To inspire and educate young Canadians to experience free enterprise, understand business and economics, and develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills. OFFICIAL SPONSOR Mission To inspire and educate young Canadians to experience free enterprise, understand business and economics, and develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Vision We will be recognized as vital to the success of our youth in reaching their potential through partnership with business and educators in the nationwide delivery of relevant business learning experiences by inspired volunteers. Values Demonstrate trust and integrity in all that we do Respect youth and believe in their potential Believe in the free enterprise system and promote entrepreneurial ideals Encourage and promote volunteerism and volunteer leadership utilizing Canadian business experience Commit to performance excellence and continually improve all that we do Embrace collaborative and strategic alliances Demonstrate leadership and teamwork 2 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 Table of Contents OFFICIAL SPONSOR 4 Message from the President & CEO and Chairman of the Board 5 Message from The Chamber President & CEO 6 Greetings from the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives 7 Message from Vantis Credit Union 8 Students Reached 9 The JA Competitive Advantage 10 Program Delivery 11 Our Programs 13 Community Focused Programming 14 Special Events 16 Our Volunteers 21 Sponsors and Donors 24 Balance Sheet & Statement of Operations 26 JA Office Message from the President & CEO and Chairman of the Board Having completed my third year with Junior Achievement, I can honestly say that the experience at JA has continued to be an exciting, challenging, and all inspiring year with a large number of accomplishments and opportunities of what the future still holds. Junior Achievement Manitoba began the year with a talented team of individuals dedicated to delivering the best message to as many students as possible throughout the province. Junior Achievement has been present in Manitoba for fortythree years and over the years has grown from providing only the Company Program to our high school students to offering 5 programs in the 2005/06 school year to students ages 10-18. The over 7500 students who received our programs hailed from various communities throughout the province, over and above the larger urban centres – northern, rural, francophone and aboriginal students received the opportunity to learn business and economic essentials. The JAMB team worked extremely hard throughout the year – from expanding and 4 growing all of our programs to introducing new events and marketing initiatives to raise our profile and increase the awareness of JA programs with many key business sponsors. 2005/06 marked a year of rising to challenges and revitalizing the entrepreneurial spirit of the essence of what Junior Achievement programs stand for. Overall, 2005/06 was a successful year for JA programs where programs were successfully and efficiently delivered. Many new schools came on board, and over 280 volunteers supported JA Manitoba with approximately 4000 volunteer hours. A new partnership was formed with The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce that marks several milestones for Junior Achievement Manitoba. In December 2005, the JA Office moved back downtown after a 20 year absence to join the Chamber in the Paris Building. This new partnership will provide a synergistic relationship for both organizations as numerous opportunities are embarked upon to bring the Winnipeg Business Community and our Youth closer together. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 After 3 years on the JA Manitoba Board of Directors, and the past two as Chair, Paul Way leaves JA having made a significant impression with introducing a new Board Governance Model and succeeding at introducing new Board members to key positions. The leadership Paul Way has shown has allowed Junior Achievement to create new opportunities towards supporting our Northern and Rural Youth. As Paul and his family leaves Winnipeg for London, Ontario, he takes with him glorious memories that he and his family shared along with the many lasting business relationships he made. With everything in place as it is, 2006/07 looks to be a year of continued success towards engaging one another towards accomplishing what is most important – offering a positive impact on the lives of all Manitoba youth. After all…. “What if our kids ran the world….they will!” Thank you for your support. Lisa Grist, President & CEO Paul Way, Board Chairman Message from The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Today’s Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is not your father’s Chamber. We strongly believe The Chamber must reach out to young people and involve them in the decisions that are made today that will determine the kind of city they inherit tomorrow. The Chamber is all about challenging the status quo. Growth through youth is one of 10 key commitments in The Chamber’s three-year strategic plan, adopted in 2005. It was extremely exciting, therefore, to formally partner with Junior Achievement in January 2006. Not only do our two organizations share a common space, we share a common goal - to ensure that the more than 8,000 students involved in JA programs across the province recognize the opportunities that exist in the business community. It’s a winning relationship that will also foster a better understanding of The Chamber and its role. We look forward to working together in the coming year and to bring about more change. Dave Angus President & CEO The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Interested in becoming involved with Junior Achievement Manitoba? We always welcome new individuals for consideration as Program Volunteers, Student Mentors, Advisory Committee Members, Event Planning Committee Members, and Board Members. Please call the JA office at 956-6080. OFFICIAL SPONSOR Greetings from the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives The Manitoba government supports Junior Achievement, and has provided more then $1.7 million since 1993. This funding has gone to support the delivery of programming in rural and northern Manitoba that encourages youth to stay in school, learn life skills, and develop entrepreneurial skills. It is my pleasure to announce new provincial funds for another four years, which will provide Junior Achievement with a total of $420,000. Junior Achievement will utilize this money to prepare our youth for the future, ensuring they have a basic knowledge of 6 business, entrepreneurship and marketing – all skills that young people can apply to any career they choose. It has been said time and time again, and it still rings true, that one of this province’s greatest resource is its young people. villages across Manitoba. These are the unsung heroes who devote their own time and energy, usually after regular school and work hours, in order that they may pass along the value of their years of business experience to the next generation. Junior achievement is helping our youth by giving them the tools they will need, not only to survive, but to thrive – especially in the highly competitive world we live in today. On behalf of the Government of Manitoba, I wish you continued success with your program activities in rural and northen Manitoba. I want to thank the many volunteers who are on the front lines in our towns and Rosann Wowchuk Deputy Premier Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 Message from Vantis Credit Union Vantis Credit Union is one of Manitoba’s most successful financial service providers, offering members personalized service through our network of branches and convenient on-line banking services. Through Junior Achievement’s programs, Grade 5 - 12 students develop OFFICIAL SPONSOR entrepreneurial skills and leadership qualities. Not only do the students prosper but the volunteers who present JA programs share in the fulfillment of enriching both the students and the communities we live in. Vantis believes investing in today’s youth, helps them develop to become tomorrow’s leaders. As official sponsor of Junior Achievement of Manitoba, Vantis is helping create opportunities for our youth and their communities. Michel Audette President and CEO Vantis Credit Union Total Manitoba Students Reached in 2005–2006: 7,500 Junior Achievement programs provide our students with key learning’s that will encourage them to complete high school, understand the financial impacts of their decisions at an early age, and spur their interest in the world of Business and all of its opportunities. It is these programs that reflect our commitment to building strong leaders for Manitoba’s future. Elementary Program Business Basics 104 Classes 1755 Students 57 Classes 82 Classes 1731 Students 2460 Students Company Program – A Student Venture In School 10 Classes 114 Students Company Program – A Student Venture After School 10 Classes 230 Students JA Titan 20 Classes 363 Students World of Choices 1 Session 600 Students Vision Quest 1 Session 130 Students Middle Program Dollars with sense / Personal Economics Economics of Staying in School Secondary Program 8 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 JA Students Have the Competitive Advantage Even one exposure to a JA Program makes a difference! Students participating in JA programs have a greater comprehension of economics and business then their non-participating peers. According to a longitude study completed by independent evaluators in 2003, JA students had more positive attitudes and greater career Students Expressing Various Levels of Confidence in completing Post Secondary School 12% 14% Unco nfindent So mewhat Co nfindent 26% Fairly Co nfindent Very Co nfindent 48% Compared to students in General…. • JA students are more likely to attend post secondary institutions • JA students are more likely to select a business-related major • JA students take more personal responsibility for their behavior. • JA students have a more positive self-concept and higher self-esteem. Students Declaring Various Majors During Their First Year of Post Secondary School Humanities and Fine A rts So cial Sciences Co mpariso n B usiness JA Lo ngitudinal Sample Educatio n Other A pplied Fields 0 5 10 15 20 25 OFFICIAL SPONSOR Study: 2003 Worldwide Institute for Research and Evaluation (WIRE) Longitudinal Study Summary Program Delivery Junior Achievement Manitoba has the opportunity to work with numerous schools within the various regions and communities throughout the province. 10 Elementary Middle Senior Rural 35 39 15 Northern 36 52 2 Francophone 8 16 1 Urban Programs 26 44 27 132 Schools 7496 Students 300 Classes 200 Volunteers JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 Our Programs Junior Achievement offers a positive impact on the lives of Manitoba students through quality business and finance programs that contribute to the life skills they need to succeed. JA Manitoba is proud to offer programs in both official languages in many urban centers and rural communities throughout the province. Elementary School Learning Experiences for Grades 5 – 6 Middle School – Learning Experiences for Grades 7 – 9 Business Basics Our Business Basics program has been widely received by our grade 5 and 6 students in many schools throughout the province. This dynamic program not only introduces the students to the essential components of business, but also encourages the students to ask questions and look at the business world around them with a critical eye as a future consumer. Dollars with Sense Learning about credit and saving money and the potential for growth by investing early, is a sure win formula in positioning our students with the life skills for the future. As this program increase in popularity amongst the students and teachers, the opportunity to impact our future generation of investment savvy adults is insurmountable. Key Sponsors: Investors Group The Great West Life Assurance Company Key Sponsors: Investors Group Peter D. Currie Grant OFFICIAL SPONSOR Economics of Staying in School (ESIS) 2005-2006 marked the twelfth year of the Economics of Staying in School as a one day Symposium at the Red River College – Notre Dame Campus reaching to date over 10,000 students. This program offers the value of staying in school by having students envision the lifestyle they want versus simply hearing they should staying in school. The French Version of ESIS, the third annual Les etudes: un choix economique (LEUCE) event was also run as a one day symposium at Red River College students from Winnipeg, rural Francophone School divisions attend this event. Key Sponsors: Manitoba Public Insurance Vantis Credit Union TD Waterhouse GE Canada Elfun Foundation The Great West Life Assurance Company Peter D. Currie Grant Senior School – Learning Experience for Grades 9 – 12 support and offer advice on the creation of business and watch how the venture really performs. proved to be a welcomed and unique challenge to all those involved. Thank you to all of our sponsors who made the Company Program – A Student Venture a huge success. This program is delivered as an in school or as an after school program, where the students learn various aspects of running a business in a format that is fun and productive. The after school program provided the experience to 9 different groups throughout Winnipeg. The Companies were officially launched in November with the Meeting Minds reception sponsored by Custom House Currency Exchange. They developed a business concept, a business plan, produced products, sold products through trade fairs and personal selling, and finally liquidated the company and paid off their shareholders. True business strategies were developed to assist the organizations on all fronts – human resources, marketing, production, and finance. The in school program is delivered by allowing the students to operate a classroom run business throughout a 10-12 week period. Volunteers from the community are invited to The 20-week program concluded with the Future Unlimited Banquet in April 2006, where awards were presented. In March the 2nd annual Investors Group Sales Competition was held and Company Program: A Student Venture Our flagship program that inspires entrepreneurship, attracts a bold group of interested and excited students that develop their refined presentation and communication skills. Further, these students develop into risk takers and refine their ability to make real decisions, learn to work within a team and take on leadership roles within their companies that better position them for future endeavors. 12 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 After School: RBC Financial Great West Life Manitoba Hydro CDEM Trader Custom House Vantis Credit Union JA Titan – Web-based Business Simulation Program Students love the interactive program that test their skills and allow them to learn the various business concepts in a dynamic and fun way. Teachers and volunteers enjoy the detailed tutorials that bring the game to life! Key Sponsor: Investors Group Community Focused Programming Rural Community During the 2005/06 school year, 100 programs were delivered throughout rural Manitoba communities with the assistance of local volunteers that offered relevant insight to each student. These programs were made possible through the extensive financial commitment from the Province of Manitoba – a commitment that has been in existence since 1993. Junior Achievement’s program management, centered out of Brandon, Manitoba and to a smaller extent, Winnipeg, has delivered over 1300 programs and has reached 30,000 students since the inception of the Rural Economic Development Initiative. Urban Aboriginal Community With the current urban landscape changing the importance of providing programs to Aboriginal, First Nations, and Metis youth has never been more important. JA Manitoba prides itself in the programming it is able to present to Winnipeg Inner City schools with the assistance of key aboriginal role models that visit the classrooms and offer insight into the day-to-day challenges that face our youth. The success of this past year sets the stage for an even greater success within this area as further partnerships with the Aboriginal community are formed and fostered. Key Sponsors: Credit Unions McCain Foundation Paterson Foundation Manitoba Government OFFICIAL SPONSOR Northern Community Manitoba Hydro once again came forward to provide financial support to allow for a Junior Achievement resource base in Thompson, Manitoba. With this resource and the assistance of the North Central Development Corporation over 100 programs were delivered to various schools in Northern Manitoba. Programs within this area allow youth to benefit from the knowledge and skills that prepare them for future endeavors – entering into the workforce or post secondary education. Key Sponsors: Manitoba Hydro Fast Air Special Events Thank you to all the participants, volunteers and sponsors of various special events throughout the year. It is with your continued support and participation that Junior Achievement can continue to inspire and educate our Manitoba youth! A World of Choices May 2006 This fourth-annual, interactive career symposium was about empowering the 600 young women in attendance to make decisions for their futures. Within each of the 14 different workshops to choose from, they heard from 4 different women in 4 different jobs within that career track who gave them a good idea of what that field has to offer, what education and training is required to work in this field, and what opportunities they will have once they embark on their chosen career. The main message heard throughout the day within every workshop, was “as long as you have an education and/or training, you do have a world of choices.” This year’s event was a resounding success, 14 earning a total of $21,000 to be used toward programs in 2006/2007. Key Sponsors: Vantis Credit Union, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba Hydro, Investors Group, City of Winnipeg, Warehouse One, Western Economic Diversification, Canadian Forces & McDonald’s Stock Market Challenge February 2006 Junior Achievement Manitoba and the Investment Dealers’ Association held another hugely successful event that raised $ 30,000 towards JA Program delivery. The Stock Market Challenge is a fun filled, fast paced event that allows “corporate teams” to buy and sell stocks in a simulated stock exchange JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 trading floor environment. Sophisticated computer software, wireless hand held computers, and gigantic projection screens are used to calculate and post the ever-changing results. This year’s theme was Brazil Carnival night, complete with Brazilian food, décor & entertainment and of course, trading fictitious stocks in Brazilian Companies. Key Sponsors: Investment Dealers Association TD Asset Management Guardian Group of Funds AGF Funds Inc. CI Investments Fidelity Investments Quadravest Capital Management Dynamic Funds Patahway Asset Management Trader Publications Sentry select Capital Corp. Delta Winnipeg National Impact Junior Achievement of Canada supports the growth and expansion of JA Charters and programs. Future Unlimited Banquet – April 2006 Vision Quest May 2006 No-Golf Gifting Event September 2006 The Delta Winnipeg hosted over 400 students, parents, volunteers and sponsors who attended the Awards Ceremony at the Future Unlimited Banquet for “Company Program – A Student Venture.” Nine new companies, from 8 Winnipeg Schools were honored for their achievements; showcasing the brightest and the best – youth making a difference. This year’s event offered a stand-alone youth program that allowed Junior Achievement to work with youth at this conference. Students developed a marketing plan to promote Vision Quest 2007 to their peer group that incorporated strengths and interesting aspects of the communities within which the students live. Divided into groups, the students devised an advertising strategy and produced a short commercial. These commercials provided wonderful entertainment at the closing ceremonies. Imagine – a day on the course with no golfing! This event provides a unique opportunity for women to enjoy an afternoon of networking, pampering and “gifting” and the St. Boniface Golf Course provides a beautiful backdrop for you to spend an afternoon with friends. A number of last year’s sponsors are returning and a large number of new sponsors are on board with wonderful gifts and experiences for you to try. Based on last year’s results, it is expected this event will be sold out quickly this year. Key Sponsors: CIBC Vantis Credit Union Shaw Cable Delta Winnipeg Manitoba Hydro The Great West Life Assurance Company Trader Classified Media Manitoba Industry Economic Development & Mines NRG Teleresources PAL Group Investors Group OFFICIAL SPONSOR Key Sponsors: Vantis Credit Union McDonalds Restaurants Hot 103/QX 104 FM Janzen Photography Goodlife Fitness Our Volunteers All JA programs are delivered over a various weeks. Volunteers welcome the opportunity to develop their own communication and presentation skills in an enthusiastic environment where they are welcomed for their unique business insight and expertise. It is these same volunteers that offer so much to the students that receive the reward of having touched students in a unique and rewarding capacity. The time volunteers give up to JA does not go unnoticed. Within our company program – A Student No-Golf Gifting Event Stock Market Challenge Barbara Berven Mary Kay Cosmetics James Allison TD Waterhouse Canada Leonne Bilodeau World Financial Group Mark Braun Scotia Mcleod Carolyn Zimmerman SPEC Shelley Hewins Acquired Capital Jill O’Neil Richardson Partner Financial with the assistance of numerous volunteers. Without these volunteers, students would not be receiving the benefits of real life examples and expertise on the various dimensions of business that are presented. Over 270 volunteers supported Junior Achievement programs by giving of themselves for a half day to a full day, or a few hours a day Greg Ozechowsky CIBC Wood Gundy 16 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 Venture, volunteer advisors give over 75 hours mentoring youth in reality of operating a business. By the end of the experience, advisors have also expanded their knowledge and have had the opportunity to network with other similar volunteers within the program. Volunteers make the material relevant, fuel the entrepreneurial spirit and challenge the student to excel while as an inspirational source for young people in search of role models. Julie Ternovetsky University of Manitoba Ron Waterman REFCO Futures Canada Jamie Wilton REFCO Futures Canada Ace Burpee HOT 103 FM Chrissy Troy HOT 103 FM A World Of Choices Annette Albo TD Waterhouse Susan Iwanski Vantis Credit Union Jaclyn Demianyk University of Manitoba Heather Shwetz Manitoba Hydro Sandra Shibata Investors Group Barbara Krokosz Earth Tech Lori Bruce Smith Fire and Paramedic Academy Manitoba Tourism & Education Council Sarah Dobson Bayer Crop Science Karen Colameco Delta Winnipeg Janet Kirpactrick EDS Canada Jolie Anne Horn McDonald’s Indira Maharaj Earth Tech Susan Shortill-Lopez Misericordia Hospital Gwenda Matieshin Manitoba Hydro Leslie Walsh Red River College Judith Manzano Manitoba Hydro Lynn Oakley Stephanie Subtelny MTS Allstream Abby Mann RBC Royal Bank Andrea Bodie A Touch of Magic Holly Caprick Vantis Credit Union Andrea Czinkota CMA Canada Shannon Persowich Spacecadet Design Michelle Bailey MTS Corporate Communications Treena Nault Investors Group Donna Young University of Winnipeg April Krahn Red River College Lisa Forbes S.E.E.D. Winnipeg Valdene Lewis Correctional Service of Canada Silvia de Sousa Thompson, Dorfman, Sweatman Jennifer Flett Correctional Service of Canada Corporal Tara Scott RCMP Constable Jacqueline Chaput Winnipeg Police Services Sharon Collins NAV Canada Kerri Barcley Winnipeg Transit Tereina Neubauer Paul’s Hauling Chantelle Rzepka Benita Stafford-Smith Life Matters Tracey Koga Shaw Cable Bev Watson Two Feathers Promotions Dana Kruse Q94 FM Mea Mea’s Fashion Janice Findley Manitoba Conservatory of Arts Wendy Stephenson Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Linda Letts Warehouse One Liz Taylor Royal LePage Capitan Jennifer Foote Canadian Forces Lea Neubauer Aeroglobal Ellen Towers City of Winnipeg Krista Newton OFFICIAL SPONSOR Carolyne Braid Winnipeg Sun Kyla Wiebe Place Louis Riel Roslyn Smyth Deschenes Regnier Christine Ens Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Junior Achievement Manitoba also congratulates our many volunteers who sit on our many Event – Planning Committees and on our Board of Directors. These individuals, through donating their time and talent exemplify the power of giving. Their hard work creates lasting impressions with incredible events – all in the name of reaching students and offering them unique learning opportunities. On behalf of the students, we would like to extend an enormous “thank you” to all of our volunteers. Alam Georget CIBC Arnold Asham Asham Curling Supplies Barb Mc Dougall Argylr Alternative High School 18 Charmaine Lagimodiere Cherly Scotia Bank Chris Mattern London Life Dave Connell Applause Power Dennis Matthies Lowe Farm Credit Union Derek Clusiault Scotiabank Beverly Dyck RBC Royal Bank Chris Reimer Reimer Accountants Des Krushnyrk Bonita Friesen Community Credit Union Christine Perreault Caisse Populaire Dirk Stubbings Investor’s Group Bonnie Van Steelandt TD Waterhouse Cindy Harrison Jostens Don Dowle Brad Riverton Credit Union Claudelle Catellier Caisse LaVerandrye Brenda Ellis-Anderson Virden Credit Union Clinton Much Town of Neepawa Brenda Pazuik Connis Bok Provincial Exhibition Brian Nedohin Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives Courtney Giffith Hire-A-Student Bryan Spencer Heartland CFDC Alyson Sametz Hire-A-Student Carla Mroz Lord Selkirk Regional High School Craig Saunders Don Malinowski Manitoba Hydro Al Romani Manitoba Hydro Donna Workenko Ranite Internet Dwight Conroy RBC Royal Bank Dwight Sander Eriksdale Credit Union Elise Morin Eva RBC Royal Bank Carmelle MacNeil Craig Zamzow Swan Valley Credit Union Caissa LaVerandrye Curtis Balfour Evan Schellenburg Viking Motors Carol Tripp RBC Royal Bank Cyndi Hawthorne Scotiabank George Bailey TD Bank Canada Trust JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 Gina Trudeau Caisse LaVerandrye Guy Moffat RBC Royal Bank Heather Bailey CCRA Heather Wood Boissevain Credit Union Ian MacDonald Jacqueline Spencer Parent Advisor Council Jana Schott City of Dauphin Harvey Armstrong City of Dauphin Janice Moffat RBC Royal Bank Janine Webb Caisse Saint Boniface Jason Epp RBC Royal Bank Jennifer Greaves TD Waterhouse Jeremy Hildebrand Palliser Furniture Jerry Crampain Business Teacher Jerry Irving Town of Neepawa Jessica Jansen Goodlife Fitness Jessica Paul Manitoba Hydro Jill Turner RBC Royal Bank Jim Killmister TD Waterhouse Jonathan Wave Laurie Irving Joni Garrett South Interlake Credit Union Laurie LeSage Vantis Credit Union Josh Berkal Red River College Janice Stanley Canadian Forces Tim Smith Red River College Leann Brown Joy Lorette Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Joyce Odidison JBA Consulting Linda Toews Lionel Johnson World of Water Karen Robertson Transcona Credit Union Lisa MacDonell Karen Simonson RBC Royal Bank Lisa Riley RBC Royal Bank Deb Ethier RBC Royal Bank Lisa Steinwandt Dauphin Plains Credit Union Kate Geiger Lisa Weins Cedar Lake CFDC Katelyn Deremiens Kathy Helbrencht TD Waterhouse Fil Silva TD Waterhouse Kevin Hall Keith Richard Assiniboine Credit Union Stephanie Wiens Assiniboine Credit Union Kim Woloby North Winnipeg Credit Union Krista Moffett RBC Royal Bank Kristel Mann Manitoba Hydro Patricia Johnston Manitoba Hydro Alisa Pop TD Waterhouse Kristin Dysart Jocelyne Russell CUSB Kristin Heis Hire-A-Student Joe Cote C.J Dyck Hire-A-Student Joe Thompson Lee Friesen Alfred Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives OFFICIAL SPONSOR Liz Keyworth TD Waterhouse Dan Hunter MTS Allstream Lloyd Flett Lorriane Cook Dakota Ojibway CFDC Lyndsay Cowling City of Dauphin Marcel Hebert GE Canada Marcia Rowat Assessippi EDO Mark Jones Vantis Credit Union Mark Mandzik Manitoba Hydro Michelle Leganchuk Manitoba Hydro Martin Chitohwa Matt Bialek Blast Off Fireworks Megan Sprung Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives Melissa Cleys TD Waterhouse Melissa Lockhart CIBC Melissa Shaw CGA Micheal Deslauriers Lazer Grant LLP Michael Fahlman TD Waterhouse Michel Durand JOGO Canada Michelle Kaminski Small Miracles Mike Siefer GE Canada Misty Cowieson Michael Fahlman TD Waterhouse Moira Smoke Murielle Nimi-Madingou CUSB Johan Macced CUSB Norma Bentham Manitoba Hydro Ovide Mercredi Chief of Grand Rapids First Nation Pamela McTavish Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Rina Mysak RBC Royal Bank Robert Foster Retired - Winnipeg Chamber Ron Chan TD Waterhouse Paul Way TD Waterhouse Shannon Slipetz Vantis Credit Union 20 Sharon Turner RBC Royal Bank Tracey MacDonald RBC Royal Bank Sheldon Wettig BU-ACE Sherry Theroux Cargill Limited Wendy Bolton Cargill Limited Tammy Hudyma Terri Christenson Tham Cao Theresa Sigurdson Manitoba Securities Commission Tim RBC Royal Bank Tony Wattman AJW Warehousing Tracey Drabyk Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives Tracy Dunstan South Interlake Credit Union Trinh Lam Proctor & Gamble Twyla Broome CIBC Val McMan Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives Vince Stycke Investor’s Group Vivianne Gosselin CDEM Stephane Gagnon CDEM Ashley Enns Convergys Jerri-Lynn Gordon The Great West Life Assurance Company Assiniboine Credit Union Keith Richard Helder Calheiros Ross Kozielec Shaun Hampton Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Darren Lewis Winsun Distributing Eric Manroj Asper School of Business Khang Pham Investors Group Roger Pockett ADT Security Services Rory French Deloitte and Touche LLP Thom Proch University of Manitoba RBC Financial Group (Royal Direct) Cindy Castaneda Enzo Cotroneo Janice Howe Amy Jobe-Martin Esther Kotulas Tannis Probetts Great West Life Patrick Smith University of Manitoba Trader Classified Media Dale Aymont Colin Danielson Kristjan Kristjansson Emanuel Machado Wayne Bridgeman Manitoba Securities Commission CDEM Stephane Gagnon Jean Gaultier Company Program Advisors Maria Paletta Clarion Hotel Manitoba Hydro Julie Deslauriers Kristel Mann Robyn Clark Patrick Berard JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 2005-06 proved to be an exciting and successful year. Thank you to our many long-standing and newly arrived Sponsors and Donors who provided the financial and volunteer resources needed to reach over 8500 Manitoba students. Financial Contributors $140K+ $5K – $13 999 Delta Winnipeg Province of Manitoba Rural Economic Development Initiative CIBC IBM Canada Ltd Economic Development Council for Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities Imperial Oil Fast Air $40K+ Investor’s Group Manitoba Hydro Manitoba Public Insurance McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Ltd. Vantis Credit Union Province of Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth $15K - $39 999 Quadrevest Capital Management Caisse Credit Union TD Asset Management Province of Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Province of Manitoba Industry, Economic Development and Mines $10K - $14 999 The Great West Life Assurance Company TD Waterhouse OFFICIAL SPONSOR PAL Group RBC Dominion Securities RBC Mutual Funds REFCO Futures Canada Investment Dealers Association Peter D. Currie Grant NRG Teleresources $1K - $4999 St Boniface Golf Club AGF Funds Inc. Scotia Bank AIM Trimark Investments Sexton Group Business Networks International The Joe Brain Foundation CI Funds Inc. The McCain Foundation Canada Customs Revenue Agency The Paterson Foundation – Senator Norman Community Futures Partners of Manitoba The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Custom House Currency Exchange Winnipeg Insurance Brokers $500 - $999 Credit Institute of Canada Carolyn Zimmerman A.Q Financial Group Inc Gemini Fashions of Canada Ltd City Looks Salon Aikins MacAulay & Thorvaldson George T. Richardson 102.3 CLEAR FM Grain Insurance and Guarantee Company Custom Helicopters AON Reed Stenhouse Delta Winnipeg BMO Nesbitt Burns Coghlan’s Ltd Human Resources Management Fabutan Association of Manitoba Farouke Molly Maid FREQ 107 Pollard Banknote Limited FUDE Inspired Cuisine & Wine Bar Fidelity Investments Fort Garry Industries Ltd Franklin Templeton Investment Corp The Canadian Institute of Management HOT 103 GE Canada Elfun Foundation Pal Group The Certified General Accountants RBC Investments Association of Manitoba Richardson Partners Financial Limited The Smith Agency Limited Hotel Fort Garry IBM Canada Investor’s Group Inc Sentry Select Capital Corp TD Waterhouse – TD Asset Management The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Manitoba World of Water – Dakota Street Under $ 500 Amsted Canada Kraves Fine Foods The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Labatt Breweries of Manitoba Winpak Ltd Lakeview Resort Hotel Carolyn Zimmerman Manitoba Government STOCK MARKET CHALLENGE STUDENT TEAM SPONSORS: Acquire Capitol Shelley Hewins Blumont Capital Tetrem Capital Partners Jamie Wilton Manitoba Hydro Manitoba Tourism Education Council Manitoba Securities Commission Mariaggi Theme Suites Hotel Mary Kay Cosmetics – Barb Berven McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited CIBC Wood Gundy Certified Management Accountants Association Manitoba Hydro Gifts In Kind Mea’s Action Physiotherapy & Wellness Clinic Melaleuca All Canada Marketing Group Michelle Lecuyer Hutton AMORE Esthetics Midland Appliance World August Communications MTS Allstream Canadian Cancer Society Molly Maid Canad Inns Corp Moxie’s Classic Grill Douglas Pollard Canadian Information Processing Society Controlled Environments Limited 22 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 Junior Achievement programs are delivered in 97 countries and reach more than six million students annually. NRG Teleresources The Winnipeg SUN Thompson Dorfman Sweatman Off the Cuff Olive Garden Restaurants Oxfords Salon & Spa University of Winnipeg University of Winnipeg Book Store Pasquale’s Restaurant Vantis Credit Union Pulse Canada Vickar Community Chevrolet Q-94 FM Warehouse One QX104.1 Rogers Wireless Winnipeg Free Press Peepers Swimwear & Aquatic Supplies World of Water – Dakota Street TD Waterhouse XEROX Canada Ltd. OFFICIAL SPONSOR Please accept our sincere apologies for unintentionally omitting any corporation, organizations or individual who has contributed to Junior Achievement Manitoba in the past fiscal year. Please advise the JA MB office of any error so that we may correct our records. Balance Sheet & Statement of Operations As at June 30, 2006 (balance sheet) For the year ended June 30, 2006 Assets OPERATING FUND Cash Accounts Receivable Goods and services tax recoverable Prepaid expenses Capital Assets BUILDING FUND Cash Accrued Interest Due from Operating fund RESTRICTED FUND Cash Due from operating fund TOTAL ASSETS 2006 2005 5,750 24,405 3,155 4,616 $ 26,514 14,395 -11,310 37,926 8,468 $ 46,394 52,219 19,925 $ 72,144 51,652 771 93 $ 52,516 50,819 455 93 $ 51,367 $ 2,271 184 2,455 ---- $ 101,365 $ 123,511 $ 52,361 $ 123,775 OPERATING FUND (5,967) (51,631) BUILDING FUND 52,516 51,367 2,455 -- Liabilities & Fund Balances CURRENT RESTRICTED FUND TOTAL LIABILTES & FUND BALANCES 24 $ 49,004 $ $ 101,365 $ 123,511 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 (264) Statement of Operations and Fund Balances Year Ended June 30, 2006 2006 2005 (Revised) REVENUE Operating Contributions Program Funding Program fees—REDI Special events Northern Aboriginal Fees Urban Aboriginal Fees Amortization of deferred capital contributions $ 110, 727 40,236 138,500 74,942 35,000 24,100 6,372 $ 93,143 45,776 125,000 54,957 45,000 30,621 2,770 429,877 397,267 49,319 235,711 86,833 9,914 57,768 306,619 82,680 15,619 381,777 462,686 48,100 (65,419) 2,436 5,194 45,664 (70,613) (51,631) 37,741 45,664 (32,872) - (12,715) 45,664 (45,587) Transfer from Building Fund - 7,000 Transfer to Restricted Fund - (13,044) (5,967) (51,631) 8,468 (14,435) 19,925 (71,556) $ (5,967) $ (51,631) EXPENSES Administration Personnel Program Facilities EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES BEFORE AMORTIZATION AMORTIZATION EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES FUND BALANCE—BEGINNING OF YEAR, as previously stated Prior period adjustment FUND BALANCE—BEGINNING OF YEAR, as previously stated FUND BALANCE—END OF YEAR FUND BALANCE REPRESENTED BY: Invested in capital assets Unrestricted OFFICIAL SPONSOR JA Office Lisa C. Grist President & CEO Debbie Smith Director of Programs Valerie Betker Marketing and Events Manager Rita Watson Burgess Program Manager -Rural and Francophone Robert Campbell Program Manager- Urban Program Charlene Grant North Central Development Cooperation Program Manager – Northern (contract) Sara-Marie Falvo Company Program Manager Cynthia Betker Acting Rural Program Manager Board of Directors 26 Chairman of the Board Mr. Paul Way, FCSI, FMA, CIM Vice President and Managing Director Private Client Centre TD Waterhouse Canada Inc Director – Investor Relations Mr. Michel Audette, BA, MBA President and CEO Vantis Credit Union Treasurer Mr. Rick Battistoni, Bcomm(Hons), CA Manager Assurance Services Myers Norris Penny Legal Counsel Mr. Jack Courtney Investors Group Past Chair Mr. Bob Stewart World of Water Director – Aboriginal Committee Mr. Eric Storey Planning & Measurement Specialist – Human Resources Manitoba Hydro JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006 Junior Achievement of Manitoba 100-259 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2A9 T: (204) 956-6080 F: (204) 831-5284 Email: [email protected] Charitable Registration Number: 107554289 RR0001 28 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF MANITOBA ANNUAL REPORT 2005 - 2006
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