Rev. Dr. Kevin James, Sr & Mrs. Linda James CONGRATULATIONS CONFIRMANDS! We welcome into the membership of the church the following young people: Gavin Green, Brandyn Maddux, Jamal Mendez, Emily Tartaglia, Daniel Thomas, Cassidy Van Brink, and Alyssa Wallace. FAMILY BIBLE STUDY TRAVEL GUIDE TO THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM Beginning Wednesday, May 2nd and continuing until June 6 Meets in Fellowship Hall, 6:307:30 pm. COMMUNION SUNDAY, MAY 6 Communion will be offered on Sunday, May 6 at all services. Be sure to wear your name tag so the blessing can be personalized for you. Temporary name tags are available in the Narthex. Deadline for submission of articles & news events: 21st of each month. Electronic submission via email or attached file in MS Word or pdf only to: [email protected]. To subscribe/unsubscribe, email: [email protected] Rev. Dr. Kevin James, Sr is the senior pastor of Palma Ceia United Methodist Church in Tampa, Florida, where he resides with his wife, Linda, who is a twenty-nine year veteran of the Department of Children and Families. Rev. James was born in Los Angeles, CA, but raised in Daytona Beach; Linda is also from Daytona Beach. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Religion and Philosophy with a minor in Sociology from Bethune-Cookman University; a Master of Divinity Degree from the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) at Gammon Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia; and received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from Bethune-Cookman University. Dr. James has recently completed a year-long preaching study at Duke University Divinity School. Rev. James is an avid sports fan, and has coached basketball at the YMCA. He and Linda are the proud parents of two wonderful young adults: Brittany Michelle, a graduate of Florida A & M University (her mother’s alma mater), and Kevin, Jr., a junior at Bethune-Cookman University. Rev. Dr. Kevin James, Sr. will offer his first message at all worship services at Palm Coast United Methodist Church on Sunday, July 1, 2012. Page 2 FOR YOUR INFORMATION DESSERT & SILENT AUCTION, MAY 6TH A dessert & silent auction will be held Sunday, May 6, 6 pm in Fellowship Hall; proceeds to benefit the youth/ adult summer mission trips. A complete list of auction items, some of which include a 52” wide screen TV w/ stand, bakery gift cards, house cleaning, pet sitting, handcrafted jewelry, is available at the church office. Please let the office know if you plan to attend so that an adequate amount of dessert can be prepared. Bakery Goods Needed for silent auction. If you can help out, bring your donation to the kitchen Sunday morning or before 6 pm Sunday evening. Thanks! JOYSONG MUSICAL: AMERIKIDS JoySong Children’s Choir will present the children’s musical, Amerikids, on Saturday, May 19 at 6 pm in the church Sanctuary. Amerikids shares the faith that made our country great and reminds people of all ages about the early Americans’ total trust in God. Freewill offering will be taken. NOTE: There will be no Family PJ Movie Night on that date. Please attend the musical and encourage our “America’s Got Talent” wannabees! COMING SOON! AMAZIN’ GRAZIN’ FELLOWSHIP GROUPS! Put together casual dress code + social setting + food + laughs + more food + beverages + story swapping + desserts, and what do you get? Amazin’ Grazin’! A new fellowship group is forming with the intent to bring together groups of eight people, couples and singles, who can get to know each other and share a meal and social time. Would you like to know more about Amazin’ Grazin’? Pick up an information sheet on the Patio area this Sunday, or visit the Amazin’ Grazin’ page on our web site: PHOTO ALBUM ON PCUMC WEB SITE Be sure to check our web site periodically for pictures of progress and events taking place at our northern property: matanzasproperty GRADUATION SUNDAY, MAY 20TH Celebration of our high school and college graduates will take place Sunday, May 20th. Contact Mike Legaspi, [email protected] with names of Palm Coast UMC high school and/or college graduates so they can be recognized and congratulated at worship services. BOB EVANS BENEFIT DAYS Thursdays, May 24 & 31, are Bob Evans benefit days for PCUMC. We will receive 15% of all sales from anyone dining at the restaurant on the above dates and presenting the flyer at the time of your order. Flyers are available at the church office, or on designated Sundays at the Patio area. Proceeds will again benefit the summer youth/adult mission trips. Eat up—a lot! PASTOR SCOTT’S FINAL SUNDAY Pastor Scott’s final Sunday preaching will be Pentecost, May 27th. His sermon is entitled “Pentecost—The Great Give Away.” There will be a farewell reception for the Farman family; date, time & location TBA. GUEST PREACHERS FOR JUNE June 3, Communion Sunday, Rev. Harry Gilman June 10, Rev. Wayne Wiatt June 17, Father’s Day, Pastor Xiomara Reboyras-Ortiz June 24, Youth Sunday, Mike Legaspi EXCITING FUNDRAISING NEWS! United Methodist Women Book Sale: $750.00. (benefits various local/global missions of UMW) Fundraising efforts for youth/adult mission trips: Concession sales @ Easter Egg Hunt: $141.00 Bob Evans Restaurant benefit: $216.00 Beverage/T-shirt sales @ church picnic: $180.00 Rummage sale receipts: $1,000.00 Aluminum can recycling: $$ TBA Boxed lunch sales: $450.00 (benefits summer camp scholarships for children) Thank you to all who helped make the above events so successful and profitable! Page 3 MORE NEWS & UPDATES REUNION HOMECOMING WEEKEND, SEPT. 29 & 30! Get-together with church friends, reunite with those who have moved elsewhere, visit with former clergy, students, Sunday School teachers and musicians! Saturday, Sept. 29 at our northern property. Sunday, Sept. 30 at our current campus. PAST PICTURES WANTED! If you have pictures of past events at PCUMC, print copies or digital, please contact Kathy Fotopoulos, [email protected] WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! If you are still in touch with former members, clergy, staff, etc., help us by passing along their contact info: Phone number, address, and email address. Call the church office, 386-445-1600, or email Beverly Patrick, beverlypatrick NEW PRECEPT STUDY BEGINS IN JUNE Lord, Heal My Hurts, led by Joan Reese, is a 13-week devotional study on God’s care and deliverance. Precept will meet on Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm. No matter what we’ve done or what’s been done to us, God wants to be our refuge. Contact Kris Blanchek, [email protected] for starting date, location, and materials cost. OPERATION OVERBOARD, VBS: JUNE 25-29 Registration for VBS will soon begin. For an overview of the activity centers, visit: You may register your child/children on or after Wednesday, May 23 by going to: We are still collecting supplies. New needs include: empty 2-liter plastic bottles, sponges, driftwood, balloons, bath scrunchies, loofah sponges, clear trash bags, brown paper bags, blue plastic table cloths, and aquarium tank gravel. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated! Questions? Contact Kris Blanchek, [email protected]. Please keep VBS in mind when shopping. Thank you! DESIGN TEAM UPDATE by Leslie Thornhill Construction continues on our northern property. Our picnic pavilion has received permitting from the city and is now under construction. We will be in need of volunteer labor for light carpentry, painting, and cleanup. If you can help in any of these areas or have a gift for any other construction trade that you’d like to contribute, please contact Ray Giaccone, [email protected] A small sunrise worship took place on Easter morning, and several future events are already scheduled in anticipation of summer completion of the work. A new Resource Garden ministry is being planned now for a fall harvest. If you have a gift for gardening or would like to cultivate one, please contact Jean Staten or Lorie Spencer at [email protected] Various items are on the wish list for the new property but are not in the current budget. Please contact Joe Cotie, [email protected] if you are interested in donating toward any of the items. Click here to view to the complete list. If you have not yet visited the new church property, we encourage you to do so. Let us know if you, your committee, or small group would like to tour the property. Contact Design Team chair Leslie Thornhill, [email protected] to arrange a brief tour or if you have any questions or comments. As always, the Design Team appreciates your prayers for PCUMC’s future home, the many workers and donors who are making it happen, and the many new disciples who will come to Christ there. LOST: Large black 3-ring binder with CDs and lyric sheets inside. Please contact Reathea Holmes, [email protected] if you have seen or found the notebook. Thank you! Stay up to date on all the PCUMC news at:
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