Interaction of Land Use and Land Cover Change and Climate Change and Driving Forces: A Case Study of Jiangxi Province, China Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree Doctor rer. nat. of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany by Qi Wang Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany 2012 Name of Dean: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bauhus Name of Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Glaser Name of 2nd Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Andreas Matzarakis Date of thesis’ defence: 20.06.2012 Acknowledgements This PhD work would have not been possible without the help and support provided by my advisory committee. I owe sincere and earnest thankfulness to my advisor, Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Glaser, for his guidance, enduring support and great patience during my Germany graduate studies. His mentorship was paramount in providing a well-rounded experience consistent with my long-term career goals. He encouraged me to not only grow as a scholar but also as an instructor and an independent thinker. I am grateful to those members of my doctoral committee in the institute of geography for their input, valuable discussions and accessibility; to Prof. Dr. Jörg Stadelbauer for his support; to Prof. Dr. Andreas Matzarakis for his help. I am obliged to many of my colleagues from the institute of physical geography who supported me. In particular, I gratefully acknowledge the contribution of my colleague Dr. Dirk Riemann who has been instrumental in helping with Matlab scripts and gave me valuable advice for my research. I would also like to thank Dr. Steffen Vogt for his assistance and guidance in getting my graduate career started on the right foot and providing me with the foundation of remote sensing and geographical information system. Many thanks go to Ghazi Al Dyab, Dr. Philipp Weckenbrock, Dr. Johannes Schönbein, Tian Zhang, Dr. Jian-feng, Liu, Angelika Schuler and Dr. Helmut Saurer who supported and boosted me morally. I would like to thank the support of DAAD in helping me reaching my goal through scholarship program. I would like to show my gratitude to my German family: Renate Ries. Special thanks to her, for her kindness, constant support and encouragement. Last but not least, I would like to thank to my family, relatives and friends have provided relentless support that has been a constant source of motivation for me. Zusammenfassung Die Veränderung der Landoberfläche im Sinne einer veränderten Bodennutzung und Vegetationsbedeckung (land use and land cover change LULC) stellt einen bedeutenden Faktor in der Klimaforschung dar, wird jedoch wiederum selbst durch den Klimawandel beeinflusst. Ziel der vorgelegten Arbeit ist (1) die Ableitung von Oberflächentemperatur- und Niederschlagstrends der Provinz Jiangxi, China für den Zeitraum von 1951-1999 basierend auf homogenisierten Beobachtungsdaten unter Anwendung von Standard Normal Homogenitätstest (SNHT) sowie ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit den aus den Datensätzen des Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) berechneten Trends. Des Weiteren wurde (2) unter Verwendung der Observation Minus Reanalyse (OMR)-Methode der kleinräumige Einfluss der Beschaffenheit und Topographie der Landoberfläche auf Veränderungen von Oberflächentemperatur und Niederschlag untersucht. (3) Für die Arbeit wurde ein auf Integrativen Prozessen und unter Berücksichtigung quantitativer Verfahrensweisen wie Fernerkundung, Geographischer Informationssysteme (GIS) oder statistischen Methoden basierender Ansatz verwendet sowie die Antriebsmechanismen des Landnutzungswandels von Ackerland und bebauter Fläche in Jiangxi (1995-2005) analysiert. Die Ergebnisse nach der Homogenisierung der Oberflächentemperatur- und Niederschlagsdaten zeigen gegenüber der Verwendung von Rohdaten eine deutlich abgeschwächte Erwärmung der winterlichen Temperaturen in Jiangxi . Auch die räumliche Abkühlung während der Sommermonate wird durch nicht bereinigte Daten übertrieben. Der Vergleich zwischen den Datensätzen der GHCN und den in der hier vorgestellten Analyse verwendeten, bereinigten Temperaturdaten zeigen eine nur geringfüge Abweichung der jeweils resultierenden Klimatrends. Die Niederschlagserie erweisen sich als homogen. Als klimatische Besonderheit des Untersuchungsgebiets wurden eine Erwärmung der Wintermonate sowie eine Abkühlung während der Sommermonate und zunehmend trockene Verhältnisse während der Frühlingsmonate im Gegensatz zu einer Verstärkung der Humidität während des Sommers nachgewiesen. Als geographisches Zentrum der sommerlichen Abkühlung konnte das Einzugsgebiet des Poyang-Sees identifiziert werden. Der Vergleich von OMR-Trends mit dem Typ der Landoberfläche zeigt eine besonders deutliche Erwärmung über vegetationsloser Landoberfläche im Vergleich zu Grünlandflächen. 81.1% der Erwärmung über Landoberflächen mit Vegetationsbedeckung lassen sich auf LULC-Änderungen zusammen mit topographischen und regionalen Merkmalen zurückführen. Die Aussagekraft der LULC-Änderung nimmt mit zunehmender Vegetationsbedeckung der Landoberfläche kontinuierlich ab. Die OMR-Trends der Niederschlagsdatensätze zeigen eine schwache Abhängigkeit von der Art der Landoberfläche. Zu der Veränderung der Nutzung der Ackerflächen in Jiangxi trugen mehrere miteinander interagierende Mechanismen, einschließlich politischer und sozioökonomischer Kräfte als unmittelbarer Faktoren, sowie biophysikalische Notwendigkeiten ursächlich bei. Der Übergang von Ackerland zu Bauland ist in hohem Maße auf eine Kombination sozio-ökonomischer Faktoren zurück zu führen. Die hier vorgestellte Arbeit leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Überwachung und Modellierung klimatischer Prozesse. Veränderungen der LULC sollten zusammen mit Treibhausgasen als wichtige Faktoren bei der lokalen und regionalen Klimamodellierung Berücksichtigung finden. Schlüsselwörter: Landnutzung; Klimatrends; Antrieb List of Tables Table 2.1 Changes of observation specification in China since 1960s .....................................................65 Table 2.2 Changes of mean temperature level have taken place gradually as a linear trend starting and ending at arbitrary points of time, a and b respectively. Population data are given for the cities or counties where the stations are located. The change of mean temperature level is Qb Qa . ...........................................................................................................66 Appendix Table1. Thirty-six meteorological stations in Jiangxi and its contiguous provinces ..................83 Table 3.1 Correlation coefficients (r) between temperature/precipitation and corresponding land cover types ................................................................................................................................... 102 Table 3.2 Summary for regression models of different land cover types ................................................ 103 Table 3.3 Decadal trends of temperature (°C/decade) and precipitation (mm/decade) response to surface vegetation types and the number of 1°×1°grids for the calculation of correlation between vegetation types and temperature/precipitation trend ....................................................... 104 Table 4.1 List of the selected biophysical and socio-economic factors affecting land use ...................... 132 Table 4.2 Change matrix of each land use type and transition rates in 1995 and 2005 ........................... 133 Table 4.3 Annual change rates of biophysical and socio-economic indicators........................................ 134 Table 4.4 Summary for regression models of cropland with explanatory variable, POLICY (1995-2005) ................................................................................................................................. 135 Table 4.5 Coefficients for the final regression model of cropland (1995-2005)b .................................... 135 Table 4.6 Summary for regression models of built-up land (1995-2005) ............................................... 136 Table 4.7 Coefficients for the final regression model of built-up land (1995-2005)a .............................. 136 1 List of Figures Figure 2.1 Location of the study area in China (above) and locations of 36 meteorological stations in Jiangxi and its contiguous 6 provinces used in this study (below) are shown. (Overlaid on a 90m DEM, station numbers see Table 1 in Appendix) ..............................................67 Figure 2.2 Plotting for the discontinuities detected in homogeneity tests in the final test round. The histogram shows the seasonal frequency for discontinuities on decadal level for the period of 1951-2000. The frequency of winter, spring, summer and autumn are denoted by blue, red, green and violet columns respectively. ............................................................................68 Figure 2.3 Q-values on temperature series in December from Jiujiang station (1951-2000). Blue solid line denotes the results for the original data and pink diamond-shaped point for the adjusted data. .................................................................................................................................69 Figure 2.4 T-values from performing the single shift SNHT on temperature seres in December from Jiujiang station (1951-2000). Blue solid line denotes the results for the original data and pink diamond-shaped point for the adjusted data. Significant levels of 90% and 95% are also marked. .............................................................................................................................69 Figure 2.5 Q-values on temperature series in February from Guangchang station (1951-2000). Blue column denotes the results for the original data and pink diamond-shaped point for the adjusted data. ............................................................................................................................70 Figure 2.6 T-values from performing the single shift SNHT on temperature series in February from Guangchang station (1951-2000).Blue solid line denotes the results for the original data. Significant levels of 90% and 95% are also marked. ...............................................................70 Figure 2.7 Q-values on precipitation series in June from Jiujiang station (1951-2000). Blue solid line denotes the results for the original............................................................................................71 Figure 2.8 T-values from performing the single shift SNHT on precipitation series in June from Jiujiang station (1951-2000). Blue solid line denotes the results for the original data. Significant levels of 90% and 95% are also marked. .......................................................................71 Figure 2.9 Anomalies of the mean temperature over Jiangxi province for adjusted data (19512000) relative to 1961-1990 (A) adjusted winter, (B) adjusted spring, (C) adjusted summer, (D) adjusted autumn, and (E) adjusted annual mean. Annual mean (dashed line) 5-year running average (solid line). P > 0.05. ............................................................................................72 Figure 2.10 Surface temperature change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi for our analysis (1951-2000), from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean temperature respectively. ..........................................................................................73 Figure 2.11 The same as Figure 2.10, but for unadjusted data. ................................................................74 2 Figure 2.12 Surface air temperature anomalies relative to 1961-1990 mean for (A) Jiangxi (B) Northern hemisphere (C) Globe is denoted by dotted line for annual mean, solid line for 5year running average. P > 0.05 .......................................................................................................75 Figure 2.13 Surface air temperature anomaly relative to 1961-1990 averaged over Jiangxi province based on unadjusted raw and adjusted data (1951-2000). Dashed line denotes unadjusted annual mean, dotted line (adjusted annual mean), crossed-solid line (adjusted 5year running average), solid line (unadjusted 5-year running average) and dashed-dotted line (trend line). P > 0.05. ...............................................................................................................76 Figure 2.14 Anomalies of the mean temperature over Jiangxi province for unadjusted data (1951-2000) relative to 1961-1990 (A) unadjusted winter, (B) unadjusted spring, (C) unadjusted summer, and (D) unadjusted autumn. Annual mean (dashed line) 5-year running average (solid line). P > 0.05. .........................................................................................................77 Figure 2.15 Surface air temperature anomaly relative to 1961-1990 averaged over Jiangxi (1951-1990). Triangle-dashed line denotes annual mean for GHCN homogenized data, dotted line (annual mean for adjusted data), crossed-solid line (5-year running average for GHCN homogenized data) and solid line (5-year running average for adjusted data). P > 0.05................................................................................................................................................78 Figure 2.16 Surface air temperature change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi for our analysis (1951-1990), from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean temperature respectively. ..........................................................................................79 Figure 2.17 Surface air temperature change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi for GHCN analysis (1951-1990), from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean temperature respectively. ..........................................................................................80 Figure 2.18 Anomalies of the mean precipitation over Jiangxi province for homogenized data (1951-2000) relative to 1961-1990. Homogeneous (A) winter, (B) spring, (C) summer, (D) autumn, and (E) annual mean. Annual mean (dashed line) 5-year running average (solid line). P > 0.05. ................................................................................................................................81 Figure 2.19 Precipitation change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi for our analysis (1951-2000), from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean respectively. ..........................................................................................................................82 Figure 3.1 Monthly mean surface air temperature anomalies (observation [dashed red] and NCEP-NCAR reanalysis (NNR) [solid blue]) (in ℃) over Jiangxi relative to 1961-1990. Five decades (1950s-1990s) are compared. TOMR is observation minus reanalysis temperature. r denotes correlation coefficient between NNR and surface observations. ................. 105 Figure 3.2 Decadal trends of monthly mean temperature. The Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) trend per decade (in ℃) at each grid point was obtained by the average of the„90s 3 minus 80s‟and „80s minus 70s‟ temperatures. The mean value of the decadal trend is denoted in each panel on the left. a observation; b NNR and c OMR. ............................................ 106 Figure 3.3 Daily mean precipitation anomalies (observation [dashed red] and NCEP-NCAR reanalysis (NNR) [solid blue]) (in mm) over Jiangxi relative to 1961-1990. Five decades (1950s-1990s) are compared. TOMR is observation minus reanalysis precipitation. r denotes correlation coefficient between NNR and surface observations......................................... 107 Figure 3.4 Decadal trend of daily precipitation averaged at stations over Jiangxi. The Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) trend per decade (in mm) at each grid point was obtained by the average of the „90s minus 80s‟ and „80s minus 70s‟. The mean value of the decadal trend is denoted in each panel on the left. a observation; b NNR and c OMR. ................... 108 Figure 3.5 Vegetation index map derived from NDVI. a Annual mean; b Winter (DJF); c Spring (MAM); d Summer (JJA) and e Autumn (SON). ........................................................................... 109 Figure 4.1 Integrated method for studying driving forces of LULC changes ......................................... 137 Figure 4.2 Change pattern of cropland in Jiangxi in 1995 and 2005 ...................................................... 138 Figure 4.3 Change pattern of built-up land in Jiangxi in 1995 and 2005 ................................................ 138 Figure 4.4 Land use and land cover map of Jiangxi in 1995 and 2005 ................................................... 139 Figure 4.5 Spatial patterns of cropland transition and driving factors (1995-2005). (The left upper is the thematic map of cropland transition rate and the right upper is the thematic map of rural population (R-POP) change rate. The left bottom is the thematic map of gross product value-added of primary industry (GDPP) change rate and the right bottom is the thematic map of rural income (TIRI) change rate. ......................................................................... 140 Figure 4.6 Spatial patterns of built-up land transition and driving factors (1995-2005). (The upper is the thematic map of built-up land transition rate. The left middle is the thematic map of gross domestic product value (GDP) change rate and the right middle is the thematic map of gross product value-added of tertiary industry (GDPT) change rate. The left bottom is the thematic map of gross product value-added of secondary industry (GDPS) change rate and the right bottom is the thematic map of Engel‟s coefficient (EC) change rate. .................................................................................................................................. 141 4 Abstract Land use and land cover (LULC) change is an important climate forcing, and climate change also affects LULC processes. We aim to assess the regional scale interaction of LULC change and climate change. Driving forces of LULC change are also examined. Jiangxi Province, China is used as a case study. (1) To obtain reliable climate trends, we apply Standard Normal Homogeneity Test (SNHT) in surface temperature and precipitation data for the period of 1951-1999. We also compare the temperature trend computed from Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) datasets and from our analysis. (2) To assess the regional impacts of land surface type on surface temperature and precipitation change integrating regional topographic characteristics, we use the Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) method. (3) To analyze the driving mechanisms of cropland and built-up land changes over Jiangxi, an integrative approach with quantitative policy effect involving remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS) and statistical techniques is applied. Precipitation series are found to be homogeneous. The comparison between GHCN and our analysis on adjusted temperatures indicates that the resulting climate trends vary slightly from datasets to datasets. A feature of warming winter versus cooling summer and spring drying versus summer wetting is revealed. Poyang Lake watershed is the center of summer cooling. OMR trends associated with land surface type present that strong surface warming response to land barrenness and weak warming response to land greenness. 81.1% of the surface warming over vegetation index areas (0~0.2) attributes to LULC change incorporating regional topographic characteristics. The contribution capability of LULC change decreases as land cover greenness increases. OMR trends of precipitation have a weak dependence on the type of land-surface. We find that the cropland transition in Jiangxi has been achieved through multiple interacting mechanisms including policy and socio-economic forces as the proximate factors and biophysical factor as the underlying cause. The pathways leading to built-up land transition rely to various degrees and combinations on socio-economic factors. 5 This study has important implications in the monitoring and modeling processes of climate. We suggest LULC change should be considered along with greenhouse gas as a forcing in local and regional climate modeling. Keywords: land use land cover; climate trends; driving forces 6 Table of Contents List of Tables ....................................................................................................................1 List of Figures ..................................................................................................................2 Abstract ............................................................................................................................5 1 Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change ............................ 10 1.1 1.1.1 Causes of LULC change .............................................................................. 11 1.1.2 Consequences/impacts of LULC change ...................................................... 15 1.1.3 Future perspectives/Sustainable land management .......................................23 1.2 2 Overview: Land Use Science .............................................................................. 10 Global Climate Change ....................................................................................... 25 1.2.1 Causes of global climate change ..................................................................26 1.2.2 Consequences of global climate change ....................................................... 28 1.2.3 Future climates-the great uncertainty ........................................................... 33 Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China ....................................................................................... 34 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................34 2.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................ 42 2.2.1 Study site .....................................................................................................42 2.2.2 Data .............................................................................................................43 2.2.3 Homogenization........................................................................................... 44 2.2.4 Spatial interpolation ..................................................................................... 49 2.3 Results ................................................................................................................ 49 2.3.1 Abrupt discontinuities .................................................................................. 50 2.3.2 Trend non-homogeneities .............................................................................52 2.3.3 Outliers ........................................................................................................ 53 2.3.4 Examples of non-homogeneities .................................................................. 53 2.3.5 Temperature trend ........................................................................................ 56 2.3.6 Precipitation trend ........................................................................................ 59 2.4 Discussions ......................................................................................................... 60 7 2.5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................64 2.6 Appendix ................................................................................................................ 83 3 Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China ................................................................................................. 84 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................84 3.2 Data and methodology ........................................................................................ 88 3.2.1 Data .............................................................................................................88 3.2.2 Data analysis................................................................................................ 89 3.3 Results ................................................................................................................ 90 3.3.1 Temperature trends of observation and reanalysis ........................................90 3.3.2 Precipitation trends of observation and reanalysis ........................................92 3.3.3 NDVI trend ..................................................................................................93 3.3.4 Surface temperature and precipitation trends with respect to LULC changes 3.3.5 .................................................................................................................... 93 Temperature/precipitation change as a function of different land cover types incorporating regional characteristics ................................................................... 95 4 3.4 Discussions ......................................................................................................... 97 3.5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................97 Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China ................................................................................................................ 109 4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 109 4.2 Methodologies .................................................................................................. 115 4.2.1 Overview of interdisciplinary methodology on LULC change research ...... 115 4.2.2 The integrated method to examine cropland and built-up land transition .... 116 4.2.3 The cropland returning policy, biophysical and socio-economic data.......... 117 4.2.4 Detecting the cropland and built-up land dynamics from remote sensing images 4.3 .................................................................................................................. 119 Results .............................................................................................................. 120 4.3.1 Land use change and spatial pattern 1995-2005.......................................... 120 4.3.2 Regression analysis of the driving forces and interactions of cropland 1995-2005 .................................................................................................................. 121 4.3.3 Regression analysis of the driving forces and interactions of built-up land 1995-2005............................................................................................................ 123 8 5 4.4 Discussions ....................................................................................................... 125 4.5 Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 130 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 141 References .................................................................................................................... 143 9 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change 1 Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change 1.1 Overview: Land Use Science Land change science has emerged as a fundamental component of global environmental change and sustainability research. This interdisciplinary field seeks to understand the dynamics of land use/land cover (LULC) as a coupled human-environment system to address theory, concepts, models, and applications relevant to environmental and societal problems, including the intersec-tion of the two (Turner II et al., 2007a). The study of LULC change has a long history dating to ancient times. Early attention focused on how human activities transformed and degraded landscapes, a theme that has resurfaced at different times (Marsh, 1864; Thomas, 1956) and currently is embedded within the larger concept of global environmental change and earth system science (Meyer and Turner, 1994; Steffen et al., 2002). With the realization that land surface processes influence climate, the research of global environmental change had paid more attention to LULC change (National Research Council, 2005). In the mid-1970s, it was recognized that land cover change modifies surface albedo and thus surface atmosphere energy exchanges, which affect regional climate (Charney and Stone, 1975; Otterman, 1974; Sagan et al., 1979). In the early 1980s, terrestrial ecosystems as sources and sinks of carbon were highlighted (Houghton et al., 1985; Lambin and Geist, 2006; Woodwell et al., 1983). Reducing the uncertainty of these terrestrial sources and sinks of carbon remains a serious challenge today. Subsequently, a much broader range of impacts of LULC change on ecosystem goods and services were further found. Of primary concern are impacts on biotic diversity worldwide (Sala et al., 2000), soil degradation (Trimble and Crosson, 2000), and the ability of biological systems to support human needs (Vitousek et al., 1997). Current rates, extents and intensities of LULC are far greater than ever in history, driving unprecedented changes in ecosystems and environmental processes at local, regional and global scales. Monitoring and mediating the 10 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change negative consequences of LULC while sustaining the production of essential resources has therefore become a major priority of researchers and policymakers around the world. Land cover refers to the attributes of the earth‟s land surface and immediate subsurface (e.g. forest, grassland). Land use has been defined as the purposes for which humans exploit the land cover. It involves both the manner in which biophysical attributes of the land are manipulated and the intent underlying that manipulation (e.g. cropping, ranching) (Lambin, 2003; Turner and Ali, 1995). Land cover and changes are visible in remotely-sensed data from satellite platforms or directly in the field, although it requires interpretation and ground truthing. Observations of land use and its changes generally require the integration of natural and social scientific methods (expert knowledge, interviews with land managers) to determine which human activities are occurring in different parts of the landscape, even when land cover appears to be the same. As a result, scientific investigation of the causes and consequences of LULC requires an interdisciplinary approach integrating both natural and social scientific methods. 1.1.1 Causes of LULC change Great changes have taken place on land surface due to the expansion of land use systems across the world over the past 300 years. Human actions rather than natural forces are the source of most contemporary change in the states and flows of the biosphere (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Understanding these actions and the driving forces is thus of crucial importance for understanding, modeling, and predicting global environment change and for managing and responding to such change. This process is by no means simple for a number of reasons. Driving forces on LULC can include almost any facet that affects human activity, including local culture (food preference, etc.), economics (demand for specific products, financial incentives), environmental conditions (soil quality, terrain, moisture availability), land policy and development programs (agricultural programs, road building, zoning), and interactions and feedbacks between these factors, including past human activity on the land (land degradation, irrigation and roads). 11 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change i. Biophysical drivers Biophysical factors refer to the natural capacity or predisposing environmental conditions for land use change, with the set of abiotic and biotic factors-climate, soils, lithology, topography, relief, hydrology and vegetation-varying among localities and regions and across time (Lambin et al., 2001b). The variability in biophysical drivers and natural environmental changes interact with the human causes of land change. For example, biophysical limitation such as steep slopes and difficulty of access can provide considerable but not necessarily sufficient protection for a forest. Natural variability may also induce socio-economic unsustainability, for example when abnormal large amount of precipitation alters the surface in drought risks and results in over wetting conditions on rangelands. When normal dry condition returns, the livestock management practices are poorly applied and cause land degradation (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Land use conversion, such as cropland expansion in dryland, may also increase the vulnerability of human-environment systems to climatic fluctuations and thus lead to land degradation (Okin, 2002). In tropical forests, land characteristics or the biophysical triggers are pointed to be the contributing factors of deforestation. For example, fires as a causative factor of land cover change in boreal region appeared in 18% of the deforestation cases (Kasischke et al., 2002). In dryland zones, climate factors can influ-ence land cover in the form of prolonged period of droughts (Nicholson et al., 1998). Land use can also be indirectly altered by biophysical factors through the variation in precipitation (Nicholson, 2002).The remarkable changes in soil type priorities can be caused by precipitation changes at landscape level (Reenberg, 1994; Reenberg et al., 1998). In terms of farmland, decreasing fertility and soil erosion influence the concrete location of agricultural practices, lead to land use change (e.g., abandonment and relocation of cultivation). Climate factors, primarily changes in precipitation, were noted in over 25% of the cases of agricultural intensification in farmland (McConnell and Keys, 2005). ii. Socio-economic and demographic drivers Global economy increased nearly sevenfold during the last 50 years (while global population doubled in roughly the past 40 years) (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Therefore, the demand for ecosystem goods and services is surging. 12 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change Opportunities and constraints for land uses practices are determined by markets and policies and are increasingly influenced by global factors. Economic factors are defined as a range of variables that directly affect the decision making by land managers, such as taxes, subsidies, input and output prices, trade, production and transportation costs, capital flows and investments, credit access, technology etc. (Barbier, 1997). Economic factors and associated policies encompass distinct processes that need individual treatment. The reallocation of land among uses is influenced by factors related to production and consumption activities. Stoll et al. (1984) estimated land use chan-ges among cropland, pasture, and forest land for the South-Central United States indicating incomes from land-based enterprises drive land use changes in a majority of cases. Land use change can also be driven by demographic and economic factors. For example, political and economic failure as well as the two-year-drought in 2000 and 2001 in Tajikistan triggered severe food shortages. The population was forced to cultivate former abandoned land or pasture in order to secure food supply (FAO, 2005). Population and personal income has been major explanatory drivers for major land uses in the United States, and are negatively correlated with changes in percentages of the land base occupied by agriculture and forestry. Increases in population and personal income tend to intensify development pressure in urbanization reducing forest area (Alig and Nealy, 1987). Population pressure has resulted in sub-division of the parcels to very small sizes with the consequence that past practices such as shifting cultivation, crop rotation and fallow cropping which used to improve soil fertility are no longer practiced (Kamoni and Makokha, 2010). Land use change is also a complicated process. Since the end of the Second World War, strong trend in Europe (rural-urban migrations; metropolisation/accelerated growth of large cities; strong process of territorial contraction-n/polarisation in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe after the economic transition) have occurred (Robert, 2007). Metropolitan growth is a major driver of the development in knowledge economy and technological innovation. The internationalization of the economy and the emergence of the globalization process have been leading to accelerated growth of large cities, now well-known as “metropolisation process”. The development of the infor13 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change mation economy and of the knowledge society is strengthening this process. European cities are particularly affected by the competition in advanced sectors (Lise and Huriot, 2002) and in manufacturing activities from new emerging economies (China, India, and Brazil etc.). The new potentials of rural areas are being intensively exploited (e.g. renewable energy, raw materials for the industry, growing worldwide demand of food products). These aspects have promoted the rural development across the world and thus land use has been altered. At smaller scale, industrial development triggers dispersal tendencies in rural areas where migration flows are intensifying. Greater food production and assoc-iated water consumption and nutrient and pesticide release, by which the pattern of land use can be changed, would have significant influences on regional climate, land quality and biodiversity. Moreover, the development of soft tourism, residential economy (migration of retirees out of cities) and regional airports driven by low-cost companies, to some extent, has affected the plans and consequences of land use. In addition, the preceding presentation of demographic, economic and technological drivers makes it clear that it is also important to understand political driver and their interplays with individual decision-making (Agrawal and Yadama, 1997; Ostrom et al., 1999; Young, 2002a). In particular, government policy plays an important role in land change, either directly causative or in mediating fashion (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Political factors reflecting government programs designed to improve soil conservation and encourage tree planting, such as the Soil Bank Program in the late 1950‟s and early 1960‟s, had a significant increment in the amount of miscellaneous private forest and a similar decrease in cropland and rangeland (Alig et al., 1988). iii. Cultural drivers Cultural drivers also have an impact on decision making on land use and these cultural conditions cannot be isolated from underlying political and economic background such as ethnic minorities, public attitudes, values and beliefs. The decision is made by land managers, who have various motivations, collective memories, personal experience and it is their attitudes, beliefs and individual perceptions that affect land use decision. For example, cattle‟s ranching is a significant cause for deforestation reported almost exclusively for humid low14 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change land cases from mainland Latin America. The cultural preference for cattle ranching comes from colonial Iberian experiences in the 17th and 18th century in the Americas. Why cattle ranching is so prevalent in land poor Central America as well as in land rich South America is explained to some degree by this common cultural legacy (Geist and Lambin, 2002). In agricultural areas cultural and religious factors often cause strong preferences for staple crops or for particular cropping practices and restrict the use of certain parts of the land. (e.g. tobacco and coffee) (McConnell, 2002). 1.1.2 Consequences/impacts of LULC change LULC change as a “forcing function in global environmental change” (Turner, 2006) conforms generally to the development of human societies and civilizations and is the direct and indirect consequence of human actions to secure essential resources. Between one-third and one-half of the land surface has been transformed by human action; the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has increased by nearly 30% since the onset of the Industrial Revolution (Turner II et al., 2007b). More recently, industrialization has encouraged the concentration of human populations within urban areas and the depopulation of rural areas, accompanied by the intensification of agriculture in the most productive lands and the abandonment of marginal lands. Some influences are positive such as continuing increases in food and fiber production, resource use efficiency, wealth, livelihood security, welfare and human wellbeing (Lambin et al., 2003a; Turner II et al., 2007b). Some influences on climate and ecosystem services and conditions can clearly be undesirable or negative. Altering ecosystems services-i.e., the benefits people obtain from ecosystems such as provision services (e.g. food and water), regulating services (e.g. flood and disease control), cultural services (e.g. spiritual and recreational benefits), and supporting services (e.g. nutrient cycling) that maintain the conditions for life on earth (Millennium Assessment 2003)-, affects the ability of biological systems to sustain human demands (Cassman et al., 2005; Odum, 1989; Ojima et al., 1994; Vitousek et al., 1997). Local changes in LULC are so pervasive that, when aggregated globally, they may significantly affect central aspects of the earth system functioning and thus life support functions and hu15 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change man livelihoods (Lambin and Geist, 2006). We face the challenge of managing trade-offs between immediate human needs and maintaining the capacity of the biosphere to provide goods and services in long term. The impacts of LULC change are scale-dependent in that some affect the local environment (e.g. local water quality), while other impacts extend far beyond the location where they arise (e.g., carbon cycle and climate change) (Mustard and Fisher, 2004). Further, the rate of land modifications across the world varies from region to region (Richards, 1990). Not all the land changes have global impacts and are irreversible. Moreover, multiple impacts may overlap and reinforce each other. This implies the existence of various multidirectional impacts on both ecosystems and people, with biodiversity loss and soil degradation probably being the sole truly irreversible global environmental change impacts (Lambin and Geist, 2006). The impacts of LULC change on (a) climate change; (b) biodiversity loss; (c) soil degradation; (d) water resources; (e) food provision; and (f) human health are described below. Climate Change LULC, as a first-order anthropogenic climate forcing, had an important impact on the development of contemporary atmosphere and they continue (National Research Council, 2005; Scholes et al., 2003). However, LULC change, in combination with fossil fuel combustion, has triggered major and globally significant variation of the naturally evolved synergies over the last 1000 years (Mann et al., 1999), but particularly in the last 200 to 250 years (Crowley, 2000). The consequence of these human actions can, at least partially, be responsible for the increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases and aerosol load, thereby driving global warming (Foley et al., 2003; Penner et al., 2001; Prather et al., 2001). The anthropogenic era is generally thought to have begun 150 to 200 years ago, when the industrial revolution began producing carbon dioxide and methane at rates sufficient to alter their compositions in the atmosphere. The multiple influences and interplays between land use, atmosphere and other climatic elements work at various spatial and temporal scales (Pielke et al., 1998). Not only climate effects in the regions where LULC change occurs are to be assessed, but also their role in altering hemispheric and global atmospheric 16 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change and ocean circulations at large distances from the location of LULC change. At the global scale, changes in land surface properties in response to vegetation changes can affect continental and global atmospheric circulation. LULC can also increase the release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by disturbance of terrestrial soils and vegetation, and this change mainly results in deforestation especially when followed by agriculture. The expansion of cropland and pastures is at the expense of the detriment of forests. Agriculture causes the release of soil carbon with respect to the disturbance by tillage. Agricultural land uses are assessed to contribute to 20% of current annual greenhouse gases forcing potential (Folland et al., 2001). The conversion of grassland into croplands and ecosystem degradation is prevalent with the accelerated growth of population and development of metropolisation process. These dramatic changes in land use with widespread decrease of forest and grasslands have increased carbon emission in arid and semi-arid lands of east and central Asia (Chuluun and Ojima, 2002). Emission from biomass burning has great contribution to the pollution into the atmosphere, with greenhouse gases and carbonaceous aerosols influence (Crutzen and Andreae, 1990; Eva and Lambin, 2000; Stolle et al., 2003). Land use and land cover changes are also behind major changes in terrestrial emissions of other greenhouse gases, especially methane (altered surface hydrology: wetland drainage and rice paddies; cattle grazing), and nitrous oxide (agriculture: input of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers; irrigation; cultivation of nitrogen fixing plants; biomass combustion). Methane is one of the most potent contributors to the atmospheric greenhouse effect and plays a key role in tropospheric chemistry (Lambin and Geist, 2006). LULC changes can alter land surface albedo. The precise contribution of this effect to climate change remains a controversial but increasing concern. The impact of albedo changes on regional climates is also a promising area for research, especially climate changes associated with changes in dense vegetation cover and urban areas. These variations change surface heat balance not only by altering surface albedo, but also by altering evaporative heat transfer resulted from evapotranspiration from vegetation (highest in closed canopy forest), and by changes in surface roughness, which alter heat transfer between the relatively stagnant air layer at earth surface (the boundary layer) and the 17 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change tropos-phere. An example of this is the warmer temperatures observed within urban areas versus rural areas, known as the urban heat island effect (Ellis and Pontius, 2011). To summarize, the above discussion clearly identify the importance of LULC change in the climate system. Therefore, it is essential that we detect LULC change accurately, at appropriate scales, and in a timely manner so as to better understand their impacts on climate and provide improved prediction of future climate. Biodiversity loss Global cropland, pastures, plantations, and urban areas have expanded in recent decades, accompanied by large increases in energy, water, and fertilizer consumption, along with considerable losses of biodiversity. Biodiversity is conventionally interpreted as diversity in genetics, population, species and the ecosystem. Biodiversity, in fact a property of the natural ecosystem, is a product of complex historical interactions among physical, biological and social systems over time (McNeely, 1994; Pei and Sajise, 1993). Biodiversity loss is often occurred dramatically by LULC changes. When land conversion is made from a primary forest to agricultural use, the richness of forest species within deforested areas is reduced. Even when unaccompanied by apparent changes in land cover, similar influences are found whenever relatively undisturbed lands are converted to more intensive uses, including livestock grazing, selective tree harvest and even fire prevention. The combination of causes lead to the processes of habitat destruction, degradation and fragmentation which are the most important points resulting in the decline and extinction of species (Heywood, 1995; Magurran and May, 1999; Van Laake and Sanchez-Azofeifa, 2004). The habitat suitability of forests and other ecosystems surrounding those under intensive use are also affected by habitat fragmentation, which exposes forest edges to external influences and decreases core habitat area. Smaller habitats generally can support fewer species and fragmentation can trigger local and even general extinction for species requiring undisturbed core habitat (Ellis and Pontius, 2011). For the past 300 years, in which most rapid land-cover changes have been assessed to lead to most of today‟s landscape configurations. Recorded extinctions for sev18 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change eral groups of organisms reveal rates at least several hundred times the rate expected on the basis of geological record (Pimm and Brooks, 2000). Study also suggests that species invasions by non-native plants, animals and diseases may be more ready in areas exposed by land use and land cover change, especially in the vicinity of human settlements (Ellis and Pontius, 2011). Soil degradation Global demand for the products of the land is likely to continue accelerating for the foreseeable future. The capacity of the land to sustain the demand will remain a considerably important issue. Soil degradation is defined as an anthropogenic process that reduces the capability of soils to support life on earth (Oldeman et al., 1991). It is a biophysical process driven by socio-economic (land tenure, marketing, institutional support) and political (incentives, government stability) factors. The level of disturbance or perturbation being any stress on soil reflects the possibility that much land use change in some sense constitutes land degradation (Meyer, 1994). Human activities such as logging, urban and industrial development and agricultural practices can be interpreted as disturbance (Seybold et al., 1999). If a disturbance is too dramatic (e.g., subsidence or terrain deformation through gully erosion or mass movement), or if the soil is inherently fragile (e.g. shallow soils on steep slopes), the soil can undergo severe degradation (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Soil degradation is also a challenge to the soil-related inherent constraints to agricultural productivity. Over 14% of the estimated earth land area (total 134 million km2) is found to have been degraded by anthropogenic actions (UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), 2002). FAO (1996b) has reported five major causes of human-induced soil degradation at global scale: overgrazing, deforestation, agricultural mismanagement, fuel wood consumption and urbanization. The stripping of soils of vegetation (e.g. overgrazing, land clearing for agriculture and urban use and large scale logging) exposes soils vulnerable to increases in wind and water erosion, especially on steep terrain. Poor land management strips the soil of vegetation cover resulting in erosion. Further, salinization and waterlogging are caused by poor drainage of irrigated land, whereas soil nutrient loss occurs through bush burning and continuous cropping with little or no fertilizers to replenish the soil. Fuel wood consumption is 19 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change high in areas where firewood and charcoal are the primary source of energy. Urbanization is predominant in Asia and the USA. Expansion of built-up areas, urban sprawl, extractive and other industrial activities causes the loss of valuable agricultural land (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Water erosion, wind erosion, chemical erosion and physical erosion are the major types of soil degradation. Water erosion is the most frequent type and deforestation is deemed as the primary resulting mechanism of soil degradation across world (FAO, 2000a). During the process of erosion, not only soil fertility is degraded over time, decreasing the land suitability for future agricultural use, but also large amount of phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediments is released to streams and other aquatic ecosystems, leading to various negative effects (increased sedimentation, turbidity, eutrophication and coastal hypoxia). Industrial activities can produce even greater impacts by heavy metal and radioactive pollution, including toxic pollution being left in soil. Modern agricultural practices including intensive inputs of fertilizers and the concentration of livestock and their manures within small areas have substantially inincreased the surface water erosion. Fertilizer reduction is the most significant form of chemical degradation (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Other agricultural chemicals, including herbicides and pesticides are also released to the ground and surface waters by agricultural practices and remain as contaminants in soil. In short, it is important to take actions for monitoring soil degradation and modify the ongoing unsustainable land use practices to prevent further soil degradation. Water resources Land use can modify or disrupt surface water balance, soil infiltration, runoff, water yields, evapotranspiration rates, snow accumulation, and interception losses by different plant species. Surface runoff and river discharge generally increase when natural vegetation is cleared, as the case study in Brazil that reported increased river discharge is coincident with expanding agriculture (Foley et al., 2005). Water demands associated with land use practices, especially irrigation, directly influence water supply through withdrawals and diversions. Irrigation farming or the consumptive and non-recoverable use of water by irrigated 20 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change crops is a major component of the water balance. Further, the availability of freshwater is a crucial factor for intensification and expansion of agriculture (Mustard and Fisher, 2004). In most developed countries, irrigation has remained a major off-stream use of both surface and ground water resources. For example, in the Western U.S., ground water withdrawals for irrigation have been among the most significant impacts of agricultural practices, contributing to dramatic increases in evapotranspiration, excessive declines in water tables (Eshleman, 2004). A common feature of land use irrigation zones in arid and semi-arid regions has been identified as the abandonment of irrigated agricultural land due to soil and water degradation (Geist, 2005; Steffen et al., 2004). Water quality is often degraded by the processes of land use practices. Intensive agriculture increases erosion and sediment load, and leaches nutrients and agricultural chemicals to groundwater, streams and river leading to water contamination. Growing evidence suggests that agriculture has become the largest source of excess nitrogen and phosphorus to waterways and coastal zones (Foley et al., 2005). Deterioration of water quality also results from urbanization, particularly lack of waste water treatment. The causative water degradation in inland and coastal areas can cause oxygen depletion, eutrophication, and micro-pollutants. Food provision Land use conversion has shifted between regions over time reflects the general development of civilizations, economies, and the growth of populations (FAO, 2004b; Richards, 1990). Many of the transformed or modified ecosystems (e.g. cropland and pasture) are intimately linked to increases in resource use. Resource use imposing pressure on land is intimately related to population and its standards of consumption, and this interacts with socio-economic and cultural structures. Land use change has clear implications for land-dependent livelihoods and various activities of livelihood may be affected by land use change. Shift from forests to agro-industrial agriculture, for example, may result in fewer opportunities for wild food collection, hunting and forest-dependent activities. Altered land use practices have been successful in increasing food production and caused double world grain harvests in the past four decades (Mann, 1999). 21 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change Some of this increase can be due to a 12% increase in world cropland area (Matson et al., 1997; Wood et al., 2000). Reducing productive capacity of the land may impoverish land-dependent livelihoods, just as increasing productive capacity may lead to enrichment (Barbier, 2000a, 2000b; Barrett et al., 2001). Poverty can cause short-sighted land management decisions proposed by individuals, households, communities and even states. Human health Human health is considerably complicated among the types of global change impacts on societies and it is of crucial significance to understand the impacts and improve the level of public health. There is a long history of anthropogenic, mainly land-use driven changes to the environment which are either favorable to human health, or threatened the health of creature and ecosystem as well as human well-being. Health is closely related to the services and functions of ecosystem (such as food supply or self-regulating for disturbance). In the past, negative influences such as those on water and air quality conditions were certain limitation to local and regional scales. For example, the “Black Death” did not occur at global scale but had an impact on a number of Mediterranean countries at the same time in 1347 (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Accumulating evidence shows that local land use actions in conjunction with other underlying factors can lead to the mitigation of risk of deadly diseases. For example, „urban heat island‟ (mentioned above) exacerbates heat waves, which can pose health challenge. Land use change (habitat modification, road and dam construction, irrigation, and the concentration or expansion of urban environments) can influence the transmission of infectious diseases and can lead to outbreaks and emergence episodes (Foley et al., 2005). For example, increasing tropical deforestation agrees with an upsurge of malaria and its vectors in Africa, Asia, and Latin America (Patz et al., 2004; Vittor et al., 2006). Furthermore, the combined effects of land use and extreme climatic events can also have great influences, both on direct health outcomes (e.g. heat mortality, injury and fatalities) and on ecologically mediated diseases. For instance, areas with extensive deforestation and settlements on degraded hillsides or floodplains suffer the severe morbidity and mortality (Cockburn et al., 1999). 22 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change Indirect land use effect on health is another concern. The land use intensification at larger scale and the growth of agricultural output are brought by the worldwide application of biocides (pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and larvacides) (Lambin and Geist, 2006). Food demand is thus fulfilled in most regions of the world over the past 50 years. However, associated drug resistance, chemical remaining and negative impacts on environment and human health have likewise been brought. Furthermore, lots of concerns on the influences of climate change and biodiversity losses have aggravated the negative effects imposed by the more local impacts of LULC change on health. For example, study has found that forest fragmentation, urban sprawl, and biodiversity loss could be associated with the increased risk of Lyme disease in the north-eastern United States (Schmidt and Ostfeld, 2001). 1.1.3 Future perspectives/Sustainable land management Current trends in land use make humans to occupy an ever-larger fraction of goods and services of the earth ecosystem whereas simultaneously reduce the capacity of ecosystem to sustain food production, maintain natural resources, regulate climate and air quality, and mediate human health. To be exactly, modern land use practices may weaken a myriad of long-term ecosystem services and functioning with the increment of the short-term supplies of material goods. Potentially negative consequences in the form of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution are produced by land management for procuring resources. Facing the environmental challenge of land use, inherent trade-offs between the fulfillment of immediate human needs and the maintenance of the capacity of ecosystems to provide goods and services in the future require being estimated and managed. The estimation of trade-offs should be linked to social and economic impacts of land use, which probably results in long-term decrease of human well-being through altered ecosystem functioning. Sustainable land management is necessary to enhance the resilience of different land use practices. Increasing the resilience of managed ecosystems can prevent from the disturbance such as diseases, climatic extremes, invasive species and toxic releases and have the stronger ability to recover. 23 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change Decision-making and policy implementation increasingly require multiple geographic scales and multiple ecological dimensions. Local and regional alteration of land use can potentially cause local, regional and global ecological, social and economic benefits or degradations. At the global scale, the Kyoto Protocol offers an example of international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from land. It offers incentives, such as a trade in carbon credits that encourage land use practices which promote the storage of carbon on land, including the planting of trees, perennial crops, the return of crop residues to soils, and no-till agriculture. The Protocol also promotes practices that reduce emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from agricultural land. Regional efforts to improve land use practices have been in progress in many areas of the world such as the Chesapeake Bay Program in the USA and Tai Lake Program in China, which have reduced nonpoint pollution of air and water. Currently welldeveloped land use strategies have been available to protect streams and other aquatic ecosystems from the excessive runoff and flooding as a result of the construction of impervious surfaces (buildings and roads) in the developed urban and peri-urban areas (Ellis and Pontius, 2011). Land management in support of biodiversity covers a wide range of policies and practices. To set aside existing biodiversity habitats as conservation reserves excluding humans, to establish preserves and parks, and to preserve lands with biodiversity are the basic actions. More recently, practices are being made to recover habitats on lands stripped of their original habitats and to manage existing agricultural and urban landscapes to enhance their suitability as habitat by the plantation of native plants and the restoration of habitat patches within intensified used lands. The establishment of corridors of habitat between existing patches of habitat distributed across landscapes is another new land use practice, which has built larger effective habitats by the combination of smaller patches and increase of species migrations. This will be an important practice in response to future climate changes. Protection of productive agricultural land has been given a closer attention in many regions of the world. Many national and international programs have made efforts to avoid land degradation caused by land transformations and incentive programs. In developing countries with dense populations such as China, land demand for 24 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change industrial and residential use is forcing the transformation of some of the most productive agricultural land. Policy efforts also take effective to avoid this loss of production. However, economic demand often outweighs policy efforts. “Smart growth” and other programs have been developed in these areas to encourage more efficient and desirable land use and to protect agricultural land (Ellis and Pontius, 2011). On a whole, sustainable land management is a huge challenge. Greater efforts and new methods are needed to reduce negative environmental impacts of land use while maintaining positive benefits, if we are to sustain current and future human populations under desirable conditions. 1.2 Global Climate Change What factors are responsible for global climate change and what are the geophysical, biological, economic, legal, and cultural consequences of such changes? The climate of planet earth is unstable. Our evolutionary origins lie in the warm, relatively benign climate of equatorial Africa, but our ancestors battled the cold, harsh, and unforgiving climate of the last ice age in order to spread across the planet. Some 10,000 years ago, however, the ice age ended. We developed agriculture, civilization, industry, and technology generally in a global climate that was warm, pleasant, and mostly predictable. Fossil fuels are a legacy bequeathed to us by the biosphere of the distant past. Since the 1800s, vast quantities of these fossil fuels combustion and use of land source power our developing technological and global civilization. As a result, the greenhouse gases trapped in the fuels is released back into the atmosphere in the form of energy-rich organic molecules. Greenhouse gases have a significant property of absorbing thermal radiation. This is called the greenhouse effect. The other major component gases of Earth‟s atmosphere, nitrogen (comprising 78% of the dry atmosphere) and oxygen (comprising 21%), exert almost no greenhouse effect. Adding more of a greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide, to the atmosphere intensifies the greenhouse effect, thus warming Earth‟s climate. The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that our globe is undergoing major climate change. They also agree that the concentration of greenhouse 25 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change gases in the atmosphere is increasing significantly. We can see from satellite images and research that the ice caps are melting faster, our sea levels are rising, and weather patterns are changing. We are experiencing more water shortages and we will witness hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones increasing in ferocity and frequency. The deserts will expand and the world will ultimately have difficulty growing enough food. Without doubt, we are entering a period of climate change. 1.2.1 Causes of global climate change During the twentieth century, the earth‟s surface warmed by about 1.4 °F. There are a variety of potential causes for global climate change, including both natural and anthropogenic mechanisms. Science has made great strides recently in determining which potential causes are actually responsible for the climate change that occurred during the twentieth century. Some of natural changes in solar radiation and volcanic activity can influence the earth‟s climate. Emissions of black carbon (soot) may also lead to the warming. Emissions of reflective sulfate aerosols have been associated with a net cooling effect. A new finding shows that the chilling winter might be linked to stratospheric change. Strong evidence exhibits that greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere, as well as land-use change, by human activities are the major causes of contemporary global warming. The impact of land use change on climate change has been described in 1.1.2. Greenhouse Gases The greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is a natural component of the climate system and helps to maintain the Earth as a habitable planet. Greenhouse gases allow the incoming solar radiation to pass through the atmosphere to the surface of the Earth. The solar energy is then absorbed by the Earth‟s surface, or emitted back to the atmosphere as infrared radiation. Some of the emitted radiation goes through the atmosphere and travels back to space, but some is absorbed by greenhouse gas molecules and then re-emitted in all directions. The greenhouse effect warms the Earth‟s surface and the lower atmosphere. Water vapor (H2O) and carbon dioxide are the two largest contributors to this effect. Other greenhouse gases, e.g. methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluoro26 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change carbons are only in trace amounts, but still exert an effective warming effect due to their heat-trapping properties. The level of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, has risen over the past two centuries. Concentrations of methane have also increased due to the cultivation of rice, cattle production and release from landfills. Nearly one-third of anthropogenic nitrous oxide release is triggered by industrial processes and automobile emissions (National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 2001; Prather et al., 2001). Additional important feedback mechanisms involve clouds. Clouds are effective at absorbing infrared radiation and have a large greenhouse effect, thus warming the Earth. Clouds are also effective at reflecting away incoming solar radiation, thus cooling the Earth. A change in almost any facet of clouds, such as their type, location, water content, cloud altitude, particle size and shape, or lifetimes, affects the degree to which clouds warm or cool the Earth (Christensen et al., 2007). Sulfate aerosols and black carbon Sulfate aerosols and black carbon are two important additional examples of anthropogenic forcings. Sulfate aerosols are tiny airborne particles that reflect sunlight back to space. They travel to the atmosphere through natural processes of volcanic eruptions. Their concentration in the atmosphere increases primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels containing sulphur during industrial activities. Anthropogenic release of sulfate aerosols has been associated with a net cooling effect (Prather et al., 2001). Aerosols affect the Earth‟s temperature and climate by altering the radiative properties of the atmosphere. A large positive component of this radiative forcing from aerosols is due to black carbonsoot. Black carbon is generated from the burning of fossil fuel and biomass, and, to a lesser extent, natural fires, but the exact forcing is affected by how black carbon is mixed with other aerosol constituents. Black carbon is formed by incomplete combustion especially of coal, diesel fuels, biofuels and outdoor biomass burning. Black carbon exists in one of several possible mixing states; distinct from other aerosol particles (externally mixed) or incorporated within them (internally mixed), or a black-carbon core could be surrounded by a wellmixed shell. But so far it has been assumed that aerosols exist predominantly as an external mixture. Soot particles absorb sunlight, both heating the air and reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the ground. The warming effect from 27 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change black carbon may nearly balance the net cooling effect of other anthropogenic aerosol constituents. The amplitude of the direct radiative forcing from black carbon itself exceeds that due to methane (Jacobson, 2001). Stratospheric change The sun‟s activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle and over this cycle the amount of ultraviolet (UV) light the sun emits changes a lot more than does the total amount of energy. The stratosphere, the part of the Earth‟s atmosphere which does most to absorb UV, might thus be expected to be particularly sensitive to the cycle (The Economist, 2011). Sarah Ineson et al. (2011) find that the stratosphere at low UV levels in the tropics is cooler, because less UV is for the stratosphere to absorb. This indicates that the difference in temperature between the tropical stratosphere and the polar stratosphere shrinks. The way of atmosphere circulation is thus changed. As those changes spread down into the lower atmosphere, they made it easier for cold surface air from the Arctic to come south in winter, freezing chunks of northern Europe. 1.2.2 Consequences of global climate change Global climate change has altered and will continue to alter many facets, such as water, agriculture, ecosystems, human health and society and environment. These impacts are in regional disparity. Water resources Observational records and climate projections provide abundant evidence that freshwater resources are vulnerable and have the potential to be strongly affected by climate change, with wide-ranging consequences for human societies and ecosystems. Observed warming over several decades has been linked to changes in the large-scale hydrological cycle such as: increasing atmospheric water vapor content, changing precipitation patterns, intensity and extremes, reduced snow cover and widespread melting of ice; and changes in soil moisture and runoff (Bates et al., 2008). An acceleration of the global hydrological cycle is anticipated as rising temperatures increase the rate of evaporation. Precipitation will increase in the tropics and higher latitudes, but decrease in already dry semi-arid to mid-arid latitudes and in the interior of large continents. A greater frequency in droughts 28 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change and floods will need to be planned for but already, water scarce areas of the world are expected to become drier and hotter. The increasing frequency of drought can be expected to encourage further development of available groundwater to guarantee agricultural production. And the loss of glaciers will eventually reduce water availability during warm and dry periods in regions supplied by melt water from major mountain ranges, where more than onesixth of the world‟s population currently live (FAO, 2011). Further, climate change will stress water resources and place additional burdens on already stressed water systems. Floods and degraded water quality are likely to be amplified by climate change. A warmer climate increases water evaporation from land and sea, and allows more moisture to be held in the atmosphere. For every 1°F rise in temperature, the water holding capacity of the atmosphere increases by about 4% (Karl et al., 2009). In a word, many aspects of the environment, economy and society are dependent on water resources, and changes in the hydrological resource base have the powerful potential to affect environmental quality, economic development and social well-being (Arnell, 1999). Agriculture Climate change clearly affects agriculture, climate is also affected by agriculture, which contributes 13.5% of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions globally (Karl et al., 2009). Agricultural productivity hinges on the climate and land resources. Climate change can have both positive and negative impacts on plants. Crop responses in a changing climate reflect the interaction among three factors: increasing temperatures, changing water resources, and rising carbon dioxide concentrations (Karl et al., 2009). Elevated carbon dioxide and low warming effect have positive impacts on many crops, but growth and yields often show a negative response to higher levels of warming. Both of the responses are dependent upon the physiological characteristics of different plants, e.g. photosynthesis and respiration. Increased air pollution influences crop yields. For example, plants are sensitive to ozone pollution and crop yields reduce as ozone levels increase. Agriculture is highly sensitive to climate extremes. Extreme events such as heavy downpours and droughts are likely to decrease crop yields because water excesses or deficits have negative impacts on plant grow29 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change th. Changes in season length are also important. Weeds, diseases, and insect pests benefit from warming, and weeds also benefit from a higher carbon dioxide concentration. Crop plants therefore face an increasing stress and more focus is required to pest and weed control. Warming and moisture increase the possibility of proliferation and survival of parasites and disease pathogens, thus reducing livestock productivity. Forage quantity increases as atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration rises, it has negative impacts on forage quality because plant nitrogen and protein concentrations often decline with higher concentrations of carbon dioxide. Decreases in forage quality could reduce the land‟s ability to supply adequate livestock feed. Social and environmental impact Climate change will interact with many social and environmental stresses. Climate change will combine with pollution, population growth, overuse of resources, urbanization, and other social, economic, and environmental stresses to create larger impacts than from any of these factors alone (Karl et al., 2009). Many impacts of climate change on society and environment, such as natural ecosystems and health, are covered in other sections. Climate is one of the key factors to choose the location to live in. As the population grows, urban and coastal areas are concentrated more preferences, society is faced with additional challenges. Climate change is likely to exacerbate these challenges as changes in temperature, precipitation, sea levels, and extreme weather events increasingly affect homes, communities, water supplies, land resources, transportation, urban infrastructure, and regional characteristics that people have come to value and depend on. Vulnerabilities to climate change are not only location- but also its circumstance-dependent. Vulnerable groups that generally have few resources and few choices include the very young, the very old, the sick, and the poor. These groups represent a more significant portion of the total population in some regions and localities than othothers. For example, the elderly more often cite a warm climate as motivating their choice of where to live and thus make up a larger share of the population in warmer areas (Sussman et al., 2008). City residents and city infrastructure have unique vulnerabilities to climate change. The impacts of climate change on cities are compounded by aging infrastructure, buildings, and populations, 30 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change as well as air pollution and population growth. Further, infrastructure designed to handle past climate variations is inadequate to handle future changes (Wilbanks et al., 2008). Human communities are intimately associated with resources both locally and beyond their geographical boundaries. Thus, communities will be vulnerable to the potential impacts of climate change on climate-sensitive resources. Moreover, insurance - the world‟s largest industry - is one of the primary mechanisms through which the costs of climate change are distributed across society (Mills, 2006). Insurance is particularly vulnerable to the increasing extreme weather events such as floods, but it can also help society manage the risks. Ecosystems The natural function of ecosystems provides us both goods and services. Anthropogenic climate change, in combination with other natural stresses, is affecting natural environments and biodiversity, and these influences are generally expected to increase with higher level of warming (Janetos et al., 2008). Ecosystem processes that control growth and decomposition have been affected by climate change. Such as photosynthesis, the process by which plants capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and obtain new growth; the plant and soil processes that recycle nutrients from decomposition and maintain soil fertility; and the processes by which plants draw water from soils and return water to the atmosphere. Climate change has impacts on animal and plant species. The timing of the seasons affects plants bud and animal migration. For a suitable habitat and food supply, geographic distribution of species is also changed as climate change. The trends are very likely to continue. Interplay among factors of climate change and other stressors can even lead to species extinction. Increased drying and hot contribute to a variety of changes that exacerbate a cycle of desertification. Increased droughts raise the risk of death of perennial plants due to water stress and increased susceptibility to plant diseases. Alien species are prone to invade this region. As these species increase in abundance, further losses of native vegetation are occurred. When heavy downpours fall, water erosion increases due to less vegetation cover to protect the soil. Increased air temperatures and reduced soil moisture further exacerbate erosion. Moreover, coastal and near-shore marine ecosystems are vulnerable to 31 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change many climate change-linked impacts including the increase of air and water temperatures, ocean acidification, changes in land runoff , sea-level rise, and altered currents (Karl et al., 2009). Climate change will exacerbate these impacts. Perhaps most vulnerable of all to the impacts of warming are Arctic ecosystems that rely on sea ice, which is undergoing the loss of summer sea ice within this century. The ice provides an indispensible platform for icedependent animals to give birth, nurse their pups, and rest. Continued warming will inevitably pose a threat to the survival of animals including seals, walruses, and polar bears, and as such. Human health Climate change has substantial impacts on human health. Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2000, the global burden of disease from climate change had exceeded 150, 000 excess deaths per year (Patz et al., 2005). Climate change can trigger potentially harmful health effects in a number of ways. There are direct health impacts from heat waves and severe storms, ailments caused or exacerbated by air pollution and airborne allergens, and many climate-sensitive infectious diseases (Ebi et al., 2008). Extremes increase the risk of illness and death. A study of climate change impacts in California presents that, by the 2090s, annual heat-related deaths in Los Angeles would increase by two to three times under a lower emissions scenario and by five to seven times under a higher emissions scenario, compared to a 1990s baseline of about 165 deaths (Hayhoe et al., 2004). Heavy rains can lead to flooding, which can cause health impacts including direct injuries as well as increased incidence of waterborne diseases due to pathogens such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia (Ebi et al., 2008). Some diseases transmitted by food, water, and insects are likely to increase due to changing climatic conditions such as increasing temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather events. Further, higher temperature and carbon dioxide concentration raise pollen production and prolong the pollen season in a number of plants with highly allergenic pollen, presenting a health risk. 32 1. Introduction: Global Land Use Processes and Climate Change 1.2.3 Future climates-the great uncertainty Are we witnessing the end of the long period of benign climate since the last ice age? Will the climate change for the worse due to human activities? In fact, no one knows for sure. Most atmospheric scientists assume that global warming is at least partially attributable to fossil fuel use, but what that means to humans and natural ecosystems is largely unknown. The climate is vastly complex and strongly affected by a myriad of factors rather than greenhouse gas concentrations alone. It is thus extremely difficult to associate any climatic events with a single cause. Climate change needs to be treated in context of the many other global challenges such as population growth, urbanization and land use change. As a result, controversy exists as to the amplitude and danger of global warming caused by greenhouse gases. Many scientists take the issue very seriously and support efforts to slow or reverse the atmospheric build-up with the expectation that global warming will mitigate. Others, however, argue that current global warming is part of natural, long-term climatic cycles. The responses to climate change involve reducing emissions to limit future warming, and adapting to the changes that are unavoidable. In summary, future climate change and its impacts depend on choices we made today. 33 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China 2 Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China 2.1 Introduction The requirement of meteorological data covering a long period is currently increasing with climate change: the more we can describe past changes, the more we can validate climate models and trust models simulations (Moisselin and O.Mestre, 2002). Global pattern of climate change is by now well documented, and is no longer scientifically controversial (Oreskes, 2004). On a regional scale, however, there is considerable variation in the rates of climate change and its hydrological and ecological impacts (Cohen, 1990). Climate variation is in a regional disparity. This variation is caused by the uneven distribution of solar heating, the individual responses of the atmosphere, oceans and land surface, the interactions between these, and the physical characteristics of the regions. The perturbations of the atmospheric constituents that lead to global changes affect certain aspects of these complex interactions. Some human-induced factors that affect climate („forcings‟) are global in nature, while others differ from one region to another. For example, carbon dioxide, which causes warming, is distributed evenly around the globe, regardless of where the emissions originate, whereas sulphate aerosols (small particles) that offset some of the warming tend to be regional in their distribution. Furthermore, the response to forcings is partly governed by feedback processes that may operate in different regions from those in which the forcing is greatest (Christensen et al., 2007). IPCC (2007) points out that observed warming since 1979 has been 0.27°C per decade for the globe, but 0.33°C and 0.13°C per decade for the NH (Northern Hemisphere) and SH (Southern Hemisphere), respectively. Observed prec-ipitation trend (1951-2005) ranges from -7 to +2 mm per decade and 5 to 95% error bars range from 3.2 to 5.3 mm per decade for the globe. Although the global land mean is an indicator of a crucial part of the global hydrological 34 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China cycle, it is difficult to interpret as it is often made up of large regional anomalies of opposite sign. Observed changes in regional temperature and precipitation can often be physically related to one another (IPCC, 2007). Increasingly reliable regional climate change projections are now available for many regions owe to advances in modeling and understanding of the physical processes of the climate system. A myriad of important themes have emerged: In the regional projections for Asia, warming is likely to be well above the global mean in central Asia, the Tibetan Plateau and northern Asia, above the global mean in eastern Asia and South Asia, and similar to the global mean in Southeast Asia. Model agreement for precipitation is seen over more and larger regions. Precipitation in boreal winter is very likely to increase in northern Asia and the Tibetan Plateau, and likely to increase in eastern Asia and the southern parts of Southeast Asia. Precipitation in summer is likely to increase in northern Asia, East Asia, South Asia and most of Southeast Asia, but is likely to decrease in central Asia (Christensen et al., 2007). For long-term climate analyses - particularly climate variability and change analyses - to be accurate, the climate data used must be homogeneous (Peterson et al., 1998). Climate change study using unhomogenized long-term clima-tological time series is hazardous due to many non-climatic factors caused by errant print, displacement of meteorological stations, replacement of sensors, modifications of the local environment, etc. (e.g. Bradley and Jones, 1985; Brohan et al., 2006; Peterson and Vose, 1997; Tuomenvirta, 2001). Some cha-nges cause sharp discontinuities while other changes, particularly change in the environment in the vicinity of the station, can cause gradual biases in the data. All of these non-homogeneities could hide or even distort the true climatic signals and patterns, and thus potentially bias the conclusions of climate studies. Easterling et al. (1996) have shown that differences between homogenization results from adjusted and unadjusted data become smaller as the area of averaging becomes larger (e.g. from a region to the globe), These kinds of data problems have clear implications for uncertainties in regional estimates of climate changes. Homogenization is thus important in climate change study, especially in regional climate change (Alexandersson and 35 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Moberg, 1997; Christy et al., 2006; Coats, 2010; Fall et al., 2010b; Tuomenvirta, 2001). Several basic concepts and general issues concerning the homogenization of climate are introduced. A homogeneous climatic time series has been defined where all variations are only due to variations in weather and climate (Conrad and Pollack, 1950). The concept of relative climatic homogeneity was introdu-ced by Conrad and Pollack (1950). They assume that within a geographical region, climatic patterns will be identical and that observations from all stations within the region will reveal this identical pattern. The data derived from all of the stations within this region should be in good correlation, in similar pattern of variation, and differ only by scaling factors and random sampling variability. Data from a station that demonstrate more than a random deviation from the regional climate is considered to be inhomogeneous and the discontinuities of the climate time series is referred to non-homogeneities. Non-homogeneities may occur either as trends due to gradual changes of the surroundings of the observation station, as in the case of urbanization, or they occur as abrupt discontinuities. Abrupt discontinuities are generally caused by station relocations, instrument changes, or changes in averaging methods, observers and observing practices, etc. (Bradley and Jones, 1985; Moberg and Alexandersson, 1997). The most commonly used information about non-climatic influences comes from records of station relocations, changes in instrumentation, problems with instrumentation, sensor calibration and maintenance logs, changes in surrounding environmental characteristics and structures, observing practices, and other similar features. The composite of the information is generally referred to as station metadata (Guttman, 1998). Metadata could provide us with detailed knowledge when possible non-homogeneities in observation records are ident-ified as well as the application of the adjustments and the recognition of the exact cause of the non-homogeneities. The role of metadata also becomes important when station network is sparse. A simple example is a case where there are only two series available and one discontinuity is detected. Statistical tests cannot distinguish which of the series should be adjusted. In such kinds of situations, metadata is applied to steer the procedures of testing and 36 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China adjusting. The homogeneity test is ideally meant for detecting one break at a time. Therefore, metadata are used to divide time series into overlapping periods containi-ng at most one potential discontinuity. However, no station has absolutely complete and accurate metadata. Outliers are defined to be the marginal values of a climate time series, which are very distant from the mean value (Eischeid et al., 1995). They can be due to measurement errors or extreme meteorological events. Climatic trends are very sensitive to outliers. When outliers are considered to be undoubtedly erroneous measurements the problem can be converted into the treatment of missing data. However, when outliers have a physical background whether they should be corrected or not (Barnett and Lewis, 1994). Extreme values carry valuable climatological information that should not be dismissed. On the other hand, outliers can affect the estimation of sample statistics (Lanzante, 1996). Resis-tant and non-resistant methods are the most commonly used for outlier removal. Resistant method would allow moving all outliers at the expense of losing int-eresting climatological information. Barnett and Lewis (1994) and Gonza´lez-Rouco et al. (2000) have noted that non-resistant methods would censor outliers by means of replacing them by some threshold value that keeps the inform-ation of an extreme event and yet does not have such an important influence on non-resistant statistics. In order to keep the information of an extreme event but not have great influence on non-resistant statistics, outlier removal in our work is performed based on the non-resistant method of Gonza´lez-Rouco et al. (2001). The procedures that are most commonly used for the homogenization of cli-mate time series are reviewed. Descriptions and references are obtained from Costa and Soares (2009), Peterson et al. (1998), Ducré-Robitaille et al. (2003) and Reeves et al. (2007). Several techniques have been developed for non-cli-matic non-homogeneities detection and adjustment. The approaches underlying the homogenization are quite different and typically depend on the type of climate elements (temperature, precipitation, pressure, evaporation, etc.), the temporal resolution of the observations (annual, seasonal, monthly, or sub-monthly), length and completeness of the data, the availability of metadata (station history information) and the monitoring station density etc. According 37 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China to the different requirements and missions different algorithms with respect to data adjustments have been developed. Decisions are made based on subjective experiences with the specific data and available metadata involved. A 95 or 99% confidence level generated by a test statistic is to be required before making an adjustment in time series (Peterson et al., 1998). Most of the analysis techniques and adjustment methods that have been proposed to identify and remove non-homogeneities are appropriate for the appli-cation on data with moderate and coarse temporal resolution (i.e., monthly or annually) (Aguilar et al., 2003; Costa and Soares, 2009). Homogeneity testing techniques can be classified into two groups and are usually referred to as „direct‟ and „indirect‟ methods. Direct methods depend on metadata and the stud-ies of the effects of specific changes in instrument. Indirect methods use a variety of statistical and graphical techniques to determine non-homogeneities. Both approaches are worthwhile and valid and they both have shortcomings. The advantages of direct methods are that specific information contained is very relevant and it can provide the researcher with precise knowledge of when the discontinuity occurred and what it is caused by. Unfortunately, metadata are often incomplete, missing or sometimes actually erroneous. Sometimes there are also problems with the interpretation of the metadata appropriately. Indirect method includes subjective and objective methods. Subjective judgment by an experienced climatologist has been an important tool in lots of adjustment methods because it can modify the weight given to various inputs based on a number of factors too laborious to allocate (Jones et al., 1986c; Jones et al., 1985; Plummer et al., 1995). Subjective judgment can be particularly helpful in an initial inspection of the stations‟ data and when the reliability of metadata varies (Peterson et al., 1998). However, it is impossible to determine whether the detected discontinuity occurred at the candidate or reference station and it would not work without metadata. Objective method not only estimates the position and amplitude of non-homogeneities, but the corresponding confidence intervals as well. The most ideal methodology is the combination of the subjective and objective methods regarding the significance and the efficiency of the homogenization. Moreover, a myriad of methods have been developed to adjust station data for discontinuities (e.g. Easterling and Pe38 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China terson, 1995), and Karl et al. (1986) developed a method to adjust data from a meteorological network for changes in observing time. Karl et al. (1988) developed a population-based method to adjust temperature data for accelerating urbanization effects. The following four steps are commonly followed by a homogeneity test (Aguilar et al., 2003): (i) metadata analysis and basic quality control, (ii) construction of reference time series, (iii) non-homogeneity detection, and (iv) data adjustment. The standard normal homogeneity test (SNHT) developed by Alexandersson (1986) is one of the most widely-used subjective homogeneity tests. Alexande-rsson and Moberg (1997) modified the original SNHT to account for more th-an one discontinuity, testing for inhomogeneous series rather than just breaks, and inclusion of change in variance. Since then, this test has been applied in a number of studies either for the homogenization of climate data or for studying discontinuities in climate data both in the form of trends and jumps. The SNHT is a likelihood ratio test. The test is performed on a ratio or difference series between the candidate station and a reference series. The null hypothesis is that the data have independent and identical normal distribution. The alternative is that a step-wise shift in the mean level (a break) is present. The SNHT for a single break has the capability of capturing the location of the period (month or year) where a break is likely to appear, and it identifies breaks relatively easily near the beginning and the end of a series (DucréRobitaille et al., 2003; Wijngaard et al., 2003). The following are examples to confirm the robustness of SNHT method in homogeneity test. Tuomenvirta and Drebs (1994) have tested annual mean temperatures and precipitation totals in Finland in subsections with SNHT. Hanssen-Bauer and Førland (1994) also used the standard normal homogeneity test to investigate the 165 Norwegian precipitation series of 75 years by repeating homogeneity tests several times on the entire lengths of records and the data have been improved by corrections for significant non-homogeneities. At the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI), the standard normal homogeneity test has been applied to test for homogeneity of series of precipitation, temperature and pressure (Hanssen-Bauer et al., 1991). Gonza´lez-Rouco et al. (2000) tested the homogeneity of precipitation data in the southwest of Europe 39 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China based on SNHT. Klingbjer and Moberg (2003) use the standard normal homogeneity test (SNHT) for single break points of monthly temperature data in northern Sweden. Precipitation series in the Iberian Peninsula was examined using SNHT for the analysis of the evolution of droughts from 1910 to 2000 (Vicente-Serrano, 2006). Breaks in radiosonde time series were estimated by applying a variant of the Standard Normal Homogeneity Test (SNHT) with apriori information about changes of observation practice by Haimberger (2005). However, several studies also have provided the weakness of SNHT in break detection that SNHT has poor performance for identifying the breaks located at the beginning and the end of series. For instance, Alexandersson and Moberg (1997a) demonstrated because the exact distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis is unknown, reported on significant levels of the test statistic for examined series with a number of values from 10 to 250. Khaliq and Ouarda (2007) extended these significant levels from 10 to 50 000. DucréRo-bitaille et al. (2003) have found that SNHT detected false break when a set of homogeneous series was tested. This increases at the beginning and the end of the series even if the ratio of the total number of false breaks is quite low (8.6%). DeGaetano (2006) have also indicated the number of identified discontinuities declined sharply (a single abrupt discontinuity was added to their simulated series) if the tested series is shorter than 21 years. One way has been proposed by Toreti et al. (2011) to overcome this situation is to apply the series from different meteorological networks. This increases the probability to identify breaks affecting the entire network. Unfortunately, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) from which we obtained the raw climate data does not provide us with a density meteorological network in Jiangxi to estimate the influence of this SNHT barrier on trend analysis. Not all changes are recorded in the station history reports and observing manuals. This is why many approaches and statistical techniques have been developed for detecting non-homogeneities and adjusting climate datasets. Methods for homogenization are designed and applied to fulfill different requirements concerning the data characteristics, regional topographic features and weighted aspects of users. None of these approaches can be regarded perfect. Even adjusted datasets are imperfect and should be used with caution (Karl et 40 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China al., 2006; Randel and Wu, 2006; Sherwood et al., 2005). The advantages and limitations of different homogenization approaches are discussed in the studies of Costa and Soares (2009) and Peterson et al. (1998). Each methodology of homogeneity test has its own advantages and disadvantages. It therefore depends on the available data ready for homogenization and the objectives of researchers. Nevertheless, the standard normal homogeneity test has been shown to have superior accuracy in identifying the position of a discontinuity or trend non-homogeneity under all circumstances without precise priori knowledge of the date of non-homogeneity. SNHT is thus used in our study. The China Homogenized Historical Temperature Datasets (CHHT1.0) was officially released in December 2006 by the China Meteorological Administration, which offers valuable basic datasets for climate change research in China. The datasets are available at Unfortunately, these datasets are paid and only confined to open to specific users in China with auth-orized candidate and other homogenized climatic elements in addition to surface air temperatures are not included in the datasets. Currently, no extensive dataset of homogeneous long-term climate series in our study site, Jiangxi, is available, also in other parts of China. The Bureau of Meteorology in Jiangxi has maintained a climate measurement and observation record since 1954. Temperature and precipitation series of this network are included in different local and regional data sets and the raw observational records without homogenization have been widely used in the studies of regional climate variability (Gu et al., 2009; Guo et al., 2006; Guo et al., 2007; Wang and Li, 2008a; Ye et al., 2009). In order to provide the public with more reliable outcomes, the climate trends need to be sufficiently analyzed. To avoid misinterpretation of climate trends, long-term data homogenization requires to be applied to the long-term instrumental time series prior to the analysis of climatic trends. In this study, the adjustment method (Gonza´lez-Rouco et al., 2000) and the homogeneity test method (Moberg and Alexandersson, 1997) along with partial station history files are used for the homogenization of monthly mean temperature and precipitation totals across Jiangxi China for the period 19512000. The non-homogeneity types, causes, amplitudes and timings are discussed. Finally, temporal and spatial patterns of seasonal and annual mean 41 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China temperature and precipitation in Jiangxi province are investigated. Regional differences among the climatic variations from different analyses are large (Hansen et al., 2001a). The results of Jiangxi are therefore in comparison with the findings of Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN). This study concerns only climate anomalies, not absolute temperature or precipitation. Climate anomalies are computed relative to the base period 1961-1990. The reason to work with anomalies, rather than absolute temperature or precipitation is that absolute temperature or precipitation varies markedly in short distances, while monthly or annual temperature anomalies are representative of a much larger region. Anomalies are computed for 30-year periods beginning with each decade (e.g., 1961-1990). If data are not available for thirty years, then it is permissible to compute averages for shorter periods of at least 10 years of record if the data reflect both current observation practices and the climate at the station. Our study presents two novelties: (1) the spatiotemporal trends of precipitation over Jiangxi from 1951 to 2000 are obtained based on the homogenized series of monthly precipitation totals, and (2) the climate trends over Jiangxi are assessed with different homogenization algorithms. There are four questions require to be addressed: 1. Is there a non-climatic non-homogeneity in a time series? 2. What is the amplitude of a non-homogeneity that has been detected? 3. Are there differences between the climate trends calculated from GHCN and from homogenized data in this study for Jiangxi? 4. How is the climate pattern of Jiangxi described? 2.2 Materials and Methods 2.2.1 Study site Jiangxi is situated in Basin of Poyang Lake along the middle range of Yangtze River and has a total area about 170 458 km2. Mountains and hills account for 78% of Jiangxi province (Jiangxi Meteorological Bureau, 2010). Jiangxi is dominated by humid subtropical climate, Cfa (Trewartha, 1968). Annual mean temperature is 16 to 19 ºC and annual mean precipitation is 1,400 to 2,400 mm. Rainy season concentrates on April to July. Lake Poyang, the largest freshwa42 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China ter lake in China, is situated in the north of Jiangxi province. It has a total area of 162 200 km2. Lake Poyang flows into the Yangtze River, which forms part of the northern border of Jiangxi. Poyang Lake is the largest habitat for migrating birds in the world and a renowned protection zone of rare and endangered migrating birds as well (Jiangxi Meteorological Bureau, 2010). 2.2.2 Data Temperature and precipitation anomalies, rather than absolute values were used. Most meteorological stations in Jiangxi were established in the early 1950s and reliable continuous records have been generated since the 1960s. Therefore, the first 30-yr period (1961-90) had been used as the baseline for comparison for many different purposes in climatic studies. On the other hand, the World Meteorological Organization (1996) used the period 1961-1990 as climatological anomalies for some 4000 stations in 130 countries at the present time. Monthly mean temperature and precipitation totals of 36 available stations in Jiangxi and contiguous 6 provinces for the period of 1951 to 2000 were obtained from the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). All stations had continuous monthly data for the entire 50-year period except for the missing data for November and December in 2000. The data set numbered ds578.1, is available from the RDA ( Data format is ASCII. GHCN data was used for comparison analysis, which is available online at ( from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina, USA. Both NCAR and GHCN datasets have continuous data for stations in Jiangxi and its contiguous provinces for the period 1951-1990. The data obtained from NCAR had not been homogenized prior to this study. The data from GHCN was homogenized based on pairwise comparison (Menne and Williams, 2009). Seasons are defined as the three-month averages for temperature and three-month sum for precipitation: DJF, MAM, JJA, and SON. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 90m digital elevation data were supplied by Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-CSI). The location of Jiangxi 43 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China in China and spatial distribution of the stations used in our study are shown in Figure 2.1. 2.2.3 Homogenization i. Construction of reference series The reference series should ideally consist of high-quality data from stations where climatic variations resemble those at the candidate station. The number of reference stations should be large enough to mask any eventual non-homogeneity in the reference data. The appropriate number of reference stations depends on the objective of the test, the station network density, and the data quality. For example, Hansen-Bauer and Førland (1994) used five to nine reference stations and Peterson and Easterling (1994) used five reference stations and suggested using successive differences, dT/dt (where T is the climatological variable and t is time), instead of the raw time series to calculate the correlation coefficients between the candidate and reference stations. This would reduce the risk of poor estimates of correlations if one or both of them with nonhomogeneities within the common time period was used for the calculation of correlation coefficients. Reference series generally had been constructed as a weighted average of the data from reference stations. The average was applied to the dT/dt-series by Alexandersson (1986) with the modification introduced by Peterson and Easterling (1994). Moberg and Alexandersson (1997) selected twenty years as the common period. In our work five reference stations highly correlated with the candidate and the common period of thirty years were used. Furthermore, station records were not significantly correlated at separation distances larger than 450 km (Dai et al., 1997). The reference stations were thus excluded when departing the candidate station over 450km despite in high correlation. The main steps were outlined: (1) Calculate the correlation coefficients between the candidate station‟s dT/dt time series and the potential reference stations‟ dT/dt series. (2) Combine the five most highly positively correlated stations into a reference value using a weighted mean. (3) Convert the reference values into a reference series. 44 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China A more detailed description of the method can be seen in (Peterson and Easterling, 1994). ii. The Standard Normal Homogeneity Test (SNHT) The homogeneity test is based on the Standard Normal Homogeneity Test (SNHT) developed by Alexandersson (1986) with the modification introduced by Moberg and Alexandersson (1997) . The SNHT is a parametric test using neighboring station(s) as a reference to identify non-homogeneities in the time series of the station being tested (candidate station). This test is based on the assumption that the ratio/difference Q between the candidate station and a neighboring reference station remains constant in time. This relationship is expressed in terms of the ratio/difference Q between the candidate stations normalized values and those of a time series defined as a weighted average of several reference stations. Thus, the ratio/difference Q in a specific year can be denoted as Qri = Fi , Gi i=1,…, n, (1) and the difference termed as Qdi = Fi Gi i=1,…, n, (2) n being the number of time steps, and Fi and Gi denote a specific value at the candidate and reference stations at year (time step) i that are formed as Fi ki Qij vj Qj Gi j 1 ki vj Pi p (3) j 1 Pi denotes the candidate series, Qij a reference series at station j, and vj a weight factor for reference station. In this work vj is the squared correlation coefficient between candidate and reference series. Overbars denote a time mean. Here ki is the number of reference stations used in time step i that varies with different length of time series and the existence of missing data. 45 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Normalized series of the ratios/differences, Zi, used in SNHT, is defined as Zi = (Qi Q) sQ (4) Where Q is the sample mean and SQ the standard deviation of Qi at year (time step) i. Normalized series causes the ratios to fluctuate around one and differences around zero. All values in the normalized series of ratios/differences are normally distributed with a mean value zero and unity standard deviation, N (0, 1). Therefore, the homogeneity test is based on the following hypothesis, Null hypothesis: The candidate series is homogeneous, that is the Q-series has a constant mean level. H0 : Zi N 0, 1 i {1,..., n} Alternative hypothesis: The candidate series is non-homogeneous. At certain time the mean level of the Q-series changes abruptly, while the standard deviation remains unchanged. Z N( 1, ) i {1,...,a} i Z N( 2, ) i {a+1,...,n} i H1: Where 1 is the mean value during the first a years, 2 is the mean value during the last (n-a) years, and is the sample standard deviation. The SNHT can be used to detect and adjust multiple non-homogeneities in the candidate series. However, it is necessary to examine a series with multiple non-homogeneities piece-wise when the tests that are designed for one ininhomo-geneity only. Alexandersson (1986) and Alexandersson and Moberg (1997) indicated how the test parameter, T, which separates H1 from H0, is computed. A high T value at year a suggests that 1 and 2 depart significantly s from zero, making H1 likely. The maximum T value, denoted as Tmax , is 2 2 s Tmax Max{Tas } Max{az1 (n a)z2 } 1a n 1 1a n 1 (5) Where z1 and z2 are the mean values before and after the non-homogeneity. In some studies on change-point analysis (e.g. Elsner et al., 2003), the correspo46 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China nding a is the most possible change point. The null hypothesis can be rejected, s if Tmax exceeds the given significance level, which only depends on the length of the series. The critical values corresponding to 90, 92, 94, 95, 97.5 and 99% levels are given for sample sizes ranging from 10 to 50 000 (see Khaliq and s Ouarda (2007)). A series can be classified as non-homogeneous when Tmax ex- ceeds a significant level departing five years or more from either end of the series (Gonza´lez-Rouco et al., 2000; Hanssen-Bauer et al., 1991). The adjustment value should be applied (i) if the value of standard normal homogeneity test statistic T lies between the 95% and 90% significance levels and there is metadata documentation to support that change, or (ii) if the value of test statistic T exceeds the commonly used 95% level (without support in metadata) (Hansen-Bauer and Førland, 1994). The non-homogeneities are restricted further than five years apart from the start and the end of the series. The reason for not accepting nonhomogeneities unexplained by the station history close to the ends of the series is an increased probability for high T values near the ends (Hawkins, 1977). Also correction factors in short parts of series are less reliable. Thus the nonhomogeneities occurred at the first and last five years of the test period can be omitted (Hansen-Bauer and Førland, 1994). Once a series is identified as non-homogeneous, for the series with only one discontinuity, the adjustment for years from 1 to a is Qb / Qa for ratios, and Qb Qa for differences, where Qa and Qb are the mean values of Qi before and after the discontinuity. Double shift adjustments are calculated in a similar manner as the single shift. Trend adjustments must be calculated with 1 and 2. See detailed description in Tuomenvirta (2002) and Gonza'lez-Rouco et al. (2000). iii. Outlier removal The temporal check for outliers for a specific station is based on the premise that an individual monthly value should be “similar” (in a statistical sampling sense) to values for the same month of other years (Eischeid et al., 1995). Outliers often occur in single monthly records. A Q-series was created for each month and its mean and standard deviation were calculated. If a Q-value de47 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China parted more than four standard deviations from the mean, the value for that month at the candidate station was replaced by its reference value. iv. Homogeneity test A procedure for homogenization of monthly temperature and precipitation totals series was applied for obtaining homogeneous series. The dataset should be primarily considered as a whole rather than as individual records. The process consisted of a preliminary and a final test round. Both included a series of test sessions. The procedure was developed by Moberg and Alexandersson (1997). A test session: A test session started with one of the stations as candidate and all the others as potential reference stations. The candidate should pass through three steps; (i) selection of reference stations, (ii) detection and removal of outliers, and (iii) non-homogeneity detection. After all series from one candidate station were tested for homogeneity, the test continued with the next candidate station. A test session was over when all stations had been used as candidates. Corrections were made after one complete test session. Preliminary test round: The preliminary test round started with a session where all stations were used both as candidates and as potential reference stations. After the first session, all values that were not homogeneous were adjusted. In the second session, all stations were used as potential reference stations, but stations with homogeneous data were excluded from the candidates. All remaining candidates passed again through the three steps described in above a test session. New corrections were applied when the second session was completed. The preliminary test round then continued in further sessions, including new corrections and exclusions of homogeneous series from the candidates in later sessions. The homogeneity of the potential reference series was successively improved from one session to the following. Adjustments were made for all non-homogeneities identified after one complete test session. The preliminary test round was over when no more non-homogeneities were identified in any series. Final test round: The set of reference data was corrected for all detected non-homogeneities before the final test round. In the final test round, outliers were removed. All outliers identified during the first session of the final round 48 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China were substituted with the corresponding reference values after the first session was completed. This procedure was repeated after each session. (In the preliminary test round, outliers were only removed in the candidate series temporarily before the homogeneity tests). In the first session of the final test round, all raw unadjusted series were used as candidate series and again passed through the three steps. Stations with homogeneous data were excluded from the candidates in the second session. The remaining stations passed the three steps of session two and those with homogeneous data after corrections were excluded from the candidates in session three and so on, until all candidates were homogeneous after adjustments (Moberg and Alexandersson, 1997). 2.2.4 Spatial interpolation To correct the climate data by elevation, multiple linear regression has been deemed a satisfactory method for identifying variables used to model climate surfaces (Cornford, 1997; Goodale et al., 1998; Ishida and Kawashima, 1993; Lennon and Turner, 1995; Matthews et al., 1994). The elevation data were extracted from DEM raster. Multiple linear regression was performed with temperature as the dependent, location and elevation as the independent. The equations were developed for temperatures of each month. Temperature fields for each month were predicted using the developed regression models. The residuals from these models were interpolated using ordinary kriging (Aspinall and Matthews, 1994; Cornford, 1997; Oliver et al., 1989) and subtracted from the predicted „observation‟ surfaces performing ordinary kriging. Raster maps of corrected temperature by elevation can be obtained by the predicted minus residual surfaces. The spatialization of precipitation was performed by Ordinary Kriging. We interpolated linearly the instrumental data of temperature and precipitation to each observational station on 1°×1°grid. 2.3 Results All seasonal precipitation series were classified as homogeneous. For seasonal temperature series, 3697 series of total 7200 series were classified as non-homogeneous, 51% of the series were homogeneous in all seasonal series. Most of the non-homogeneities, in total 2967 (80%), appeared as abrupt discontinuities 49 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China and the remaining 730 (20%) as trend non-homogeneities. Some key information from the homogeneity tests is presented in Table 2.1. To evaluate the test results, station history for these stations was studied thoroughly. The metadata were coded and are presented together with the test findings in Table 2.2 and Figure 2.2. 2.3.1 Abrupt discontinuities Since 1960s, meteorological observation underwent frequent change in China. Table 2.1 indicates the change of observation specification. Figure 2.2 shows the seasonal frequency for discontinuities detected in homogeneity tests in the final test round on decadal level for the period of 1951-2000. 1951-1960 contributed most to the abrupt discontinuities (42.0%). The second was 1970-1980 (26.5%) and the least was 1990-2000 (5.4%). Discontinuities occurred most frequently in winter (41.0%) and least in spring (16.4%). The abrupt shift corresponded to an absolute change of temperature mean before and after the shift. Adjustment values, Qb Qa , ranged from 0.01 to 0.5℃ with the average of 0.05℃. Significant shifts departing larger than 0.5℃ and smaller than 0.01℃ were relatively few, 1% and 4% respectively. Some such small non-homogeneities were not detectable in statistical tests because they were small compared to the natural temperature variability. Abrupt shifts may be actually even more significant than our results revealed, because certain notable trends caused by successive shifts were undetectable without station histories. Also no such detailed station history records can support our analysis. Actually, even the most complete station history files probably do not contain information on all changes at a station (Easterling et al., 2000). Averaged correction was slightly positive (-0.05℃), and the number of negative shifts was 20% more than that of positive shifts. This indicates that most changes in station conditions cause observation temperatures to a lower level. The similar findings are obtained by Wang and Huang (2008) and Karl et al. (1986). The change of observation time from local mean time in 1951 to 120°E standard time in 1953, and to Beijing time in 1960 may account for this. Cooler temperatures may be also due to the improvements of instrumentation. That a switch from a liquid-in-glass thermometer to a more delicate platinum 50 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China resist-ance temperature transducer often caused observed temperatures to be slightly lower in China, was documented in several studies (Gu and Wang, 2003; Quayle et al., 1991; Wang and Liu, 2002; Yu et al., 2007). But the change of screen had little effect on measured temperatures (Xiong et al., 2006). Also Nordli et al. (1997) showed that the historical improvements of the screen had significant impact on the series during spring and summer but no obvious effect on winter and autumn. However, Meulen and Brandsma (2008) exhibited different results from the parallel measurements with a well-documented station history. The effect of the screen change (in combination with a small relocation) caused warmer temperatures (0.48°C). Shifts are most common in summer and little average change was in winter because differences between various thermometers were often reported to be small during cold months and large during warm months (Moberg and Alexandersson, 1997). Due to the frequently changed observation specification during the study period, the type and height of instruments also changed. Measured and statistical results derived from different periods and instruments were not corrected at stations, although the observation records by newly changed instrument were compared and analyzed in history (Huang, 2006; Liu and Hu, 2005; Wang and Huang, 2008). The thermometer was placed 1.5 meters above ground before 1953, 2.0 meters during 1954 and 1960 and 1.5 meters after 1961 (Table 2.1). The temperature monitoring conditions therefore changed when the thermometer at a new height was introduced. The abrupt shifts occurred in 1960 at Jiujiang (60) and in 1980 at Anqing (58) station were likely to be explained by changed observation specification. Furthermore, abrupt shifts were possibly caused by station relocations and successive urban warming, which were difficult to determine without detailed metadata. Station relocation, in particular changes in instrument exposure, can often trigger non-homogeneities. Vincent and Gullett (1999) found that station relocation and changes in observing time were the most common causes of non-homogeneities in Canadian surface temperature. Li et al (2004a) also noted that station relocation was the main cause of nonhomogeneities in Chinese surface air temperature series during the last 50 years. The positive and negative effects of station relocations are most likely to 51 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China distribute randomly. 81% of national benchmark stations in China were moved prior to 1980 and 70% of national observing stations were relocated more than once. The change in surrounding environment contributed to most of the relocations, rather than systematic relocations (Wu, 2005). Only seven stations in Jiangxi were not moved and even some of them were relocated several times, e.g. Ganzhou (76) station had been relocated five times since 1950 (Wang and Huang, 2008). Relocation can thus account for the shift of Ganzhou station. 2.3.2 Trend non-homogeneities The non-homogeneities that occurred as trends spanned 5-27 years. Table 2.2 indicates the population data for the cities or counties where the meteorological stations are located and the changes of mean temperature level gradually as a trend homogeneity starting and ending at arbitrary points of time, a and b respectively. The change of mean temperature level is Qb Qa . Qb Qa , for these trends were on average 0.10℃. Station history is important to determine conclusively the causes for these trends. They may be caused by gradual changes of the radiative properties of the thermometer screens (leading to warming); or gradual changes of the surroundings, e.g. urban heating island effect or growing vegetation (leading to cooling if the thermometer screen becomes more shaded or leading to warming if the observation site becomes less ventilated). Trend non-homogeneities may also be caused by successive relatively small abrupt shifts with the same sign (leading to either cooling or warming), but on average, these effects are probably outweighed by urban warming (Moberg and Alexandersson, 1997; Oke, 1989). A number of studies examined the impact of urbanization on the climate record and arrived at similar conclusions: approximately 0.1℃ of the observed 0.6℃ warming since the late 1800s in the global temperature time series is due to urban warming (Easterling et al., 1997; Jones et al., 1990). Positive trends (totally 21) appeared to be 68 per cent more than negative ones (4). Positive trends were identified in data from 19 urban stations. Trend was the only form of non-homogeneities in all the urban stations. Southeast China is the most significant area influenced by urban heating in China (Li et al., 2005). Difference between urban and rural areas was based on the popula52 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China tion of the city associated with the station. All the 19 stations located in cities have population more than 2 000 000 and the trend sections for urban stations started at the year 1970. Some stations, used to be in rural areas or open fields before 1970s, became cities or counties with the process of urbanization, although they were not moved. The surrounding environment changed (Jiang et al., 2008). The cause for the trends can thus be contributed to urban warming. Seasonal temperatures at stations situated in cities with populations more than 100 000 (threshold by Moberg and Alexandersson, 1997) are affected by urban heating. Details of the estimated trends for urban stations are listed together with population in Table 2.2. Nearly half of trend sections were found in winter data and the same occurrence frequency as single shifts. The seasonal temperature series at Guangzhou station with population of 6 854 000 (0.05℃ winter) had larger urban biases than Xiamen station (0.03℃ winter) with population of 2 053 051. Portman (1993) found that the urban bias at stations in China‟s northern plains generally was greater during spring and summer and smaller during winter and autumn. However, our results indicated larger urban biases occurred in winter and autumn and smaller in summer and spring. The stations of our site are located in the South China. Further study with larger number of samples has to be made for the conclusion of the seasonal variability. On the whole, the causes of these non-homogeneities vary from station to station. 2.3.3 Outliers The total number of outliers in monthly temperature and precipitation data at 36 stations was 32 and 68, respectively, 0.14 per cent out of all 7800 monthly temperature values and 0.87 per cent out of all 7800 monthly precipitation values. Outliers may be caused by natural variability or artificial errors. Applying the 4-level standard deviation for the detection of outliers, 0.006 per cent (in our results, only one) is expected to result from natural variability. The other outliers are likely to be caused by transmission and typographical errors. 2.3.4 Examples of non-homogeneities Example of temperature 53 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China SNHT was applied to monthly mean temperature series at stations in Jiangxi and its contiguous provinces for the period 1951-2000. Two examples of nonhomogeneities are described. One example was the abrupt discontinuity occurred in the mean temperature series in February at Guangchang (74) station, and the other example was the trend non-homogeneity detected in the temperature series in December at Jiujiang (60) station, Jiangxi. The station history for both Guangchang and Jiujiang documented the changes in thermometer type and in observation hours and times in 1954, 1960 and 1980 as well as the changes of the height of instrument in 1954 and 1960 (Table 2.1). The reference series was constructed with five most highly correlated reference stations and the homogeneity was tested based on the procedure described in 2.2.3. The Q-series before and after adjustment on temperature series in December from Jiujiang is indicated in Figure 2.3 and the corresponding T-series (test statistics) obtained by applying the shift SNHT to the Q-series is in Figure 2.4. The significance level, T95 (10.431), T90 (8.923) are also marked. The Qseries before 1960 departed strongly from zero value and was mostly less than s zero. The T-series indicated a noticeable peak with Tmax =16.73 at the year of s s 1960 ( Tmax >T95). By the trend SNHT Tmax =13.5 for a=1961, b=1963 was ob- tained. The period of trend section was shorter than five years; the trend nonhomogeneity was thus not accepted. The abrupt discontinuity in 1960 was acs cepted. Tmax is well above the significance level, so the null hypothesis of a homogeneous series is rejected. Further, this could be explained by the changes of observation practices and instrument in 1960. The subsections before and after the abrupt discontinuity in 1960 were retested separately, and both were found to be homogeneous by visual inspection and test statistics. The difference of the mean levels before and after the abrupt discontinuity was Qb Qa =0.01℃. The adjustments were made on the time series to set the section before 1960 in agreement with 1960-2000, the homogeneous part of the series. The adjustments for the period of 1951-1955 were excluded because the non-homogeneities for the five years at the beginning and the end of the entire series may be false identified (described in 2.2.3). The shift test statistic of the new adjusted series was then recalculated. The adjusted Q-series and final 54 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China T-series indicated that the adjusted series was homogeneous with respect to the reference series. Non-homogeneity detection for Guangchang was performed in a similar way to Jiujiang. The Q-series before and after adjustment on temperature series in February from Jiujiang is shown in Figure 2.5 and the corresponding Tseries in Figure 2.6. The shift test statistic was applied to the series at Jiujiang. s No predominant peak Tmax was given but a section above the significance level. Q-values were low in the early years but increased afterwards (Figure 2.5).The Q-series and the T-series indicated that Jiujiang station was affected by gradual s warming. The trend SNHT was then applied and gave Tmax = 16.4, well above the 95% significance level for a=1977, b=1982 and Qb Qa =0.01℃. Unfortunately, no station historical records can be referenced with respect to the suitable period for the estimated trend section. However, China has undergone great urbanization since 1980s. A myriad of suburb stations also became city stations quickly. So the trend non-homogeneity for the section period of 1977-1982 was accepted and temperature records were adjusted. The adjusted Q-series were then created (Figure 2.5) and the corresponding final T-series did not reach 95% significance level. A homogenized temperature series in February at Jiujiang was obtained. Example of precipitation The Q-series on precipitation series in June from Jiujiang station (1951-2000) is indicated in Figure 2.7 and the corresponding T-series (test statistics) obtained by applying the shift SNHT to the Q-series is in Figure 2.8. The significance level, T95 (10.431), T90 (8.923) are also marked. Q-values do not have apparent displacements from unity and fluctuate around unity (Figure 2.7). T statistic is far below the significance level (Figure 2.8). The results from testing the series show no significant non-homogeneities, and the mean value is fairly constant throughout the series. Despite the documented changes in the observation practices and instrument in 1954, 1960 and 1980, the precipitation series in June from Jiujiang can be classified as homogeneous. 55 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China 2.3.5 Temperature trend Temporal and spatial patterns based on adjusted temperature Temporal changes of temperature averaged over Jiangxi during 1951-2000 are shown at annual and seasonal scale (Figure 2.9). In terms of annual mean temperature, Jiangxi warmed 0.76℃/100a (Figure 2.9E). Winter and spring warmed 1.78℃/100a and 0.83℃/100a respectively, summer cooled 0.48℃/100a and autumn warmed 0.82℃/100a (Figure 2.9A-D). None of these changes were statistically significant (P > 0.05). Winter contributed most to the annual warming while summer exhibited an opposite cooling trend. A feature of warming winter versus cooling summer is revealed. The temperature variability for spring and autumn showed similar warming amplitude as the annual trend. The extreme cold winter occurred in 1984, the temperature anomaly was -2.53℃ and the extreme hot summer occurred in 1971 with 0.95℃ of the temperature anomaly. 1984, the extreme cold year, had the lowest temperature anomaly 0.68℃. Since 1986, winters were colder than the mean level of 1961-1990. The annual temperature anomaly for 1998 was 1.20℃, which was well above zero. It was clear that 1998 was an extreme warm year and it was probably affected by the strong ENSO (El Niño and Southern Oscillation), which occurred at the beginning of 1998, faded during that year by August 2000 but enhanced somewhat by November 2000. Summer climate in China was significantly affected by ENSO, as reported in many studies (Fu and Teng, 1988; Lau and Wu, 2001; Wang et al., 2000). Spatial pattern of temperature changes based on local linear trends in Jiangxi (1951-2000) is shown in Figure 2.10, from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean temperature respectively. For annual mean temperature, strong warming in the south and weak in the north was seen and the difference of warming was not large. Warming in the west and east was in a similar amplitude. The largest warming was in the southwest of Wuyi Mo-untain and the smallest in the north near Poyang Lake watershed. Winter and autumn indicated warming and partial areas in Jiangxi showed summer and spring cooling. Winter indicated a heterogeneity warming pattern. A strong warming (peak at 2.26℃) in winter and relatively weak warming in autumn can be found. Summer and spring showed the opposite 56 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China south-north pattern to the annual temperature change. Slight spring cooling was shown in the southwest of Wuyi Mountain. Summer cooling was centralized in Poyang Lake watershed and distributed along Gan River. Interestingly, south cooling versus north war-ming in spring was revealed. No significant difference from the south to the north for autumn warming but the difference of east and west. On the whole, a pattern of warming winter versus cooling summer was presented and Poyang Lake watershed was the center of summer cooling. Comparison between Jiangxi, Northern hemisphere and global temperature Jiangxi, Northern hemisphere and global temperature anomalies for the period of 1951-2000, relative to 1961-1990, are compared based on adjusted data in Figure 2.12 (A-C). Temperature indicated a similar warming trend at different spatial scales but different warming effects. The warming trends were not statistically significant, P > 0.05. Surface air temperature anomalies from 19512000 increased by 1.00℃/100a for the globe, by 0.85℃/100a for the northern hemisphere and by 0.76℃/100a for Jiangxi. The warming effect in Jiangxi was weaker than global and northern hemispheric level. That ocean responds more slowly than the land due to the ocean‟s large thermal inertia may partially account for this. For Jiangxi, Northern hemisphere and the globe, temperature rose 1950 to 1960, declined between 1960 and 1975, and increased again 1975 to 2000. Warming in recent decades was noticeably larger than the former decades (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change., 2007), especially since 1980, by 0.15℃/100a for the globe, 0.20℃/100a for the northern hemisphere and 0.37℃/100a for Jiangxi. Thus the warming effects of different spatial scales can vary from the temporal scales. Comparison with unadjusted data Comparison of the linear trends and spatial patterns between annual mean temperature changes over Jiangxi on unadjusted and adjusted data (1951-2000) are shown in Figure 2.13, Figure 2.10 and Figure 2.11 respectively. Figure 2.14 indicates the seasonal temperature changes for unadjusted data. The trend was calculated before and after adjustment: 0.82℃/100a and 0.76℃/100a respectively. The adjusted trend corresponds to the regional average temperature changes in Jiangxi. The difference between unadjusted and adjusted data was 0.06℃. The seasonal temperature differences were much larger, for winter 57 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China 0.35℃/100a (before and after adjustment: 2.13℃/100a and 1.78℃/100a respectively), for spring 0.06℃/100a (before and after adjustment: 0.89℃/100a and 0.83℃/100a respectively), for summer -0.11℃/100a (before and after adjustment: -0.59℃/100a and -0.48℃/100a respectively) and for autumn 0.05℃/100a (before and after adjustment: 0.82℃/100a and 0.87℃/100a respectively). Temperature differences in winter and summer were the largest and far from the annual mean level whereas in autumn it was minus value and the smallest. The amplitude of temperature difference in spring and autumn was similar to annual mean level. Inversely, The findings of Tuomenvirta et al. (2000) and Nordli (1997) indicated that the inhomogeneous effect was largest in spring and autumn and small in winter as well as in summer. Generally the effect of the change is largest for continental stations and for maritime stations the difference is relatively smaller. Spatially, stronger summer cooling was revealed based on unadjusted data and no obvious difference was observed in the other seasons between unadjusted and adjusted data (Figure 2.10 and Figure 2.11). Comparison between the temperature trends from GHCN and from our analysis on adjusted data Figure 2.15 compares the temperature trends obtained from GHCN and from our analysis on homogenized data for the period 1951-1990. Temperature changes show a similar increasing trend and both are not statistically significant, P > 0.05. The mean temperature in GHCN analysis (0.48℃/100a) was 0.3℃/100a warmer than that in our analysis (0.18℃/100a). GHCN analysis for a few years, 1951-1954, 1986 and 1989, were slightly cooler than our analysis. In GHCN analysis, 1951 was the coldest year while 1998 in our analysis. This can be explained by the use of two different stations for Jiangxi or different methods for homogeneity test. Jingdezhen and Yichun stations were included in the GHCN analysis and our analysis contained Guixi station. Nevertheless, the overall linear trend of temperature was almost identical by both datasets but a slight discrepancy was found in the increasing amplitude. Spatial pattern of surface air temperature changes based on local linear tre-nds in Jiangxi (1951-1990) is shown in Figure 2.16 for our analysis and in 58 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.17 for GHCN analysis, from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean temperature respectively. For annual mean temperature, no noticeable warming centre was observed from both analyses due to the heterogeneity. Our analysis indicated more heterogeneity warming over Jiangxi than GHCN analysis. GHCN analysis revealed a pattern of high warming in the south and low warming in the north. But the difference of war-ming was not large. Warming in the west and east for both analyses was in a similar amplitude. In terms of seasons, both analyses revealed a spatially coherent distribution across Jiangxi but different amplitude of warming, particularly in spring and autumn. Winter and autumn indicated warming and partial areas indicated summer and spring cooling. Winter showed strong and heterogeneity warming and summer cooling concentrated on the two sides of Poyang Lake watershed for both analyses. Spring cooling was obvious in the southwest of Wuyi Mountain for both analyses but GHCN indicated a larger cooling amplitude. Two predominant differences can be obtained from the two analyses. Autu-mn from our analysis showed the pattern of high warming in the west and low warming in the east but inversely from GHCN analysis. On the other hand, the amplitude of spring cooling from GHCN analysis was considerably greater than that from our analysis. The temperature pattern calculated from different datasets can thus have different conclusions. For both analyses, predominant spring cooling in the southwest of Wuyi Mountain and the centre of summer cooling in Poyang Lake watershed were found. 2.3.6 Precipitation trend Temporal and spatial patterns of precipitation based on homogeneous data Figure 2.18 shows annual and seasonal precipitation changes averaged over Jiangxi for the period 1951-2000. Annual precipitation indicated a slight upward trend with the rate of 230.5 mm /100a. Annual precipitation 1951-2000 averaged 1604 mm. Precipitation rose 4.5% /100a. The precipitation variability for winter and summer showed similar wetting trend as the annual trend. Summer contributed most to the annual precipitation increase at the rates of 264.9 mm/100a and winter 72.7 mm/100a while spring and autumn showed an oppo59 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China site arid trend at the decrease rates of 57.7 mm/100a and 49.3 mm/100a, respectively. In comparison with annual precipitation mean based on 384 stations across China 1951-1990, annual precipitation mean was 850mm and the rate of decline was 46.5mm/100a, 5.5%/100a (Wang, 1996). Our analysis over Jiangxi (1951-1990) showed a similar trend. Annual precipitation mean was 1571.6mm and the rate of decline was 17.0mm/100a, 1.1%/100a. Figure 2.18 showed remarkable inter-decadal variation but no evident inter-annual change. Particularly for the period of 1991-2000, annual precipitation averaged 1720.0mm, the rate of increase was 238.0mm/100a, 13.8%/100a. None of these changes were statistically significant (P > 0.05). The flood year 1998 corresponded to the extreme warm year. The PDO-related atmospheric circulation anomaly may explain the summertime precipitation anomalies (Huang Ronghui et al., 1999; Zhongwei, 1999). Spatial precipitation change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi (1951-2000) at annual and seasonal scales is shown in Figure 2.19. For annual precipitation, a pattern of high wetting in the south and north and low wetting in the middle was revealed. The wetting effects in the south and north were identical. The strongest wetting was in the southwest of Wuyi Mountain. Winter and su-mmer indicated wetting and most areas in Jiangxi showed autumn and spring drying. Winter wetting effect in the west is more obvious than that in the east and inversely in autumn. In terms of seasons, the differences of wetting effects over Jiangxi were small. A remarkable feature of strong spring drying versus summer wetting over Jiangxi was found. The spatial patterns of spring and summer wetting were in good agreement with that of spring and summer cooling. Generally global warming can result in more global precipitation. Our results are in agreement with the findings of Malhi and Wright (2004), Portmanna et al. (2009) and Rodriguez-Puebla et al. (1998). 2.4 Discussions This study aims to obtain homogenized climatological datasets over Jiangxi for the period 1951-2000 for the analysis of climate change with confidence and compare the climate trends computed from GHCN datasets and from our analysis. Our findings confirm the robustness of SNHT method for detecting the 60 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China non-homogeneities of in situ observed temperatures and precipitations influenced by local microclimate and non-climatic changes at regional scale despite some uncertainties. Results also indicate that the adjusted monthly temperatures have smoothed the warming effect, particularly in winter. The spatial cooling effect in summer is exaggerated by unadjusted data. Further, the comparison between GHCN and our analysis on adjusted monthly temperatures indicates that the resulting climate trend varies slightly from datasets to datasets. In terms of monthly precipitation totals, the series are found to be homogeneous and a wetting trend is revealed. The spatial patterns of spring and summer wetting are in good agreement with the trends of spring and summer cooling. The introduction of more sensitive measurement instrument and the change of observation time are the possible explanations for the reduced warming effect by adjusted monthly temperatures. The change of observation time from local mean time in 1951 to 120°E standard time in 1954, to Beijing time observation in 1960 caused cooler observation temperatures. Wang and Huang (2008) found that the temperature at Guixi (72) by local mean time, 01:00, 07:00, 13:00 and 19:00, four times observation appeared to be slightly lower than by 120°E standard time and Beijing time observation owe to the lower mean level . Karl et al. (1986) also reported a change in the observing time from late afternoon to morning in the COOP network over the past 20 years has resulted in an artificial cooling in the time series due to an abrupt discontinuity to cooler monthly averaged temperatures. Errors in temperatures associated with different observing times are also identified at a number of U.S. stations (DeGaetano, 1999; Janis, 2000). In some cases this observation time shift introduces a non-homogeneity that is dealt within the same fashion as an instrumental change (Lanzante et al., 2003). The historic development of the instrument has gone from dry bulb thermometer, through wet and dry bulb ther-mometer, bimetal thermometer, and to the present day platinum resistance temperature transducer. Progressive improvements of instrumentation introduce artificial systematic bias. Quayle et al. (1991) reported the mean monthly temperature range became smaller due to a change from liquid-in-glass to electronic thermometers in the U.S. Cooperative Observing Network without major relocations at the same time. The findings of decreasing temperatures by the 61 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China changes in instrument are also obtained by Gu and Wang (2003), Keckhut et al. (1999), Lanzante et al. (2003), Wang and Liu (2002) and Yu et al. (2007). We find station relocation is also the probable cause for cooler observation temperature. Station relocations are a common feature for the most of stations in long-term Chinese temperature records (Li et al., 2004a). Stations may be moved from one place to another within the same city/town (i.e. from the city center to outskirts in the distant past and, more recently, from outskirts to airfields and airports far away from urban influence) and from one setting (roofs) to another (courtyards). That stations are relocated from vegetation canopy to a more ventilated environment has a cooling effect. Allen and DeGaetano (2000), Li et al (2004a), Roger et al. (2007), Vincent and Gullett (1999), Wijngaard et al. (2003) report the identical findings that the warming effect is smoothed due to the introduction of a ventilated observation. Moreover, the tendency to chan-ge thermometer exposures from courtyard-level to roof-level and vice versa could also be another cause of this warm-bias (Brunet et al., 2006). But we have no metadata to support this. Gradual warming induced by urbanization is another explanation. City stations is prone to urban heating. Each reference series generally consists of some urban staions. The effect of urban warming is finally removed after correction when all the stations are used both as candi-date and reference stations. The examples of the effect of urban heating have been reported by a myriad of studies (e.g. Hansen et al., 2001a; Jones et al., 1990; Moberg Anders and Hans, 1997; Portman, 1993; Slonosky et al., 1999; Tuomenvirta and Drebs, 1994; Zhou et al., 2004a). The resulting difference between GHCN and our analysis is attributable to different homogenization algorithm. Pairwise comparison algorithm (GHCNbased) is an automated test procedure without requiring manual analysis and is shown to be robust and efficient at detecting undocumented abrupt discontinuities under a variety of simulated scenarios with step- and trend-type non-homogeneities. GHCN also carried out an evaluation to distinguish trend non-homogeneities from abrupt shifts. However, its application on regional scale (e.g. Jiangxi in our study) has limitation in the number of stations. The pairwise algorithm starts by finding the 100 nearest neighbors for each candidate station as reference stations within a network of stations, otherwise scarce reference 62 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China stations can lead to biased estimation. The density of station network in China is inadequate for the application of this method; however SNHT can be more appropriate for our situation. Our results show the series of precipitation are homogeneous. Due to its higher variability, fewer breaks can be detected and the possibilities for trend detection in precipitation series are also reduced (Michael et al., 2005; Wijngaard et al., 2003). The novel findings of this work are: (1) A remarkable feature of strong spring drying versus summer wetting and warming winter versus cooling summer in Jiangxi (1951-2000) is presented. (2) Poyang Lake watershed is the center of summer cooling in Jiangxi (19512000). One limitation of our work is that only six available stations over Jiangxi is used for climate estimation. Vose and Menne (2004) found that the same basic relationship exists between station density and the error in calculating the mean U.S. temperature trend, whether unadjusted or adjusted data are used. The fewer number of reference stations, the more non-homogeneities are detected. The scarcity of detailed metadata is another limitation. In reality, even the most complete station history files probably do not contain information on all changes at a station. To summarize, homogenization of climatic series is important, thus must be performed with caution. The process of homogenization is to remove nonclim-atic factors and to preserve the real climate signal. An incorrect application of homogenization procedures to climate data could subsequently lead to unreliable climate analysis. The comparison between several tests on detected non-homogeneities is suggested a good strategy, especially in the absence of meta-data. Overestimation and correction of false non-homogeneities are thus to some extent avoided. Promising techniques would be required involving information from parallel measurements, other weather variables and reanalysis comparison, such as solar radiation or cloud cover amounts. In spite of a difficult task, daily values are generally too noisy for a successful detection. Increased concern has been devoted to the need to homogenize daily data during the recent years. 63 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China 2.5 Conclusions Adjusted temperatures have smoothed the warming in Jiangxi particularly in winter. The spatial cooling in summer is exaggerated by unadjusted data. The comparison between GHCN and our analysis on adjusted temperatures indicates that the resulting climate trends vary slightly from datasets to datasets. Precipitation series are found to be homogeneous. A feature of warming winter versus cooling summer and spring drying versus summer wetting is revealed. Poyang Lake watershed is the center of summer cooling. 64 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Tables Table 2.1 Changes of observation specification in China since 1960s Observation specification (1951) Observation specification (1954) Observation specification (1960) Observation specification (1980) Implementation time Observation time 1951-01-01 to 1953-12-31 1954-01-01 to 1960-06-30 1960-07-01 to 1979-12-31 1980-01-01 to now 120°E Standard Time Local Mean Time Beijing Time Beijing Time Observation times National benchmark station: 24 hours National benchmark station: 01:00, 07:00, 13:00, 19:00 four times National observing station: 01:00, 07:00, 13:00, 19:00 four times National general station: 07:00, 13:00, 19:00 three times Temperature: wet and dry bulb hygrometer National benchmark station: 02:00, 08:00, 14:00, 20:00 four times National observing station: 02:00, 08:00, 14:00, 20:00 four times National general station: 08:00, 14:00, 20:00 three times Temperature: bimetal thermometer National benchmark station: 24 hours Precipitation: rain gauge without shield 2 m above ground Precipitation: siphon rain gauge 1.5 m above ground Precipitation: tipping bucket rain gauge 1.5 m above ground National observing station: at least 8 times Instrument type Instrument height National general station: 06:00, 14:00, 21:00 three times Temperature: dry bulb thermometer Precipitation: rain gauge with shield 1.5 m above ground 65 National observing station: 02:00, 08:00, 14:00, 20:00 four times National general station: 08:00, 14:00, 20:00 three times Temperature: platinum resistance temperature transducer 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Table 2.2 Changes of mean temperature level have taken place gradually as a linear trend starting and ending at arbitrary points of time, a and b respectively. Population data are given for the cities or counties where the stations are located. The change of mean temperature level is Qb Qa . Station Population 1982a Population 2000b Anqing 423 600 5 177 000 Guangchang Hangzhou 167 543 1 191 582 209 274 6 878 000 Lingling 745 447 5 367 106 Nanchang Shaoguan 2 484 293 676 014 4 329 600 2 735 433 Xiamen 965 985 2 053 051 Hefei 821 812 4 283 900 Wuhan 3 251 591 7 491 900 Guangzhou 3 148 281 6 854 000 Ningbo 468 230 5 963 362 Shantou 7 228 050 4 671 100 Fuzhou 1 129 251 6 386 015 508 611 7 558 000 Wenzhou a b Season Winter Summer Winter Summer Spring Spring Winter Winter Summer Winter Autumn Winter Summer Autumn Spring Winter Winter Summer Summer Winter Autumn Spring Winter Spring Spring Trend-test results a b (year) (year) 1969 1983 1967 1983 1980 1990 1970 1990 1950 1970 1970 1980 1983 1989 1977 1983 1980 1990 1972 1978 1980 1990 1957 1964 1981 1989 1963 1973 1978 1985 1991 1996 1984 1999 1973 1986 1991 1998 1981 1996 1952 1967 1977 1982 1977 1992 1953 1980 1975 1982 Population census of China in 1982. Beijing, 1985 Population census of China in 2000. Beijing, 2001 66 b-a (years) 14 16 10 20 20 10 6 6 10 6 10 7 8 10 7 5 15 13 7 15 15 5 15 27 7 Qb Qa (℃) 0.39 -0.17 0.08 0.2 -0.15 0.08 0.33 0.11 0.02 0.14 0.35 0.03 -0.02 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.05 0.15 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.01 0.12 -0.14 0.04 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figures Figure 2.1 Location of the study area in China (above) and locations of 36 meteorological stations in Jiangxi and its contiguous 6 provinces used in this study (below) are shown. (Overlaid on a 90m DEM, station numbers see Table 1 in Appendix) 67 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.2 Plotting for the discontinuities detected in homogeneity tests in the final test round. The histogram shows the seasonal frequency for discontinuities on decadal level for the period of 1951-2000. The frequency of winter, spring, summer and autumn are denoted by blue, red, green and violet columns respectively. 68 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.3 Q-values on temperature series in December from Jiujiang station (19512000). Blue solid line denotes the results for the original data and pink diamondshaped point for the adjusted data. Figure 2.4 T-values from performing the single shift SNHT on temperature seres in December from Jiujiang station (1951-2000). Blue solid line denotes the results for the original data and pink diamond-shaped point for the adjusted data. Significant levels of 90% and 95% are also marked. 69 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.5 Q-values on temperature series in February from Guangchang station (1951-2000). Blue column denotes the results for the original data and pink diamondshaped point for the adjusted data. Figure 2.6 T-values from performing the single shift SNHT on temperature series in February from Guangchang station (1951-2000).Blue solid line denotes the results for the original data. Significant levels of 90% and 95% are also marked. 70 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.7 Q-values on precipitation series in June from Jiujiang station (1951-2000). Blue solid line denotes the results for the original. Figure 2.8 T-values from performing the single shift SNHT on precipitation series in June from Jiujiang station (1951-2000). Blue solid line denotes the results for the original data. Significant levels of 90% and 95% are also marked. 71 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.9 Anomalies of the mean temperature over Jiangxi province for adjusted data (1951-2000) relative to 1961-1990 (A) adjusted winter, (B) adjusted spring, (C) adjusted summer, (D) adjusted autumn, and (E) adjusted annual mean. Annual mean (dashed line) 5-year running average (solid line). P > 0.05. 72 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.10 Surface temperature change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi for our analysis (1951-2000), from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean temperature respectively. 73 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.11 The same as Figure 2.10, but for unadjusted data. 74 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.12 Surface air temperature anomalies relative to 1961-1990 mean for (A) Jiangxi (B) Northern hemisphere (C) Globe is denoted by dotted line for annual mean, solid line for 5-year running average. P > 0.05 75 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.13 Surface air temperature anomaly relative to 1961-1990 averaged over Jiangxi province based on unadjusted raw and adjusted data (1951-2000). Dashed line denotes unadjusted annual mean, dotted line (adjusted annual mean), crossed-solid line (adjusted 5-year running average), solid line (unadjusted 5-year running average) and dashed-dotted line (trend line). P > 0.05. 76 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.14 Anomalies of the mean temperature over Jiangxi province for unadjusted data (1951-2000) relative to 1961-1990 (A) unadjusted winter, (B) unadjusted spring, (C) unadjusted summer, and (D) unadjusted autumn. Annual mean (dashed line) 5year running average (solid line). P > 0.05. 77 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.15 Surface air temperature anomaly relative to 1961-1990 averaged over Jiangxi (1951-1990). Triangle-dashed line denotes annual mean for GHCN homogenized data, dotted line (annual mean for adjusted data), crossed-solid line (5-year running average for GHCN homogenized data) and solid line (5-year running average for adjusted data). P > 0.05. 78 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.16 Surface air temperature change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi for our analysis (1951-1990), from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean temperature respectively. 79 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.17 Surface air temperature change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi for GHCN analysis (1951-1990), from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean temperature respectively. 80 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.18 Anomalies of the mean precipitation over Jiangxi province for homogenized data (1951-2000) relative to 1961-1990. Homogeneous (A) winter, (B) spring, (C) summer, (D) autumn, and (E) annual mean. Annual mean (dashed line) 5-year running average (solid line). P > 0.05. 81 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 2.19 Precipitation change based on local linear trends over Jiangxi for our analysis (1951-2000), from the top to the bottom: annual mean, winter, spring, summer and autumn mean respectively. 82 2. Regional temperature and precipitation trends based on homogenized time series in Jiangxi Province, China 2.6 Appendix Appendix Table1. Thirty-six meteorological stations in Jiangxi and its contiguous provinces Elevation based on DEM Station NO. ID LAT LON NAME 58 58424 30°32' N 117°03' E ANQING 25 48 58221 32°57' N 117°23' E BENGBU 22 65 57662 29°03' N 111°41' E CHANGDE 69 77 57679 28°12' N 113°05' E CHANGSHA 74 79 57972 25°48' N 113°02' E CHENGZHOU 309 102 57447 30°17' N 109°28' E ENSHI 1291 49 58203 32°56' N 115°49' E FUYANG 34 70 58847 26°05' N 119°17' E FUZHOU 359 76 57993 25°51' N 114°57' E GANZHOU 149 74 58813 26°51' N 116°20' E GUANGCHANG 808 87 59288 23°08' N 113°19' E GUANGZHOU 7 72 58626 28°18' N 117°13' E GUIXI 56 57 58457 30°14' N 120°10' E HANGZHOU 13 55 58321 31°52' N 117°14' E HEFEI 9 78 57872 26°54' N 112°36' E HENGYANG 122 86 59293 23°44' N 114°41' E HEYUAN 42 75 57799 27°07' N 114°58' E JIAN 334 60 58502 29°44' N 116°00' E JIUJIANG 56 80 57865 26°14' N 111°37' E LINGLING 131 83 59117 24°16' N 116°06' E MEIXIAN 160 73 58606 28°36' N 115°55' E NANCHANG 41 66 58562 29°52' N 121°34' E NINGBO 441 69 58731 27°55' N 118°32' E PUCHENG 797 67 58633 28°58' N 118°52' E QUZHOU 138 84 59316 23°24' N 116°41' E SHANTOU 4 85 59082 24°48' N 113°35' E SHAOGUAN 382 59 58531 29°43' N 118°17' E TUNXI 481 68 58659 28°00' N 120°40' E WENZHOU 410 61 57494 30°37' N 114°08' E WUHAN 20 82 59134 24°29' N 118°04' E XIAMEN 291 88 59663 21°52' N 111°58' E YANGJIANG 22 64 57461 30°42' N 111°18' E YIYANG 186 71 58921 25°58' N 117°21' E YONGAN 875 63 57584 29°23' N 113°05' E YUEYANG 26 89 59658 21°13' N 110°24' E ZHANJIANG 4 81 57745 27°27' N 109°41' E ZHIJIANG 638 62 57378 31°10' N 112°34' E ZHONGXIANG 100 83 (Meters above sea level) 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China 3 Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China 3.1 Introduction Humans have modified the Earth‟s climate through emissions of greenhouse gases and through land use/land cover (LULC) change (Christensen et al., 2007; Kalnay and Cai, 2003; Pitman et al., 2011). In some cases, LULC change response to climate, in the form of urbanization, agricultural activity and deforestation, may even exceed the contribution from greenhouse gases (Dirmeyer et al., 2010; Roger A. Pielke 2005). Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere warm the mid-latitudes more than the tropics, in part owing to a reduced snow-albedo feedback as snow cover decreases. Higher concentration of carbon dioxide also increases precipitation in many regions, as a result of an intensification of the hydrological cycle (Christensen et al., 2007). The biophysical effects of LULC change since pre-industrial times have probably cooled temperate and boreal regions and warmed some tropical regions (Lawrence and Chase, 2010). LULC will suppress the impacts of, for example, increasing CO2 in some regions that cool due to land cover change, and amplify the impacts of increasing CO2 in regions that warm due to land cover change (Pielke et al., 2011b). Changes in rainfall and snow caused by increases in CO2 dominate how LULC change affects climate, therefore requiring an accurate location of changes in snow cover and rainfall geographically coincident with regions of LULC change (Pitman et al., 2011). Regional scale LULC change over the last several centuries using observed and modelled data have altered biogeophysical and biogeochemical surface fluxes (Pielke et al., 2011a). The National Research Council (2005) has stated the following: Regional variations in radiative forcing may have important regional and global climatic implications that are not resolved by the concept of global mean radiative forcing. Tropospheric aerosols and landscape changes have particularly heterogeneous forcings. To date, there have been only limited stud84 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China ies of regional radiative forcing and response. Indeed, it is not clear how best to diagnose a regional forcing and response in the observational record; regional forcings can lead to global climate responses, while global forcings can be associated with regional climate responses. Regional diabatic heating can also cause atmospheric teleconnections that influence regional climate thousands of kilometres away from the point of forcing. Improving societally relevant projections of regional climate impacts will require a better understanding of the amplitudes of regional forcings and the associated climate responses. It is the regional responses, not a global average, that produce drought, floods, and other societally important climate impacts. Prior work has well documented, both globally and regionally, the impacts of LULC change on climate change (Anantharaj et al., 2010; Costa and Pires, 2010; Fall et al., 2010a; Fall et al., 2010a; Kishtawal et al., 2010; Lim et al., 2008; Strengers et al., 2010; Xiao et al., 2010). The role of LULC change in altering convective precipitation has been sufficiently analysed (e.g. Pielke, 2001; Pitman, 2003). Cotton and Pielke (2007) report how regional weather patterns are affected by LULC change. Warm season precipitation should be expected to change whenever deep cumulus convection is common in a region, since the surface fluxes of moisture, sensible, and latent heat change. This is the fuel for thunderstorms both in terms of moisture and in altering the convective available potential energy (Stull, 1988). Simulated dry season orographic cloudiness, rainfall, and orographic flow patterns using the Regional Atmospheric Modelling over Kilimanjaro are in good response to deforested and reforested land cover (Fairman et al., 2011). It has been also reported that land use changes due to agriculture lead to decreased surface temperatures (Lobell and Bonfils, 2008; Mahmood et al., 2006; Roy et al., 2007). The estimated urbanization impact differs significantly, which strongly depends on the criteria in classifying urban and rural areas (Easterling et al., 1996; Hansen et al., 2001b). In China, simulation and observation results reveal land-cover change significantly influences hydrologic processes at the watershed scale (Ma et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2011). Yang et al.(2009a) found that LULC change has a stable and systemic 85 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China impact on surface air temperature. The surface warming of each land type reacted differently to global warming. Owe to the difficulty in separating the influence merely resulted from LULC, the Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) method developed by Kalnay and Cai (2003) is recently used to assess the impact of land use change by taking the difference between the observations by surface stations and reanalysis data. It takes the advantage of the insensitivity of the reanalysis to land surface type, and removes the natural variability due to changes in circulation (since they are also included in the reanalysis), thus isolating surface effects from greenhouse warming by the surface observations subtracting the reanalysis (Kalnay and Cai, 2008). The advantage for the OMR method is to provide us a substantial surface climate change signal arising from different types of regional surface cover through separating near-surface warming patterns from the global warming signal. Reanalysis, particularly the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research Reanalysis (NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis-NNR) , can be regarded as an independent estimate of the surface temperature change, including trends associated with both the large-scale circulation variability and anthropogenic radiative forcings (Fall et al., 2010b; Frauenfeld et al., 2005; Kalnay and Cai, 2003; Kalnay et al., 2006; Lim et al., 2005; Lim et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2004a). Reanalyses are data products based on a combination of various observations by assimilating them into a global weather forecasting model to obtain meteorological fields that are consistent both with the observations and with the model physics (Kalnay et al., 1996; Kistler et al., 2001; Uppala et al., 2005). These fields are potentially appealing for climate research because they are spatially and temporally complete and encompass a full suite of variables. Moreover, reanalyses are done with a fixed numerical weather model, thus avoiding non-homogeneities associated with changes in forecast models and analysis methods over time (Fall et al., 2010b). The reanalysis, combined with its model parameterizations of surface processes, creates its own estimate of surface fields from the upper air observations. The surface parameters in a reanalysis have less dependence on local characteristics than the actual surface observations. As a result, the reanalysis excludes 86 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China surface urbanization or land use effects even though it should show climate change to the extent that they influence the observations above the surface (Fall et al., 2010b; Kistler et al., 2001). It follows that it would possibly attribute the differences between monthly or annually averaged observation and reanalysis surface temperatures primarily to urbanization/land use changes (Kalnay et al., 2006), and other local land cover effects, although a portion of differences might also be due to errors in interpolating reanalysis data to instrument height, particularly in the stable nocturnal boundary layer. Several studies use OMR method to assess the surface temperature trend caused by different land types. Kalnay and Cai (2003) initially assessed the decadal surface warming associated with local land uses over the eastern U.S. region by subtracting reanalysis trend from observation. Regional surface warming identified by OMR has good agreement with the trends obtained by Hansen et al. (2001) using nightlights to classify urban and rural stations (Kalnay et al., 2006). Fall et al. (2010b) applied the OMR method to investigate the impacts of sensitivity of surface temperature trends to LULC change over the conterminous United States. The impacts of different land cover types on temperature in China, Argentina as well as globe and the consequences from temperature associated with land uses in Tibetan Plateau have been assessed by OMR method (Frauenfeld et al., 2005; Hu et al., 2010; Lim et al., 2005; Nun˜ez et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2009b; Zhou et al., 2004b). Results confirm the robustness of the OMR method for capturing patterns of LULC changes at regional scales. Fall et al. (2010c) applied the OMR method in precipitation in India. Results do not find well defined rainfall pattern as a function of OMR. Currently, no studies have examined the influence of LULC on climate in greater detail especially in relation with regional characteristics, which play an important role in local and regional climate. The objective of this study is to examine if the LULC change might be responsible for the changes in temperature and precipitation in combination with regional topographic factors over Jiangxi province China. By analyzing OMR trends and incorporating regional topographic factors into regression assessments of temperature and precipitation, we assess the relationship between OMR trends and the regional land vegetation types (derived from satellite87 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)). OMR trends and the sensitivity of surface temperatures and precipitations to land cover types over JiangJiangxi are presented. Our study indicates the significance of regional LULC change on climate. The teleconnection effect, where regions remote from the landscape conversion have altered surface meteorology (e.g., as discussed in Avissar and Werth, 2005 and; Chase et al., 2000) is not the focus of this study. Section 3.2 reviews the data and methods. Section 3.3 presents OMR trends and the sensitivity of surface temperatures and precipitations to land cover types over Jiangxi. The discussions and conclusions are shown in section 3.4 and 3.5 respectively. 3.2 Data and methodology 3.2.1 Data For the surface observations, homogenized continuous monthly surface instrumental temperature and precipitation dataset of 36 available stations over Jiangxi and contiguous 6 provinces for the period of 1951 to 1999 were obtained from section 2. All stations have continuous monthly data for the entire 49-year period. Monthly surface temperature mean and monthly mean of precipitation rate time series from NCEP-NCAR reanalysis (NNR) are used, both for the period 1951-1999. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) NDVI, 15-day composite product dataset at 1°resolution for the period 1981-2000, derived from Global Land Cover Facility, Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) (GIMMS; We used this to correlate the distribution of the surface vegetation and its seasonal change to the decadal OMR and observation trends. This NDVI dataset has been corrected for calibration, view geometry, volcanic aerosols, and other effects not related to vegetation change. Seasons are defined as the three-month averages for temperature and NDVI, three-month sum for precipitation: DJF, MAM, JJA, and SON. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 90m digital elevation data supplied by Consorti- 88 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China um for Spatial Information (CGIAR-CSI) is used as elevation factor for regression assessment and correction of spatialization. 3.2.2 Data analysis Maximum value composite of NDVI Atmospheric calibration of original 15-day composite AVHRR-NDVI data was done to reduce cloud and other noise. The two calibrated 15-day NDVI images for each month were composited first by taking the maximum value within two 15-day time periods for each pixel, eliminating pixels with cloud cover. Then we averaged the monthly NDVI values for each pixel into annual and seasonal mean NDVI values. The result was an almost cloud free data set of peak NDVI value from 1982 to 2000 covering Jiangxi. Maximum-value composite technique has the advantage of minimizing cloud contamination and off-nadir viewing effects since these factors tend to reduce the NDVI values over green surfaces (Holben, 1986; Holben and Fraser, 1984). Applying in the maximum value compositing process, the highest value record in the time range is retained for each pixel location (Holben, 1986). Due to the growing circle of vegetation in Jiangxi, the NDVI mean of growing season (April to October) was used to reflect the general vegetation state for the entire study period. Land use analysis is done through the classes of NDVI. It requires the assignment of each pixel on an image to a class. The NDVI value is defined as the ratio of the difference to the total reflectance: (near-infrared - red) / (nearinfrared + red). Green leaves commonly have larger reflectance in the nearinfrared than in the visible range. Clouds, water, and snow have larger reflectance in the visible than in the near-infrared, so that negative values of the vegetation index may correspond to snow or ice cover, whereas the NDVI value is almost zero for bare soils such as deserts. As a result, NDVI values can range from -1.0 to 1.0, with higher values associated with greater density and greenness of vegetation covers (Lim et al., 2008). Based on Wang et al. (2006) and Jiangxi‟s vegetation distribution, NDVI images after maximum value composite were assigned as six categories, NDVI value (1) -1.0 0; (2) 0 0.2; 89 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China (3) 0.2 0.45; (4) 0.45 0.6; (5) 0.6 0.75; (6) 0.75 1.0. Different land cover types in response to climate changes were further analyzed. OMR method Surface climate change trends are analysed using the OMR method suggested by Kalnay and Cai (2003). No surface data was included in the data assimilation of NNR. Due to the insensitivity of the reanalysis to surface processes, surface effects caused by regional vegetation type changes could be separated from greenhouse warming. The OMR decadal trend is obtained by taking the average of two decadal mean differences (the 1990s minus the 1980s and the 1970s minus the 1960s). The trends were computed as changes in decadal averages in order to reduce random errors. Only two decadal trends, the decade 1990-1999 minus 1980-1989 and 1970-1979 minus 1960-1969 are considered. The trend changes between the decade 1960-1969 minus 1950-1959 and 1980-1989 minus 19701979 were excluded due to the scheduling changes during 1958 and changes in the observing systems starting in 1979 (Kistler et al., 2000). These two major changes affect the trends in the NNR. The two decadal changes of the 1990s minus 1980s (20 years with satellite data) and the 1970s minus 1960s (20 years essentially without satellite data) were used. Thus, we obtain decadal trends from two independent and largely homogeneous 20-year periods. 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Temperature trends of observation and reanalysis Monthly surface air temperature anomalies for five decades (1950s-1990s) relative to the normal period 1961-1990 from observation and NNR reanalysis averaged over Jiangxi are shown in Figure 3.1. The correlation between observations and NNR is also presented. There was a good agreement in the interannual variability and the long-term trends between observations and the NNR in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, with correlation coefficients r=+0.80, +0.78, +0.79 and +0.76 respectively. Relatively low correlation is exhibited in 90 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China 1950s (r=+0.53), because the observing system in China during the 1950s especially the initial several years was considerably less reliable than in later decades, and it underwent significant scheduling changes during the 1950s (See Section 2). The difference (TOMR) between the surface observations and NNR is the largest, increasing to 0.05℃ in the 1970s. As revealed in Figure 3.1 and many other studies (e.g. Kalnay and Cai, 2003; Lim et al., 2008), the NNR has strong ability to capture surface temperature variations caused by atmospheric storms, advection of warm/cold air, and variations in the frequency or track of major storms. In contrast to the actual surface observations, no statistically significant difference is found in the NNR estimation of station trends. The NNR trend is not affected by the change of surface properties. These arguments suggest that we could attribute the differences between monthly or annually averaged surface-temperature trends derived from observations and from the NNR primarily to changes in land use. Decadal trends can be locally dominated by inter-annual and decadal variability of temperature due to anomalies in the circulation rather than to LULC change effects that are excluded by taking the differences between observation and NNR temperatures. Figure 3.2 a-c show the decadal trends of temperature for the observations, the NNR and the difference between these two trends (OMR) respectively averaged at six stations over Jiangxi. The reanalyses exhibit a weaker warming trend than observations, as reported in Kalnay and Cai (2003) and Lim et al. (2005). This feature is found over most of Jiangxi. Due to this, the OMR pattern obtained by subtracting reanalyses from observations shows a positive trend. This is at least partially attributable to changes in land surface use. The average warming amplitude of the observations, NNR and OMR is +0.078℃ , +0.051℃ and +0.027℃ per decade respectively. therefore about 35% of the obervation warming could be associated with urbanization and other land use change. The average observation, NNR and OMR trends present a overall consistent warming effect. The strong warming concentrates on northern Jiangxi, Poyang Lake watershed, both for OMR and observations. In comparison to NNR, the OMR trend indicates a weaker and inverse warming effect. For assessing the surface temperature trend associated with land surface 91 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China types, we may conclude that the OMR has the advantage of demonstrating the effect resulted from LULC change on climate. 3.3.2 Precipitation trends of observation and reanalysis Daily mean precipitation anomalies for five decades (1950s-1990s) relative to the normal period 1961-1990 from observation and NNR reanalysis over Jiangxi are shown in Figure 3.3. The correlation between observations and NNR is also presented. There was a good agreement in the inter-annual variability and the long-term trends between observations and the NNR in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, with correlation coefficients r=+0.66, +0.64 and +0.67 respectively. Poor correlation is exhibited in 1950s and 1960s (r=+0.49 and r=+0.20 respectively). The results may stem from the less reliable observing system during the 1950s as pointed out in 3.3.1. As revealed in Figure 3.3, the NNR has good ability to capture precipitation variations during the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. No statistically significant difference is found between the NNR and actual surface observations. The NNR trend is not influenced by the change of surface information. Therefore the differences between daily mean precipitation trends derived from observations and from the NNR could be primarily attributed to land use change except in the 1950s. The decadal trends of precipitation for observations, the NNR and the OMR averaged at six stations over Jiangxi are shown in Figure 3.4a , b and c respectively. The observations exhibit a stronger wetting trend than NNR over Jiangxi. Due to this feature, the OMR pattern obtained by subtracting reanalyses from observations reveals an overall positive trend. This can be partially attributable to changes in land use. The average wetting amplitude of the observations, NNR and OMR is 0.320mm , 0.024mm and 0.296mm per decade respectively. In comparison with the observation trend of precipitation, NNR exihibits an inverse pattern especially in northern Jiangxi, where a drying trend is shown. The spatial pattern of OMR precipitation is similar with that of observation precipitation, but in a weaker wetting effect. The feature of more wetting in the north and less wetting in the south for both OMR and observation precipitation is revealed. Decadal trend of observation precipitation has good agreement with that of observation temperature. To as92 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China sess the precipitation trend response to land surface types, the OMR trend of precipitation has the ability to represent the effect of LULC change. 3.3.3 NDVI trend Figure 3.5 indicates the geographical variations of the annual and seasonal mean NDVI in Jiangxi (1982-2000). The pattern of surface vegetation with their greenness ranges is shown. Different vegetation greenness of NDVI is a good indicator to reflect the discrimination between different land cover types. The range is from the least sparsely vegetation cover, 0 to the highest density vegetation canopy, 1.0. Water bodies with negative NDVI values had nearly no seasonal change. The very sparse vegetation areas with vegetation index (0~0.2) show a slight seasonal change. The areas characterized by large vegetation index (0.2~0.75) show a noticeable seasonal change (Figure 3.5b-e). Evergreen tree cover areas (NDVI (0.75~1.0)) exhibited a relatively weak seasonal change. An overall strong seasonal NDVI change is shown. The findings are similar to Wang and Li (2008b). 3.3.4 Surface temperature and precipitation trends with respect to LULC changes Relationship between temperature and land vegetation types To examine the surface temperature with respect to LULC change in Jiangxi, we relate the temperature change estimated by observation, NNR and OMR to surface vegetation types. The decadal observation, NNR and OMR trends at each grid point was scatter plotted with mean NDVI of growing season. The outliers in the scatterplots were removed based on four-fold standard deviations. Results show the decadal observation, NNR and OMR trends were all inversely proportional to the surface vegetation index. Decadal trend in NNR shows no significant relationship with NDVI (r=-0.02). Poor correlations between NDVI and decadal trends of temperature in OMR and observations are indicated (r=-0.31 and r=-0.30 respectively). The surface warming response to the surface vegetation cover was poorly represented by OMR. In contrast, Lim et al. (2005; 2008) and Fall et al. (2010b) pointed to the good representative of 93 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China OMR. However, the large positive correlations in the scatterplots were all in the areas with low NDVI values (0~0.4) for OMR and observations, whereas no such findings for NNR. Consistent results from Kalnay and Cai (2003) pointed out that the NNR should not be sensitive to land use effects, although it will show climate changes to the extent that they affect the observations above the surface. However, NNR from modeling experiments reveals that a strong surface warming correlated well with low vegetation index areas (Dai et al., 2004; Hales et al., 2004; Xue and Shukla, 1993), which contradicted our findings. Relationship between precipitation and land vegetation types Decadal observation, NNR and OMR trends of precipitation were associated with mean NDVI of growing season to discuss the relationship between precipitation and surface vegetation types in Jiangxi. The decadal observation, NNR and OMR trends at each grid point was scatter plotted with NDVI and the outliers in the scatterplots were also removed. Results show that decadal observation, NNR and OMR trends are not significantly correlated with NDVI (r=0.20, r=-0.02 and r=0.25 respectively). The OMR trend has low correlation with surface greenness. Thus, surface vegetation type response to precipitation was poorly represented by OMR trend. The findings are consistent with Fall et al. (2010), who did not indicate good correlation between OMR trend of precipitation and surface vegetation type in India. The trends of temperature and precipitation associated with different land vegetation types The observation and OMR trends of temperature and precipitation were related to different surface vegetation types over Jiangxi. The results of correlation coefficients are presented in Table 3.1. Both observation and OMR trends of temperature show a significant negative correlation with the vegetation type (NDVI (0~0.2)). The correlation coefficients are -0.61 and -0.62, respectively. For both temperatures, the correlation decreases with the increase of vegetation greenness. No significant correlation between other vegetation type and corresponding observation and OMR trends of temperature is exhibited. The finding 94 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China is consistent with Lim et al. (2008), who indicated the OMR trend decreased with surface vegetation greenness. No significant correlation is indicated between both observation and OMR trends of precipitation and different land vegetation types over Jiangxi (Table 3.1). For both trends of precipitation, the correlation does not reveal regular change with the vegetation greenness. 3.3.5 Temperature/precipitation change as a function of different land cover types incorporating regional characteristics Using ordinary least squares, temperature and precipitation (both for OMR and observation) were regressed on each land cover type and corresponding regional topographic factors including elevation, latitude, longitude and slope according to the form: Temperature (or precipitation) = a*(land cover) +b *(elevation) +c *(latitude) +d* (longitude) +e *(slope) +f Where: a, b, c, d, e are corresponding regression coefficients of land cover, elevation, latitude, longitude and slope, and f is constant. The regression results are indicated in Table 3.2. They are statistically significant at 99% level. Both the trends of the observations and OMR of temperature show a dependence on the vegetation greenness. The dependence in combination with regional topographic factors on each land cover type performed better than that removing regional topographic impact. The promising finding is that 81.1% of surface warming (OMR temperature: 0.108°C/decade) over low vegetation cover areas (NDVI (0~0.2)) is explained by regional land surface cover change and elevation, latitude, longitude and slope. 49.1% of surface warming is attributable to regional land cover change over these areas. Over the areas with the highest vegetation index (0.75~1.0), land cover change can explain 19.6% of the surface warming integrating regional elevation, latitude, longitude and slope. The explanation ability is even poorer when removing regional topographic factors. As land cover greenness increased, the worse dependence of decadal OMR trends of both temperature and precipitation on vegetation cover greenness is found (Table 3.2). The response of land cover change to OMR trend of temperature is consistent with Lim et al. (2008) 95 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China and modelling analysis by Dai et al. (2004), Hales et al. (2004) and Xue and Shukla (1993). Overall poor response of the changes of various land cover type to OMR and observation precipitation, both integrating and removing regional topographic characteristics, is revealed (Table 3.2). The results were similar to Fall et al. (2010c), who obtained a poor LULC functional response to OMR precipitation in India. As indicated in Table 3.2, 38.8% of the surface drying (OMR precipitation: -0.063mm/decade) over the areas with vegetation index (0~0.2) is attributable to regional land cover change and topographic factors. 28.2% of the surface drying can be explained without the regional topographic factors into regression assessment. The explanation level of the dependence of OMR precipitation on the change of other land cover types is worse. The worst performance is the areas with vegetation index (0.75~1.0). Table 3.3 shows the decadal trends of temperature and precipitation in response to land surface types and the number of 1°×1°calculated grids for each land type. Results show that the OMR trend of temperature decreases and the OMR trend of precipitation increases with the increase of surface greenness. OMR warming over the areas with low vegetation cover (NDVI (0~0.20)) is the strongest, and that areas with NDVI (0.20~0.45) indicate a second strongest warming. OMR cooling is found over the areas with vegetation index (0.45~1.0). Very density vegetation cover signified by evergreen tree cover with less anthropogenic activities shows a larger cooling than the areas with intermediate vegetation cover (NDVI (0.45~0.60)). The assessment reveals that surface warming is larger for the areas with low vegetation cover (NDVI (0~0.20)), anthropogenically developed, but smaller for the areas covered with very density vegetation (NDVI (0.75~1.0)) (see also Table 3.3). OMR drying is shown over the areas with low vegetation cover (NDVI (0~0.20)) and water bodies (NDVI (-1.0~0.2)). The other land types indicate OMR wetting and the areas with vegetation index (0.60~0.75) show the largest wetting. The areas with vegetation index (0.6-1) generally are composed of tree cover, which leads to the suppression of surface warming and the increment of surface moisture by the strong transpiration wetting and evaporation cooling 96 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China from leaves with 0.009°C/decade and 0.126°C/decade surface cooling and 0.145mm/decade and 0.005mm/decade surface wetting respectively. This is in agreement with Giambelluca et al. (1997), Lim et al. (2008), Shukla et al. (1990) and Xue and Shukla (1993).The areas with moderate vegetation index (0.45~0.6) characterized by herbaceous and shrub cover show 0.008°C/decade surface cooling and 0.114mm/decade surface wetting (Table 3.3). The moderate contribution is because the cooling and wetting feedbacks from leaves are weaker than those in trees. Owe to little evaporation negative feedback in low vegetation cover areas (NDVI (0~0.2)), a strong surface warming and drying effect separating from the observations could be explained by regional LULC change anthropogenically driven under the same amount of radiative forcings. The findings are in agreement with Diffenbaugh (2005), Lim et al. (2005, 2008) and Fall et al. (2010b). 3.4 Discussions We aim to investigate the impact of regional LULC change on the variations of temperature and precipitation. OMR method (observation minus reanalysis) is used to estimate the impact of changes in land use by computing the difference between the trends of the adjusted surface observations (which reflect all the sources of climate forcing, including surface effects) and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis (which only contains the forcing influencing the assimilated atmospheric trends). We analyzed the observation and reanalysis trends of decadal temperature and precipitation over Jiangxi and examined the sensitivity of surface temperature/precipitation to LULC by using OMR trends as a function of land surface types and regional topographic factors. Key findings are presented as follows: (1) OMR approach is effective to examine the trends of temperature and precipitation driven by the impact of regional land-cover types because land surface observations are not used in the data assimilation into a physically consistent atmospheric model, reanalysis data is thus insensitive to local surface properties. The characteristic of the reanalysis provides us with the possibility of detecting surface climate change associated with regional land cover types by taking the difference between observed and reanalysis climate time series. 97 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China (2) Our results show a good temporal and spatial consistency between the observed and reanalysed temperature/precipitation trends and exhibit the ability of the reanalysis to capture regional inter-annual variability. Similar findings are obtained from Fall et al. (2010b), Frauenfeld et al. (2005), Kalnay et al. (2006), Lim et al. (2008) and Zhou et al. (2004a). (3) Our analysis of OMR trends associated with land types using AVHRRNDVI dataset in Jiangxi show that land surface type with vegetation index (00.2) exhibits the largest surface warming and the vegetation index (0.75-1.0) area indicates the strongest cooling trend. We found varied positive OMR trends, 0.108 °C per decade in contrast to the findings of Fall et al. (2010b) (0.034°C) on regional scale and Lim et al. (2005) 0.3 °C on global scale for bare soils. We find the strong surface warming response to land barrenness and weak warming response to land greenness. The results are consistent with these of Dai et al. (2004), Diffenbaugh (2005), Hales et al. (2004) and Lim et al. (2008). (4) OMR trend of precipitation is also assessed as a function of land surface types and regional topographic factors. It shows that the OMR trend is insensitive to different surface greenness. This may be due to the length of the dry season and the seasonality of precipitation. Fall et al. (2010c) revealed the similar finding of precipitation trends as a poor function of LULC change over India. However, NDVI has been shown to be a sensitive indicator of the interannual variability of precipitation (Prasad et al., 2005). A positive correlation between the annual mean NDVI and precipitation is indicated in arid regions of Central Asia (Ichii et al., 2002). Moreover, the sensitivity of NDVI to precipitation variability in drier regions is found to be higher than in other wet forest types (Wang et al., 2003a). In agreement with our results, NDVI has relatively better response to the variation of precipitation over more bare areas than density vegetation cover. Prasad et al. (2005), Schultz and Halpert (1993) and Gómez-Mendoza et al. (2008) pointed to the significance of lag in the correlation of precipitation and vegetation types. The lag response of LULC change to precipitation requires to be conducted. Despite our results indicate limited relationship, but provide guidance for an attribution of regional precipitation. 98 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Our novel findings indicate 81.1% of the surface warming over the areas with vegetation index (0~0.2) attributes to regional LULC change and topographic factors, whereas 49.1% explanation level is shown without regional topographic factors into regression assessment. The contribution capability of LULC change decreases as land cover greenness increases. Regional climate change is a complex process involving the interactions and feedbacks with LULC change. It is well known that regional climate change is influenced heavily by regional topographic features. It is worth mentioning that the integral of the entire topography has negligible effect on LULC change, thus indirectly affects regional climate. The topography of hilly landscapes modifies land environment by changing the fluxes of water and energy, increasing the vulnerability of land systems, which could become more accentuated under climate change (drought, increased variability of precipitation). Model simulations show cropland change is significantly related to a slope×elevation index in the southern Mediterranean climate even under the high emission scenario (Ferrara et al., 2010). Daly et al. (2009) found a complex temperature landscape composed of steep gradients in temporal variation is controlled largely by gradients in elevation and topographic position. The combination of regional topographic features in the regression estimation allows a more accurate determination of which components forming processes have adapted to ongoing climate change, and to what extent. It should be noted that the methods used to derive NDVI need further refinement and calibrations. On the other hand, the estimate of land-use influence on temperature and precipitation is limited by station density (six stations over Jiangxi are available). Kalnay and Cai (2003) have found that the correlation between the observation and reanalysis temperature is lower to low density of the meteorological stations, thus decreasing the ability of OMR to represent the LULC change. Notwithstanding its limitation, this study does suggest that LULC change integrating regional topographic factors contributes to regional surface temperature change. To what extent this effect has is strongly land-type dependent. Further, we further confirm the ability of the OMR method for quantitative estimation of the surface climate variability with 99 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China respect to LULC change on regional scale by removing the effect of greenhouse gases. This study is likely to be an important consideration in understanding the impacts of LULC change on climate change on regional scale especially in hilly region. Our results also have important implications in the monitoring and modeling processes of regional climate. LULC change should be considered along with greenhouse gas as a forcing factor in regional climate modeling. Further, the application of OMR method on regional scale needs to consider greater details. Also the combination and correlation of different sensors and satellites will provide better tools to understand the relationship between LULC change and climate change. People and ecosystems experience the effects of environmental change regionally and not as globally averaged. Besides the greenhouse gases and aerosol-driven radiative forcings, the impact of local and regional LULC on climate merits more attention in future regional-scale study of global change. 3.5 Conclusions OMR trends associated with different land surface types show that strong surface warming response to land barrenness and weak warming response to land greenness. 81.1% of the surface warming over vegetation index areas (0~0.2) attributes to regional LULC change and topographic factors. The contribution capability of LULC change decreases as land cover greenness increases. OMR trends of precipitation have a weak dependence on regional land surface types and topographic factors. 100 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Tables Table 3.1 Correlation coefficients (r) between temperature/precipitation and corresponding land cover types Land cover types Temperature-observation Temperature-OMR Precipitation-observation Precipitation-OMR NDVI (-1.0~0) -0.47 -0.29 0.41 0.37 NDVI (0~0.2) NDVI (0.2~0.45) NDVI (0.45~0.6) -0.61 0.35 -0.34 -0.62 0.41 -0.43 0.34 0.40 -0.39 0.32 0.25 -0.24 NDVI (0.6~0.75) -0.36 0.38 0.32 0.21 NDVI (0.75~1.0) -0.26 -0.31 -0.30 -0.23 Temperature-OMR: Temperature-Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR); Precipitation-OMR: Precipitation-Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR). 101 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Table 3.2 Summary for regression models of different land cover types Vegetation cover types NDVI (1) NDVI (2) NDVI (3) NDVI (4) NDVI (5) NDVI (6) Model AR2 Sig. AR2 Sig. AR2 Sig. AR2 Sig. AR2 Sig. AR2 Sig. T-OMR1 0.832 0.000 0.811 0.000 0.292 0.000 0.310 0.000 0.273 0.000 0.196 0.000 T-OMR2 0.344 0.000 0.491 0.000 0.274 0.000 0.291 0.000 0.247 0.000 0.135 0.000 T-OBR1 0.469 0.000 0.666 0.000 0.435 0.000 0.474 0.000 0.434 0.000 0.333 0.000 T-OBR2 0.171 0.000 0.484 0.000 0.306 0.000 0.321 0.000 0.292 0.000 0.207 0.000 P-OMR1 0.321 0.001 0.388 0.000 0.321 0.000 0.194 0.000 0.179 0.000 0.132 0.000 P-OMR2 0.135 0.000 0.282 0.000 0.293 0.000 0.164 0.000 0.149 0.000 0.122 0.000 P-OBR1 0.433 0.000 0.233 0.002 0.256 0.000 0.161 0.001 0.142 0.001 0.158 0.000 P-OBR2 0.156 0.009 0.204 0.002 0.116 0.000 0.111 0.007 0.092 0.001 0.058 0.000 Predictors of T-OMR1: (Constant), NDVI, elevation, latitude, longitude and slope. Dependent variable of T-OMR1: Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) of temperature. Predictors of T-OMR2: (Constant), NDVI. Dependent variable of T-OMR2: Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) of temperature. Predictors of T-OBR1: (Constant), NDVI, elevation, latitude, longitude and slope. Dependent variable of T-OBR1: observation temperature. Predictors of T-OBR2: (Constant), NDVI. Dependent variable of T-OBR2: observation temperature. Predictors of P-OMR1: (Constant), NDVI, elevation, latitude, longitude and slope. Dependent variable of P-OMR1: Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) of precipitation. Predictors of P-OMR2: (Constant), NDVI. Dependent variable of P-OMR2: Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) of precipitation. Predictors of P-OBR1: (Constant), NDVI, elevation, latitude, longitude and slope. Dependent variable of P-OBR1: observation precipitation. Predictors of P-OBR2: (Constant), NDVI. Dependent variable of P-OBR2: observation precipitation. 102 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Table 3.3 Decadal trends of temperature (°C/decade) and precipitation (mm/decade) response to surface vegetation types and the number of 1°×1°grids for the calculation of correlation between vegetation types and temperature/precipitation trend Number of Temperature- Temperature-OMR Precipitation-observation Precipitation-OMR grids observation (℃) (℃) (mm) (mm) NDVI (-1.0~0) 56 0.855 0.153 0.544 -0.241 NDVI (0~0.20) 295 0.818 0.108 0.670 -0.063 NDVI (0.20~0.45) 440 0.725 0.029 0.715 0.096 NDVI (0.45~0.60) 762 0.708 -0.008 0.706 0.114 NDVI (0.60~0.75) 942 0.708 -0.009 0.716 0.145 NDVI (0.75~1.0) 395 0.595 -0.126 0.673 0.005 Vegetation cover types Temperature-OMR: Temperature-Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR); Precipitation-OMR: Precipitation-Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR). 103 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Figures Figure 3.1 Monthly mean surface air temperature anomalies (observation [dashed red] and NCEP-NCAR reanalysis (NNR) [solid blue]) (in ℃) over Jiangxi relative to 19611990. Five decades (1950s-1990s) are compared. TOMR is observation minus reanalysis temperature. r denotes correlation coefficient between NNR and surface observations. 104 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 3.2 Decadal trends of monthly mean temperature. The Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) trend per decade (in ℃) at each grid point was obtained by the average of the‘90s minus 80s’and ‘80s minus 70s’ temperatures. The mean value of the decadal trend is denoted in each panel on the left. a observation; b NNR and c OMR. 105 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 3.3 Daily mean precipitation anomalies (observation [dashed red] and NCEPNCAR reanalysis (NNR) [solid blue]) (in mm) over Jiangxi relative to 1961-1990. Five decades (1950s-1990s) are compared. TOMR is observation minus reanalysis precipitation. r denotes correlation coefficient between NNR and surface observations. 106 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 3.4 Decadal trend of daily precipitation averaged at stations over Jiangxi. The Observation Minus Reanalysis (OMR) trend per decade (in mm) at each grid point was obtained by the average of the „90s minus 80s‟ and „80s minus 70s‟. The mean value of the decadal trend is denoted in each panel on the left. a observation; b NNR and c OMR. 107 3. Regional scale impacts of land use and land cover changes on climate change in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 3.5 Vegetation index map derived from NDVI. a Annual mean; b Winter (DJF); c Spring (MAM); d Summer (JJA) and e Autumn (SON). 108 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China 4 Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China 4.1 Introduction Human societies constantly coevolve with their environment through change, instability and mutual adaptation (Lambin and Meyfroidt, 2010). The impact of human being on environment has gained in importance as rapid population growth and economic development intensify the stresses human beings place on the biosphere and ecosystems (Omenn, 2006). As a result, land use change is non-linear and associated with other societal and biophysical changes through a series of transitions. Deforestation and irrigation were the largest sources of human-released greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere until the advent of industrial era fossil-fuel burning, and as much as 35% of the humaninduced CO2 equivalents in the atmosphere today can be traced to the totality of land use and land cover changes (Foley et al., 2005; Williams, 2005). These land-based changes currently support over 6 billion people with food, fiber, water, and other benefits, and they support the highest global average per capita consumption ever known. This unprecedented level of land production, however, has been matched by unparalleled impacts on the earth system. Change in land use and its implication for global environmental change and sustainability are therefore a huge research challenge. Furthermore, no facet of land use change research has been more contested than that of cause (Turner II et al., 2007b). Land use change is driven by multiple, interacting factors that originate from the local to the global scales and they form a complex system of dependencies, interactions, and feedback loops. Land-use changes are now increasingly analysed as part of the system interactions triggering coevolution of natural and social systems. The coupled human-environment systems should therefore be considered as a whole when we assess sustainability and vulnerability. Analyses of the causes of land use change have thus moved from simplistic single cause explanations to an integration of multiple causes and their complex interactions (Lambin et al., 2003b). For a deep and robust under109 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China standing of the forces and processes at any scale, appropriate methods, procedures, and instructions are required (Dammers and Keiner, 2006); Moreover, the proper choice of indicators is essential to investigate the progress of land use change (Bossel, 1999; Prescott-Allen, 1997). LULC changes have a myriad of forms and their driving forces are numerous and complex. Several typologies of drivers were considered for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment conceptual framework-primary versus proximate, anthropogenic versus biophysical, dependent versus independent, primary versus secondary. The proximate and primary driver terminology, for example, is widely used in the land use change and climate change literature (e.g. Folland et al., 2001; Turner II et al., 1995). Proximate and primary drivers are conceptually similar to direct and indirect drivers respectively, but tend to be used when analysing specific spatial processes in which the human intent (primary) is associated with actual physical actions (proximate) (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Driving forces are categorized as demographic, economic, socio-political, cultural and religious, scientific and technological, and biophysical. According to Lambin and Geist (2007), economy, technology, policies, institutions and culture work on a general level - as “underlying” factors. On the other hand, each locality has its own specific characteristics that work as “proximate” factors - they determine what impacts the general underlying factors will have on land use in each respective locality. Proximate causes are human activities or immediate actions at the local level, such as agricultural expansion, that originate from intended land use and directly affect land cover. Underlying driving forces are fundamental social processes, such as human population dynamics or agricultural policies that underpin the proximate factors and either operate at the local level or have an indirect impact from the national or global level (Geist and Lambin, 2002). Globally and historically, land use dynamics appear to track well with the population, affluence, technology and policy variables of the environmental impact because they capture the demand for land and resources and the means by which they are supplied (Lambin et al., 2001a; Turner II et al., 2007a; Waggoner and Ausubel, 2002). Biophysical forces define the natural capacity or predisposing environmental conditions for land use change, with the set of abiotic and biotic factors 110 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China - climate, soils, lithology, topography, relief, hydrology, and vegetation - varying among localities and regions and across time (Lambin et al., 2001b). Sociopolitical drivers encompass the forces that influence decision making in the large conceptual space between economics and culture. The boundaries among economic, socio-political, and cultural categories of drivers are fluid, and they change with time, level of analysis, and observer (Young, 2002). Economic drivers are determined by ecosystem services (natural capital), the number and skills of humans (labour and human capital), the stock of built resources (manufactured capital), and the nature of human institutions, both formal and informal (social capital) (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). These drivers can work over time, e.g., population and income growth interacting with technological advances that lead to climate change, or over levels of organization. Reviews of case studies of deforestation and desertification reveal that synergetic factor combinations are the most common (Geist and Lambin, 2002, 2004), i.e., the combined effects of multiple drivers that are amplified by reciprocal action and feedbacks (Nelson et al., 2006). Any specific LULC change is the result of a number of interactions among drivers. Case studies indicate that not all driving forces of land use change and all levels of organization are equally important. For any given human-land system, a limited number of causes are essential to predict the general trend in LULC change (Stafford and Reynolds, 2002) Despite the rich diversity of causes and situations triggering land use change, there exist some generalizable patterns of change that result from recurrent interactions between driving forces, following specific sequences of events. Even though, at the detailed level, these sequences may work differently in specific situations, their identification may confer some predictive power by analogy with similar pathways in comparable regional and historical contexts (Lambin et al., 2003b) In view of the complexity of land-use change with respect to its process, dynamic, and driving forces (Burgi and Turner, 2002; Lambin et al., 2003b; Theobald, 2001), Verburg and Veldkamp (2001) have stated that any method alone is not sufficient to analyse the complex interactions between LULC processes and socio-economic and political transformations. Instead, a 111 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China combination of multiple approaches is necessary for land-use change research (Cai, 2001; Lambin et al., 2000; Vela´zquez et al., 2003). Policy makers are now encouraging scientists to improve models, and develop new techniques for integration of quantitative and qualitative analysis for local and regional LULC (Grosskurth, 2007). This analysis is undertaken by various communities, including remote sensing, political ecology, resource economics, institution governance, landscape ecology, and integrated assessment, among others. Its most comprehensive form joins the human, environmental, and geographical information-remote sensing sciences in an interdisciplinary effort increasingly referred to as LULC change research (Turner II et al., 2007b). Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) have been commonly recognized as powerful and effective techniques for detecting the spatiotemporal dynamics of LULC (Fazal, 2000; Gao et al., 2006; Herold, 2006; Long et al., 2009; Nagendra et al., 2004; Weng, 2002). Various approaches of change detection and statistical analysis, which have increased our ability to monitor and explore the structural modification among different land use types and to find the causes of land use change based on time-series biophysical and socioeconomic indicators (Aspinall, 2004; Kaufmann and Seto, 2001; Krausmann et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2003; Long et al., 2009; Xie et al., 2005). These integrative analyses of LULC change can provide decision-makers with important information for sustainable land management and regional development. The current integrity of the planet is being stressed beyond its biological capacity, and understanding human created landscapes is more important now than ever. Changes in land cover, through the appropriation of natural landscapes for human use, has been found to be one of the most pervasive forms to alter ecosystems resulting from human activities (Foley et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2007). In extent, the most important alteration to land surface is a transition of crop and pastoral land in natural ecosystems (Lambin and Meyfroidt, 2011). Land change for construction and for the demands of populations itself drives other types of environmental change. It is also at the regional scale that LULC changes driven by and resulting from human activities are most apparent (Nancy et al., 2008). Regional imbalanced development in economy and policy has led to the migrations and degraded landscapes since the second half of the 20th century 112 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China (Meyerson et al., 2007). China has been experiencing an unprecedented and accelerated transition of cropland and built-up land since the 1980s (Deng et al., 2008). Currently, both rural and urban development in China are in a transition period from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial and urban society (Long et al., 2007c). Meanwhile, a series of development strategies, for instance “Western Development”, “Revitalization of Northeast”, and “Rising of Central China” have been implemented across the nation (Liu et al., 2010). More attention has been devoted to cropland transformation and built-up sprawl in China. Causes and processes of these changes have been discussed by numerous studies at different scales. (e.g. Lichtenberg and Ding, 2008; Liu et al., 2005; Long et al., 2009; Long et al., 2007b; Tan et al., 2005b; Verburg and Veldkamp, 2001; Xu, 2004). The built-up land in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (traditional agricultural zone) and Yangtze River Delta zone has expanded significantly, accounting for 50% of the total increased built-up land in China, which partly attributes to the dense population and facilitated infrastructure. Sichuan Basin has the highest increasing rate of built-up area deriving from rapid agricultural development. Except for the process of urbanization, rural enterprises have also acted as one of the driving forces of the built-up land expansion. The fragmentation of cropland can also be observed due to the construction on rural land (Lin and Ho, 2003; Sargeson, 2002). Moreover, the adoption of market principles has resulted in the internal restructuring of agricultural land use from traditional paddy production to more diversified agricultural activities such as growing cash crops, fruits and aquaculture (Heilig, 1999; Li and Yeh, 2004). The most conspicuous urban expansion in China in the 1990s is in Zhu-jiang Delta and Fujian coastal areas. However, transition from arable land to built-up land from 1995 to 2000 is impeded due to the implemented legislations of land management (Liu et al., 2003). Jiangxi province is an important region for the production of commodity grain and conservation of the wetland and ecology in China. In the rapid economic development and urbanization, the intensity of land use and the transition frequency among land use types are progressively increasing. There exist predominant conflicts between cultivated land, built-up area, forest, pastoral area and water body (Jiangxi Province Statistical Bureau, 1996; Yu and Lu, 2004). 113 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Jiangxi has become a typical region of cultivated land transition (Zhan et al., 2010a). Driving forces of land use change in Jiangxi has been examined by several authors with a focus on either agriculture, forests or urban (Deng et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2003b; Yu and Lu, 2004; Zhan et al., 2010a; Zhan et al., 2010b; Zhan et al., 2011). However, the ambiguities still exist due to a lack of consensus on the driving forces. Moreover, much less attention have been devoted to landuse change at its policy dimension in China (Long et al., 2009). Or policy analysis of political influences on land use change is often implied or embedded in the selection of socio-economic factors or statistical analysis interpretations without quantitative assessment (Long et al., 2007a; Long et al., 2009; Xie and Fan, 2003; Xie et al., 2005; Zhan et al., 2010a). Appropriate policies can lead to national-scale land use transitions, spare land for forests, deal with the impacts of globalization and, therefore, prevent a transition of all available land (Lambin and Meyfroidt, 2011; Robinson, 2004). Further, to date, there exist no consistent criteria for assessing the driving forces of land use change neither on the global nor the regional level. The objective of this study is to investigate how the biophysical, socioeconomic and policy driving forces affects land use transition, mainly focusing on cropland and built-up land in Jiangxi Province China 1995-2005. We examine the dynamic patterns of land use and identify the key drivers of these changes based on an integrated approach with quantitative policy effect involving remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and statistical techniques. We have two novel facets: (1) Engel‟s coefficient is considered as one of the socio-economic indicators affecting Jiangxi‟ land use change. (2) The integrated method in combination with policy effect is introduced in the analysis of driving forces of land use change in Jiangxi. An accurate analysis of the driving forces of land use change can provide decision-makers with important information for sustainable land management and regional development. The integrated method in combination with policy analysis for the study of cropland and built-up land transition is introduced in Section 4.2.2 focusing on how to quantify the policy drivers. The cropland returning policy, representative indicators of biophysical and socio-economic driving forces (including Engel‟s coefficient) of LULC processing are explained in Section 114 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China 4.2.3. The detection of cropland and built-up land dynamics stemmed from high-resolution remote sensing data is described in Section 4.2.4. Section 4.3 reports the results and analyses the interacting mechanisms of policy, biophysical and socio-economic forces on cropland and built-up land use transition. The significances, limitations and future improvements of the method and direction for investigating the forces driving LULC changes are discussed in section 4.4. Section 4.5 concludes the study with main findings. 4.2 Methodologies 4.2.1 Overview of interdisciplinary methodology on LULC change research Many useful techniques have been developed and applied to quantify land use and land cover changes (LULC) and to investigate biophysical, social, political and economic drivers forcing the changes. We used an integrated method developed by Xie et al.(2005) to analyse biophysical and socio-economic impacts on cropland and built-up land and to understand the processes how these biophysical and socio-economic factors shape cropland and built-up patterns under varied policies. This integrated approach involved remote sensing, GIS and regression analysis. Remote sensing is commonly used to obtain reliable measurements of LULC at different spatial and temporal scales (US Climate Change Science Program, 2003). Reliable measurements of LULC can be related to a variety of biophysical and socio-economic statistical analyses. These observations of spatial trends and rates of LULC can also develop empirical diagnostic models and short-term prognostic models (Lambin, 1994). GIS is often applied to visualize spatial patterns of LULC and its driving factors as well as the relationships among them (Fischer et al., 1998; Vela´zquez et al., 2003; Xie et al., 2005). Regression analysis is used for quantitative assessment of the relationships between the cropland and built-up land transition and the corresponding natural, socio-economic and policy factors. 115 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China 4.2.2 The integrated method to examine cropland and built-up land transition There are two general rules that guide how to quantify policy impacts applying regression analysis. Firstly, better data alone are insufficient for improved models and projections of LULC without enhanced understanding of causes of changes (Committee on Global Change Research, 1999; Lambin et al., 2001b). Secondly, policy analysis often relies on an assumption of continuity (Berkhout and Hertin, 2000). Future trend is often predicted by analysing the present from the past. What has occurred at present is deduced from the past current policy impacts. However, this assumption does not meet the frequent political orientation and policy adjustments in Jiangxi since 1949, such as, Land reform Policy in the early 1950s, Land reclamation from the lake policy in the late 1970s, and Grain for lake, pasture and forest policy in the mid and late 1990s (Ministry of Land and Resources of PRC, 2011). These considerations introduce two complementary methods of applying regression in policy studies: (1) the proxy approach, and (2) the comparison approach. The proxy approach in policy analysis is to use measurable variables that have direct responses to a policy change as policy proxy variables or indicators. For instance, the values of budget surplus, the level of inflation, and the measure of trade openness are used as the proxies to the fiscal policy, monetary policy, and trade policy, respectively when examining the relationship between national economic policy, economic growth and foreign aid (Burnside and Dollar, 2000; Easterly et al., 2003; Xie et al., 2005). It is important to detect quantitative variables that have causal relationship with the policies in study. However, the proxy or causal relationship is often contaminated by measurement errors due to many reasons (Brumm, 2003). Techniques have been developed to reduce regression measurement errors, such as the adoption of instrumental variables, a popular technique for identifying more exogenous variables to count for unmeasured errors (Angrist and Imbens, 1995; Stock and Watson, 2003). Serious limitations with these methods still exist (Xie et al., 2005). The comparison approach of examining policy impacts is to apply regression analysis to longitudinal datasets during different time periods that correspond to significant policy changes (Diggle et al., 1994). A categorical 116 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China policy variable is constructed to record different status of a policy (Jaeger and Page, 1996). This categorical policy variable is often recoded as dummy variables to be included in a regression model, and each dummy variable indicates the existence or non-existence of a specific policy impact (Miles and Shevlin, 2001; Xie et al., 2005). Two categorical dummy variables indicating the absence and presence of a land policy in Jiangxi are constructed in this study. The workflow of integrated policy analysis to examine cropland and built-up land transition is shown in Figure 4.1. The analysis starts with a policy review to introduce political information and to detect significant policy changes in Jiangxi regarding cropland transition. Accurate account of cropland and builtup land transition is obtained by the interpretation of land use category derived from remote sensing images. Then we conduct data mining to identify causal relationship between cropland and built-up land transition and possible biophysical and socio-economic driving factors (1995-2005) under identified policy changes. Stepwise multiple regression analysis is applied and relative importance of each independent variable is automatically assigned. The results of the multiple regression analyses indicate the socio-economic factors that drive cropland and built-up land transition under varied policy impacts. Afterwards, a dummy variable, POLICY, is introduced to represent the absence (in some counties) and presence (in the other counties) of the cropland transition legislation and is included in the regression analyses of cropland-dependent and built-up land-dependent with the identified variables through the data mining (regression analyses) with distinct policies. The output of the two new regression models indicating the correlation between the cropland and built-up land transition and the changes of POLICY and socio-economic factors is further examined. The analyses of spatial correlations between cropland, built-up land transition and their corresponding POLICY and socio-economic impacting factors are visually presented with GIS mapping techniques. 4.2.3 The cropland returning policy, biophysical and socio-economic data Since the visit of Mr. Deng Xiaoping to the southern parts of China in 1992, economic booming in China has resulted in rapid development of agribusiness enterprise, characterized by a great increase in built-up area (Fischer et al., 117 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China 1998; Long et al., 2009). As the population increases, a large number of areas of forest, lake and pasture are occupied by cultivated land in Jiangxi, a province with short arable land. However, unprecedented flood disaster occurred in 1998 brought huge economic and environmental loss. For keeping away from flood threatens, the central government issued administrative decree: “Grain for Lake” “and Grain for pasture” in December 1998 as well as “Grain for Green” in January 2003. The decree orders local governments to reinvestigate all the cultivated areas and to recover the areas of forest, lake and pasture that were formerly occupied by agricultural uses (Department of land and resources of Jiangxi Province, 2011). Projects of land use transformations started in 2000 and ended before 2005 (Jiang, 2009). Afterwards, no intimately related land use policy was proposed. The year of 1995 and 2005 can thus be deemed as an important turning point regarding Jiangxi‟s policies of economic development and cultivated land management. This date is used in our study to examine the impacts of land management policy changes on land use and land cover. The biophysical and socio-economic data are from the published Jiangxi statistical yearbooks (Jiangxi Province Statistical Bureau, 1996, 2006). The selected indicators of biophysical and socio-economic data utilized the literatures whose research field focuses on China (Deng et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2010; Long et al., 2009; Xie et al., 2005; Zhan et al., 2010b). Most importantly, Engel‟s coefficient was, for the first time, related to the driving forces of land use change in Jiangxi. The selected indicators are listed in Table 4.1. Data were compiled for county level (88 in total). The yearly change rates were computed from the observed values of the selected variables between 1995 and 2005, based on the equation (Xie et al., 2005), 1 V2 n Ri = 1 , V1 (1) where Ri is the change rate of the observed value of a socio-economic indicator; V1 the value of an indicator i at the date t1; V2 the value of the indicator i at the date t2; n the difference of years between the two dates (9 years between 1995 and 2005 in this case study). 118 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China 4.2.4 Detecting the cropland and built-up land dynamics from remote sensing images There are two approaches to extract land-use change information from remote sensing data: (i) by comparison between two temporal classified maps to detect the dynamics, and (ii) by the information extracted directly by temporal variation characteristics of surface radiation. The former requires much higher classification standards and accuracy as well as more labour efforts, whereas the latter has the rigorous need for the selections of remote sensing data sources and accurate data handling (Liu et al., 2003). In this paper, two-phase remotely sensed images in 1995 and 2005 were interpreted and compared to extract land use change information in computer-aided interactive way. LULC data were obtained from Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) satellite images (12 scenes in 1995/1996 and 12 scenes in 2005/2006) with a spatial resolution of 30m×30m. Pre-process of the images was done though georeferencing, mosaicking, calibration and clipping. The land cover classification maps were created by interpreting Landsat TM images in 1995 and 2005 and comparison was made between the two. Maps of Jiangxi‟s vegetation distribution, Jiangxi administrative district (2005) and land resource investigation data were collected as the ancillary data. In agreement with other studies in China, land cover classification system of Chinese resource and environment database was applied. We classified Landsat TM images as six land use categories: water body, forest, cropland, grassland, barren land and built-up land. The overall classification accuracy was 88.5%, among which the accuracy of cropland can reach 90.7% and 95.4% for built-up land. The wrong identifications were all corrected. The transition rate for each land use type was calculated according the following formula (FAO, 1996a): Rc 1 1 S S 1 2 n 1, S1 119 (2) 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China where Rc is the transition rate, S1 the area of land use category c at the date t1; S2 the area of land use category c at the date t2; and n the difference of years between the two dates (9 years between 1995 and 2005 in this case study). 4.3 Results 4.3.1 Land use change and spatial pattern 1995-2005 Change of each land use and land cover category for the period 1995-2005 in Jiangxi is presented in Table 4.2 and Figure 4.2, Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 shows spatial dynamic of land use and land cover. Water body, forest and cropland had negative transition rate (-1.3%, -1.2% and -0.3%, respectively) from 1995 to 2005. In contrast, grassland, barren and built-up land increased at the transition rate of 6.9%, 17.6% and 2.7%, respectively (Table 4.2). There are obvious variations among different land use types between 1995 and 2005.The most conspicuous transition occurred in barren land and water body. The area of barren land in 2005 was 311025 hectares more than that in 1995, whereas water body lost 69326 hectares in terms of absolute volume of land area over the same period. Cropland and barren land are the largest beneficiaries of water body loss, which is especially significant in Poyang Lake watershed (Figure 4.4). During the same time, the cropland lost 168,340 hectares, 15.0% of the total losses of natural land covers. Large area of cropland loss was in the upper reach of Gan River, South Jiangxi. And built-up area expanded by 117 034 hectares occupying 10.3% of the total increase of land area. Most of built-up area expansion was converted from cropland and forest. Our results indicated builtup land expansion accounted for 13.6% cropland decrease (Table 4.2). Fragmentation is the obvious characteristics of cropland and built-up area change. Low patch size and degree of aggregation is also indicated (Figure 4.4). The accelerated process of industrialization and urbanization may enhance the degree of fragmentation and structural complexity of LULC. 120 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China 4.3.2 Regression analysis of the driving forces and interactions of cropland 1995-2005 The regression analysis revealed the relationships between the cropland transition and the biophysical and socio-economic factors with POLICY explanatory variable in Jiangxi during the period of 1995-2005 (Table 4.4 and Table 4.5). Table 4.3 exhibits annual change rates of biophysical and socio-economic indicators on the average of 88 counties in Jiangxi. The spatial patterns of cropland transition and its driving forces are shown in Figure 4.5. POLICY is a dummy variable that has a value 0 for the counties without the implement of cropland returning policy (indicating the absence of the cropland legislation) and a value 1 for the counties in the presence of cropland returning policy. County scale (88 in total) study indicated two contrasting effects of implemented policies on cropland transition. The designed policies affected the labour intensity, migration and cropland area. The regression analysis, with the explanatory variable POLICY, reveals how policy change associates with the cropland loss and how other socio-economic factors affect cropland transition when experiencing policy change. TIRI (Total income of rural inhabitants), GDPP (Gross product value-added of primary industry), R-POP (Rural population) and policy are suggested the major driving forces of cropland change (Table 4.4 and Table 4.5). These socio-economic and political parameters together explain 84.0% of cropland transition. The regression analysis confirmed that socio-economic growth and political intervention over the ten years period of 1995-2005 had a direct impact on cropland change. 76.8% of cropland transition can be accounted by the changes of TIRI, GDPP, and R-POP. The policy intervention (the explanatory variable, POLICY) is the largest contributor and itself had significant statistical correlation with the cropland decrease. This was indicated by the improvement of contribution level from 76.8% to 84.0% in comparison with other impacting factors when POLICY variable was introduced. Further, the Beta value of policy impact shows reversed direction from the cropland transition. GDPP and TIRI affected the cropland transition at moderate level and the influence of R-POP was relatively small. TIRI and GDPP showed a yearly increase of 9.24% and 20.51% respectively. R-POP kept a slight slower rise at the rate of 1.24% per year (Table 4.3). The change rate of these driving 121 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China factors seems conflict with the cropland loss, because they were spatially uneven distributed for varied counties. The GIS thematic maps reveal matched spatial patterns between cropland transition and the change of TIRI, GDPP, and R-POP (Figure 4.5). It is obvious that the policy intervention over the period 1995-2005 has successfully controlled cropland transition due to economic development. Moreover, biophysical factors had no significant impact on cropland change. Biophysical factors driving land use pattern are relatively stable during the period of several decades, except for some extreme events (e.g. flood and drought). They are thus not direct driving forces, but the socio-economic and political factors are the primary causes affecting land use change dynamics in Jiangxi (1995-2005). However, the institutionalized policies “Grain for Green”, “Grain for Lake” “and “Grain for pasture” were proposed rooted from the catastrophic flood in 1998. If TIRI, GDPP, R-POP and policy are the proximate factors influencing cropland change, flood is the underlying cause. The process of cropland transition in Jiangxi (1995-2005) can be concluded as three processes and their interacting mechanisms: Land use zoning, intensification and remittance. Land use zoning and agricultural intensification are commonly proposed strategies to control cropland expansion and therefore promote nature conservation. Various land use zoning schemes allocate land to restricted uses to ensure that valuable natural ecosystems are not converted (Lambin and Meyfroidt, 2011). Land use policies aimed at reducing environmental pressure in a place, like Grain for green, lake and pasture, caused a migration to another place, therefore bring land change in the other locality. Out-immigration of rural population from the zone of cropland returning in Jiangxi due to policy influence curbed the cropland expansion. Outmigration alone rarely leads to land abandonment, but rather to an extensification of land use (Radel and Schmook, 2008). Intensifying agriculture is thought to spare cropland for nature by higher yields. The introduction of new agricultural technology and innovations effectively reduces the land resource use. Land use efficiency is increased by allowing for regional specialization in land use and productivity elevates as a response to an increasing level of food stresses. The shortened period for cultivation and higher quantity and quality of crop output 122 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China due to new technology brought more profit, which can explain the increased GDPP drives cropland shrinking. GDPP is the gross domestic product value obtained from farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries. TIRI is the income obtained from various channels including agricultural and nonagricultural economic activities (Jiangxi Province Statistical Bureau, 2006). Massive upsurge of rural industrialization is at the core of China‟s recent economic miracle (Sun et al., 1999). Rural non-agricultural employment constituted over one-third of the employment of rural households in the mid1990s, and contributed above 40% of their total income (Xie et al., 2005). Inflow of remittances of migrant labours and rural industries can increase total rural income rather free land from agricultural activities. This massive transfer of funds may facilitate the re-transition of family members at home to the rural nonfarm economy, thus decreasing pressure on land. In summary, TIRI, GDPP, R-POP and policy have a strong influence on cropland transition. 4.3.3 Regression analysis of the driving forces and interactions of builtup land 1995-2005 The relationships between built-up land transition and the socio-economic statistics (1995-2005) are presented in Table 4.6 and Table 4.7. The spatial patterns of built-up land transition and its driving forces are shown in Figure 4.6. The expansion of built-up area was mainly attributed to the changes of four factors: GDP (Gross domestic product value), EC (Engel‟s coefficient), GDPT (Gross product value-added of tertiary industry) and GDPS (Gross product value-added of secondary industry) (Table 4.6 and Table 4.7). The four factors together can explain 76.7% of the built-up land transition. Our novelty was the introduction of EC (Engel‟s coefficient), which was a statistically significant factor driving built-up land transition. Based on the same approach as the study of cropland transition, regression analysis with POLICY explanatory variable indicated that the policy change had no noticeable influence on builtup land change and other socio-economic forces correlated with built-up land expansion. The regression analysis reveals several findings. (1) GDP is the largest contributor affecting built-up transition. (2) The changes of both EC and GDPT have significant correlation with built-up transition. (3) The force of 123 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China GDPS driving built-up land transition is relatively weak. The annual change rates of GDP, EC, GDPT and GDPS are 15.26%, 0.35%, 29.39% and 40.41% respectively (Table 4.3). Spatial patterns of the change rates of these factors matched well with built-up land transition in the GIS thematic maps. Further, the spatial pattern explained why the Beta value of EC factor shows reversed direction from the built-up area transition (Figure 4.6). Regression analysis also found biophysical factors had no direct and significant influence on built-up land transition. However, out-immigration, to a small extent, may cause the relative decrease of built-up area due to policy intervention. The socioeconomic factors are thus the major driving forces of built-up land transition in Jiangxi 1995 to 2005. Built-up area in Jiangxi increased annually by 2.7 % from 1995 to 2005 (Table 4.2). The China‟s economic reforms played an important role in the transformation of built-up area. The major land-use change is caused by the increasing demand for non-agricultural land because of urban and manufacturing development (Verburg et al., 1999). Built-up land transition is characterized by the changes of urban and rural settlements and construction in China (Long et al., 2007a). The expansion of construction land was largely a result of rural industrialization in China (Lin and Ho, 2003; Xie et al., 2005). Numerous factory buildings can be easily seen in the residential backyards of the villagers in coastal China (Shen and Ma, 2005). The development of rural enterprises (household-based small-scale township- and village-run) is the primary driving force converting built-up land in rural areas. The direct result of urbanization was the reduction of cropland by increasing urban settlements. Urban-related industrialization is well known to be one of the most important causes of landuse changes in China (Wu et al., 2004). The strong positive relationship was found between industrial output value and construction land (Long et al., 2008). GDPS is the gross domestic product value obtained from the industries of producing, manufacturing and construction and so on. The gross domestic product value from the industries outside GDPP and GDPS, such as transportation, information, commerce, catering, culture, recreation and service, is attributed to GDPT (Jiangxi Province Statistical Bureau, 1996, 2006). The increase of GDPS and GDPT intimately associated with the expanded 124 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China construction of facilities and infrastructure for manufacturing and living. GDP is the largest contributor to the built-up land transition. It encompasses a large portion of agriculturally associated output value except for GDPS and GDPT, though its share was diminishing (Jiangxi Province Statistical Bureau, 1996, 2006). This may lead to more contribution to the built-up transition than GDPS and GDPT. Urban and rural construction can thus be interpreted by the changes of GDP, GDPS and GDPT in Jiangxi. Generally, urban and rural inhabitants in China prefer new multifunctional or spacious housing if they become affluent, although present housing can fundamentally meet their needs. Roads and other available infrastructure close to their houses are also developed. The houses usually have small-scale household (in which normally three persons or so live) or larger courtyards. A cycle of replacing old house with a new one is short. As a result, more urban and rural housing occupied land. That can explain the expansion of urban and rural settlements. In addition, the decrease of Engel‟s coefficient signifies the demand for non-agricultural goods and services increases faster than demand for agricultural products. When the demand for more diverse diets is satisfied, further income growth is spent almost entirely on non-agricultural goods and services. This leads to a dramatic change in the structure of economic activity and a true structural transformation (Nelson et al., 2006). Producers responded by devoting relatively more invest to industry and service activities than to agriculture. Therefore, Engel‟s coefficient has indirect impact on the non-agricultural industries associated with GDPS and GDPT. The process driving built-up land expans-ion is caused by the mutual interaction of the socio-economic factors, GDP, GDPS, GDPT and EC. 4.4 Discussions Our purpose is to explore the forces and their interactions affecting cropland and built-up land change in Jiangxi for the period 1995-2005. Our major findings are (1) the area of cropland decreased at the rate of 0.3% and built-up land expanded by 2.7% annually. (2) socio-economic forces (TIRI, GDPP, and RPOP) and policy are the proximate factors influencing cropland transition and biophysical factor (flood) is the underlying cause. (3) The built-up land transi125 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China tion is caused by the mutual interactions of the socio-economic factors, GDP, GDPS, GDPT and EC. (4) Integrative method with quantitative policy effect has the robustness for the investigation of driving forces of land use change. The government is able to control the cropland transition (supporting by the fact that cropland displayed a negative increase), however, the demands of more lands for built-up are not diminishing. In similarity with our findings, a myriad of studies have reported the interacting socio-economic factors drove built-up expansion (e.g. Huang et al., 2007; Long et al., 2008; Nancy et al., 2008; Qu, 2007; Xie et al., 2005). Yin et al. (2011) pointed out that urban growth have advanced at an unprecedented pace over the past few decades following the rapid economic development. However, determinative socioeconomic indicators hinges on the specific regional characteristics. Our results have shown that Jiangxi is following the trends of built-up growth witnessed in coastal and west region of China from 1995 to 2005, although the significance of various land-use drivers differs in distinct areas (for instance, GDP is the dominant factor in Jiangxi). Inconsistent results of Zhan et al (2010b) show that population is the largest contributor driving land-use transition from cropland to built-up area in Jiangxi 1988-2005. Arable land protection policy, to certain extent, has limited the built-up growth. Moreover, our results have indicated that policy and socio-economic forces have shaped the decreasing cropland pattern in Jiangxi (1995-2005). Among all drivers, policy plays the most important role. The findings from modelling analysis in Jiangxi‟ land use also present the cropland loss (Wang et al., 2003b). Different results of Zhan et al (2010b) show that population is a predominant factor driving the cropland transition at counties level in Jiangxi over the period 1988 to 2005, while social and economic factors are determinant factors in the short term. Specifically, the size of agricultural population and the amplitude of agricultural input determine the agricultural production to a large extent; population size, plain area proportion at counties and land manag-ement policies together affect the direction and amplitude of transition between cropland land and built-up area. The downward trend of cropland use is consistent with the other areas in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei and Guangdong (Ding et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2003; 126 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Liu et al., 2008; Qiao et al., 2009; Tan et al., 2005a; Xu et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2007). However, the drivers are in regional disparity. Zhu et al (2007) have exhibited that the reduction of intensification contributed most to the cropland loss. The importance of grain production to farmers is decreasing. Farmer‟s pursuance has shifted from maximizing the output of land to maximizing the income of labor force with the development of market economy. The input of cultivated land, expense and labor in grain production is reduced, thus decreasing cropland. Liu et al. (2003) assumed that built-up expansion was the key factor for cropland transition. Even though there are relative items to protect cropland in the land management law of China, the conspicuous conflicts also exist between cropland protection and urban expansion. There are two novel facets of this study. Firstly, an integrative approach with quantitative policy impact involving remote sensing, GIS and regression analysis is applied to analyse the causes of land use change in Jiangxi. Secondly, EC, the share of income spent on food, is used as one of the socio-economic indicators affecting land use change. To my main research question, we connect patterns of economic growth (GDP, GDPS and GDPT) and EC with land, which are explored in the context of built-up land initiatives. The promising finding is EC is a strong factor driving built-up land transition. EC has never been used for the estimation of driving forces of land use change in Jiangxi, also seldom in China. The expenditure on food consumption was the major part of urban and rural inhabitant income in the former. However, the expenditure structure has been altered accompanying as per capita income grows. The demand for non-agricultural goods and services increases faster than demand for agricultural products; this leads to a dramatic change in the structure of economic activity and a true structural transformation. Higher non-food expenditures usually mean higher purchasing power. This increase in purchasing power is usually reflected in increasing demands of non-food items such as cars, houses, household goods, recreation, and travel. To satisfy the higher life demands, the production of all these products and services exert stresses on built-up land in the form of housing, sprawl and public infrastructure and facilities and so on. The change of EC is intimately associated with the shift in economic structure from agricultural production to industry and, to a 127 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China greater extent, services (Nelson et al., 2006). Therefore, EC should be included in the analysis of drivers of land use change, particularly in built-up land. Integrative method has shown that the interactions of policy, regional economy and rural population have shaped cropland use patterns in Jiangxi 1995-2005. Contrasting results have indicated different driving mechanism. By the calculation of correlation coefficient and principal component analysis, Deng et al. (2006) found population and economy contributed most to the cropland transition rather than policy impact for the period 1996-2004. But multicollinearity of driving forces may raise question to this conclusion. Similarly, Zhan et al. (2010a) indicated population was the strongest forces in Jiangxi‟ cropland use change 1988-2005. Socio-economic data for land use change stem from surveying statistical data on county scale. The uncertain facet exists in the process of spatialization of socio-economic data from county scale to 1KM grid. In agreement with our finding, Wu et al. (2008) also reported the policy was the largest driver of cropland change in Jiangxi 1985-2005 but policy was used as statistical analysis interpretation without objective quantitative assessment. Biophysical, socio-economic, and political systems are interacting in complex ways to drive land use dynamics at various spatiotemporal scales. Due to the great uncertainties of the dynamics, multi-methods have to be combined to understand the temporal trajectory and spatial imprint of land use change. Simple quantitative (statistical) analysis, qualitative (policy) assessment or remote sensing detection is not enough. The integrative analysis begins with a policy review that is conducted to guide policy research design. Secondly, the acquisition of land use data is realized through remote sensing analysis. Remote sensing-based data on land use may have higher accuracy than statistical data on land use changes. Thirdly, we relate the land use change data with biophysical and socio-economic data at county scale and the multiple and categorical regression analyses are made to examine how the policy affects cropland and built-up land transition and how biophysical and socio-economic factors interact with each other to drive land use changes with the status of policy implementation at different county. Spatial interactions between land use change and its drivers can be discernible supported by GIS visualization in the 128 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China form of interactive and synthetic data analyses. The thematic maps of spatial relationships between cropland (built-up land) transition and its corresponding driving forces (Fig. 4.6 and 4.7) help to understand and clarify the extent and direction of their interactions. By the application of this integrative approach, explicit and key findings are obtained for the better understanding of the interactions and feedback of human-land systems. Further, our results are lack of the analysis of fine temporal resolution of land use dynamics due to limited schedule. The LULC needs more accurate ground truth verification. In addition, attention has to be paid to the policy study using informatics and statistical methods. Mathematical modelling is often developed to obtain a preliminary examination of complicated social issues or policy impacts (Batty, 1997). However, society is a complexity and policies can be seldom explained simply by modelling (Odum, 1997). A full appreciation of what is going on must be matched by enhanced understanding of physical and anthropogenic causes (Xie et al., 2005). Notwithstanding its limitation, this study does suggest the driving mechanism of cropland and built-up land in Jiangxi 1995-2005. Our study helps to navigate a transition toward more efficient land use, through varying combinations of strategies in Jiangxi. Appropriate land use policy can reconcile the demand for land with environmental protection. The information provided by the land-use analysis ultimately helps to tailor policies and plans for better land management. Our study gives the following suggestions: (1) The land use research on microscopic level, especially household level, is seldom carried out in China. Farmers are the decision-maker, and their strategies have a direct impact on land use change. The studies on this level are therefore indispensable. (2) Globalization brings new opportunity and challenge for regional development. Thus, the impact of global trade should not be neglected in future study of regional land use change. (3) Systematical land-use change study generally encompasses the following facets: change detect, driving forces analysis, global change impact on land-use change, modelling and simulation on the land-use change, and biogeochemical process affected by land-use change, etc. To date, we have analysed 129 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China the impact of biophysical factors and anthropogenic social and economic activities on land-use change at regional scales. Also we have examined the influinfluence of land use/land cover change on climate change as a case study of Jiangxi. In future, we need to study deeply the effect of land-use change on life material‟s physical, chemical and biological processes, and finally to model and prognosticate regional land use change. 4.5 Conclusions Cropland transition in Jiangxi has been achieved through multiple interacting mechanisms including the socio-economic forces (TIRI, GDPP, and R-POP) and policy as the proximate factors and biophysical factor (flood) as the underlying cause. The pathways leading to built-up land transition rely to various degrees and combinations on the socio-economic factors, GDP, GDPS, GDPT and EC. 130 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Tables Table 4.1 List of the selected biophysical and socio-economic factors affecting land use Abbreviation Description Unit T-POP R-POP Total population Rural population 10 thousand individual 10 thousand individual GDP GDPP GDPS GDPT TRSCG MP Gross domestic product value Gross product value-added of primary industry Gross product value-added of secondary industry Gross product value-added of tertiary industry Total retail sales of consumer goods Total output of meat production 10 thousand Chinese Yuan 10 thousand Chinese Yuan 10 thousand Chinese Yuan 10 thousand Chinese Yuan 10 thousand Chinese Yuan Ton TIRI EC SAT ELE Total income of rural inhabitants Engel‟s coefficient Surface air temperature Elevation Chinese Yuan Degree Meter 131 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Table 4.2 Change matrix of each land use type and transition rates in 1995 and 2005 2005 land use (hectare) WB FR CR GR BL BUL 1995 Total 1995 land use (hectare) WB FR CR GR BL BUL 2005 Total 345911.7 9200.4 142374.6 2649.4 72121.2 45748.0 618005.5 64948.9 6059949.1 1323486.9 835334.6 32811.0 111817.2 8428347.9 68415.2 1040025.3 4223791.5 383512.4 253628.4 273861.0 6243233.9 2640.2 376558.6 137226.2 307646.0 9815.6 5752.3 839639.1 2910.4 4473.2 55169.1 4029.4 24789.6 3113.1 94485.1 63889.1 49377.7 192933.2 4684.4 12329.4 111227.4 434441.5 548715.6 7539584.5 6074981.7 1537856.3 405495.4 551519.3 16658153.1 1995-2005 Transition rate (%) -1.3 -1.2 -0.3 6.9 17.6 2.7 WB = Water Body, FR = Forest, CR = Cropland, GR = Grassland, BL = Barren Land, BUL = Built-up Land. 132 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Table 4.3 Annual change rates of biophysical and socio-economic indicators Factors Change rate 1995-2005 T-POP R-POP GDP GDPP GDPS 0.0113 0.0124 0.1526 0.2051 0.4041 GDPT TRSCG MP TIRI EC SAT ELE 0.2939 0.1303 0.0064 0.0924 0.0035 0.2210 0.0000 T-POP = Total population R-POP = Rural population GDP = Gross domestic product value GDPP = Gross product value-added of primary industry GDPS = Gross product value-added of secondary industry GDPT = Gross product value-added of tertiary industry TRSCG = Total retail sales of consumer goods MP = Total output of meat production TIRI = Total income of rural inhabitants EC = Engel‟s Coefficient SAT = Surface air temperature ELE = Elevation 133 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Table 4.4 Summary for regression models of cropland with explanatory variable, POLICY (1995-2005) R2 Adjusted R2 Std. error of the estimate 1 2 3 a 0.744 0.846b 0.881c 0.553 0.716 0.776 0.548 0.710 0.768 0.02572 0.02061 0.01842 4 0.920d 0.847 0.840 0.01532 Model R a Predictors: (Constant), TIRI Predictors: (Constant), TIRI, GDPP c Predictors: (Constant), TIRI, GDPP, R-POP d Predictors: (Constant), TIRI, GDPP, R-POP, POLICY b Table 4.5 Coefficients for the final regression model of cropland (1995-2005)b b Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta (Constant) -0.061 0.010 -5.865 0 POLICY -0.031 0.005 -0.401 -6.206 0 GDPP 0.291 0.045 0.350 6.519 0 TIRI 0.177 0.053 0.203 3.320 0.001 R-POP 0.331 0.103 0.169 3.199 0.002 Dependent Variable: Cropland 134 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Table 4.6 Summary for regression models of built-up land (1995-2005) R2 Adjusted R2 Std. error of the estimate 1 2 a 0.751 0.843b 0.564 0.711 0.559 0.704 0.02245 0.01839 3 4 0.871c 0.882d 0.759 0.778 0.750 0.767 0.01689 0.01633 Model R a Predictors: (Constant), GDP Predictors: (Constant), GDP, GDPT c Predictors: (Constant), GDP, GDPT, EC d Predictors: (Constant), GDP, GDPT, EC, GDPS b Table 4.7 Coefficients for the final regression model of built-up land (1995-2005)a (Constant) GDP EC GDPT GDPS a Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta -0.009 0.431 -0.032 0.302 0.181 0.013 0.064 0.012 0.052 0.043 0.460 -0.144 0.372 0.270 Dependent Variable: Built-up land 135 t Sig. -0.694 6.734 -2.625 5.871 4.249 0.489 0 0.010 0 0 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Figures Figure 4.1 Integrated method for studying driving forces of LULC changes 136 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 4.2 Change pattern of cropland in Jiangxi in 1995 and 2005 Figure 4.3 Change pattern of built-up land in Jiangxi in 1995 and 2005 137 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 4.4 Land use and land cover map of Jiangxi in 1995 and 2005 138 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 4.5 Spatial patterns of cropland transition and driving factors (1995-2005). (The left upper is the thematic map of cropland transition rate and the right upper is the thematic map of rural population (R-POP) change rate. The left bottom is the thematic map of gross product value-added of primary industry (GDPP) change rate and the right bottom is the thematic map of rural income (TIRI) change rate. 139 4. Driving forces of regional cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi Province, China Figure 4.6 Spatial patterns of built-up land transition and driving factors (1995-2005). (The upper is the thematic map of built-up land transition rate. The left middle is the thematic map of gross domestic product value (GDP) change rate and the right middle is the thematic map of gross product value-added of tertiary industry (GDPT) change rate. The left bottom is the thematic map of gross product value-added of secondary industry (GDPS) change rate and the right bottom is the thematic map of Engel‟s coefficient (EC) change rate. 140 5. Conclusions 5 Conclusions The objective of our study is to assess the impacts of LULC change on climate change and to investigate the driving forces of cropland and built-up land transition on regional scale. Jiangxi province China is used as the study site. First, to obtain reliable climate data, homogenization is applied in monthly mean temperature and precipitation totals over Jiangxi for the period of 1951-2000. The non-homogeneity types, causes, amplitudes and timings are discussed. Further, spatiotemporal patterns of seasonal and annual mean temperature and precipitation are described. The climate trends computed from GHCN datasets and from our analysis are also compared. Second, to examine the impact of LULC change on the variations of regional temperature and precipitation, we analysed the observation and reanalysis trends of decadal and monthly temperature and precipitation anomaly over Jiangxi and examine the sensitivity of surface temperature/precipitation to land surface type by using OMR trends as a function of land surface types (derived from AVHRR NDVI) integrating regional topographic characteristics. Third, to identify the key drivers of cropland and built-up land transition in Jiangxi for the period 1995-2005, an integrative process with quantitative policy effect involving remote sensing, GIS and statistical techniques is used. How the biophysical, socio-economic and policy driving forces affect land use transition is also analysed. Results indicate that the adjusted monthly temperatures have smoothed the warming effect, particularly in winter. The spatial cooling effect in summer is exaggerated by unadjusted data. Further, the comparison between GHCN and our analysis on adjusted monthly temperatures indicates that the resulting climate trend varies slightly from datasets to datasets. The series of precipitation are detected to be homogeneous and a wetting trend is revealed. The spatial patterns of spring and summer wetting are in good agreement with the trends of spring and summer cooling. A feature of warming winter versus cooling summer and spring drying versus summer wetting is revealed. Poyang Lake watershed is the centre of summer cooling. Our findings present that OMR approach is effective to examine the trends of temperature and precipitation driven by the impact of regional land141 5. Conclusions cover types. OMR trends associated with land types show that strong surface warming response to land barrenness and weak warming response to land greenness. OMR trends of precipitation are insensitive to different land-surface types both incorporating and removing regional topographic characteristics. Moreover, our findings indicate 81.1% of the surface warming over vegetation index areas (0~0.2) attributes to the LULC change incorporating regional topographic characteristics, whereas 49.1% explanation level over the same land cover type is shown without regional topographic characteristics into regression assessment. The contribution capability of LULC change decreases as land cover greenness increases, both under the condition of incorporating and removing regional topographic characteristics. We find that the socio-economic forces (TIRI, GDPP, and R-POP) and policy are the proximate factors influencing cropland transition and biophysical factor (flood) is the underlying cause. The built-up land transition is caused by mutual interactions of the socio-economic factors, GDP, GDPS, GDPT and EC. 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