Highest g sample p q quality y for molecular analysis y through g ambient stabilization technologies. technologies g I Improved d genome, transcriptome t i t and d proteome t analysis l i from f saliva, li bl d and blood d tissue ti samples. l Ste e Wilkinson, St Steven Wilki so , Vasco Vasco Liberal, Lib be al, Scott S tt Whitney, Whitt ey, Senait Se S aitt Ghirmai, G Ghi ai, Angela A gela Stassinopoulos, Stass St i opoulos, Winnie Wi ie Huang, Hua g, Lutfunnessa Luttfu essa Shireen, S Shi ee , R lf M Rolf Muller ll and d Judy-Muller J dy M ll Cohn C h Biomatrica Inc., Biomatrica, Inc 5627 Oberlin Drive, Drive Suite 120, 120 San Diego, Diego g CA 92121 Abstract Biospecimen stabilization during collection and transport is of critical importance p in the fields of biomedical research and molecular diagnostics The emergence of personalized medicine has placed diagnostics. an even greater emphasis on the significance of protecting the q alit and reliability quality reliabilit of clinical samples. samples Current C rrent methods for blood and saliva collection depend heavily on cold-chain logistics. The reliance on cold and ultra-cold based sample p p preservation is fraught g with potential complications to specimen integrity that can result in inconsistent result generation, generation impacting the discovery of suitable and reliable biomarkers and their transition to clinical applications. applications Ch i l stabilization Chemical t bili ti off biomolecules bi l l att ambient bi t temperatures t t i is an effective alternative to low temperature p stabilization methods in preserving sample quality and integrity. In this report we describe the development of chemical stabilization t h l i technologies th t address that dd th problem the bl off sampling li i d induced d inconsistencies in human blood, plasma and saliva. The formulations described p preserve nucleic acids in these biospecimens even under extreme environmental shipping conditions and remove the need for cold-chain logistics during sample collection, collection transport or storage. storage We show that the genomic DNA in i blood bl d collected ll t d in i DNAgard DNA d Blood Bl d Tubes T b is i stabilized t bili d during d i extreme temperature p fluctuations ranging g g from -20°C to +45°C and during prolonged storage at room temperature. The analogous DNA stabilization technology for saliva specimens, specimens DNAgard Saliva, Saliva preserves sample integrity for over 12 months at ambient t temperatures. t W also We l compare freezer f storage t with ith the th room temperature stabilization formulation RNAgard Blood and other technologies g for ambient temperature p blood RNA and p protein stabilization stabilization. Vacutainers V t i and d in i a competitor’s tit ’ blood bl d collection ll ti t b tubes were subjected to an 8 day shipping simulation (A). Blood samples collected in K2-EDTA Vacutainers were stored at -20°C as controls. DNA was purified and analyzed by long long-range range PCR amplification of a 22 kbp region of the tPa gene (B). (B) Equal input DNA was used for each amplification reaction. reaction L = lambda DNA-HindIII digest (New England Biolabs) Also shown are representative (-) Biolabs). ( ) Taq and (-) ( ) DNA template control t l samples. l A. B. Call Rates Call Rates Donor DNAgard Blood Frozen 1 0 9979994 0.9979994 0 9975027 0.9975027 2 0 9927651 0.9927651 0 9931350 0.9931350 3 0.9970026 0.9984962 4 0 9982392 0.9982392 0 9985784 0.9985784 DGS A. NP -80°C Results I – genomic DNA stabilization in blood A A. Temperature Cycle Temperature Time Room temperature p 2 days y 37°C 2 days 2 days Room temperature p 2.5 days y ‐20°C 20°C 1 day 1 day 45°C 45 C 1 day day B B. L K2-EDTA 32.21 32 21 30.10 30 10 A 260/280 1 88 1.88 1 91 1.91 Figure 3: Preservation of DNA in saliva for over a year at 50 50°C C versus saliva stored in -80°C 80°C freezer. freezer Fresh saliva (200 µL) was mixed i d with ith DNAgard DNA d Saliva S li (DGS) (150 µL) L) and d stored t d att 50°C for f 14 months. Aliquots of saliva were stored at 50°C and -80°C as negative ((NP)) and p positive controls,, respectively. p y Purified DNA from was analyzed by gel electrophoresis (A). DNA quantification demonstrated DNA recovery equivalent to that from frozen controls (B). (B) K2-EDTA, EDTA, -20°C 20 C A. IL-12p70 p B. Figure 6. Microarray analysis in blood stored in RNAgard Blood Tubes. Tubes Human blood from 2 healthy donors was collected in RNAgard tubes or competitor competitor’ss RNA preservation t b and tubes d RNA isolated i l t d on collection ll ti day d and d after ft 3 or 14 days d t t t t t d in i materials t i l and d off room temperature storage, as stated methods. A-D: Representative analysis, for Donor 2, of gene expression p profile of ~34000 g p genes using g the Illumina Human HT12 Bead Array, for RNA extracted from blood collected in RNAgard Blood or competitor competitor’ss Tubes after 3 days (A,C) (A C) or 14 days (B,D) (B D) of room temperature storage, storage relative to RNA extracted from freshly collected blood, blood using RNA isolation methods th d recommended d d for f each h product. d t E: E Table T bl summarizing i i the microarray results. Displayed are the number of genes with >2-fold change g in expression p levels relative to samples p processed in the day of blood collection. 600 1000 900 500 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 0 -80 80 -20 20 4 NP 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C C C pg/ml 548 577 612 344 408 536 526 522 538 567 671 466 DNAgard Blood protects DNA integrity in whole blood stored at ambient temperature: 400 300 DNAgard Blood protects DNA in blood samples subjected to harsh shipping pp g conditions ((figure g 1). ) Blood storage in DNAgard Blood at room temperature is as effective as freezer storage for genotyping (figure 2). 2) 200 100 100 Summary IL-1β β 0 -80 -20 4 NP 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C C C pg/ml 511 450 299 23. 165 443 480 438 370 483 370 433 pg Figure 4. 4 Protein stabilization in human plasma at elevated temperatures Human IL-12p70 temperatures. IL 12p70 (A) and IL-1β IL 1β (B) were spiked into plasma l and d protein t i levels l l measured d by b flow fl cytometry t t after ft 4 days d off incubation at 37°C. Test formulations were comprised of stabilization compounds p titrated into a “base formulation”, lane 5 in each figure. g Control Co t o sa samples p es without t out added formulation o u at o were e e incubated cubated at -80°C, 80 C, 4°C 4 C or at the test temperature (unprotected; NP). NP) DNAgard Blood DNAgard DNA d Saliva S li protects t t DNA integrity i t it in i saliva li samples l stored at ambient temperature: p DNAgard Saliva preserves genomic DNA integrity in saliva samples for over one year at ambient temperature (more th six than i years based b d on accelerated l t d aging i (fi (figure 3) 3). DNAgard g Saliva p provides high g DNA recovery y and better quality compared to freezer control samples. Protein stabilization in plasma at room temperature Small S ll molecule l l stabilizers t bili protect t t labile l bil proteins t i in i h human plasma figure g 4). ) RNAgard Blood protects RNA in Blood in blood stored at room temperature: Comp. Figure g 1. Genomic DNA stability y in whole blood samples p subjected to extreme temperature fluctuations. Blood from 5 donors collected in Vacuette DNAgard Blood Tubes, Tubes K2-EDTA E: Number of genes > 2-fold expression variation Results III – Protein stabilization in plasma Results IV – RNA stabilization in blood L D: Competitor, Dayy 14 -80 °C ed DNA y yield (µg/mL) [Prottein]] pg//ml RNA stabilization in whole blood: Human whole blood was collected in RNAgard Blood tubes, tubes and stored at room temperature. temperature Blood was also collected in a competitor competitor’ss tubes and stored at room temperature. temperature RNA was isolated using Biomatrica Biomatrica’ss BioMaxi system (Figure 5, 5 6) or by a competitor competitor’ss system. system For RT-qPCR, RT qPCR fold-change fold change in gene expression was calculated relative to expression at the time of collection ((“time time 0 0”,)) using the ∆∆Cq method of relative quantification. quantification Gene expression analysis was performed with the Human HT-12 HT 12 array (Illumina). (Illumina) C Competitor, Dayy 3 C: B. DGS [Prottein]] pg//ml Protein stabilization in plasma: Tumor necrosis factor (TNF; Becton Dickinson) was spiked into aliquots of human plasma at a final concentration of 1.25 1 25 ng/ ml. ml Test samples were mi ed with mixed ith Biomatrica formulations form lations to give gi e a final concentration of 0.5x 05 plasma. l C t l samples Control l without ith t added dd d formulation f l ti were stored t d att the th t temperatures t i di t d TNF stability indicated. t bilit was measured d by b flow fl cytometry t t using i th BD CBA TNF Flex the Fl Set S t with ith an Accuri A i C6 flow fl cytometer. t t B: RNAgard RNA d Blood, Bl d Day D 14 Results II – DNA stabilization in saliva Materials and Methods DNA Stabilization in saliva: DNA was isolated using the QIAamp DNA mini kit (QIAGEN). DNA integrity was analyzed on a 0.8% agarose gel and 10% of the eluted DNA was loaded to the gel. DNA yield was determined using the Quant-iTTM PicoGreen dsDNA Assay y Kit ((Invitrogen). g ) A: RNAgard RNA d Blood, Bl d Day D 3 DNAgard Blood K2-EDTA Figure 2. Protection of DNA integrity in whole blood at ambient temperature. p ((A)) Blood from four separate p donors was collected in Vacuette DNAgard Blood tubes and stored at ambient temperature and collected in K2-EDTA EDTA tubes and stored frozen at -20°C 20 C. After 5.5 55 months of storage, storage DNA was purified and genotyped on the Human CytoSNP 12 SNP Genotyping Array (Illumina). CytoSNP-12 (Illumina) (B) The gDNA from bl d stored blood t d in i Vacuette V tt DNAgard DNA d Blood Bl d tubes t b f for 9 months th att ambient temperature was compared by agarose gel electrophoresis to the g gDNA isolated from blood stored in K2-EDTA tubes under the same conditions or frozen at -20°C ((samples p were analyzed y in triplicate). p ) The results res lts presented demonstrate that transcriptome and protein b d analysis l i is i vastly l improved i d through h h ambient bi bi bili i based biostabilization g technologies. DNA stabilization in whole blood: DNA from human whole blood stored ± DNAgard g Blood was isolated using g QIAamp Blood Maxi kits (QIAGEN) or by the competitor competitor’ss specified method. Long range PCR analysis was conducted with 250 ng of input DNA and primers to amplify a 22 kbp amplicon of the tPa gene. Genotyping was performed on the Human CytoSNP CytoSNP-12 12 SNP Genotyping Array (Illumina). (Illumina) -20°C -20 C room temperature t t f 14 days. for d RNA was purified ifi d from f RGB samples l using i Bi Biomatrica’s t i ’ BioMaxi Bi M i RNA Kit and d from f th competitor’s the tit ’ tubes t b with their recommended kit. 200 ng of purified RNA from each sample was analyzed y byy agarose g gel electrophoresis. g p Figure 5. Room temperature stabilization of RNA in whole blood. Blood from four separate human donors was collected in RNAgard Blood Tubes (RGB) or in a competitor competitor’ss blood tube and stored at The gene expression profile in blood stored for 3 and 7 days y at room temperature p in Biomatrica RNAgard g Blood is similar to fresh blood, outperforming a leading competitor (figure 6 A, A B). B) Gene expression remains unaltered in blood samples stored t d for f 14 days d att room ttemperature t i RNAgard in RNA d Blood Bl d (f (figure 6 D, E). )
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