/ Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX)

Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX)
Student’s Surname
Students Forename
Date of Assessment (DD/MM/YY)
Student’s Year
Assessor’s Registration Number (e.g. GMC, NMC)
Assessor’s Name
Dr David Samuels
Assessor’s Email
[email protected]
Assessor’s Position:
Other : __________________
Brief Summary of Case:
25 year old with dizziness who turned out to be pregnant (P2G4) at 20/40 but was unaware.
Setting for Assessment (e.g. GP Surgery, Home visit, A&E, Outpatients):
GP Surgery
Please score the student on the scale shown. Please note that your scoring should reflect the performance of the
student against that which you would reasonably expect at their stage of training and level of experience. Please
mark ‘Unable to Comment’ if you feel you have not observed the behaviour.
Well below
Well above
Unable to
for stage of
expectation for Comment
for stage of
for stage of
for stage of
for stage of
stage of
(not observed
on this
Medical Interview Skills
Physical Examination Skills
Counselling and Communications Skills
Clinical Judgement
Consideration for Patient/Professionalism
Overall Clinical Competence
Based on this observation please rate the level of overall competence the student has shown:
Overall Clinical Judgement
Below level expected for
stage of training
Performed at the level
expected for stage of training
Performed above the level
expected for stage of training
Basic consultation skills resulting in complete history and/or
examination findings. Limited clinical judgement following encounter.
Sound consultation skills resulting in adequate history and/or
examination findings. Basic clinical judgement following encounter.
Good consultation skills resulting in a sound history, and/or
examination findings. Solid clinical judgement following encounter
higher than expected for stage of training.
Excellent and timely consultation skills resulting in a comprehensive
history and /or examination findings in a complex or difficult situation.
Good clinical judgement following encounter.
Performed at the level
expected of FY1 doctor
Which aspects of the encounter were done well?
Comprehensive history taking from a pregnant lady. Very caring approach; when the patient became
upset you were very empathetic; used appropriate ways of counselling her; and gave her the time to
understand the problem.
You picked up on the communication barrier in a patient who had English as a second language
then used extra explanation to ensure understanding.
Suggested areas for improvement / development?
If the patient seems confused consider the use of closed questions to confirm understanding.
Always remember to introduce yourself to the patient in full with your position.
Agreed Actions / learning plan
Look at the NICE guidance on antenatal care.
Reflect on how to encourage patients to access healthcare appropriately, so for example this lady
should have been seen earlier in pregnancy and should not have attended A&E.
Student’s reflections on patient and areas of learning
I learnt about explaining pregnancy and how it can be either a situation in which you are giving good
or bad news depending on how the patient feels about being pregnant. This was really tricky as I felt
like I started congratulating her but then realised she was very shocked and upset. In future I will
make sure I am non-judgemental about how patients may take this news.
Student’s signature ___________________ Assessor’s signature ____________________