Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Sample Questionnaire Introduction KC provides a Questionnaire functionality with many features, including o Question hierarchy: Based on the answer to a question, more questions to gather additional information can be displayed. Questions lower in the hierarchy are hidden until the question context is triggered. o A variety of 'question' types Yes/No Yes/No/NA Text Number Date Lookup o For the context of this document, all of the question types will be referred to as 'questions' regardless of their type. In other words, a Questionnaire element that is a text field will still be called a 'question' in this document. There are several modules in KC where a Questionnaire can be used. o Proposal Development, Questions tab o Proposal Development, Key Personnel tab, PI Certify panel o Institutional Proposal, Questions tab o and more Case Study: Sample Questionnaire This case study explores a sample questionnaire that highlights some of the features of KC Questionnaire. The questions in the sample are purely for demonstration purposes. To begin, create a Proposal Development eDoc On the Proposal tab, complete the Required Fields for Saving Document panel You may complete other tabs, but do not Submit the eDoc In the Proposal Development eDoc Click the Questions tab Click the In the Sample Questionnaire sub‐tab, click the button of the Questions panel The first time you open the Sample Questionnaire, only one question is displayed o Note: Most questionnaires will not use a sentinel question like this. We use the sentinel question to make it easier to bypass the sample questionnaire during testing – if testing is Sample Questionnaire button of the Sample Questionnaire sub‐tab Page 1 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire targeted to other areas of the Proposal Development document and not the Questionnaire feature. o If you click the No radio button, the questionnaire is completed and no more action is required. Since we are going to explore the Sample Questionnaire, click the Yes radio button option. In response, more questions are exposed. This is the crux of the KC Questionnaire feature. Questions are exposed only when they are relevant. The user does not have to see questions that are not applicable. Question: Will the project use carcinogens? o Click the Yes radio button. Note that two more follow up questions are exposed. The first follow up question is a short text field. Enter some text in the field. The second follow up question is a date field. Click the Sample Questionnaire Page 2 icon to select a date. Revision 2011.12.06.1400 o Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Alternately, click the No radio; no additional follow up questions are exposed. Question: Is Institution committing non‐personnel costs toward this project? o Click the More Information... link on the right‐hand side of the dark gray question panel bar. o Note that additional Policy information about the question is displayed o The following categories of additional information may be defined for a question Explanation Policy Regulation Question: ... other resources not under direct control ... o Click the Yes radio button. Note that three fields for other Units are displayed. A question can specify multiple answers – in this case three answers A question can specify a lookup table that can be used to populate the field – in this case the Unit lookup Question: Equipment? o Click the Yes radio button. Note that three follow up questions are displayed. These questions demonstrate the Yes/No/NA question type o Click the N/A radio button for the first two questions. Sample Questionnaire Page 3 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 o Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Click the Yes radio button for the TBD question. Note that one more follow up question is displayed. Enter some text in the explanation field Question: Do you anticipate having to lease new space to conduct this project? o Click the Yes radio button. Note that a follow up question is displayed. Enter 5000 in the estimated sq ft field; press the tab key. Note that no additional follow up question is displayed. Change the value in the estimated sq ft field to 25000; press the tab key. This time an additional follow up question is displayed. The trigger point is 10000. Question: Exempt from disclosure of financial interest? o Click the Yes radio button. Note that a follow up question is displayed. o Click the No radio button. Note that a different follow up question is displayed. Sample Questionnaire Page 4 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Question: Please enter some text below. Question: Please enter a number below. Question: Please enter a date below. Question: Please enter a sponsor type below. o Although all of the second‐level questions so far have been Yes/No fields, any type of field can be used. Click the button. Note that the Sample Questionnaire is now marked as Complete. o There is an issue with KC 3.1.1 with regard to questions and the Incomplete/Complete status of the questionnaire. When the PD eDoc is saved, the questionnaire may be considered 'complete' even if some questions have not been answered. Feature highlight summary Question: Would you like to explore the sample questionnaire? Question hierarchy: Based on the answer to a question, more questions to gather additional information can be displayed. Questions lower in the hierarchy are hidden until the question context is triggered. Question: Will the project use carcinogens? Sample Questionnaire Page 5 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Text field type: The maximum text length specified in the field definition is short, so the text data entry area is also short. Date field type: A calendar icon is displayed to assist with selecting a properly formatted date. Reiterate context‐sensitive question hierarchy concept: When Yes is selected, follow up questions are displayed; when No is selected, no follow up questions are displayed. Question: Is Institution committing non‐personnel costs toward this project? More information: Three types of additional information can be defined for a question (Explanation, Policy and Regulation). When the More information... link is clicked, the additional information is displayed. To toggle back to just the question, click the Less information... link. Question: ... other resources not under direct control ...? Multiple answers: A question can be defined to collect multiple answers. In this case, we displayed three Unit lookup fields. Lookup field type: A question definition can specify a lookup table that can be used to populate the field. Any of the KC maintenance tables can be specified. Question: Equipment? Yes/No/NA field type: There are two types of Yes/No field types. The Yes/No field type displays options of Yes and No. The Yes/No/NA field type displays options of Yes, No and NA. Text field type: The text length specified in the field definition is long, so a large text data entry area is displayed. Question: Do you anticipate having to lease new space to conduct this project? Number field type: A number field type will accept an integer number. Follow up questions based on number comparison: All of the other question hierarchy triggers in the sample questionnaire are based on a Yes or No answer to a question. This trigger is based on the value of the number entered. KC Questionnaire offers a comprehensive list of question hierarchy triggers. See Appendix B for a complete list. Question: Exempt from disclosure of financial interest? Follow up questions based on different trigger criteria: All of the other question hierarchy triggers were simple. If the trigger criterion was matched, a follow up question was displayed. In this case, one question was displayed when the answer was Yes and a different question was displayed with the answer was No. KC Questionnaire allows multiple branches of follow up questions based on trigger criteria. Question: Please enter some text below. Question: Please enter a number below. Question: Please enter a date below. Question: Please enter a sponsor type below. Reiteration of the non‐Yes/No question types: Text, Number, Date and Lookup. Sample Questionnaire Page 6 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Sample Questionnaire spreadsheet – Maintenance Data Questionnaire maintenance data can data‐loaded in to KC programmatically. This may be the preferred method of initializing the data prior to the initial production use of KC. A spreadsheet has been developed to facilitate the programmatic data loading. Terminology Here is some terminology that applies to a question hierarchy. Parent: When an answer to a particular question may trigger follow up questions, that question is called a parent question. Child: A follow up question is called a child question. Sibling: Questions in the same level of the hierarchy are siblings. Condition Criteria: The value of an answer to a parent question that will trigger the display of a particular child question. Appendix A is an example of a question hierarchy. In the Sample Questionnaire, there is only one question in the top level of the hierarchy. All of the questions in each level of the hierarchy are aligned at the left edge of the question box. For example, the carcinogen, non‐personnel cost, other resources and equipment questions are all members of the second level of the hierarchy; in other words, they are siblings. The line that connects a parent question to its child includes the condition criteria that must be met before the child question will be displayed. For example, the CUA# question will be displayed only when the answer to the carcinogens question is Yes. Create a question hierarchy diagram Create a diagram of the question hierarchy you would like to implement. You can use a graphic tool like Visio, or draw it out on a sheet of paper. Make sure that your diagram clearly indicates parent, child and sibling relationships. It must also include the conditions that will trigger a particular follow up question. Questionnaire name and usage Enter one row in the Questionnaire worksheet of the spreadsheet to describe the questionnaire and where it should be displayed in KC. The following table contains details of how to fill in the columns of the Questionnaire worksheet. Column Name Required? Notes Questionnaire Name Yes Free format. Enter the simple name of this questionnaire. Label Yes Free format. This name will be the sub‐tab label when the questionnaire is displayed. Description Yes Free format. A longer more descriptive name for the questionnaire. Mandatory You may ignore this column Module Yes Copy a value from the ModuleName worksheet. Sub‐module Optional. If blank, the questionnaire will appear on the Questions tab of the Module you selected. Otherwise, copy a value from the ModuleNameSubModule worksheet. Sequence Number You may ignore this column Document Number You may ignore this column Sample Questionnaire Page 7 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Populate the questionnaire For each question in your diagram, enter one row in the QuestionHierarchy tab of the spreadsheet. Column Name Required? Notes Questionnaire Name Yes Copy a value from the Questionnaire worksheet. Question Category Yes Copy a value from the Question Category worksheet. Question Type Yes Copy a value from the Question Type worksheet. Question Text Yes Enter the text of the question, i.e., the actual question Question Number Yes Assign each question in your hierarchy a sequential number starting at 1. Each question in the questionnaire will have a unique question number. If there are 15 questions in the questionnaire, they will be numbered 1 through 15. Sequence Number Yes This one is a bit tricky. Assign the questions in each sibling group a sequential number starting at 1. This is the order that the sibling questions will be displayed to the end‐user. If you have many cases where there is only one follow up question, then there will be many cases where the Sequence Number is 1. If there are two follow up questions, then number them 1 and 2. If needed, leave this column blank. In that case, provide the question hierarchy diagram along with the spreadsheet and the technical team will complete this column. Max Answers Yes In most cases, enter a value of 1. If you want to collect more than one answer to a single question, enter the number of answers you want to collect. Max Answer Length Significant only for text and number fields: Enter the maximum number of characters allowed in the answer. Condition Flag Yes If this is a child question, enter Y; otherwise enter N Condition Type Enter a value in this column when you have entered Y in the Condition Flag column. Copy a value from the Condition Type worksheet. The text condition types pertain to Yes/No, Yes/No/NA, Text and Lookup field types. The number condition types pertain to Number fields types. The date condition types pertain to Date field types. For example, if the parent question is a Yes/No, copy Matches text from the Condition Type worksheet into this column. Condition Value Enter a value in this column when you have entered Y in the Condition Flag column. The Condition Types are all comparisons of some sort. The value of the parent question is one side of the comparison. The value you enter here is the other side of the comparison. Sample Questionnaire Page 8 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire For example, if the parent question is a Yes/No question and you want this question to be displayed when the parent question is answered Yes, enter Y in this column. This one can be tricky. Copy the Sequence Number value for the parent of this question. If needed, leave this column blank. In that case, provide the question hierarchy diagram along with the spreadsheet and the technical team will complete this column. Enter the name of the KC maintenance table for the lookup. The technical team will substitute a programmatic name for the maintenance table; all you need to enter is the common name. Enter the name of one field from the KC maintenance table that should be returned and displayed after the lookup. The technical team will substitute a programmatic name for the field name; all you need to enter is the common name. Free format. If desired, enter the Explanation text that will be displayed when the end‐user clicks the More Information... link. Free format. If desired, enter the Policy text that will be displayed when the end‐user clicks the More Information... link. Free format. If desired, enter the Regulation text that will be displayed when the end‐user clicks the More Information... link. Used by the Questionnaire Print function in some contexts. Instead of printing the text of the question and 'Yes', this Affirmative text will be substituted. Free format. If desired, enter the Affirmative text that will be displayed by the Questionnaire Print function. Used by the Questionnaire Print function in some contexts. Instead of printing the text of the question and 'No', this Negative text will be substituted. Free format. If desired, enter the Negative text that will be displayed by the Questionnaire Print function . Parent Question Number Yes Lookup Class Lookup Return Explanation Policy Regulation Affirmative Negative Managing Questionnaire Maintenance Data via the KC user interface Questionnaire maintenance data can be configured using the KC user interface. To begin, review the Terminology section and complete the Create a question hierarchy diagram task as described above in the Sample Questionnaire spreadsheet – Maintenance Data section above. To manage Questionnaire maintenance data using the KC user interface Login with a username that has permissions to add/edit maintenance data. (In our test environment use eprosser, smhussai or akmeher.) First, add the questions you will use on the questionnaire Sample Questionnaire Page 9 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Click on the Maintenance major tab In the Shared section, click the Questions link Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire On the Question Lookup page click the button Enter values as described in the table below Field Name Required? Notes Document Overview Description Yes Free format. Enter something like Adding new questionnaire Question Question Yes Enter the text of the question. This is what is displayed to the end‐user, i.e., the actual question. Category Yes Select and return a value from the Question Category lookup. Explanation Free format. If desired, enter the Explanation text that will be displayed when the end‐user clicks the More Information... link. Policy Free format. If desired, enter the Policy text that will be displayed when the end‐user clicks the More Information... link. Regulation Free format. If desired, enter the Regulation text that will be displayed when the end‐user clicks the More Information... link. Affirmative Used by the Questionnaire Print function in some contexts. Instead of printing the text of the question and 'Yes', this Affirmative text will be substituted. Free format. If desired, enter the Affirmative text that will be displayed by the Questionnaire Print function. Negative Used by the Questionnaire Print function in some contexts. Instead of printing the text of the question and 'No', this Negative text will be substituted. Free format. If desired, enter the Negative text that will be displayed by the Questionnaire Print function . Response Response Type Yes Select a value from the pick list. Response Qualifiers Yes When you select a Response Type of Number, Date, Text or Lookup you may be presented with additional options. Number of answers: In most cases, enter a value of 1. If you want to collect more than one answer to a single question, enter the number of answers you want to collect. To make things simple, enter this number in both the presented and possible fields. Maximum length: Enter the maximum number of characters allowed in the answer. The maintenance table to use for answer lookup. The field to return from a maintenance table lookup. Click the button Repeat for each question in the hierarchy. Note: If two questions in the hierarchy have the exact same text, only add the question once. Sample Questionnaire Page 10 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Second, build a questionnaire Click on the Maintenance major tab In the Shared section, click the Questionnaire link Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire On the Questionnaire Lookup page click the button Enter values as described in the table below Field Name Required? Notes Document Overview Description Yes Free format. Enter something like Adding new questionnaire Details Name Yes Free format. Enter the simple name of this questionnaire. Active This field is really easy to miss because the checkbox is way over on the right‐hand side of the window. Check the checkbox. Otherwise, your new questionnaire will not be displayed. Description Yes Free format. A longer more descriptive name for the questionnaire. Content First question Yes Click the lookup icon next to the Add Question(s) label. Search and return the first question in your question hierarchy diagram. All other questions Here is where it gets tricky. It is not too bad once you get the hang of it. You really need to keep track of where you are in the hierarchy as you are adding questions; you also need to make sure you have the correct question selected as you go along. Orient yourself A window with several options opened up in the Content panel. Note that it is directly below a little folder icon with the text of one of your questions beside the folder icon. Let's call that question the question that has focus. Key concept You can add child or sibling questions to the question that has focus. Add a child or sibling question Add sibling question o In the Add Question section Click the as sibling radio button Click the lookup icon, and then search and return a question that is a sibling of the question that has focus Sample Questionnaire Click the button Add child question o In the Add Question section Click the as child radio button Click the lookup icon, and then search and return a question that is a child of the question that has Page 11 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 o o o Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire focus The child question has been added to the list, but it is not the question that has focus. Click on the child question in the list to select it. Note that the options window has moved and is now directly below the child question that you just selected. Now that question is the question that has focus. In the options window, Requirements for Display section Select a condition type from the Parent Response pick list. For example, if the parent question is a Yes/No, select Matches text. In the Value field, enter the answer to the parent question that will trigger this child to be displayed. For example, if the parent question is a Yes/No question and you want this question to be displayed when the parent question is answered Yes, enter Y. Click the button If needed, re‐select the parent question to change the focus back to the parent. Fill out the hierarchy Continue to add child and sibling questions to the question that has focus until there are no more for that particular question. After you have added all of the siblings and children of the question that has focus, click on another question in the hierarchy to change the focus. Note that the window with all of the options is now displayed under the question you just selected; now it is the question that has focus. If you add a question in the wrong place You can move questions around in the hierarchy if needed. Use the and a question. Or use the it again in the correct location. Usage Module Module Sub Item Code Mandatory Label Sample Questionnaire Yes Yes buttons to move button and then add Select an option from the pick list. After you select the Module, the Module Sub Item Code pick list is populated. If no sub‐item is selected, the questionnaire will appear on the Questions tab of the Module you selected. Otherwise, it will appear on the Sub Module you select. If all questions in the questionnaire are required, check the Mandatory checkbox. Note: Child questions that are not triggered will not be required. Free format. This name will be the sub‐tab label when the Page 12 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 questionnaire is displayed. Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Once you have entered values in the Usage fields, click the button. Note that you can add the same questionnaire to multiple/different Module/Module Sub Items. Sample Questionnaire Page 13 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Appendix A – Sample Questionnaire – Question Hierarchy Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Would you like to explore the sample questionnaire? Will the project use carcinogens? Indicate CUA# Yes Approval Date Is Institution committing non-personnel costs toward this project? ... will you be using personnel, space, equipment or other resources not under the direct control of the department chair or division director? Yes List Unit Equipment? Source of equipment: Purchased by UC Yes Yes Source of equipment: Leased from Sponsor Source of equipment: TBD Yes Please explain Do you anticipate having to lease new space to conduct this project? Yes Estimated sq ft that you anticipate leasing >10,000 Please explain Exempt from disclosure of financial interest? No Please disclose financial interests Yes Please explain exemption Please enter some text below. Please enter a number below. Please enter a date below. Please enter a sponsor type below. Sample Questionnaire Page 14 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Appendix B – kuali.org Maintenance Tables related to Questionnaire The following tables show the default KC 3.1 maintenance table data that is related to Questionnaire. These entries are for reference only. Changes to the maintenance data to enable other question types, condition types, modules, etc will also require customization of the KC application. Condition Type* Contains text value Begins with text Ends with text Matches text Less than number Less than or equals number Equals number Not Equal to number Greater than or equals number Greater than number Before date After date * This maintenance table is not listed on the Maintenance tab; changes must be made programmatically. Explanation Type* Explanation Policy Regulation Affirmative Negative * This maintenance table is not listed on the Maintenance tab; changes must be made programmatically. Module Name Annual COI Disclosure Award Development Proposal Institute Proposal IRB Negotiations Person Subcontracts Sample Questionnaire Page 15 Revision 2011.12.06.1400 Kuali Coeus: Questionnaire Module Name Sub‐Module* Development Proposal Proposal Budget Development Proposal Proposal Person Certification Development Proposal S2S Questionnaires IRB Amendment / Renewal IRB Protocol Submission * This maintenance table is not listed on the Maintenance tab; changes must be made programmatically. Question Category IRB Proposal Others Question Type Yes/No Yes/No/NA Number Date Text Lookup Sample Questionnaire Page 16 Revision 2011.12.06.1400
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