear suitable gloves and coveralls to prevent skin contamination; wear respiratory protection when its use is identified for certain contributing scenario; clear up spills immediately and dispose of wastes safely. Ensure safe systems of work or equivalent arrangements are in place to manage risks. Regularly inspect, test and maintain all control measures. Consider the need for risk based health surveillance. General exposures (closed systems) PROC1 Handle substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) PROC2 Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374. Sample via a closed loop or other system to avoid exposure. Handle substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) PROC3 Seite 1 von 21 Ensure operation is undertaken outdoors. Handle substance within a closed system. Laboratory activities PROC15 Handle in a fume cupboard or under extract ventilation. Bulk transfers (closed systems) PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Equipment cleaning and maintenance PROC8a Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in combination with 'basic' employee training. Retain drain downs in sealed storage pending disposal or for subsequent recycle. Clear spills immediately. Storage PROC2 Ensure operation is undertaken outdoors. Store substance within a closed system. Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure Product characteristics Predominantly hydrophobic. Substance is complex UVCB. Duration, frequency and amount Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year): 600000 tons/yr Continuous release. Emission Days (days/year): 300 days/yr Fraction of EU tonnage used in region: 0.1 Fraction of Regional tonnage used Locally: 0.03 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/d): 2000000 kg / day Regional use tonnage (tonnes/year): 18700000 tons/yr Environmental factors not influenced by risk management Local freshwater dilution factor [EF1] 10 Local marine water dilution factor: [EF2] 100 Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure Release fraction to air from process: 0.05 Release fraction to soil from process (regional only): 0.0001 Release fraction to wastewater from process: 0.003 Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release Common practices vary across sites thus conservative process release estimates used. Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, provide the required onsite wastewater removal efficiency of =: 80.4 % Risk from environmental exposure is driven by humans via indirect exposure (primarily inhalation). Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal (or abatement?) efficiency of: 99 % Treat onsite wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal (or abatement) efficiency of =: 95.2 % Organisation measures to prevent/limit release from site Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Prevent discharge of undissolved substance to or recover from wastewater. Sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed. Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant effluent flow is:[STP5] 10000 m3/day Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment is: 95.5 % The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on domestic sewage plant effluent release is: 2000000 kg / day Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs is: 99.1 % Seite 2 von 21 Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal During manufacturing no waste of the substance is generated [ETW4] Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste During manufacturing no waste of the substance is generated [ERW2] Seite 3 von 21 Section 3 Exposure Estimation 3.1. Health The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless otherwise indicated [G21] 3.2. Environment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposrue with the Petrorisk model.[EE2] Section 4 Guidance to check compliance with the Exposure Scenario 4.1. Health Where other Risk Management Measures/Operational Conditions are adopted, then users should ensure that risks are managed to at least equivalent levels.[G23] 4.2. Environment Required removal efficiency for wastewater can be achieved using onsite/offsite technologies, either alone or in combination. Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title Title: Distribution of substance Use Descriptor Sector(s) of Use Process Categories SU3, SU8, SU9 PROC1, PROC15, PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b ERC1, ERC2 ESVOC 1.1b.v1 Environmental Release Categories Specific Environmental Release Category Processes, tasks, activities covered Loading (including marine vessel/barge, rail/road car and IBC loading) and repacking (including drums and small packs) of substance, including its sampling, storage, unloading, distribution and associated laboratory activities. Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure Product Characteristic Liquid Duration, frequency and amount Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated differently)[G2] Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %[G13 ] Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1] Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient tem perature[G15] Contributing Scenarios/Specific Risk Management Measures and Operating Conditions (only required controls to demonstrate safe use listed) General measures (skin irritants) PROC1 Avoid direct skin contact with product. Identify potential areas for indirect skin contact. Wear gloves (tested to EN374) if hand contact with substance likely. Clean up contamination/spills as soon as they occur. wash off any skin contamination immediately. provide basic employee training to prevent / minimise exposures and to report any skin problems that may develop. General measures (carcinogens) PROC1 Consider technical advances and process upgrades (including automation) for the elimination of releases. minimise exposure using measures such as closed systems, dedicated facilities and suitable general/local exhaust ventilation. Drain down systems and clear transfer lines prior to breaking containment. Clean/flush equipment, where possible, prior to maintenance Where there is potential for exposure: restrict access to authorised persons; provide specific activity training to operators to minimise exposures; wear suitable gloves and coveralls to prevent skin contamination; wear respiratory protection when its use is identified for certain contributing scenario; clear up spills immediately and dispose of wastes safely. Ensure safe systems Seite 4 von 21 of work or equivalent arrangements are in place to manage risks. Regularly inspect, test and maintain all control measures. Consider the need for risk based health surveillance. General exposures (closed systems) PROC1 Handle substance within a closed system. Process sampling PROC3 Sample via a closed loop or other system to avoid exposure. Laboratory activities PROC15 Handle in a fume cupboard or under extract ventilation. Bulk transfers (closed systems) PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Bulk transfers (open systems) PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Equipment cleaning and maintenance PROC8a Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in combination with 'basic' employee training. Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. Retain drain downs in sealed storage pending disposal or for subsequent recycle. Clear spills immediately. Storage PROC2 Ensure operation is undertaken outdoors. Store substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) with sample collection PROC2 Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374. Handle substance within a closed system. Sample via a closed loop or other system to avoid exposure. General exposures (closed systems) Outdoor. PROC3 Handle substance within a closed system. Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure Product characteristics Predominantly hydrophobic. Substance is complex UVCB. Duration, frequency and amount Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year): 37500 tons/yr Continuous release. Emission Days (days/year): 300 days/yr Fraction of EU tonnage used in region: 0.1 Fraction of Regional tonnage used Locally: 0.002 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/d): 120000 kg / day Regional use tonnage (tonnes/year): 18700000 tons/yr Environmental factors not influenced by risk management Local freshwater dilution factor [EF1] 10 Local marine water dilution factor: [EF2] 100 Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure Release fraction to air from process: 0.001 Release fraction to soil from process (regional only): 1e-005 Release fraction to wastewater from process: 1e-005 Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release Common practices vary across sites thus conservative process release estimates used. Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment required. If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, provide the required onsite wastewater removal efficiency of =: >= 0 % Risk from environmental exposure is driven by humans via indirect exposure (primarily inhalation). Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal (or abatement?) efficiency of: 90 % Treat onsite wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal (or abatement) Seite 5 von 21 efficiency of =: >= 12 % Organisation measures to prevent/limit release from site Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed. Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant effluent flow is:[STP5] 2000 m3/day Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment is: 95.5 % The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on domestic sewage plant effluent release is: 1100000 kg / day Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs is: 95.5 % Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal External treatment and disposal of waste should comply with applicable local and/or national regulations [ETW3] Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste External recovery an recycling of waste should comply with applicable local and/or national regulations [ERW1] Section 3 Exposure Estimation 3.1. Health The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless otherwise indicated [G21] 3.2. Environment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposrue with the Petrorisk model.[EE2] Section 4 Guidance to check compliance with the Exposure Scenario 4.1. Health Where other Risk Management Measures/Operational Conditions are adopted, then users should ensure that risks are managed to at least equivalent levels.[G23] 4.2. Environment Required removal efficiency for wastewater can be achieved using onsite/offsite technologies, either alone or in combination. Seite 6 von 21 Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title Title: Formulation and (re)packing of substances and mixtures Use Descriptor Sector(s) of Use Process Categories SU10 PROC1, PROC15, PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b ERC2 ESVOC 2.2.v1 Environmental Release Categories Specific Environmental Release Category Processes, tasks, activities covered Formulation, packing and re-packing of the substance and its mixtures in batch or continuous operations, including storage, materials transfers, mixing, tabletting, compression, pelletisation, extrusion, large and small scale packing, sampling, maintenanance and associated laboratory activities. Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure Product Characteristic Liquid Duration, frequency and amount Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated differently)[G2] Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %[G13 ] Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1] Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient tem perature[G15] Contributing Scenarios/Specific Risk Management Measures and Operating Conditions (only required controls to demonstrate safe use listed) General measures (skin irritants) PROC1 Avoid direct skin contact with product. Identify potential areas for indirect skin contact. Wear gloves (tested to EN374) if hand contact with substance likely. Clean up contamination/spills as soon as they occur. wash off any skin contamination immediately. provide basic employee training to prevent / minimise exposures and to report any skin problems that may develop. General measures (carcinogens) PROC1 Consider technical advances and process upgrades (including automation) for the elimination of releases. minimise exposure using measures such as closed systems, dedicated facilities and suitable general/local exhaust ventilation. Drain down systems and clear transfer lines prior to breaking containment. Clean/flush equipment, where possible, prior to maintenance Where there is potential for exposure: restrict access to authorised persons; provide specific activity training to operators to minimise exposures; wear suitable gloves and coveralls to prevent skin contamination; wear respiratory protection when its use is identified for certain contributing scenario; clear up spills immediately and dispose of wastes safely. Ensure safe systems of work or equivalent arrangements are in place to manage risks. Regularly inspect, test and maintain all control measures. Consider the need for risk based health surveillance. General exposures (closed systems) PROC1 Handle substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) PROC2 Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374. Handle substance within a closed system. Sample via a closed loop or other system to avoid exposure. General exposures (closed systems) PROC3 Handle substance within a closed system. Process sampling PROC3 Sample via a closed loop or other system to avoid exposure. Laboratory activities PROC15 Handle in a fume cupboard or under extract ventilation. Bulk transfers PROC8b Seite 7 von 21 Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Drum/batch transfers PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Equipment cleaning and maintenance PROC8a Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in combination with 'basic' employee training. Retain drain downs in sealed storage pending disposal or for subsequent recycle. Clear spills immediately. Storage PROC2 Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374. Store substance within a closed system. Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure Product characteristics Predominantly hydrophobic. Substance is complex UVCB. Duration, frequency and amount Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year): 30000 tons/yr Continuous release. Emission Days (days/year): 300 days/yr Fraction of EU tonnage used in region: 0.1 Fraction of Regional tonnage used Locally: 0.0018 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/d): 100000 kg / day Regional use tonnage (tonnes/year): 16500000 tons/yr Environmental factors not influenced by risk management Local freshwater dilution factor [EF1] 10 Local marine water dilution factor: [EF2] 100 Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure Release fraction to air from process: 0.025 Release fraction to soil from process (regional only): 0.0001 Release fraction to wastewater from process: 0.002 Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release Common practices vary across sites thus conservative process release estimates used. Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment required. If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, provide the required onsite wastewater removal efficiency of =: 0 % Risk from environmental exposure is driven by humans via indirect exposure (primarily inhalation). Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal (or abatement?) efficiency of: 56.5 % Treat onsite wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal (or abatement) efficiency of =: 94.7 % Organisation measures to prevent/limit release from site Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Prevent discharge of undissolved substance to or recover from wastewater. Sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed. Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant effluent flow is:[STP5] 2000 m3/day Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment is: 95.5 % The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on domestic sewage plant effluent release is: 100000 kg / day Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs is: 95.5 % Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal External treatment and disposal of waste should comply with applicable local and/or national regulations Seite 8 von 21 [ETW3] Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste External recovery an recycling of waste should comply with applicable local and/or national regulations [ERW1] Section 3 Exposure Estimation 3.1. Health The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless otherwise indicated [G21] 3.2. Environment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposrue with the Petrorisk model.[EE2] Section 4 Guidance to check compliance with the Exposure Scenario 4.1. Health Where other Risk Management Measures/Operational Conditions are adopted, then users should ensure that risks are managed to at least equivalent levels.[G23] 4.2. Environment Required removal efficiency for wastewater can be achieved using onsite/offsite technologies, either alone or in combination. Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title Title: Use in Coatings - Industrial Use Descriptor Sector(s) of Use Process Categories SU3 PROC1, PROC15, PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b ERC4 ESVOC 4.3a.v1 Environmental Release Categories Specific Environmental Release Category Processes, tasks, activities covered Covers the use in coatings (paints, inks, adhesives, etc) including exposures during use (including materials receipt, storage, preparation and transfer from bulk and semi-bulk, application by spray, roller, spreader, dip, flow, fluidised bed on production lines and film formation) and equipment cleaning, maintenance and associated laboratory activities. Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure Product Characteristic Liquid Duration, frequency and amount Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated differently)[G2] Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %[G13 ] Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1] Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient tem perature[G15] Contributing Scenarios/Specific Risk Management Measures and Operating Conditions (only required controls to demonstrate safe use listed) General measures (skin irritants) PROC2 Avoid direct skin contact with product. Identify potential areas for indirect skin contact. Wear gloves (tested to EN374) if hand contact with substance likely. Clean up contamination/spills as soon as they occur. wash off any skin contamination immediately. provide basic employee training to prevent / minimise exposures and to report any skin problems that may develop. General measures (carcinogens) PROC2 Consider technical advances and process upgrades (including automation) for the elimination of releases. minimise exposure using measures such as closed systems, dedicated facilities and suitable general/local Seite 9 von 21 exhaust ventilation. Drain down systems and clear transfer lines prior to breaking containment. Clean/flush equipment, where possible, prior to maintenance Where there is potential for exposure: restrict access to authorised persons; provide specific activity training to operators to minimise exposures; wear suitable gloves and coveralls to prevent skin contamination; wear respiratory protection when its use is identified for certain contributing scenario; clear up spills immediately and dispose of wastes safely. Ensure safe systems of work or equivalent arrangements are in place to manage risks. Regularly inspect, test and maintain all control measures. Consider the need for risk based health surveillance. Film formation - force drying (50-100°C). stoving (>100°C). UV/EB radiation curing PROC2 Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions occur. General exposures (closed systems) PROC3 provide a good standard of general ventilation Natural ventilation is from doors, windows etc. Controlled ventilation means air is supplied or removed by a powered fan. Handle substance within a closed system. Material transfers PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Laboratory activities PROC15 Handle in a fume cupboard or under extract ventilation. Equipment cleaning and maintenance PROC8a Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in combination with 'basic' employee training. Retain drain downs in sealed storage pending disposal or for subsequent recycle. Clear spills immediately. Storage PROC1 Store substance within a closed system. Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure Product characteristics Predominantly hydrophobic. Substance is complex UVCB. Duration, frequency and amount Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year): 6200 tons/yr Continuous release. Emission Days (days/year): 300 Fraction of EU tonnage used in region: 0.1 Fraction of Regional tonnage used Locally: 1 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/d): 21000 kg / day Regional use tonnage (tonnes/year): 6200 tons/yr Environmental factors not influenced by risk management Local freshwater dilution factor [EF1] 10 Local marine water dilution factor: [EF2] 100 Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure Release fraction to air from process: 0.98 Release fraction to soil from process (regional only): 0 Release fraction to wastewater from process: 0.007 Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release Common practices vary across sites thus conservative process release estimates used. Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment required. If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, provide the required onsite wastewater removal efficiency of =: 0 % Risk from environmental exposure is driven by humans via indirect exposure (primarily inhalation). Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal (or abatement?) efficiency of: 94.1 % Treat onsite wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal (or abatement) efficiency of =: 92.6 % Organisation measures to prevent/limit release from site Seite 10 von 21 Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Prevent discharge of undissolved substance to or recover from wastewater. Sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed. Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant effluent flow is:[STP5] 2000 m3/day Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment is: 95.5 % The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on domestic sewage plant effluent release is: 21000 kg / day Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs is: 95.5 % Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal External treatment and disposal of waste should comply with applicable local and/or national regulations [ETW3] Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste External recovery an recycling of waste should comply with applicable local and/or national regulations [ERW1] Section 3 Exposure Estimation 3.1. Health The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless otherwise indicated [G21] 3.2. Environment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposrue with the Petrorisk model.[EE2] Section 4 Guidance to check compliance with the Exposure Scenario 4.1. Health Where other Risk Management Measures/Operational Conditions are adopted, then users should ensure that risks are managed to at least equivalent levels.[G23] 4.2. Environment Required removal efficiency for wastewater can be achieved using onsite/offsite technologies, either alone or in combination. Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title Title: Use as a fuel - Industrial Use Descriptor Sector(s) of Use Process Categories SU3 PROC1, PROC16, PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b ERC7, ERC8B ESVOC 7.12a.v1 Environmental Release Categories Specific Environmental Release Category Processes, tasks, activities covered Covers the use as a fuel (or fuel additive), and includes activities associated with its transfer, use, equipment maintenance and handling of waste. Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure Product Characteristic Liquid Duration, frequency and amount Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated differently)[G2] Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %[G13 ] Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1] Seite 11 von 21 Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient tem perature[G15] Contributing Scenarios/Specific Risk Management Measures and Operating Conditions (only required controls to demonstrate safe use listed) General measures (skin irritants) PROC8b Avoid direct skin contact with product. Identify potential areas for indirect skin contact. Wear gloves (tested to EN374) if hand contact with substance likely. Clean up contamination/spills as soon as they occur. wash off any skin contamination immediately. provide basic employee training to prevent / minimise exposures and to report any skin problems that may develop. General measures (carcinogens) PROC8b Consider technical advances and process upgrades (including automation) for the elimination of releases. minimise exposure using measures such as closed systems, dedicated facilities and suitable general/local exhaust ventilation. Drain down systems and clear transfer lines prior to breaking containment. Clean/flush equipment, where possible, prior to maintenance Where there is potential for exposure: restrict access to authorised persons; provide specific activity training to operators to minimise exposures; wear suitable gloves and coveralls to prevent skin contamination; wear respiratory protection when its use is identified for certain contributing scenario; clear up spills immediately and dispose of wastes safely. Ensure safe systems of work or equivalent arrangements are in place to manage risks. Regularly inspect, test and maintain all control measures. Consider the need for risk based health surveillance. Bulk transfers (closed systems) PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Drum/batch transfers PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. General exposures (closed systems) Use in contained batch processes Outdoor. PROC3 Handle substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) PROC1 Handle substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) PROC2 Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374. Handle substance within a closed system. Equipment cleaning and maintenance PROC8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. provide a good standard of general ventilation Natural ventilation is from doors, windows etc. Controlled ventilation means air is supplied or removed by a powered fan. Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in combination with 'basic' employee training. Retain drain downs in sealed storage pending disposal or for subsequent recycle. Clear spills immediately. Storage PROC2 provide a good standard of general ventilation Natural ventilation is from doors, windows etc. Controlled ventilation means air is supplied or removed by a powered fan. Store substance within a closed system. Use as a fuel (closed systems) PROC16 Handle substance within a closed system. refuelling PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure Product characteristics Predominantly hydrophobic. Substance is complex UVCB. Duration, frequency and amount Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year): 1400000 tons/yr Continuous release. Emission Days (days/year): 300 days/yr Fraction of EU tonnage used in region: 0.1 Fraction of Regional tonnage used Locally: 1 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/d): 4600000 kg / day Seite 12 von 21 Regional use tonnage (tonnes/year): 1400000 tons/yr Environmental factors not influenced by risk management Local freshwater dilution factor [EF1] 10 Local marine water dilution factor: [EF2] 100 Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure Release fraction to air from process: 0.0025 Release fraction to soil from process (regional only): 0 Release fraction to wastewater from process: 1e-005 Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release Common practices vary across sites thus conservative process release estimates used. Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment required. If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, provide the required onsite wastewater removal efficiency of =: >= 0 % Risk from environmental exposure is driven by humans via indirect exposure (primarily inhalation). Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal (or abatement?) efficiency of: 99.4 % Treat onsite wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal (or abatement) efficiency of =: >= 76.9 % Organisation measures to prevent/limit release from site Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed. Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant effluent flow is:[STP5] 2000 m3/day Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment is: 95.5 % The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on domestic sewage plant effluent release is: 4600000 kg / day Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs is: 95.5 % Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal Combustion emissions considered in regional exposure assessment [ETW2] Combustion emissions limited by required exhaust emission controls [ETW1] Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste This substance is consumed during use and no waste of the substance is generated [ERW3] Section 3 Exposure Estimation 3.1. Health The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless otherwise indicated [G21] 3.2. Environment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposrue with the Petrorisk model.[EE2] Section 4 Guidance to check compliance with the Exposure Scenario 4.1. Health Where other Risk Management Measures/Operational Conditions are adopted, then users should ensure that risks are managed to at least equivalent levels.[G23] 4.2. Environment Required removal efficiency for wastewater can be achieved using onsite/offsite technologies, either alone or in combination. Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title Title: Rubber production and processing Use Descriptor Seite 13 von 21 Sector(s) of Use Process Categories SU10, SU3 PROC1, PROC15, PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b, PROC9 ERC7 ESVOC 4.19.v1 Environmental Release Categories Specific Environmental Release Category Processes, tasks, activities covered Manufacture of tyres and general rubber articles, including processing of raw (uncured) rubber, handling and mixing of rubber additives, vulcanising, cooling and finishing. Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure Product Characteristic Liquid Duration, frequency and amount Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated differently)[G2] Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %[G13 ] Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1] Contributing Scenarios/Specific Risk Management Measures and Operating Conditions (only required controls to demonstrate safe use listed) General measures (skin irritants) PROC2 Avoid direct skin contact with product. Identify potential areas for indirect skin contact. Wear gloves (tested to EN374) if hand contact with substance likely. Clean up contamination/spills as soon as they occur. wash off any skin contamination immediately. provide basic employee training to prevent / minimise exposures and to report any skin problems that may develop. General measures (carcinogens) PROC2 Consider technical advances and process upgrades (including automation) for the elimination of releases. minimise exposure using measures such as closed systems, dedicated facilities and suitable general/local exhaust ventilation. Drain down systems and clear transfer lines prior to breaking containment. Clean/flush equipment, where possible, prior to maintenance Where there is potential for exposure: restrict access to authorised persons; provide specific activity training to operators to minimise exposures; wear suitable gloves and coveralls to prevent skin contamination; wear respiratory protection when its use is identified for certain contributing scenario; clear up spills immediately and dispose of wastes safely. Ensure safe systems of work or equivalent arrangements are in place to manage risks. Regularly inspect, test and maintain all control measures. Consider the need for risk based health surveillance. Material transfers (closed systems) PROC2 Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Store substance within a closed system. Material transfers PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Bulk weighing PROC2 Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374. Handle substance within a closed system. Laboratory activities PROC15 Handle in a fume cupboard or under extract ventilation. Equipment maintenance PROC8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. provide a good standard of general ventilation Natural ventilation is from doors, windows etc. Controlled ventilation means air is supplied or removed by a powered fan. Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in combination with 'basic' employee training. Retain drain downs in sealed storage pending disposal or for subsequent recycle. Clear spills immediately. Storage PROC2 Store substance within a closed system. provide a good standard of general ventilation Natural ventilation is from doors, windows etc. Controlled ventilation means air is supplied or removed by a powered fan. Seite 14 von 21 General exposures (closed systems) PROC1 Handle substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) Outdoor. PROC3 Handle substance within a closed system. Small scale weighing PROC9 Carry out in a vented booth or extracted enclosure. Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure Product characteristics Predominantly hydrophobic. Substance is complex UVCB. Duration, frequency and amount Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year): 94 tons/yr Continuous release. Emission Days (days/year): 20 days/yr Fraction of EU tonnage used in region: 0.1 Fraction of Regional tonnage used Locally: 1 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/d): 4700 kg / day Regional use tonnage (tonnes/year): 94 tons/yr Environmental factors not influenced by risk management Local freshwater dilution factor [EF1] 10 Local marine water dilution factor: [EF2] 100 Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure Release fraction to air from process: 0.003 Release fraction to soil from process (regional only): 0.0001 Release fraction to wastewater from process: 0.01 Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release Common practices vary across sites thus conservative process release estimates used. Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment required. If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, provide the required onsite wastewater removal efficiency of =: >= 0 % Risk from environmental exposure is driven by humans via indirect exposure (primarily inhalation). Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal (or abatement?) efficiency of: 0 % Treat onsite wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal (or abatement) efficiency of =: >= 23.9 % Organisation measures to prevent/limit release from site Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Prevent discharge of undissolved substance to or recover from wastewater. Sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed. Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant effluent flow is:[STP5] 2000 m3/day Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment is: 95.5 % The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on domestic sewage plant effluent release is: 42000 kg / day Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs is =: 95.5 % Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal External treatment and disposal of waste should comply with applicable local and/or national regulations [ETW3] Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste External recovery an recycling of waste should comply with applicable local and/or national regulations [ERW1] Section 3 Exposure Estimation Seite 15 von 21 3.1. Health The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless otherwise indicated [G21] 3.2. Environment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposrue with the Petrorisk model.[EE2] Section 4 Guidance to check compliance with the Exposure Scenario 4.1. Health Where other Risk Management Measures/Operational Conditions are adopted, then users should ensure that risks are managed to at least equivalent levels.[G23] 4.2. Environment Required removal efficiency for wastewater can be achieved using onsite/offsite technologies, either alone or in combination. Seite 16 von 21 Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title Title: Use as a fuel - Professional Use Descriptor Sector(s) of Use Process Categories SU22 PROC1, PROC16, PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b ERC8B, ERC8E, ERC9A, ERC9B ESVOC 9.12b.v1 Environmental Release Categories Specific Environmental Release Category Processes, tasks, activities covered Covers the use as a fuel (or fuel additive), and includes activities associated with its transfer, use, equipment maintenance and handling of waste. Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure Product Characteristic Liquid Duration, frequency and amount Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated differently)[G2] Covers percentage substance in the product up to 100 %[G13 ] Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1] Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient tem perature[G15] Contributing Scenarios/Specific Risk Management Measures and Operating Conditions (only required controls to demonstrate safe use listed) General measures (skin irritants) PROC8b Avoid direct skin contact with product. Identify potential areas for indirect skin contact. Wear gloves (tested to EN374) if hand contact with substance likely. Clean up contamination/spills as soon as they occur. wash off any skin contamination immediately. provide basic employee training to prevent / minimise exposures and to report any skin problems that may develop. General measures (carcinogens) PROC8b Consider technical advances and process upgrades (including automation) for the elimination of releases. minimise exposure using measures such as closed systems, dedicated facilities and suitable general/local exhaust ventilation. Drain down systems and clear transfer lines prior to breaking containment. Clean/flush equipment, where possible, prior to maintenance Where there is potential for exposure: restrict access to authorised persons; provide specific activity training to operators to minimise exposures; wear suitable gloves and coveralls to prevent skin contamination; wear respiratory protection when its use is identified for certain contributing scenario; clear up spills immediately and dispose of wastes safely. Ensure safe systems of work or equivalent arrangements are in place to manage risks. Regularly inspect, test and maintain all control measures. Consider the need for risk based health surveillance. Drum/batch transfers PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. General exposures (closed systems) PROC1 Handle substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) PROC2 Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374. Handle substance within a closed system. General exposures (closed systems) PROC3 Handle substance within a closed system. Use as a fuel (closed systems) PROC16 Handle substance within a closed system. refuelling PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Equipment maintenance PROC8a Seite 17 von 21 Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance. provide a good standard of general ventilation Natural ventilation is from doors, windows etc. Controlled ventilation means air is supplied or removed by a powered fan. Ensure operatives are trained to minimise exposures. Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in combination with intensive management supervision controls. Retain drain downs in sealed storage pending disposal or for subsequent recycle. Clear spills immediately. Storage PROC2 provide a good standard of general ventilation Natural ventilation is from doors, windows etc. Controlled ventilation means air is supplied or removed by a powered fan. Store substance within a closed system. Bulk transfers (closed systems) PROC8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation. Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure Product characteristics Predominantly hydrophobic. Substance is complex UVCB. Duration, frequency and amount Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year): 590 tons/yr Continuous release. Emission Days (days/year): 365 Fraction of EU tonnage used in region: 0.1 Fraction of Regional tonnage used Locally: 0.0005 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/d): 1600 Regional use tonnage (tonnes/year): 1190000 tons/yr Environmental factors not influenced by risk management Local freshwater dilution factor [EF1] 10 Local marine water dilution factor: [EF2] 100 Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure Release fraction to air from process: 0.01 Release fraction to soil from process (regional only): 1e-005 Release fraction to wastewater from process: 1e-005 Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release Common practices vary across sites thus conservative process release estimates used. Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, no onsite wastewater treatment required. If discharging to domestic sewage treatment plant, provide the required onsite wastewater removal efficiency of =: >= 0 % Risk from environmental exposure is driven by humans via indirect exposure (primarily inhalation). Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal (or abatement?) efficiency of: Not Applicable Treat onsite wastewater (prior to receiving water discharge) to provide the required removal (or abatement) efficiency of =: >= 3.4 % Organisation measures to prevent/limit release from site Do not apply industrial sludge to natural soils. Sludge should be incinerated, contained or reclaimed. Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant effluent flow is:[STP5] 2000 m3/day Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment is: 95.5 % The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on domestic sewage plant effluent release is: 15000 kg / day Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs is: 95.5 % Seite 18 von 21 Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal Combustion emissions considered in regional exposure assessment [ETW2] Combustion emissions limited by required exhaust emission controls [ETW1] Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste This substance is consumed during use and no waste of the substance is generated [ERW3] Section 3 Exposure Estimation 3.1. Health The ECETOC TRA tool has been used to estimate workplace exposures unless otherwise indicated [G21] 3.2. Environment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposrue with the Petrorisk model.[EE2] Section 4 Guidance to check compliance with the Exposure Scenario 4.1. Health Where other Risk Management Measures/Operational Conditions are adopted, then users should ensure that risks are managed to at least equivalent levels.[G23] 4.2. Environment Required removal efficiency for wastewater can be achieved using onsite/offsite technologies, either alone or in combination. Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title Title: Use as a fuel - Consumer Use Descriptor Sector(s) of Use SU21 Product Categories PC13 Environmental Release Categories ERC8B Specific Environmental Release Category ESVOC 9.12c.v1 Processes, tasks, activities covered Covers consumer uses in liquid fuels. Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures Section 2.1 Control of consumer exposure Product Characteristic Liquid Duration, frequency and amount Covers concentrations up to 1 % Covers daily use up to 1 times per day Other given operational conditions affecting consumer exposure Covers use at ambient temperatures. Contributing Scenarios/Specific Risk Management Measures and Operating Conditions (only required controls to demonstrate safe use listed) Liquid: Automotive Refuelling PC13 Covers annual use up to 52 days/yr Covers skin contact area up to 210 cm2 For each use event, covers use amounts up to 37500 grams Covers outdoor use. 0.6 Air changes per hour Covers use in room size of 100 m³ Covers exposure up to 0.05 hour(s) Liquid Scooter Refuelling PC13 Covers annual use up to 52 days/yr Covers skin contact area up to 210 cm2 Seite 19 von 21 For each use event, covers use amounts up to 3750 grams Covers outdoor use. 0.6 Air changes per hour Covers use in room size of 100 m³ Covers exposure up to 0.03 hour(s) Liquid, Garden Equipment - Use PC13 Covers annual use up to 26 days/yr For each use event, covers use amounts up to 750 grams Covers outdoor use. 0.6 Air changes per hour Covers use in room size of 100 m³ Covers exposure up to 2 hour(s) Covers skin contact area up to 420 cm2 Liquid: Garden Equipment - Refueling PC13 Covers annual use up to 26 days/yr Covers skin contact area up to 420 cm2 For each use event, covers use amounts up to 750 grams Covers use in a one car garage (34 m3) under typical ventilation. 1.5 Air changes per hour Covers use in room size of 34 m³ Covers exposure up to 0.03 hour(s) Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure Product characteristics Predominantly hydrophobic. Substance is complex UVCB. Duration, frequency and amount Annual site tonnage (tonnes/year): 7000 tons/yr Continuous release. Emission Days (days/year): 365 days/yr Fraction of EU tonnage used in region: 0.1 Fraction of Regional tonnage used Locally: 0.0005 Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/d): 19000 kg / day Regional use tonnage (tonnes/year): 13900000 tons/yr Environmental factors not influenced by risk management Local freshwater dilution factor [EF1] 10 Local marine water dilution factor: [EF2] 100 Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure Release fraction to air from process: 0.01 Release fraction to soil from process (regional only): 1e-005 Release fraction to wastewater from process: 1e-005 Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant effluent flow is:[STP5] 2000 m3/day Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment is: 95.5 % The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on domestic sewage plant effluent release is: 180000 kg / day Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal Combustion emissions considered in regional exposure assessment [ETW2] Combustion emissions limited by required exhaust emission controls [ETW1] Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste This substance is consumed during use and no waste of the substance is generated [ERW3] Section 3 Exposure Estimation 3.1. Health Not applicable 3.2. Environment The Hydrocarbon Block Method has been used to calculate environmental exposrue with the Petrorisk model.[EE2] Section 4 Guidance to check compliance with the Exposure Scenario Seite 20 von 21 4.1. Health Where other Risk Management Measures/Operational Conditions are adopted, then users should ensure that risks are managed to at least equivalent levels.[G23] 4.2. Environment Maximum Risk Characterisation Ratio for Wastewater Emisions [RCRwater] 0.039321 Seite 21 von 21
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