Copyright 2002
Nicolas Obolensky
To my parents
I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards my advisor, Dr. José
Príncipe, for giving me an opportunity to work on this challenging topic and for
providing continuous feedback during the course of this work.
Thanks are due to Dr. Erik Larsson and Dr. Yuguang Fang for agreeing to be on
my committee.
I wish to thank my parents and my sister for their constant emotional support and
encouragement throughout my academic career.
This work was partially supported by a Honeywell Corporation grant.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... xi
1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................1
Related Work ................................................................................................................. 1
Approach........................................................................................................................ 2
A Description of the Kalman Filter ............................................................................... 4
A Two-State Filter: Friedland’s Model.......................................................................... 8
Dynamic Model....................................................................................................... 9
Measurement Model ............................................................................................. 10
A Three-State filter: Ramachandra’s Model................................................................ 10
Dynamic Model..................................................................................................... 11
Measurement Equation ......................................................................................... 12
Drawbacks of the Classical Methods .................................................................... 12
3 A TIME-VARYING KALMAN FILTER ....................................................................13
Time Varying Kalman Filter........................................................................................ 14
A Time-Varying State Model ...................................................................................... 14
Model Update............................................................................................................... 16
Results.......................................................................................................................... 18
The Extended Kalman Filter Applied to Moving Vehicle Tracking ........................... 35
A Description of the Extended Kalman Filter ...................................................... 36
The Extended Kalman Filter and its Flaws ........................................................... 37
The Unscented Kalman Filter ...................................................................................... 39
The Unscented Transformation............................................................................. 40
The Application to the Kalman Filter ................................................................... 41
Results.......................................................................................................................... 44
Robustness to State Noise ..................................................................................... 46
Robustness to Measurement Noise ....................................................................... 53
Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 57
5 CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH ..........................................................58
Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 58
Further Research .......................................................................................................... 58
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................60
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH .............................................................................................62
Discrete Kalman Filter time update equations.........................................................7
Discrete Kalman Filter measurement update equations...........................................7
Extended Kalman Filter time update equations .....................................................37
Extended Kalman Filter measurement update equations.......................................37
Computation of the sigma points ...........................................................................43
Unscented Kalman Filter time update equations ...................................................43
Unscented Kalman Filter measurement update equations .....................................43
The ongoing discrete Kalman filter cycle................................................................6
A complete picture of the operation of the Kalman filter........................................8
Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is appearing............................19
Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is slowing down.....................19
Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is stopping..............................19
Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is speeding up. .......................20
Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is disappearing. ......................20
Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle is entering.....................................20
Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle is stopping. ...................................21
Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle is stopped and the camera is
shaking. ..................................................................................................................21
Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle is moving slowly..........................21
Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle goes back......................................22
Example of videos. Third video, the moving vehicle is on the road. ....................22
Example of videos. Third video, the vehicle is approaching a crossroad..............22
Example of videos. Third video, the vehicle is crossing the crossroad. ................23
Example of videos. Third video, the vehicle is speeding up. ................................23
Example of videos. Third video, the vehicle is disappearing ................................23
Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian noise
with a standard deviation of σ=5, for the first video.............................................25
Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian noise
with a standard deviation of σ=5, for the second video. .......................................26
Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian noise
with a standard deviation of σ=5, for the third video............................................27
Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian noise
with a standard deviation of σ=10, for the first video...........................................28
Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian noise
with a standard deviation of σ=10, for the second video. .....................................28
Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian noise
with a standard deviation of σ=10, for the third video..........................................29
Actual trajectory, noisy measurements and estimated trajectory on the first video
with a noise standard deviation of 5. .....................................................................30
Actual trajectory, noisy measurements and estimated trajectory on the first video
with a noise standard deviation of 10. ...................................................................30
Actual trajectory, noisy measurements and estimated trajectory on the second
video with a noise standard deviation of 5.............................................................31
LMS algorithm step size evolution with respect to time for the second video......31
LMS algorithm step size evolution with respect to time for the third video. ........32
A complete picture of the operation of the extended Kalman filter ......................38
The Unscented Transformation estimates for the mean and the covariance
compared to the actual mean and covariance, and to the “first-order” estimates. .42
Experimental set for the Unscented Kalman Filter performance test ....................45
Unscented Kalman Filter subsystem......................................................................45
Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the Extended Kalman Filter for a state noise
of 10-3. ....................................................................................................................46
Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a state
noise of 10-3............................................................................................................47
Range Estimation Residual of the Extended Kalman Filter for a state noise of 10-3.48
Range Estimation Residual for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a state noise of
10-3. ........................................................................................................................48
Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W position)
estimates for the Extended Kalman Filter for a state noise of 10-3........................49
Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W position)
estimates for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a state noise of 10-3. .....................49
Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the Extended Kalman Filter for a state noise
of 10-1. ....................................................................................................................50
Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a state
noise of 10-1............................................................................................................51
Range Estimation Residual for the Extended Kalman Filter for a state noise of 101
Range Estimation Residual for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a state noise of
10-1 .........................................................................................................................52
Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W position)
estimates for the Extended Kalman Filter for a state noise of 10-1........................52
Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W position)
estimates for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a state noise of 10-1. .....................53
Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the Extended Kalman Filter for a
measurement noise of 100. ....................................................................................54
Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a
measurement noise of 100. ....................................................................................54
Range Estimation Residual for the Extended Kalman Filter for a measurement
noise of 100............................................................................................................55
Range Estimation Residual for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a measurement
noise of 100............................................................................................................55
Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W position)
estimates for the Extended Kalman Filter for a measurement noise of 100. .........56
Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W position)
estimates for the Unscented Kalman Filter for a measurement noise of 100. .......56
Abstract of Thesis Presented to the Graduate School
of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
Nicolas Obolensky
August 2002
Chair: Dr. Jose Principe
Major Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Since the time of its introduction, the Kalman filter has been the subject of
extensive research and application, particularly in the area of target tracking. This is
likely due in large part to advances in digital computing that made the use of the filter
practical, but also to the relative simplicity and robust nature of the filter itself. This
thesis presents improvements in Kalman filtering applied to target tracking.
First, we describe a time varying extension to the Kalman Filter for tracking
moving objects in images. Classical methods for tracking assume either a constant
acceleration model or a random acceleration. Those assumptions often turn out to be
inaccurate. The proposed Kalman filter adapts its model (i.e., the state transition matrix)
at each step to better estimate the movement of the maneuvering target. The performance
of this time-varying Kalman filter is tested on an airborne surveillance video.
Then, we introduce an improvement to the classical extended Kalman filter,
called the unscented Kalman filter. The state distribution is represented, as in the
extended Kalman filter, by a Gaussian random variable, but is now described using a
minimal set of carefully chosen points that, when propagated through the true nonlinear
system, capture the posterior mean and covariance accurately, and help improve the
tracking performance.
The combination of the two methods leads to an algorithm that efficiently tracks
moving targets with noisy radar measurements.
Each time an outfielder tracks and catches a fly ball, he intuitively solves a
problem of target tracking. That problem has stymied engineers, mathematicians, and
computer scientists for years. Two great mathematicians, the American Norbert Wiener
and the Russian Andrey Kolmogorov, first approached the problem during World War II.
Rather than catching fly balls, Kolmogorov and Wiener were trying, in the days before
computers, to develop mathematical algorithms that would help to track enemy aircraft
by radar and automatically guide an anti-aircraft gun to shoot it down. The research
started by Kolmogorov and Wiener has developed into a thriving area of applied
mathematics known as Optimum Filtering Theory. For the past two decades, because of
the development of computer technologies and computer vision, target tracking has
evolved in many ways and has spread out to a large number of areas from traffic control
to radar missile targeting.
We will focus here on moving vehicle tracking with radar or ladar observations. It
consists in predicting the future position of a vehicle moving on the ground, given range
and angle (azimuth and elevation) data.
Related Work
As a fruitful application for state estimation, the problem of tracking a moving
object from radar or ladar measurements has received a great deal of attention in the
literature. Various issues such as decoupled tracking, tracking in cluttered environment,
tracking a maneuvering target, and tracking multiple targets have been studied in detail
[1,2]. However a number of problems are still open, and reducing computational
requirements, while achieving some desired tracking performance is another important
issue in many practical applications.
Usually a Cartesian coordinate system is well suited to describe the target
dynamics since the dynamic equations are often linear and uncoupled. Within the
significant toolbox of mathematical tools that can be used for linear state estimation from
noisy sensor observations, one of the most often-used tools in the target tracking field is
what is known as the Kalman Filter. But, because measurements of the target location are
expressed as nonlinear equations in coordinates, the tracking problem is connected with
nonlinear estimation. The natural way to generalize the methods applied to linear
estimation was to extend the Kalman Filter to nonlinear recursive equations: this classical
extended algorithm is called the Extended Kalman Filter. These two algorithms are the
foundation of most moving vehicle tracking algorithms, but they have a lot of important
flaws that need to be addressed.
The Kalman Filter is the foundation of our moving vehicle tracking method,
because of its adaptivity for implementation on a digital computer for on-line estimation
and usefulness of the state-space approach. The state-space equations are decomposed
into two parts: the state equation and the measurement equation. The state equation
describes the target dynamics and are chosen in order to be linear. The measurement
equation, that connects the state vector to the radar observations, is consequently
nonlinear. To solve this system of linear and nonlinear recursive equations, we introduce
a combination of two filtering methods, each one improving the classical methods in their
This work presents in a first place a description of the Kalman Filter. It then
describes a new version of the Kalman Filter that improves target tracking in a linear
case. This improved version of the Kalman Filter, the time-varying Kalman Filter, is
tested on a set of vehicle tracking surveillance videos. Finally, this work introduces a new
extension to the Kalman Filter to nonlinear equations, which, combined with the timevarying Kalman Filter, constitutes an efficient moving target tracking method, using
radar measurements.
Within the significant toolbox of mathematical tools that can be used for
stochastic estimation from noisy sensor measurements, one of the most well-known and
often-used tools is what is known as the Kalman Filter [3]. The Kalman filter is
essentially a set of mathematical equations that implement a predictor-corrector type
estimator that is optimal in the sense that it minimizes the estimated error covariancewhen some presumed conditions are met. Rarely do the conditions necessary for
optimality actually exist, and yet the filter apparently works well for many applications in
spite of this situation.
A Description of the Kalman Filter
The Kalman Filter has made a dramatic impact on linear estimation because of its
adaptivity for implementation on a digital computer for on-line estimation and usefulness
of the state-space approach. Today, the Kalman Filter is an established technique widely
applied in the fields of navigation [4], guidance, aircraft [5] and missile tracking [6],
reentry of space vehicles, etc.
This section describes the filter in its original formulation [3], where the
measurements occur and the state is estimated at discrete points in time. The Kalman
filter addresses the general problem of trying to estimate the state of a discrete-time
controlled process that is governed by the linear stochastic difference equation
x k +1 = Ak x k + Bu k + wk
with a measurement zk∈ℜ that is
y k = Hx k + v k
The random variables wk and vk represent the process and measurement noise
(respectively). They are assumed to be independent (of each other), white, and with
normal probability distribution
In practice, the process noise covariance Q and measurement noise covariance R
matrices might change with each time step or measurement, however here we assume
they are constant. The n x n matrix A in the difference equation relates the state at the
previous time step k-1 to the state at the current step k, in the absence of either a driving
function or process noise.
Note that in practice A might change with each time step, but here we assume it is
constant. The nx1 matrix B relates the optional control input uk∈ℜl to the state xk+1. The
m x n matrix H in the measurement equation relates the state to the measurement zk. In
practice, H might change with each time step or measurement, but here we assume it is
The Kalman filter estimates a process by using a form of feedback control: the
filter estimates the process state at some time and then obtains feedback in the form of
(noisy) measurements. As such, the equations for the Kalman filter fall into two groups:
time update equations and measurement update equations. The time update equations are
responsible for projecting forward (in time) the current state and error covariance
estimates to obtain the a priori estimates for the next time step. The measurement update
equations are responsible for the feedback, i.e. for incorporating a new measurement into
the a priori estimate to obtain an improved a posteriori estimate. The time update
equations can also be thought of as predictor equations, while the measurement update
equations can be thought of as corrector equations. Indeed the final estimation algorithm
resembles that of a predictor-corrector algorithm for solving numerical problems. The
time update projects the current state estimate ahead in time. The measurement update
adjusts the projected estimate by an actual measurement at that time. The process can be
described by the following figure:
Figure 2.1:The ongoing discrete Kalman filter cycle
The first task during the measurement update is to compute the Kalman gain Kk.
The next step is to actually measure the process to obtain zk, and then to generate an a
posteriori state estimate by incorporating the measurement. The final step is to obtain an
a posteriori error covariance estimate Pk. After each time and measurement update pair,
the process is repeated with the previous a posteriori estimates used to project or predict
the new a priori estimates.
Table 2.1 Discrete Kalman Filter time update equations
xˆ k− = Axˆ k −1 + Bu k
Pk− = APk −1 AT + Q
Table 2.2 Discrete Kalman Filter measurement update equations
K k = Pk− H T ( HPk− H T + R ) −1
xˆ k = xˆ k− + K k ( y k − Hxˆ k− )
Pk = ( I − K k H ) Pk−
The symbol “^” highlights that the calculated value is an estimate. The superscript
“-” in xˆ k− or Pk− means that an a priori estimate is computed. HT is the transpose of the
matrix H.
In the actual implementation of the filter, the measurement noise covariance R is
usually measured prior to operation of the filter. Measuring the measurement error
covariance R is generally practical (possible) because we need to be able to measure the
process anyway (while operating the filter) so we should generally be able to take some
off-line sample measurements in order to determine the variance of the measurement
The determination of the process noise covariance Q is generally more difficult as
we typically do not have the ability to directly observe the process we are estimating.
Sometimes a relatively simple (poor) process model can produce acceptable results if one
"injects" enough uncertainty into the process via the selection of Q. Certainly in this case
one would hope that the process measurements are reliable. In either case, whether or not
we have a rational basis for choosing the parameters, often times superior filter
performance (statistically speaking) can be obtained by tuning the filter parameters Q and
R. The tuning is usually performed off-line, frequently with the help of another (distinct)
Kalman filter in a process generally referred to as system identification.
Figure 2.2: A complete picture of the operation of the Kalman filter
A Two-State Filter: Friedland’s Model
Consider an aircraft or similar space vehicle with constant velocity perturbed by a
zero mean random acceleration ([7,8]). The position of the vehicle is assumed to be
measured by a track-while-scan radar sensor at uniform sampling intervals of time T
seconds and all measurements are noisy. The problem is to obtain the optimum estimates
of position and velocity of the vehicle.
This model assumes that each component of the vehicle position is independently
measured by a radar sensor in the Cartesian coordinate system with constant accuracy,
and that the observation errors have zero mean and are uncorrelated.
Dynamic Model
As the model assumes that each position coordinate is measured independently,
each coordinate is uncoupled from the other two and hence can be treated separately. For
each coordinate, the vehicle dynamics is assumed to be described by
x k +1 = x k + x& k T +
ak T 2
x& k +1 = x& k + a k T
where xk is the position at scan k, x& k the velocity at scan k, ak the acceleration acting on
the vehicle at scan k, T the sample rate.
In that given model, the acceleration is assumed to be a random constant between
successive observations with zero mean and uncorrelated with its values at other
intervals, i.e.,
E[a k ] = 0
E[a k2 ] = σ a2 = const
E[a n a k ] = 0 if n ≠ k
In the vector-matrix form, the vehicle dynamics may be written as
 xk 
Xk =  ,
 x& k 
1 T 
0 1 
T 2 
B = 2 .
 
T 
Xk is the vehicle state vector consisting of position and velocity components, A is the
transition matrix, and B is the input distribution matrix.
Measurement Model
The position of the vehicle is assumed to be measured by a radar at uniform
intervals of time T seconds and each observation noisy. The measurement equation is
given by
where xk is the true position at scan k, and νk is random noise corrupting the
measurement at scan k. The statistical properties of the noise are assumed to be
E[ν k ] = 0
E[ν k2 ] = σ ν2 = const
E[ν nν k ] = 0 if n ≠ k
In terms of the state vector Xk, the measurement equation can be written as
with H = [1 0] .
A Three-State filter: Ramachandra’s Model
Ramachandra’s model [9] is a one-dimensional model for estimating the optimum
steady-state position, velocity and acceleration of an aircraft moving with a constant
acceleration perturbed by a zero mean plant noise with accounts for maneuvers and/or
other random factors. The position coordinate of the moving vehicle is assumed to be
measured by radar at uniform intervals of time T seconds through random noise.
Dynamic Model
Each position coordinate of the moving vehicle is assumed to be described by the
following equations of motion:
x k +1
x& k +1
&x&k +1
= x k + x& k T + &x&k
= x& k + &x&k T
= &x&k + a n
where xk is the vehicle position at scan k , x& k the vehicle velocity at scan k , &x&k
the vehicle acceleration at scan k , T the sample time and ak the plant noise that perturbs
the acceleration and accounts for both maneuvers and other modeling errors. ak is
assumed to be zero mean and of constant variance σa 2 and also uncorrelated with its
values at other time intervals. In vector-matrix, the dynamic equation can be written as:
X k +1 = AX k + Ba k
 xk 
X k =  x& k 
 &x&k 
1 T
A = 0 1
0 0
0 
B = 0
Measurement Equation
The measurement equation can be written as:
where xm(k) is the measured position at scan k , νk is the random noise corrupting at scan
k and H = [1 0 0] . The statistical properties of the measurement noise are assumed to
be the same as in the previous models.
Drawbacks of the Classical Methods
The problem of these last two models is that they make assumptions on the form
of the acceleration: random acceleration with zero mean in Friedland's model and
constant acceleration in Ramachandra's model. In some cases, these models could be
inappropriate. For Friedland's model, the Kalman Filter will minimize the random
acceleration, considered as noise, and will therefore try to make the velocity constant. For
Ramachandra's model, as the acceleration is considered to be constant perturbed by
random noise, the Kalman filter will make the velocity of the vehicle increase toward
infinity. Those important drawbacks lead us to think of a better model in order to better
track moving vehicles.
For target tracking in video images, two main assumptions are made in the
Kalman filter formulation: a constant state model with the acceleration as a state, often
using position and rate measurements, as in Ramachandra et al. [10]; or a constant state
model with the acceleration considered as zero mean random input, as Friedland [7]
described. In the first model, the acceleration is considered to be constant. In that case,
the vehicle velocity remains constant for a zero acceleration or grows towards infinity in
the direction of the acceleration. The alternative method to this unrealistic model is a
random acceleration. But the Kalman filter, when the acceleration is an input noise, will
eventually cancel out a zero mean acceleration as an input to the state equations. In that
method also, the vehicle velocity will tend to be constant. In any practical model to track
moving objects in images, the velocity, as well as the acceleration, should be able to vary.
Still, the acceleration variations for maneuvering targets may be considered smooth. It is
therefore conceivable to predict the current acceleration given the previous accelerations.
In that case, the accelerations are no longer an input to the system, but become states as
suggested in Singer [11]. At the same time, however, it is possible to estimate the
acceleration at each step given the three previous (noisy) position measurements. This
acceleration estimate will allow us to adapt the state transition matrix during operation
and therefore obtain a time varying model. Consequently, the Kalman filter model
becomes time varying and will be adapted to the maneuvering target movement.
Time Varying Kalman Filter
The maneuvering target movement can be described by the dynamic equations
x k +1 = Ak x k + Bu k
y k = Hx k + Du k
where xk is the state vector, uk is the input vector and yk is the output. xk will be
defined as
 pk 
 
x k = v k  ,
a 
 k
where pk is the position of the moving vehicle, vk is its velocity and
a k 
a 
a k =  k −1  N≥2, with ai being the acceleration at step i.
a k − N 
In our formulation there is no input to the system (uk=0) because the accelerations
are considered as states.
A Time-Varying State Model
We have decided to work on the accelerations because they are the only possible
innovation on the moving vehicle model. We also assumed that the acceleration varies
with time (sample time T), because, as we already said, a constant acceleration would
make the velocity either constant or eventually infinite. The second major assumption is
that the current acceleration depends smoothly on the previous accelerations. If the
number of previous accelerations is not too large (recent past), we furthermore assume
that the acceleration can be modeled as a weighted sum of previous accelerations. At
each step, we do a linear fitting of the acceleration data. Since there is noise in our
estimation of the acceleration, we consider that the acceleration vector is corrupted by
additive Gaussian noise nk, with zero mean and covariance matrix Qk to be estimated in
the design.
 x k +1 = x k + Tv k
v = v + Ta
 k +1
a k +1 = wk +1 [1,1]a k + wk +1 [1,2]a k −1 + L + wk +1 [1, N ]a k − N + n [1]
a k = wk +1 [2,1]a k −1 + wk +1 [2,2]a k − 2 + L + wk +1 [2, N − 1]a k − N + nk [2]
a k − N +1 = wk +1 [ N + 1,1]a k − N + nk [ N + 1]
where wk +1 [i, j ] is the jth element of the weight vector corresponding to the
acceleration ak+1-i.
In a vector-matrix form, these dynamic equations can be written as:
x k +1 = Ak x k + n k
 pk 
 
where x k = v k  ,
a 
 k
Ak = 
1 T
wk +1 [1,2] L
wk +1 [2,1] O
 nk [1] 
nk = 
 n k [ 2] 
nk [ N + 1]
wk +1 [1, N ] 
wk +1 [ N + 1,1]
The measurement equation can be written as:
yk = Hxk + υk
where H = 0
0 0
1 0
0 1
0 L
M  and nk is a zero mean noise with a
constant covariance matrix R.
The measurements are pk, the vehicle position at time step k and ak-2 the
acceleration at time step k, given by
a k −2 =
( p k − 2 p k −1 + p k −2 )
Notice that if there is a measurement error, the error on ai is correlated to the
error on ai-1, and therefore the noise is not exactly white. But this only changes the shape
of the noise covariance matrices from diagonal matrices to symmetric Toeplitz matrices
with all zero diagonals except the first principal diagonal. Only the correlation between
the ak-N and ak-N-1 errors cannot be represented in the model.
Model Update
In practice the acceleration variations are smooth, so the assumed weighted linear
dependence will not change drastically every step. Therefore, we use an on-line method
to update the weights.
Each weight vector wk [1], wk [2],K , wk [ N + 1] is updated using the LMS
w k [i ] = w k −1[i ] + η (a k −i +1 − w k −1a k [i ])a k [i ]
 a k −i 
where a k [i ] =  M  is the input vector to the Kalman filter at step k-1 and the desired
a k − N −1 
response a k −i +1 is the acceleration at the output of Kalman filter at the same step. So the
error ek −1[i ] = a k −i +1 − w k −1[i ]a k [i ] is the difference between the optimal acceleration
computed by the Kalman filter and the acceleration estimated by the LMS algorithm. We
can also write the Model Update with the following formula:
Ak=Ak-1+η 
ek −1 [1]a k −1
ek −1 [2]a k − 2
ek −1 [1]a k − N −1 
ek −1 [2]a k − N −1 
ek −1 [ N − 1]a k − N −1 
The step size η has to be chosen very carefully because it can make the whole
algorithm fail. Too big a step size would make the model diverge, whereas too small a
step size would prevent the model from adapting. Therefore, the approach for choosing η
properly is to make it dependent on the system dynamics. The faster the Kalman filter
predicts and corrects the states (and consequently the accelerations), the faster the LMS
algorithm has to adapt. The dynamics of the Kalman filter are given by the matrix (Ak-1 –
Kk-1H), where Kk-1 is the Kalman gain at time step k-1. The norm of this matrix
determines the speed of the Kalman filter. Therefore, it seems natural to make the LMS
step size proportional to it:
η k = α k Ak −1 − K k −1 H
But the proportionality coefficient has now to be chosen wisely. To ensure the
stability of the LMS algorithm, the proportionality coefficient αk is chosen so that the
step size η k is always less than
, where a k
is the instantaneous power of the
acceleration vector a k at step k. For example, the condition is satisfied if αk is chosen
equal to
a k −1
Ak −1 − K k −1 H
, where a k −1
is the instantaneous power of the
acceleration vector a k −1 at step k-1, and p is the minimum reachable power. Indeed, we
have a k
≤ a k −1
Ak −1 − K k −1 H and η k = α k Ak −1 − K k −1 H .
The performance of this adaptive Kalman filter has been tested on a set of
surveillance videos. These videos are very useful because the detection part of tracking
can be done manually. The advantage of a manual detection is that it has theoretically no
error, therefore the output of this manual detection will be considered as the ground truth.
The detection noise statistics can also be controlled, allowing a better analysis of the
results. The algorithm tracked only one vehicle on the ground, i.e. there is only two
tracked coordinates x and y, the altitude not being considered. Three representative videos
have been chosen to test the performance of the algorithm. The three of them are 320
pixels by 240 pixels. The first video shows a vehicle crossing the image relatively slowly,
with little vibrations of the camera. The second one shows a moving vehicle followed by
a shaky camera. The third one shows a small vehicle crossing the image followed by a
very shaky camera. The figures 3.1 to 3.5 represent 10 different frames from the first
video, at 5 different stages.
Figure 3.1 Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is appearing.
Figure 3.2 Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is slowing down.
Figure 3.3 Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is stopping.
Figure 3.4 Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is speeding up.
Figure 3.5 Example of video images. First video, the vehicle is disappearing.
The figures 3.6 to 3.10 show 10 different frames at five different stages from the
second video.
Figure 3.6 Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle is entering.
Figure 3.7 Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle is stopping.
Figure 3.8 Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle is stopped and the camera is
Figure 3.9 Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle is moving slowly.
Figure 3.10 Example of videos. Second video, the vehicle goes back.
The figures 3.11 to 3.15 show the movement of the vehicle on the third video.
Figure 3.11 Example of videos. Third video, the moving vehicle is on the road.
Figure 3.12 Example of videos. Third video, the vehicle is approaching a crossroad.
Figure 3.13 Example of videos. Third video, the vehicle is crossing the crossroad.
Figure 3.14 Example of videos. Third video, the vehicle is speeding up.
Figure 3.15 Example of videos. Third video, the vehicle is disappearing
To evaluate the performance of the adaptive Kalman filter, a noise with a constant
variance has been added to the ground truth. The performance criteria are the errors on
the position pk and acceleration ak-2 measurements (we have considered N=2 in the ak
vector). The proposed algorithm is also compared to a classical method for tracking: the
constant acceleration model (Ramachandra’s model [5]). They have been computed for
different variances on the whole set of videos. Because in both cases the error mean
quickly decays to zero, the criterion to compare the two methods is the standard deviation
of the position and acceleration errors.
In all the following figures, 4 plots are shown: 2 plots for the x coordinate on the
left-hand side and 2 plots for the y coordinate on the right-hand side. For each coordinate,
the first row shows the position error standard deviation in pixels versus the adaptation
steps, the solid line being the constant acceleration model error standard deviation, the
dash dotted line being the noise standard deviation and the dashed line being the
proposed algorithm position error standard deviation. The second row represents the
standard deviation on the pixel error between the real acceleration ak-2 and the
acceleration computed by the proposed algorithm (dashed line) and the constant
acceleration model (solid line). The next three figures show the performance of the
algorithms on the three videos when an additive Gaussian noise with a standard deviation
of 5 is added.
We first observe that the position errors for the proposed algorithm decrease for
both the x and y coordinates. After 250 steps, the standard deviation of the filter output
error goes beneath that of the measured position error. As expected, the measured
position error standard deviation is around 5 pixels, whereas after 1500 steps, the filter
output error standard deviation goes below 3 pixels. However, the classical method
position error does not even decrease and remains high the whole time. This high error
also appears in the classical algorithm, but is hardly compensated later, whereas, for the
time-varying Kalman filter, the standard deviation quickly decays.
Figure 3.16 Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian
noise with a standard deviation of σ=5, for the first video.
x and y decreases quickly to around 3 pixels per second2, despite large errors at the
beginning, whereas the classical model acceleration error standard deviation decreases to
a higher value of 5 pixels per second2.
For the second video, the position error standard deviation goes below the noise
standard deviation only after 150 steps. But the error standard deviation for the classical
algorithm remains around 15 pixels, three times as high as the noise standard deviation.
For the acceleration error, the standard deviation also decreases quickly to around 2
pixels per second 2 for the time-varying Kalman filter, and to a higher value of 6 pixels
per second 2 for the classical method.
This third plot (Figure 3.18) also highlights the performance of the proposed
algorithm compared to the classical method.
Figure 3.17 Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian
noise with a standard deviation of σ=5, for the second video.
The time-varying Kalman filter errors standard deviations are always lower than
that of the constant acceleration model and are even much lower than the measurement
error standard deviations.
The three following plots (Figures 3.19, 3.20 and 3.21) show the performance of
the algorithm with a higher noise standard deviation of σ=10 for the three representative
The behavior of the proposed algorithm is still the same even with a higher
standard deviation. However, we can notice a higher error in the first hundred adaptation
steps of the algorithm. The classical method acceleration error standard deviation is at
least three times as high as that of the proposed algorithm. The change of the noise power
does not alter the performance of the time-varying Kalman filter.
Figure 3.18 Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian
noise with a standard deviation of σ=5, for the third video.
The standard deviations still decay quickly, despite large errors in the beginning,
and goes under the noise standard deviation. The acceleration error standard deviation is
still negligible for the time-varying model (ten times as low as the theoretical noisy
measurement error standard deviation), whereas for the classical model, the acceleration
error standard deviation is still high (between 8 and 14 pixels per second2). We can
observe in all the previous plots that the constant acceleration model gives large errors. In
deed, the large errors in the first adaptation steps are not compensated and the bad
estimates for the acceleration propagate through the filter. On the contrary, the timevarying model compensates for those large errors and adapts to the vehicle movement.
Besides, the acceleration error is quickly negligible, meaning that the algorithm adapts
quickly to the real acceleration and that therefore the choice of the step size, that controls
the adaptation speed, is suited.
Figure 3.19 Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian
noise with a standard deviation of σ=10, for the first video.
Figure 3.20 Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian
noise with a standard deviation of σ=10, for the second video.
Figure 3.21 Position and Acceleration Error Standard Deviation for an added Gaussian
noise with a standard deviation of σ=10, for the third video.
The performance of the algorithm can be seen on the actual videos. Let us
compare the actual trajectory, the noisy measurements and the trajectory estimated with
the proposed algorithm. The trajectory estimated by the constant acceleration model
algorithm is not even represented because the error variance is too large and therefore
adds a salt-and-pepper noise to the figures. The actual trajectory is drawn in pink, the
noisy measurements in green and the estimated trajectory in black. The actual trajectory
does not exactly fit the road: despite the movement of the camera, the video frames are
not re-centered. The next images show the different trajectories for noise variances of 5
and 10 on the first video.
We can see on both images that the algorithm improves the tracking performance.
There is apparently no bias in the estimated trajectory and the error variance is rather
Figure 3.22 Actual trajectory, noisy measurements and estimated trajectory on the first
video with a noise standard deviation of 5.
The same observations can be made on the second video. The next figure (Figure
3.24) represents the actual, the noisy and the estimated trajectories in pink, green and
black respectively.
Finally, let us evaluate the influence of the chosen step size η. As in the previous
tests, the state vector contains three accelerations ak, ak-1 and ak-2 for each coordinate.
Figure 3.23 Actual trajectory, noisy measurements and estimated trajectory on the first
video with a noise standard deviation of 10.
Figure 3.24 Actual trajectory, noisy measurements and estimated trajectory on the
second video with a noise standard deviation of 5.
Therefore, 6 LMS algorithms run in parallel. Let us see on the next plot the
evolution of the 6 step sizes with respect to the adaptation time, for the second video
where a noise with a standard deviation of 5 has been added.
Figure 3.25 LMS algorithm step size evolution with respect to time for the second video.
All the step sizes have two states: a transition state and a steady state. The
transition state in all the cases is rather short and consists of a quick exponential increase.
In the steady state, the step sizes are almost constant, which means that appropriate step
sizes have been found.
The step sizes have the same types of behavior as for the second video: they reach
a constant value after a short transition state. This proves the usefulness of an adapted
value of the step size.
For the third video, with the same noise level, the step sizes look as in Figure
3.26. Actually, if constant step sizes had been chosen in the beginning, the algorithm
would have proven suboptimal.
Figure 3.26 LMS algorithm step size evolution with respect to time for the third video.
Indeed, in order for the algorithm not to diverge, the best choice for a constant
step size is to take the minimum of all step sizes. But it is obvious that, for the second
video, in the steady state, the minimum value is not the optimum value, and for the third
video, in the transition state, the minimum value is still not the optimal value. It is
therefore important to use an adaptive step size that fits the dynamics of the Kalman
Consequently, the time-varying Kalman filter seems to give convincing results
and to cope with the problems of the classically used methods (such as the constant
acceleration method model). Indeed, the constant acceleration model is too sensitive to
the initial acceleration, while the time-varying Kalman filter, even if the LMS tends to
make the acceleration constant, is far more robust to acceleration changes, because it fits
quickly to the new constant acceleration. Besides, the algorithm is computationally
efficient, is designed to be implemented online and is the combination of two classical
algorithms, the LMS algorithm and the Kalman filter, which makes it very easy to
implement in hardware. However, the choice of the measurement model is not really
adapted to real data; in deed, moving vehicle are often tracked by radar or ladar that
collect range and angle data and not positions on the ground. Therefore, the measurement
model needs to take into account the passage from position data to range and angle data,
which is highly nonlinear.
In the previous chapter, we described an efficient method that could help track a
vehicle on a surveillance video. The measurements, i.e. the output of the state equation
model, are a position and, in certain cases, the acceleration. But, practically, the useful
data are often given by radar or Ladar. In deed, the idea is to scan large areas and look for
special shapes, which are characteristic for certain types of targets. Besides, the real 3D
radar of Ladar measurements can see much more than a 2D camera and none have got
successful in hiding its own volume on a portable system. Basic or Laser radar can see
through a lot of vegetation so this is no guarantee to be hidden for a target. The 3D data
consists generally of the range r and two angles, the azimuth angle θ and the elevation
angle φ . Therefore, if we want to keep the state equation model, with positions, velocities
and accelerations, we need to introduce a nonlinear equation to relate them to the range
and the angles:
r   x + y + z
θ  = 
arctan( )
  
φ  
arctan( 2
x + y2
where r , θ , φ are respectively the range, the azimuth and the elevation, and x, y,
z are the target positions in the Cartesian referential.
The problem with the introduction of the nonlinearity is that the classical Kalman
filter no longer works. Therefore, a new method trying to cope with that issue appeared at
the end of the 1980’s: the so-called extended Kalman filter (EKF).
The Extended Kalman Filter Applied to Moving Vehicle Tracking
Kalman filter that linearizes about the current mean and covariance is referred to
as an extended Kalman filter. In something akin to a Taylor series, we can linearize the
estimation around the current estimate using the partial derivatives of the process and
measurement functions to compute estimates even in the face of nonlinear relationships.
Let us assume that our process again has a state vector xk, but that the process is now
governed by a linear or nonlinear stochastic difference equation:
x k +1 = f ( x k −1 , u k , wk −1 )
with a measurement equation zk that is:
z k = h( x k , v k )
where the random variables wk-1 and vk again represent the process and measurement
noise. In this case the nonlinear function f in the difference equation relates the state at
the previous time step k-1 to the state at the current time step k. It includes as parameters
any driving function uk and the zero-mean process noise wk. The non-linear function h in
the measurement equation relates the state xk to the measurement zk.
In practice of course one does not know the individual values of the noise wk and vk at
each time step. However, one can approximate the state and measurement vector without
them as:
x k +1 = f ( xˆ k −1 , u k ,•)
z k = h( x k ,•)
where xˆ k −1 is some a posteriori estimate of the state (from a previous time step k). It is
important to note that a fundamental flaw of the EKF is that the distributions (or densities
in the continuous case) of the various random variables are no longer normal after
undergoing their respective nonlinear transformations. The EKF is simply an ad hoc state
estimator that only approximates the optimality of Bayes' rule by linearization.
A Description of the Extended Kalman Filter
To estimate a process with nonlinear difference and measurement relationships,
we begin by writing new governing equations that linearize an estimate about the two
previous equations,
x k = x k + A( x k −1 − xˆ k −1 ) + Wwk −1
z k = z k + H ( x k − x k ) + Vv k
where xk and zk are the actual state and measurement vectors,
x k and z k are the approximate state and measurement vectors,
xˆ k is an a posteriori estimate of the state at step k,
the random variables wk and vk represent the process and measurement noise,
A is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives of f with respect to x, that is:
Ai , j =
∂f i
( xˆ k −1 , u k ,•)
∂x j
W is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives of f with respect to w,
Wi , j =
∂f i
( xˆ k −1 , u k ,•)
∂w j
H is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives of h with respect to x,
H i, j =
( x k ,•)
∂x j
V is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives of h with respect to v,
Vi , j =
( x k ,•)
∂v j
Note that for simplicity in the notation we do not use the time step subscript k
with the Jacobians A, W, H and V, even though they are in fact different at each time step.
The complete set of EKF equations is shown below in Table 4.1 and Table 4.2.
Table 4.1:Extended Kalman filter time update equations
xˆ k− = f ( xˆ k −1 , u k ,•)
Pk− = Ak Pk −1 Ak + Wk Qk −1Wk
Table 4.2:Extended Kalman filter measurement update equations
K k = Pk− H k ( H k Pk− H k + Vk Rk Vk ) −1
xˆ k = xˆ k− + K k ( y k − H k xˆ k− )
Pk = ( I − K k C ) Pk−
The basic operation of the EKF is the same as the linear discrete Kalman filter as
shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 4.1 below offers a complete picture of the operation of the
EKF, combining the high-level diagram of Figure 2.1 with the equations from Table 4.1
and Table 4.2.
The Extended Kalman Filter and its Flaws
Given the noisy observation zk, a recursive estimation for xˆ k can be expressed in
the form:
xˆ k = (optimal prediction of xk) +Kk [zk-(optimal prediction of zk)]
Figure 4.1: A complete picture of the operation of the extended Kalman filter
This recursion provides the optimal MMSE estimate for xk assuming the prior estimate
xˆ k and current observation zk are Gaussian. We need not assume linearity of the model.
The optimal terms in this recursion are given by
xˆ k− = E[ f ( x k −1 , u k , wk −1 )]
K k = Pxk yk P~z−k 1~zk
zˆ k− = E[h( x k− , v k )]
where the optimal prediction of xk is written as xˆ k− and corresponds to the expectation of
a nonlinear function of the random variables xk-1 and wk-1. The same interpretation is done
for the optimal prediction zˆ k− . The optimal gain term Kk is expressed as a function of
z k = z k − zˆ k− ). Note these terms also require taking
posterior covariance matrices (with ~
expectations of a nonlinear function of the prior state estimates.
The Kalman filter calculates these quantities exactly in the linear case, and can be
viewed as an efficient method for analytically propagating a Gaussian random variable
through linear system dynamics. For nonlinear models, however, the extended Kalman
filter approximates the optimal term as:
xˆ k− ≈ f ( xˆ k −1 , u k ,•)
K k ≈ Pˆxk yk Pˆ~z−k 1~zk
zˆ k− = h( xˆ k− ,•)
where predictions are approximated as simply the function of the prior mean value for
estimates(no expectations are taken). The covariances are determined by linearizing the
dynamic equations, and then determining the posterior covariance matrices analytically
for the linear system. In other words, in the extended Kalman filter, the state distribution
is approximated by a Gaussian random variable, which is then propagated analytically
through the “first-order” linearization of the nonlinear system. As such, the extended
Kalman filter can be viewed as providing “first order” approximations to the optimal
terms. These approximations, however, can introduce large errors in the true posterior
mean and covariance of the transformed (Gaussian) random variable, which may lead to
suboptimal performance and sometimes divergence of the filter. Therefore, to improve
the performance of the tracking filter, we need to address the problem of estimates of
distributions propagating through nonlinear equations.
The Unscented Kalman Filter
The unscented Kalman filter addresses the approximation issues of the extended
Kalman filter [12]. In its case, the state distribution is again represented by a Gaussian
random variable but is now described using a minimal set of carefully chosen points.
These points capture the true mean and covariance of the Gaussian random variable, and
when propagated through the true nonlinear system, capture the posterior mean and
covariance accurately to the second order for any nonlinearity. The unscented Kalman
filter is based on a mathematical transformation: the unscented transformation.
The Unscented Transformation
This transformation is used to calculate the statistics of a random variable, which
undergoes a nonlinear transformation. Let us consider a random variable x of dimension
L propagating through a nonlinear function y=f(x). Let us assume that x has mean x and
covariance Px. To compute the statistics of y, a matrix χ of 2L+1 sigma points χi is
formed, according to the following:
χ0 = x
χ i = x + ( ( L + λ ) Px ) i i=1,…,L
χ i = x − ( ( L + λ ) Px ) i i=L+1,…,2L
where λ=α2(L+ κ)-L is a scaling parameter. The constantα determines the spread of the
sigma points around x and is usually set to a small value(less than 1e-4) and the constant
κ is usually set to 0 or 3-L. ( ( L + λ ) Px ) i is the ith column of the square root matrix (e.g.
lower triangular Cholesky factor).These sigma points are propagated through a nonlinear
yi=f(χi) for i=0,…2L
and the mean and covariance for y are estimated using a weighted sample mean and
covariance of the posterior sigma points:
y ≈ ∑ wi( m ) y i
i =0
Py ≈ ∑ wi( c ) ( y i − y )( y i − y ) T
i =0
where the weights wi are defined as follows:
w0( m ) =
w0( c )
+ (1 − α 2 − β )
wi( m ) = wi( c ) =
for i=1,…,2L
2( L + λ )
where β is used to incorporate prior knowledge of the x distribution( for Gaussian
distributions, β=2). The superscripts (m) and (c) indicate that the weights correspond to
the computation of the mean and the covariance respectively.
A simple example is shown in figure 4.2 for a 2-dimensional system: the left plot shows
the true mean and covariance propagation using Monte-Carlo sampling, the center plot
shows the results for the unscented transformation, the right plot shows the results for a
method using a first order linearization approach as it is done in the extended Kalman
The Application to the Kalman Filter
The unscented Kalman filter is a straightforward application of the unscented
transformation applied to the recursive equation [13]:
xˆ k = (optimal prediction of xk) +Kk [zk-(optimal prediction of zk)]
The unscented transformation sigma points selection scheme is applied to the state vector
to compute the corresponding sigma matrix χk.
Figure 4.2: The unscented transformation estimates for the mean and the covariance
compared to the actual mean and covariance, and to the “first-order” estimates. Source:
The unscented Kalman filter equations are given in Table 4.3, Table 4.4 and Table
4.5. One can notice that no explicit computation of Jacobians or Hessians is necessary to
implement this algorithm. Furthermore, the overall number of computations is the same
order L3 as the extended Kalman filter. The most costly operation is forming the sample
prior covariance matrix Pk− . A number of variations for numerical purposes are also
possible. For example, the matrix square root, which can be implemented directly using
the Cholesky factorization, with order L3/6. However, the covariance matrices are
expressed recursively, and thus the covariance matrix can be computed in only order
MxL2 (M being the size of zk) by performing a recursive update to the Cholesky factor.
Table 4.3:Computation of the sigma points
χ k −1 = xˆ k −1 xˆ k −1 + γ Pk −1
xˆ k −1 − γ Pk −1
Table 4.4:unscented Kalman filter time update equations
χ k∗ k −1 = f ( χ k −1 , u k )
xˆ k− = ∑ wi( m ) χ i∗,k k −1
i =0
Pk− = ∑ wi( c ) ( χ i∗,k k −1 − xˆ k− )( χ i∗,k k −1 − xˆ k− ) T
i =0
χ k k −1 = xˆ k−
xˆ k− + γ Pk−
xˆ k− − γ Pk−
z k k −1 = h( χ k k −1 )
zˆ k− = ∑ wi( m ) z i ,k k −1
i =0
Table 4.5:unscented Kalman filter measurement update equations
P~zk ~zk = ∑ wi( c ) ( z i ,k k −1 − zˆ k− )( z i ,k k −1 − zˆ k− ) T
i =0
Pxk zk = ∑ wi( c ) ( χ i∗,k k −1 − xˆ k− )( z i ,k k −1 − zˆ k− ) T
i =0
K k = Pxk zk P~z−k 1~zk
xˆ k = xˆ k− + K k ( y k − yˆ k− )
Pk = Pk− − K k P~zk ~zk K k
The weights wi(m ) and wi( c ) are defined as in the unscented transformation. The
χ k∗ k −1 points are the a priori estimates of the sigma points and ~z = z k − zˆ k .
The performance of the unscented Kalman filter applied to moving vehicle
tracking has been tested on a set of simulated radar data. We have chosen to work with
only 2-dimensional radar data (range and bearing), but the experiment can be easily
generalized. The measurement equation becomes:
2 
 rk   x k + y k 
y k  + vk
ϑ  = 
 k   arctan( ) 
xk 
where v~N(0,R) is an additive white Gaussian noise.
rk is the range at time step k,
θk is the bearing at time step ,
xk is referred to as the cross-axis position
and yk is referred to as the thrust-axis position.
The state equation is the same as for the time-varying Kalman filter. The criteria
to analyze the performance of the unscented Kalman filter are the estimated trajectory of
the moving vehicle, the estimation residual for range with respect to the number of
measurements and the East-West and the North-South position with respect to time. The
performance of the unscented Kalman filter is compared with that of the extended
Kalman filter.
The experimental set is taken from the MATLAB demonstration program
radmod.m and is described in Figures 4.3 and 4.4. The extended Kalman filter algorithm
is a modified version of the extkalman.m MATLAB program. It has been changed in
order to include the acceleration in the state model and the time-varying Kalman filter in
the linear part of the algorithm.
Figure 4.3: Experimental set for the unscented Kalman filter performance test
Figure 4.3: unscented Kalman filter subsystem
The aircraft motion adds a slowly varying acceleration with noise, that affects this
initial velocity. The initial longitudinal and the cross-axis positions are set to 0 and the
initial velocity is set to 400 ft/s.
To compare the performance of the unscented Kalman filter and that of the
extended Kalman filter, the state noise power, and the measurement noise power are
Robustness to State Noise
The cross-axis acceleration noise and the thrust-axis acceleration noise variances
are set to 10-3. The noise variances for the measurements are set to 1.
The following figures (Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6) show the actual and the
estimated trajectories in polar coordinates for the extended and the unscented Kalman
filters. The actual trajectory is drawn in red and the estimated one in green. One can
notice that the trajectory estimated by the unscented Kalman filter is much smoother than
the trajectory estimated by the extended Kalman filter.
Figure 4.4: Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the extended Kalman filter for a state
noise of 10-3.
Figure 4.5: Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the unscented Kalman filter for a state
noise of 10-3.
This is due to the fact that the noise propagates through the extended Kalman
filter and introduces large errors in the true posterior mean and covariance of the state
estimate. Besides, the unscented Kalman filter seems to give a much closer estimated
The following plots (Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7) show the range estimation
residual with respect to the number of measurements for both filters. We can observe that
the extended Kalman filter range estimate diverges, while the unscented Kalman filter
estimate remains bounded, even if the target moves away. The figures 4.8 and 4.9 show
the cross-axis position x (N-S position) and the thrust-axis position y (E-W position). The
actual positions are drawn in red, the noisy measurements in green and the estimated
positions in blue.
Figure 4.6: Range Estimation Residual for the extended Kalman filter for a state noise of
Figure 4.7: Range Estimation Residual for the unscented Kalman filter for a state noise of
Figure 4.8: Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W
position) estimates for the extended Kalman filter for a state noise of 10-3.
Figure 4.9: Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W
position) estimates for the unscented Kalman filter for a state noise of 10-3.
The extended Kalman filter positions estimates diverges from the actual position.
In deed, the acceleration noise is integrated and is propagated through the filter that
increases the error, because of the first-order approximation. Nevertheless, the unscented
Kalman filter keeps tracking efficiently the cross-axis and thrust-axis positions.
Let us increase the state noise power to 10-1 on both axes. The next set of figures
shows the same plots as in figures 4.4 to 4.9, but with this new noise power.
Figure 4.10: Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the extended Kalman filter for a state
noise of 10-1.
We observe on all the figures that the extended Kalman filter could not withstand
the noise power increase. The estimated trajectory completely diverges from the actual
trajectory and is still very noisy, the range estimation residual increases linearly with time
and the cross-axis and thrust-axis positions do not correspond at all to the actual
Figure 4.11: Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the unscented Kalman filter for a state
noise of 10-1.
Figure 4.12: Range Estimation Residual for the extended Kalman filter for a state noise
of 10-1
Figure 4.12: Range Estimation Residual for the unscented Kalman filter for a state noise
of 10-1
Figure 4.13: Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W
position) estimates for the extended Kalman filter for a state noise of 10-1.
Figure 4.14: Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W
position) estimates for the unscented Kalman filter for a state noise of 10-1.
Robustness to Measurement Noise
The cross-axis acceleration noise and the thrust-axis acceleration noise variances
are set to 10-3 as in figures 4.4 to 4.9. But the noise variances for the measurements are
now set to 100. The following plots show the effects of this change of measurement
The unscented Kalman filter tracks the object for about 70 seconds. After 70
seconds, the range estimation residual grows linearly, because the state estimates do not
fit the actual positions anymore. However, the unscented Kalman filter seems to cope
better with the noise power increase. This dramatic change of measurement noise makes
the extended Kalman filter completely fail. On the contrary, the unscented Kalman filter
withstood this dramatic increase of measurement noise power.
Figure 4.15: Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the extended Kalman filter for a
measurement noise of 100.
Figure 4.16: Actual and Estimated Trajectories for the unscented Kalman filter for a
measurement noise of 100.
Figure 4.17: Range Estimation Residual for the extended Kalman filter for a
measurement noise of 100.
Figure 4.18: Range Estimation Residual for the unscented Kalman filter for a
measurement noise of 100.
Figure 4.19: Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W
position) estimates for the extended Kalman filter for a measurement noise of 100.
Figure 4.20: Cross-Axis Position (N-S position) and the Thrust-Axis Position (E-W
position) estimates for the unscented Kalman filter for a measurement noise of 100.
The moving object is still tracked, though the estimates are less smooth. The
range estimation residual remains bounded and the position estimates seem not to be
The introduction of radar measurements leads to nonlinear equations that cannot
be solved by the classical Kalman filter. The extended Kalman filter is the commonly
used method to deal with the nonlinearity in moving vehicle tracking. It takes first-order
approximates to the nonlinear equations to obtain a new set of linear state and
measurement equations, that can be recursively solved by the Kalman filter.
Unfortunately, in radar tracking, the high measurement noise propagates through the
approximated filter and makes the algorithm fail. We have introduced in this chapter a
new Kalman filter, the unscented Kalman filter that copes with the extended Kalman
filter flaws. Coupled with the time-varying Kalman filter, described in the previous
chapter, this new filter gives convincing results when it is applied to simulated radar data.
In the first part of this work, we have introduced a time-varying Kalman filter
applied to moving vehicle tracking. The key idea is to consider the accelerations not as
inputs to the system, but as states, in the model. Besides, in that model, the accelerations
are modeled as a weighted sum of the previous accelerations. A linear fitting is
recursively performed using an LMS algorithm. The computed model (state transition
matrix, state error covariance matrix) is then used in a classic Kalman filter that has the
vehicle position and several accelerations as its outputs. We have demonstrated the
effectiveness of this filter on a set of airborne vehicle surveillance videos. After a short
period of time, the algorithm becomes efficient, independently of the detection noise. In
the second part of this work, we have coupled the time-varying Kalman Filter with a new
extension of the Kalman Filter to nonlinear equations, the Unscented Kalman Filter. This
new algorithm outperforms the classical Extended Kalman Filter, especially in very noisy
environments. We test the combination of the two improved algorithms on simulated
radar data. The tests show the robustness of this algorithm to state noise and
measurement noise, and reveal that this algorithm is particularly appropriate for target
Further Research
In order for the Kalman Filters to be applicable, we make the assumption that the
random variables have Gaussian probability distributions. We then consider that, after
they propagate through the nonlinear functions, they are still Gaussian. Even if the
approximation is accurate to at least the second order with the Unscented Transformation,
the assumption is still wrong. To avoid those assumptions in the target tracking problem,
the particle filter can be used. The Particle Filter is a sequential Monte Carlo based
method that allows for a complete representation of the state distribution, using
sequential importance sampling and resampling. It makes no assumption on the form of
the probability densities in question, i.e. full nonlinear, non-Gaussian estimation.
Nevertheless, the implementation of the Particle Filter is not yet very efficient. Research
needs to be done in order for this algorithm to be implemented in hardware, and
eventually be used in target tracking purposes.
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Nicolas Obolensky was born on June 28, 1977, in Paris, France. He received his
Engineering Diploma in electrical engineering with an emphasis on signal processing and
control from the National School of Electrical Engineers of Grenoble (ENSIEG) in 2001.
Since August 2000, he has been pursuing a Master of Science in electrical and computer
engineering at the University of Florida in the area of signal processing.