!C $12 Fifth Grade Technology Work Sample Assessment 2??@ - 2??B !th %rade *echnology 1ork 3ample 6 78896788: The District Technology Scope and Sequence for 5th grade indicates that for spreadsheets, 5th graders should: ;work with page setup, saAe a document, moAe from cell to cell, enter teCt into cells, sort information, enter data into a taDle, modify a graph to display effectiAelyE The Investigations math series at grade 5 has a Curriculum Unit called: Data: Kids, Cats, and Ads. Within that unit, Investigation 2 is called Examining Cats. *he *echnology 1ork 3ample you will administer this year inAolAes the data from the Investigations unit and a spreadsheet and graph or from any other data set that may fit within what you are working on in the classroom already. The work sample will be scored by a rubric which is part of this packet. Final scores will be entered into Results. The following pages contain the data and instructions for administering this work sample to 5th graders. We would like to help make accommodations for students with special needs and in instances where you desire to use a different set of data. For accommodations or questions about this work sample or its administration, please contact your building TOSA: Amy Gertenrich-Dwyer, [email protected] Richard Bursch, [email protected] Carolyn Kirschmann, [email protected] Page 1 Technology Skills Needed for 5th Grade Technology Work Sample - 2008-2009 Spreadsheet/Graph Portion Launch AppleWorks, Excel, Numbers, or other spreadsheet application Open a new spreadsheet document Type information into cells Copy/Cut and Paste between cells Change Fonts, Sizes, and Styles Change Row Height and Column Width Select Page View Set Print Range Select a group of cells Make a Chart/Graph Modify the Chart/Graph Show data point on bar Change bar color Add a title Label the axes Adjust the size of the graph Save Print just the selected page Word Processing Portion Launch AppleWorks, Word, Pages, or other word processing application Open a new word processing document Type information into document Save document Print document Page 2 !dministering the -th .rade Technology 5ork Sample 9::;-9::= Th#s &ork sample sho/ld 1e adm#n#stered after complet#on of the #n6est#gat#on on 89am#n#ng :ats; This is only a sample. Other data sets may be used. Please contact your building TOSA if you have <uestions about what data you may use. <s#ng the spreadsheet data a1o/t cats from the sample spreadsheet= the st/dent &#ll choose one set of data a1o/t the cats and make a graph of the data; After mak#ng the graph= the st/dent &#ll &r#te a paragraph a1o/t the data= stat#ng concl/s#ons that can 1e dra&n from the graph of the data; The &ork sample &#ll then 1e scored 1y the teacher /s#ng the attached r/1r#c; @#nally the scores &#ll 1e entered #nto Aes/lts; Page 3 !at %ata !at &'m)er &ame ! "ady 'ane *rey Gender Age /0 or 23 /6ears3 , 4 We9ght <ody >ength /;o'nds3 /?nches3 ..0 !1 2 = 7eau de 9oie Eittens , , !0 !4 ; !G.0 !< !; 4 0 Tigger Ieary , E 4 . . !0 !; !; < RaKena , < !4 2= ; "ady , !G ..0 !; . 1 Ially Lddfuzz E E 0 0 !G !. !. 2! !G !! Eelissa 7eebles , , . 0 !! 1 2! !; !2 != O.C. 7epper E E 0 2 !< !2 24 !; !4 9trawberry , !< !4.0 2! !0 AleSander E !. !! !< !; Eisty *eorge E E ! !2 !. TiKa !1 *ray Oitty 2G Tomodachi 'oto 2! Uarmony , , E E 22 2= 24 E E , Augustus Charcoal Cleopatra Ta9l >ength /?nches3 2'r !olor !! gray orange, black, and != white !! orange and white orange, black, and !G white !2 black and white orange, black, gold, and !2 white gray, brown, and white != stripes Cye !olor ;ad !olor yellow gray green yellow pink pink yellow green brown pink yellow pink and black yellow black green yellow pink and black pink yellow green pink black yellow yellow black pink green black 2! !2 black and white 1 orange and white white, black, and !! orange !! gray brown and black stripes, !2 some white 1 orange gray, brown, and white !G stripes brown and black stripes, !! some white green black 1 !4.0 !. 2! !! gray, white, and black != black and white green green pink and black black =.0 = ! = !! 1 <.0 !2 2G !0 !4 24 green green yellow yellow pink gray pink black 2 !! 4 !G !2 ; 2! 2! !. yellow, green, blue yellow yellow pink and black black pink !2 ..0 !.0 !! gray, black, brow stripes with white patches gray white and red black !! black and white != black and white 1 black and white Page 4 5th %rade Technolog0 Assessment 4ork Sample - Anchor Paper ! * + , . / 0 1 2 *3 ** *+ *, **. */ *0 *1 *2 +3 +* ++ +, ++. +/ +0 +1 " #at !ge in ;ears !ge >;ears?? * * + + , , ,@. . . ! . g . e / 1 i 1 n *3 ; ** e *+ a *r *. s */ *1 # $ % F G ( ) #at !ges in ;ears *1 *0 */ *. **, *+ ** *3 2 1 0 / . , + * 3 *1 */ *. **+ ** *3 1 1 / . , + * , ,@. - - . . . - + * #ats +2 ,3 ,* ,+ ,, ,,. Page 5 5"#$%&'()$*)+#,-.-/0$1-&2$3'45.)$200892009 ;,+#-&$<'5)&$9$=-44>,?+'"?-, !sing the spreadsheet and graph that . created earlier, . can see that the youngest cats are both one year old and that the oldest cat is 68 years old8 The largest group of cats that is the same age has four cats and they are all five years old8 =nly one cat is not an even number of years old8 .t is >8? years old8 There are several groups of cats by age8 . see groups at 6, @, >, 4, ?, and 8 years old8 Page 6 Scoring Guide for 5th Grade Technology Work Sample 2008-2009 Score 6 5 Spreadsheet Graph Communication Data entry: entered correctly & logically with row/column headings formatted appropriately [centered, bold, etc]. Sort: data is sorted correctly & effectively. Text: All spelling & capitalization is correct throughout [column/row headings, proper names]. Calculations: all are correct & add value [if used]. Graph Type: the correct type of graph is selected for the data [bar, pie, line]. Title: is accurate, detailed & effectively communicates the spreadsheet’s data. It is formatted appropriately [font size, style] Axes: both axes describe the corresponding data clearly & accurately [not pertinent if pie chart]. Color /texture complements the graph’s visual appearance well. Sorting: data is sorted logically & properly. Spelling: all text is spelled correctly. Capitalization: all text is capitalized where needed. Special Effects: use of 3D, shadow, tilting, depth are effective. Legend: included & illustrates relevant data. The discussion/presentation is clear, easily understood & demonstrates an understanding beyond what would normally be expected. A table & graph/chart are in the same document as their written interpretation. Data entry: data is entered correctly & logically with appropriate row/column headings. Text: Most spelling & capitalization is correct throughout [column/row headings, proper names, etc]. Graph Type: the correct type of graph is selected for the data [bar, pie, line]. Title is accurate & effectively communicates the spreadsheet’s data. Axes - both axes describe the corresponding data correctly [not pertinent if pie chart]. Color /texture is used to enhance the chart/graph. Spelling: most text is spelled correctly. Capitalization: most text is capitalized where needed. Special Effects: use of any 3D, shadow, tilting, depth effects are effective. Legend: included & illustrates relevant data. The spreadsheet, graph, and discussion are well connected, Either a table or chart/graph are in the same document as their written interpretation. Graph Type: the correct type of graph is selected for the data [bar, pie, line] It contains data from the spreadsheet in an understandable form. Title: communicates the spreadsheet’s data. Axes: both axes describe the corresponding data accurately [not pertinent if pie chart]. Legend: included & illustrates relevant data. The spreadsheet, graph & discussion is clearly understandable & the links between them make sense. Data entry: complete, correct & logical and has appropriate headings. 4 Identifies the mode, mean, range & median accurately. Identifies any of the following accurately [mode, mean, range & median]. 3 Data entry: entered completely but has The created graph contains data from the spreadsheet with some errors. some errors in it, when compared to the Title does not accurately communicate the spreadsheet’s data. original table data. Axes - one of the axes are not labeled and/or communicated correctly. Legend: not included The spreadsheet, graph and discussion is not clear and the links between them are not understandable. 2 Data entry: has many errors when compared to the original table data. Data is not organized well. The graph has numerous errors and/or is very difficult to understand. Several items are missing from the completed assignment. 1 Data entry: not complete or isn’t organized in a sensible manner. The graph is not complete or has not been made. Communication is illogical, incomplete or not done at all. Page 7
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