THE SANv; FRANO^ 2 TAFT WfllIf PIIAN ANSWERS ' Newton J: THarp Dies in NOTED OREGONIAN lAWiffR REGAINS HIS HEALTH CAIHOUN' S j York New of .Pneumonia NECESSARY USE EXTREME FORCE Has Recently Become Converted to Cooper's New -Theory" Attempt to Impugn Motives Jn Graft Prosecution Fails to - OHaKC WlluCaa Zelaya Will Find That He Can Not TriflrWith United/ uiulVu O'CONNOK, MOFFATT <®> CO. About;Stomach ' . \u25a0* \. \*' Hon. S. B. Herman Says South Has [Made AVell Man of Him ,_ Opposition to Trolley System Shown to Be for Benefit of San Francisco ' ' \u25a0." of Special Importance Are to Be Fpui\d in Each of ' Our Departments Suits— sls^oo Tailorec! special -This is a line df sood' values in small sizes for extra girls, misses and small women. Fulhtailored, perfectly finished are all wool m fancy, -and lined with fancy taffeta. Materials. colorings. \u25a0 Agreement to Refrain From Wars of Invasion to Be Enforced \u25a0j.The 'Hon. .SchiUer; B. ;Herman,^dis- Continued From Paare 1 he cried, turning to the court, "and this testimony has been brought in here to defame hfsiiame. We have thrown down the bars and invited a full investigation of every matter which the dean American citizen were hot in- fense desires to go into. We have fringed and costly cablegrams bur- made no objections and we arV willing to allow a fuirinvestiiration of everythe, \u25a0 tingnished statesman and legislator, of Portland, "Ore.', who has been visiting In this city for some 'time, is among those who are strongly in favor; over T, ; Coocer : in "the:,: discussion — . Moisant into Phelan Explains Actions els or his motives in any way./ 'Then, if not that, state what your Sam stepped in and forced the Central American republics purpose is in bringing up these- matters," challenged Heney. Rogers made 'to sign the peace agreement Honduras no answer. ; Zewas under tlie thumb of President Phelan explained his connection with the Municipal street railways company laya. As a reward for John Moisant's on examination yesterday mornfervices ZcJaya is said to have pro- He said that he was an lncorporMoisant, for Alfred John's Rudolph cured ator with Claus Spreckels, and brother, a banking concession in Hon- Spreckelß, Charles P. -Wheeler George and r*>at $75,000 to Whittell the articlen was to pay duras. Moisant of incorporation were filed the day.bePresident Davilla for the concession. fore the flre. This was after Calhoun Instead of doing this, however, he had refused to confer any further In rebought from former President Policar- gard to an 'underground conduit system pio Bonilla a claim against Honduras. and Had announced his Intention of goThe claim was for $75,000. but Moisant ing ahead with plans for an overhead He pre- trolley system- throughout the city. got it for considerably less. sented Davilla with the settled claim In Phelan said that he was invited to Join the company, as a stdck holder after the payment for the banking concession. Daviila promptly canceled the conces-\ original plans had been made and that f=ion and now Alfred Moisant Is said to he had not taken an active interest in ho suing Honduras for $200,000 dam- the arrangement of details. ages for the infringement of his rights Test for Conduit System *s an American citizen. "J went into the company because I stood firmly for the underground conSANTA ROSA WITNESSES duit system and wanted to see it in PRETTY CHURCH WEDDING operation here," said the witness.- "if late Newton J. Tharp, city architect of 'ISan Francisco. we could ha\*e gone ahead and proved the people wanted the conduit sysMarriage Unites Old and Promi- that tem here, that it was feasible and that this city, and on the death of the latter; perfected the plans for the present nent Sonoma County Families poßsibly IX could have been made to pay, ferry building. :He became the senior our purpose would have been served. [Spcci:* Dispatch to The Call] It was the 1»eI resort. We had negotimember of the firm of Tharp & Holmes and, designed; the Dewey monument: in .SANTA ROSA, May 12. The wedding ated in a friendly ."way for montlis. square,: as well as the Grant Union^ «f Miss Harriet Porcher Smith and Wil- Then Mr. Caihoun refused to treat with building, the Sloane building, the Whitus and I saw the, fruits of our endeavliam I". Ciewe, took place :this evening ors being lost. Moreover, I tier residence, believed the beautiful Martin at the Church of the Incarnation with that home-in Ross Walley and other' well Mr. Calhoun had negotiated with the rector. Rev. George T. Baker, as- the city administration." known structures. He -became city sisted by" Rev. G. Marshall Cutting of In another reply to a similar quesarchitect in October, 1907, and planned .San liaf.u-1, officiating. The bride was all of the new municipal structures attended by her sister. Miss Mary Smith, tion. Phelan said that the object of the now. under course of erection. as maid of honor, and Miss Doris Clewe, incorporators of the Municipal road was to Tharp was one of the most .tfeioved questions concerning answer all sistT of the groom, and Miss Harriet tho I*. Smith, a oousin of the bride, as underground conduit road by actually members of,, the/- Bohemian club.'o.f bridesmaids. The bride was given into putting one in operation. which hewasj a^prominent member. He the keeping of her husband by her Phelan was willing to risk money in acted as .sire -of tha. midsummer Jinks trother, Temple Smith. Ernest Clewe the proposition*, he said, althougu there of -190 4, when the "Quest of the Gorattended Ills brother as best man. gc/n"^was the theme. He was also-a doubt whether It could be The wedding unites two of the old- was somepay member of the American Institute of because th# outlet at the ConHaned. from" Paste 1 est and most prominent families In made to architects? and ;a "director of :the 'San Sonoma county. The bride is the foot of Market street would be closed daughter of Mrs. R. P. Smith of this by the existence of the two distinct Tharp, *received Saturday night, which Francisco art/institute. . «... "; city ami is one of the most popular franchises held by,the United Railroads -. read: girls of th<; City of Roses. company, to'prenames under distinct Cl«*wp Is th«» son of Mrs. F. Clewe \u0084"Have been slightly ill. but will be WIDOW AND vent competition. This desire to secure «>f Sonoma and a prominent business an underground conduit the, all right tomorrow. Do not mind road and GET H.S. GIRD ESTATE of th«» historic old Sonoma town. man • letter." Williajii H. Upton, a prominent mer- certainty that CalhOun's plans for an Laurence's overhead system granted, be' would bechant of this <-ity today claimed as his The letter referred to wjjs written bride Jlis* Eudora Hardin. daughter of cause the board was venal and corMarriage Ceremony Lacking, the late Csionel A. J. Hardin, a Nevada rupt, were the chief factors, Phelan ex- by his son, and stated .that Tharp .was attle king, at the home of her mother plained, in .molding his decision to join very 111. The .first warning of real but Parentage Proved in Court in this city. The ceremony was simple the new company. danger came Tuesday evening in a ,SANTA ROSA, May 12.— A jury in and only members of the family were Testimony was brought out by Heney telegram from Ernest Pe^xotto of 'this present. Rev. Francis A. Downs, pas- showing superior, court here; today returned tho openly that Schmltz Mayor^ tor of tb^ Methodist Episcopal church, his approval of the plan for city, but now in New York, to his a verdict in favor of Mrs., Alice Benscuth. officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Upton announced competing railway street when it brother, Edgar Peixotto,- well known nett, and her jtwo children, Stephen . and left on the afternoon train for San a was first publicly given out Uiat such Francisco enroute. lifelong friend of Nellie, in a contest against Richard S. a road would be built and that Cal- local attorney and Gird,- administrator of the^estate of -the houn had already broken oft all nego- Thiarp. V" :"s ; late Henry S. Gird toidetermine heirTAFT PROVES VICTOR tiations and declared his intention of ship. ;".\u25a0.-\u25a0 , -\u25a0- . , : . •;,,.\u25a0\u25a0.. -, .-. ;:. Widow Is Overcome completing plans IN FAST GOLF for an troltestimony GAME overhead Recording to brought out ' Tharp was 'told' -that herhusband ley system, throughout city. Mrs. at thetrial of y/hich the. the. case . has been was seriously ill and was preparing to in ;; progress here r.for several weeks. Remarkable Drive by President Defense. Granted Latitude Gird and Mrs. Bennett had lived as man go to him yesterday, when- messages any, Heney freely allowed the defense to announcing his- death* were, received and wife for many years without Wins Experts' Applause ceremony ana ;the * two' chila mass of newspaper articles simultaneously \u25a0at the office of the marriage WASHINGTON, May 12.—With-vic- introduce .objection, dren, were the -result of the without but when, .he en- board of supervisors and by Edgar Peix- ship.' Many witnesses testifiedrelationto the tory perched on his ,gx>lf stick Presi- deavored to do "the same -thing: on ref otto. The shock proved too \u25a0 muoh tor fact that Gird Ihad frequently admitted examination he was. met > by a the widow's strengthrand shexollapsed. -his,; parentage. death Richard, dent Taft returned late today from.the direct At Gird constantly . by. her siscame here from" the south -and secured Chevy Chase club links. Taking Wal- positive refusal on the part. of. the She is defense to permit the showing to be ter, "Mrs.. E.M^Polnemus o£ Los An- letters of :administration, on: the estate Travis, J. -..' • ; owing ter the former national ami made. to the fact, that geles, who is here 'on a~.visit. a brother " .'••he was , international champion for. Wls partner, .'\u25a0 .• ..: ; Flags-were lowered to: half maat on of deceased.' Rogers attacked Phelari" on cros<3 ex' the president helped defeat, by a score amination with a theory which Heney/ all;municipal"buildings as; soon; as the "As the result; of the decision "by the pury will, tho -widowand up. opposing of I children inteam, composed quickly turned into an absurdity. Rog-' news', reached sherer, as well \u25a0'\u25a0 as at the the • herit the estate. ; Ouring the first seven holes of play of ers called attention to a charter, pro- Bohemian club. Grief and: astonish• ; General Clarence K. Edwards, chief of vision which prohibits a city official ment were expressea oh all WILIi.CONTEST IX FIELD DAT the insular bureau of the war depart- or employe from purchasing an interEdgar Peixotto, at the vvr request -of ment, and Oden Hort«mann.- crack [Special Dispatch to The Call}/ est in any franchise or public service Mrs.^ Tharp,,lt9Ok charge^;yesterdayjof player, of the Chevy Chase* club. Horts- corporation anß to another provision the disposition: of "the remains. V It;was . SANTA RdSA?May: 12.—The nrst anmann's place was taken after the sev- which gives a former mayor the right decided last; night to. have 'the :body nual v field;day, «bf -the; Sorioma-Napaenth hole by Captain Butt. to sit as a member of the board of su- cremated in'.*New.JYork, and" have'the Solano. amateur athletic league will( be Thp feature of the game was a reSaturday, '.when . the teams pervisors and participate in discus^ ashes: brought rhome^ . .r *;. v . v from high schools in Santa' Rosa, Semarkable drive made by the president, sions after he has.left office. He then Newton' J.^Tharp was born ;In Peta- bastopol, Napa, St. -Helena* and'.Valwho, on the eighteenth hole, led with demanded to ;know if Phelan had con- luma 42 years ago," and was one'of eight lejoiwillfor,supremacy on ,the a long, straight drive to within three sidered this when he joined, in"incor- children. -'He^ spent his early years in track;and contest field. The.meetwill beheld feet of the home green hole. Hundreds porating a street railway company, at- that . town. \u25a0)' and :. was- a- playmate -of on the ; , track of i . Santa ; Rosa stock of members of the club, who were gath- tempting to farm,- and as. the the best athletes *In the provision Luther Burbank, -the renowned\scientshow that the ' gr«en, ered around the home coast counties/are t enrolled in these applauded of the charter prohibiting such a thing his-, \to;Chi'During youth went lie . ist. schools new \records' are" expected. the president's extraordinary play. would apply to Phelan as former may- cago, where c he," took up the ' study of At the seventeenth hole the presi- or and ex ofllcio member of thOoard architecture -and-' painting. Later vhe I VETEBAH NEWSPAPEKMAN \ DEAD—Log dent and Travis were 2up, but General of supervisors. went ,to;- Paris, vlwhere he; attended" the Angeles, May 12.'—LV T. Kl»her,: for :more than Edwards and Captain Butt won the years ; "-'of 'Beaux Arts. trav30 'Having a newspaperman of \u25a0; note-\u25a0; \u25a0in southern institute rlghteenth hole, making the score 1 up Phelan's Relation to City '>' Callfornla,;__<Hpd nt" the :: Clara Barton hosre eled In "Europe for two years he.V ; Jn favor of the president and Travis. nltal this Fisher was" 82 yearg old applies "Do you think that to you turned .to tthej United 'arid.prac : and" had rinomlnsr. bm»' ,ln .poor health for ; The total individual score of Travis now?" demanded Heney of the witness. ticed liisrprofession aiiVan architect -"I n " :-': '; '\u25a0 \u25a0;'.• .-.\u25a0"• „ months/ . '-..'-\u25a0 several was 74 and that of Taft 92. "I don't know. I'm, not a 'lawyer," New. -York \and' Chica'gq,^ but decided -to ' ' answered Pheiari. "I prefer not. to- at^ settle in San Francisco . in i188 9.' '*: : \Tharp tempt to construe the charter." MANY BRIGHT \wasl:married ;\u25a0 to"; Miss Laura the charter provides for only*" Hanna In Los \u25a0i. n. June, 1592, IN REDWOOD FOR MAY IS"But it?" supervisors, by her and, their young doesn't asked an~d Is survived ;r Heney. .' . ": '.' .:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"-«.\u25a0"\u25a0' son.^. ; Santa Clara College Publication :- "Yes."are'..; of them, "You not arc you?" Well. Knowrias Architect , Is Very Attractive "No." .The 'deceased architect^was* first em"And you haven't any" ployed by .the "late Edward, iR.'. Swain jin The May number of the Redwood, the "No." •. .;/college Santa Clara publication, is an any salary from "And you don't draw " ' attractive magazine with an interesting ~ the city?" arrangement of ifiction and college . "No." -'\u25a0 ; news. The book is well printed in "And you can't resign from anyUntil Uncle OffICIAIS MOURN DEATH OF COLLEAGUE - of City's Architect Will Be Cremated and Ashes Brought Here Remains - *' CHILDREN • -— , \u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 - .-\u25a0 ? \u25a0 - l \u25a0 - \u25a0 — NUMBERS 1 \u25a0 - .\u25a0. \u25a0 * - - \u25a0 "*~*--:-.^' - NATIONAL Till'ADC - .— ••\u25a0 - . \u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0 520 Market \u25a0•»•«. W-w. After Years." The conclusion of the Chaucerian papers by Percy Pankhurst '08 h&s many things of interest on the Canterbury Tales. Maurice T. Dooling Jr. '09 has brightened the magazine with the poem. "Valedictory" and the short story "By the Same Door." There is a verse, "To a a 4* UVt £%i\f+ XT r! dl yXM, - Butterfly," by Albert Quevedo '12. The editorial, exchange, .library, alumni, college and athletic x departments are uqusually bright. •,'"'-.» Tsboe Commencing Sleeper ' May 14. train No. 6. leav- - — - LOS ANGELES. May 12.— Action for criminal was begun here today against State Senator William H. jSavage" of San' :Pedro by Thomas A. Gibbon,,editor'of the Los Angeles Herald. The charge is based on statements made •by Senatpr Savage in .the state senate during the session of last February. \u25a0;\u25a0 -.' . •.-.'...' .'\u25a0 \::.\u25a0 'Senator Savage, it is alleged, accused Gibbons of- having , sold secrets and robbed the Salt Lake railroad company in right of way purchases while he was attorney for. the road. Senator Savage also is alleged to have made statements involving Gibbon in a fraudulent deal in the matter of the failure/of the City bank. Newspaper \u25a0 ollK ollltS \u25a0 •- - . \u25a0 "'" -~ - 1 - — T Price - // The 'unusual values of_. fered in these suits can not // i be duplicated in retail stores yWjrfl ~^^~%^^!WJkji jf%a4 for double the price we askf Ten different styles, strictly r-^' plain tailored and semi-fitted *^**«%,t ffAjipiP'ijr, coat effects. Made of hig^i \^>^^^''y^/\^'\ w.i K grade, luster finished taffeta, 11 lined :with peau de cygnes; |t ' - - llKi\\\\\«NjS 1 Also rajah -silks, skirts ? x plain gored, panel fronts. y jj FUNERAL OF MRS. TAYLOR TO BE HELD THURSDAY f£*\^ " Alourn Passing 'of Prominent Churchwoman f/li^lfl \ tea//iif^li '^W/ mwWffi JuVlln <L-» — 1 OAKLAND, May, 12." Funeral services for Mrs. .Amanda J. ;Taylor, who for years was prominent In church and philanthropic work in this city, held.Thursday afternoon at 2:?0 o'clock at the residence, 60 Athol avenue.; Mrs. Taylor's death, which occurred^ yesterday,: was the occasion of deep grfef among not only;her immediate family but* of warm friends. VMr?. Taylor leaves a husband, John A. >V-«.ylor, "^^^^^ '\\vl^A%S^ \u25a0 and Ithree children— Charles H.*:T&..-*Jor, Frank J. Taylor, and Mrs. A. I*Doutirft. BUJLLKTI^B'uil!bl>'G, T«» ~ MARKET STKKfST WIXS GOL.F TOUR.VAME.NT. NEW" YORK, May 12.-^C. R. Dean, Harvard, despite a big impost.. won the semi-annual handicap 4 golf -tournament of; the -University club on;thelinks of the Nassau {country club at GlencoVe, IX. 1., today. George T.'Brokaw, Princeton; ,the only scratch man,^finished sixth. r There were 35 starters, the largest' number for;several ,seasons. ' REDUCED RATES COUPON, about REDUCED RATES to EastIfyou would like full information of travel, folders, etc., nil out and points, free illustrated ' books , to couppn -send this ; ci% NATIONAL &Kr3^ St.^§tj^^ TAT! ADC \u25a0* Suits $20 R. R. J & Rid Grande Denver Broadway, 1 Oakland 36 Powell \u25a0'- St, San Francisco, or 070 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-..•--.. •:- ADDRE55 \u25a0;'.\u25a0. c : ........ .'.". ....... . ........ IEXTRA PANTSl^tI \u25a0 ' . If you have never before 'tried Himya&£ Janos Best Natural' "'• Laxative Water • ' -•' ;v, : "-J FOR'7 N} AT l O ' ' • NST IP .Try'it now A»t your physician j . ..:,'.\u25a0, \u25a0'.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -; .. - "./.•.--- •..- \u25a0 --\u25a0 '-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 '-; . . i \u25a0 - [ Worth $35.00 to $45.00 TACOMA. Wash., May 12.—Suit for $20,000 damages was begun here today by the Times against the Tribune for alleged libeL Both are penny evening papers. The Tribune, printed a story Monday .* to the 'effect that the .Times had ;been .bought by S. A. .Perkins, owner of the News and- Ledger. The Times alleges that this publication was designed- to -injure its standing ias an independent paper. f / il f^wlcs f^^ i\ // The Sensational Sale of the Season Sues Newspaper Many I;'Friends ji||§|^ v Sample \ other date* later 31 f ln Jnne j and return NEW YORK ai T CHICAGO and return •„„,, Sep!'H"5° / «-^ Aucßut, I and return .'. ST. LOUIS *«7-"U> tnnbrr } , MISSOURI RIVER POINTS and return...... 3lay 15, 16, 17, IS—DENVER and COLORADO SPRINGS and return. $33.00 •\u25a0 . i-"^ Phone Douglas 591 3lay 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 1 ing Market street ferry depot at 6-20 p. ra..-daily.. will carry Standard sleeper between San Francisco and Truckee for tli#rbene*H of patrons desiring to spend midst of his dessertatlon. • summer outings at Lake Tahoe. Ad- ;\u25a0' "I*\u25a0.'\u25a0 that all necessary, to your\obdress agents Southern PaciSc. Ticket jection?" he asked V sharply. building. offices: Flood Market street ? "If, illustrates the 'objection," began ' ferry depot. Thirteenth; and -Franklin „\u25a0-'.' -. ' •' :" . -;/ . Vv-?• Moore. Btreots, Oakland. . .' does not "It illustrate the objection :returned the', courts ','lt illusall," TO BTTILD SMELTEE AT WALKER T.ATT* at^ GoMfieW. ;N>r.; May 12.— Word has hfen r*. tratesisomethlng else,; however."' ••Mred from I- L. Pa.trlclt, In New York."*-"of U-^'trea,*!., t answered Heney, ;\u25a0 addressing arrangements the Coal ; for 'tbe erection ";of a himself to Moore, "it; illustrates that 500 ton stnHtM- at Wajker lalcr. Tbe .financial you've'eh'arged ; and insinuated I malice arr!uijreni<«Dt» have b**n rompieted and? Patyears/.' for.', now"; that you've three ? and rick is «.n !ii« wa.r tmrfc to Goldfleld.' W."- B. got thechance are'' 'you Hamilton of the- First- nationals afraid. ' ' bank toTgo * has.been " tt * 'x * notified ; that -, be had been ;elected treaaurcr. into""it."'-" ".' X New Kearny Street* Entronce jfTS*^"~r- Los Angeles Journalist Sues State Senator W. H. Savage ; | 10c and 15c Yd for These are strictly new, high grade shirts, made O'Connor, Moffatt & Co. Extra quality materials ,shown in good selection of stripe patterns. Pleated bosoms, coat styles, Sizes 14 to 17. On display in Kearny Street attached cuffs. ' * , . '\u25a0 windows. . /_ EDITOR BRINGS. ACTION FOR CRIMINALLIBEL wfilch he voiced" - priced at d^ $1.50 Men's Shirts'— expressly - - . '' . ; this medicine." In speaking of Mr. Herman's state-Cooper Mr. said:. "I am espement cially glad to have helped Mr. Herman, first, because he is a prominenfman, and, secondly, because he was so hopeless about his condition when he talked to me. Experiences like his are the reason -for' my- success In San Francisco and elsewhere with my med-be at the Owl Drug icine. I shall company's * store, in the Phelan building, as usual each day until 1 leave , • San Francisco." . :.' an objection'jto«oneof Heney's questions. The :latter was Inquiring, about .the beginnings: of the graft prosecution and -had "drawn- from the witness a statement;, that "asVearly as February, 1506.V he had .'Joined hwith Rudolph Spreckels -in ;attempting;, to bring\Heney to San Francisco : for -the purpose; of prosecuting. Ruef.' ;Moore Interrupted -.with ;an ".objection, 1which he iurned into an argument,' bringing references to immunity,'; arid several in: other; matters of a kind- intended^to prejudice the Jury but having ?. no re; lation;to th e subject under discuss! on. ' ".'• Judge tlAwlor/ cut- him short In; the Special line of Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries and Insertions from 2 to 6 Regular 15c inche3 wjde and 20c qualities specially Suitings, Beautiful selection of seasonable all wool materials in r nea s ripe s \u25a0 heavy bond and is illuminated with thing, can you?" frequent illustrations. ':; \u25a0:-,/'. \u25a0•.- :'U' C. A. Degnan '11 has a poem of much '."No." "Well, Iguess that settles it." merit. "A May Shower,", and "Kid Lewis." a well told cowboy "story. There for Stanley Moore Is much human interest In the story "The Fulfillment," by J. Devereaux PeStanley Moore got a=. severe rebuke ters, post graduate. Desmond B. Galla- from' the court for the manner', in gher '12 has a clever little poem, "In Rebuke Embroideries Dress Goods '«•». . All Wool Summer rue than that it could bring a dead man back to life. Ireally don't: know, why bought it. It was like a drowning I man clutching at a' straw. ..."To makea long ntory short, it has been /. so astonishingly successful jln my case thaf Ican't bellev^ it mys<?lf. Today." I am enjoying a sound stomach and perfect: health for the first time in 20 years. Ican eat heartily,-without .the slightest inconvenience afterward. I',Have a fine appetite and. sleep well. I am no longer, moody arid dopressed and my nervousness has gone entirely., "Anyman who has chronic dyspepsia owes -it tp himself and family to try ""• - ' Corbet An extra special line of $20.00 hats in the very latest and Gainsborough shapes, richly and gracefully trimmed with ' ostrich plume and tips, messaline ribbon, maline and faced, with lace. Shown in white and black chip straw. Remarkable value at $12.00. See window display. . > . $2.00 Ostrich Trimmed Hats— sl 2.oo droop \u25a0 1 Ck»rsets for $2.00 A $3.00 Full lines of \ Nemo, Bon Ton and Lestelle. sateen; moreen and fancy stripe Percaline with "Heatherbloom" trimmings. . restored- my sible. . years . ; lhave health. It suffered with- nervpus dyspepsia. so "rbad that It forced me to; has .been : legislature: in 1896. reslgn from the ,": "Some ;time ago on my way .downtown I read this man.Cooper's statement-about what" his medicines' would do -for atomaoh -trouble.. , There was also an account of a man who said he had 'been rtlieved by the medicine I after 10 /years' chronic dyspepsia, was feeling wretchedly that morning, and Idecided that it. wouldn't hurt me went to, try the medicine, at 'least, so I to the store, saw Cooper and got some preparation. of his "I have seen leading physicians without number, both -in the west and In the east. They / have been unable to help me in the;l«"ast, and I no more believed, this Cooper medicine could help - Story of Banking Concession — . It has actually For the past 20 ' A. A. Moore with.bad grace answered custody. So far he has kept out of Heney's bitter charge by withdrawing the way. but It is believed that the his objection to the question which had now has him been asked, and Rogers arose to anAlbany's commander nounce in a short epeech that he >had where he ran lay hands on him. v no intention of attacking Claus Spreck' trip IT $1.00 accomplished has more, for me than Iever believed pos"My seasonable Light, * Underskirts ' of^L.* *ln said: changed its" however, after trying to blacken his however, Washington opinion and the Unitted States cruis- name, to endeavor to prevent us. from going into these questions." ers sent to the lower coast were all to take 'check* .patterns. ; Cooper and his medicines, which is at " present ; raging in.'San Francisco. .; v .'?; a recent interview, Mr.Herman, woes of Moisant thing concerning" Mr.. Claim .Spreckels* dened with passed between Washington and the life and business relations, as we; are of Rudolph .. Spreckels and Mr. Central American republic. Recently, tho!«e Phelan. It little becomes the defense, under orders \u25a0neat \u25a0-\u25a0- . ' . .\ Wortfi $5.00 to $?.00 »\u25a0---\u25a0 ' " "" """•- —-~^ '\u25a0\u25a0' •""• , "'....'.. , ;WJ W(V mad»iyio i;order in;<he lOT *:: Any]of our; Snl«i*re* worth ,ftrom^ I Bine «\u25a0 and Worsteds ;In 'beat iof. tailoring. Oar* jWe»t of England > *' ';\u25a0 choice Serpe » week ;. fancy I freaves alway* «ell ?tor 940. : xour for $20, fand ! ' :thIm ' r ; ; ',-\u25a0\u25a0 » free. remember, ' ; \ u 2 5 a 0 • ',.'.. i \u25a0:.'•'".'.'" extra' Pant* -. -.: '\u25a0\u25a0 i : \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 NATIONAL ipLQRS ? Get the Right Place 520 MARKET STREET. ... ,-\u25a0---..\u25a0._"- \u25a0\u25a0' . -Specialists^— Herbs .. "' .. • '. .' ....". ~ ' ','"- .. given .• \u25a0» and Remedies. the people up to Cure \u25a031e.r,N0 cutting, no poisonous. drugs. but over 3,000 Nature's herb remedies. 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