COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA REQUEST for PROPOSAL #COC11720 for COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH INTEGRATION SOFTWARE & SERVICES Issued on: 07/20/2011 PROPOSALS DUE on: 9/7/2011, 2:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time SANTA CLARA COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT 2700 CAROL DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95125 Contact: Brenda Aguirre 408-977-3203 [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 3 A. INVITATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 B. SANTA CLARA COUNTY & SILICON VALLEY REGIONAL INTEROPERABILITY AUTHORITY BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 C. PROJECT DETAILS ........................................................................................................................................ 5 D. CURRENT BUSINESS/OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................ 5 E. CURRENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) ENVIRONMENT .......................................................... 8 F. PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................. 9 G. PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK ..................................................................................................................... 10 H. POINT OF CONTACT .................................................................................................................................... 11 II. CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT ................................................................................. 12 A. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS .......................................................................................................................... 12 B. EXPLANATION OF EVENTS ....................................................................................................................... 12 C. GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................... 14 III. RESPONSE FORMAT AND ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................... 17 A. NUMBER OF RESPONSES ......................................................................................................................... 17 B. ORIGINAL AND COPIES .............................................................................................................................. 17 C. PROPOSAL FORMAT ................................................................................................................................... 17 IV. EVALUATION.................................................................................................................................................. 19 A. FACTORS........................................................................................................................................................ 19 B. LOCAL BUSINESS PREFERENCE ............................................................................................................ 19 V. PROPOSER’S SUBMITTAL .............................................................................................................................. 21 A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 21 B. PROPOSER’S CORPORATE INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 21 C. PROPOSER’S RESPONSE TO REQUIREMENTS (APPENDIX A)........................................................ 23 D. STATEMENT OF WORK (APPENDIX B) .................................................................................................... 23 E. COST PROPOSAL (APPENDIX C) .............................................................................................................. 23 F. OTHER SUBMITTALS ................................................................................................................................ 23 VI. LIST OF APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................ 25 I. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 2 I. INTRODUCTION A. INVITATION The County of Santa Clara (hereafter, “County”) is requesting proposals from qualified Proposers to provide solutions and implementation services to link fifteen (15) Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP’s) through their associated Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems. Also included is the publication of multi-jurisdictional, multi-discipline dispatch event and resource status information on a map display, available via the internet. The County will consider an on-premise solution, an off-site hosted solution, or a combination of the two. The proposed solution must be a proven base system. The County is not interested in beta systems or purchasing professional services to design and develop a system. The proposed solution must meet the project, business and technical requirements as defined in this RFP. The County will not consider proposals that provide only partial solutions and is expecting to contract with one vendor who will manage any sub-contracts required to provide an integrated solution. The County envisions a phased project to reduce risk and speed time to implementation. The first stage of the project is to develop data export (publish) capabilities for fire and medical event and resource status from each participating PSAP CAD, with the inclusion of law enforcement data based on time and available funding. Exported data will be displayed on a web-based interface to provide a Common Regional Operating Picture (CROP). PSAP exported data sets will need to be analyzed and detailed data standards and conversion/mapping rules developed. The County requires the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) be used for all data exchanges. An additional phase of the project is to work in conjunction with CAD vendors to develop data import (subscribe) capabilities for fire and medical data from each participating PSAP CAD to allow the creation and display of information generated from one CAD system to another CAD. The potential for implementing all phases under this RFP will be considered based on available funding. The vendor selected through this solicitation will need to work closely with PSAP technical staff and CAD vendors to develop and test the data export and transformation for each CAD. County and PSAP staff will manage any required contracts with PSAP CAD vendors. The selected vendor must work closely with the County to develop the best sequencing plan to achieve the maximum project benefits while reducing risk and time to implement. B. SANTA CLARA COUNTY & SILICON VALLEY REGIONAL INTEROPERABILITY AUTHORITY - BACKGROUND This project has been named CAD to CAD Integration / Common Regional Operating Picture (CAD2CAD/CROP) and is being managed by the County in conjunction with the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority (SVRIA) on behalf of the participating PSAP’s. Santa Clara County is the fifth most populous County in California, with a population of nearly 1.8 million people. The County contains fifteen cities, encompassing approximately 1,300 square miles, which have RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 3 large concentrations of electronics, research and manufacturing firms. Santa Clara County is the fifth-largest County government in the State and has an estimated workforce of 16,000. The County is governed by a five member Board of Supervisors who are elected by district to serve four-year terms. The County Executive administers the day-to-day affairs of the County and is appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Meetings of the County and SVRIA Boards are conducted in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. In 1998, eighteen jurisdictions in Santa Clara County, representing about thirty law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services agencies, formed the jointly funded and governed partnership known as the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project (SVRIP). SVRIP’s initiatives have focused on identifying and implementing viable solutions to resolve the challenges to voice and data interoperability and improve inter-agency coordination and communication between public safety agencies during daily operations and all-hazard situations. In 2010 SVRIP transitioned to SVRIA, a formalized Joint Powers Authority. The purpose of the Authority is to enhance and improve communications, data sharing and other technological systems, tools and processes for protection of the public and public safety and to facilitate related local and regional cooperative efforts. SVRIA is structured to manage and maintain all shared systems which have been or will be implemented to accomplish the above purpose. The CAD2CAD/CROP project will be one of the systems that will transfer to SVRIA after implementation. SVRIA has an Executive Director who manages the day-to-day affairs of the Authority and who is appointed by the SVRIA Board of Directors. The SVRIA Working Committee has been delegated with the responsibility of program development, policy formulation and program implementation. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 4 C. PROJECT DETAILS Exported data sets will be standardized, transformed, loaded to a data repository and fire and medical event and resource status will be displayed on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) map. The County’s internal GIS unit will be responsible for providing the GIS base map, layers, and geospatial location reference points and visual icons for events, resources (assigned to event or available field units, key facilities, etc.), and their respective status by field discipline (medical, fire, and possibly law) to help facilitate data display on the County’s GIS map. The GIS map will be available to all participating agencies via the internet. The Proposer selected through this solicitation will be responsible for interfacing with disparate CAD systems, capturing data packets, standardizing and formatting data compliant with NIEM standards, facilitating spatial geo-coding of all data sets, exporting it through a browser-based display portal, storing data (raw and standardized formats), and report generation. Utilizing business rules identified by the County’s Field Operations and Dispatch representative team, the vendor will also translate data for import (subscribe) back into regional disparate CAD systems based on need in their resident format completing full two-way data exchange capabilities between municipal CAD systems by discipline. All participating PSAP’s will export data to the CROP directly or indirectly via the Emergency Communications (E-COMM) network developed and managed by SVRIA and the Monterey Bay Area Microwave System (MBAMS), managed by the Counties of Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito and Santa Clara through an MOU. After the implementation of the CROP the County envisions an acclimatization period of 6 months, after which the CROP will be revisited, additional requirements gathered, and enhancements made to allow customizations for each jurisdiction. D. CURRENT BUSINESS/OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The initial Fire CAD Data Interoperability Project was born from the local fire chief's (Santa Clara County Fire Chiefs Association) commitment to streamline the process of capturing 9-1-1 information and responding to incidents with the closest and most appropriate emergency resource. This vision was expanded to include countywide ambulance transport and emergency medical services (EMS) to better reflect the close relationship between fire and medical services. A phased approach was designed to cover all three service disciplines, with initial focus on Fire and Medical and then followed by law enforcement. Fire agencies within Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties presently run approximately 150,000200,000 fire and medical calls per year. Approximately 28 percent of those calls involve multiagency, multi-jurisdictional responses. This regional project includes all municipal and county PSAPs in Santa Clara County, the Consolidated PSAP in Santa Cruz County, and the South Santa Clara County Fire Protection District’s Contract Provider (CAL Fire via their Emergency Command Center located in Morgan Hill). RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 5 In Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties there are currently fourteen Primary (law) PSAPs or Call Centers that directly support nineteen municipalities, unincorporated county areas, and San Jose State University. Additionally, there are ten Fire/Medical Secondary PSAPs that receive their calls for service transferred from a Primary PSAP. In some cases both Primary and Secondary PSAPs are managed and operate from the same building and utilize a common CAD system. All PSAPs have been connected through regional microwave radio communications systems or through commercial fiber. In Santa Clara County, thirteen (13) of sixteen (16) jurisdictions operate on standalone and disparate CAD systems, varying in age (0-9 years or older) and system complexity, based on their need to support one or more service disciplines (law enforcement, fire, and/or emergency medical dispatch and ambulance transport services). Several municipalities are currently considering or are in the process of establishing shared CAD systems; others may replace their existing CAD systems, either decision will influence the course and timeline of this project. In Santa Cruz County, a Consolidated PSAP (Santa Cruz Regional 9-1-1) provides support to ten Fire Districts and to Santa Cruz County, and the cities of Santa Cruz, Capitola and Watsonville. It serves as a Primary PSAP for all of Santa Cruz County, except for Scotts Valley and the University of Santa Cruz and a Secondary PSAP for these agencies. Countywide ambulance transport dispatching services are provided by the County through this regional center. The site of the consolidated regional dispatch center also houses the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Microwave connectivity for data sharing between the Santa Cruz Regional 9-1-1 center and Santa Clara County Communications will be achieved through MBAMS. Not all agency CAD systems are equally capable. Basic systems provided by various vendors may or may not support the same feature sets as other manufactures. Further, not all systems have system interface capabilities that contain, manage or offer informational records or data in the same or similar formats. Data elements, syntax or specifications vary such that they cannot be understood or readily used by other systems. Although there is voice and data microwave connectivity between the participating PSAPs on this project, the CAD systems used to track and dispatch field personnel and resources are not currently linked and have no way of sharing critical information. As a result, dispatchers in these 9-1-1 centers do not have access to, nor can they readily monitor, field personnel and resource information in neighboring jurisdictions. They must often engage in time-consuming phone calls to share critical information and/or locate and request the dispatch of the closest available fire and/or medical resource. Dispatch centers providing 9-1-1 alternate answer backup services must also contact the responsible jurisdiction by phone and relay 9-1-1 call information verbally rather than electronically, which prolongs the response to emergency calls. Unlike APCO 25 (P-25) standards for radios that currently require a standard level of interoperability between disparate radio systems; no mandated industry-wide standards have been developed and/or adopted by CAD vendors to produce similar levels of interoperability between their products, which is a major challenge for this project. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 6 Based on our experience, most vendors maintain proprietary CAD system products that either lack or provide very limited system interface capabilities for sharing data with other CAD systems, as well as between their own systems operating on separate servers or versions. In many cases when more advanced interfaces have been made available, dispatch centers have not purchased them as an added option due to limited project funds. Participating PSAPs include: PSAP Discipline CAD Vendor CAD Version CAD Age Campbell Law only Distributed Software Development Publisafe 5.9.02 11 yrs Gilroy Law and Fire*1 Tiburon – CADTi 2.2 8.5 yrs Los Altos *3 Law only Vision Air – CAD 3.4 11 yrs Los Gatos/Monte Sereno Law only Tiburon – CAD 2000 7.4.1 12 yrs Milpitas Law and Fire*1 TriTech - VisiCAD 4.4.4 6 yrs Morgan Hill Law only Exec. Info. Systems (EIS) – EIS PSNET CAD (CAD/RMS) 8.06.00 Mountain View *3 Law and Fire *2 PRC – Cobal CAD Palo Alto *3,6 Law, Med and Fire *2 Public Safety Systems Inc (PSSI) – Response CAD 9 8 yrs San Jose *4 Law and Fire *2 Intergraph Inc. – I/Dispatcher 8.01.02 3 yrs Santa Clara Law and Fire *2 Motorola – Premier CAD (PCAD) 2 yrs Sunnyvale *5 Law and Fire *2 Tiburon – CAD 2000 7.5.1 3 yrs Santa Clara County *6 Law, Med and Fire County – Computer Aided Public Safety System (CAPSS) South County Fire District Fire only *7 Northrop Grumman - Altaris 7.2 8 yrs San Jose State University (SJSU) Law only TracNet – TracNet CAD 5.2.8 2.2 Santa Cruz County Law, Med and Fire Printrak Premier CAD 18 yrs < 1 yr Notes: RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 7 *1 - Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) provided by County by contract. *2 - Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) provided by City Dispatchers. *3 – Los Altos, Mountain View and Palo Alto are purchasing and sharing new Intergraph CAD system (implemented during project). *4 – San Jose to upgrade CAD to latest version in September 2011 (same version as LA, MV and PA, *3). *5 – Sunnyvale to host SaaS CAD solution, which could include Los Gatos/Monte Sereno, Campbell, Gilroy and/or others. Date TBD *6 – County provides county-wide ambulance transport dispatching services, except Palo Alto. County also provides Law dispatch for unincorporated areas and three cities contracted with Sheriff (Cupertino, Los Altos Hills, Saratoga) and fire dispatch for many jurisdictions. *7 - Secondary PSAP, services contracted to CALFIRE, some arson law enforcement responsibilities Local PSAP, IT and other technical expertise will be utilized to serve as subject matter experts (SMEs) and provide direct assistance in this project. For example, the County and SVRIA will provide facilitated Fire/Med and Law discussions with field and dispatch personnel representatives to identify needs and where possible standardize operational practices, procedures and/or business rules, and conduct CAD and CROP testing. Completion of the CAD2CAD/CROP interoperability data exchange project will help address the previously mentioned issues, by enabling standards-based dynamic exchange and display of CAD event, resource status, and other related data between disparate CAD systems. Encompassing two South Bay counties, nineteen municipalities, and one state agency, CAL Fire, upon completion this interoperable data exchange and graphical display solution will create a true “system-of-systems.” E. CURRENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) ENVIRONMENT The Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) coordinates County information technology planning and management and promotes the collaboration of County Agencies and Departments in the development of enterprise-wide information systems. The CIO manages the Information Services Department (ISD) which performs information and technology systems planning, development, acquisition, implementation, and maintenance for a majority of County Departments. ISD is responsible for supporting the CAD systems at the County’s 9-1-1 Communications Center and is working jointly with the County Communications Director and Assistant Director to manage and oversee the CAD2CAD/CROP project. County ISD staff will perform key roles in the project, working closely with the selected vendor, and County ISD staff will support the solution once implemented. The County Communications dispatch center and its Computer Aided Public Safety System (CAPSS) is unique among regional PSAPS. CAPSS has been developed and evolved by on-site staff over the course of more than thirty years. In its current incarnation, it operates as a suite of highly customized modules running on Microsoft Windows servers. The primary Database is SQL Server. ESRI-based technology is integrated into CAPSS for dispatch center map displays. Dispatchers in the control room operate dedicated workstations while remote users access CAPSS through VPN connections. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 8 County Comm. is the primary dispatch center for Medical EMS operations in the county, County Fire, Sheriff and Parks, and CAPSS is designed to support dispatch of these communities. The applications support ‘cross-community’ and inter-agency event transfers as needed. CAPSS is interfaced to multiple PSAPS for both CAD to CAD and RMS management operations, supporting a variety of communication protocols and connection methods. Most interfaces utilize the TCP/IP communications standard and are XML based, but with a dedicated development and support staff on-site, any interfaces or integration customization can be done quickly. While the current interfaces are not NIEM standard, County Comm. and CAPSS intends to fully support NIEM standards by working closely with the CROP development team. Santa Clara County has made extensive use of GIS technology for more than a decade to serve diverse needs among many departments and external agencies. The County has had many accomplishments and benefits from the use of GIS and computer mapping technology. The County GIS team will provide the common regional GIS functionality that will fulfill the multiple agencies’ needs within the geographic area. The CROP system will rely heavily on the GIS information and related GIS web services that are being shared among county, city, and other entities. Some of the principle GIS services are as follows: · · · · · Authoritative Geo-coding Services Mapping Services Authentication Services Content Information Services Spatial Query Services Connectivity for this project will be achieved through use of two regional radio microwave network systems known as the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority Emergency Communications Microwave Network System (E-Comm) and the Monterey Bay Area Microwave System (MBAMS). The E-Comm 40+ site network currently connects all municipal PSAPs and several key city and county administration and radio sites within Santa Clara County. E-Comm is constructed in a loop and spur design that provides an OC-3, 155 Mbps capacity subdivided into 28 virtual T-1 circuits and approximately 98 Mbps IP transport capacity. The MBAMS network connects four (Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Santa Clara) counties and contains 9 sites, and also connects key facilities and radio sites. Its designed OC-3 capacity is currently allocated as T-1 circuits (no IP), with 28 T-1s allocated for regional interoperable voice and data use. Both microwave networks co-exist as separate systems at County Communications’ Carol Drive facility, which also has connectivity to another Bay Area regional microwave network known as BayLoop that interconnects nine bay area counties, which may be used for future expansion of this project once completed. F. PROJECT BACKGROUND During daily public safety operations, terrorism and natural disasters, seamless integration and sharing of data and resources can save precious minutes and dramatically enhance interagency coordination. An integrated data sharing solution between geographically related communities is a significant unmet need in emergency preparedness and response. At the moment of an incident or disaster, time spent calling for resources between jurisdictions can slow response and recovery efforts. The future of emergency resource management is based on integration between disparate RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 9 dispatch systems to allow the display of resources from neighboring jurisdictions and to assist in the dispatch of these resources. The Computer Aided Dispatch systems used to track and dispatch first responder personnel and resources in Santa Clara County communities are not fully linked and dispatchers in municipal 9-1-1 Call Centers cannot effectively share information. This results in time-consuming phone calls to communicate critical data and/or locate and request the dispatch of the closest available resources. To resolve this problem, in 2006 the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project (SVRIP) proposed to link PSAP centers in Santa Clara County through their associated CAD software. This was to allow electronic sharing of data across the multiple agencies and jurisdictions and improve the dispatching of fire and medical resources. Part of the project’s vision was having a visual “Chief’s View” or Common Regional Operating Picture (CROP) of events and resources shared by all jurisdictions. A proof of concept was performed in 2009. This project proposes to develop and implement a modified production version of the SVRIP vision including the development of the CROP and two-way (import/export) data sharing between PSAPs. County Communications and County Information Services Department staff has been appointed by the SVRIA1 Working Committee to be the leaders in completing the project. The goal of the CAD2CAD/CROP Interoperability Project is to standardize and streamline the exchange of information between participating jurisdictions. Since jurisdictional CAD systems support 24 x 7 mission critical emergency functions, any improvement in the ability to share data will reduce dispatch times and improve response times to the community. One of the key project objectives is to reduce the response times of first responders, by allowing dispatchers to send the closest and most appropriate resources in the most efficient manner possible. Overall reduction in response times will result in lives saved and decreased property loss. G. PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK This solicitation covers equipment, software, installation and support services required for the installation and operation of the proposed solution(s). The complete scope of work is dependent upon the proposed solution. The County envisions the project scope to include: 1 The Santa Clara County and Cities Managers formed the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project ("SVRIP") in 1998 to enhance interagency coordination and communication between public safety agencies and to exchange critical information and resources in real time during an emergency. Although, the SVRIP has been very successful many new projects and opportunities have arisen and the joint exercise of powers under the Joint Funding Agreement is no longer sufficient to address the expanded opportunities and objectives of the SVRIP. As result in the Spring of 2010, the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority ("SVRIA") was created to acquire, construct, maintain, and operate the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project ("SVRIP") and the projects entered into pursuant to the SVRIA Joint Powers Agreement and the SVRIA be empowered to exercise the power to issue revenue bond. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 10 • • • • • • • • installation and programming of equipment and software, including a message handling broker; business rules interface; integration with the County’s GIS and situational correlation services; planning, designing, developing and implementing necessary NIEM-conformant bi-directional data exchanges; planning, designing and implementing CROP data storage and handling; planning, designing, implementing the CROP portal; training County users and technical support staff in the use, support and operation of the system. Coordination with other vendors and PSAPs to implement the import/export of data between the various CAD systems and the CROP. Phasing and final scope of the project will be determined in conjunction with the selected vendor based upon availability of County and participating PSAP resources, grant funding streams and timing of release of funds, ability of various PSAPs to contract with their CAD vendors to provide the necessary components to enable data exchanges, and external factors such as the consolidation of disparate CAD systems. H. POINT OF CONTACT The County has designated a Point of Contact as listed below: Brenda Aguirre County of Santa Clara Communications Department 2700 Carol Drive San Jose, CA, 95125 Telephone: (408) 977-3203 Fax: (408) 279-2666 Email: [email protected] Any inquiries or requests regarding this procurement must be submitted to the Point of Contact in writing. Proposers may contact ONLY the Point of Contact regarding this procurement. Other County employees do not have the authority to respond on behalf of the County. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 11 II. CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT This section of the RFP contains the anticipated schedule for the procurement and describes the procurement events as well as the conditions governing the procurement. A. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS The County will make every effort to adhere to the following anticipated schedule: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Action Date Issue of RFP to Participating Vendors July 20, 2011 Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference August 18, 2011 Deadline to Submit Written Questions August 24, 2011 Response to Written Questions / RFP Addenda August 29, 2011 Submission of Proposals September 7, 2011 Proposal Evaluation September 8 – 30, 2011 Notification of Selection of Shortlist Proposers October 5, 2011 Demonstrations/Oral presentations (at County ‘s option) October 24 - 28, 2011 Selection of Finalist(s) for Negotiations November 7, 2011 Final Negotiations/ Best and Final Offer (BAFO) November 30, 2011 Contract Processing/Counsel Review December 1 - 23, 2011 Contract Award No Later than December 31, 2011 Project Start Date January 9, 2012 B. EXPLANATION OF EVENTS 1. ISSUE OF RFP This RFP is being issued jointly by the County of Santa Clara Information Services Department and County Communications Department. Copies of the RFP including supporting documents may be obtained from Bidsync’s web site at RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 12 CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT 2. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE A pre-proposal conference will be held at the County of Santa Clara Information Services Department, 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2, First floor Auditorium, San Jose, CA 95112 at 9:30 a.m. Pacific Daylight time on Thursday August 18, 2011. A teleconference line will established for those unable to attend in person. Please contact Brenda Aguirre at [email protected] to RSVP for the pre-proposal conference and to obtain teleconference information. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is mandatory. 3. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT WRITTEN QUESTIONS Participating Proposers may submit written questions as to the intent or clarity of this RFP on or before the August 24, 2011. All written questions must be submitted to the County Contact as listed in Paragraph E of Section I via email with the questions contained in the body of the email or in an attached Microsoft Word document format. The County will not respond to questions submitted in any other manner or format. 4. RESPONSE TO WRITTEN QUESTIONS / RFP ADDENDA Questions submitted in the pre-proposal conference as well as additional written questions submitted by the due date indicated will be addressed in writing by means of an Addendum to the RFP issued on the specified date and posted on 5. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 2:00pm Pacific Daylight time on Wednesday September 7, 2011. Proposals are to be received at the time and place listed below. All received proposals will be time stamped. All deliveries should be addressed as follows: Brenda Aguirre County of Santa Clara Communications Department 2700 Carol Drive San Jose, CA, 95125 Request for Proposal #COC11720 Proposals must be sealed and labeled on the outside of the package to clearly indicate that they are in response to the RFP # and title as referenced on the cover page. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 13 CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT 6. PROPOSAL EVALUATION An Evaluation Committee will review and evaluate the proposals and make a recommendation for an award. The County may initiate discussion with Proposers who submit responsive or potentially responsive proposals for the purpose of clarifying aspects of the proposals. Proposals may be accepted and evaluated without such discussion. The County shall determine the appropriate means of clarification: telephonic, e-mail, letter, or oral interviews. All contacts from Proposers pertaining to this RFP must be directed in writing exclusively to the County’s Point of Contact. Proposers shall not attempt to contact any other County personnel related to this RFP unless authorized by the Point of Contact. Discussions MUST NOT be initiated by the Proposers. 7. SELECTION OF SHORT LIST PROPOSERS The Evaluation Committee will select Proposers for oral presentations or demonstrations as appropriate. The Proposers on the short list will be invited to participate in the subsequent steps of the procurement. If required, the schedule for the oral presentations and product demonstrations will be determined at this time. 8. DEMONSTRATIONS/PRESENTATIONS At County option, Proposers on the short list may be required to perform a demonstration /presentation of their proposed solution. To ensure adequate preparation, a demonstration agenda will be included with the invitation. The agenda will include the demonstration date, time, and location and an overview of functionality to be presented, if applicable. All presentations and product demonstrations will be held at the County of Santa Clara. C. GENERAL 1. INCURRING COST This RFP does not commit the County to award, nor does it commit the County to pay any cost incurred in the submission of the Proposal, or in making necessary studies or designs for the preparation thereof, nor procure or contract for services or supplies. Further, no reimbursable cost may be incurred in anticipation of a contract award. 2. CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY Neither your organization nor any of your representatives shall have any claims whatsoever against the County or any of its respective officials, agents, or employees arising out of or relating to this RFP or these procedures (other than those arising under a definitive Agreement with your organization in accordance with the terms thereof). 3. GUARANTEE OF PROPOSAL Responses to this RFP, including proposal prices, will be considered firm and irrevocable for onehundred and eighty (180) days after the due date for receipt of proposals or one-hundred eighty (180) days after receipt of a best and final offer, if one is submitted. 4. BASIS FOR PROPOSAL Only information supplied by the County in writing or in this RFP should be used as the basis for the preparation of Proposer’s proposal. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 14 CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT 5. FORM OF PROPOSALS No oral, telephone, facsimile, or electronic proposals will be accepted. 6. AMENDED PROPOSAL An Proposer may submit an amended proposal before the deadline for receipt of proposals. Such amended proposal must be complete replacement for a previously submitted proposal and must be clearly identified as such in the transmittal letter. The County personnel will not merge, collate, or assemble proposal materials. 7. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL Proposers will be allowed to withdraw their proposals at any time prior to the deadline for receipt of proposals. The Proposer must submit a written withdrawal request signed by the Proposer’s duly authorized representative addressed to the County Point of Contact. 8. LATE RESPONSES All proposals submitted in response to this RFP must be delivered in person or received via courier or mail no later than the RFP due date and time. The County time and date stamp will be the basis of determining receipt of proposal. 9. NO PUBLIC PROPOSAL OPENING There will be no public opening for this RFP. 10. CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RECORDS ACT (CPRA) All proposals become the property of the County, which is a public agency subject to the disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act (“CPRA”). If Contractor proprietary information is contained in documents submitted to County, and Contractor claims that such information falls within one or more CPRA exemptions, Contractor must clearly mark such information “CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY,” and identify the specific lines containing the information. In the event of a request for such information, the County will make best efforts to provide notice to Contractor prior to such disclosure. If Contractor contends that any documents are exempt from the CPRA and wishes to prevent disclosure, it is required to obtain a protective order, injunctive relief or other appropriate remedy from a court of law in Santa Clara County before the County’s deadline for responding to the CPRA request. If Contractor fails to obtain such remedy within County’s deadline for responding to the CPRA request, County may disclose the requested information. Contractor further agrees that it shall defend, indemnify and hold County harmless against any claim, action or litigation (including but not limited to all judgments, costs, fees, and attorneys fees) that may result from denial by County of a CPRA request for information arising from any representation, or any action (or inaction), by the Contractor. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 15 CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT All data and information gathered by the Proposer and its agents in this RFP process, including reports, recommendations, specifications and data, shall be treated by the Proposer and its agents as confidential. The Proposer and its agents shall not disclose or communicate this information to a third party or use it in advertising, publicity, propaganda, or in another job or jobs, unless written consent is obtained from the County. Generally, each proposal and all documentation, including financial information, submitted by an Proposer to the County is confidential until a contract is awarded, when such documents become public record under state and local law, unless exempted under CPRA. 12. ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS Most of the communication regarding this procurement will be conducted by electronic mail (email). Potential Proposers agree to provide the County Point of Contact with a valid e-mail address to receive this correspondence. 13. USE OF ELECTRONIC VERSIONS OF THE RFP This RFP is being made available by electronic means. If accepted by such means, the Proposer acknowledges and accepts full responsibility to insure that no changes are made to the RFP. In the event of conflict between a version of the RFP in the Proposer’s possession and the version maintained by the County, the version maintained by the County must govern. 14. COUNTY RIGHTS The County reserves the right to do the following at any time: a. Reject any or all proposal(s), without indicating any reason for such rejection; b. Waive or correct any minor or inadvertent defect, irregularity or technical error in a proposal or the RFP process, or as part of any subsequent contract negotiation; c. Request that Proposers supplement or modify all or certain aspects of their proposals or other documents or materials submitted; d. Terminate the RFP, and at its option, issue a new RFP; e. Procure any equipment or services specified in this RFP by other means; f. Modify the selection process, the specifications or requirements for materials or services, or the contents or format of the proposals; g. Extend a deadline specified in this RFP, including deadlines for accepting proposals; h. Negotiate with any or none of the Proposers; i. Modify in the final agreement any terms and/or conditions described in this RFP; j. Terminate failed negotiations with an Proposer without liability, and negotiate with other Proposers; k. Disqualify any Proposer on the basis of a real or apparent conflict of interest, or evidence of collusion that is disclosed by the proposal or other data available to the County; l. Eliminate, reject or disqualify a proposal of any Proposer who is not a responsible Proposer or fails to submit a responsive offer as determined solely by the County; and/or m. To accept all or a portion of an Proposer’s proposal. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 16 III. RESPONSE FORMAT AND ORGANIZATION This section contains relevant information Proposers should use for the preparation of their proposals. A. NUMBER OF RESPONSES Proposers must submit only one proposal. However, a Proposer may propose multiple solutions if the Proposer feels the solutions provide different levels of value, benefit and cost. Differentiating factors for each solution must be clearly defined in the proposal. B. ORIGINAL AND COPIES Proposers must provide one (1) original and six (6) identical copies of their proposal to the location specified on or before the closing date and time for receipt of proposals. The original binder must be stamped “ORIGINAL” and contain original signatures on the necessary forms. The remaining sets should be copies of the originals. Proposers must also provide two (2) sets of electronic copies of their complete proposal in CD-ROM format, prepared using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and / or Project). CDs are to be included ONLY in the binder marked “ORIGINAL.” C. PROPOSAL FORMAT All proposals shall be typewritten on standard 8 ½ x 11 paper (larger paper is permissible for charts, spreadsheets, etc.) and placed within a binder with tabs delineating each section. Hard copies should utilize both sides of the paper where practical. 1. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Each proposal received must include a letter of transmittal. The letter of transmittal MUST: a. Identify the submitting organization; b. Identify the name, title, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the person authorized by the organization to contractually obligate the organization; c. Identify the name, title, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the person authorized to negotiate the contract on behalf of the organization; d. Identify the names, titles, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of persons to be contacted for clarification; e. Be signed by the person authorized to contractually obligate the organization; and f. Acknowledge receipt of any and all addenda to this RFP; and identify all sections of the proposal that the Proposer claims contain “proprietary” or “confidential” information. 2. PROPOSAL ORGANIZATION The proposal must be organized and indexed in the following format and must contain, at a minimum, all listed items in the sequence indicated: Tab 1: Tab 2: Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 17 RESPONSE FORMAT AND ORGANIZATION Tab 3: Tab 4: Tab 5: Tab 6: Tab 7: Tab 5: Tab 6: Tab 7: Tab 8: Tab 9: Tab 10: Tab 11: any Tab 12: Executive Summary & Proposers Corporate Information Narrative: Proposed Solution Appendix A2 –Response to Functional Requirements Appendix A3 –Response to Technical Requirements Appendix C – Proposal Cost Response Form Appendix D – Non-Collusion Declaration Appendix E – Declaration of Local Business, if applicable Appendix F – Proposer’s Terms and Conditions, if applicable Appendix G – ASP/SAAS Security Assessment Checklist, if applicable Appendix H – Vendor Remote Access Agreement, if applicable Appendix I – User Responsibility Statement, if applicable Proposer’s End User License Agreement / Service and Support Agreement, if Media (CDs) in “ORIGINAL” Binder ONLY 3. PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS Within each section of their proposal, Proposers should address the items in the order in which they appear in this RFP. All forms provided in the RFP shall be thoroughly completed and included in the appropriate section of the proposal. 4. NON-CONFORMING SUBMISSIONS Any submission may be construed as a non-conforming proposal and ineligible for consideration if it does not comply with the requirements of this Request for Proposal. At the County’s sole discretion, non-conforming proposals may be rejected or the proposal overall rating may be downgraded. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 18 IV. EVALUATION A. FACTORS The Evaluation Criteria listed below will be utilized in the evaluation of the Proposer’s written proposals and demonstration/presentation accordingly. The expectation is that those proposals in the competitive range may be considered for contract award. The proposal should give clear, concise information, focus on the requirements and statement of work, and provide sufficient detail to allow an evaluation based on the criteria below. An Offer must be acceptable in all criteria for a contract to be awarded to that Proposer whose proposal provides the best value to the County. 1. 2. 3. 4. Corporate strength, experience, financial strength, references and reputation of Proposer; Ability to meet business, technical and other stated requirements; Methodology for implementation, project management, training, and ongoing support; Local Preference The overall total cost to the County will be considered and the importance of cost will increase with the degree of equality of the proposals in relation to the other factors on which selection is to be based. B. LOCAL BUSINESS PREFERENCE In accordance with applicable sections of Board Policy, Section 5.3.13, in the formal solicitation of goods or services, the County of Santa Clara shall give responsive and responsible Local Businesses the preference described below. “Local Business” means a lawful business with a physical address and meaningful “production capability” located within the boundary of the County of Santa Clara. The term “production capability” means sales, marketing, manufacturing, servicing, or research and development capability that substantially and directly enhances the firm’s or bidder’s ability to perform the proposed contract. Post Office box numbers and/or residential addresses may not be used as the sole bases for establishing status as a “Local Business.” In the procurement of goods or services in which best value is the determining basis for award of the contract, five percent (5%) of the total points awardable will be added to the Local Business score. When a contract for goods or services, as defined in this policy, is presented to the Board of Supervisors for approval, the accompanying transmittal letter shall include a statement as to whether the proposed Proposer is a Local Business, and whether the application of the local preference policy was a decisive factor in the award of the proposed contract. This Local Business preference shall not apply to the following: 1. Public works contracts, 2. Where such a preference is precluded by local, state or federal law or regulation, 3. Contracts funded in whole or in part by a donation or gift to the County where the special conditions attached to the donation or gift prohibits or conflicts with this preference policy. The RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 19 EVALUATION donation or gift must be approved or accepted by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with County policy, or 4. Contracts exempt from solicitation requirements under an emergency condition in accordance with board policy, state law and/or the County of Santa Clara Ordinance Code (Section A3482). In order to be considered for Local Preference, Proposer must complete and submit Declaration of Local Business with its RFP response. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 20 V. PROPOSER’S SUBMITTAL This section contains requirements and relevant information Proposers should use for the preparation of their proposals. Proposers should thoroughly respond to each requirement. A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Include an executive summary which should be a one or two page overview intended to provide the Evaluation Committee with an outline of the significant business features of the proposal. The Executive Summary should demonstrate the Proposer’s understanding of the project scope and objectives and how the proposed solution will meet these objectives. If sub-contractors will be used to provide any of the solution components, sub-contractor names and responsibilities should be included in this section. B. PROPOSER’S CORPORATE INFORMATION 1. PROPOSER EXPERIENCE/INFORMATION The Proposer shall include in their proposal a statement of relevant experience. The Proposer should thoroughly describe, in the form of a narrative, its experience and success as well as the experience and success of subcontractors, if applicable in providing and/or supporting the proposed system. In addition Proposers are required to provide the following information for the primary contractor only: a. Proposers shall provide the company name, business address, including headquarters, all local offices, co-location locations (city/state), and telephone numbers. b. Proposers shall provide the length of time they have been providing the type of services and software requested in this RFP. c. Proposers shall indicate any offices or facilities located within the County of Santa Clara that substantially and directly enhances the Proposer’s ability to perform the proposed contract. d. Proposers shall provide a description of the Proposer’s organization, including names of principals, number of employees, client base, areas of specialization and expertise, and any other information that will assist the Evaluation Committee in formulating an opinion about the stability and strength of the organization. e. Proposers shall provide the name of the jurisdiction in which the Proposer is organized and the date of such organization. f. Proposers shall provide specifics on the number of certified local (stationed in greater Bay Area) technicians. g. Proposers shall provide a description of the depth of their experience installing and supporting the proposed system. h. Proposers shall provide a discussion of the type and duration of the business relationship with the manufacturer(s) whose products are included in the proposed systems. i. Proposer must identify the proposed physical location of the application and data storage facilities. j. Proposer shall describe the method used for change management and advance notification timeframe for application changes. RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 21 PROPOSER’S SUBMITTAL k. Provide a complete disclosure if Proposer, its subsidiaries, parent, other corporate affiliates, or subcontractors have defaulted in its performance on a contract during the past five years which has led the other party to terminate the contract. If so, identify the parties involved and the circumstances of the default or termination. l. A list of any lawsuits filed against the Proposer, its subsidiaries, parent, other corporate affiliates, or subcontractors in the past five years and the outcome of those lawsuits. Identify the parties involved and circumstances. Also, describe any civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending. m. Include any licenses, certifications or other qualification of the firm or proposed staff. 2. FINANCIAL STABILITY/PROPOSER FINANCIAL INFORMATION Proposer shall submit copies of the most recent year’s independently audited financial statements, as well as those for the preceding three years, if they exist. The submission shall include the audit opinion, balance sheet, income statement, retained earnings, cash flows, and notes to the financial statements. If independently audited financial statements do not exist for the Proposer, the Proposer shall state the reason and, instead, submit sufficient information such as the latest Dun and Bradstreet report to enable the Evaluation Committee to determine the financial stability of the Proposer. The County may request and the Proposer shall supply any additional financial information requested in a timely manner. 3. PAST PERFORMANCES / REFERENCES The Proposer’s proposal shall include three different external references from clients who have completed their projects in the last three years, who are willing to validate the Proposer’s past performance on similar projects of size and scope. The minimum information that shall be provided for each client reference follows: 1. Name of the contact person; 2. Name of the company or governmental entity; 3. Address of the contact person; 4. Telephone number of contact person; 5. Email address of the contact person; 6. Description of the services provided and dates the services were provided 4. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Proposers shall provide a certificate(s) of insurance or a copy insurance declaration page(s) with their proposals as written evidence of their ability to meet the insurance certificate and other applicable County insurance requirements in accordance with the provisions listed in the pertinent Attachment of the RFP. In addition, Proposers should provide a letter from an insurance agent or other appropriate insuring authority documenting their willingness and ability to endorse their insurance policies making the County an additional insured. Request for Proposal #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 22 PROPOSER’S SUBMITTAL C. PROPOSER’S RESPONSE TO REQUIREMENTS (Appendix A) The County is seeking a contractor to provide a complete solution to satisfy the technical, functional, integration and business requirements and one who is capable of providing the project management, implementation and training services required. Proposers must submit a narrative outlining how their proposed solution will meet the County’s functional and technical requirements and the project objectives as outlined in Appendix A. Proposers must respond to the requirements included in Appendix A2 & A3. Proposals may include alternative solutions (i.e., more than one approach) to meeting the County’s requirements. Proposers may propose a single or multi-vendor solution, however all subcontractors must be managed directly by the primary proposer. Proposals should include a statement on how the Proposer would approach and successfully complete any required agreements (such as Memorandums of Understanding) with other agencies for CAD data exchanges, and contract amendments with other CAD vendor to perform the necessary technical work to implement the data exchanges. D. STATEMENT OF WORK (Appendix B) Proposals must include a detailed Statement of Work, providing information on how the Proposer will manage the project, staff and work assignments, provide appropriate training and knowledge transfer to County staff, and provide system documentation and ongoing support for any proposed solutions. Proposers must respond to the Statement of Work following the outline provided in Appendix B. E. COST PROPOSAL (Appendix C) Proposer must submit the pricing structure associated with all components of the proposed solution, including but not limited to base price, installation, programming, configuration, maintenance, license fees, and service charges. The County requires pricing for a vendor-provided extended warranty that includes technical support, maintenance, upgrades and enhancements of vendor provided hardware and software components for a period of up to 5 years after implementation. F. OTHER SUBMITTALS 1. NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION (Appendix D) Proposers shall complete and submit Non-collusion Declaration form with their proposal. 2. DECLARATION OF LOCAL BUSINESS (Appendix E) Proposers shall complete and submit Declaration of Local Business form with their proposal, if applicable. Request for Proposal #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 23 PROPOSER’S SUBMITTAL 3. PROPOSER’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Appendix F) Should Proposers object to any of the County’s terms and conditions listed in Attachment 7, Proposers must suggest specific alternative language and indicate the reason for their objection. The County may or may not accept the alternative language. General references to the Proposer’s terms and conditions or attempts at complete substitutions are not acceptable to the County. Proposers must provide a brief discussion of the purpose and impact, if any, of each proposed changed followed by the specific proposed alternate wording. In addition, Proposers must submit with their proposal any additional terms and conditions that they expect to have included in the contract negotiated with the County. Proposers must provide specific proposed wording and a brief discussion of the purpose and impact, if any. Include any applicable agreement, such as license, service level, maintenance, etc. 4. ASP/SaaS SECURITY ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST (Appendix G) Proposers shall complete and submit the ASP Security Assessment Checklist form with proposal, if applicable. 5. VENDOR REMOTE ACCESS AGREEMENT (Appendix H) Proposer shall complete and submit the Vendor Remote Access form with proposal, if applicable. 6. USER RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT (Appendix I) Proposer shall complete and submit User Responsibility form with proposal, if applicable. 7. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT / SERVICE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT (Appendix J) Proposer shall submit a copy of its latest Software End-User License Agreement (EULA) and/or Service and Support Agreement, if applicable. Request for Proposal #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 24 PROPOSER’S SUBMITTAL VI. LIST OF APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS Appendices: A1-Overall Project Objectives A2- Business Functional Requirements A3 – Technical Requirements B- Statement of Work C- Proposal Cost Response Form D- Non Collision Declaration E- Declaration of Local Business F- Proposers Terms and Conditions G-ASP/SaaS Security Assessment and Checklist H-Vendor Remote Access Agreement I- User Responsibility Statement Attachments: 1- Terminology 2- Business Case Scenarios 3- User Presentation Requirements Core System Functions 4- Technical Objectives 5- Data Exchange Objectives 6- Information Sharing Architecture Best Practices 7- Sample Agreement Terms and Conditions 8- Insurance Requirements Request for Proposal #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 25 This page is intentionally left blank RFP #COC11720 CAD2CAD/CROP page 26
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