10. KONFERENCA SLOVENSKIH ELEKTROENERGETIKOV – Ljubljana 2011 CIGRE ŠK B1 - 06 SODOBNI TRIŽILNI SN KABLI IN NJIHOV VPLIV NA ZNIŽANJE SKUPNIH STROŠKOV Håkan Bringsell Ericsson AB Falun, Sweden [email protected] Povzetek – Trižilni kabli vplivajo na znižanje skupnih stroškov s hitrejšo montažo in nižjimi izgubami v obratovanju. V izogib pojavov vodnega drevesa morajo kabli biti popolnoma vodotesni. Sodobni trižilni kabli morajo izpolnjevati številne zahteve. Izgube v kablu postajajo z naraščanjem cene električne energije vse pomembnejši faktor. Pri enožilnih kablih se izgubam v ekranu kabla enostavno ni mogoče izogniti saj je običajno ozemljevanje ekrana na obeh koncih kabla. V članku so predstavljene metode kako izkoristiti prednosti trižilnih kablov in nekaj primerov znižanja skupnih stroškov. Podana je tudi podrobna analiza električnih podatkov in montažnih parametrov. MODERN 3-CORE MV XLPE CABLES AND THEIR IMPACT ON TCO Håkan Bringsell Ericsson AB Falun, Sweden [email protected] Abstract – 3-core cables lowers the Total Cost of Ownership with shorter installation time and less losses. To avoid the treeing phenomena the cables has to be totally water tight. The modern 3-core cables must fulfill many demands of cable laying of today. As power cost increases the losses in the cables are becoming a more and more important issue. In single-core cables where normally the screen is bonded to earth in both ends there will always be screen losses. This paper describes methods on how to achieve the benefits of 3-core cables and some examples of solutions that have proved successful to lower the total cost of ownership. A more detailed comparison of electrical and installation data will also be made. 10. KONFERENCA SLOVENSKIH ELEKTROENERGETIKOV – Ljubljana 2011 CIGRE ŠK B1 - 06 I. INTRODUCTION The Total Cost of Ownership for a medium voltage cable in not only the investment cost of the cable it self. There is also to take in consideration the cost of during the whole lifetime of the cable. In this paper the different impacts on Total Cost of Ownership from a modern 3-core medium voltage cable will be discussed. Background In the time of paper insulated medium voltage cables a common lead sheath was needed to keep the oil in place which led to the large use of 3-core medium voltage cables. With the development of XLPE cables in the 1960:ies the advantage of a common sheath was not as obvious and single core cables became more dominate. To avoid the treeing phenomena, that were discovered in the 1970ies, the cables needed to be totally water tight. The modern 3-core cable should also be flexible and easy to handle and at the same time tough for the modern installation techniques. This is solved with an aluminum-foil around the 3-cores, as seen in figure 1 below, and the outer sheath is reinforced with a hard layer outside the cable body [1]. Figure 1 Cross section of a modern 3 core cable with enforces outer sheath II. INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES Ploughing To make sure that the cable can be safely ploughed down, without risking damage during the ploughing time, the installation path should first be preploughed. There are two ways to plough single core cables, one way is to have three separate drums for each single core cable. This has the advantage of being able to use long length in each drum which might decrease the number of joints needed. The disadvantages are that a rather large machine is needed for handling of these three drums and the preparation time with installation of the drums on the ploughing machine will take longer time. The other solution is to bundle the single core cables into a tripack on one drum for only having to have one drum on the machine ploughing the cable. This will on the other hand limit the amount of cable on each drum leading. For ploughing a 3-core cable only one drum is needed on the machine and it is possible to have rather good length of the cable on a drum. After the cable has been ploughed down in to the ground the soil only has to be pressed back either by a tractor bucket or a vibrating foot which results in a quite low impact on the environment. Trenching The other way to lay the cable in the ground is to first dig a trench then place the cable in the trench. This is an operation that requires a few more people compared to ploughing the cable. After the cable is laid the trench has to be re-filled again which is quite time and manpower consuming. III. LOSSES As power cost increases the losses in the cables are becoming a more and more important issue. The main losses in the cable will always be in the conductor since all the load is in the conductor. Normally the screen in medium voltage grids are solidly bonded, a consequence of this is that a voltage will be induced in the screen for single core cables with the result of losses. In a 3-core cable there will be no losses in the screen since it is enclosing the conductors. To be able to compare the two different cable solutions, cables designed according to HD 620 S2:2010 Part 10 Section M will be placed on the same laying depth. The one core solution is laid in trefoil so the setup will be rather similar, the cables can also be placed in flat formation which leads to higher losses in the screen. The calculations are based on a soil temperature of 15 ºC, a thermal resistivity of 1,0 ºCm/W and a laying depth of 0,7m. The current carrying capacity for a single core solution is slightly higher and therefore the maximum load for the comparison will be based on the 3-core solution. A result of this is that the losses in the conductors in the single core solution will be lower since the temperature will be lower for the same load. Even though the losses in the conductor are lower in the single core solution the losses in the screen will result in more losses in the single core solution as seen in figure 3 below. 10. KONFERENCA SLOVENSKIH ELEKTROENERGETIKOV – Ljubljana 2011 CIGRE ŠK B1 - 06 Increased losses in 3 single core cables compared to three core cables 0,6 0,5 kW/km 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percent of maximum load Figure 3 Increased losses in a one core cable solution for a conductor area of 240mm2 A typical case To illustrate the impact of the losses in the screen a length of 20 km cable is used with the cost of 1 kWh is 0,1 € and the inflation rate of 1%. The load cycle of the cable is according to figure 4 and then calculated with the difference in losses as mentioned before and seen in figure 3. In a case with 20 years lifecycle the cost due to higher losses in a single core solution compared with a three core solution will be approximately 40 117 €. As seen in figure 3 the single core will have lower losses over 90% of the maximum load however a normal load for a medium voltage cable is quite modest based in what the cable can handle. In figure 4 on next page is a typical load for a medium voltage cables taken from Falu Elnät in Sweden during 2005 feeding a area of the city of Falun with approximate 40 000 inhabitants. Load during 2005 45 40 Percent [%] 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 2005-12-17 2005-12-03 2005-11-19 2005-11-05 2005-10-22 2005-10-08 2005-09-24 2005-09-10 2005-08-27 2005-08-13 2005-07-30 2005-07-16 2005-07-02 2005-06-18 2005-06-04 2005-05-21 2005-05-07 2005-04-23 2005-04-09 2005-03-26 2005-03-12 2005-02-26 2005-02-12 2005-01-29 2005-01-15 2005-01-01 0 Figure 4 A typical load mean load per day for a medium voltage cable feeding the city of Falun in Sweden IV. REFERENCES CONCLUSIONS The cable will influence the total Cost of Ownership during it’s whole lifetime not just only the investment cost. [1] [2] U. Johnsen, L. Efraimsson “Service and installation experiences from modern 3-core MV XLPE Cable” Slovenian Cigré Kransja Gora 2009 U. Johnsen, L. Efraimsson “The contemporary 3-core medium voltage XLPE cables” Croatian Cigré Cavtat 2007
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