MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Sample Questions similar to those to be expected in a MID-TERM EXAMINATION MLE2101 – Structures of Materials (Semester 1; AY 2008/2009) Time Allowed: will be 60 Minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. The examination paper will contain 4-5 questions. This sample contains a collection of 11 questions taken from or similar to several previous midterm exams. In a single exam the marks would add up to 100 marks giving you an indication on the fraction of the total exam time that you are supposed supposed to spend on a particular question. 2. . In the exam try to answer ALL questions. This compilation is not considered to be a homework assignment but aims at providing you with further relevant material to check yourself that you are well-prepared for the exam. 3. The exam will be an OPEN BOOK examination. You are allowed to consult any of the textbooks, lecture notes that you brought yourself, but you are not allowed to exchange materials with other students or to access information from external sources. 1 MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Question 1: (12 marks total ) (a) What is a “crystalline material”? (b) Name at least two experimental techniques to find out whether a solid material is crystalline. For each of the techniques briefly explain how the expected results relate to the definition that you have given in part (a). (c) What is the difference between a crystal structure and a crystal lattice? Question 2: (24 marks) (pattern A) (pattern B) (a) Indicate the position of the symmetry elements and of the unit cell in the patterns shown (above as well as) on page 5. Indicate your matric number on the separate page and submit it along with your answer book. (b) To which of the 17 plane symmetry groups do the wallpaper patterns belong (cf. overview on page 4)? Question 3: (24 marks) (a) From the stereographic projection of the symmetry elements shown to the right determine the crystal class and the crystal system. (b) Redraw the stereographic projection in your answer book and indicate the face poles of crystal faces that are symmetry equivalent to the one general face shown above (marked by an arrow). In your sketch distinguish between faces in the northern and southern hemisphere. (c) For another crystal belonging to the same crystal class assume that all crystal faces belong to a single form. The normal to one of the faces is parallel to one of the three-dimensional axes. How many faces does this crystal exhibit? Which regular polyhedron has the same orientation of face normals? Note: In this graph the broken lines are meant as a guide to the eye only. 2 MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Question 4 (40 marks) The graph displays a symmetry diagram for a primitive orthorhombic space group (in the non-standard orientation: a horizontal, b vertical, c normal to page). Note that the “half-arrows” indicate a twofold screw axis within the plane of projection, while full arrows refer to twofold rotation axes. (a) Specify the full Hermann-Mauguin symbol for this space group. (b) Give the coordinates of all symmetry copies generated from an atom at the general position x, y, z. (c) Determine the multiplicity (i.e. the number of symmetry copies incl. the original atom) for an atom at the special position 1/4 1/2 0. 3 MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Question 5: (25 marks total ) (a) Briefly explain how to derive the Miller index of a net plane. (b) Sketch the axial intercepts of a lattice plane with Miller indices (2 0 3) for an orthorhombic lattice. (c) Briefly explain the difference between the symmetry operations that define the point group and those that define the space group of a crystal. (d) Which characteristic features in the symmetry of a macroscopic crystal with {100}, {110}, {310}, {111} and {123} faces show you whether the crystal is cubic? (e) Name 3 families of crystal faces from the list in part (d) that belong to a common zone. Question 6: (15 marks total ) (a) Explain the generation of (i) the characteristic X-ray line spectrum and (ii) the continuous spectrum in a conventional X-ray tube. (b) Why do X-ray protection devices often contain lead? Question 7: (20 marks) (pattern A) (pattern B) (c) Indicate the position of the symmetry elements and of the unit cell in the two patterns shown above as well as on a separate page. Indicate your matric number on the separate page and submit it along with your answer book. (d) To which of the 17 following plane symmetry groups do the wallpaper patterns belong (cf. overview on following page)? 4 MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Question 8 (25 marks) The graph displays a symmetry diagram for a primitive orthorhombic space group in standard orientation (a vertical, b horizontal, and c normal to page). “Half-arrows” indicate a twofold screw axis within the plane of projection. (a) Specify the full and the short Hermann-Mauguin symbol for this space group. (b) Explain the meaning of the symbols used in both types of space group names and their sequence (for the given crystal system). Question 9 (15 marks) For each of the following two point-group symmetry diagrams, identify the crystal class and crystal system (A) (B) 5 MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Question 10: (18 marks) Answer the following questions in your own words using not more than two sentences per question: (a) What is a crystal? (b) What is the difference between a lattice and a crystal structure? (c) What is the difference between a crystal system and a crystal class? (d) How many symmetry copies (including the original) does a 41 axis generate and how many of them are located within a single unit cell. (e) What is the rotation matrix of a 2-fold rotation axis along the y-axis? (f) What characterizes (i) the unit cell metrics and (ii) the symmetry of a cubic crystal? Question 11 (22 marks) (a) Describe the principle of a laboratory X-ray tube (b) What determines the minimum wavelength of the braking radiation? (c) Name two differences between a spallation source and a neutron reactor? (d) Why should neutrons be moderated before using them for crystal diffraction experiments? 6 MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 7 MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Matric number: _____________ Answer question 2(a) on this page and submit it along with your answer book. Pattern A Pattern B 8 MLE2101 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Matric number: _____________ Answer question 7 (i) on this page and submit it along with your answer book. Pattern A Pattern B 9
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