SØKNAD - KILROY education

Postgraduate University of the Sunshine Coast
KILROY education hjelper deg gratis med å søke på University of the Sunshine Coast. Du får
blant annet informasjon om studietilbud, opptakskrav, skolepenger, Lånekassen,
bomuligheter og visum. Studieveilederen i KILROY education svarer på de spørsmålene du
har gjennom hele søknadsprosessen, og vi møter deg gjerne til studieveiledning på vårt
kontor i Oslo eller Bergen. Trenger du studieveiledning kan du ta kontakt med oss.
KILROY kan også hjelpe deg med flybilletter og studentforsikring.
Vet du allerede hva du ønsker å studere, kan du fylle ut søknaden vedlagt.
Søknaden og nødvendige papirer sendes per post til KILROY education. Da er du garantert
rask behandling, og vi vil gå igjennom papirene og se at du har fylt ut skjemaet riktig og lagt
ved nødvendige dokumenter.
Som USC sin representant i Norge, vil universitetet godkjenne attesterte kopier på e-post
som kommer fra oss. Derfor kan du sende dine attesterte kopier til oss som vi sender direkte
til universitetet per e-post. Din søknad vil komme raskt og trygt frem.
KILROY education kan også ta attesterte kopier av dine originaler om du besøker vårt kontor
i Bergen eller Oslo.
Her kommer noen tips for utfylling av søknaden. Husk å fylle ut alle felt. Tipsene nedenfor
er svar på ofte stilte spørsmål:
Fyll ut personlig informasjon og kontaktdetaljer.
English language proficiency: Har du karakteren 4 eller høyere fra videregående
og karakteren ikke er eldre enn fem år, kan du notere dette, og du vil i de fleste
tilfeller slipper språktest. Har du derimot lavere enn 4 kan det være nødvendig at du
tar en test – ta kontakt med oss for gjennomføring av dette.
Program preferred: Her fyller du inn programmet du ønsker å studere og når du
ønsker å begynne. Semester 1 begynner i februar, og semester 2 i juli.
Academic credit transfer: Har du allerede fag som du ønsker godkjent i denne
graden tikker du av her og fyller ut skjemaet «Application for Credit». Dette skjemaet
vedlegger du søknaden som du sender til oss. Ta kontakt om du trenger hjelp til
Previous and current secondary and post-secondary studies: Skriv ned all
tidligere utdanning du har fullført, inkludert videregående skole. For videregående
skole kan du skrive «Vitnemål» under «Name of Award/Qualification»
Husk å signere!
Husk å sende søknaden til KILROY education!
Sjekkliste for søkere til mastergrad ved
University of the Sunshine Coast
Vitnemål fra bachelorgrad inkl. forside, diploma supplement og karakterutskrift
på NORSK og ENGELSK. Har du ikke fullført bachelorgrad enda, legg ved
karakterutskrift fra høyere utdanning på norsk og engelsk. Vitnemål ettersendes,
når du mottar dette.
Motivasjonsbrev (maksimum 1 A4-side)
Referansebrev fra akademisk referanse/arbeidsgiver
Kopi av pass
Vitnemål fra videregående skole på NORSK og ENGELSK, om du har 4 eller
bedre i engelsk fra videregående skole og karakteren ikke er eldre enn fem år. Er
den mer enn fem år ta kontakt da USC kan vurdere at du tar en skrivetest som du
kan ta på vårt kontor. Er karakteren lavere enn fire ta kontakt med oss for mer
informasjon om språktest.
Husk attesterte kopier, dvs. stemplet med ”rett kopi” og signert!
Alt skal sendes til:
KILROY education
Kirkegata 32
0153 Oslo
International Student Application Form
To complete this form:
• Answer all questions on the form—No application fee
• Use BLOCK LETTERS and tick check boxes where required
• Do not complete this form if you are an Australian/New Zealand citizen,
Australian Permanent Resident, or a Permanent Humanitarian visa holder.
Study Abroad applicants please use the Study Abroad Application Form.
Higher Degree by Research application information is available from the USC website
Email application Print and fax
Please return form to:
USC International
University of the Sunshine Coast—ML17
Fax: +61 7 5430 2836
Email: [email protected]
Personal details
Have you been previously enrolled at the University of the Sunshine Coast?
c No
c Yes—Student ID number:____________________
Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other__________ Date of Birth: _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Day/Month/Year Sex: c Male c Female
(as shown on Passport)
(eg 21/January/1979)
Family name:_______________________________________ Given names: ___________________________________________________
Country of Birth: ____________________________________ Citizenship: ____________________________________________________
Passport Number:____________________________ Date of Issue:______________________
Country of Issue: _______________________
(if available)
What visa are you applying for? c Student Visa c Extension to Student Visa—subclass:____________
c Other:___________________
Address / contact details
Number and street: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Town/City: _________________________________ State:_____________________ Country:_____________________________________
Postcode/Zip:_______________________________ Email: _________________________ @_____________________________________
Country Area
Local number
Country Area
Local number
Telephone: _________________________________
Mobile: ________________________ Fax:____________________________________
Permanent address in home country (if different from above)
Number and street: _____________________________________________ Town/City:________________ State:_____________________
Country Area
Local number
Country:_______________________________Postcode/Zip:________________ Telephone:_______________________________________
English language proficiency
c Yes—English is my first language c No—my first language is: ______________________________________________
(Evidence of first language may be requested)
If English is not your first language please fill in the following and attach
documentary evidence.
c English proficiency test taken (eg Cambridge, IELTS, TOEFL, DAAD): _____________ Score:_________ Date:__________________________
c I intend to sit for an English proficiency test:_________________________________________Test date:__________________________
c I applied for/am currently taking an English Language Program at USC.
c I have successfully completed a course delivered entirely in English, within the last five years, for:
c two years full-time secondary study c one year full-time University level study
c one year full-time other post-secondary
Program preferred
Name of degree program
Mode of Study
Semester or Session
(eg Bachelor of Arts, Master of Professional Accounting)
c On campus c Online
c On campus c Online
c On campus c Online
CRICOS Provider Number: 01595D
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International Student Application Form
Previous and current secondary and post-secondary studies (eg High School, TAFE, University)
Name of Award/Qualification
Year completed
or year to be
Language of
Main fields of study
(If post-secondary study)
Previous studies
Current studies
Documentary evidence of previous and current studies must be attached including full academic transcripts (statement of results and award
certificates). Documents not in English must be accompanied by certified translations.
Academic credit transfer
Do you want to claim credit? c No
c Yes*
Would you prefer an offer even if the credit assessment has not been completed? c No
c Yes
(If you tick ‘No’, an offer will only be sent when the credit assessment has been completed.
If you tick ‘Yes’, you will receive an offer as soon as you are deemed eligible for program entry. Credit assessment advice will follow at a later date).
* To claim credit for your previous post-secondary studies (eg university, college, technical or vocational study), please attach a completed ‘Application for Credit’ form
available from the USC website www.usc.edu.au/internationalcredit and include full subject descriptions.
Support services
Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition that may affect your studies?
c No
c Yes c Hearing c Learning
c Mobility
c Vision c Medical
c Other___________________________
This information is used in a confidential manner by Student Services to assist you in accessing support services.
I agree to pay all fees for which I am liable, and have read and agree to abide by the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Student rules, policies, procedures and guidelines
and conditions of enrolment, including the Student Fees and Charges Policy, and Student Fees, Charges and Refunds Procedures, which are available on the USC website
I consent to information collected about me on this form being disclosed if authorised or required by law, and/or in certain circumstances the Australian Government
and/or designated authorities authorised by the University, in accordance with the University’s Privacy Plan available at www.usc.edu.au/privacyplan
I declare that the information I have provided on this application form is true and complete and authorise the University of the Sunshine Coast to obtain further
information required to complete enrolment.
I agree to immediately notify the University of the Sunshine Coast of any changes to the information I have given in this application form, including a change
of address.
I understand the University of the Sunshine Coast reserves the right to vary or reverse any decision regarding admission or enrolment made on the basis of incorrect
or incomplete information.
I understand that I cannot change my education provider during the first six months of my course, except in limited circumstances, without a written letter of release
from the University of the Sunshine Coast and an official offer of a place from another registered education provider.
I agree that I am fully responsible for all education and living expenses, both for myself and for all my dependants that accompany me while I am studying at the
University of the Sunshine Coast, and am aware that school-aged dependants accompanying me will be required to pay full fees at a private or government school
in Australia.
I understand that my rights and responsibilities as a student studying in Australia are governed by the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the
National Code 2007, outlined at www.aei.gov.au/Regulatory-Information
This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove my right to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
cI understand and accept the conditions set out in the declaration above.
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
cHave you completed all sections of this application form?
cHave you attached certified copies of English proficiency?
cHave you attached certified/notarised academic transcripts?
cHave you attached employment history details (where applicable)?
cHave you attached certified/notarised copies of graduation certificates?
cHave you read and signed the Declaration?
cHave you attached certified/notarised copies of official English translations
of any documents created in a language other than English?
I heard about USC from:___________________________________________
CRICOS Provider Number: 01595D
Home Institution/Agent details
KILROY education Norway
Kirkegata 32
0153 Oslo
[email protected]
Email application Print and fax
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