OVERVIEW OF DENSITY METERS USED AT SRP FOR SAMPLE VALIDATION Sherrod L. Maxwell, III E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Savannah River Plant Aiken, SC ABSTRACT For the process control laboratory, the verification of sample integrity prior to analysis is a critical prerequisite for reliable analytical measurements. At the Savannah River Plant (SRP), density check systems are employed to verify that samples are representative of respective process tank solutions. A wide array of Mettler density meters is used. With respect to temperature control, water-bath thermostat ted, electronically thermos tatted, and temperaturecorrected density meters have proven useful. Also, density meters with measurements precise to four, five, and six decimal places are required to meet overall sample validation needs. Remote density cells are used to facilitate density measurements in radiobenches, glove boxes and shielded cells. The selection of a density meter system for a specific sample validation application depends on numerous factors including: precision required; type of containment; radiation levels; exposure to corrosive chemicals; and range of density measurements required. Temperature-corrected density meters have proven very useful for achieving measurements precise to five decimal places under conditions where the use of water baths is not safe, and the use of sensitive electronic components is not practical. Computer software is used to correct for ambient temperature changes in the density measuring cell. An automated six-place density meter is now in use for validating dilute uranium product samples. Customized software is used to determine the error of density measurements as well as sampling error. INTRODUCTION Sample validation, the verification of sample integrity prior to analysis, is a critical prerequisite for reliable process control and accountability measurements. Precise and accurate assays are of little value if the samples analyzed are not representative of the designated process or accountability tank solution. In fact, such analytical results could cause unnecessary reprocessing and/or inventory differences. During the past three years, a major effort has been made at.SRP to determine the validity of samples prior to assays by measuring their density, and comparing the average density of the samples with the measured density of the process/ 208 29808 accountability tank solution. This program has been very beneficial in that time consuming assays on nonrepresentative samples have been minimized (or eliminated for key sample points). Thus, in general, the reliability of analytical results has improved. Density measurements were selected for sample validation because such measurements are rapid, precise, and accurate. Experience has shown that density measurements are an excellent indication of sample validity. There are occasions when densities can be misleading, due to a unique combination of poor mixing in a process tank and inadequate sampling; however, such occasions are rare. At SRP, sample validation via density measurement has proven to be very reliable. As a result, a wide array of density meter systems is now in use to validate various samples. THE NEED FOR SAMPLE VALIDATION If the mixing in process accountability tanks were always adequate to ensure a homogeneous solution; if sampling equipment were always functioning properly; and if sampling procedures were adequate and always followed, there would be no real need for sample validation in the analytical laboratory. But equipment does fail, procedures are not always followed, and nonrepresentative sampling does occur frequently. Density measurements that were made recently on physical inventory samples from a Purex process plutonium hold tank are summarized in Table I* to illustrate sampling problems that occur, and the importance of sample validation in providing reliable assays. Samples from this hold tank and all canyon tanks (in contrast to finishing lines) at SRP have a tendency to be diluted with water if sampling is inadequate. Water is used to prime the pumps that transfer samples from the tanks to sample stations, and water is also used to flush sampling lines after sampling is complete. Initial replicate samples (Table I) were obviously not identical. The plutonium concentration of the sample with the highest density was 2.010 g/L. Resamples were requested. Density values were somewhat higher, and the density spread between replicate samples *M. K. Holland, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Savannah River Plant. Unpublished Work. was less than for the original samples; however, the samples were still not identical, and were not representative of the hold tank solution. A second set of resamples was obtained, and density measurements on the replicates (Table I) confirmed that the samples were identical, and thus, probably representative of the hold tank. The average plutonium assay value for the valid set of samples was 2.467 g/L; thus the initial, measured value of 2.010 g/L was biased low by 19%. Sample validation is essential to reliable assays for accountability and process control. tween calculated and experimental biases*, as shown in Table II. With density spreads of this magnitude, there is little confidence that the sample with the highest density is representative of the process tank solution. It can also be deduced from Equation 1 that the lower the density of the process solution, the smaller must be the allowable spread between replicate samples to assure valid samples. C Where: SELECTION OF DENSITY CHECK LIMITS FOR SAMPLE VALIDATION For a given sample point, two density check limits must be established-- the maximum allowable spread between laboratory densities on replicate samples, and the maximum allowable spread between the average sample density and the density of the process/accountability tank solution. Factors to be considered in establishing density check limits are: the importance of the sampling point (i.e., input/output accountability tank or physical inventory tank containing a large quantity of desired material); the nominal density of the sample; the method of sampling and potential sampling errors; and the precision and accuracy of the process tank density measurement. At SRP, density check limits have been established as the Laboratories Department has expanded its capabilities for providing precise, accurate density measurements. There is a direct correlation between the range of measured densities on replicate samples, and assay results. Equations listed below permit the calculation of the plutonium (or other assay) bias that should exist for any sample in a set of replicate samples when the plutonium assay of that sample is compared to the assay of another sample in the set (assuming that the assays and density measurements are without error). Equation 1 is applicable to sampling subject to dilution with water; Equation 2 is applicable to sampling subject to dilution with the previous solution in the process tank. For both equations, it is assumed that the process tank solution is homogeneous, but improperly sampled. D Equation 1: % Pu Bias = - 100 Where: x l - 0.997 D]^ is the measured density of the comparison sample. Typically, this is the sample in a set of replicate samples that has the highest density value. D2 is the measured density of the sample for which the % plutonium bias is being calculated (typically the sample with the lowest density in the set of replicates). 0.997 is the density, g/mL, of water at 25°C. For precise and accurate assays and density measurements, there is excellent agreement be- - C, Equation 2: % Pu Bias = 100 x DI is the measured density of the comparison sample. D£ is the measured density of the sample for which the % Pu bias is being calculated. Dp is the average density obtained on replicate samples from the previous solution in the process tank. Cp is the average plutonium assay value on the previous solution in the process tank. GI is the plutonium assay value of the comparison sample. In Equation 2, if the previous solution in the process tank is water, Dp becomes 0.997, Cp becomes 0.0, and Equation 1 is obtained. Both equations are useful in determining allowable density spreads for validation of samples. In general at SRP, the density check limit for replicate samples is more important in assuring valid samples than the limit for agreement between lab density and process tank density because the lab densities are more precise and accurate than process tank densities. Efforts are in progress at SRP to expand the use of Ruska differential pressure instruments for measuring liquid level and density of process tank solutions, and to use a statistical average of multiple measurements for more precise density values. As improved process density values are available, density check limits will be narrowed. With respect to density check limits for replicate samples, the smaller the density spread, the less likely the set of replicate samples will be nonrepresentative of the process tank solution. DENSITY METERS - GENERAL ASPECTS State-of-the-art density meters, produced by Anton Paar of Austria and marketed by Mettler Instruments, have been found to provide the precision and versatility required to meet the variety of sample validation needs at SRP. Density measurements are based on the precise measurement of the period of oscillation of a vibrating U-shaped tube (Figure 1) that changes its frequency when it is filled with different liquids or gas- *M. K. Holland, E. I. du Pont de Nemours k Co., Savannah River Plant. Unpublished Work. 209 es. The density of the measured solution is related to the square of the oscillation period of the vibrating U-tube via an instrumental constant that incorporates both the mass and constant volume of the U-shaped tube as well as the "elasticity constant" of the oscillator system itself.1 FIGURE 1. Density Meter Measurement Cell A wide array of Mettler density meters is available. With respect to temperature control, density meters can be grouped into three basic categories: (1) meters that require thermostatting by an external water bath; (2) meters in which the measuring cell is electronically thermostatted; and (3) meters that utilize electronic temperature compensation or temperature correction via software. Density meters with measurements precise to four, five, and six decimal places are available. Remote density cells are available to facilitate density measurements in containment facilities. The selection of a density meter system for a specific sample validation application depends on numerous factors including: precision required to meet density check limits; type of containment; radiation levels; exposure to corrosive chemicals ; and range of density measurements required. Various density systems in place at SRP will be discussed to illustrate selection, capability, and application. FOUR-PLACE DENSITY METERS FOR RADIOBENCH, GLOVE BOX APPLICATIONS In SRP process control labs, density checks are performed in radiobenches using a Mettler DMA 46 electronically thermos tat ted, four-place density meter (Figure 2). Sample is introduced via a semi-automated peristaltic pump, and the measuring cell is rinsed and dried using a fiveway valve controlled by a digital timer. Use of a semi-automated peristaltic pump allows (1) a reproducible, controlled fill speed for sample solution, and (2) introduction of a premeasured volume of sample. The DMA 46 was selected to eliminate the need for a water bath that must be contained, or monitored for activity in the bath reservoir if not contained. The DMA 46 electron- 210 ically thermostat ted density meter does not require a water bath and is ideal for radiobench applications. The four-place precision achieved by the meter is adequate for most routine sample validation checks. Because the radiation levels in radiobenches at SRP are relatively low, there is no appreciable damage to the meter's sensitive electronics. To validate routine, high activity 239pu samples, a DMA 46 density meter was contained in a glove box. Due to the presence of corrosive chemicals (HN03 solution and vapors) in the glove box, a plastic cover was provided to protect exposed calibration dials. Because the lifetime of the DMA 46 meter is reduced in the corrosive environment of the glove box, use of the more durable DPR 402YE remote cell, in conjunction with the CPR-S control unit (described below), is planned for the future validation of routine 239pu glove box samples. FIGURE 2. Four-Place, Electronically Thermostatted Density Meter FIVE-PLACE DENSITY METER FOR 239 PU SAMPLES 23 8pU AND DILUTE 1 FIGURE 3. Remote Density Cell The DPR 402YE, DPR-S combination noted above is already in use to validate high-activity 238pu samples in a glove box at SRP. Figure 3 shows Che DPR 402YE remote cell with its glass oscillator U-tube. The aluminum cover plate was replaced with a Lexan® (General Electric) plate to allow a clear view of sample introduction. The lower and upper, large glass tubes inside the DPR 402YE contain the oscillator U-tube and the remote temperature probe, respectively. Figure 4 shows the DPR-S control unit with interfaced Epson HX-20 computer. The DPR-S displays the period of oscillation and the temperature of the measuring cell, and relays this information to the computer via RS232C serial interface. Software written at SRP corrects for temperature FIGURE 4. prior to uranium measurements and subsequent material shipment to the Y-12 Plant at Oak Ridge. Customized software, written at SRP, is used to quantify the analytical error in the density measurements and to estimate sampling error.2 If sampling error is detected, it can then be quantified and included in the limit of error estimate for this shipment. The automated system consists of a DMA 60 display unit, two DMA 602 remote cells, an SP-2 autosampler, a high-stability HETO water bath, a Hart Scientific digital thermometer with remote thermistors that have NBS traceability, and an Epson HX-20 computer. Figure 5 shows the autosampler and the two DMA 602 remote cells, one as a measuring cell and one as a reference time base, contained in a radiobench. Figure 6 shows the DMA 60 control unit, the HETO proportional heating water bath precise to +0.002°C, the Hart digital thermometer accurate to +0.01°C, and the Epson computer. The Epson computer controls calibration, data acquisition, and statistical testing for sampling Control Unit, Computer for Remote Cell fluctuations at the oscillator U-tube by correcting for expansion coefficients of the different sample solutions measured as well as for the glass oscillator itself. The software prompts the analyst through the calibration and sample measurement procedure and prints density measurements corrected to 25.0°C. The software also provides adequate quality control to assure proper calibration of the density meter. 9 ob During the measurement of "°Pu solutions, gas evolution in the density measurement cell due to radiolysis tends to produce negatively biased density values. Additional software is used to perform measurements just before thermal equilibrium is reached and before gas evolution becomes significant. However, four-place precision is still achieved. When the same system is used to validate dilute ^39pu samples where gas evolution is not a problem, five-place precision is achieved. In this case, appropriate software requires that tight stability limits be met. The DPR-S control unit, because it is operated via computer software, has proven to be highly versatile. Table III shows replicate measurements made on water, 238pu standards, and duplicate ^39pu samples. SIX-PLACE AUTOMATED DENSITY METER FOR DILUTE URANIUM PRODUCT SAMPLES An automated, six-place density meter with thermostatted water bath is now in use to detect sampling errors in dilute enriched uranium product samples. Sample integrity checks are made FIGURE 5. Auto-Sampler Remote Cells FIGURE 6. Support Equipment for Six-Place Density Meter error. A six-place density meter .is required to estimate sampling error for the dilute uranium product samples, because the typical solution density is 1.01000 g/mL, and a 0.00001 g/mL change in density correlates with 0.1% change in 211 uranium content. Table IV shows density data on uranium samples using the automated system. No sampling error was found for this set of samples SHIELDED CELL DENSITY METERS In the present process control lab, two shielded analytical cells are used to handle samples with high gamma radiation levels. A DMA 401 remote density cell with a glass oscillator U-tube is in each shielded cell and each remote cell is thermos tatted by a water bath contained in a radiobench. Density values are displayed to four decimal places by DMA 45 display units. Figure 7 shows a DMA 401 remote eel1 and a DMA 45 display unit. On the remote cell, the aluminum cover was replaced by a clear Lexan® plate to permit visual inspection of sample introduction. This remote cell with minimal electronics has been reliable in shielded cell applications for several years; however, the working lifespan of a DMA 401 in shielded cells at SRP averages only about nine months, due to electronic failures induced by the high radiation field. include five-place precision via signal averaging and stability limits, and computer control FIGURE 8. New Density Meter System for New Shielded Analytical Cells of the density meter operation, calibration, and data acquisition. FIGURE 7. Present Density Meter for Shielded Analytical Cell A new process control laboratory is scheduled for startup in late 1986. Each of four shielded analytical cells will contain a density meter remote cell, the DPR 412YS (Figure 8), which has a steel oscillator U-tube and acidproof housing to provide improved durability. In addition, electronics, similar to those inside the DMA 401, have been remoted at SRP to a distance of ten feet to protect them from exposure to the high radiation in the shielded cells HETO water baths that are commercially available with sensitive electronics already remoted will be placed inside two of the shielded cells to thermostat the four remote density cells. Two DMA 60 control units (Figure 8), each with the capability to operate two separate remote cells and to display eight-digit period measurements for each, will be used to operate the four remote cells. Each DMA 60 will be interfaced to two separate DEC Microvax II computers, each of which will support other computerized operations Expected benefits of the density meter system 212 ONLINE HEAVY WATER ASSAYS In addition to sample validation, density meters are proving useful for online assays of heavy water (D20). Recent tests have shown that online measurement of D20 is feasible over a wide range of concentrations using the DPR-S control unit and an online DPR 417YE remote cell. Software for the Epson HX-20 computer was written at SRP to correct for changes in density due to temperature fluctuations, which (1) affect each specific D20/H20 mixture differently , and (2) affect the steel measuring cell itself. The software also converts online density measurements to a direct printout of mole % D20. Measurements are precise to 0.1%, 95 C.L.** SUMMARY Use of a wide array of Mettler density meters, with customized software as required, ensures that representative samples are routinely obtained for process control and accountability assays. Nonrepresentative samples can be detected, and the contribution of sampling error to the overall error of the measurement system can be estimated. **M. S. Boerste and S. L. Maxwell, III. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Savannah River Plant. Unpublished Work. TABLE I. Purex Process Plutonium Hold Tank Sample Number 1 2 3 4 5 Density Range Density, g/mL Production 1.0403 1.06 1.1045 1.0927 1.1150 1.0672 0.0747 11 12 13 14 15 Density Range 1.1316 1.1316 1.1320 1.1325 1.1326 0.0010 TABLE II. Lab Pu, g/L, via PU+3 Spectrophotometry 2.010 1.08 2.464 2.466 2.471 x = 2.467 Plutonium Biases Sample Number Lab Density g/mL 1 2 3 4 5 1.0812 1.1163 1.0487 1.1236 1.0995 Pu, g/L via Pu"1"-^ Spectrophotometry 1.172 1.708 0.710 1.828 1.445 % Pu Bias, Calculation from Densities - 33.5 - 5.8 - 59.2 Reference - 19.0 % Pu Bias, Experimental - 35.9 - 6.6 - 61.2 Reference - 21.0 TABLE III. Density Via Temperature-Corrected Meter System* in Glove Box Density of Water, g/mL at 25°C 0.99709 0.99709 0.99710 0.99711 0.99713 0.99712 Avg = Theo = SD 0.99711 0.99707 .00002 Density, g/mL of 238Pu Standard 1.06195 1.06182 1.06179 1.06192 1.06190 Avg = 1.06188 SD = .00007 Density, g/niL of Dilute *39Pu Sample 1.01198 1.01199 1.01197 1.01198 Avg = 1.01198 SD = .00001 Density, g/mL of Duplicate 239 Pu Sample 1.01194 1.01197 1.01196 1.01196 Avg = 1.01196 SD = .00001 * System consists of DPR-S control u n i t , 402YE (glass) remote cell, Epson HX-20 computer. 213 TABLE IV. Density Measurements on Uranium Product Shipment Trailer Samples ID # U1A (1) U1A (2) Density (g/mL) 1.009885 1.009888 U1A 1 (1) U1A 1 (2) 1.009890 1.009890 1.009890 U1B (1) U1B (2) 1.009885 1.009892 1.009888 U1B 1 (1) U1B 1 (2) 1.009882 1.009896 1.009889 U1C (1) U1C (2) 1.009887 1.009900 1.009894 U1C' (1) U1C' (2) 1.009881 1.009899 1.009890 Avg. Density (g/mL) 1.009886 Average Density = 1.009890 Std Dev = 3 x 10~6 Std Dev of Avg. = 9 x 10~7 REFERENCES 1. 0. Kratky, H. Leopold and H. Stabinger, "Instruction Manual for DMA 46 Calculating Density Meter," Anton Paar, Graz, Austria 2. E. P. Shine, "Density Meter Algorithm and System for Estimating Sampling/Mixing Uncertainity," Proceedings of the INMM 27th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 22-25, 1986. The information contained in this article was developed during the course of work under Contract No. DE-AC09-76SR00001 with the U. S. Department of Energy. 214
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