15. Basic Service Charge: This covers a portion of fixed administrative costs, such as monthly meter reading and payment processing. 18. Return Stub: Always return this portion with your payment. 19. Historical Information Graph (page two): This usage history includes the current and previous month, as well as comparative usage for the prior year so that you can track increases and decreases in the amount of energy you consume. (New customers will only have graphs for the months they have occupied their home). 16. Local Government Fee: A tax charged by local government. The money collected goes to the local treasury. 17. Universal Energy Charge: A mandated fee that provides money to fund the State of Nevada energy assistance and conservation programs. Generation Meter Readings The readings from your generation meter are used by NV Energy for reporting purposes and are not used in your bill calculation. You may notice that the reading on your inverter does not match the reading of the generation meter that we installed. Minor differences are to be expected. For more information, please contact the manufacture of your inverter. If you have any billing questions you can call us at (702) 402–5595 or (702) 402-2010. 3000111111 110000009 JOE CUSTOM ER 1234 MAIN ST REET LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 Customer Premise 001111111 1000000 19 2008 2009 6226 W. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89146 NVE_GW_2,500_05_09 How to Read Your Net Metering Power Bill How to Read Your Net Metering Bill 1. Account Number: Remember to put your customer number on your payment checks to ensure proper accounting. You will also need this number if you make a billing inquiry. 8. KWHR (Kilowatt–Hours Received): This is the amount of energy generated in excess of your needs, which was put back into the power grid. This is calculated by subtracting last month’s KWHR read from the current read. This read is identified with a “15” on the left side of the meter display. 2. Service Address: Where you receive and use the electricity. It may be different from your billing address. 9. KWHA (Kilowatt–Hours Accumulated): The power produced beyond what is consumed results in credits for you. KWHA (Kilowatt– Hours Accumulated) tracks these credits. This is calculated as previous KWHA credit + KWHR – KWHD. When all available credits have been used, this number is set back to zero. 3. Next Meter Read Date: The next date that your meter is scheduled to be read. 4. Account Balance Information: Includes your Previous Balance, Payments, Current Charges, Total Amount Due and Due Date. 5. Message Area: This is where you may read important information about your bill and your account. 6. Meter Information: Information specific to your meter including reads, read dates and usage. 7. KWHD (Kilowatt–Hours Delivered): This is the amount of energy we deliver and you consume from the power grid. This is calculated by subtracting last month’s KWHD read from the current read. This read is identified with an “05” on the left side of the meter display. 10. KWHN (Kilowatt–Hours Net): If the amount of energy you consumed from the grid exceeds the amount you produced, then this line will display the difference. This line displays your billable Kilowatt–Hours and is calculated in the following manner: (KWHD – KWHR) – KWHA = KWHN. 11. KWHG (Kilowatt–Hours Generated): If you have a generation meter, here is where you find the total amount of energy generated by your renewable energy system. 1 0000009 2 JOE CUSTOM ER 1234 MAIN ST REET LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 Customer Premise 001111111 1000000 10/01/2009 4 5 Oct 14, 2009 $121.21 Thank you fo r maintaining $121.21 Oct 19, 2009 an excellent pa yment record . We look forw ard to serving yo u in the future . 6 7 8 9 10 12 11 13 14 15 16 17 12. Net Electric: This is the net amount of power purchased from NV Energy as calculated above as KWHN. 13. Temp. Green Power Financing (TRED): A temporary charge to foster the development of new alternative energy projects in Nevada. 14. Renewable Energy Program (REPR) (NEW RATE): A charge combining costs for wind, hydro, and solar rebate programs for consumers. The solar program was formerly recovered through the company’s DEAA rate. The other programs are new and authorized by the Nevada legislature. 300011111111 1,228.00 1,228.00 KWH x .00 04 KWH x .00 100120 07100120 .50 .87 5% 5.75 $121.21 18 MAKE CHEC KS PAYABL E TO NV EN ERGY 300011111111 0000009 0.00 121.21 1234 MAIN ST REET Current Ch arges due by 121.21 Oct 19, 2009 3
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