ISSN 1355-8382 EDITOR IN CHIEF REVIEWS EDITOR Timothy W. Nilsen Thomas R. Cech Case Western Reserve University Howard Hughes Medical Institute EDITORS Javier F. Caceres Brenton R. Graveley Erik Sontheimer Rachel Green Kathleen Collins Johns Hopkins University Peter F. Stadler Elena Conti Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tuebingen MRC Human Genetics Unit University of California, Berkeley University of Connecticut Health Center Elisa Izaurralde Northwestern University Leipzig University Gisela Storz Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried Daniel Kolakofsky University of Geneva National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Adrian R. Ferré-D’Amaré Rob Singer Eric Westhof National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Albert Einstein School of Medicine CNRS, Strasbourg EDITORIAL BOARD John N. Abelson Martha J. Fedor Thomas Maniatis Phillip A. Sharp Sidney Altman Witold Filipowicz Joan A. Steitz Yale University Friedrich Miescher Institute James Manley Manuel Ares Mariano A. Garcia-Blanco Duke University Lynne E. Maquat Scott Strobel University of California, Santa Cruz David P. Bartel Christine Guthrie Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of California, San Francisco Brenda L. Bass Matthias W. Hentze Philip C. Bevilacqua Daniel Herschlag California Institute of Technology University of Utah Pennsylvania State University Douglas L. Black University of California, Los Angeles Thomas Blumenthal University of Colorado Ronald R. Breaker Yale University Chris Burge Massachusetts Institute of Technology James E. Dahlberg University of Wisconsin, Madison The Scripps Research Institute EMBL, Heidelberg Stanford University Allan Jacobson University of Massachusetts Walter Keller University of Basel Adrian R. Krainer Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Alan M. Lambowitz University of Texas at Austin David M.J. Lilley University of Dundee Reinhard Lührmann Harvard University Columbia University University of Rochester Iain W. Mattaj EMBL, Heidelberg William H. McClain University of Wisconsin, Madison Andrew Newman MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Harry F. Noller University of California, Santa Cruz Norman R. Pace University of Colorado Richard A. Padgett Massachusetts Institute of Technology Yale University Yale University David Tollervey University of Edinburgh Thomas Tuschl The Rockefeller University Olke C. Uhlenbeck Northwestern University Juan Valcárcel ICREA and Centre de Regulació Genòmica Alan M. Weiner University of Washington Marvin Wickens University of Wisconsin, Madison Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic James R. Williamson Roy Parker University of Colorado, Boulder Sandra L. Wolin Marina V. Rodnina Sarah A. 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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Journals Fulfillment Dept., 500 Sunnyside Blvd., Woodbury, NY 11797-2924. Copyright © 2014 The RNA Society FORTHCOMING PAPERS Letter to the Editor The long noncoding RNA Neat1 is required for mammary gland development and lactation Laura Standaert, Carmen Adriaens, Enrico Radaelli, Alexandra Van Keymeulen, Cedric Blanpain, Tetsuro Hirose, Shinichi Nakagawa, and Jean-Christophe Marine Bioinformatics Rational experiment design for sequencing-based RNA structure mapping Sharon Aviran and Lior Pachter Diverse modes of evolutionary emergence and flux of conserved microRNA clusters Jaaved Mohammed, Adam Siepel, and Eric C. Lai Reports miRNAome analysis of the mammalian neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene family Eric M. Hogan, Alison P. Casserly, Michael D. Scofield, Zhongming Mou, Rubing Zhao-Shea, Christopher W. Johnson, Andrew R. Tapper, and Paul D. Gardner Cellular microRNAs up-regulate transcription via interaction with promoter TATA-box motifs Yijun Zhang, Miaomiao Fan, Xue Zhang, Feng Huang, Kang Wu, Junsong Zhang, Jun Liu, Zhuoqiong Huang, Haihua Luo, Liang Tao, and Hui Zhang Articles Crystal structure of a Signal Recognition Particle Alu domain in the elongation arrest conformation Luc Bousset, Camille Mary, Mark Brooks, Anne Scherrer, Katharina Strub, and Stephen Cusack Tet-Trap, a genetic approach to the identification of bacterial RNA thermometers: application to Pseudomonas aeruginosa Francesco Delvillani, Barbara Sciandrone, Clelia Peano, Luca Petiti, Christian Berens, Christiane Georgi, Silvia Ferrara, Giovanni Bertoni, Maria Enrica Pasini, Gianni Dehò, and Federica Briani Structural insights into translational recoding by frameshift suppressor tRNASufJ Crystal E. Fagan, Tatsuya Maehigashi, Jack A. Dunkle, Stacey J. Miles, and Christine M. Dunham Generation of a neuro-specific microarray reveals novel differentially expressed noncoding RNAs in mouse models for neurodegenerative diseases Ronald Gstir, Simon Schafferer, Marcel Scheideler, Matthias Misslinger, Matthias Griehl, Nina Daschil, Christian Humpel, Gerald J. Obermair, Claudia Schmuckermair, Joerg Striessnig, Bernhard E. Flucher, and Alexander Hüttenhofer MicroRNA-mediated regulation of extracellular matrix formation modulates somatic cell reprogramming Zhonghan Li, Jason Dang, Kung-Yen Chang, and Tariq M. Rana
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