CAMP KOREA ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT– WINTER 2012 Section 1 - Contracted Parties This agreement is made on the XX day of XXXXXXXX 20XX between the employer, Camp Korea Co. Ltd., hereafter designated as party “A,” and the employee, listed below, hereafter designated as party “B”. Employer Name (party “A”) Employee Name (party “B”) Employee Date of Birth Employee Nationality Employee Passport Number Employment Status Contract Start Date Contract End Date Contract Period Camp Korea Co. Ltd. Camp Korea Domestic Camp English Language Teacher Tuesday, December 27th 2011 Wednesday, January 18th 2012 23 Days The parties listed above are entering into the following binding agreement. Section 2 – Position, Period & Schedule 2.1 – Position & Period “A” employs “B” as an English language Teacher (ELT) for Camp Korea (CK) from 09:00 on December 27th 2011 until 18:00 on January 18th 2012 (23 days), hereafter referred to as the „Stated Contract Period.’ 2.2 – Daily Schedule & Days Off “B” agrees to make themselves available to meet “A‟s” needs typically from 08:30 to 21:00 daily. “B” is entitled to two (2) unpaid days off duty during the „Stated Contract Period.’ Note: Days & times as listed here are subject to change. Depending upon program requirements, and according to the camp programme schedules, “A” reserves the right at all times to choose “B‟s” scheduled working hours, working days & days off. Section 3 – Salary Package, Bonuses, & Payment Structure 3.1 – Total Salary “A” agrees to pay “B” a total salary of ₩2,500,000 (₩1,500,000 base salary + ₩1,000,000 completion incentive) as remuneration for successfully fulfilling the role of ELT for the duration of the „Stated Contract Period.’ Note: Total salary is based on actual scheduled contract hours. “B” is not paid an additional sum to that specified here for works related tasks that may need to be completed outside of the times presented on the ELT‟s daily schedule (lesson planning, diary marking, special event preparation etc). 3.2 – Bonuses (if applicable) Upon the successful completion of the „Stated Contract Period’ “A” agrees to pay “B” any applicable returning teacher bonus as listed in section 3.7 (Returning English Language Teacher Bonus) of this contract of employment document. Any applicable bonuses are not included in any salary figure listed in this contract of employment document but will be paid in accordance with the payment schedule as listed in section 3.6 (Payment Schedule) of this contract of employment document. 3.3 – Payment Breakdown (excluding any applicable bonuses) Base Salary ₩1,500,000 © Camp Korea Co. Ltd. 6F Jaeseung Building, 770-6 Yeoksam 2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-928, South Korea. Ph: +82-2-538-9001, fax: +82-2-538-8860, e-mail: [email protected], Revision 6 – September 2011 CAMP KOREA ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT– WINTER 2012 Completion Incentive Divided by Working Days Payment per Day ₩1,000,000 21 days (excluding 2 days off) ₩119,047 ₩1,500,000 + ₩1,000,000 = ₩2,500,000 Total Salary Note „Payment per Day,‟ as listed above, is calculated for the purposes of any applicable deductions as listed in section 5 (Stated Contract Period Conditions of Employment) of this contract of employment document. 3.4 – Salary Package As well as the salary listed in section 3.1 (Total Salary) of this contract document, “A” agrees to provide to “B” the following, all for the duration of the „Stated Contract Period.’ i) Shared accommodation in a university dormitory room. (See Note below). ii) Three meals a day. (See Note below). iii) Accident insurance coverage of 50% of medical bills resulting from any work related accident for the duration of the „Stated Contract Period.’ iv) Camp apparel (t-shirt/sweatshirt). v) Text book and teaching materials to assist with lessons. vi) Two (2) paid days of pre-camp orientation (December 27th & 28th 2011). vii) Certificate of completion and/or work reference upon completion of the camp. viii) Payment of Korean National Tax. ix) Farewell dinner upon the completion of camp. Note In the event of camp programme schedules ending prior to the end of the „Stated Contract Period,’ as in section 2.1 (Position & Period) of this contract of employment document, “A” will not be in a position to offer accommodation or meals to “B” and “B” will be required to vacate their accommodation and leave the camp site upon the completion of their camp programme. In this event “A” agrees to pay “B” their full contracted salary amount even though they will not be fulfilling the „Stated Contract Period.’(For more see section 5 (Stated Contract Period Conditions of Employment) of this contract of employment document). 3.5 – Payment Method If required “A” will assist “B” in opening a Korean domestic bank account. In this case “B‟s” salary will be deposited directly into this account. Regardless of the currency exchange rate on the date of payment, all payments will be made in South Korean won (₩). It is the responsibility of “B” to make the necessary arrangements to exchange the money to a different currency, if so desired. 3.6 – Payment Schedule ”A” agrees to make payment to “B” for services rendered as per the following payment schedule. Date (no later than) January 4th 2012 January 17th 2012 January 19th 2012 Payment Detail 1. Deposit payment 2. Remainder of salary, plus returning teacher bonus,* minus deductions,* minus board deposit.* 4. Room key/board deposit.* Amount ₩500,000 ₩1,900,000 ₩100,000 © Camp Korea Co. Ltd. 6F Jaeseung Building, 770-6 Yeoksam 2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-928, South Korea. Ph: +82-2-538-9001, fax: +82-2-538-8860, e-mail: [email protected], Revision 6 – September 2011 CAMP KOREA ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT– WINTER 2012 * If applicable ₩2,500,000 Notes Deductions will be made due to unscheduled absence or other penalties occurred as stated in section 5 (Stated Contract Period Conditions of Employment) of this contract of employment document. ₩100,000 is withheld as security for room key & bond. “A” agrees to pay “B” the outstanding ₩100,000 upon completion of the „Stated Contract Period’ in cash, upon return of “B‟s” room key & a satisfactory inspection of “B‟s” room by “A”. Any deductions due to absence or other penalties post the final deposit with be deducted from this final cash amount. The dates as stated above are subject to change depending on camp schedules. 3.7 – Returning English Language Teacher Bonus (If applicable) “A” employs the following bonus structure applicable to all returning CK ELT‟s. Returning Frequency 1 time (2nd camp) 2 time (3rd camp) 3 time and up (4th camp or more) Bonus Amount ₩100,000 ₩150,000 ₩200,000 3.8 – Airfare (If applicable) If “B” does not fulfil the time period for his/her service as per the „Stated Contract Period’ in Section 2.1 (Position & Period) of this contract of employment document and “B‟s” airfare has been prepaid by “A” at the departure point, then “B” must pay back the whole airfare to “A” forthwith. Section 4 – “B‟s” Job Responsibilities The following lists “B‟s” primary job responsibilities. i) Arrive at the camp site by 9pm on the 26th of December 2011. ii) Attend two days of pre-camp orientation sessions on the 27th & 28th of December 2011. iii) Follow the camp programme schedule & participate in all camp scheduled activities or events for the duration of the „Stated Contract Period.‟ iv) Attend a daily pre-class morning briefing with the designated programme Head Teacher/Foreign Section Coordinator (times subject to change). v) Participate in special events such as opening and closing day events and evening student farewell parties. vi) Eat lunch and dinner with the students. vii) If required write a weekly progress report for each student for public display on the CK website. viii) On days off, return to the camp site by 10pm on the eve of resumption of scheduled duties. Section 5 – Stated Contract Period Conditions of Employment By signing this contract of employment document “B” is agreeing to the following conditions of employment. The breaking of any of the following conditions can result in the dismissal of “B” with subsequent loss of salary (see section 6 (Termination of Contract/Dismissal) of this contract of employment document). Sick Leave, Alcohol & Smoking i) There is no paid sick leave. Should “B” be unable, for whatever reason, to fulfil their contract © Camp Korea Co. Ltd. 6F Jaeseung Building, 770-6 Yeoksam 2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-928, South Korea. Ph: +82-2-538-9001, fax: +82-2-538-8860, e-mail: [email protected], Revision 6 – September 2011 CAMP KOREA ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT– WINTER 2012 obligations as listed in section 4 of this contract document (“B‟s” Job Responsibilities) deductions will be made from “B‟s” salary. Deductions are calculated on a full-day or half-day basis with the amounts deducted as listed in section 3.3 (Payment Breakdown) of this contract of employment document. ii) The consumption of alcohol on camp premises is strictly forbidden. If “B” is found to break this rule ₩50,000 will be deducted from “B‟s” salary. iii) Failing to fulfil ones duties due to the overindulgence of alcohol will result in a salary deduction the equivalent of one (1)days pay AND a fine of ₩50,000. iv) Continued abuses of this policy can led to the dismissal of “B” with consequent loss of salary. Note Abuses of the alcohol policy is, at all times, left to the discretion of “A” who will judge & rule upon breaches of the policy on a case by case basis. Any decision “A” makes regarding the implementation of this policy will be done in the best interest of the camp & its students, is non-negotiable & final. v) Smoking is banned in public areas and in front of students. Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas. Student Wellbeing vi) “B” will not, in any way, physically, sexually or emotionally abuse any student placed in his/her care. vii) CK students and “B” may be housed in different buildings, or on different floors within the same building. In either case it is strictly forbidden for “B” to visit the student‟s accommodation. Performance, Punctuality & Co-operation viii) “B” must strive to the best of their abilities to fulfil all their contract obligations as listed in section 4 (B‟s Job Responsibilities) of this contract of employment document. ix) “B” must arrive on time to all meetings/briefings, classes and activities required as determined by their programme schedule. x) If “B” is late reporting for duty three (3) times or more ₩50,000 will be deducted from “B‟s” salary. Furthermore, if “B” breaches the contract, or fails to attend class without “A‟s” permission, “B” will be lose one day‟s pay, or in more serious cases, be dismissed. xi) “B” must reasonably co-operate with Korean teachers and camp management to support efficient execution of the camp programme. xii) On days off, “B” must return to the camp site by 10pm on the eve of resumption of scheduled duties. Note The policing of ELT performance, punctuality & general co-operation is, at all times, left to the discretion of “A” who will judge & rule upon unacceptable instances of ELT behaviour on a case by case basis. Any decision “A” makes regarding salary deductions and/or dismissal will be made in the best interest of the camp & its students. In such instances all decisions are non-negotiable & final. Curfew xiii) For security reasons, the teacher‟s accommodation dormitory will be locked at a specified time each night of the week. Therefore “B” must be back at the dormitory no later than the specified © Camp Korea Co. Ltd. 6F Jaeseung Building, 770-6 Yeoksam 2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-928, South Korea. Ph: +82-2-538-9001, fax: +82-2-538-8860, e-mail: [email protected], Revision 6 – September 2011 CAMP KOREA ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT– WINTER 2012 curfew time. Note: Continued abuse of the stated curfew could result in a salary deduction as determined by “A” and any decision “A” makes regarding this will be made in the best interest of the camp & its students. In such instances all decisions are non-negotiable & final. Media Rights xiv) While fulfilling their duties “B” may be videotaped and photographed by members of the camp media team. “B” grants “A” the right to use their image on the camp website or in camp marketing material. Location Assigning xv) At all times during the „Stated Contract Period’ “A” reserves the right to assign “B” to a location that suits “A‟s” needs. Amendments to the „Stated Contracted Period’ xvi) In terms of schedule changes “B” could finish their contracted duties earlier than as stated in section 2.1 (Position & Period) of this contract of employment. In this event “A” will not be in a position to offer accommodation or meals to “B” & as a result “B” will be required to vacate their accommodation and leave the camp site upon the „revised‟ completion date of their contract. In this event “A” agrees to pay “B” their full contracted salary amount & not withhold any applicable bonuses even though “B” will not be fulfilling the original „Stated Contract Period’ as stated in section 2.1 (Position & Period)of this contract of employment document. Section 6 – Termination of Contract/Dismissal i) In the event of “B‟s” failure to complete the „Stated Contract Period’ as stated in section 2.1 (Position & Period) of this contract of employment document, the temporary employment agreement between “A” & “B” will be terminated and no further salary will be paid by “A” to “B”. Salary paid by “A” to “B” shall be limited to the total number of days worked, and as a monetary figure determined by “A.” If “B” has been paid in excess of the number of days worked, “B” must refund the difference to “A” forthwith. The daily payment amount is as calculated in section 3.3 (Payment Breakdown) of this contract of employment document. ii) In the event of “B” suffering a family bereavement during the „Stated Contract Period’, and having consideration for the portion of the „Stated Contract Period’ completed by “B”, “A” retains the right to use discretion as to the amount of salary paid to “B”. iii) “A” retains the right to terminate the agreement without being liable for any loss suffered by “B” in situations involving sexual harassment, violence, abuse, neglect of duties, poor performance, consumption of alcohol and any other inappropriate conduct that “A” deems unacceptable. iv) While both parties “A” & “B” enter into this agreement with total honesty and integrity, disputes may sometimes occur. In such cases, both parties will be bound by all terms and conditions of this agreement. An attempt to gain a resolution shall, in the first instance, be sought through mediation. In this instance either party may decide to terminate this contract of employment. However, any © Camp Korea Co. Ltd. 6F Jaeseung Building, 770-6 Yeoksam 2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-928, South Korea. Ph: +82-2-538-9001, fax: +82-2-538-8860, e-mail: [email protected], Revision 6 – September 2011 CAMP KOREA ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT– WINTER 2012 reasonable loss suffered directly by a party through non-performance of condition/s within this agreement shall be claimable upon the non-performing party. Upon such termination, both parties will agree to remain civil and to speak honestly and fairly about their experiences and not in a disrespectful manner. v) In case of a contract dispute between the two parties “A” & “B” this contract will be interpreted according to the domestic laws of the Republic of Korea. A competent court in the Republic of Korea will have jurisdiction in regards to any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with, this agreement. Note This contract only comes into effect upon the successful obtainment of a temporary Korean work visa by “B”. In the event of “B” failing to secure the necessary work visa, all aspects of this contract document will become null and void and no salary will be paid by “A” to “B.” Section 7 - Waiver In signing this contract document “B” acknowledges that they have read, understood and fully agree to be bound by all the terms & conditions as listed herein. “B” also agrees that the terms & conditions of this contract document will only take effect upon the successful obtainment of an appropriate Korean work visa by “B.” “B” also agrees that upon signing this contract document they will be entering into a legally binding agreement with “A” and that the domestic laws of the Republic of Korea will be applied within the jurisdiction and forum of the Republic of Korea legal system in the event of any legal dispute over the contents of this contract of employment document. In turn, “A” agrees to sponsor & be responsible for “B” for the duration of the „Stated Contract Period.‟ Full Name of “B” (please print) Signature of “B” Date Signed on Behalf of “A” David M Byrne HR Manager, Camp Korea Co. Ltd. © Camp Korea Co. Ltd. 6F Jaeseung Building, 770-6 Yeoksam 2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-928, South Korea. Ph: +82-2-538-9001, fax: +82-2-538-8860, e-mail: [email protected], Revision 6 – September 2011
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