Mylee Thomas, UK Antal - Norsk Shetland Sheepdog Klubb

Norsk Shetland Sheepdog Klubbs utstilling på Gullvåg Camping
30. august og 1. september 2013
Dommer: Mylee Thomas, UK
Antall stilte: valper 17, voksne 60 derav 6 veteraner.
Hannvalper 4-6 mnd
Nr 1 4-6 mnd
Croft's Wisdom, E: Vasveen, Torill Turin O: Tangen Torkild/ Andersen Janne/
TangenWenche/ Torgerssen Kjell, 2164 Skogbygda (DK CH SE UCH NORD V-12
DK V-Shelteam Moonboy Dancer - N UCH Croft's A Kind Of Magic) Five and a half
months sable, lovely shape and outline, good reach of neck, well balanced head,
hope he doesn’t grow any more, moved well behind, would prefer straighter front on
the move, promising future
Nr 2 4-6 mnd
La-Min-So's Sterling Silver In Blue, E: Grete Olavessen, Paul Rilatt O: Berg Vigdis,
2770 Jaren (PL CH Lovesome Duke Of Dream-Land - Puppy Mela's Iza) Lovely
colored blue merle, up to size, head a little deep, and strong neat ears, well
developed underjaw, good upperarm and shoulder placement, would prefer straighter
movement, and a little bit wide in front, very attentive showman .
Hannvalper 6-9 mnd
Nr 1 6-9 mnd, 1BHK, BIM
Orreknuppen's Starmaker, E: Krogstad, Inger O: Krogstad Inger, 2657 Svatsum
(Sheltifarmen's Jedi - Bermarks Zafira) Good overall shape, lean head, good reach of
neck and top line, lovely bend of stifle, would prefer better upperarm, lovely long tail.
Nr 2 6-9 mnd
Thoco's All Shades Of Blue, E: Koppang, Frode Kvalsund O: Bolgnes Brit-Unni Og
Hanne, 7081 Sjetnemarka (Mohnesee Back To Black - Tiakina Talkblu At Thoco)
Lovely colored blue merle, balanced in profile, nice lean head, correct eye shape,
good underjaw, would prefer better upperarm, level top line, with good length tail,
would prefer more bend of stifle.
Nr 3 6-9 mnd
Thoco's Casanova De Neri, E: Knutsen, Hilde O: Bolgnes Brit-Unni Og Hanne,
7081 Sjetnemarka (Mohnesee Back To Black - Thoco's Valencia) Good overall
shape, just the right amount of bone for his size, very flashy, good tan, head a little
strong, but has a flat scull and a well-developed underjaw, would prefer better
shaped eye, movement unsettled.
Nr 4 6-9 mnd
Mellsjøhøgda's New Speciality, E: Sissel Tangnes, Vilde Tangnes O: Tangnes
Sissel, Olsen Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (Mellsjøhøgda's Countryboy -
Mellsjøhøgda's Wanna Be Special) A bit good coat, up to size, look balanced in
profile, would prefer better upperarm, needs to develop in forechest, good showman.
Tispevalper 4-6 mnd
Nr 1 4-6 mnd
Microgården's X-Faktor, E: Johannessen, Ann-Cathrin O: Johannessen, AnnCathrin, Degernes, (Cz Ch Microgården's Look This Way - Microgården's Make A
Wish) Moved well for a youngster, good overall shape, nice bend of stifle, good
length of tale, balanced head, very sweet eye and expression, well developed
underjaw, lovely length of neck, needs to grow on.
Nr 2 4-6 mnd
Angviksheltie's Adorable Angel, E: Ødegaard, Sidsel Helene O: Ødegaard Sidsel
Helene, 6636 Angvik (SE N UCH Shellrick's You May Me Luck - Hasimo's Exotic
Sunlight) Good overall shape, need to grow on, needs to develop in head, flat scull, a
little deep in stop, moved okay.
Nr 3 4-6 mnd
Ragnali's Cornelia, E: Ragnhild Johnsen, Alf Inge Johnsen O: Johnsen Ragnhild Og
Alf Inge, 4900 Tvedestrand (CZ RO CH Microgården's Look This Way - Jefsfire Joy)
Nice size, moved steady, would prefer more defined stop, and better eye shape,
good reach of neck. Would prefer shorter length of back, as she appears long in body
in profile.
Tispevalper 6-9 mnd
Nr 1 6-9 mnd 1BTK BIR
Mellsjøhøgda's Magic History, E: Tangnes, Sissel O: Tangnes Sissel, Olsen
Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (Herds History Maker - Mellsjøhøgda's Kind Of Magic)
Mature puppy, lovely head and expression, lovely overall shape, in excellent coat,
lovely reach of neck, level top line, good bend of stifle, well let down hock, very nice
puppy, moved well behind.
Nr 2 6-9 mnd
Orreknuppen's Sweet As Honey, E: Krogstad, Inger O: Krogstad Inger, 2657
Svatsum (Sheltifarmen's Jedi - Bermarks Zafira) Nice size, moved well, lovely overall
shape, sweet head and expression, flat scull, neat ears, well developed underjaw,
straight front, good front and rear angulation, should mature in to a lovely puppy.
Nr 3 6-9 mnd
Mellsjøhøgda's Northern Ninja, E: Jacobsen, Anne Lise O: Tangnes Sissel, Olsen
Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (Mellsjøhøgda's Countryboy - Mellsjøhøgda's Wanna
Be Special) Very feminine, head and expression, needs to fill in foreface, lovely
shape, level top line, good overall construction, nice for size, would prefer more
bone, steady movement.
Nr 4 6-9 mnd
Thoco's All Is Rosy, E: Bolgnes, Hanne O: Bolgnes Brit-Unni Og Hanne, 7081
Sjetnemarka (Mohnesee Back To Black - Tiakina Talkblu At Thoco) Nice shape,
lovely reach of neck, reasonable angulation, good depth of forechest, head a little
narrow, well developed underjaw, good bend of stifle, slightly dipping behind the
shoulders, hope she doesn’t grow on, unsettled on the move.
Uplassert 6-9 mnd
North Sheltie's Cognac N Cream, E: Nilssen, Stina O: Haugstvedt Anne Og Rune,
8406 Sortland (N SE FI UCH SEW-10 Rannerdale Oliwer Twist - North Sheltie's Born
To Shine) Lovely coat, good overall shape, would prefer more of her, good reach of
neck, level top line, nice bend of stifle, a little narrow in forechest, would prefer better
shaped eye.
Uplassert 6-9 mnd
Ingivito's Pretty Pia, E: Vestnes, Ingrid Anne O: Vestnes Ingrid Anne/ Vestnes
Harald, 6013 Ålesund (Mohnesee's First Edition - Ingivito's Jocular Bibi) Very
feminine, balanced head, needs a little more stop, nice overall shape, slightly steep
in upperarm, but still at good front extension, would prefer more bone, hope she
grows on.
Uplassert 6-9 mnd
Thoco's Call Me Cariad, E: Nes, Hildegunn Solberg O: Bolgnes Brit-Unni Og
Hanne, 7081 Sjetnemarka (Mohnesee Back To Black - Thoco's Valencia) Real baby,
nice for size, nice markings, with full white color, would prefer better stop, and a little
full in eye, good reach of neck, steady mover.
Uplassert 6-9 mnd
Lundecock's Not You, E: Jønsson, Rannveig O: Andersson, Johnny /Nordieng,
Ulrika, Sverige (Duetzia Ringmaster - Lundecocks Don't Do It) In very good coat,
balanced in profile, steady mover, would prefer flatter scull, straight front, good bone
for her size.
Juniorklasse Hannhund
Exc 1JKK
Ragnali's Blue Buddy, E: Ragnhild Johnsen, Alf Inge Johnsen O: Johnsen Ragnhild
Og Alf Inge, 4900 Tvedestrand (Sunland's Black Power - Laguna Blue Z Dáblovy
Studánky) Lovely colored blue merle, balanced in shape in profile, lovely reach of
neck, good upperarm and shoulder, lean head, would prefer more fill of foreface,
good underjaw, ears a little unsettled, moved well.
Croft's Travellin Blus, E: Brovold, Anne Kristine O: Tangen Torkild/ Andersen
Janne/Tangen Wenche/ Torgerssen Kjell, 2164 Skogbygda (SEUCH DKUCH
Shelteam Ace Of Diamonds - N UCH Croft's A Kind Of Magic) In excellent coat. Rich
sable full white color, very good reach of neck, level top line, good expression, neat
ears, well developed underjaw, would prefer a shade smaller, moved erratic behind,
but front movement okay,
La-Min-So's Putti Plutti Pott, E: Schjølberg, Vera O: Berg Vigdis, 2770 Jaren (INT
SE N DK UCH Japaro Chasing The Storm - La-Min-So's Call Me Mira) In good coat,
good tan marking, would prefer shade smaller, balanced in profile, level top line,
good reach of neck, a little narrow in front, needs to fill in forechest, steady mover.
Mellsjøhøgda's Just Another History, E: Svinøy, Gunn Jorid Olsen O: Tangnes
Sissel, Olsen Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (Herds History Maker - Orreknuppen's
Valora) In between coats, good overall shape, nice reach of neck, would prefer a
leaner head and better eye shape, a little deep in stop, moved okay.
Unghund Klasse Hannhund
Evad Shades Of Opal E: Tangnes, Sissel O: Mr D F Weller/ Mrs D K Weller,
Storbritannia (Evad Space Shadows - Evad Opal Suprize) In lovely coat, lovely
overall shape, good front construction, spot on for size, well developed underjaw, flat
scull, masculine expression, just the right amount of bone for size, moved well both
ways, steady showman.
Åpen Klasse Hannhund
Mellsjøhøgda's Dark'n Dreamy, E: Krogstad, Inger O: Tangnes Sissel, Olsen
Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (CZ N UCH Microgården's Super Trouper Mellsjøhøgda's Electra) Lovely shaped tricolour, balanced throughout, very shapely,
super reach of neck, into level top line, good sweep over loin, masculine refined head
and expression, straight front, good bone, correct oval shaped feet, moved well.
Lingontassen Affanity Zurprize, E: Kerstin Sjöqvist O: Kerstin Sjöqvist, Sverige
(INT N SLO LUX MD MK BG UCH Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize - Madmax Dancing
In The Space) In very good coat, lovely outline, masculine expression, flat scull, well
developed underjaw, good fill of foreface, good front and rear angulation, moved well
behind, would prefer more extension in front, steady showman.
Herds History Maker, E: Tangnes, Sissel O: Gatheral, Miss M G, Storbritannia
(Herds Hermes - Dantralee Innocent Look) Nice overall shape, good for size, nice
head and expression, flat scull, good fill of foreface, nice eye shape and placement,
neat ears well used, moved well.
Thoco's Easy Going, E: Hansen Marit Og Terje O: Bolgnes, Brit-Unni, Rolf Og
Hanne, 7081 Sjetnemarka (Thoco's Quite A Storm - Thoco's Zip It) Glamorous
tricolor , very good overall shape and balance, excellent reach of neck, into level top
line, good sweep over loins, would prefer better upper arm, masculine expression,
flat scull, little deep in stop, steady mover.
Sheltifarmen's Oliver E: Lisbeth Haugsdal, Bjørn Egil Haugsdal O: Pettersen Anita
Og Frode Bjørnar, 7602 Levanger (BG RO UCH ROGR BGGR UCH Mellsjøhøgda's
Copper Zurprize - Sheltifarmen's Gurly) In excellent coat, balanced in profile, good
front and rear angulation, good reach of neck, would prefer a more defined stop.
Steady showman.
Mohnesee's First Edition E: Reidun Monsholm, Jim Jørgensen O: Law, J. J.,
Storbritannia (Mohnesee Time Keeper - Mohnesee Christmas Belle) Lovely shape in
profile, balanced throughout, good reach of neck, into level top line, good sweep over
loins, masculine expression, refined head, would prefer better upperarm, but moved
La-Min-So's Count On Me, E: Schjølberg, Vera O: Berg, Vigdis, 2770 Jaren
(Leeland Quarterback - La-Min-So's Sweet Lady) Heavily coated blue merle, good
color, nice reach of neck, staright front, nice oval shaped feet, tail little short, good
muscle tone, nice head and expression, would prefer a little more refined, moved
Orreknuppen's Copper Habie E: Skjermo, Kristin O: Krogstad, Inger, 2657 Svatsum
(BG RO UCH ROGR BGGR UCH Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize - Orreknuppen's
More Martini) Heavily coated sable, lovely temperament, would prefer a leaner head,
good overall shape, unsteady on the move.
Mohnesee Back To Black, E: Brit-Unni Bolgnes, Hanne Bolgnes, Rolf Bolgnes O:
Hateley, Kay, Storbritannia (Mohnesee Mr Palmer Pixycrystalsdiselvaspinawithmohnese) Heavily coated tri, up to size, good overall
balance, a little deep and strong in head, correct ear placement, slightly heavy,
steady mover
Microgården's Maharaja,E: Johannessen, Ann-Cathrin O: Johannessen AnnCathrin, 1892 Degernes (Jefsfire Ace Of Clubs - Rivergate's Lady Of The Moonlight)
Masculine tricolour, would prefer leaner head, a little deep in stop, and would prefer
better placed ears. Good bend of stifle, tail a little short, moved little close behind,
good for size.
Minnlett's Really Special, E: Hindenes, Tone O: Mjelde Irene, Heidi Og Linn, 5652
Årland (Fairyhome's Saturday Night Fever - Minnlett's Classic Dream) Heavily coated
blue merle, up to size, balanced in profile, moved a little close behind, good depth of
chest, would prefer better upperarm, lovely reach of neck, would prefer a leaner
head, a little deep in stop, would prefer better underjaw.
Mellsjøhøgda's Dark'n Handsome, E: Haugsdal, Lisbeth O: Tangnes Sissel, Olsen
Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (CZ N UCH Microgården's Super Trouper Mellsjøhøgda's Electra) Flashy tricolour, in good coat, would prefer a leaner head, a
little deep al through, level top line, good bend of stifle, tail a little high set.
Kathimer's Charlie Chaplin E: Svinøy, Gunn Jorid Olsen O: Johansen Kathrin Og
Knut-Inge, 8100 Misvær (N UCH Lythwood Scrumpy Jack - N FIN UCH Kelroe's
Fabolous Attention) Heavily coated sable, up to size, front construction okay, neat
ears, well developed underjaw, moved close behind, lack front extension.
Shari Pat's Up To Date, E: Jæger, Kristin O: Olsen Anne Britt Westlund, Olsen Åge
Bjørn, 3727 Skien (Leeland Quarterback - Shari Pat's Silvery Moonlight) Heavily
coated blue merle, good front and rear angulation, would prefer shade smaller, head
deep and strong, good bone, would prefer a more oval shaped foot, and better front
Championklasse Hannhund
INT NORD SE UCH NORDV-09-11 SE DK FI HE V-11 WW-10-11 KBHV-10 Japaro
Eye Of The Storm KCSB2965CT, 09/07/06, Sobel/Hvit E: Olsen Finn H/Nixon, Mr. J
Og Mrs. M O: Nixon, Mr J E, Storbritannia (GB CH Milesend Stormwarden - Japaro
Laced With Silk) Dark shaded sable, in excellent condition, super overall shape, well
balanced, lovely reach of neck, into a level top line, good sweep over loins, good
bend of stifle, well let down hock, good front angulation, good flexible pastern, with
correct oval shaped foot, lovely eye placement, correct color, neat well used ears,
beautiful, excellent mover.
BG RO UCH ROGR BGGR UCH Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize, E: Tangnes,
Sissel O: Tangnes Sissel, Olsen Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (INT N SLO LUX BG
MK MD UCH Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize - Microgården's Babe Is Back) Rich red
sable, with a full white color, balanced in profile, super reach of neck, good bend of
stifle, well let down hock, neat ears, good eye shape, would prefer better underjaw,
good upperarm and shoulder placement, good depth of chest, straight front, moved
N UCH NJV-12 Croft's Another One Bites The Dust, E: Kjell Arvid Torgersen,
Janne Andersen O: Carlsen Arnhild/ Tangen Torkild/ Andersen J/ Tangen W/
Torgerssen K, 4318 Sandnes (SEUCH DKUCH Shelteam Ace Of Diamonds - PV-07
Croft's Roll Over Lay Down) Eye catching sable, good overall shape and balance,
straight front, good depth of chest, would prefer better upperarm, excellent reach of
neck, into level top line, good sweep over loins, would prefer leaner head, has a flat
scull, nice eye placement, good movement.
CZ RO CH Microgården's Look This Way, E: Johannessen, Ann-Cathrin O:
Johannessen Ann-Cathrin, 1892 Degernes (Degallo The Legend - Microgården's
Ain't Misbehavin) In between coats, would prefer a shade smaller, good overall
shape and balance, would prefer a leaner head, straight front, would prefer better
depth of chest, moved okay.
NORD HR N SL UCH Eddiebakken's Lucky Luke, E: Torgersen, Kjell Arvid O:
Hatteland Kari-Lise, 4352 Kleppe (INT DK N UCH RO PL SI UCH Croft's I Want It All
- Bermarks X-Bee) Well-presented sable, good overall shape and balance, excellent
reach of neck, level top line, good bend of stifle, well let down hock, good depth of
chest, straight front, would prefer better upperarm, nice eye placement, correct stop,
would prefer leaner head, and a shade smaller in size, steady mover.
INT BUL GE FI DK UCH BULGR UCH Lyngvetun's King Of Hearts, E: Olavessen,
Grete/Rilatt, Paul O: Rilatt Paul Og Olavessen Grete, 1580 Rygge (NORD UCH INT
UCH Japaro Tri To Resist - La-Min-So's Blue Silver Secret) Lovely shaped tri,
beautifully balanced, in-between coats, excellent reach of neck, level top line, good
sweep over loins, good bend of stifle, straight front, correct oval shaped feet, good
head, nice shaped eye, would prefer ears little better tipped, steady mover.
Veteranklasse Hannhund
Exc 1VETKK BIRveteran
9p veteran
N DK HR SLO UCH Croft's Brown Sugar, E: Kjell Arvid Torgersen, Janne
Andersen O: Carlsen Arnhild/Feijen Charles, 3175 Ramnes (Eastflash Walk On Top Sheltibo's Hot Feelings) Good overall shape, and balanced in profile, super reach of
neck. Level top line, would prefer better bend of stifle. Straight front, good depth of
chest, neat ears, correctly placed, would prefer a leaner head, moved okay.
5p veteran
INT N SLO LUX BG MK MD UCH Mellsjøhøgda's Zuper Zurprize, E: Tangnes,
Sissel O: Tangnes Sissel, Olsen Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (N UCH Japaro D'
Joker Of Sommerville - Mellsjøhøgda's Noteworthy) Nice overall shape, good reach
of neck, up to size, would prefer better upper arm, straight front, little narrow, steady
Juniorklasse Tispe
Exc 1JKK
Croft's Every Thing's Coming Way, E: Torkild Tangen, Janne Andersen, Wenche
Tangen, Kjell Arvid Torgersen O: Tangen Torkild/ Andersen Janne/ Tangen Wenche/
Torgerssen Kjell, 2164 Skogbygda (SEUCH DKUCH Shelteam Ace Of Diamonds - N
UCH Croft's A Kind Of Magic) Nice overall shape, balanced in profile, feminine head
and expression, would prefer more defined stop, straight front, needs to develop in
forechest, moved well.
Exc 2JKK
Dreamkeeper's Awesome Dream, E: Lisbeth Haugsdal, Bjørn Egil Haugsdal O:
Haugsdal Lisbeth/ Hansen Bjørn Egil, 5259 Hjellestad (Sheltifarmen's Oliver Mellsjøhøgda's Keep The Dream) Good for size, feminine head and expression,
reachy neck, good top line, correct bend of stifle, straight front, reasonable upperarm
and shoulder, moved well.
La-Min-So's Girl Power, E: Vigdis Berg, Lene Berg Hagen O: Berg Vigdis, 2770
Jaren (N UCH Ingivito's Mr Luke Skywalker - La-Min-So's Coral Lula) Built on racy
lines, good overall shape, good reach of neck, good rear angulation, would prefer
more fill of foreface, neat ears, would prefer more bone, up to size, moved close
behind, okay in front.
Roikie's Millie One To Many, E: Grønvik, Grethe W O: Grønvik Grethe
Wollenhaupt, 1970 Hemnes (Lizmark Marchand D'or - Roikie's Blueie The Sweet
Thing) Good overall shape, built on racy lines, excellent reach of neck, level top line,
feminine head and expression, straight front, moved okay. Would prefer better
Ragnali's Blue Beauty, E: Ragnhild Johnsen, Alf Inge Johnsen O: Johnsen
Ragnhild Og Alf Inge, 4900 Tvedestrand (Sunland's Black Power - Laguna Blue Z
Dáblovy Studánky) Built on racy lines, would prefer slightly shorter length of back,
reasonable front angulation would prefer better bend of stifle, feminine expression,
would prefer more fill of foreface and less stop. Moved okay, nicely colored.
Bello Anima, E: Øibo, Alice Karine Edholm O: Eriksen, Elin Kvello, 2080 Eidsvoll
(INT BUL GE FI DK UCH BULGR UCH Lyngvetun's King Of Hearts - Sweet Luna)
Racy outline, slightly narrow in front, good reach of neck, correct bend of stifle, would
prefer slightly shorter in back, needs more bone, feminine head, ears a little
unsettled, movement okay.
Flinthaug Tiny Tina In Black, E: Jæger, Kristin O: Christiansen Nina, 1283 Oslo
(INT SE N DK UCH Japaro Chasing The Storm - Flinthaug Mon Cherie In Black)
Good for size, good overall shape, would prefer more neck, straight front, little
narrow, moved a little close behind, okay in front, good eye shape.
Unghund Klasse Tispe
Lingontassen Dolly Parton, E: Kerstin Sjöqvist O: Kerstin Sjöqvist, Sverige
(Smultroner Forever Young - Mellsjøhøgda's Jazzmine) Feminine bitch, good size,
lovely shape, super reach of neck, level top line, good sweep over loin, very good
bend of stifle, well let down hock, lean head, neat ears, correct stop, attentive
showgirl, moved well
Exc 2UKK
Chesslike Field Of Gold , E: Reidun Monsholm, Jim Jørgensen O: Monsholm
Reidun Og Ida Linn, 6017 Ålesund (Mohnesee's First Edition - Chesslike Bella
Donna) Nice overall shape, good reach of neck, into a level top line, feminine head
and expression, straight front, good depth of chest, reasonable front angulation,
moved okay.
Croft's For You, E: Wenche Tangen, Torkild Tangen, Kjell Arvid Torgersen O:
Carlsen Arnhild/ Tangen Torkild/ Andersen J/ Tangen W/ Torgerssen K, 3175
Ramnes (Mellsjøhøgda's Countryboy - Sheltibo's Dirty Diva) In very good coat, good
overall shape, would prefer leaner head, and a more rounded muzzle, is a little wide
set, good depth of for chest, moved close behind, okei in front, up to size.
Orreknuppen's Lady In Red, E: Wæhre, Elisabeth O: Krogstad Inger, 2657
Svatsum (Herds History Maker - Bermarks Zafira) Very feminine, lovely head and
expression, good overall shape, good for size, movement erratic behind, would prefer
more bend of stifle, her rear movement let her down today, otherwise a nice bitch.
Åpen Klasse Tispe
Snabswood Seventh Heaven, E: Holmen, Trude O: Fitzsimons, Mrs J, Storbritannia
(Snabswood Soulmate - Snabswood Summer Love) Lovely to go over, lovely front
angulation, very good upperarm and shoulder placement, super reach of neck,
feminine head and expression, would prefer better underjaw, lovely coat, moved with
drive from behind, good front extension, very nice bitch.
Exc 2AKK
Orreknuppen's Bianca, E: Krogstad, Inger O: Krogstad, Inger, 2657 Svatsum
(Karmell's X-File - Orreknuppen's Urda) Lovely bitch to go over, lovely shape, good
overall balance, lovely rear angulation, with well let down hock, lovely for size,
feminine expression, would prefer darker eye, with a more rounded muzzle, better
underjaw. Straight front, good depth of chest, sound bitch.
Exc 3AKK
La-Min-So's Coral Lula, E: Berg, Vigdis/Hagen, Lene B. O: Berg, Vigdis, 2770 Jaren
(La-Min-So's Such A Charmer - La-Min-So's Inka Maya) Good overall shape,
balanced in profile, nice head and expression, flat scull, good rounded muzzle, nice
eye shape and placement, good rear angulation, well let down hock, neat feet,
moved well.
Exc 4AKK
Nisselia's Gipsy Lady, E: Danielsen, Lise O: Wæhre Elisabeth, 7562 Hundhamaren
(Milward Moonlight - Mellsjøhøgda's Flirt In A Skirt) Good overall shape, balanced in
profile, correct reach of neck, level top line, would prefer better bend of stifle, good
front angulation, feminine head and expression, good rounded muzzle, lovely shaped
eye, very attentive showgirl, moved very well.
Yuwang's Aila To Ingivito, E: Ingrid Anne Vestnes, Else Kravik O: Myklebust Arild &
Marianne, 6240 Ørskog (N UCH Ingivito's Mr Luke Skywalker - Ingivito's Kaia To Yu
Wang) Good overall shape, good length of neck, into a level top line, good sweep
over loin, feminine head and expression, would prefer better shaped eye, moved well
both ways, good size.
Mellsjøhøgda's Pure Gold, E: Tangnes, Sissel/ Ibrahimi, Enisa O: Tangnes,
Sissel/Olsen Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (Degallo The Rustler - Orreknuppen's
Valora) Lovely shape, balanced in profile, very good reach of neck, into level topline,
good sweep over loins, good rear angulation, reasonable upperarm, with good depth
of chest, straight front, feminine head and expression, would prefer better underjaw,
moved well.
Mellsjøhøgda's Keep The Dream, E: Haugsdal, Lisbeth/Hansen, Bjørn E. O:
Tangnes Sissel, Olsen Johannes, 2608 Lillehammer (Jefsfire Story Teller Mellsjøhøgda's Electra) Nice size, good coat, good reach of neck, feminine head and
expression, a little deep in stop, good rear angulation, moved well both ways.
Chesslike Bella Donna, E: Hoem, Oddbjørg/Monsholm, Reidun O: Monsholm
Reidun Og Ida Linn, 6017 Ålesund (GB FR N UCH Anakin Skywalker Jedi De
Mayerling - Playtime's Made In Paris) Nice overall shape, feminine head and
expression, would prefer a darker eye, good reach of neck, level top line, correct
bend of stifle, moved well both ways.
Microgården's Steals Your Heart,E: Hellberg, Rune K. O: Johannessen AnnCathrin, 1892 Degernes (Degallo The Likely Lad - Microgården's Got Some Style)
Moved well both ways, good overall shape, very good rear angulation, good neck,
straight front, reasonable upper and shoulder placement, feminine expression, okay
for size.
La-Min-So's Melody In Blue, E: Berg, Vigdis O: Berg Vigdis, 2770 Jaren (CZ N
UCH Microgården's Super Trouper - Imajan's Prima Vera) Nice shape, balanced in
profile, good reach of neck, lovely color, good rear angulation, feminine head and
expression, straight front, good tail set, needs more coat.
Mellsjøhøgda's Ain't She Special, E: Kerstin Sjöqvist O: Sissel Tangnes Og Johs
Olsen (Jefsfire Dean Martin - Mellsjøhøgda's Very Special) Good overall shape,
would prefer a shade smaller, moved well behind, but wide in front, would prefer
leaner head, and a better underjaw, in good coat.
Sheltiesea's Black Pirat, E: Stordal, Ann Kristin O: Stordal Ann Kristin, 7273
Norddyrøy (CZ N UCH Microgården's Super Trouper - Mellsjøhøgda's Xclusive) Nice
size, good overall shape and balance, would prefer more refined head, would prefer
shade smaller, correct placed ears.
Hasimo's Fairytale, E: Haugen, Gunn O: Bjerkevoll Harald Egil Og Sigrun, 6390
Vestnes (Leeland Copper Coin - N UCH Lyngvetun's Dame Emma) Good overall
shape, would prefer more of her, a little narrow all trough, nice eye shape, moved
Thoco's Winter Joy, E: Jakobsen, Reidun O: Bolgnes Brit-Unni, Rolf Og Hanne,
7081 Sjetnemarka (Thoco's Quite A Storm - Tiakina Talkblu At Thoco) Up to size,
head coarse and deep, need more stop, good reach of neck, level top line, would
prefer better bend of stifle.
Championklasse Tispe
NORD UCH NORDV-12 SEV-12 KBHV-12 Joyland's Magic Ambition, E: Olsen,
Finn Helge O: Svandalsflona Gro/Bosvik Kjersti, 4323 Sandnes (N SE FI UCH SEW10 Rannerdale Oliwer Twist - N UCH SE UCH Joyland's Magic Connection) Beautiful
bitch to go over, superb outline and shape, lovely reach of neck, level top line, into
good sweep over loins, correct tail set, very good bend of stifle, into well let down
hock, beautiful head and expression, refined and lean, beautifully set and eye shape
and placement, superb coat, beautifully presented, a real showgirl.
N UCH Croft's Ice Queen, E: Hindenes, Tone O: Carlsen Arnhild/ Tangen Torkild/
Andersen J/ Tangen W/ Torgerssen K, 4318 Sandnes (SEUCH DKUCH Shelteam
Ace Of Diamonds - PV-07 Croft's Roll Over Lay Down) Pretty, wheaten sable, lovely
size, balanced throughout, lovely head and expression, moved very well, in lovely
N UCH Maryville Melissa From Herds, E: Monsholm, Reidun O: Hughes, J. H. P.,
Storbritannia (Japaro Dream Design At Simcourt - Maryville Northern Star) Feminine
bitch of good size, good overall shape, and balanced in profile, good reach of neck,
correct bend of stifle, would prefer better tail set, moved well both ways.
BG RO UCH Microgården's Right On, E: Johannessen, Ann-Cathrin O:
Johannessen Ann-Cathrin, 1892 Degernes (Degallo The Likely Lad - Orean Rose
Royal) Very sound to go over, good overall shape, balanced in profile, good rear
angulation, moved very well both ways, would prefer more refined and lean head.
Veteranklasse Tispe
7p veteran
Joyful Ferrari, E: Olavesen Grete/ Rilatt Paul O: Johansen Jan S Og Ingrid M, 1613
Fredrikstad (INT NORD FIN CH NORDV-00 SV-01 Cronys Red Rumour - N UCH
Imajan's La Gioia Ferrari) Carrying a good coat, good reach of neck, level top line,
good rear angulation, balanced throughout, moved okay.
5p veteran
Taras Golden Ganzie , E: Nilssen, Stina O: Nilsen, Rita Eliassen, 8640
Hemnesberget (N S UCH Honeybrook Man Of The World - Rajos Tara) Good shape,
balanced in profile, good reach of neck, moved very well for her age, good angulation
front and rear.
4p veteran
Madmax Dancing In The Space, E: Kerstin Sjöqvist O: Christina Sundell, Sverige
(SA FIN Uch Milesend Dancing Major - Madmax Padmé Amidala) Nice size, in very
good coat, good head and expression, very good rear angulation, good depth of
chest, moved well.
La-Min-So's Inka Maya, E: Berg Vigdis Og Lene O: Berg Vigdis, 2770 Jaren (N UCH
Stornaway Sawney Bean - La-Min-So's Sweet Mint) Heavily coated sable bitch,
enjoying her day out, a little narrow all trough, good overall shape, rear movement
okay, but front movement erratic.
Kennel Mellsjøhøgda E: Sissel Tangnes og Johs Olsen stilte med følgende hunder:
Mellsjøhøgda's Dark'n Dreamy
Mellsjøhøgda's Copper Zurprize
Mellsjøhøgda's Pure Gold
Mellsjøhøgda's Keep The Dream
Very typey, all balanced in shape, good coats, nice breed type.