JDOHSS Application for Admission

School Information and Application Package
The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic School
7026 Bathurst Street
Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8K3
(905) 669-7653
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your interest in The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic School. Enclosed is
your information package that will guide you in making the important decision on where to
educate your child.
To assure that our parents are committed to the values upon which our entire mission is
founded we request each family to provide along with their application:
Haham Amram Assayag
1) A signed Statement of Commitment to the Religious Standards of our School as outlined
by our Rabbinic Council. This can be found in both English and Hebrew versions on pages
4-7 of this packet, and:
2) A letter of introduction/recommendation from their Rabbi or Rabbinic advisor indicating the
Sarah Wasserman
How long the Rabbi or Rabbinic advisor has known your
Sara Cohen
Victor Arrobas
Edward Kholodenko
Daniel Chai
How often (Daily, Weekly, Holidays) your family participates in
synagogue prayers/activities.
The Rabbi’s knowledge of the family’s commitment to religious
observance specifically regarding Shmirat Shabbat, Kashrut, etc.
Why the Rabbi feels The JDOHSS would be important for your child’s education and
spiritual growth.
Thank you once again for your interest in the JDOHSS. We look forward to meeting you
and your children and the opportunity to have you join those who have “made the choice
that makes the difference” by welcoming you to The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic
Lev Mirlas
David Azulay, CPA, CA
Shlomo Assayag
Michael Benarroch
David A. Bitton
Elie Mamann
David Azulay, CPA, CA
Jacques Benquesus
Maurice Benzacar
Ilana Arrobas
Enny Cohen
Rabbi Kamenetzky
Mrs. Sarah Wasserman
Mrs. Sara Cohen
Vice Principal
1. Application Form and Fee: An Application for Admission and a Rabbinical Recommendation
letter must be completed and submitted to the School Office, together with an Application Fee
of $200 per child. Applications received after March 31st will be charged a $300.00 application
**Pre-school applicants must fill out a Developmental History Form.
2. First Interview: After submitting all application requirements, potential parents will be
contacted to schedule an individual interview with our Menahel.
3. Second Interview: Students in Grades 1 to 8 must also submit to an academic assessment
by our General Studies and Hebrew Studies Principals and if necessary, the ISP Department.
Additional information may be required at this time.
4. Letter of Status of Application: During the admission process, we liaise closely with
applicants and their parents. Acceptance to JDOHSS is determined after considering various
factors, including the best interests of the child and their family, and the school's guiding
religious and educational principles. You will be notified in writing of our decision regarding
your child's acceptance. If your child is not admitted for any reason, the $200 Application Fee
will be refunded to you in its entirety.
Should you have any questions regarding the admission process, please contact our Vice
Principal, Mrs. Sara Cohen at 905-669-7653 Ext. 266 or our Office Manager, Mrs. Jana Cohen at
905-669-7653 Ext. 223.
Pg. 1
Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic School
Application for Admission
7026 Bathurst Street, Thornhill, Ontario, L4J 8K3
Tel: (905) 669-7653 Fax: (905) 669-5138
‘Lighting the Way to a Brighter Future’
Date: _________________________ Applying for Grade: __________ School Year: ____________________
Last Name: _________________ _____Hebrew Last Name______________ ‫שם המשפחה בעברית‬
First Name: ______________________Hebrew First Name: ______________ ‫שם הפרטי בעברית‬
Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YYYY) __ ___/_ ____/_ ______ Hebrew Birthday __ ___ ______  M  F
Place of Birth: Hospital _______________________ City________________ Country ___________________
Home Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________Postal Code: _______________ Phone: ________________________
Are there any conversions (‫ (גרות‬in the family background?  Yes  No, If Yes please specify ____________
Is this child adopted? Yes No If Yes, Officiating Rabbi: _________________________________________
Student’s Status in Canada:  Citizen  Permanent Resident  Other_______________________________
Date of Arrival in Canada (if applicable):________________________________________________________
Language(s) spoken at home: _______________________________________________________________
What language does your child speak most comfortably? __________________________________________
SCHOOL HISTORY: Please list current and former schools/daycares your child has attended
Dates Attended
Has school been a positive experience for your child? Yes No, please describe: ____________________
Has your child received any special services or remedial programming at school or in the community? Yes
No, please describe:_____________________________________________________________________
Last Name
First Name
Student’s Name:____________________________________
Pg. 2
Father:  Mr.  Dr.  Rabbi
Mother:  Mrs.  Ms.  Dr.
Hebrew Name:
Hebrew Name:
Maiden Name:
E-mail Address:
In Canada Since:
From which Country:
Mailing Address:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Cell phone:
Name of Synagogue you
attend each Shabbat:
Name of Current Rabbi:
Current Rabbi Phone Number:
Marriage Date & Rabbi:
Wedding Location:
Marital Status:
Student lives with (check one):
 Married  Divorced  Single  Widowed
 Both Parents  Father  Mother  Other________________
If parents are not living in same household, are there shared custody arrangements?  Yes  No
 May we share with them
positive student and school
Name: First, Last
Hebrew Name:
‫שם בעברית‬
Father’s Father:
 Rabbi  Mr. Dr.
Father’s Mother:
 Mrs.  Ms. Dr.
Mother’s Father:
 Rabbi  Mr. Dr.
Mother’s Mother:
 Mrs.  Ms. Dr.
Maiden Name
Maiden Name
Same as Grandfather 
Same as Grandfather 
Home Address
City, Province/State
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
E-mail Address:
Rabbi’s Name:
Student’s Name:____________________________________
Child’s Physician: _____________________________________ Tel: ________________________
Pg. 3
Health Card #:____ ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ ___ ___
Emergency Contact: __________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Cell: ___________________________ Relationship to Student: _______________________________
Does your child have any allergies?:  Yes  No If Yes, please list __________________________________
Are the allergies anaphylactic? Yes No Does your child carry an Epi-Pen? Yes No
Does your child have any other medical condition?  Yes  No,
If yes, please list: ______________________________________________________________________
Is your child taking any medications daily?  Yes  No
If Yes, please list: ______________________________________________________________________
The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic School is concerned with the total development of your child – socially,
emotionally, physically and intellectually. The following information is critical and required as part of a
successful application process.
Has your child’s vision been tested?  Yes  No Does your child wear glasses?  Yes  No
Are there any vision concerns?  Yes  No, If yes, please describe: ________________________
Has your child’s hearing been tested?  Yes
No Are there any hearing concerns?  Yes  No
If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________
Are there any concerns related to your child’s speech and language development?  Yes  No
If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________
Are there any concerns related to your child’s fine or gross motor development?  Yes  No
If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________
Are there any concerns related to your child’s behaviour?  Yes  No
If yes, please describe:______________________________________________________________
Are there any significant family situations and stresses that the school should be aware of (divorce, death,
accident, illness)? _____________________________________________________________________
Did your child ever have an educational and /or psychological assessment?  Yes  No.
If yes, please provide a copy of assessment: _________________
Please describe the reason for the assessment: _______________
Describe your child’s interaction with peers: _____________________________________________
Describe your child’s response to classroom rules and routines: _____________________________
What do you perceive to be your child’s strengths?________________________________________
Student’s Name:____________________________________
Pg. 4
Letter of Commitment to School Standards
The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic School is an Orthodox Jewish Day school committed to
Torah values in the Sephardic tradition as defined by the rabbinic leadership of the school
headed by our dean Hacham Amram Assayag and Menahel Rabbi Zvi Kamenetzky. We feel it is
important to define the standards which are expected of each student and their family so a
clear identity and commitment exists by which we can all relate to. Therefore, beginning April
1, 2015, we will be asking each new parent and the Rabbi supporting/encouraging their
enrollment in JDOHSS to read the following statement and sign below expressing their
commitment to a specific set of guidelines for the appropriate behaviours of a JDOHSS
Ben/Bat Torah and the home environment in which we expect them to, B’Ezrat Hashem,
By enrolling our son/daughter_________________ in The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic
School, and as partners with the school in his/her future development, we commit ourselves
to the following standards of religious and parental responsibility. We understand that these
standards are difficult for the school to monitor and involve a level of trust which is integral for
our son/daughter to gain respect for the mission, values, culture and Torah lifestyle which
JDOHSS stands for. However, in the event there is evidence of an apparent disregard for any of
these standards or a lack of adherence to these commitments, the school reserves the right to
dismiss the student allowing parents to find a more suitable educational environment which is
more in line with values they can remain committed to.
Student’s Name:____________________________________
Pg. 5
1) Parents and student will never engage in activities both inside and outside the home that
constitute Chilull Shabat. This includes driving in a car, (except in cases of life threatening
emergencies Chas V’Shalom) use of electronic equipment, going to a place of business, etc.
2) Parents and student will adhere to standards of Kashrut both inside and outside the home.
This includes restaurants, eateries, functions, and parties where an acceptable Kashrut
supervision is established.
3) Boys over 3 years old who are enrolled in JDOHSS both in and out of the home will always
wear a head covering such as a Kippah or Cap/Hat/Hood.
4) Girls over Bat Mitzva will not appear in public in pants or slacks, rather wear a skirt (or coat in
the winter which covers snow pants) as appropriate for a Bat Yisrael.
5) All internet use and engagement in electronic/computer activities both in and out of the home
either on a home or mobile device will take place with parental supervision and monitoring of
appropriate use. At this time the school will not set the standards for use of electronics out of
school. However, we expect parents to be aware of their children’s activities and be involved
in all aspects of their lives in a way that is not necessarily intrusive and restrictive, rather
interested and involved so they may be appreciated as partners in all aspects of their
children’s academic, social, and recreational development.
Signed Father _____________Print Name__________________ Date____________
Signed Mother ____________Print Name__________________ Date____________
Signed Rabbi _____________ Print Name_________________ Date____________
[Signed Student ____________ Print Name________________ Date____________]
‫____________________________________‪Student’s Name:‬‬
‫‪Pg. 6‬‬
‫מכתב התחייבות לעיקרוני רוח יהדות של ביה"ס הספרדי "אור האמת" ע"ש ג'ו דואק‬
‫בית הספר הספרדי "אור האמת" ע"ש ג'ו דואק הוא בית ספר יהודי אורתודוקסי המחויב לערכי‬
‫התורה על פי המסורת הספרדית בהנהגתם הרבנית של הדיקן חכם עמרם אסייג שליט"א‬
‫והמנהל הרב צבי קמנצקי‪ .‬הכרחי וחשוב מאוד להגדיר את תקנון בית הספר הכולל עקרונות‬
‫המבטאים את רוח בית הספר וערכיו‪ ,‬המנחים את פעולותיו ומהווים את המסגרת ואת השקפת‬
‫העולם‪ ,‬שממנה נגזר החזון הבית ספרי‪ ,‬המגדיר את אורח החיים היהודי בבית‪-‬הספר ובביתו של‬
‫התלמיד‪ .‬תקנון זה יצור מחויבות וזהות ברורה לכל תלמידי בית הספר ובני משפחותיהם‪.‬‬
‫החל מהראשון לאפריל ‪ 2015‬כל הורה חדש ורב הקהילה שלו ידרשו לקרוא את התקנון הבא‬
‫ולחתום עליו‪ ,‬כדי לבטא את מחויבותם למדיניות בית הספר בנוגע להתנהגות הראויה של בן‬
‫תורה ‪ /‬בת תורה בבית הספר ובבית‪.‬‬
‫אנחנו מעונינים לרשום את בננו‪ /‬בתנו _____________________________ לבית הספר‬
‫הספרדי "אור האמת" ע" ש ג'ו דואק‪ ,‬ומתכוונים לשתף פעולה עם בית הספר‪ .‬אנחנו מתכוונים‬
‫לשמור על התקנון והסטנדרטים הבאים‪ ,‬ומבינים כי קשה לפקח על שמירת פרטי התקנון‪ ,‬והוא‬
‫כרוך ברמת אימון החיונית עבור הילדים‪ ,‬כדי שגם הם יוכלו לפתח כבוד לערכי בית הספר‬
‫ולאורח החיים היהודי הנדרש בו‪.‬‬
‫עם זאת‪ ,‬במקרה שיש ראיות להתעלמות לכאורה מהתקנון‪ ,‬בית הספר שומר לעצמו את הזכות‬
‫להרחיק את התלמיד מבית הספר‪ ,‬כדי לאפשר להורים למצוא סביבה חינוכית מתאימה העולה‬
‫בקנה אחד עם הערכים אליהם הם יכולים להישאר מחויבים‪.‬‬
‫‪Pg. 7‬‬
‫____________________________________‪Student’s Name:‬‬
‫א׳‪ .‬הורים ותלמידים לא יעסקו לעולם בפעילויות המהוות חילול שבת בבית או מחוצה לו‪ .‬האיסור‬
‫כולל נהיגה במכונית‪( ,‬למעט מקרים של סכנת חיים במצבי חירום חס ושלום) שימוש בציוד‬
‫אלקטרוני‪ ,‬הליכה לעבודה וכו'‪.‬‬
‫ב׳‪ .‬הורים ותלמידים ישמרו על כללי הכשרות הן בבית והן מחוצה לו‪ .‬יש להקפיד על הכשרות‬
‫במסעדות‪ ,‬במסיבות ובאירועים‪ .‬כולם צריכים להיות תחת השגחה רבנית המקובלת בעיר‪.‬‬
‫ג׳‪ .‬בנים מעל גיל שלוש שנרשמו לבית הספר יחבשו תמיד כיסוי ראש כמו כיפה או כובע בבית‬
‫ומחוצה לו‪.‬‬
‫ד׳‪ .‬בנות מעל לגיל בת מצווה (‪ )12‬לא יופיעו בציבור במכנסיים‪ .‬הן צריכות ללבוש חצאית מתאימה‪.‬‬
‫(או מעיל‪ ,‬כאשר הן לובשות מכנסי שלג)‬
‫ה׳‪ .‬כל השימוש באינטרנט ובמכשירים אלקטרונים אחרים (במחשב‪ ,‬בטלפון הנייד וכו') בבית‬
‫ומחוצה לו יתקיים תחת פיקוח ובקרה של ההורים‪ .‬בשלב זה בית הספר אינו קובע את‬
‫הסטנדרטים לשימוש במכשירים אלקטרונים מחוץ לבית הספר‪ .‬עם זאת‪ ,‬אנו מצפים מההורים‬
‫להיות מודעים לפעילויות של ילדיהם ולהיות מעורבים בכל ההיבטים של חייהם באופן שאינו‬
‫בהכרח פולשני ומגביל‪ ,‬אלא מתעניין ומעורב כך שההורים יהפכו להיות שותפים בכל ההיבטים‬
‫של התפתחות ילדיהם‪.‬‬
‫שם האב‪ ______________ :‬חתימת האב‪ ___________ :‬תאריך‪_________ :‬‬
‫שם האם‪ ______________ :‬חתימת האם‪ ___________ :‬תאריך‪________ :‬‬
‫שם הרב‪ _______________ :‬חתימת הרב‪ ____________ :‬תאריך‪_______ :‬‬
‫[שם התלמיד‪/‬ה‪________________ :‬‬
‫חתימת התלמיד‪/‬ה‪[________________ :‬‬
Student’s Name:____________________________________
Pg. 8
The information enclosed in this application and any supporting documentation are strictly confidential. During
the admission process, access to this information will be restricted to the members of the Admission
Committee. Should your child be admitted to The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet, this application and all supporting
documentation will become part of your child’s Ontario Student Record (OSR). An OSR is an ongoing record of
your child’s educational progress from Elementary through to High School in Ontario. In accordance with the
Education Act, the information in an OSR is “privileged for the information and use of supervisory officers and
the Principal and teachers of the school for the improvement of instruction” of the student.
I / we understand that acceptance of a place at The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic School signifies:
 Family acceptance of the religious values of the school.
 Family disclosure of all special circumstances.
 Acceptance of the right of administration to determine class placement.
 Family compliance with all school rules and regulations as published in the Parent-Student Handbook.
 Student compliance with the school uniform policy while on school property.
 Family compliance with any agreed upon individual educational plan at JDOHSS.
 Family commitment to volunteer through the “Build Strong Program”.
 Family commitment to participate in the “Heritage Dollars Program”.
I / we confirm that all the information given in this application form is complete and correct and understand that the
school reserves the right to cancel registration or enrolment if incomplete or incorrect information has been given.
We understand that our child’s first day of school at The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic School will be
Month_______________ Day_________ Year__________
Father’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________________
Mother’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________________
If parents are divorced, the custodial parent must sign this application.
Please include the following with your completed application:
 Rabbinical Letter(New families only)
 Deposit of $200 payable to JDOHSS ($300.00 after March 31)
 Two (2) recent passport photo size pictures of your child
 A copy of your child’s two most recent report cards.
 Birth Certificate
 If your child was born outside of Canada, a copy of Canadian Citizenship & Immigration documentation
 A copy of your child’s OHIP Card
 A copy of your child’s Immunization record
 Developmental History Form (Preschool only)
Date application received:_______________
 Rabbinical Letter
 Deposit
 Photos
 Report Cards
 Birth Certificate
 Citizenship/Immigration (if applicable)
 Immunization record
 OHIP Card
 Other______________________
Student’s Name:__________________________________
Grade: ______________
Pg. 9
The Joe Dwek Ohr HaEmet Sephardic School
7026 Bathurst Street
Thornhill, ON L4J 8K3
Tel: 905-669-7653 Fax: 905-669-5138
I hereby permit my child to participate under supervision in educational/recreational trips during the school
year. Such permission is to remain in force unless terminated by me, by express notice, in writing, to the
Principal of the school.
Note: Parents will be informed of the nature and details of each excursion before the date of the trip. However,
unless the school received written notice to the contrary, the student will participate in the excursion.
I hereby permit my child to interact with any of these service providers affiliated with JDOHSS:
ISP Department
Remedial/ Enrichment/Kol Koreh specialists
Child Youth Worker
Educational consultants
In case of surgical and any other type of medical emergency and I/we are not immediately available for
consultation, I/we give permission for the treatment necessary to the health of my child by the physician
selected by the school administration.
Teachers and other staff members of the JDOHSS may occasionally photograph or film children participating
in class activities and special events. Typically, these pictures are used to record special activities or events
and may be displayed in photo albums, on bulletin boards or appear in newsletters and advertisements for the
school or the newspaper. We would like your consent to use any pictures in which your child may appear.
I hereby give the JDOHSS my permission to take, use and publish photographs of my child. I understand that
the photographs will not be used for any commercial purposes.
Are there any special carpool
If yes, please specify whomever you allow to carpool with your child: __________________________
Is daycare necessary for the morning?  Yes  No
 8:00 – 8:20 AM
Is daycare necessary for the afternoon?  Yes  No
 4:00 – 4:30 PM
 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Date: ________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian:_______________________________