CSM MOROCCO MID-LONG TERM PROGRAM 2014/2015 1- ABOUT CSM WHO WE ARE ? CHANTIERS SOCIAUX MAROCAINS - CSM is a non profit NGO . It was created in 10 October 1963 by some young people so as to organize work camps and contribute to the building of the nation. In 1972, CSM was recognized by the ministry of youth as a national organization after creating several sections in different Moroccan regions. Actually CSM has 50 local group. • CSM is a full member of: • UMAC , Moroccan union of work camps association • Associations Space • UMAV, Maghreb union of volunteering action • ICYE, International Cultural youth exchange CSM is also a partner of the European Alliance of work camps associations 2- ABOUT VOLUNTEERING IN CSM Why volunteering with CSM ? The program offered by CSM is a good opportunity for volunteers to work with the local community so as to achieve the following objectives. -Discover Morocco that is changing rapidly -Discover the diversity of our Arab and Berber culture -Provide add values for the projects offered -Build together a fruitful intercultural exchange Various Information -In each project we can place 6 volunteers -Each volunteers have to send us the application + Motivation letter - Each volunteers can apply for 2 to 12 months Volunteers profil The Volunteers should - Be between 18 and 50 year old -Be well prepare for this mission, Be flexible , Sociable and open minded -Be creative in your work and try to propose initiatives Project’s Fees 200 Euros OUR AIMS • Implement projects dealing with local population needs such as, global education, capacity building, youth activities, protection of environment, health… • Encourage the active involvement of local and international volunteers in its projects • Encourage young people to join the associative work , participate actively to its activities , improve their capacity building and ensure the sustainable of the associative movement • Foster the local and international youth meeting without distinction because of race, social status, or any other disadvantages, so as to communicate and seat up a global intercultural leaning and peace all around the world • Strengthen the associative governance and contribute to its empowerment so as to achieve its mission in a democratic way Work for the recognition of the voluntary service Our projects concern the following activity : - Education - Health - Human Right - Children , Youth - Disabled - Elderly - Environment - Women empowerment 3- VOLUNTEERING LIFE Working CSM responsibilities CSM is responsible of preparing the work and try to 1-At the arrival of the volunteer , CSM organize: make this work an important opportunity for the -Preparation during two days. This meeting will volunteer and the project . Our final goal is exchanging concern : good practices, knowledge and expertise . - Get to know more CSM Get to know more the Moroccan Culture Accommodation and food - Get to know more the project The volunteers will be lodge in a hosting family or -Two evaluation meeting during the period sharing a flat with other volunteers , the food will -Nominate a contact person for the volunteer , he/she provided by the family or the association /project will follow up the volunteer and intervene when necessary PHOTO in a Center of Elderly people PHOTO in a Center of children ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains RP. : 456 Rabat RP. Maroc Tél./Fax : (212) 537 26 23 98 E-mail : [email protected] VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT #1 NAME OF THE PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON HIND IN HAND 1-RABAT, BP456 RABAT MOROCCO , + 212628882310 , contact SEDIIK 2-Casablanca ,bloc 19 sidi el bernoussi Casablanca ,+ 212635617289 , contact BOUCHAIB 3-Sale , salam 22 Ain Touba Hay Inbiaat , + 212614616230 contact ABDELOUAHAD 4-ElJADIDA , 19 Rue Yaakoub Mansour ,+ 212699370460 contact ASMAA THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT 5-BENSLIMANE , Hay Karim Bloc d Rue 2 N 1 contact HANIN Teaching languages , Scholar support AIMS OF THE PROJECT To offer to children and young people the opportunity to learn languages as during their school / university studies PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Teaching – Theatre – Cultural activities – Workcamps – seminars – excursions COMMUNITY CONTEXT VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS VOLUNTEER’S TASKS HOST SITUATION VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION Supporting children and young coming from families for a sustainable human development Be prepared and have skills to this mission . Sense of humor and interest in learning new things every day .Cooperative spirit and interest in quality communication within the beneficiaries , be open mind and sociable , and creative Teaching , organizing activities , preparation of lessons The volunteers can choose between ling in hostiing family or sharing flat with other volunteer ’Union Marocaine des Association des Chantiersﺳﻨﺔ ﺕ As+ 04 1963 ¡ ﻟﺠﻤﻌﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺑﻲ ﻟﻺﺗﺤﺎﺩ ﻣﺆﺳﺲ ﻋﻀﻮ ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT # 2 NAME OF THE PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT Community health and Medical Center -021-BENSLIMANE , Hay Karim Bloc d Rue 2 N 1 contact HANIN 2-RABAT, BP456 RABAT MOROCCO , + 212628882310 , contact SEDIIK 3-Casablanca, BP 456 Morocco Treatment of common diseases and child care AIMS OF THE PROJECT Give to sick people the necessary patient conditions for their healing accompany sick children in their daily tasks in the hospital and create in them time of animation PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Taking care of patients – Animation – Cultural activities – workcamps – seminars – excursions COMMUNITY CONTEXT VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS VOLUNTEER’S TASKS HOST SITUATION VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION Learning about and caring for others , as well as learnig from and participating in the mutual care Be prepared and have skills to this mission , Commitment to personal development , Maturity > reliability They will work along with health workers in a hospital or dispensary centers , Taking part in registration of patients , accompany sick children in their daily tasks , take care of children and the other patients The volunteers can choose between living in a hosting family or sharing a flat with other volunteers 06 ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT #3 NAME OF THE PROJECT All for Environnent protection -03- LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT 1-CASABLANCA , bloc 19 Sidi el bernoussi Casablanca , + AIMS OF THE PROJECT -Organize campaigns of sensitization about environment -Intervene at the relevant authorities so as to find solutions to environment problems PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Campaigns – Animation – Cultural activities – workcamps – seminars – excursions COMMUNITY CONTEXT VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS VOLUNTEER’S TASKS HOST SITUATION VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION 212660044902, contact LAITOUSSI 2-- SALE , Salam 22 Rue Ain Touba Hay Inbiaat Sale , +212614616230 Mobilization of the community to protect environment The volunteers in this project will have to develop and support though creative in nature and ecology conservation . they will educate the local community , environmental protection and conservation Be prepared and have skills to this mission and interest in quality communication within the beneficiaries , be open mind and sociable , and creative They will develop pedagogical , organize campaigns and disseminate information They volunteers can choose between living in a hosting family or sharing a flat with volunteer 04 ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT #4 NAME OF THE PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT CHILDREN WELFARE CENTRE -041-ESSAOUIRA , Centre DARNA Essaouira , + 212628882310, contact SEDDIK 2-SALE, Salam 22 Rue Ain Touba Hay Inbiaat Sale ,+ 212614616230 , contact Abdelouahad 3-CASABLNCA , Salmia Quartier andalous N2 Sbata Casablanca , + 212635617289 , contact RACHID 4- RABAT , BP 456 RABAT RP MOROCCO , + 212628882310 , contact SEDDIK This is a welfare project , is offers education to the marginalized children in the society ensure a pleasant future and integration in the society AIMS OF THE PROJECT The objective of this project is to give priority attention to safe lives of these abandoned and innocent babies / children who have destiny and greater fulfillment in future PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Taking care of children – Education – Animation – Cultural activities – workcamps - seminars – excursions COMMUNITY CONTEXT The volunteers will appreciate everyday life , habits and culture . they will integrate easily the community VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS VOLUNTEER’S TASKS HOST SITUATION VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION Be prepared for this mission , be passion , open mind , be creative Care of children and accompany them during their day tasks , Volunteers will support them by organizing entertainment cultural events and serious social occasions ( courses of foreign languages , etc ) Essaouira the will live in the centre , the volunteers choose hoting family or sharing a flat with other volunteers 04 ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT #5 NAME OF THE PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT Disability and Solidarity Centre -051-Sale ANNOUR centre bab Chaafa Sale , + 212663206751 , Contact person SEDDIK 2-Benslimane , Hay Karim Bloc d Rue 2 n 1, + 212666701241. Contact HANIN 3-Casablanca , Salmia Quartier Andalous N2 Sbata Casablanca , +212635617289. Contact RACHID Assisting ., Caring , Organizing leisure activities , Accompany AIMS OF THE PROJECT The objective of this project is to give priority to safe lives of these disabled , and innocent children who have destiny and greater fulfillment in future PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Caring for people disabled . organize leisure activities , Accompany them in their daily actives COMMUNITY CONTEXT These centers receive several disabled children / young The volunteers will appreciate everyday life habits and culture of these children through practical and social help they will provide within the period VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS Be prepared for this mission , Be passion respect cultures both of the hosts and other volunteers Open mind . VOLUNTEER’S TASKS Caring < Organizing leisure activities of disabled children and young people , Accompany in their daily tasks HOST SITUATION VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION The volunteers can choose between living in a hosting family or sharing a flat with other volunteers 04 ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT 6 NAME OF THE PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT ELDERLY WELFARE CENTRE -061-RABAT , BP 456 RP MOROCCO , +212628882310, contact SEDDIK 2-CASABLANCA , Salmia Quartier Andalous N2 Sbata Casablanca , 212635617289 Elderly and homeless people AIMS OF THE PROJECT Working with elderly is one of the priority for CSM , the objectives are : Offer them a pleasant environment and ensure their welfare , Assist them in their different activities and the hospital PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Take care , accompany them in the hospital , animation , assistance , Cultural activities . Workcamps This center is receiving elderly and homeless people , the centre provide them their necessities . The volunteers will appreciate everyday life , habits and culture of these children through practical and social help they will provide within period COMMUNITY CONTEXT VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS Be prepared for this mission . Open mind , Be creative , Responsible and social VOLUNTEER’S TASKS Caring for the elderly people and offering them companionship, Organizing cultural activities and sports activities to improve the physical well-being of the elderly . Help in preparing their menus HOST SITUATION The volunteers can choose between living in a hosting family or sharing a flat with other volunteers VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION 04 ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT #7 NAME OF THE PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT Women’s Empowerment NAHDAT ALHAY -071-SALE , Salam 22 Rue Ain touba Hay Inbiaat Sale , + 212614616230 , contact Abdelouahad 2-Casablanca , Salmia Quartier Andalous N2 Sbata Casablanca , + 212635617289 contact RACHID Woman’s empowerment and autonomisation AIMS OF THE PROJECT Encourage the women to develop their capacities for a real empowerment and autonomisation PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Education of children and how to take care of them , Learn some manual jobs to women and workshops for children an youth such as: Teaching , sport , civic education COMMUNITY CONTEXT Sale is a part of Rabat agglomeration , The climate is temperate and the atmosphere is quite humid , due to the influence of the ocean and the river ( valee de Bourgreg). VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS Be prepared for this mission , Be passion , Open mind , Be creative , Responsible and social VOLUNTEER’S TASKS HOST SITUATION VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION Education of children and how to take care of them <, Learn some manual jobs to women Work projects to support the socially and economically disadvantaged women , And workshops for children and youth such as : Teaching , Art , Sport , Civic education The volunteers can choose between living in a hosting family or sharing a flat with volunteers 02 ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT #8 NAME OF THE PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT JOIN CSM ADMINISTRATION STAFF -081-RABAT , BO 456 RABAT RP MOROCCO , + 21262282310 , contact SEDDIK Daily management tasks of the association AIMS OF THE PROJECT Develop the work of the association , and add value to the staff in terms of expertise PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Administration tasks , Meeting , visit of sections , projects elaboration , Seminars , workcamps COMMUNITY CONTEXT CSM administration in the center of RABAT , The volunteers will appreciate everyday life , habits and culture of the administration through practical and add value VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS Be prepared for this mission , Be passion , Open minded , Be creative VOLUNTEER’S TASKS To be involved in all administrative work , elaborate projects , participate of the reunions HOST SITUATION VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION The volunteers can choose between living in a hosting family or sharing a flat with other volunteers 02 ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Chantiers Sociaux Marocains VOLUNTARY WORK PLACEMENT # 9 NAME OF THE PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS COUNTRY PHONE/FAX EMAIL CONTACT PERSON THEME OR TYPE OF PROJECT HUMAN RIGHTS -091-RABAT , BP 456 RABAT RP MOROCCO , + 2126229992310 contact SEDDIK Human right AIMS OF THE PROJECT Contribute to our work of human right. Give new approaches to deal with this questions , gather , articles and publication concerning the human rights in Morocco PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES Discussions , administrations work , projects elaborations , Seminars , workcamps COMMUNITY CONTEXT VOLUNTEER’S REQUIREMENTS VOLUNTEER’S TASKS HOST SITUATION VOLUNTEERS NUMBER FOR EACH LOCATION CSM has a group working on the human right and the seat up the new constitution working with this group will probably interested the volunteers and will find himself in this activity Be prepared for this mission , Be passion , Open minded , Be creative The volunteers will work with CSM in their process to contribute in seating up the new constitutions , participate to seminars , manifestations for human rights , elaborate reports The volunteers can choose between living in a hosting family or sharing a fat with other volunteers 02
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