Accurate Determination of Titanium as Titanium Dioxide for Limited Sample Size Digestibility Studies of Feed and Food Matrices by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry With Real-Time Simultaneous Internal Standardization Wim van Bussel*, Francien Kerkhof, Theo van Kessel, Henk Lamers, Dorke Nous, Han Verdonk, and Biek Verhoeven CCL Nutricontrol, P.O. Box 107, 5460 AC Veghel, The Netherlands Nik Boer and Hans Toonen PerkinElmer, Inc., P.O. Box 5205, 9700 GE Groningen, The Netherlands INTRODUCTION Use of inert markers for the measurement of digestibility is a less labor-intensive method than total faecal collection. Apart from the elimination of errors in obtaining exact measurements of feed intake and total faeces output in the traditional total collection method, the use of markers to determine nutrient digestibility of feeds in animal species would fit into animal welfare considerations. Animal welfare studies should be designed to use the minimum number of animals required to achieve the objectives of the study. The appropriate number of animals depends on several factors including effective size (e.g., difference in means between two groups), variability of data (e.g., standard deviation), desired significance level (probability of finding a significant result by chance when there is really no effect, usually 5%), desired power (probability of finding a significant result when it actually exists), and the minimum required sample size for the analytical laboratory to perform the analyses. This likely depends on the requested parameters such as main nutrients and amino acids, dry matter, ash content, crude protein, crude fat, starch, total carbohydrates, minerals, and inert markers such as TiO2, Cr2O3, or Y2O3 (1). For digestibility studies, animals are *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 31(3), May/June 2010 ABSTRACT Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) offers excellent possibilities for the quantitative high precision analysis of feed and food. In the present study, an analytical method was developed for the simultaneous determination of titanium as titanium dioxide when only a limited sample size is available. Sample preparation was performed by wet acid digestion. In-house standard nutrient reference materials (RMs) were prepared to verify the accuracy and precision of the quantitative method. Improved analytical results in terms of precision and accuracy were obtained using real-time simultaneous internal standardization. The final result shows a quantitative method for the selected element with a precision of typically 1% or better and RSDs of 0.04–0.10%. Detection limits were in the range of 0.003–0.008 mg/kg. Wide working ranges (ppb to ppm range) and low detection limits (ppb) were obtained for the ionic lines investigated (Ti 334.940 nm, Ti 336.121 nm, Ti 337.279 nm, Ti 334.903, and Ti 368.519 nm). The analytical procedure developed provides a quick, sensitive, precise, and economic method for the simultaneous determination of titanium dioxide, even when only a limited sample size is available. 81 often pooled for an adequate and representative sample size. Ileum of several rats are often pooled for an adequate sample size for analysis. TiO2 is a well-known accepted digestion marker for all kinds of veterinary and digestibility studies. Chromic oxide (Cr2O3) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) have been widely used as dietary markers in animal digestibility studies (1–4). Jagger et al. (2) demonstrated that Cr2O3 had a lower faecal recovery (quantity collected from a total collection of faeces expressed as a proportion of that ingested, an important indicator of the marker reliability) than TiO2 (75% versus 98%), and that TiO2 induced lower standard errors for apparent ileal N digestibility than Cr2O3 (3). Overall, TiO2 has been suggested as a more appropriate marker for animal digestibility studies. Acid-insoluble ash or celite (diatomaceous earth) has also been proposed as a reliable marker which can be used for both animals and humans (4–6). However, the large amount of digesta sample (1.5−2 g) required for analytical determination is a limiting factor (1993). Jagger et al. (2) compared Cr2O3, TiO2, and acid insoluble lignin as inert markers in determining the nutrient digestibility in pigs. They found that the smallest difference between faecal CCL-Nutricontrol is a leading laboratory in the field of feed and food analyses in The Netherlands and RvA accredited – Dutch Accreditation Council - ISO 17025. digestibility of nitrogen and amino acids can be determined by total faecal collection and by the use of markers for TiO2 with a recovery rate of 97%. They concluded that the most appropriate marker to use in digestibility studies was TiO2 (2). An accurate and reproducible method for TiO2 determination was proposed by Short et al. (7). Many spectrophotometric methods for the determination of titanium are available, but most of them are not reliable when applied to amounts below microgram levels in biological samples. Other reported methods are more sensitive, but have lower selectivity. Furthermore, all spectrophotometric methods for the analysis of biological tissue include excessive sample preparation to cope with the complex matrix and are, therefore, very time-consuming (8–10). Atomic spectroscopic techniques, such as flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) have also been used, but they are not sensitive enough, have severe memory effects, or (as in the case of ETAAS when transient signals are integrated) precision is poor (11,12). Although few food analysts currently employ inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), the multi-element capability, wide dynamic range, and high sample throughput are attributes that will prove beneficial to analysts striving to perform these determinations. An axially viewed plasma provides increased sensitivity and improved detection limits compared to a traditional, radially viewed plasma. Inherent to axial viewing are certain disadvantages requiring consideration. Physical effects that are intrinsic to radially viewed plasma are magnified when the plasma is viewed axially. The progressive addition of more material to the ICP can cause undesirable enhancements or suppressions of the analyte signal, depending on the nature of the affecting matrix and type of emission monitored. More serious in nature are matrix effects that occur in the plasma related to the excitation potential of the analyte wavelength in question. As the concentration of an interfering element increases, most analytes affected by the matrix effect will show a sensitivity decrease (13). Viewing a plasma axially extends the source path length, thereby increasing analyte emission intensity and improving sensitivity. This sensitivity enhancement typically results in a 5- to 10fold improvement in detection limits over radially viewed plasmas. With this configuration, elements can be determined at levels previously only attainable with ETAAS. Radial viewing of a plasma offers the advantages of increased linearity, reduced easily ionizable element effects, lower physical interferences, and fewer spectral interferences. A dual-view plasma offers the best of both worlds resulting in high analytical sensitivity for minor components and extended linear dynamic range sufficient to allow the accurate determination of major components. In practice, an analytical methodology is often best developed for specific elemental groups, taking into account the matrix and method of sample preparation (14,15). The objective of this study was to improve the determination of titanium by applying real-time simultaneous internal standardization and to minimize sample weight from an animal welfare point of view. Matrix-matching of elemental and acid composition was performed to minimize spectral and physical interferences. An evaluation of precision improvement using real-time internal standardization with a dual-view inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is presented. 82 EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation All measurements were performed using a PerkinElmer Optima™ 7300DV ICP-OES (PerkinElmer, Inc., Shelton, CT, USA), equipped with standard torch assembly, low-flow GemCone™ nebulizer, cyclonic spray chamber, and S10 autosampler. The Optima series of spectrometers uses two segmented charge coupled device (CCD) detectors (SCDs), one for the UV section and the other for visible light. The detector and optics are described in detail elsewhere (16). The Optima 7300DV has a horizontal torch with a choice of axial or radial view. A GemCone nebulizer was used because lower nebulizer gas flow rates are useful for obtaining better results with spectral lines having high excitation energies. The nebulizer also reduces matrix effects by providing more robust conditions in the center channel of the ICP. The tip of the low-flow GemCone nebulizer is based on the original conespray design by Sharp (17). Thus, this nebulizer falls into the general class of nebulizers known as Babington or high solids style nebulizers. The main characteristic of Babington nebulizers is that the solution flows over the surface containing the gas orifice, thereby minimizing the chances of blockage by precipitation of the dissolved solids or from suspended matter in the sample (18). The Optima 7300DV operating conditions are listed in Table I. The wavelengths, excitation, ionization, and total energies for the selected emission lines are listed in Table II (19). No attempt was made to optimize the plasma conditions for any particular analyte or to optimize the procedure for best sample throughput. Vol. 31(3), May/June 2010 TABLE I Operating Conditions of the Optima 7300DV Radial ICP-OES RF Power 1450 W Nebulizer Flow 0.62 L min-1 Auxiliary Flow 0.20 L min-1 Plasma Flow 15 L min-1 Sample Flow 1.5 mL min-1 Source Tquilibration Time 15 sec Viewing Height 15 nm Background Correction Manual Measurement Processing Mode Peak Height Integration Time Manual Read Delay 45 sec Rinse Delay 45 sec Number of Replicates 7 Several ionic lines were selected because the behavior of the atomic lines is more complex, even under robust conditions. In addition, the ion lines are, in general, the most sensitive lines for more than half of the elements that can be determined by ICP-OES. In this study, the integration and read times for each line were set manually to ensure a fixed total read time per replicate and thus allow a constant total measurement time for all experiments. This was done by first collecting the autointegration or pre-shot data. Manual integration was then selected by entering the auto-integration settings for the largest signal of all emission lines, including the internal standard reference lines. Real-Time Internal Standardization The Optima series of ICPs uses an intelligent algorithm to prevent over-range signals. Measurement time is adjusted simultaneously for each wavelength in order to achieve optimum integration parameters and best signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), referred as the signal-to-back- Table II Excitation, Ionization, and Total Energies for Selected Emission Lines (19) Line Ti II Ti II Ti II Ti II Ti II Yb II Yb II Wavelength (nm) 334.940 336.121 337.279 334.903 368.519 328.937 369.419 Eexc/eV 3.70 3.69 3.68 3.70 3.37 3.77 3.36 ground ratio (SBR). The segmented array CCD (charge-coupled device) detector (SCD) allows for the simultaneous measurement of multiple lines and their spectral backgrounds. This is conducted with 224 photodetector arrays, each having 20 to 80 pixels, covering the ICP spectrum from 167 to 782 nm. The full well capacity of the SCD pixel places a limit on the maximum charge that can be read out for a given integration time. Eion/eV 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.82 6.25 6.25 Esum/eV 10.52 10.51 10.50 10.52 10.19 10.02 9.61 The sample for analysis was prepared with an internal standard and quantified using the ICP-OES. Ytterbium was selected as the internal standard because it emits at a wavelength close to titanium and has first ionization potential almost the same as titanium. Three in-house fortified reference materials were also analyzed. sent at reasonably high levels. Ionization interference tends to cause a reduction in signal intensity with increasing concentrations of EIEs; the effect is prominent at interferent concentrations at or above 100 mg/L. The atomic lines of Na, K, and to a lesser extent Ca, exhibit signal enhancement with increasing concentrations of EIEs. The effect can be easily minimized or eliminated on a radially viewed ICP-OES by adjusting the viewing height. For the more sensitive axially viewed ICP-OES, reports of interferences due to EIEs have been described (20-23). Reducing the nebulizer pressure and increasing the RF power has been reported (24) to reduce ionization interference on the axially viewed ICPOES. Scandium as an internal standard has also been found to compensate for part of the signal depression. Generally, when analyzing samples that contain high levels of EIEs, it is recommended that all standards have similar levels of EIEs added (matrix matching). An alternative is to saturate the plasma with a high concentration of another EIE such as caesium. Therefore, the effect of adding caesium as an ionization buffer to the standards and samples was also investigated. A major element in food and feed products is sodium, which is an easily ionized element (EIE) and has been reported (20-23) to cause ionization interference when pre- For this study, caesium was chosen as an ionization buffer since it has low ionization energy, is not very sensitive in ICP-OES analysis and, therefore, spectral interfer- If the full well capacity of the SCD pixel is surpassed, the pixel will saturate and the conversion of charge to signal will be degraded. Therefore, appropriate integration times must be chosen for the selected emission lines. In order to obtain the lowest possible RSDs, the integration times were set manually to ensure real-time simultaneous measurements. 83 ence is generally not a problem. Caesium chloride is available in very pure form and does not build up in the torch injector tube as readily as with other alkali salts. Reagents and Standard Solutions All chemicals used were of analytical grade (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Deionized water with a specific resistivity of 18.2 MΩ cm-1 (Milli-Q™ gradient A10, Millipore Corporation, Bedford, MA, USA) was used to prepare the samples and standards. Single-element standards were prepared from PerkinElmer single-element stock solutions. Sample Preparation Samples, varying in weight from 25 mg to 500 mg, were digested with 4 mL H2SO4 and 2 mL H2O2 in closed 50-mL quartz vessels using a Multiwave® 3000 microwave digestion system (Anton Paar Graz, Austria). After cooling, 0.50 mL internal standard reagent was added and made up to 50-mL volume with DI water. In order to avoid acid interference effects, the acid concentration of all solutions was identical to that in the digested samples. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Choice of Internal Standard When external calibration is performed, samples and standards must be closely matched, otherwise, there is an enhancement of matrix effects that can profoundly influence the results. The principal cause of matrix suppression or enhancement is a critical dependence of the total dissolved solids (TDSs), not of dissolved solids and other physical properties of the sample. Matrix effects that influence the physical position of desolvation or ionization result in matrix-induced suppressions or enhancements. Matrix interferences of this type are “easily” corrected by making use of internal standardization. In this work, ytterbium with two prominent ion lines (328.937 nm and 369.419 nm) was used. The use of internal standards to correct for matrix effects is well known and can be tailored to correct for relatively large changes in observed intensities caused by the properties of the matrix. The individual replicates were exported to Microsoft® Excel® program by using the data manager utility of the PerkinElmer Winlab32™ software. This allows the user to Fig. 1. Intensity signal profile Yb II at 328.937 nm vs. replicate. 84 visualize the trend over time for both the internal standards and the analytes. A similar trend can be observed for one of the internal standards (in comparison with one of the five ion lines studied) which will result in the best analytical precision. Figures 1-7 indicate the nature of noise in the analytical signals from the radial ICP. Figures 1 and 2 show the intensity signal versus replicate for the internal standard ytterbium. Figures 3-7 show the intensity profile for the five ionic lines studied. It can be observed that a high degree of correlation exists in the line signals from the ICP. Using the ytterbium ion line at 328.937 nm (Figure 1) as the internal standard, the analytical precision after the application of real-time internal standardization is maintained between 0.03% and 0.13% relative standard deviation (RSD) for almost all ion lines, except for Ti at 334.940 nm. Figure 3 shows that the best fit for this line was found with Yb 369.419 nm (Figure 2). Precision improvement factors of 3 to 4 were obtained by comparing the uncorrected results. Thus, realtime internal standardization provides significant improvements in the RSDs of the line signals. How- Fig. 2. Intensity signal profile Yb II at 369.419 nm vs. replicate. Vol. 31(3), May/June 2010 Fig. 3. Intensity signal profile Ti II at 334.940 nm vs. replicate. Fig. 4. Intensity signal profile Ti II at 336.121 nm vs. replicate. Fig. 5. Intensity signal profile Ti II at 337.279 nm vs. replicate. Fig. 6. Intensity signal profile Ti II at 334.903 nm vs. replicate. ever, this is not possible for all elements by using only a single internal standard signal. The effectiveness of real-time internal standardization is shown to be dependent on the nature of the specific spectral line. In inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, matrix effects and drift are usually caused by two major factors, namely changes in the energy transfer between the plasma and sample and changes in the efficiency of sample aerosol formation and transport. It is also shown that in general when using only single correction, coefficient ‘perfect’ correction is impossible with traditional internal standardization. The model developed can be used to quantitatively evaluate the efficiency of internal standardization to reduce matrix effects and drift. Fig. 7. Intensity signal profile Ti II at 368.519 nm vs. replicate. 85 TABLE III Results Obtained for the Analysis of In-house Reference Materials Analyte RM Ti Found Ti Recovery RSD (nm) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (%) (%, n=7) Ti 334.940 1676 1664 99.28 0.13 Ti 336.121 1676 1673 99.82 0.05 Ti 337.279 1676 1675 99.94 0.05 Ti 334.903 1676 1672 99.76 0.06 Ti 368.519 1676 1675 99.94 0.13 Ti 334.940 1810 1791 98.95 0.12 Ti 336.121 1810 1806 99.78 0.07 Ti 337.279 1810 1807 99.83 0.04 Ti 334.903 1810 1808 99.89 0.06 Ti 368.519 1810 1814 100.22 0.11 Ti 336.121 3352 3347 99.85 0.12 Ti 337.279 3352 3350 99.94 0.03 Ti 334.903 3352 3354 100.06 0.04 Ti 368.519 3352 3348 99.88 0.09 Quantitative Analysis Correlation coefficients of r=0.9999 or better were obtained for all five calibration curves (see Figures 8-12). Since there is no certified reference material available for nutrients, the accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated by recovery tests. The accuracy was measured by the recovery of inhouse made standard reference nutrient material (RM). Three test feeds were supplemented with 2796 mg TiO2, 3020 mg TiO2, and 5593 mg TiO2 per kg. The mean results (n=7) obtained from the individual and fortified nutrients are summarized in Table III. A typical example is presented in Table IV and shows the obtained RSDs after implementation of the correct internal standard correction for the appropriate titanium ion line (as mentioned above). The results obtained for the three in-house reference materials were precise and accurate. Day-today repeatability was better than 0.0112% m/m. Within-day repeatability was 0.0074% m/m. The measured recoveries were in excellent agreement with the RM values for all five ion lines studied. The limit of detection for the analytes was determined using the abovedescribed conditions. The standard deviation intensities were measured in a non-spiked and spiked 0.3 w/w% TiO2 nutrient, resulting in detection limits ranging from 0.01–0.03 µg/kg. The ICP-OES technique developed in this study has been shown to give accurate and precise results in the determination of titanium when a proper sampling pretreatment procedure is applied. TABLE IV Typical Example of Obtained RSDs Analyte Mean Calibration Std. Sample (nm) Corrected Concen. Dev. Concen. Intensity Yb 326.937 74084.7 96.1% 0.37 Std. Dev. RSD 0.39% Yb 369.419 62611.8 96.3% 334.94RADa 241343.3 9.175 mg/L 0.0121 1664 mg/kg 2.2 0.13% 336.12RADa 207673.4 9.225 mg/L 0.0050 1673mg/kg 0.9 0.05% 337.27RADa 197294.7 9.236 mg/L 0.0049 1675 mg/kg 0.9 0.05% 334.90RADa 134103.5 9.221 mg/L 0.00053 1672 mg/kg 1.0 0.06% 9.234 mg/L 0.0123 2.2 0.13% a 368.51RAD a 132157.4 0.40 0.42% 1675 mg/kg RAD = radial view. TABLE V Results Obtained for the Variation in Sample Weighta Sample Weight Expected Ti Found Ti Recovery RSD (g) (mg/L) (mg/L) (%) (%, n=7) 0.5176 8.6750 8.6392 99.59 0.06 0.2148 3.6000 3.5741 99.28 0.05 0.1076 1.8034 1.7951 99.54 0.24 0.0513 0.8598 0.8630 100.37 0.34 0.0245 0.4106 0.4135 100.70 0.83 a = Results from Ti II at 336.121 nm. 86 Vol. 31(3), May/June 2010 Fig. 8. Calibration curve for Ti at 334.940 nm using external calibration. Fig. 9. Calibration curve for Ti at 336.121 nm using external calibration. Fig. 10. Calibration curve for Ti at 337.279 nm using external calibration. Fig. 11. Calibration curve for Ti at 334.903 nm using external calibration. Fig. 12. Calibration curve for Ti at 368.519 nm using external calibration. Fig. 13. Sample weight vs. RSDs (Ti II at 336.121 nm). 87 To determine the lowest possible sample weight (in which still reasonable results can be obtained), a test was executed by varying the sample weight from 0.5 g to 25 mg. The results are presented in Table V and illustrated in Figure 13. It can be seen that even with sample weights up to 25 mg, accurate and precise results were obtained thus illustrating the benefits of this method. Both cost restrictions and animal welfare considerations may be factored into sample size decisions, which can dramatically decrease excessive and unnecessary animal studies and testing. REFERENCES 1 E.C. Titgemeyer, et al., J. Anim. Sci. 79, 1059 (2001). 2 S. Jagger, J. Wiseman, D.J.A. Cole, and J. Craigon, British Journal of Nutrition 68, 729 (1992). 3 K.R. Krawielitzki, E. Schadereit, E. Borgmann and B. Evers, Arch. Anim. Nutr. 37, 1085 (1987). 4 A.M. Rowan, P.J. Moughan, and M.N. Wilson, J. of Science and Food Agriculture 54, 269 (1991). 5 K. Lyberg, T. Lundh, C. Pedersen, and J.E. Lindberg, Anim. 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