Page 14 — The Tribune-Press, Gouverneur, N Y , February UNITED CHURCH RICHVILLE MACOMB WESLEYAN x GOUVERNEUR UNITED METHODIST FOWLER BAPTIST CHURCH Youth for Christ rally scheduled forFeb. 19 Rev. James R. Redstone, Rev William Master*, Stanley E. Brown, Pastor Howe B. Perry, Pastor Pastor Pastor Sunday, Feb 20, 1977, The Sunday, Feb. 20, 9:15 a.m. Services for Sunday, Feb. Seventh 10 a.m. Church Services, 11 Sunday after The morning worship service a.m. Sunday School, 6:30 20; Wesleyan Radio Hour, Epiphany conducted by the pastor. The monthly Saturday young people face the stark p.m. Senior Youth WIGS, 8:30 a.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m The Word and Andrew M. Perry, will night rally program for reality of who they are and ^School, 10:30 a.m.; Morning Fellowship, 7 p.m Junior "Music of The Christian Faith preside at the organ and the Youth Fellowship. y Worship, 11:15 a.m.; Evening broadcast over WIGS Radio choir will sing the anthem. Youth for Christ will be held catch exciting glimpses of service in charge of the Gouverneur with the pastor The pastor will preach from this Saturday, Feb. 19 at who they might become. City Hall Drawn from actual exWesleyan Youth, 8 p.m. as host. the theme: The Family Altar. Ogdensburg periences in the lives of RICHVILLE BAPTIST beginning at 7:47 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer9.30 a.m. Sunday Church 10:30 a.m., Sunday School Special feature of the Christian young people, this CHAPEL meeting 8 p.m. / School, Mrs. Lauren Fmley classes with Mrs. Nellie evening will be the dramatic thrill — packed motion the superintendent. Chancel Dimon, Supt. Marris Lindsay youth film "Step Over The picture uses the trackless ASSEMBLY OF GOD Choir, Mrs. Marylou Johnson /•(Interim Pastor) HARRISVILLE Edge." This film is based on wilderness as setting for both directing. Preschool NurGOUVERNEUR .Sunday School and Bible the participant diaries of •exciting and meaningful sery - care in the Parish CHRISTIAN CHURCH Joseph H. Bennett, Pastor Study — 10 a.m., Worship young people from the human and spiritual drama. House, Miss Debra Murphy In addition to the film, the Howe B. Perry, Pastor 287-1152 Service — 11 a.m., Sunday Wheaton College Vanguard and Miss Debra MacTurk rally will also include special Sunday, Feb. 20, 11 a.m., Evening Worship — 7:30 p.m. program. Wednesday, Feb. 16, 740 supervising. music, fun and an overall Sermon by the pastor. He will Charting their own courses p.m. Inter-denominational 11 a.m., Morning Worship good time. There is no adtalk from the subject: GOUVERNEUR through the raw wilderness, Bible study and praise at the and Praise and Sermon. The mission charge and all teens BAPTIST CHAPEL * home of Pastor Bennett, 142 Chancel Choir. Mrs. Reaching the Community canoeing down treacherous and teen -interested adults Through the Sunday School. waters, seeing each other at 59 Smith Street Park St. Special Speaker, Frederick Hopper organist. are invited to attend. Mr Bruce Mclntyre soloist. The music will be in charge of the best and worst, Christian Rev. Steve Davis. Sunday Morning Bible Friday, Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m. Glen Walrath and Michael the organist Andrew M. Study, 10 a.m., SundayPerry. Teen Talent Rally at the Whitton, acolytes. Flowers Worship, 11 a.m. Evening Friday, Feb. 25, beginning Assembly of God in Ogden- and greeters by Unit No. 1, Worship, 7:30 p.m. at 4 p.m. and each Friday United Methodist Women. sburg. Wednesday Evening Acthrough Good Friday the Mr. Donald Sunday. Feb. 20, 10 a.m. Ushering, tivities: Choir Practice, 7 members of the Christian By Rev. Stanley E. Brown dictated by love, we become Schang. Fellowship hosts, Sunday School at the p.m.. Girls in Action, 7:30 Women Fellowship will hold Pastor of United Methodist J> s P e n d t n n f t s *".<* t n r o w 1 American Legion. 11 a.m. Scout Troop No. 21, Stephen p.m., Acteens, ages 12-18 a Take-out Fish Dinner. away our yardsticks and Church, Gouverneur Morning Worship, 7 p.m. Garner in charge. meet at 7:30 p.m. Choir measuring cups. God so loved the world that Evening Service at the home 4.00 p.m., The Pastor's practice is 7 p.m. Prayer and We give without thought of N O R T H GOUVERNEUR He gave . . . John 3:16. of Pastor Bennett. Visitors Confirmation Class at the Bible Study, 7:30 p.m. Concern for persons beyond self and without a scale to are welcome to any of these Church. METHODIST Sunday Afternoon Services the circle of self, the effort to measure the worthiness of services. 4.30 p.m., Kinney Home at the FullervUle Community Stanley E. Brown, Pastor meet needs other than our those who may receive. Dial 287-3223 for "Words to Vesper Service by the Church at 2.30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 20, 1977, The own, and the doing of good We give because God has Live By" to help brighten Gouverneur Ciericus. Sunday after from which we may not reap given and because God 5:00 p.m.. Junior High Seventh your day! HARRISVILLE direct benefits — these are continues to give. Youth Fellowship, Mr. and Epiphany. . 7:00 a.m.. The Word and We give to meet need. UNITED METHODIST evidences of maturity and Mrs. Roy Harrington adGOUVERNEUR Music of The Christian Faith actions of love. Our giving is a reflection of visors. CHURCH FIRST AMERICAN broadcast over WIGS Radio Love invests in persons, God's love, God who com6.30 p.m.. Senior High Rev. Janet Gibbs BAPTIST CHURCH Youth Fellowship, Mr. and Gouverneur with the pastor times, places where it may manded that we love one Pastor Oliver K. Barker not always be sure of a another even as He loves us, Mrs. John Garner advisors. as host. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m (Interim Pastor) for God is love. Wednesday. Feb. 16, 1977, 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship return. Worship 11 a.m. Sunday. Feb. 20. 10 a.m., 6:30 p.m., Operor Class and Praise with the sermon This love may be for those Sunday School Classes at the covered - dish supper - by the pastor. Miss Diane who will stand on your parsonage; 11 a.m. Morning meeting Fellowship Hall. Kinney, organist. Mrs. shoulders or those on whose ASSEMBLY OF GOD Worship. Nursery and Junior Committee: Lamica, choir shoulders you will stand, for Mr. and Mrs. Donald EDWARDS Church are provided during Arnold Whitton, Mr. and director. those who will come after you 10:00 a.m., Sunday Church or those who have gone the tune of Morning Worship. Mrs. CHURCH OF Hilton Ferguson, EDWARDS CHAR£E Pastor: MorrisHagan Tuesday, Feb. 15, 7:30 Program. Mr. William Wall. School, Mrs. Wallace Hurlbut before you. THENAZARENE UNITED METHODIST Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. p.m., choir rehearsal at In the self - giving which is MPS. Donald Schang, Operor the superintendent. Sunday School; 11 a.m. Church. 4:00 p.m., Pastors ConDouglas Spencer, Pastor Class president. Floyd W.Shaw, Pastor Worship; 7 p.m. firmation Class at the Church GOUVERNEUR Richard Memorial United Wednesday, Feb. 16, 7 30 -Sunday School, 10 a.m.; The Potsdam Public Methodist C h u r c h , Morning Worship, 11 a.m.; Evangelistic. Friday. Feb 18, 1977, 6:30 in Gouverneur. p.m.. meeting of the Women's ST. JAMES Museum's new exhibit, Wednesday — \ p.m. 4.30 p.m., Kinney Home Oswegatchie Sunday Wor- Choir Practice, 7 p.m.; NYI, Society at the Church, please p.m.. Junior High Game "Who, What, When and Prayer and Bible study. Vesper Service by the ship 9 a.m. Rev. Norman Poupore, Night. Fellowship Hall, bring White Cross supplies. 7:30 p.m.; Evangelistic Where," will open this week. South Edwards United Service. 8 p.m.; Prayer Pastor benefit of the Gouverneur Gouvemeur Clericus. Part of the museumVtarge— * SEVENTH DAY Saturday, Feb. 19, 197" Methodist Church Sunda> Meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 Rectory Phone: 287-0114 collection of unidentified Youth Development CorGOUVERNEUR ADVENTIST 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Worship 10.10 a.m. poration Sunday Mass Schedule: photos will be on exhibit. Also p.m.) Choir Practice, TRINITY EPISCOPAL Flea Market, Anticipated Mass Saturday at Seuth Edwards Church Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 19, 1977, Wmtei on view will be numerous J.W. Baker, Pastor 9:00 a.m.—umil 4:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall, First United 5.15 p.m. Sunday morning objects that are either School 11:15 a.m. Fr. Charles B. King, Jr. Sabbath School i Saturday) Market, JMethodist Church, Grove Masses at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Winter Flea Edwards United Methodist PARISH OF NATIVITY . Rector unidentified or are an oddity Fellowship Hall with lun- Street, Gouverneur, benefit ,..Confessions: Onejiali hour •• to most people now. Church Sunday School 10 STAR LAKE, HERMON at 1:30 p.m.; church service Wednesday, Feb 16, 7:30 at 3 p.m cheon served from 11 a.m., of the Gouverneur 'YoiitfT before all Masses. a.m. Sunday Worship 11:15. The public is invited to the Prayer meeting at 7 p.m. p.m. Vestry meeting. Corporation. Baptisms: By appointment a.m. Rev. John E. Miller,"Vicar ThKsday, Feb. 17, 5:15 benefit to the Gouverneur Development official opening on Wedon Tuesday evening. The Adult Fellowship will Youth Development Coronly. St. Augustine's Chapel p.m. Holy Eucharist. nesday, Feb. 16, from 1:30 to \ have a baked - goods sale and . Daily Masses: 5 p.m. Sunday. Feb. 20, 9:30 a.m. poration. Holy Eucharist Sunday at 3 p.m. Special guests of the EAST PITCAIRN GEERS CORNERS Tuesday. Feb. 22,1977,9:00 special items may be ordered Monday, Feb. 14. Tuesday, Sung Eucharist and Sermon, 11:15 a.m. and Thursday at museum wil- be the SandWESLEYAN CHURCH 7:30 p.m. a.m.. Well Child Clinic, for delivery at the market by and Wednesday. 7:15 a.m. COMMUNITY CHURCH Coffee Hour follows. stone Senior Citizens. Several Tuesday, Feb. 22, 11 a.m. Fellowship Hall, under the calling one of the following Thursday and Friday and 10 people will reminisce about Rev. Carl Timpson, Pastor _..-- -^ -287-1472 Bible Conversations in the direction of the Gouverneur numbers 287-3437, 287-2187, a.m. Saturday in the Convent. . 10 a.m.Sunday School, 11 Potsdam in the past. FAITH BAPTIST / Paul A1 berry. Pastor Neighborhood Center, Mrs. 287-2677* " - * Religious Education Refreshments will be served. Undercrofta.m. Morning worship, 7 p.m. CHURCH Ash Wednesday, Feb. 23, classes for students in grades Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Wednesday, Feb. 23, Ash Ercel McAdam director. Wesleyan Youth, 7:30 p.m. It is hoped that many of Sunday Church Service, 11 1977, 7 a.m. tc> 9 a.m. The 7-8 are held Monday evenings Potsdam s old-time residents Robert Taylor. Pastor Wednesday, 7 a.m. Hdiy Ash • Wednesday,.Feb. 23, Vespers. 1977. The beginning of the Sacrament of Holy Com- at the school. Services for Faith Baptist a m Eucharist < ,«u Ashes. 7 30 p m. Wednesday, will be able to identify some Church are being held on RD Youth choir practice, Wednesday. Feb 23, Ash 1977 Lenten Season. The munion will be administered Thanks to all who helped us of our mystery people and the Prayer Meeting. No. 4. 3 miles East of Monday, 6 30 p.m. Wednesday, 5:15 p.m. Holy Sacrament of Holy Com- by the pastor at the Church in observe Catholic Education objects that they lived with. G.C.Y.F. (Geers Corners Eucharist and Ashes munion will be administered Gouverneur. And again the Week. Gouverneur. If you are unable to come in GOUVERNEUR bv the pastor at the Church Sacrament will be offered Sunday School is 10 a.m.; Youth Fellowship* Monday, Social evenings for on Wednesday, the museum WESLEYAN from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. worship service, 11 a.m.; 7:30 p.m. . parishioners and friends are is opened Tuesday through RICHVILLE and again from 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Tuesday, 1 evening service, 7:30 p.m. held each Sunday evening at Saturday from 2 p.m. to 5 Caroll Maynard, Pastor CHURCH OF GOD until 9.00 p.m. Those wishing p.m at homes. 7.30 p.m. in the school. p.m. Sunday School — 10 a.m. OXBOW-ROSSIE the Sacrament are asked to Rev. Lee Vonv»aid "Crossroads," a Catholic CHURCH OF Sunday Morning Wors*ttf> •«• BRASIE CORNERS Sunday school will be held come during these hours. radio program produced by SP^AGUEVILLE * IRS Tax Tip: Double-check * JESUS CHRIST 11 a.m. ^"Thursday, Feb. 24, 1977, at 10 a.m.. morning worship PARISH The Passionist Fathers is your arithmetic — math METHODIST Sundav evening service the LATTER DAY SAINTS ' at 11 a.m. and Sunday 9:00 a.m., WIC Clinic heard on WIGS Sunday errors delay refunds. Rev. Ronald Anderson .first Sunday of each month at (women. infants, children), evening s e ^ c e s at p.m. mornings at 6.00 a.m. Also Arthur Barker. > ^Pastor 7 p.m Fellowshio Hall. Donald K. Dodds. Minister remember "Table Talk" Branch President IRS Tax Tip: Attach W-2's Tuesday night 7 p.m., Wednesday evening prayer Sunday. Feb. 20. Sermon: Monday at 11:30 a.m. and Church -services " for the Watertown Branch from each employer. Youth Service. 7:30 p.m.. Southern Cluster at 7 p.m. '5:45 p.m. and Tuesday month of February will be a .Sunday services at 617 "Veiled Glory" - Text I Wednesday at 7 St. Lawrence District. United p.m., Davidson Street. Watertown. Corinthians 3:16. Sunday 'midweek Prayer and Bible Methodist Churches meeting combined service at 10.30 through Friday at 11.30 a.m. IRS Tax Tip: Save all School. 10:45 a m . WESTERN^ Priesthood. 9 a m . Sundaywith Rev. Harlow Doliber at a.m. in the Oxbow Parish and 6.30 p.m. with a member work papers and records used A coffee hour and bible Study. of the Gouverneur Clencus. in preparing your tax raurn school. 10:30 a.m.; ADIRONDACK % the Edwards Methodist Hall. study will follow the service. Sacrament meeting. 11.30 PARISH Church. Rev Douglas DEKALB JUNCTION am. Spencer the host-pastor. Services every~5unday~St 10 METHODIST T. ir. .December at ANTWERP SHARED Table Taik is broadcast GOUVERNEUR ^ia "in January at over WIGS Radio GouverMINISTRY FREE METHODIST -Norman Love, Pas tar Crar.Serr. i-ake In February s -neur weekdays Monday Samuel Simmons. Pastor Morning Worship Service a\ Siar I-ake . Donald K Dodds. Minister through Friday at 11:30 a.m. Sunday School 10 a m 10 a.m. Sundays Sunday. Ftb 20. Sunday and fi.iO p.ra \ Morning worship 11 a.m Schooi. 10 a m Morning Evening service 7 p.m ST. MICHAEL'S Worship. 11 15 a m Sermon Prayer meeting at the "Veiled Glory" — Text I ROMAN church Wednesday 7 p.m "Corinthians 3:16 CATHOLIC CHURCH 'Giving is loving...' Real farm Potsdam Public Museum Want to SAMPLE these local area MARKETS? ANTWERP. N Y . Rev. Thomas G. Votraw Saturday Masses — 4 30 •p.m — Philadelphia. 5 p m — Antwerp. 8 p m — Oxbow (Mass held at Presb>tenan Sunday Masses — 8 30 a m . Antwerp: 10 30 a m Philadelphia JEHOVAH'S * WITNESSES -William Frawley. Oswegatchif Tuesday even.r.*. 7 30 p m . Congregation Book Study at K.ngdom Hall. Hauesboro Wednesday evening. 7 30 p m . Congregation Book Study at K.ngdom Hali Haiiesboro Friday e v ^ n g Theocratic Ministry School. ? » p.m • Service Meeting. 8 p m at Kingdom Haii Sunday morning Pabiic B.bie Lecture, iw a m Watchtower Stady 11 a m XL mv;ted — no collect, *>ns •taker PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH HARRISVILLE Rev Paul Case. Pastor •Sunday Schooi. 9 45 a m Worship. 10 45 a m . Youth meeting * p m and worship ; 30 p m Wednesday evening. Prayer and Bib!* Study a: 7 30 p m FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OSWEGATCHIE C Ge&e Eaton. Pastor Sundav Schoc* — * 45 a m Morning" Worship - 10 45 a m Young Peopie — grades 4-6. S-7 p m : grades 7-12. $4 pm HERMON ME-RHODIST CHURCH Charles SUIT Paster Sunday services — Sunday School, * '.5 a m Church 9err.ce. iu 15 a m ; MYF 6 30 p m Building or GOLVERNELR FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev George R O»x. Pastor >*. L*> r-5 -»0 Fa:r.:.y A'fa:r" Sunday f* 30 a m t'noir Hvhear>a. 10 30 a m Choir Coffee Brea*'. "»1 a rr» Church School Classes. 11 a m Nursery Care H a m Sunday mornir.* »j~sr..? Mrs Car; S;ver w.u p.ay the pre'.ude Orchestral S-ite !by Bach The anthem w.'.l De "Trie K.n* of Love My Shepherd Is" by Ca.n P J s t; u i e "Exultant PDStiude D> Sm:tr. Sunday. F?D 20 fr-.-yr H:^. Youir, meet.r.£ ±r. ;r* Wesim.-ster rx>m at 6 >: p m with Jack.e K x h Saturday. FeD 15. Luncheon at the Methcdist Church by the F.ea Market .n cor.;unct;9r. «.t.h the W.nter at ".". % a rr. ur.t,; ail is >er>ed H>rne sowO sar.dw :r.e« >< Remodeling? % 30 OFF ON ALL ANDERSEN WINDOWS fc^r—r Lw CARLOAD SALE! - • 20°» OFF with 100% DOWN • 25% OFF with 50% DOWN • 20%OFF with 25% DOWN • ORDER BY MARCH 5«i • KUVERY APPROX. A M U 2 5 * WHITES'J ». i tea :>r ~n .K UP TO »•: WATERTOWN 7*4-4200 COWERNfm 2S7.1t*2 ADAMS CARTHAGE Republican Tribww BOONVILLE BoMivlll* IteraM JEFFERSON COUNTY Mf»rs«t Co. lovrnd Town I CMMtry NEWS LOWVILLE • PULASKI Pwlaski Democrat • SANDY CREEK s«».y cr-« * « . )*»r*al I Republican Our Tribwne-Prtff representative will be happy to pick up your ad! -from the W r -jwn'Area with Phone Not. beginning with "7 CALL TOLL-FREE 658-4700 From Oth^r Ar«<» CALL 287-2100 c P-
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