Brošura EU Projekti.indd

Spoštovane gospe in gospodje!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
Za nadaljnji razvoj mesta
Maribor, drugega največjega mesta v Sloveniji, je
med drugim zelo pomembna
skrbna in strokovna priprava
projektov, ki bodo mestu dali
še bolj prepoznavno in moderno podobo ter predvsem
nove razvojne priložnosti. V
ta namen smo na Mestni občini Maribor ustanovili tudi
posebno službo – projektno
pisarno, ki je zadolžena za
pripravo, vodenje in koordinacijo razvojnih projektov.
Eden izmed osnovnih namenov te službe je tudi pridobivanje evropskih sredstev iz različnih
skladov, ki so na voljo tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini. Mesto je veliko
teh sredstev že pridobilo, najpomembnejši EU projekti, ki jih
je pridobila Mestna občina Maribor, so slikovito predstavljeni v
brošuri, ki je pred vami.
For subsequent development of the city of Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia, it is among other very important to
carefully and profesionally prepare projects, which will give the
city a more visible and modern image and in particular, bring
new development opportunities. Therefore, we have created a
special municipal service - the Project Office, which is responsible for preparing, managing and coordinating development
projects. One of the main aims of this service is also to acquire
financial means from various European funds, which are available in Slovenia and abroad. The city has already obtained many
of these funds. The most important EU projects implemented
by the Municipality of Maribor are presented in the brochure in
front of you.
V prihodnje čakajo Maribor veliki izzivi in odmevni projekti. Eden
od njih je Evropska prestolnica kulture 2012, ki za Maribor predstavlja tako velik izziv kot tudi priložnost, da Evropi predstavimo
ves kulturni potencial in ustvarjalnost, ki ju premoremo. Projekt
Scenarij prostorskega razvoja EPK 2012 temelji na preoblikovanju mestne sredice v atraktivno urbano jedro, v središču pa je
reka Drava. Leto kasneje pa bo Maribor še prizorišče vrhunske
športne prireditve Zimska univerzijada 2013, ko se bodo na strminah Pohorja in v okolici pomerili najboljši športniki študenti
na svetu.
Maribor is facing great challenges and high-profile projects.
One of them is the European Capital of Culture 2012, which
represents the biggest challenge and opportunity to present our
cultural potential and creativity to the rest of the Europe. The
scenario for the city’s spatial development within the European
Capital of Culture focuses on the river Drava as a contemporary
centre of the city’s development and is based on the transformation of the city centre into an attractive urban centre. A year
later, Maribor will be the scene of top sport event, namely the
2013 Winter Universiade, when the best student athletes will be
competing on the slopes of Pohorje and the surroundings.
I am convinced, our future activities will show Europe and the
rest of the world that we are able to apply for projects and successfully implement them. This way we will slowly transform
Maribor from a former industrial city into a city of culture, tourism and entrepreneurship - the city of friendly and open people.
Prepričan sem, da bomo z aktivnostmi v prihodnjih letih Evropi
in svetu pokazali, da smo sposobni prijavljati projekte, ki zadostujejo visokim pričakovanjem najrazličnejše javnosti in jih tudi
uspešno izvesti ter da bomo na ta način Maribor počasi preoblikovali iz nekdaj industrijskega mesta v mesto kulture, turizma
in podjetništva - mesto prijaznih in odprtih ljudi.
Franc Kangler, župan / Mayor
Ob reorganizaciji mestne uprave Mestne občine Maribor (v nadaljevanju MOM) je bila ustanovljena služba za razvojne projekte in investicije - projektna pisarna (v nadaljevanju projektna
pisarna). Sprva je bilo v projektni pisarni zaposlenih pet javnih
uslužbencev, danes jih šteje štirinajst. Do kadrovskih okrepitev
je prišlo predvsem zaradi dveh prihajajočih projektov - Evropske
prestolnice kulture 2012 (v nadaljevanju EPK) in Univerzijade
2013 (v nadaljevanju UNIZ).Projektna pisarna se deli na dva
dela, in sicer na:
When reorganizing the city administration of the Municipality of
Maribor (hereinafter: MOM) the Service for Development and
Investment projects - Project Office (hereinafter referred to as
Project Office) was established. Initially five public employees
were employed, however, due to the projects of the European
Capital of Culture 2012 (hereinafter: ECoC) and Universiade 2013
(hereinafter UNIZ), the number was increased by nine more employments. Project Office is divided into two parts, namely:
• del, ki se ukvarja z investicijami v kulturno in športno infrastrukturo za potrebe izvedbe EPK in UNIZ ter
• part responsible for the implementation of investment projects
for the European Capital of Culture 2012 (EcoC) and Universiade 2013 (UNIZ) and
• del, ki se ukvarja z »mehkimi« evropskimi projekti, zlasti v okviru čezmejnih,transnacionalnih in medregionalnih programov,
z neposrednimi kandidaturami v Bruselj (prijavljanje na razpise Evropske komisije) ter s sodelovanjem z Balkanom.
• part responsible for the implementation of the so called »soft«
European projects (direct applications to Brussels, cross-border, interregional and transnational programmess, cooperation with the Balkans).
Del službe, ki se ukvarja z evropskimi projekti, je tudi podporna služba za tiste investicijske projekte v okviru EPK in UNIZ,
kjer bodo pridobljena evropska sredstva. Kakor hitro so namreč
vključena evropska sredstva, so administrativni postopki precej
zahtevnejši in je potrebna večja mera pozornosti pri njihovem
vodenju. Ta del službe lahko odigra pomembno vlogo na področju evropskih zadev za celotno občino in tudi v širšem okolju
(podajanje informacij in sklepanje partnerstev z javnimi zavodi
in podjetji, občinami, ki so vključene v EPK pa tudi z ostalimi institucijami in organizacijami (npr. univerze, fakultete, skupnosti
občin, itd.). Že sedaj pa razmišljamo o oblikovanju kohezijske
politike po letu 2013, ko bo do sredstev upravičena predvsem
vzhodna kohezijska regija in bi bilo smiselno določene funkcije
pri upravljanju z evropskimi sredstvi prenesti v to regijo. MOM je
do sedaj na razpise evropskih sredstev uspešno prijavila več kot
trideset projektov, devetnajst jih je zaključenih, ostali so v izvajanju. Ti projekti so podrobneje predstavljeni v nadaljevanju.
Part of the service dealing with European projects is also a support service for the investment projects within the ECoC and
UNIZ where funding from the EU will be provided. As soon as the
European fundings are involved, the administrative procedures
are rather more demanding and require a greater measure of
attention for the management. The same part of the Service
can also play an important role regarding the European affairs
for the entire municipality as well as to the wider environment
(dissemination of information and consortium building with public institutions and enterprises, other municipalities, which are
included in the ECoC, universities and colleges and other associations. According to the cohesion policy after 2013, mainly
Eastern cohesion region of Slovenia will be eligible to receive
funding from EU. Therefore it will be also appropriate to apply
with certain functions, regarding the management of the European funding, to this region. MOM has successfully applied for
more than thirty projects, nineteen of them are completed and
the rest is in the process of implementation. The projects are
presented hereinafter.
Služba za razvojne projekte in investicije - projektna pisarna
Development Projects and Investments Service - Project Office
1. Bastion - izboljšanje kulturnih in turističnih dejavnosti čezmejnega pomena
1. Bastion - – improving cultural and tourist activities of cross-border interest
Vsebina projekta:
Projekt Bastion je skupni sosedski program Slovenije, Madžarske in Hrvaške, ki se je izvajal od leta 2005 do 2007. Glavna cilja
projekta Bastion sta izboljšanje kulturnih in turističnih dejavnosti čezmejnega pomena, kot npr. nacionalno in mednarodno
trženje storitev na področju kulture in turizma, razvoj skupnih
turističnih storitev in infrastrukture, skupno obveščanje gostov,
skupno upravljanje obiska, organizacijo in izvedbo skupnih kulturnih dogodkov, povečanje ozaveščenosti in spoštovanje raznolikosti kultur.
Project content:
Project Bastion is a joint neighbourhood programme carried
out by Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia and it was performed
from 2005 till 2007. The main objectives of project Bastion is
to enhance cultural and tourism activities of cross-border significance, such as: to market domestically and internationally,
services in the field of culture and tourism, to develop common
tourism services and infrastructure, to provide joint information
services and joint management of visitors, to organise and carry
out joint cultural events, to enhance awareness and respect for
cultural diversity.
Rezultati projekta:
Skupna sodobna muzejska razstava, skupen načrt tržnih akcij,
skupna internetna stran, skupne prireditve, povezava produkta
sodobna muzejska razstava na skupni turistični prostor, skupni
letak s skupno vstopnico, skupne aktivnosti odnosov z javnostmi.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Interreg III A): 393.408 EUR
MOM: 57.231 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
450.639 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2005 - 2007
Results of the project:
A joint modern museum exhibition, a single plan of marketing
activities, a single web site, co-hosted events, an association of
the product - the modern museum exhibition - to the common
tourism space, a single leaflet and a single entrance ticket, joint
activities in public relations.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Interreg III A): 393.408 EUR
MOM: 57.231 EUR
Total amount:
450.639 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2005 - 2007
2. Ecoprofit international - krepitev ekološke učinkovitosti podjetij
2. Ecoprofit international - Enhancing the eco-efficiency of enterprises
Vsebina projekta:
Projekt Ecoprofit je razvilo mesto Gradec z namenom krepitve
ekološke učinkovitosti v podjetjih in doseganja zakonskih obvez,
kar lahko prinaša tudi pozitivne ekonomske učinke. Glavni namen projekta je prenos znanja na partnerska mesta, s čimer se
zmanjšajo vplivi na okolje. Težišče projekta je bilo usmerjeno h
krepitvi malih in srednje velikih podjetij z uvajanjem inovativnih,
integriranih in okolju prijaznih tehnologij. Vzpostavljeno je sodelovanje med lokalno upravo in gospodarstvom kot predvideva
Lokalna agenda 21, namen sodelovanja pa je bil izboljšati tudi
kakovost življenja v mestu.
Project content:
Ecoprofit project was developed by City of Graz with the intention to strengthen the ecological effectiveness of enterprises
and achieving the legal obligations, which could benefit as positive economic effects. The main purpose of the project was the
knowledge transfer on the partner cities and by that decreasing
the effects to the environment. Gravity point of the project was
oriented towards strengthening the small and medium enterprises with implementing the new integrated and environmental
friendly technologies. A cooperation between local government
and economy was established, according to the Local agenda 21
and also to improve the quality of life in the city.
Rezultati projekta:
Osnovni in nadaljevalni program za skupno enaindvajset podjetij
iz Maribora, Ruš, Slovenske Bistrice, Ptuja in Lenarta. Izvedenih
je bilo več tematskih delavnic, podjetja so sodelovala tudi s strokovnimi svetovalci in ob zaključku projekta pripravila poročilo ter
načrt gospodarjenja z odpadki. V okviru doseženih rezultatov in
izvedenih ukrepov je bilo trinajstim podjetjem podeljeno priznanje »Ecoprofit podjetje«.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Interreg III C): 160.000 EUR
MOM: 13.220 EUR
Sodelujoča podjetja: 19.230 EUR
Sodelujoče občine: 2.550 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
1.560.000 EUR, v MOM: 195.000 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2/2003 – 9/2006
Results of the project:
Basic and Advanced programme for a total of twentyone companies from Maribor, Ruše, Slovenska Bistrica, Ptuj and Lenart. According to the thematic workshops, companies also worked with
professional advisors and prepared a report and plan of waste
management at the end of the project. Regarding the achieved
results and implemented measures, thirteen companies were
granted with the recognition of »Ecoprofit company«.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Interreg III C): 160.000 EUR
MOM: 13.220 EUR
Participating enterprises: 19.230 EUR
Participating municipalities: 2.550 EUR
Total amount:
1.560.000 EUR, in MOM: 195.000 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2/2003 – 9/2006
3. Euresun - učinkovita raba obnovljive energije
za trajnostno okolje
3. Euresun - efficient use of renewable energy for
sustainable environment
Vsebina projekta:
Uvajanje energetskega knjigovodstva in ozaveščanje javnosti o
učinkoviti rabi energije, da bi dosegli manjšo porabo energije v
zgradbah v javni lasti z dolgoročnim ciljem postopnega zmanjšanja emisij in energetske odvisnosti. Oskrbnike stavb, energetske
managerje in širšo javnost se seznanja s pilotno izvedbo vzpostavitve energetskega knjigovodstva, ki se izvaja na osnovni šoli
Martina Konšaka v Mariboru tekom projekta.
Project content:
Introduction of energy accounting and raising public awareness
of energy efficiency to achieve lower energy consumption in
public institutions with the goal of progressively reducing emissions and energy dependence. To note the Superintendents of
buildings, energy managers and the general public about the pilot implementation of energy accounting, which is implemented
in primary school Martin Konšak in Maribor during the project.
Rezultati projekta:
Izvedba delavnic, tiskovnih konferenc in objav v medijih na temo
»rezultati varčevanja z energijo« kakor tudi na temo »obnovljivi viri energije«. Seznanjanje ciljnih skupin s smernicami EU
o učinkoviti rabi energije in o možnostih varčevanja z energijo
tudi brez večjih vlaganj v obnovo zgradb. Izdana je zgibanka
za šolarje o učinkoviti rabi energije in priročnik o energetskem
knjigovodstvu za informacijo o spremljanju rabe energije po izvedenih ukrepih za zmanjšanje porabe energije.
Results of the project:
Workshops, press conferences and publications in the media on
the results of energy saving as well as renewable energy. To
note the target groups with EU directives on energy efficiency
and energy-saving potential, even without major investments
in reconstruction of buildings. Issued leaflet for pupils on the
efficient use of energy and the energy guide books for information on the monitoring of energy consumption as a result of
measures to reduce energy consumption.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 1.092.943 EUR
MOM: 543.836 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
1.603.074 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
6/2007 – 3/2008
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 1.092.943 EUR
MOM: 543.836 EUR
Total amount:
1.603.074 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
6/2007 – 3/2008
4. Obnova »Karantene« - prenova objekta
Vsebina projekta:
Prenova in oživitev zapuščenega objekta »KARANTENA« na območju nekdanje kaznilnice. Večnamenski center bo prvenstveno
namenjen neprofitni izobraževalni kulturni dejavnosti društev in
njihovih krovnih organizacij, neprofitnim družbenim dejavnostim
in tudi gospodarski dejavnosti.
Rezultati projekta:
Celovita prenova objekta »KARANTENA« v bivši kaznilnici, gostinski lokal, info prostor in info točka s podrobno ponudbo kulturnih in turističnih prireditev v mestu ter različen promocijski
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 1.092.943 EUR
MOM: 543.836 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
1.603.074 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
4/2007 – 9/2008
4. Recovery of »Karantena« - the facility renovation
Project content:
Renovation and revitalization of abandoned facility »KARANTENA« the former prison. Multi-purpouse center will be primarily
aimed at non-profit educational cultural activities of societies
and their umbrella organizations, non-profit social activities and
economic activities.
Results of the project:
Complete renovation of the facility »KARANTENA« in the former
prison with the restaurant, info room and info point with the detailed offer of cultural and tourist events in the city and different
promotional materials.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 1.092.943 EUR
MOM: 543.836 EUR
Total amount:
1.603.074 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
4/2007 – 9/2008
5. Pomoč za zaposlovanje dolgotrajno brezposelnih žensk
5. Employment aid for long-term unemployed women
Vsebina projekta:
Povečanje stopnje zaposlenosti dolgotrajno brezposelnih žensk
s spodbujanjem zaposlovanja v obliki subvencij za zaposlitev,
kar bo prispevalo tudi k dvigu stopnje zaposlenosti v tem razredu delovno aktivnih. Cilj javnega razpisa je tudi prispevati k
uveljavljanju koncepta enakih možnosti.
Project content:
Increase of the employment rate of long-term unemployed
women by promoting employment in the form of subsidies for
employment which will also contribute to raise the employment
rates in this class of economically active people. The project
also contributed to the implementation of the concept of equal
Rezultati projekta:
Zaposlitev dveh delavk za določen čas, 18 mesecev (v MOM), s
pomočjo sofinanciranja ESS.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESS): 26.477 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
28.375 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
5/2006 – 10/2007
Results of the project:
Fixed-term employment of two female workers for 18 months
(in MOM) with the co-financing from ESS.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ESF): 26.477 EUR
MOM: 1.898 EUR
Total amount:
28.375 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
5/2006 – 10/2007
6. Prenova osrednjega športno-prireditvenega stadiona Ljudski vrt (I. faza)
6. Renovation of the central sports and event's stadium »Ljudski vrt« (Phase 1)
Vsebina projekta:
V I. fazi je predvidena gradnja betonskega obroča nad obstoječim okvirjem sedanjega stadiona, po dokončanju del pa bo
stadion Ljudski vrt imel skupno trinajsttisoč pokritih sedišč. Izvedena je bila odstranitev starega objekta, potekala pa je tudi
priprava gradbišča in temeljenje za postavljanje konstrukcije
novih tribun.
Project content:
1st phase is the construction of the concrete ring above the existing framework of the current stadium. After completion of the
stadium, the »Ljudski vrt« will provide a total of thirteenthousand covered seats. Removing the old building held, the preparation of site and foundation for setting construction of new
Rezultati projekta:
Izgrajen betonski obroč nad obstoječim okvirjem sedanjega stadiona, odstranjen stari objekt, postavljene konstrukcije za nove
Results of the project:
Concrete ring was built above the existing framework of the
current stadium, the old facility was removed, a set design for
the new platform.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 3.254.882 EUR
SVLR: 1.084.960 EUR
MOM: 5.151.894 EUR
ZMŠD Branik: 375.563 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
9.867.300 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
5/2006 – 10/2007
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 3.254.882 EUR
SVLR: 1.084.960 EUR
MOM: 5.151.894 EUR
ZMŠD Branik: 375.563 EUR
Total amount:
9.867.300 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
5/2006 – 10/2007
7. PRIME - zasebne investicije v projekte trajnostne energetike
Vsebina projekta:
Podpiranje in pospeševanje zasebnih investicij v projekte trajnostne energetike, še posebej pri celostnih ukrepih za učinkovito rabo in rabo obnovljivih virov energije pri pogodbenem financiranju energetskih storitev.
Rezultati projekta:
Izvajanje projekta v Mariboru poteka v sodelovanju z Energetsko agencijo za Podravje – zavodom za trajnostno rabo energije.
V okviru projekta so bili izvedeni energetski pregledi izbranih
stavb v Mariboru. Ocenjena je bila njihova primernost za izvajanje ukrepov glede na postavljena merila (velikost stavbe,
starost, porabljena energija). Hkrati so se izvajale aktivnosti za
informiranje in obveščanje učiteljev, otrok in staršev o učinkoviti
in trajnostni rabi energije ter možnostih rabe obnovljivih virov
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU: 353.727 EUR
MOM: 353.727 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
707.454 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2005 - 2007
7. PRIME - PRivate Investments Move Ecopower
Project content:
Supporting and promoting private investments in sustainable
energy projects, especially at comprehensive measures for effective use of renewable energy sources at contract financing of
energy services.
Results of the project:
Implementation of the project takes place in Maribor in cooperation with the Energy Agency Podravje - institution for the sustainable use of energy. According to the project energy audits
of selected buildings has been carried out in Maribor. The estimated was its suitability for implementation of measures was
also evaluated in relation to the set criteria (size of the building,
age, energy consumed). At the same time the activities for promotion of effective and sustainable use of energy and possibilities of use in renewable energy was disseminate to teachers,
children and parents.
Co-financing and resources:
EU: 353.727 EUR
MOM: 353.727 EUR
Total amount:
707.454 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2005 - 2007
8. Projekt izgradnje ceste Ledina TAM - Proizvodna cona Te5 TEZNO: 1. faza ceste »LEDINA«
TAM vključno s komunalno infrastrukturo
Vsebina projekta:
Celotna cona Te5 Tezno je največja cona v Podravju in zadošča merilom cone strateškega pomena. Izgradnja Ceste Ledina
omogoča pogoje za opremljanje zemljišč v naslednjih fazah izgradnje in s tem pogoje za širitev cone.
Rezultati projekta:
V okviru projekta so potekale aktivnosti za izvedbo investicije v
izgradnjo ceste: odkup dela zemljišč za križišča; izgradnja ceste;
izgradnja kanalizacijskega omrežja, plinovod – zaščita cevi; izgradnja vodovoda - vodovodnega cevovoda v cesti ter uličnega
cevovoda s priključitvijo na obstoječ cevovod; izgradnja električnega omrežja – gradnja javne razsvetljave na skupni površini za
pešce in kolesarje; izgradnja telekomunikacijskega omrežja - zaščita in prestavitev obstoječega TK omrežja in izgradnja novega
omrežja s priključkom na obstoječe omrežje.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 810.320 EUR
MOM: 486.192 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
1.296.512 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
11/2005 - 10/2006
8. The project of building road Ledina TAM - Production Zone Te5 TEZNO: phase 1 of the road
»LEDINA« TAM including municipal infrastructure
Project content:
Te5 Tezno zone is the largest zone in Podravje and fulfills the
criteria zone of strategic importance. Building of the »Ledina«
TAM road creates the conditions for a land use (communal infrastructure) in the next stages of construction and the conditions
for the expansion of the business zone.
Results of the project:
The project activities were held for the investment in the construction of the road: buying a land for intersection, construction of roads, construction of sewerage network, gas-pipeline
- the protection of pipes, construction of water supply - water pipeline by connecting to existing pipelines, construction
of power grid - construction of public lighting in the area for
pedestrians and cyclists; construction of a telecommunications
network - the protection of TC and to move the existing network
and construction of new network, which will connect to existing
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 810.320 EUR
MOM: 486.192 EUR
Total amount:
1.296.512 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
11/2005 - 10/2006
9. SCIPARK - znanstveni park
9. SCIPARK - Science Park
Vsebina projekta:
Izdelava celovitega konceptualnega načrta in enotne strategije
vzpostavitve ustreznega okolja - znanstvenega parka v Mariboru
in Osijeku za izboljšanje inovacijske aktivnosti, za pospeševanje
rasti in razvoja tehnoloških in storitvenih podjetij, povečevanje
sodelovanja med podjetji in univerzami. Dodatni cilj je pripraviti
strategijo širitve rezultatov projekta SCIPARK na druga čezmejna
območja in tudi tam spodbuditi nastanek znanstvenih parkov.
Project content:
Conceptual design of a comprehensive plan and a single strategy of a proper environment - science park in Maribor and Osijek (Croatia) to improve their innovation activities. An additional
aim is to prepare the enlargement strategy of SCIPARK project
results to other cross-border areas.
Rezultati projekta:
Izdelava poslovnega načrta na lokacijah Maribor in Osijek,
vključno s študijo upravičenosti, specifikacijo relevantnih storitev in vrednotenjem ključnih podjetij za ustanovitev skupnih
R&R enot; priprava celovite urbanistično-arhitekturne idejne zasnove znanstvenega parka na lokacijah Maribor in Osijek; identifikacija šest do osem ključnih vsebinskih področij za ustanovitev skupnih R&R enot; definiranje strategije doseganja kritične
mase podjetij ter čezmejnega mreženja in podrobna zasnova
ene skupne R&R enote s področja IKT vključno z identifikacijo
čezmejnih partnerjev in zasnovo programa R&R aktivnosti; Izdelava skupne enotne strategije vzpostavitve znanstvenega parka
v Mariboru in Osijeku. Diseminacija rezultatov projekta javnosti
in specifičnim ciljnim skupinam ter priprava načrta skupnega nastopa na drugih čezmejnih območjih (z že vnaprej identificiranim
prvim kandidatom - občino Peč, Madžarska).
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Interreg III A): 120.156 EUR
SVLR: 27.533 EUR
MOM: 12.519 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
160.208 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
11/2006 (aktivnosti so se pričele 2/2007) - 2/2008
Results of the project:
Prepared business plan in locations Maribor and Osijek with the
feasibility study of the relevant service specification and evaluation of key businesses to set up the joint R&D units. Preparation
of a comprehensive urban-architectural brief for a design science park in Maribor locations and Osijek with the identification
of six to eight key content areas for establishment of joint R&D
units. Defined strategy for achieving a critical mass of enterprises and cross-border networking and the detailed design of
a joint R&D units in the field of ICT including the identification
of cross-border partners and designing R&D activities. Preparation of a joint strategy to establish science park in Maribor,
Osijek with the dissemination of project results to specific target
groups and the preparation of the joint plan for other border
areas (with already identified first candidate - the municipality
of Pecz, Hungary).
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Interreg III A): 120.156 EUR
SVLR: 27.533 EUR
MOM: 12.519 EUR
Total amount:
160.208 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
11/2006 (activities started in 2/2007) - 2/2008
10. Skupen model upravljanja zavarovanih območij
Kamenjak Pohorje - KaPo
10. Joint management model of protected areas
Kamenjak Pohorje - KaPo
Vsebina projekta:
Aktivno delovanje na področju trajnostnega upravljanja zavarovanih območij Kamenjak in medulinski arhipelag ter Pohorje. Projekt temelji na prenosu dobrih praks, skupnih modelov
upravljanja in intenzivnem vzajemnem sodelovanju vseh partnerjev na projektu.
Project content:
Active work on the field of sustainable management of protected
areas Kamenjak Medulin archipelago and Pohorje. The project
is based on the transfer of best practices, joint management
models and intensive mutual cooperation of all partners on the
Rezultati projekta:
Mestna občina Maribor je pripravila deset delavnic za različne
ciljne skupine, zloženke ter brošure na temo ozaveščanja ciljnih
skupin (lokalno prebivalstvo in institucije, šolarji, dijaki, študenti, obiskovalci) na temo aktivnejšega upravljanja zavarovanih
Results of the project:
City municipality of Maribor prepared ten workshops with leaflets and brochures on the subject of awareness raising of target groups (local communities and institutions, pupils, students,
visitors) on more active management of protected areas.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Interreg IIIA): 102.479 EUR
Ostali partnerji (občina Hoče-Slivnica): 12.518 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
115.152 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
1/2007 - 2/2008
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Interreg IIIA): 102.479 EUR
Other partners (municipality Hoče-Slivnica): 12.518 EUR
Total amount:
115.152 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
1/2007 - 2/2008
11. Tusec IP - Tehnike ocenjevanja tal v urbanih
naseljih - implementiranje v sisteme planiranja
11. Tusec IP - Technique of Urban Soil Evaluation
in City Regions – Implementation in Planning
Vsebina projekta:
Namen projekta je izdelati metodo za ocenjevanje tal, ki jo bo
mogoče uporabiti pri postopkih načrtovanja v občinah na območju Alp.
Project content:
To develop a method for assessing urban soil that can be used
in planning procedures in the city municipalities located in the
Rezultati projekta:
Zbrani podatki za izdelavo metode, pregled zahtev uporabnikov,
preizkušanje metode v različnih študijskih in pilotnih projektih,
razvoj in preizkušanje strategij za uporabo metode v praksi, informiranje javnosti.
Results of the project:
Collected data for setting up the method, review of user demands, tests of the method in different studies and pilot
projects, development and testing of the strategies for using
the method in practice, press releases.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Interreg III B): 868.360 EUR
MOM: administrativni stroški
Skupna vrednost:
1.998.882 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
9/2003 - 8/2006
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Interreg III B): 868.360 EUR
MOM: administrative costs
Total amount:
1.998.882 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
9/2003 - 8/2006
12. Via urbium - vsebinsko usklajen program turistične, kulinarične in kulturne ponudbe
12. Via urbium - coordinated programme of tourist, gastronomic and cultural offer
Vsebina projekta:
Projekt gradi na podobnostih in dolgoletni tradiciji sodelovanja
regij: Maribora v Sloveniji, Szombathelyja na Madžarskem in Varaždina na Hrvaškem.
Project content:
The project builds on the similarities and the long tradition of
cooperation among Regions of Maribor in Slovenia, Szombathely
in Hungary and Varazdin in Croatia.
Rezultati projekta:
Izdelan skupni spletni portal s vsebinsko usklajenim programom
turistične, kulinarične in kulturne ponudbe.
Results of the project:
Joint web portal with content coordinated programme of tourist,
gastronomic and cultural offer.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Interreg IV C): 16.739 EUR
SVLR: 56.538 EUR
MOM: 219.832 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
302.405 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
11/2006 - 1/2008
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Interreg IV C): 16.739 EUR
SVLR: 56.538 EUR
MOM: 219.832 EUR
Total amount:
302.405 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
11/2006 - 1/2008
13. Vinsko kulturna pot nadvojvode Janeza od Gradca do Maribora
13. Wine Cultural Route of Archduke Johann from
Graz to Maribor
Vsebina projekta:
Krepitev turistične, kulturnozgodovinske in vinogradniške ponudbe v okviru čezmejnega sodelovanja z Avstrijo.
Project content:
Strengthening tourism, cultural and wine offerings within the
cross-border cooperation with Austria.
Rezultati projekta:
Pokritje projekta na področju jugovzhodnega dela avstrijske
Štajerske in območja Slovenije s seznanjanjem širše in strokovne javnosti o življenju in delovanju nadvojvode Janeza ter manj
znanih graških slikarjev Kreuzer. Dediščina iz preteklosti je združena v skupno turistično ponudbo in predstavljena v prenovljeni
Hiši Stare trte na Lentu.
Results of the project:
Project was covered in the Eastern part of Styria and Slovenia
with promotion to the wider and professional public about the life
and activities of Archduke Johann from Graz and lesser-known
painters Kreuzer. The legacy is united in the joint tourist offer
and presented in the renovated House of Old Vine on Lent.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
V celoti EU (Interreg)
Skupna vrednost:
319.152 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2006 - 2007
Co-financing and resources:
Total amount EU (Interreg)
Total amount:
319.152 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2006 - 2007
14. Projekt rekonstrukcije ceste Kamnica-Spodnja
14. Road reconstruction project Kamnica-Spodnja
Vsebina projekta:
Obnova 5,4 km ceste v Kamnici in Spodnji Kungoti. Na cesti s
poselitvijo bodo poleg ceste izgrajeni tudi pločniki, kanalizacija,
javna razsvetljava in avtobusna postajališča.
Project content:
Recovery and renovation of 5,4 km of road in Kamnica and
Spodnja Kungota. Renovation will also include the pavements,
sewery, street lighting and bus stations.
Rezultati projekta:
Izboljšati prometno infrastrukturo ter prometno varnost zaradi
spodbujanja turističnega in gospodarskega razvoja v regiji z vidika razvoja turizma kakor tudi ohranjanja poselitve. V neposredni
bližini je izletniška točka Urban, znana po številnih turističnih
kmetijah in vinotočih. V okviru projekta se izvaja rekonstrukcija
dotrajanega cestišča, izgradnja kolesarske steze, izgradnja pločnika z javno razsvetljavo in avtobusnim postajališčem, izgradnja
fekalne kanalizacije ter izgradnja meteorne kanalizacije.
Results of the project:
Improved transport infrastructure and road safety in order to
promote tourism and economic development in the region as
well as the preservation of the settlement Sp. Kungota. Nearby
there is a popular torist point Urban, famous for its many tourist farms and wineries. According to the implementation of the
project a reconstruction will be made for deteriorated pavements, construction of bicycle lanes, sidewalk construction of
public lighting and bus stations, construction of faecal and rain
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 2.953.750 EUR
MOM: 1.180.000 EUR
Občina Kungota: 850.000 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
4.983.750 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2007 - 2009
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 2.953.750 EUR
MOM: 1.180.000 EUR
Kungota municipality: 850.000 EUR
Total amount:
4.983.750 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2007 - 2009
15. EnergaP - Energetska agencija za Podravje
15. EnergaP - Energy Agency Podravje
Vsebina projekta:
Ustanovitev Energetske agencije za Podravje, ki za MOM izvaja
razne programe in projekte na področju učinkovite rabe energije
(URE) in rabe obnovljivih virov energije (OVE), ki predstavlja
potencial za razvoj mesta. Agencija skupaj s strokovnjaki pripravlja učinkovito energetsko strategijo in postavlja temelje za
njeno izvajanje v Podravju.
Project content:
Establishment of the Energy Agency Podravje which implements
various programs and projects on energy efficiency (RUE) and
the use of renewable energy sources (RES), which represents
the potential for development of the city. The Agency is, together with experts, preparing an effective energy strategy and
lays the foundation for its implementation in Podravje.
Rezultati projekta:
Delovanje na področju MOM in petnajst sosednjih občin: Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Duplek, Hoče-Slivnica, Kungota, Lenart,
Lovrenc na Pohorju, Miklavž na Dravskem polju, Pesnica, RačeFram, Ruše, Selnica ob Dravi, Starše, Sv. Ana in Šentilj. Dolgoročno zagotavljanje redne dobave energije za gospodinjstva
in podjetja po primerni ceni in ob upoštevanju varovanja okolja.
V skladu s cilji, ki jih je v svojih dokumentih predstavila Evropska komisija, se z delovanjem na lokalni ravni in s promocijo
učinkovite rabe energije skuša zmanjšati emisije CO2 in prispevati delež k zmanjšanju porabe energije za 20% do leta 2010.
Prispevek bo tudi v večji uporabi obnovljivih virov energije in
doseganju cilja, ki predvideva delež obnovljivih virov pri pridobivanju energije v višini 12% do leta 2010. Agencija deluje tudi na
področju trajnostnega prometa in zmanjševanja onesnaževanja
zraka zaradi prometa. Z izvajanjem ukrepov na lokalni ravni želi
doseči, da bodo alternativna goriva, vključno z biogorivi predstavljala vsaj 20% porabe goriva v osebnih avtomobilih in tovornjakih do leta 2020.
Results of the project:
Operating in MOM and 15 neighboring communities: Benedikt,
Cerkvenjak, Duplek, Hoče-Slivnica, Kungota, Lenart, Lovrenc na
Pohorju, Miklavž na Dravskem polju, Pesnica, Rače-Fram, Ruše,
Selnica ob Dravi, Starše, St. Ana and Šentilj. Assuring the longterm energy supply for households and businesses at a reasonable price and having regard to environmental protection. In
accordance with the objectives set by the documents of the
European Commission, with local operation and the promotion
of energy efficiency aims to reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to reducing the energy consumption by 20% by 2010. The
contribution will be also in increased use of renewable energy
and achieving the objective of providing the increased share of
renewable energy of 12% by 2010. The Agency also works to
promote sustainable transport and reducing air pollution caused
by traffic. With the implementation of measures at the local
level, the agency strives to achieve the 20% use of alternative
fuels, including biofuels in passenger cars and trucks by 2020.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU: 195.000 EUR
MOM: 142.307 EUR
MOP, TOM, Elektro MB: 25.000 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
392.307 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
6/2006 - 6/2009
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Interreg IIIA): 102.479 EUR
EU: 195.000 EUR
MOM: 142.307 EUR
MOP, TOM, Elektro MB: 25.000 EUR
Total amount:
392.307 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
6/2006 - 6/2009
16. e-Regija - e-GJI: Regionalni kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture
16. e-Region - e-GJI: Regional Cadastre of public
Vsebina projekta:
Vzpostavitev katastra javne infrastrukture za Štajersko pokrajino; sprotno evidentiranje objektov gospodarske javne infrastrukture v regiji.
Project content:
The establishment of the public infrastructure cadastre for the
Styria region with ongoing surveillance of public infrastructure
facilities in the region.
Rezultati projekta:
Vzpostavitev katastra gospodarske javne infrastrukture in zagotavljanje sprotnega evidentiranja objektov gospodarske javne
infrastrukture v regiji in s tem vzpostavitev osnovnih pogojev
za gospodarjenje in razvoj gospodarske javne infrastrukture
na tem področju. Obenem pa tudi zagotoviti dobre podatke o
gospodarski javni infrastrukturi, ki bodo v naslednjih letih zelo
pomembni za dobro gospodarjenje z infrastrukturo.
Results of the project:
The establishment of the public infrastructure cadastre and to
provide ongoing records of facilities of public infrastructure in
the region and thus create the basis for the management and
development of public infrastructure in this area. At the same
time also to provide useful information on the public infrastructure which will be very important for good management of infrastructure in coming years.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU: 578.850 EUR
MOM: 152.250 EUR
Ostale občine: 86.100 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
817.200 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
5/2007 - 9/2009
Co-financing and resources:
EU: 578.850 EUR
MOM: 152.250 EUR
Other communities: 86.100 EUR
Total amount:
817.200 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
5/2007 - 9/2009
17. Krožišče na Titovi cesti C-4
17. Rundabout C-4 on Titova cesta
Vsebina projekta:
Izvedba krožišča na Titovi cesti C-4 po začetku gradnje druge
faze trgovskega centra Europark. Povezava krožišča z novo izgrajeno cestno povezavo med vhodom v Europark in navezavo
na krožišče.
Project content:
Implementation of roundabout C-4 on Titova cesta after the
second phase of construction of Europark shopping center.
Roundabout is linked to the newly constructed road with the
entrance to the Europark.
Rezultati projekta:
Izvedena urgentna prometna povezava z Univerzitetnim kliničnim centrom Maribor, urejen neposredni prometni dostop do
centralne cone in območja Europarka ter povečanje pretočnosti
Titove ceste.
Results of the project:
Implementation of the emergency transportation to the University medical centre of Maribor, regulation of the direct traffic
access to the central zone of Europark and increased fluidity of
traffic of Titova cesta.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU: 930.000 EUR
MOM: 1.090.000 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
2.020.000 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
6/2008 - 4/2009
Co-financing and resources:
EU: 930.000 EUR
MOM: 1.090.000 EUR
Total amount:
2.020.000 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
6/2008 - 4/2009
18. Prenova in dograditev kulturnega doma Kamnica - nakup opreme
18. Renovation and completion of Cultural centre
Kamnica - purchase of equipment
Vsebina projekta:
Nakup notranje opreme in izvedba gradbenih del ter izvedba
študije akustike dvorane.
Project content:
Purchase of internal equipment, realization of the building works
with study of the acoustic of the hall.
Rezultati projekta:
Prenovljen in dograjen objekt KD Kamnica.
Results of the project:
Renovation and completion of KD Kamnica with purchase of related equipment.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 128.873 EUR
MOM: 180.423 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
309.295 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
9/2008 - 6/2009
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 128.873 EUR
MOM: 180.423 EUR
Total amount:
309.295 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
9/2008 - 6/2009
19. Obnova kulturnega spomenika Naskov dvorec
v MB
19. The renewal of the cultural monument Nasko's
mansion in MB
Vsebina projekta:
Fizična prenova objekta kulturne dediščine Naskovega oz. Vetrinjskega dvorca in ustanovitev kulturno turističnega centra.
Project content:
Renovation of the building’s cultural heritage Nasko’s or Vetrinje’s mansion and the establishment of a cultural tourist destination.
Rezultati projekta:
Nakup dela objekta Naskovega dvorca, izdelava konservatorskega programa ter investicijske, projektne in gradbene dokumentacije, izvedba gradenj in zunanjega urejanja objekta. Z obnovljenim kulturnim spomenikom se bo povečala turistično kulturna
atraktivnost dvorca in mestnega jedra.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 2.075.516 EUR
MOM: 1.154.365 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
3.229.881 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
6/2007 - 11/2009
Results of the project:
Purchase of part of the Nasko’s mansion building, making of
conservator programme with all the related documentation (investment, project and construction works), implementation of
construction works and installation of external regulation. With
a renewed cultural monument a city of Maribor will increase
tourism and cultural attraction.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 2.075.516 EUR
MOM: 1.154.365 EUR
Total amount:
3.229.881 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
6/2007 - 11/2009
20. Prenova pohorske vzpenjače - 1. in 2. faza
Vsebina projekta:
Popolna prenova dotrajane pohorske vzpenjače.
Rezultati projekta:
Novi temelji, stebri vzpenjače z gondolami in spremljajočo infrastrukturo (postaje itd.).
Sofinanciranje in vir:
ESRR (MG): 4.200.000 EUR
Ostalo ŠCP in MOM
Skupna vrednost:
12.000.000 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
9/2009 - 12/2009 (1. faza)
4/2010 - 9/2011 (2. faza)
20. Renovation of the Pohorje cable railway - Phase 1 and 2
Project content:
Complete renovation of the worn Pohorje cable car.
Results of the project:
New foundation, railway pillars with supporting infrastructure.
Co-financing and resources:
ERDF (MG): 4.200.000 EUR
The rest from ŠCP and MOM
Total amount:
12.000.000 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
9/2009 - 12/2009 (Phase 1)
4/2010 - 9/2011 (Phase 2)
1. Added Value - povečanje uporabne vrednosti alternativnih prevozov
1. Added Value - increase the utility value of alternative transport
Vsebina projekta:
Cilj projekta je s pomočjo raznih metod obveščanja in informiranja povečati uporabno vrednost že izvedenim investicijam na
področju alternativnih prevozov - promocija javnega prometa in
Project content:
The project aims at using various methods of communication
and information useful to increase the value of the investments
already carried out in the field of alternative transport - promotion of public transport and cycling.
Rezultati projekta:
Pripravljena brošura z informacijami o alternativnih prevoznih
sredstvih, izdelane informativne table z načrti voznih linij in
avtobusnimi postajališči, izdelane informativne table z načrtom
kolesarskih poti, izvedene novinarske konference in delavnice
za občane z raznimi predavanji na teme kot so kvaliteta zraka
in varstvo pred hrupom, trajnostna mobilnost ter likovni in fotografski natečaji za otroke in mladino ter izmenjava izkušenj z
ostalimi partnerji v projektu. V letu 2008 smo v okviru projekta
Added Value izvedli dve pomembnejši akciji in sicer svetovni dan
varstva okolja - 5. junij in Evropski teden mobilnosti (ETM).
Results of the project:
Prepared brochure with information on alternative means of
transport, information boards and route plans bus shelters designed; information boards designed with the plan cycle routes,
press conferences and workshops held for persons with various
lectures on topics such as air quality, noise protection, sustainable mobility with art and photography contests for children
and young people and sharing experiences with other partners
in the project. In 2008, two major campaign were performed
through the World Day of environmental protection – 5th June
and the European Mobility Week (EMW).
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Intelligent Energy Executive Programme): 49.000 EUR
MOM: 60.000 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
109.000 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
11/2007 - 10/2010
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Intelligent Energy Executive Programme): 49.000 EUR
MOM: 60.000 EUR
Total amount:
109.000 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
11/2007 - 10/2010
2. Celovita oskrba severovzhodne Slovenije s pitno vodo
2. Comprehensive supply of Northeast Slovenia
with drinking water
Vsebina projekta:
Izgradnja manjkajočih vodovodov in zaščita vodnih virov (MOM,
Miklavž, Hoče, Ruše, Selnica).
Project content:
Construction of missing water pipelines and protection of the
water sources (MOM, Miklavž, Hoče, Ruše, Selnica).
Rezultati projekta:
Vzpostavitev novih in obnova obstoječih infrastrukturnih objektov in naprav za zagotavljanje redne in kvalitetne oskrbe
prebivalcev severovzhodne Slovenije s pitno vodo, zagotavljanje kvalitetnega vodovodnega omrežja s primernimi materiali
cevovodov, odpravljanje nevarnosti posameznih in epidemičnih
okužb zaradi neprimerne vode, zagotavljanje večje racionalnosti in učinkovitosti poslovanja z zmanjšanjem stroškov popravil
zaradi prelomov, omogočanje priključitve novih uporabnikov na
javno vodovodno omrežje in hidravlična izboljšava delovanja vodooskrbnega sistema. V II. fazi bo izveden sistem aktivne zaščite črpališč pitne vode na Vrbanskem platoju, ki je največji vir
pitne vode v severovzhodni Sloveniji.
Results of the project:
Establishment of new and renewal of existing infrastructure
facilities to ensure regular and quality supply of the drinking
water for the population in northeastern Slovenia; provision of
quality water supply networks with suitable pipeline materials;
eliminating the risk of individual and epidemic infections due to
inadequate water; ensuring greater rationality and efficiency of
operations by reducing the costs repair of pipe breaks; allowing the connection of new users to the public water distribution
system and hydraulic improvement of drinking water supply. In
phase 2 a system of active protection of drinking water wells will
be implemented in Vrbanski plateau, which is the largest source
of drinking water in northeastern Slovenia.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Kohezijski sklad): 35.000.000 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
35.000.000 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2007 - 2013
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Cohesion Fund): 35.000.000 EUR
Total amount:
35.000.000 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2007 - 2013
3. Citeair II - Skupna informacija k evropskemu zraku
Vsebina projekta:
Projekt CITEAIR II je nadgradnja projekta CITEAIR, ki je potekal v okviru programa INTERREG III C. Namen projekta je
priprava primerov dobre prakse, njihovo testiranje in uporaba v
partnerskih mestih.
Rezultati projekta:
Razviti primere dobre prakse za naslednja tri področja:
- vrednotenje vpliva prometa na onesnaženost zraka - prometni
indikator: s pripravo prometnega indikatorja bo možna primerjava vplivov prometa med različno velikimi mesti.
- izdelava katastra emisij v zrak vključno s CO2: za učinkovito
izvajanje ukrepov za zmanjšanje onesnaženosti zraka je potrebno poznati vire onesnaževanja in njihove emisije v zrak.
- model za napoved onesnaženosti zraka v mestu: z napovedjo
onesnaženosti zraka lahko skupine, kot so otroci in oboleli, obvestimo, kdaj ni primerno, da se odpravijo ven in izvedemo
tudi ukrepe, ki bi takšno stanje preprečili.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Interreg IV C): 55.250 EUR
SVLR: 6.500 EUR
MOM: 3.250 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
65.000 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
10/2008 - 9/2011
3. Citeair II - Joint information to the European air
Project content:
CITEAIR II project is the upgrading project CITEAIR held under
INTERREG III C. The project aims to prepare examples of good
practice, their testing and their use in the partner cities.
Results of the project:
To develop examples of good practice for the following three
- Evaluating the impact of transport on air pollution - transport
indicator: the preparation of the traffic indicator will compare
the effects of traffic between the different major cities.
- Creation of the cadastre of emissions to air including CO2: to
reduce air pollution is necessary to know the sources of pollution and their emissions into the air.
- Model for predicting air pollution in the city: the forecast of
air pollution may be benefit to the risk target groups such as
children and the sick people to notify them when it is not appropriate to go out.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Interreg IV C): 55.250 EUR
SVLR: 6.500 EUR
MOM: 3.250 EUR
Total amount:
65.000 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
10/2008 - 9/2011
4. City network - Maribor-Gradec
4. City network - Maribor-Graz
Vsebina projekta:
Čezmejni program povezovanja različnih področij MOM v povezavi s sorodnimi področji graške občine.
Project content:
Cross-border integration of the different programme areas of
MOM in conjunction with related areas of Graz
Rezultati projekta:
Prenos dobrih praks med obema mestoma, predvsem na področju varstva okolja in zelenih površin, gospodarstva in razvoja
mest ter urejanja prostora. V okviru projekta so predvidene tudi
institucionalne izmenjave ter razna izobraževanja in usposabljanja zaposlenih v obeh mestnih upravah, s katerimi bomo izboljšali komunikacijo in sodelovanje med mestnima upravama.
Results of the project:
Transfer of good practices between the two cities, especially in
the field of environmental protection and green space, economy,
urban development and planning. The project is also provided
for institutional exchange, various education and training of
employees, which will improve communication and cooperation
between both municipal administrations.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 1.823.168 EUR
MOM: 57.350 EUR
SVLR: 114.701 EUR
Partner 1, Partner 2: 149.684 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
2.144.903 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2009 - 2013
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 1.823.168 EUR
MOM: 57.350 EUR
SVLR: 114.701 EUR
Partner 1, Partner 2: 149.684 EUR
Total amount:
2.144.903 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2009 - 2013
5. Evropska prestolnica kulture 2012
5. European Capital of Culture 2012
Vsebina projekta:
Maribor bo v okviru projekta EPK 2012 s partnerskimi mesti Mursko Soboto, Novim mestom, Ptujem, Slovenj Gradcem in Velenjem promoviral bogastvo evropskih kultur ter skozi zavest o
vrednosti kulturnih različnosti gradil medsebojno razumevanje
in skupno evropsko identiteto.
Project content:
According to the ECoC 2012 project, Maribor and partner cities
Murska Sobota, Novo mesto, Ptuj, Slovenj Gradec and Velenje
will promote the richness of European cultures in order to build
mutual understanding through the recognition of the value of
cultural diversity and European identity.
Rezultati projekta:
Maribor je s partnerskimi mesti (celotna vzhodna kohezijska regija) v fazi pridobivanja:
- 30 obnovljenih spomeniško zaščitenih objektov
- 7 novogradenj za kulturne in sorodne vsebine
- 7 novih rezidenčnih centrov za umetnike
- 5 novih centrov kreativnih industrij
- 1 nov muzej na prostem (skansen)
- 3 nove mreže s področja umetnosti in premične kulturne dediščine
- 1 nova evropska mreža multimedijskih centrov
- 58 novih programov s področja kulturne dediščine, arheologije, umetnosti, AV, filma in izobraževanja
- 90 mednarodnih koprodukcijskih projektov v času EPK 2012
- 8 novih kulturnih in turističnih poti
- 1 digitalni celostni informacijski produkt
- 10 novih projektov s področja socialne vključenosti
- 2 nova projekta s področja multikulturnega sožitja
- 1 nov mednarodni projekt s področja globalne kulture miru
- 3 novi projekti v okviru Natura 2000
- 13 investicij v prometno infrastrukturo
- 31 drugih investicij (turizem, rekreacija, izobraževanje).
Results of the project:
in the process of establishment:
- 30 restored buildings - protected monuments
- 7 new buildings for cultural and related content
- 7 new centres for resident artists
- 5 new centres of creative industries
- 1 new museum in the open air (Skansen)
- 3 new networks in the field of art and mobile cultural heritage
- 1 new European network of multimedia centres
- 58 new programs in the field of cultural heritage, archeology,
art, AV, film and education
- 90 international co-production projects at the time of ECoC
- 8 new cultural and tourist routes
- 1 integrated Digital Information Product
- 10 new projects in the area of social inclusion
- 2 new project in the field of multicultural coexistence
- 1 new international project in the field of global culture of
- 3 new projects in the framework of Natura 2000
- 13 investment in transport infrastructure
- 31 other investment (tourism, recreation, education).
Sofinanciranje in vir:
Če nominirana mesta izpolnijo določene pogoje, lahko pridobijo nagrado Meline Mercouri za kakovostno izvedbo projekta
v višini 1,5 mio EUR, sicer pa za pripravo in izvedbo kulturnih
programov v okviru projekta EPK ni sredstev za neposredno financiranje programov ali s projektom povezanih investicij oz.
drugih stroškov.
Skupna vrednost:
Ocena potrebnih sredstev je temeljila na izkušnjah drugih mest,
nosilcev nominacije EPK. Skupni znesek potrebnih sredstev za
pripravo, organizacijo in izvedbo programov je bil ocenjen na:
57.423.000 EUR, od tega v MOM na 28.095.000 EUR.
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2008 - 2012
Co-financing and resources:
If the nominated cities meet certain conditions, they could receive the Melina Mercouri Prize for the quality execution of the
project in amount of of 1,5 mio EUR. Otherwise the investments
and other costs are not the subject of direct financing of the
ECOC related investments or programmes.
Total amount:
Assessment of resources was based on the experience of other
cities – the ECoC nominees. The total amount of funds needed
to prepare, organize and implement has been estimated at:
57.423.000 EUR of which the MOM to 28.095.000 EUR.
Start and the end of the project:
2008 - 2012
6. Investicija na preostalem delu območja Kulturnega centra Pekarna - »Gustav«, »Lubadar«,
»MC« (III. faza)
6. The investment in the rest of the Cultural centre
area »Pekarna« - halls »Gustav«, »Lubadar«
and »MC« (Phase 3)
Vsebina projekta:
Projekt je del obnove Kulturnega centra »Pekarna«. Investicija
v dvorane »Gustav«, »Lubadar« in »MC« (prenova objekta III.
Project content:
Project is the part of renovation of the Cultural centre »Pekarna«. The investment and adaptation of the rest of the »Pekarna«
- halls »Gustav«, »Lubadar« and »MC« (Phase 3) with related
Rezultati projekta:
Prenova objekta s pripadajočo infrastrukturo.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 3.486.212 EUR
MOM: 1.437.307 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
Predvideno: 4.923.519 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
9/2009 - 9/2011
Results of the project:
Renovation of the facility with associated infrastructure.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 3.486.212 EUR
MOM: 1.437.307 EUR
Total amount:
Provided approximately: 4.923.519 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
9/2009 - 9/2011
7. Investicija v kulturno infrastrukturo - »Hladilnica« (Kulturni center »Pekarna«, II. faza)
7. Investment in cultural infrastructure - »Hladilnica« (Cultural centre »Pekarna« Phase 2)
Vsebina projekta:
Projekt je del obnove Kulturnega centra »Pekarna«. Investicija v
kulturno infrastrukturo objekta Hladilnica (II. faza).
Project content:
Project is the part of renovation of the Cultural centre »Pekarna«. The investment and adaptation of the »Pekarna« object
called »Hladilnica« (Phase 2) with related infrastructure.
Rezultati projekta:
Prenova objekta s pripadajočo infrastrukturo.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 4.057.389 EUR
MOM: 1.672.497 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
Predvideno: 5.729.886 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
9/2009 - 9/2011
Results of the project:
Renovation of the facility with associated infrastructure.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 4.057.389 EUR
MOM: 1.672.497 EUR
Total amount:
Provided approximately: 5.729.886 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
9/2009 - 9/2011
8. Investicija v mladinsko turistično infrastrukturo-upravna zgradba (Kulturnega centra »Pekarna«, I. faza
8. The investment in youth tourism infrastructureoffice building (Cultural centre »Pekarna« Phase
Vsebina projekta:
Projekt je del obnove kulturnega centra »Pekarna«. Investicija v
mladinsko turistično-upravno zgradbo.
Project content:
The project is part of the reconstruction of Cultural centre
»Pekarna«. The investment in youth tourist-administration
Rezultati projekta:
Prenova objekta s pripadajočo infrastrukturo.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 680.000 EUR
SLO: 120.000 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
1.590.614 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2009 - 2011
Results of the project:
Renovation of the facility with associated infrastructure.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 680.000 EUR
SLO: 120.000 EUR
Total amount:
1.590.614 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2009 - 2011
9. Lutkovno gledališče
9. Puppet theatre
Vsebina projekta:
Obnova Minoritskega samostana in izgradnja Lutkovnega gledališča Maribor.
Project content:
Minorite Monastery reconstruction and construction of Puppet
Theatre Maribor.
Rezultati projekta:
Sanacijska dela na objektu Minoriti-Lutkovno gledališče. V okviru tega so bili že opravljeni arheološki pregledi, izvajajo se
gradbena dela. Hkrati potekajo tudi vsa elektro in strojno instalacijska dela. Z novo investicijo bo Lutkovnemu gledališču
Maribor zagotovljena infrastruktura, ki bo omogočila ustrezne
pogoje dela zaposlenim, obiskovalcem in kulturni javnosti mesta
ter regije pa dvig kakovosti in obsega ponudbe lutkovne gledališke produkcije.
Results of the project:
Adaptation works on Minorite monastery with the construction
of Puppet Theater are being implemented. The archaeological
examinations were already carried out and all the construction
work with all electrical and mechanical installation works are in
progress. The new investment will ensure the necessary infrastructure for puppet theatre in Maribor, which will allow adequate working conditions of employees and visitors. The cultural
public of Maribor and the whole Podravje region will increase the
quality and quantity of puppet theater production.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU: 6.409.827 EUR
Ministrstvo za kulturo: 2.793.878 EUR
MOM: 4.968.836 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
14.172.541 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
6/2007 - 9/2010
Co-financing and resources:
EU: 6.409.827 EUR
Ministry of Culture: 2.793.878 EUR
MOM: 4.968.836 EUR
Total amount:
14.172.541 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
6/2007 - 9/2010
10. Projekt MINUS 3%
10. Project MINUS 3%
Vsebina projekta:
S partnerji iz petih EU držav (Avstrija, Irska, Švedska, Slovaška in
Slovenija) je prijavljen projekt z naslovom »Primeri dobre prakse
za implementacijo Evropske direktive o energetski učinkovitosti
in energetskih storitvah« na razpis za sofinanciranje s strani Evropske komisije – program Inteligentna energija Evropa.
Project content:
Partners from five EU countries (Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Slovakia and Slovenia) applied the project entitled »Examples of
good practice for the implementation of european directive on
energy efficiency and energy services« to the call by the European Commission Programme called »The Intelligent Energy
Rezultati projekta:
Primeri dobre prakse za implementacijo Evropske direktive o
energetski učinkovitosti in energetskih storitvah – cilj: letno 3%
zmanjšanje porabe energije v stavbah v javni lasti. Mesta, ki
bodo to dosegla, bodo predstavljena kot vzor drugim evropskim
mestom. Ključni strateški cilj je tudi vpliv starejše, izkušenejše
mestne administracije in politikov, ki bi bili idejni voditelji v smislu spodbujanja energetske učinkovitosti in energetskih storitev.
Dodaten cilj je tudi prispevati k pravnim in zakonskim spremembam znotraj lokalne in nacionalne vlade, ki bo vzpostavila energetsko učinkovitost in energetske storitve.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
Celotni projekt EU (Intelligent Energy Europe): 759.099 EUR
Udeležba MOM (EU): 39.316 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
Celotni projekt: 1.012.135 EUR
V MOM: 52.422 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
9/2008 - 9/2011
Results of the project:
Examples of good practice for the implementation of European
directives on energy efficiency and energy services - the goal:
an annual 3% reduction in energy consumption in buildings in
public ownership. Cities that will achieve this goal be presented
as a model example for other European cities. A key strategic
objective is to achieve the impact of senior experienced city administration and politicians who could be the ideological leaders
in terms of promoting energy efficiency and energy services.
Another goal is also to contribute to legal and legislative changes within local and national governments that will establish energy efficiency and energy services.
Co-financing and resources:
Entire project EU (Intelligent Energy Europe): 759.099 EUR
MOM participation (EU): 39.316 EUR
Total amount:
Entire project: 1.012.135 EUR
In MOM: 52.422 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
9/2008 - 9/2011
11. Odvajanje in čiščenje voda na območju MBširše prispevno območje centralne čistilne naprave
11. Draining and water clearing on the MB areawider contribution area of central wastewater
treatment facility
Vsebina projekta:
Izgradnja manjkajoče kanalizacije in malih čistilnih naprav. Optimizacija hidravličnih modelov (MOM, Miklavž, Hoče, Duplek).
Project content:
Construction of the missing sewage and small wastewater treatment facilities. Optimisation of the hydraulic models (MOM,
Miklavž, Hoče, Duplek).
Rezultati projekta:
Izgradnja manjkajoče komunalne infrastrukture.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (Kohezijski sklad)
Skupna vrednost:
36.000.000 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2007 - 2013
Results of the project:
Construction of the missing communal infrastructure.
Co-financing and resources:
EU (Cohesion Fund)
Total amount:
36.000.000 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2007 - 2013
Vsebina projekta:
Prenos dobrih praks na področju planiranja učinkovitega javnega potniškega prevoza, izobraževanja uslužbencev mestne uprave na področju trajnostne mobilnosti, prenosa dobrih praks na
področju javno zasebnega partnerstva za javni potniški prevoz,
izboljšanja mobilnosti invalidov, slepih in slabovidnih, ozaveščanja in informiranja širše javnosti o prometnem stanju ter ukrepih
za izboljšanje prometa v mestu.
Project content:
Transfer of good practices on effective planning of public passenger transport, education of city government officials on
sustainable mobility, transfer of good practices on public-private partnership for public transport, improving the mobility of
persons with disabilities, blind and visually impaired, education
and informing the general public on the transport situation and
measures to improve traffic in the city.
Rezultati projekta:
Prenos dobrih praks na področju načrtovanja javnega potniškega prometa - trajnostna mobilnost.
Results of the project:
Transfer of good practises on planning of public passenger
transport - sustainable mobility.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 143.241 EUR
SVLR: 16.852 EUR
MOM: 8.426 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
Celotni projekt: 3.296.956 EUR
MOM: 168.519 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
2007 - 2013
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 143.241 EUR
SVLR: 16.852 EUR
MOM: 8.426 EUR
Total amount:
Total project: 3.296.956 EUR
MOM: 168.519 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
2007 - 2013
Vsebina projekta:
Projekt je nastal s sodelovanjem devetih evropskih mest in
organizacij s ciljem izboljšati življenjske in delovne pogoje starejših. Namen projekta je najti učinkovite rešitve za obdobje, ki
se začne po letih aktivne vključenosti na trgu dela.
Project content:
Project started with the cooperation of nine EU cities and organizations with the goal to improve living and working conditions
of senior inhabitants. Purpose of the project is to find effective
solutions for the period after the active inclusion on the labour
Rezultati projekta:
Primer dobre prakse za partnerske organizacije ter za države
članice in mesta v EU glede izboljšanja kakovosti ponudbe javnih
toritev s prilagodtvijo teh potrebam starejših in vzpostavitvijo
novega urbanega okolja, ki upošteva nove potrebe, ki so povezane s spremenjenim življenjskim slogom starejših.
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 98.983 EUR
MOM: 17.467 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
116.450 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
12/2008 - 1/2012
Results of the project:
Good practise examples for partner organizations and for EU
cities about improving and adapting the quality of the public
services to the needs of senior population with establishment
of the new urban environment which takes into consideration
new needs connected with the altered lifestyle of the senior
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 98.983 EUR
MOM: 17.467 EUR
Total amount:
116.450 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
12/2008 - 1/2012
14. URBACT II: Active A.G.E.
14. URBACT II: Active A.G.E.
Vsebina projekta:
Povezovanje evropskih mest z namenom ustvariti pogoje za
aktivnejše vključevanje starajoče populacije v projekte urbane
prenove mestnih jeder.
Project content:
Connecting EU cities with aim to create conditions for active
inclusion of the senior population in projects of urban renovation of city centres.
Rezultati projekta:
Izmenjava izkušenj med mesti in podpora EU strokovnjakov,
priprava lokalnega akcijskega načrta za aktivnejše vključevanje
starajoče populacije v projekte urbane prenove mestnih jeder.
Results of the project:
Exchange of experience among the EU cities and support of EU
experts to prepare the local action plan for active inclusion of
the ageing population in projects of urban renovation of city
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 48.050 EUR
MOM: 10.400 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
58.450 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
6/2008 - 6/2011
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 48.050 EUR
MOM: 10.400 EUR
Total amount:
58.450 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
6/2008 - 6/2011
Vsebina projekta:
Povezovanje partnerskih mest iz Evrope z namenom ustvariti
pogoje za financiranje malih in srednje velikih podjetij (v Mariboru na področju kulture in turizma - v povezavi z EPK 2012).
Project content:
Connecting partner EU cities with aim to create conditions for
financing small and medium enterprises (in Maribor on the field
of tourism and culture - in connection with ECoC 2012).
Rezultati projekta:
Ustanovljene lokalne podporne skupine v vsakem od dvanajst
evropskih mest, izmenjava izkušenj med skupinami, podpora EU
strokovnjakov, priprava lokalnega akcijskega načrta na področju
pogojev za financiranje malih in srednjih podjetij (v MB na področju kulture in turizma).
Results of the project:
Establishment of local support groups in each of twelve european cities, exchange of experience among the groups and support of EU experts to prepare the local action plan for creating
the conditions to finance small and medium enterprises (in MB
on the field of tourism and culture).
Sofinanciranje in vir:
EU (ESRR): 43.600 EUR
MOM: 10.900 EUR
Skupna vrednost:
54.500 EUR
Predviden začetek in zaključek projekta:
6/2008 - 6/2011
Co-financing and resources:
EU (ERDF): 43.600 EUR
MOM: 10.900 EUR
Total amount:
54.500 EUR
Start and the end of the project:
6/2008 - 6/2011
V prihodnjih letih bo Mestna občina Maribor zaradi izvedbe projekta Evropska prestolnica kulture investirala predvsem v kulturne objekte, kot so: Umetnostna galerija Maribor, Evropsko
gledališče, Centralna mestna knjižnica, obnovo mestnih stolpov
in mestnih trgov ter drugih sorodnih projektov ter programov
na področju kulture. Poleg tega bomo skušali evropska sredstva
pridobiti še za projekte na temo invalidov ter slepih in slabovidnih oseb, za izgradnjo kolesarskih stez, obnovo mestnega
akvarija-terarija ter za druge projekte, predvsem s področja
trajnostne mobilnosti, varstva okolja in energetike.
Due to the European Capital of Culture project, the municipality of Maribor will primarily invest into cultural facilities, such
as: Maribor Art Gallery, European Theatre, Central City Library,
City Towers, town squares and other related projects with cultural programmes. In this respect we will try to acquire European fundings for projects regarding disabled, blind or visually
impaired people, for the construction of bicycle lanes, reconstruction of the city aquarium-terrarium and for other projects,
mainly in the field of sustainable mobility, environmental protection and energy.
Služba za razvojne projekte in investicije
projektna pisarna / Office of Project development
Kontakt / Contact:
mag. Monika Kirbiš
vodja službe / Head of Office
Tel.: +386 (0)2 22 01 475
E-mail: [email protected]
Mestna občina Maribor - Služba za razvojne projekte in investicije
mag. Tadej Kurent in Nina Djurovič (SRPI MOM)
Katja Lenič Šalamun (svetovalka župana MOM)
in mag. Jasmina Dolinšek (SRPI MOM)
Altius d.o.o.
Marko Petrej, Bogdan Zelnik, Branko Ritonja, slikovni arhiv MOM
in slikovna dokumentacija projektov MOM
Naklada: 1000 kom.