J. of Thermal Science and Engineering, The Heat Transfer Society of Japan Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 27-34, 2004 Heat transfer and two-dimensional deformations in locally heated liquid film with co-current gas flow Elizaveta Ya. GATAPOVA†, Igor V. MARCHUK† and Oleg A. KABOV‡,† Abstract A two-dimensional model of a steady laminar flow of liquid film and co-current gas flow in a plane channel is considered. It is supposed that the height of a channel is much less than its width. There is a local heat source on the bottom wall of the channel. An analytical solution for the temperature distribution problem in locally heated liquid film is obtained, when the velocity profile is linear. An analytical solution of the linearized equation for thermocapillary film surface deformation is found. A liquid bump caused by the thermocapillary effect in the region where thermal boundary layer reaches the film surface is obtained. Damped perturbations of the free surface may exist before the bump turned out into a flow; this is obtained according to the solution of the problem in an inclined channel. It depends on the forces balance in the film. The defining criterion is found for this effect. Key Words: Marangoni effect, Local Heating, Two-phase flow, Channel Nomenclature a ag B Bi: C cp g H h h0 h1 h L lσ P p pa p0 Pe q0 R Re Reg : liquid temperature conductivity coefficient : gas temperature conductivity coefficient : channel width Biot number : analogue of capillary number : specific heat capacity : gravity acceleration : channel height : film thickness : initial film thickness : dimensionless relative thickening : dimensionless film thickness : heater length : capillary length : dimensionless pressure : pressure : pressure of ambient gas : characteristic pressure : Peclet number : heat flux density : curvature radius of the free surface : film Reynolds number : gas Reynolds number s : Tl : Tg : Ta : T0 : Tw : ∆T : T : U, V : ul, vl : ug, vg: u,v : X,Y : x,y : α : Г : γ : θ : θa : θ : ε : ϕ : ρl, : ρg : element of film surface film temperature gas temperature constant temperature of ambient gas initial temperature of the film temperature of the top wall characteristic temperature drop temperature on the film surface dimensionless liquid velocity components liquid velocity components in x-, y-axis gas velocity components in x-, y-axis characteristic liquid velocity components dimensionless Cartesian coordinates Cartesian coordinates heat-transfer coefficient specific flow rate dimensionless specific liquid flow rate dimensionless temperature of the film dimensionless temperature of ambient gas dimensionless film surface temperature ratio of linear film scales inclination angle of the channel liquid density gas density * Received: , , Editor: † Institute of Thermophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences (prosp. Lavrentyev, 1, Novosibirsk, 630090, RUSSIA) ‡ Microgravity Research Center, Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Av. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM) Thermal Science & Engineering Vol. 12, No.1 (2004) λ : λg : µl, : µg, : η(X) : χ(X): T : : : : : : : τ τ0 Σ σ σ0 σT liquid thermal conductivity coefficient gas thermal conductivity coefficient liquid dynamic viscosity gas dynamic viscosity finite function Heaviside function dimensionless tangential stress on interface tangential stress on the interface characteristic tangential stress dimensionless surface tension surface tension surface tension specified at temperature T0 surface tension temperature dependence coeffi- cient (σ ) : (σ ) : l ik liquid viscous stress tensor g ik gas viscous stress tensor 2 Problem statement and basic equations. We consider a channel with rectangular cross section, where the height H is much less than its width B (H<<B). A layer of viscous incompressible liquid is moving in the channel under the influence of tangential stress τ , caused by the gas flow as well as under gravity force for a channel inclined by an angle ϕ with respect to horizontal. A local heat source is situated on the bottom wall (Fig. 1). The locality of heating means that the heat flux density is a finite function of variable x . A two-dimensional flow is considered. Let us choose the system of Cartesian coordinates (x, y ) so that Oy axis is orthogonal to the bottom wall of the channel and Ox axis is directed along the gas flow. The coordinate origin is situated at the beginning of the heater. It is supposed that the surface tension depends on temperature (σ0, σT =const>0) σ = σ 0 − σ T (T − T0 ) Sub/Superscripts a : ambient gas g : gas l : liquid Gas 1 n Introduction Liquid The surface tension plays a crucial role in two-phase flow in mini- and microchannels [1], [2]. The annular flow regime is one of the basic regimes of flow in miniand microchannels also under microgravity. The laboratory investigation and theoretical modeling of such flow is possible using liquid film flow caused by a co-current gas flow [3], [4]. Temperature gradient on gas-liquid interface and concentration-capillary forces caused by concentration gradient of multicomponent liquids produce forces (the so-called Marangoni effect), which induce convection and intensive heat and mass transfer. The Marangoni effect may have an essential influence on heat transfer intensity and lead to film breakdown, dry spots formation, burn-out of heater. The aim of the work is to investigate of the influence of thermocapillary forces on hydrodynamics and heat transfer of liquid film flow in a plane channel 2-4 mm high. Applications of the investigations could be the cooling systems of microelectronic equipment, where heat is transferred from the integrated circuits to thin liquid film moving under friction of gas flow in a narrow gap [5]. The heat transfer and hydrodynamics investigations in such system were performed by Bar-Cohen et al. [6, 7]. The experiments were made under the flowing of Nitrogen and liquid FC-72 in a symmetrically heated 0.508 mm wide channel. For a superficial liquid velocity less than 1 cm/s the annular flow regime occurs at superficial gas velocity larger than 0.1 cm/s. t g y H ϕ Fig. 1 nel x Sketch of the liquid and gas flow in the chan- The steady two-dimensional motion of liquid film and gas in the channel is described by equations: ρl ( u l u xl + vl u ly ) = µl ( u xxl + u lyy ) − px + ρl g sin ϕ (1) ρl ( u l vxl + vl vly ) = µl ( vxxl + vlyy ) − p y − ρl g cos ϕ (2) u xl + v ly = 0 (3) u l Txl + v l Tyl = a (Txxl + Tyly ) (4) ρ g ( u g u xg + v g u yg ) = µ g ( u xxg + u yyg ) − px + ρ g g sin ϕ (5) ρ g ( u g vxg + v g v yg ) = µ g ( vxxg + v yyg ) − p y − ρ g g cos ϕ (6) u xg + v yg = 0 (7) u g Txg + v g Tyg = ag (Txxg + Tyyg ) (8) The boundary conditions are written in the following way: u l ( x, 0) = v l ( x, 0) = 0 (9) u g ( x, H ) = v g ( x , H ) = 0 (10) are a non-slip conditions u l ( x, h( x)) = u g ( x, h( x)) (11) vl ( x, h( x)) = v g ( x, h( x)) (12) velocity of the liquid is equal to the gas velocity on the gas-liquid interface −λTyl ( x, 0) = q0 ( χ ( x) − χ ( x − L) ) (13) a local heat source is specified u l ( x, h( x))hx ( x) = v l ( x, h( x)) (14) is a kinematic condition. The expression σ ⎤ G ∂σ G ⎡ l g σ σ n= t − − ik ik ⎢ R ⎥⎦ ∂s ⎣ (15) describes the balance of forces acting on the surface of the liquid. T l ( x, h( x)) = T g ( x, h( x)) (16) and λTnl ( x, h( x)) = λ g Tng ( x, h( x)) (17) are the temperature and heat flux continuity conditions. T l (−∞, y ) = T0 (18) is the given initial temperature. T g ( x, H ) = Tw = const (19) this condition takes place because of heat-transfer coefficient to the top wall is small. Here ⎛ 2u l 1 0 (σ ) = − p ⎛⎜ 0 1 ⎞⎟ + µ ⎜⎜ u l +xvl ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ y x l ik ⎛ 2u g 1 0 (σ ) = − pa ⎜⎛ 0 1 ⎟⎞ + µ ⎜⎜ u g +xv g ⎝ ⎠ x ⎝ y g ik u ly + vxl ⎞ ⎟ 2v ly ⎟⎠ , u yg + vxg ⎞ ⎟ 2v yg ⎟⎠ are the viscous stress tensors, R is the curvature radius of the free surface of the liquid, which is determined as hxx 1 , = R (1 + h 2 )3 2 x G ⎛ 1 hx , t =⎜ ⎜ 1 + h2 1 + h2 x x ⎝ ⎞ G ⎛ hx 1 ⎟, n = ⎜− , ⎟ ⎜ 1 + h2 1 + h2 x x ⎠ ⎝ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ are the unit vectors of the tangent plane and of the outward normal to the surface of the liquid. For simplicity we divide the problem (1)-(18) into three subproblems. The first one is finding initial film thickness and constant tangential stress on liquid-gas interface for rigid isothermal laminar film flow and co-current gas flow [8]. It can be done out of problem (1)-(3), (5)-(12), (15), taking into account that the liquid density is much higher than the gas density ρ g << ρl . The second subproblem is solving a heat transfer problem for rigid liquid film flow. And the third one is finding film deformations using results of first and second subproblems. Moreover, heat transfer in gas is simplified and changed by Newton-Richman law. It is considered that film deformations do not change the value of the heat transfer coefficient. Condition of heat exchange on the film surface can be written in the following form: −λTnl ( x, h( x)) = α (T l ( x, h( x)) − Ta ) (20) Let the tangential stress τ and initial film thickness h0 be done [8]. Taking into account that the initial film thickness h0 is much less than the height of channel H (h0<<H) and velocity of gas flow is much higher than velocity of the film surface we change the expression (15) into G σ G G G ⎡⎣ pa + σ ikl ⎤⎦ n = n − σ T Tt l t + τ t R (21) where τ is a constant tangential stress caused by gas flow. Making use of the scalar products of (21) by unit vectors of tangent plane and of outward normal to the surface, we obtain boundary conditions for the normal and tangential stresses on the free surface of the liquid: p − pa = − σ hxx (1 + h ) 2 32 x + ( 2 µ vly − hx ( u ly + vxl ) + hx2 u xl ) 1+ h 2 x ( µ 2hx ( vly − u xl ) + (1 − hx2 )( vxl + u ly ) ) +σ T T 1+ h 2 x t l −τ = 0 (22) (23) G Txl ( x, h( x)) + Tyl ( x, h( x))hx T ( x) Tt l ( x, h( x)) = ∇T l , t = = x 2 1 + hx 1 + hx2 ( ) where T ( x) = T l ( x, h( x)) . In the problem (1)-(4), (9), (13), (14), (20), (18), (22), (23) we change over to dimensionless variables X , Y , U , V , h , Τ , θ , θ , θ a , P with the help of the formulas: X = x L , Y = y h0 , U = u l u , V = vl v , h = h h0 , Τ = τ τ 0 , θ = (T l − T0 ) ∆T , θ = (T l ( x, h( x)) − T0 ) ∆T , θ a = (Ta − T0 ) ∆T , P = ( p − pa ) p0 , τ 0 = µ u h0 , ∆T = q0 L c p Γ , p0 = µ u ε h0 , ε = h0 L , Thermal Science & Engineering Vol. 12, No.1 (2004) h εσ ∆T Ma = T µu v = εu , 1 0 Marangoni number, u = ∫ u l ( y )dy , h0 0 C= uµ ε −3 σ0 C = O(1) when ε → 0 . analog of capillar number, ∞ When the velocity profile in the film is linear the average velocity in film is expressed with the help of the tangential stress u = τ h0 2 µ , and dimensionless tangential stress is Τ = τ / τ 0 = 2 . Physically, such a situation can occur in one of two ways. First, if the channel is oriented normal to any acting body force; for example, if channel is placed horizontally in a gravitational field. The second situation involves the complete absence of a body force as would occur in a nonrotating space vehicle (microgravity condition). Ignoring the terms of the order ε 2 and higher the system of equations (1)-(4), (9), (13), (14), (20), (18), (22), (23) in the terms of dimensionless variables becomes: 0 = εU YY − ε PX + 0 = − PY − − λ cpΓ ρ gh0 ρ gh0 p0 p0 sin ϕ (24) cos ϕ (25) U X + VY = 0 (26) ε Pe (Uθ X + V θ Y ) = θ YY (27) U ( X , 0) = V ( X , 0) = 0 (28) θ Y ( X , 0) = ε ( χ ( X ) − χ ( X − 1) ) P = −C −1 h XX ( θY ( X , h( X )) = − Bi θ ( X , h( X )) − θ a θ (−∞, Y ) = 0 V ( X , h( X )) U ( X , h( X )) (29) θ ( X , Y ) = θ 0 ( X , Y ) + ∑ Giψ i (Y ) exp(−ξ i2 X ) i =1 (32) (33) (34) where ⎛ ⎝ θ 0 ( X , Y ) = ⎜1 + Temperature distribution We consider a heat transfer problem for rigid liquid film, i.e., h = h0 = const , when the velocity profile in the film is linear and v = 0 . The existence of a local heat source with the constant heat flux density on the bottom wall of the channel is supposed by condition (13). 1 ⎞ cpΓ − Y ⎟ε η( X ) + θ a Bi ⎠ λ is a solution of the following problem: θ YY0 ( X , Y ) = 0 − λ cpΓ (36) θ Y0 ( X , 0) = εη ( X ) (37) θY0 ( X , 0) = − Bi (θ 0 ( X ,1) − θ a ) (38) 3 2 2ε Peξi Y 2 ) , ξi , i = 1,..., ∞ − 3 3 are eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville’s problem: and ψ i (Y ) = Y J 1 ( d 2ψ i (Y ) + ξ i2ε Pe 2Yψ i (Y ) = 0 dY 2 (39) dψ i (0) = 0 dY (40) dψ i (1) + Biψ i (1) = 0 dY (41) Jν (ξ ) is the Bessel function of the first kind, coefficients Gi are defined by formula: Gi = 2ξi ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ∂ψi ⎜⎜ ∂ ψi ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ∂ψi (1)⎟⎟ (1) (1) ψ − i ⎜⎝⎜ ∂Y ∂ξ ⎠⎟⎟ ⎜⎝ ∂ξ ⎠⎟ξ =ξ ∂Y ξ =ξ i 3 ξi2 (35) (31) ) 1 X ⎡ cpΓ ⎛ ⎞⎤ ∂η ( X ) θ ψ ε ψ η − + Bi dX ⎟ ⎥ (1) (0) (0) exp(ξ i2 X ) ⎢ a i ⎜ i ∫ λ ∂X 0 ⎝ ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ (30) U Y + Maθ X − Τ = 0 hX = Let us denote η ( X ) = χ ( X ) − χ ( X − 1) . We assume that the thin layer approximation, i.e., ε = h0 L 1 , is valid. Using the method described in [9] we find the solution of the dimensionless problem (27), (29), (32), (33) for V = 0 : . i Let us notice that the solution (35) takes place for any functions η , having an integrable distributional derivative. cient on the film surface from 1.02 W/m2K to 203.1 W/m2K. The picture shows qualitatively a possible effect of evaporation of the liquid. 1.2 Re=1, h=0.17 mm Re=5, h=0.35 mm Re=10, h=0.47 mm (T-T0)/∆T 1 0.8 0.6 4 The solution of linearized equation for film thickness 0.4 0.2 0 -1 Fig. 2 0 1 x/L 2 3 The temperature distribution on the film surface, FC-72, Ta=T0=17o C, L=6.7 mm, ϕ=0o, α=20 W/Km2, Reg=242,8 the heater is situated from 0 to 1 along Ox-axis. 1.2 (T-T0 )/∆T 0.8 0.6 h( X ) ∫ U ( X , Y )dY = 0 ( −1 εU YY = −ε C h XXX + ε 0 0 ) Using last expression the equation (24) can be written in the following form 0.2 -1 (42) 0 P = −C −1 h XX + ρ gh0 h − Y cos ϕ p0 0.4 Fig. 3 ∂ ∂X The pressure out of (25) and boundary condition (30) expressed as Bi=0.005 Bi=0.05 Bi=0.1 Bi=1 1 The non-zero temperature gradient on the film surface leads to appearance of the thermocapillary effect. A tangential stress on the film surface deforms the film by reason of Marangoni effect. If the temperature distribution on the liquid surface is known, for instance out of analytical solution (35) or experiment, one can find a value of the deformations. The equation of continuity (26) and kinematic condition (34) give 1 x/L 2 3 Biot numbers effect on temperature distribution on the film surface, FC-72, Ta=T0=30o C, L=10 mm, ϕ=0o, Re=4.9, τ=0.025 kg/s2m. p0 cos ϕ h X − ρ gh0 p0 sin ϕ (43) The integration of equation (43) gives the equation for film thickness 3 ⎞ ρ gh0 ρ gh0 h ⎛ −1 cos ϕ h X + sin ϕ ⎟ + ⎜ ε C h XXX − ε 3⎝ p0 p0 ⎠ 2 + The calculated temperature distribution on the film surface of FC-72 for different liquid flowrates is presented in Fig. 2. The liquid and size of the heater have been chosen analogously to the works [4], [10], where the deformation and the interface temperature of locally heated liquid film falling down under the action of gravity have been studied theoretically and experimentally. There is a practically linear increase of temperature in the heater area. The influence of convective heat transfer mechanism is becoming stronger with increasing Re number. The length of the thermal boundary layer also increases with increasing Re number. The temperature reduction beyond the heater is explained by convective heat exchange between surface of the film and gas flow. The reduction of temperature is more noticeable at smaller Re numbers. The influence of heat exchange between surface of the film and gas flow on temperature of the liquid is shown in Fig. 3. A variation of Biot number in the range 0.005-1 corresponds to variation of heat-transfer coeffi- ρ gh0 ( (44) ) h ε Τ − Maθ X = εγ 2 where γ is dimensionless flow rate. Let h( X ) = 1 + h1 ( X ) , where h1 << 1 . Linearizing equation (44) we obtain ⎛ ⎞ ρ gh0 cos ϕ h1 X + 3C ⎜ Τ − Maθ X + sin ϕ ⎟ h1 = p0 p0ε ⎝ ⎠ ρ gh0 3 C sin ϕ − C Τ − Maθ X = 3Cγ − p0ε 2 h1 XXX − C ρ gh0 ( ) (45) Neglecting the component εh1 Maθ X =O(ε3) in left-hand member, i. e. assuming the thermocapillary tangential stress is much less than tangential stress caused by gas flow (Ma<<1), we come to the following linearized equation Thermal Science & Engineering Vol. 12, No.1 (2004) h1 XXX − C ρ gh0 ⎛ ⎞ ρ gh0 cos ϕ h1 X + 3C ⎜ Τ + sin ϕ ⎟ h1 = f ( X ) ε p0 ⎝ ⎠ (46) p0 ( when D > 0 F(X ) = c X ⎛ − cX ⎜ χ ( X )e + χ ( − X )e 2 ⎝ ) Here f ( X ) = 3C γ − Τ 2 + Maθ X 2 − ρ gh0 C sin ϕ ε p0 . The thermocapillary force ought not be neglected in right-hand member since this member has a less order ε Maθ X /2=O(ε ). 4 9c + 4b 2 2 F(X ) = 4 9c 2 c X ⎛ − cX ⎜ χ ( X )e + χ ( − X )e 2 ⎝ F(X ) = The solution of equation (46) is presented as convolution of function F ( X ) and f [11]: ∞ ∫ ⎛ 3c ⎞ ⎞ ⎜1 − X ⎟ ⎟ 2 ⎠⎠ ⎝ F ( X − ξ ) f (ξ )dξ + (47) Here F ( X ) is the fundamental solution of operator χ (− X sgn s1 )e s X 1 ( s1 − s2 )( s1 − s3 ) χ (− X sgn s2 )e s X 2 ( s2 − s1 )( s2 − s3 ) + χ (− X sgn s3 )e s X ( s3 − s1 )( s3 − s2 ) 2 ⎛ ρg ⎞ ⎛ 3 ⎛τ ⎞⎞ −⎜ cos ϕ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎜ + ρ g sin ϕ ⎟ ⎟⎟ > 0 . Let us ⎜ ⎝ 3σ 0 ⎠ ⎝ 2σ 0 h0 ⎝ h0 ⎠⎠ 3 ⎛ ⎞ ρ gh0 ρ gh0 d d3 d −C + 3C ⎜ Τ + ) := cos ϕ sin ϕ ⎟ 3 ε p0 dX p0 dX dX ⎝ ⎠ denote lσ = The characteristic polynomial of the operator Α is condition D > 0 equivalents to the condition ρ gh0 p0 s1 = −c , s2,3 = ⎛ ⎞ ρ gh0 cos ϕ s + 3C ⎜ Τ + sin ϕ ⎟ = 0 ε p0 ⎝ ⎠ c ± ib are the roots of the polynomial, 2 where c= +3 b= 3 ⎞ ρ gh0 3 ⎛ C ⎜Τ + sin ϕ ⎟ − D + 2 ⎝ ε p0 ⎠ ⎞ ρ gh0 3 ⎛ C⎜Τ+ sin ϕ ⎟ + D 2 ⎝ ε p0 ⎠ ⎞ ρ gh0 3⎛ 3 ⎛ ⎜ 3 − C ⎜Τ + sin ϕ ⎟ + D − ε p0 2 ⎜ 2 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎞ ⎞ ρ gh0 3 ⎛ −3 − C ⎜Τ + sin ϕ ⎟ − D ⎟ ⎟ ε p0 2 ⎝ ⎠ ⎠ ⎛ ρ gh0 C ⎞ ⎛3 ⎛ ⎞⎞ ρ gh0 D = −⎜ cos ϕ ⎟ + ⎜⎜ C ⎜ Τ + sin ϕ ⎟ ⎟⎟ ε p0 ⎝ 3 p0 ⎠ ⎝2 ⎝ ⎠⎠ 3 σ0 capillary length. We obtain, that the ρg τ + ρ gh0 sin ϕ > ρ gh0 2 h0 3 lσ ⎛ cos ϕ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 3 ⎠ 32 (51) In this case the damped perturbations of free surface before the bump up to flow appear. If the film moving forces overbalance the hydrostatic forces, the damped perturbations of free surface exist. The perturbations always exist when angle of channel inclination is high (ϕ≈90°). The capillary perturbations are more appreciably under small Reynolds numbers (Re=0.04) and relatively intense influence of gas flow (Fig. 4). The discriminant of characteristic polynomial is positive at the absence of gravity, and fundamental solution of equation (46) has the form of (48). In this case the damped perturbations of free surface take place at any τ >0, but they can be inconspicuous (Fig. 5). 0.003 0.002 2 If the discriminant of the characteristic polynomial D > 0 , then it has one real and two complex conjugated roots; if D = 0 , then all three roots are real, and two of its are congruent; if D < 0 , then all three roots are real and different. The fundamental solution has the following form [12], [3]: F(x/L) s3 − C (50) 3 Let us analyze the condition D > 0 . We have −∞ Α( (49) when D < 0 h1 XXX − C ρ gh0 h1 X p0 + 3C Τh1 = 3CMaθ X 2 . h1 ( X ) = (48) when D = 0 2 For horizontally located channel γ = 1 and Τ = 2 , and equation (46) takes form 3c ⎛ ⎞⎞ ⎜ cos(bX ) − sin(bX ) ⎟ ⎟ 2b ⎝ ⎠⎠ 0.001 0 -0.001 -0.002 -4 -2 0 2 x/L Fig. 4 Fundamental solution for FC-72, T0=17o C, Re=0.04, ϕ=5o, τ=0.024 kg/s2m. 1.8 1.6 h/h0 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 -2 0 2 x/L 4 6 Fig. 5 Film deformation for FC-72, Ta=T0=17o C, Re=1, L=6.7 mm, α =100 W/m2K , g=0, q=1000 W/m2, h0=0.00017 m, τ=0.024 kg/s2m . 1.6 α, W/m2K α=20 α=100 α=345 h/h0 1.4 1.2 4 1 0.8 -2 2 4 6 x/L Film thermocapillary deformation for different heat-transfer coefficient: FC-72, Ta=T0=17o C, L=6.7 mm, Re=1, q=1000 W/m2, ϕ=0o, h0=0.00017 m, τ=0.024 kg/s2m. Fig. 6 0 1.6 τ, kg/s2m τ=0.024 τ=0.012 τ=0.0028 h/h0 1.4 1.2 0.8 Fig. 7 0 2 x/L 4 Conclusions It is shown that the temperature on the film surface reaches the maximum beyond the border of the heater. The position of the maximum of temperature is replacing downstream with increasing Re number. When Biot number is growing up the maximum temperature on the film surface is going down. The formation of a liquid bump caused by the thermocapillary effect in the region where thermal boundary layer reaches the film surface is obtained. It may exist damped oscillations of free surface before the bump up to flow according to the obtained solution. It depends on the forces balance in the film. References 1 -2 channel for different heat-transfer coefficients and for different tangential stresses are presented in Fig. 6, 7. The positive temperature gradient in the heater area causes the thermocapillary tangential stress directed toward to the main flow and therefore the increasing of the film thickness is observed in the heating area. The free surface temperature is decreased outside of the heater (Fig. 2,3) along the flow. The thermocapillary force is directed streamwise, therefore the decreasing of the film thickness relatively to the initial film thickness is observed. The minimum of film thickness occurs under maximum of heat-transfer coefficients. The present region is most risky for a film breakdown. The damped upstream perturbations of free surface are missing in Fig. 6, 7 since the condition (51) is not satisfied. Under constant Re number with tangential stress increasing, that correspond to gas flow rate increasing, the initial film thickness is decreasing that enhance the thermocapillary effect. The calculation predicts the formation of thermocapillary thickening up to 30-50% compare with the initial film thickness at low heat transfer to the gas phase and relatively high heat flux density on the heater. 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