Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 DOI 10.1007/s11273-007-9034-x ORIGINAL PAPER Power analysis to determine sample size for monitoring vegetation change in salt marsh habitats Mary-Jane James-Pirri Æ Charles T. Roman Æ James F. Heltshe Received: 21 February 2006 / Accepted: 12 February 2007 / Published online: 21 March 2007 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007 Abstract Numerous initiatives are underway throughout New England and elsewhere to quantify salt marsh vegetation change, mostly in response to habitat restoration, sea level rise, and nutrient enrichment. To detect temporal changes in vegetation at a marsh or to compare vegetation among different marshes with a degree of statistical certainty an adequate sample size is required. Based on sampling 1 m2 vegetation plots from 11 New England salt marsh data sets, we conducted a power analysis to determine the minimum number of samples that were necessary to detect change between vegetation communities. Statistical power was determined for sample sizes of 5, 10, 15, and 20 vegetation plots at an alpha level of 0.05. Detection of subtle differences between vegetation data sets (e.g., comparing vegetation in the same marsh over two consecutive years) can be accomplished using a sample size of 20 plots with a M.-J. James-Pirri (&) Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Box 8, Narragansett, RI 02882, USA e-mail: [email protected] C. T. Roman National Park Service, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI 02882, USA J. F. Heltshe Department of Computer Science and Statistics, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA reasonable probability of detecting a difference when one truly exists. With a lower sample size, and thus lower power, there is an increased probability of not detecting a difference when one exists (e.g., Type II error). However, if investigators expect to detect major changes in vegetation (e.g., such as those between an unimpacted and a highly impacted marsh) then a sample size of 5, 10, or 15 plots may be appropriate while still maintaining adequate power. Due to the relative ease of collecting vegetation data, we suggest a minimum sample size of 20 randomly located 1 m2 plots when developing monitoring designs to detect vegetation community change of salt marshes. The sample size of 20 plots per New England salt marsh is appropriate regardless of marsh size or permanency (permanent or nonpermanent) of the plots. Keywords Power analysis Salt marsh Sample size Vegetation Introduction Salt marsh vegetation changes in response to climate change, sea-level rise, hydrologic alteration from ditching and tide-restricting structures (e.g., bridges, causeways), nutrient enrichment, and other natural and human-induced factors (e.g., Wigand et al. 2003; Bertness et al. 2002; 123 336 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 Donnelly and Bertness 2001; Wolfe 1996; Rozsa 1995; Roman et al. 1984; Niering and Warren 1980). In addition, numerous studies have documented the response of salt marsh vegetation to restoration activities, such as re-introduction of tidal flow to hydrologically altered systems (e.g., Burdick et al. 1997; Roman et al. 2002; Warren et al. 2002). Currently many agencies and conservation organizations are sponsoring research and monitoring programs aimed at better understanding the factors contributing to salt marsh vegetation change and documenting the effects of restoration efforts (e.g., Merkey et al. 2005). Plot sampling is commonly used to evaluate changes in salt marsh vegetation species composition and abundance; however, to detect change with a degree of statistical certainty an adequate sample size is required. In salt marsh vegetation studies the number of sample plots is often arbitrarily determined. Researchers may sample too few plots or expend critical resources and funds collecting more data than necessary. Insufficient sample size leads to a high probability of not detecting differences between two vegetation communities when a significant difference is actually present. The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of a power analysis with the objective of guiding investigators in the selection of an appropriate sample size when attempting to detect changes in salt marsh vegetation communities using 1 m2 plots. Power is defined as 1-b (beta), b being the probability of wrongly failing to reject the null hypothesis of no difference when the null hypothesis is actually false (Type II error). Power is the desirable likelihood of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis and is a function of the differences between two populations, the sample size, the alpha level of the test (the probability of detecting a difference between two populations when no difference exists, i.e., Type I Error, commonly set at 0.05 in ecological analyses), and the variability of the measured response. Methods Study sites Vegetation plot data from seven individual salt marshes, two sampled in three different years resulting in a total of 11 unique data sets, were used to determine statistical power curves for different sample sizes (Table 1). The salt marshes, located along the New England coast Table 1 Location, number of plots, and sampling year for vegetation data used in the power analyses Salt marsh Location (latitude & longitude) Study area (ha) Sampling year Total plots sampled Hatches Harbor reference Provincetown, MA (N424¢, W7014¢) Wells, ME (N4316¢, W7036¢) Biddeford, ME (N4325¢, W7023¢) Cape Porpoise, ME (N4323¢, W7026¢) Cape Porpoise, ME (N4323¢, W7026¢) Middletown, RI (N4129¢, W7115¢) Middletown, RI (N4129¢, W7115¢) Middletown, RI (N4129¢, W7115¢) Middletown, RI (N4129¢, W7115¢) Middletown, RI (N4129¢, W7115¢) Middletown, RI (N4129¢, W7115¢) 90 1997 61 3.2 10.1 1999 1999 77 68 0.9 1999 28 1.5 1999 40 6.3 1996 22 3.7 1996 29 6.3 1998 22 3.7 1998 38 6.3 1999 22 3.7 1999 38 Moody marsh Granite Point marsh Marshall Point impacted Marshall Point reference Sachuest Point reference Sachuest Point impacted (before tidal restoration) Sachuest Point reference Sachuest Point impacted (after tidal restoration) Sachuest Point reference Sachuest Point impacted (after tidal restoration) 123 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 from Maine to Rhode Island, varied from relatively un-impacted (or reference) marshes to severely impacted sites, due to tidal restrictions or other hydrologic alterations, and also included marshes that had recently undergone restoration via tidal re-introduction. All the marshes, including the reference sites, had been grid ditched for mosquito control, a common practice throughout New England, during the early- to mid-twentieth century. Vegetation data used in the power analyses were from Granite Point marsh (ME), Marshall Point reference and impacted marshes (ME), Moody marsh (ME), Hatches Harbor reference marsh (MA), and Sachuest Point reference and impacted marshes (RI). Vegetation data from Granite Point and Moody marshes, collected in 1999, were prior to hydrologic alterations on portions of these marshes and therefore represent un-impacted marshes. Hatches Harbor was an un-impacted reference marsh. Marshall Point impacted marsh had been hydrologically altered by the placement of sediment plugs in grid ditches, a method used to increase open water on grid ditched marshes. The plugs were installed one year (1998) prior to the collection of the vegetation data. At Sachuest Point the impacted marsh had been tiderestricted for several decades due to an undersize culvert that impounded water and severely reduced tidal range. In the early spring of 1998, two larger culverts were installed and tidal flow was restored to the impacted marsh. Vegetation data were collected at both the Sachuest Point reference and impacted marsh both before (1996) and after (1998 and 1999) the impacted marsh underwent tidal restoration. The vegetation communities of the reference and un-impacted marshes (Granite Point marsh, Moody marsh, Hatches Harbor reference, and Sachuest Point reference 1996, 1998, 1999) were dominated by vegetation typical of New England salt marshes (e.g., Spartina alterniflora Loisel., salt marsh cordgrass; S. patens (Ait.) Muhl., salt meadow cordgrass; Juncus gerardii Loisel., blackgrass; Iva frutescens L., marsh elder; Portnoy et al. 2003 for Hatches Harbor; Niering and Warren 1980). Marshall Point reference and impacted marshes were dominated by J. gerardii; Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, spike grass; 337 Triglochin maritimum L., seaside arrow-grass; Glaux maritima L., sea milkwort; and S. patens (Adamowicz et al. 2004). The community of the impacted Sachuest Point marsh prior to restoration (1996) was dominated by Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud., common reed. After tidal restoration (1998, 1999) this marsh was in transition from a P. australis dominated community to a community with increasing abundance of S. alterniflora and S. patens (Roman et al. 2002). Vegetation data were collected at the end of the growing season (August–early October) at all sites. Transects were randomly located within each marsh and placed perpendicular to the creek and extended to the upland. Vegetation plots (1 m2) were located along each transect, with the first plot randomly located and subsequent plots spaced systematically at a minimum of 10 m. Given the random starts for setting both transects and plots, and the minimum spacing between plots, it can assumed that the individual vegetation plots were independent (Elzinga et al. 2001). However, for those pursuing any future vegetation plot sampling, it is suggested that plots be located in a pure random manner along the transects instead of systematic. The number of vegetation plots sampled per site ranged from 22 to 77 (Table 1). Within each 1 m2 plot, the percent cover of live species present was quantified using either the point intercept method or ranked by visual inspection using a modified Braun-Blanquet scale (cover classes: 0 = absent, 1 = 1–5%, 2 = 6–25%, 3 = 26– 50%, 4 = 51–75%, 5 = 76–100%, Kent and Coker 1992; Elzinga et al. 2001). Other cover-type categories recorded included bare, litter and wrack, standing water, and standing dead vegetation. Power analysis Prior to analysis all point-intercept data were converted to the modified Braun-Blanquet cover classes. Converting the data to cover classes served as a type of transformation that gave less weight to dominant species and more weight to rarer species and is typical of transformations performed on multivariate species community data (Clarke and Warwick 2001; Kent and Coker 1992). Statistical power was evaluated using the cover class data and was determined as a function 123 338 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 types for every marsh pair. A permutation testing procedure (Appendix) was used to test the null hypothesis of equivalent vegetation communities between two marshes. For each pair of marshes a decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis was made using an alpha level of 0.05. Empirical power was estimated by repeating this process 200 times and was determined by the number of times the null hypothesis was rejected out of the 200 trials. The power associated with the different sample sizes (n = 5, 10, 15, and 20) were graphed for all 17 pairs of marshes. of the Euclidean distance similarity index of vegetation community data between pairs of marshes using a permutation procedure (Clarke and Green 1988; Smith et al. 1990). This procedure allowed statistical testing of equality between the vegetation communities of the marsh pairs by using the similarity index between the two communities as the test statistic. While the actual value of the test statistic does not indicate statistical significance, it does provide a relative measure of similarity (or dissimilarity) between the vegetation communities of the marsh pairs. Marsh pairs that were similar in vegetation composition had low similarity indices and marsh pairs with divergent vegetation composition had larger similarity indices. Seventeen pairs of marshes that exhibited a range of similarity indices were chosen to construct the power curves (Table 2). These pairs exhibited a range from subtle differences in vegetation composition (e.g., Sachuest Point impacted sampled in 1998 versus the same marsh sampled in 1999, similarity index of 0.6) to dramatic differences (e.g., Rhode Island’s Sachuest Point impacted marsh in 1996 versus the un-impacted Marshall Point reference marsh in Maine, similarity index of 27.3). Sample sizes of 5, 10, 15, and 20 plots were randomly chosen in 200 trials from each marsh data set for all 17 marsh pairs. In each trial the average Braun-Blanquet value and corresponding Euclidean distance were calculated for all cover Independent confirmation of power curves As an independent assessment of our power curves, vegetation communities from data sets not used in the power analyses were compared using different sample sizes. Vegetation data were from four marshes, Granite Point impacted marsh (data from 2000 and 2001), Biddeford, ME; Moody reference marsh (data from 2002), Wells, ME; and Hatches Harbor impacted and Hatches Harbor reference (data from 2000 to 2004), Provincetown, MA. At Granite Point impacted marsh (8.8 ha) mosquito ditches were plugged with sediment in the spring 2000 to increase the water table level and retain water on the marsh surface upstream of the plugs. Vegetation sampling (n = 52 1 m2 plots) was conducted in 2000 shortly after the plugging and then again in 2001, Table 2 Euclidean distance similarity indicesa for all possible combinations of marsh pairs Marshb HH_ MDY_99 GP_99 MP_I_99 MP_R_99 SP_R_99 SP_I_99 SP_R_98 SP_I_98 SP_R_96 SP_I_96 R_97 HH_R_97 MDY_99 GP_99 MP_I_99 MP_R_99 SP_R_99 SP_I_99 SP_R_98 SP_I_98 SP_R_96 SP_I_96 0.0 17.7 15.0 21.3 32.8 12.6 18.5 13.4 18.6 11.4 18.7 a 0.0 0.4 22.2 33.8 15.9 23.5 11.3 23.0 14.4 21.0 0.0 19.8 32.2 12.8 19.6 9.2 19.3 11.9 18.3 0.0 6.3 11.6 22.9 10.8 22.4 10.0 18.9 0.0 17.8 33.6 16.0 32.6 15.9 27.3 0.0 7.4 1.5 7.6 1.2 7.5 0.0 10.1 0.6 9.6 4.7 0.0 9.6 1.2 7.0 0.0 9.2 3.4 0.0 6.6 0.0 Bold values indicate marsh pairs that were used to construct the power curves (Fig. 1) b HH_R_97: Hatches Harbor reference (1997 data); MDY_99: Moody marsh (1999 data); GP_99: Granite Point marsh (1999 data); MP_I_99: Marshall Point impacted (1999 data); MP_R_99: Marshall Point reference (1999 data); SP_R: Sachuest Point reference 1999, 1998, and 1996 data; SP_I: Sachuest Point impacted 1996, 1999, and 1998 data 123 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 339 1 0 .9 N=10 0 .8 N=5 N=15 0 .7 Power 0 .6 0 .5 0 .4 N=20 0 .3 n=5 n=10 0 .2 n=15 0 .1 n=20 0 0 Similar marsh pairs 5 10 15 20 Euclidean Distance Similarity Index 25 30 Dissimilar marsh pairs Fig. 1 Estimation of power at alpha = 0.05 for 5, 10, 15, and 20 sample plots per marsh. Distance was calculated by the Euclidean distance similarity index between marsh pairs. Plotted points are seventeen marsh pairs (Table 2, bold values) that exhibited a range in similarity indices from low (similar vegetation communities) to high (very different vegetation communities). Curve fit lines are shown to assist in the identification of the appropriate sample size to achieve adequate power for a given similarity distance the second growing season after plugging. After plugging there was an increase in open water and decrease in S. patens (Adamowicz et al. 2004). Moody reference marsh (0.8 ha) is an unimpacted marsh, with the exception of historic mosquito grid ditches, and is located along a river behind a barrier beach system. The dominant vegetation of Moody reference marsh was S. patens and D. spicata (n = 31 plots). The Hatches Harbor marsh is bisected by a dike that had severely reduced tidal flow to the upstream portion of the marsh (impacted marsh, 80 ha) for seven decades. The marsh downstream of the dike (reference marsh, 90 ha) experienced normal tidal inundation. In 1998, the undersized culvert in the dike was replaced with larger box culverts and tidal flow was restored to the impacted marsh (Portnoy et al. 2003). Both the impacted and reference marshes were sampled from 1997 through 2004 (impacted marsh n = 56 1 m2 plots, reference marsh n = 33 1 m2 plots). Prior to installation of the new culvert, sampling in 1997 revealed the impacted marsh was dominated by P. australis and a variety of upland species such as Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz, comb. nov. ined. (northern bayberry), Rubus L. spp. (blackberry) and J. gerardii (Portnoy et al. 2003). In 2004, seven growing seasons after tidal restoration, S. alterniflora and S. patens increased in cover on the impacted marsh along with the amount of bare ground as upland species continued to die due to tidal inundation. The vegetation community of Hatches Harbor reference marsh was typical of un-impacted New England salt marshes, and was dominated by S. alterniflora and S. patens. We examined five pair-wise comparisons from these four independent marsh data sets using different sample sizes (n = 5, 10, 15, and 20 plots) to determine the effect of sample size on the observed P-value. For each sample size, plots were randomly selected five times from the complete data set and analyzed in five different trials for each comparison. If the comparison was for the same marsh but between different years (i.e., Granite Point impacted 2000 vs. 2001) the same plots were compared for each year. A oneway Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM, Clarke and Gorley 2006; Clarke and Warwick 2001) was used to determine if there was a difference in salt marsh vegetation communities for each comparison. ANOSIM is a non-parametric multivariate 123 340 permutation procedure that analyses both species composition and abundance and is considered a non-parametric analog to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) without the often unattainable assumptions of MANOVA (Clarke and Green 1988). Results and discussion The power graph (Fig. 1) shows the Euclidean distance similarity index between pairs of salt marsh vegetation communities on the X-axis and the statistical power on the Y-axis. Marshes that have similar or very subtle differences in vegetation communities have low similarity indices and are located near the left side of the plot and those that have different vegetation communities, reflected by high similarity indices, are to the right. An example of a marsh comparison with a low similarity index would be the comparison of vegetation communities sampled at the same marsh, but separated by just a few growing seasons, such as the Sachuest Point reference marsh. These data sets would reflect no difference or perhaps only slight differences in vegetation communities. An example of a marsh pair with a large similarity index would be the comparison of vegetation communities between a reference marsh and a site that was severely impacted or between marshes from different regions (i.e., Maine versus Rhode Island). Marsh pairs with intermediate similarity indices could be from a restoration site sampled over time, with a similarity index reflecting the gradual response of vegetation to the restoration activity (e.g., re-introduction of tidal flow). The statistical power of detecting a difference between two vegetation data sets, using different sample sizes, can be estimated from the power curves (Fig. 1). With a sample size of five plots there is low power, generally less than 0.5, to detect most differences, except where the differences between the two data sets are great as indicated by a large similarity index. Increasing the sample size to 10, 15, or 20 vegetation plots per marsh substantially increases the power to detect a difference between marshes even if the vegetation communities are relatively similar. A power above 0.9 means there is a >90% chance of 123 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 detecting a difference between vegetation data sets when a difference actually exists. With a low power there is an increased probability of not detecting a difference when the data sets are actually different (i.e., Type II error). It becomes clear that with a sample size of 15 or 20 vegetation plots there would be a high probability of detecting actual differences between marsh communities. If an investigator was interested in detecting subtle changes in vegetation (e.g., evaluating change from one year to another in a reference marsh), then it would be appropriate to select a sample size of at least 20. If dramatic changes were of interest and were expected, such as comparing a tide-restricted marsh to a reference marsh then a smaller number of plots (n = 5) could be justified (although not recommended given the ease of collecting data from additional plots), while still maintaining adequate power. Vegetation cover class data from three pairs of marshes used in the power analyses are presented in Table 3 to illustrate how similarity indices reflect a range from subtle to dramatic differences in vegetation communities. For ease of comparison the data have been converted to the percent mid-point for each Braun-Blanquet cover class (e.g., cover class 1 = 1–5% = 3%; 2 = 6–25% = 15.5%, etc.). Subtle changes in vegetation were observed between Sachuest Point impacted marsh in 1996 and the same marsh in 1999, 3 years after tidal flow was restored (similarity index = 4.7). Seven of the 16 cover types for this marsh pair were observed in both years, and they shared two dominant species (P. australis and S. patens) although these species differed in abundance each year. On the other end of the spectrum, dramatic differences in vegetation communities were illustrated by comparing the Sachuest Point impacted marsh in 1996 with the Marshall Point reference marsh in 1999 (similarity index = 27.3). This was a comparison between marshes from different regions (Rhode Island and Maine) and different hydrological conditions (tide-restricted versus un-impacted). The vegetation communities from these marshes were quite different, with only three of the 19 species in common at both marshes, and each marsh had different dominant species (Sachuest Point impacted: P. australis and S. patens; Marshall Point reference: J. gerardii and Sachuest Point impacted 1996 (SP_I_96)a Similarity index = 4.7 b a – – – 4.2 3.4 – 1.7 – – – 2.0 – – – 6.9 – – 25.9 43.8 2.9 – – – – – – – 1.2 – – – 19.6 4.4 – 2.7 3.7 6.6 19.9 – – – 1.4 – – Granite Point marsh 1999 (GP_99) 6.9 2.4 22.8 – 5.2 – – – – – – 3.5 29.4 2.7 – 2.6 4.4 3.0 – 2.5 – – 6.5 – – Sachuest Point impacted 1996 (SP_I_96) – 5.3 6.4 6.6 – – – 3.7 3.7 – – – – – 7.2 – – 37.2 3.1 – 3.9 – – 14.5 – Marshall Point reference 1999 (MP_R_99) Similarity index = 27.3 Data were converted to the mid-point percentage for each Braun-Blanquet cover class. Species not observed are indicated with a dash (-) 2.2 10.6 27.7 – 8.5 4.8 – – – 1.6 – – 2.6 – – – 5.5 16.9 – – – – 4.0 7.0 – Sachuest Point reference 1998 (SP_R_98) Similarity index = 9.2 – – 1.7 29.7 – 1.3 Sachuest Point impacted 1999 (SP_I_99) Identification codes used in Table 2 are indicated in parentheses Agrostis stolonifera L. 2.5b Argentina anserina L. – Atriplex patula L. – Bare ground 6.5 Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene – Euthamia tenuifolia var. – pycnocephala (Fern.) C.& J. Taylor Glaux maritima L. – Hibiscus moscheutos L. 2.6 Iva frutescens L. 4.4 Juncus gerardii Loisel. 3.0 Limonium carolinianum – (Walt.) Britt. Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) 2.7 Kartesz, comb. nov. ined. Phragmites australis (Cav.) 29.4 Trin. Ex Steud. Dead Phragmites australis – Plantago maritima L. – Toxicodendron radicans L. 3.5 Kuntze Solidago sempervirens L. 6.9 Spartina alterniflora Loisel 2.4 Spartina patens (Ait) Muhl. 22.8 Triglochin maritimum L. – Typha angustifolia L. 5.2 Dead Typha angustifolia – Viburnum dentatum L. – Wrack – Unidentified grass – Species Table 3 Percent cover for cover types that contributed approximately 90% of sampled vegetation for three marsh comparisons used in the power analyses (Fig. 1) Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 341 123 342 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 D. spicata). A marsh comparison with an intermediate similarity index of 9.2 is represented by Granite Point marsh in 1999 and Sachuest Point reference marsh in 1998. These marshes were both relatively undisturbed, but were from different regions (Rhode Island and Maine). Four of the 15 vegetation covers were in common and each marsh had the same dominant species (Spartina patens), however there were 11 vegetation covers that were not in common reflecting regional differences in vegetation communities. Using data sets independent from those used in the power analyses, ANOSIM results show that a sample size of 20 was sufficient to detect (P < 0.05) the subtle change in vegetation community that occurred at Granite Point impacted marsh between 2000 and 2001, the first and second growing season after the ditches were plugged, but as suggested by the power curves this change was not detected at lower sample sizes (n £ 15; Table 4). The differences in vegetation communities at Hatches Harbor between the 1997 impacted marsh and the same marsh 7 years after tidal reintroduction (2004 impacted marsh) could be detected with as few as 15 plots (Table 4). A sample size of 10 plots detected the fairly dramatic differences between the vegetation communities of Spartina-dominated Hatches Harbor reference marsh and the Phragmites-dominated Hatches Harbor impacted (although under a regime of tide restoration) marsh in 2000. As few as five plots may be sufficient to detect the divergent vegetation communities from geographically distant marshes, such as the comparison between Hatches Harbor reference (MA) and Moody reference (ME) marshes (Table 4). Finally, as would be expected, the vegetation community of a reference or un-impacted marsh would be relatively stable through time (e.g., Hatches Harbor reference), and therefore no change would be detected at any of the sample sizes. The suggested minimum size of 20 plots per marsh is the same regardless of the spatial area or extent of the marsh that is being sampled. This is because the proportion of a marsh that is actually sampled (i.e., 20, 1 m2 plots = 20 m2) is often very small compared to the entire area of the marsh that could be potentially sampled. For example, sampling a 10 ha marsh or a 1 ha marsh with 20 plots represents just 0.02% or 0.2% of the entire marsh area, respectively. If the area sampled is less than 5% of the total study area it is not necessary to alter the sample size by applying the finite population correction factor (Krebs 1999; Elzinga et al. 2001). The suggested minimum sample size of 20 plots also holds true if the plots are permanent or non-permanent vegetation plots. If permanent plots are re-sampled in subsequent years, an investigator may be able to sample less than the suggested minimum of 20 plots, as the variability would decrease since the same plots were used in each sampling period. To summarize, it is recommended that a minimum of 20 randomly located 1 m2 vegetation plots be established when designing monitoring programs to evaluate changes in vegetation communities of salt marshes. To facilitate sampling, randomly located transects that extend from creek bank to upland with plots randomly located along each transect can be used. The sample size of 20 vegetation plots is for the entire salt marsh encompassing all salt marsh zones (e.g., high marsh, low marsh), as opposed to 20 plots within each salt Table 4 An example of how sample size influenced P-values when comparing salt marsh vegetation community dataa Comparison All plots Granite Point impacted (2000 versus 2001) Hatches Harbor impacted (1997 versus 2004) Hatches Harbor reference (2000) versus Hatches Harbor impacted (2000) Hatches Harbor reference (2002) versus Moody reference (2002) Hatches Harbor reference (2000 vs. 2004) a n = 20 n = 15 n = 10 n=5 <0.001 (n = 52, 52) 0.001 (n = 56, 56) 0.001 (n = 33, 56) 0.039 0.002 0.001 0.111 0.002 0.001 0.217 0.074 0.004 0.435 0.216 0.092 <0.001 (n = 33, 31) <0.001 <0.001 0.013 0.016 0.582 (n = 33, 33) 0.628 0.807 0.687 0.603 For each sample size, plots were randomly selected from the entire data set and analyzed by ANOSIM. P-values are an average obtained from five separate ANOSIM analyses for each sample size and comparison 123 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 343 Euclidean distance similarity index (Krebs 1999): marsh zone. However, if investigators are interested in detecting changes between zones within a marsh or within zones between years, 20 plots within each zone would be an appropriate sampling design. It is noted that a sample size of 15 vegetation plots would probably be adequate (based on the power curves) to detect the subtle vegetation changes that may be of interest in long-term monitoring programs and as few as 5 or 10 sample plots may be appropriate for detecting more dramatic differences in vegetation communities; however, given the relative ease of collecting vegetation plot data, a minimum sample size of 20 plots is recommended. The power analyses presented in this paper are appropriate for New England salt marshes. However, the approach can be applied to other regions and habitat types to assist with sample size selection for research and monitoring programs designed to detect vegetation community responses to natural and humaninduced factors. D12 ¼ X k (C1k C2k )2 where D12 is the Euclidean distance between P marsh 1 and marsh 2, k is the sum of all cover types or species (k) in marsh 1 and marsh 2, C1k is the abundance of cover type or species k in marsh 1, C2k is the abundance of cover type or species k in marsh 2. Synopsis of permutation procedure as outlined in Smith et al. (1990): The null hypothesis of the permutation test is ‘‘No difference between marsh 1 and marsh 2’’. To illustrate the permutation procedure, the original data matrix of marsh 1 and marsh 2 with N samples and M variables is defined as: Marsh 1(N M) Marsh 2(N M) X11 X12 X21 X22 ... ... XN1 XN2 = XðNþ1Þ1 XðNþ1Þ2 X ðNþ2Þ1 XðNþ2Þ2 ... ... X X X = Acknowledgements This research was supported, in part, by the National Park Service in association with the design and testing of monitoring protocols for the Long-term Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring Program at Cape Cod National Seashore. Support was also provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and the NOAANational Marine Fisheries Service, Restoration Center. Appendix ð2NÞ1 This appendix details the process used to conduct the power analysis. It is included to clarify the methodology used as well as to provide the stepby-step procedure so that others may perform this same kind of analysis to evaluate the relationship between power and sample sizes for other types of multivariate community data. Marsh / Sample No. Marsh 1 1 2 3 ... N Marsh 2 N+1 N+2 N+3 … 2N 1 0 2 Marsh 1 3 ... D12 D13 … 0 D22 … 0 … 0 ð2NÞ2 X23 . . . X2M ... ... ... XN3 . . . XNM XðNþ1Þ3 . . . XðNþ1ÞM XðNþ2Þ3 . . . XðNþ2ÞM ... ... ... Xð2NÞ3 . . . Xð2NÞM X13 . . . X1M The distance (or similarity) between marsh 1 and marsh 1 (i £ N and j £ N), marsh 2 and marsh 2 (i > N and j > N), and marsh 1 and marsh 2 (i £ N and j > N) samples, respectively, can be calculated pair-wise. For the above data matrix, the distance matrix is: Marsh 2 N+3 N N+1 N+2 ... 2N D1N D2N D3N … 0 D1(N+1) D2(N+1) D3(N+1) … DN(N+1) D1(N+2) D2(N+2) D3(N+2) … DN(N+2) D1(N+3) D2(N+3) D3(N+3) … DN(N+3) … … … … … D1(2N) D2(2N) D3(2N) … DN(2N) 0 D(N+1)(N+2) 0 D(N+1)(N+3) D(N+2)(N+3) 0 … … … 0 D(N+1)(2N) D(N+2)(2N) D(N+3)(2N) … 0 123 344 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 The distances in the rectangle are the distances between marsh 1 and marsh 2 samples (the Between Distances). The distances in the triangle to the left of the rectangle are the distances between pairs of marsh 1 samples (the Within Distances for marsh 1), and the distances in the triangle below the rectangle are the distances between pairs of marsh 2 samples (the Within Distances for marsh 2). From this matrix the averages of the Between Distances ( B0) and the Within Distances ( W0) are calculated, either one of these can be used as a test statistic. Alterna tively, L0 ¼ B0 W0 can be used as the test statistic. The test statistic L0 will become larger as the difference between marsh 1 and marsh 2 samples increase. If the null hypothesis is true, samples can be switched between marsh 1 and marsh 2 groups. For example, after the mth permutation, the data matrix may look like: Group 1(N M) Group 2(N M) X32 X33 X31 XðNþ9Þ1 XðNþ9Þ2 XðNþ9Þ3 .. .. .. . . . X22 X23 X21 = XN1 XN2 XN3 X12 X13 X11 .. .. .. . . . X X X L values from the permuted matrices at an alpha level of 0.05. The P-value can be calculated by comparing the rank order of the L0 value from the original data with the rank ordered L values from the 500 permutations. If the original L0 falls out of the 95% range of the L values from the permuted matrices, the null hypothesis of equality of the two marshes would be rejected. The basic procedure to determine empirical power is summarized as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Xm = ðNþ2Þ1 ðNþ2Þ2 ðNþ3Þ3 ... .. . ... ... ... .. . ... XðNþ9ÞM .. . X2M XNM X1M .. . X X3M ðNþ2ÞM The Between Distances ( B) and the Within Distances ( W) are calculated for each permuted matrix, and the test statistic L ( L ¼ B W) is calculated. A series of L values are obtained after many permutations (in this study we performed 500 permutations of each pair of selected data sets). The L values are then arranged in descending order. For the Euclidean Distance metric, a large L value indicates a large difference between the two groups of data. As a result this test statistic is one-sided. If the null hypothesis of no difference between marsh 1 and marsh 2 is true, L0 (from the original data) should fall into the lower 95% range of the 123 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Select data sets from a pair of marshes (e.g., marsh 1 and marsh 2) for comparison. Randomly select a sample size of 5, 10, 15, or 20 samples from the data set for each marsh pair. Calculate the pair-wise Within Distances (or similarities) within the marsh 1 and marsh 2 data sets (W0). Calculate the pair-wise Between Distances or similarities for the samples for marsh 1 and marsh 2 (B0). Calculate the averages of all Within Distances and Between Distances. Calculate the test statistic L0 from the original data sets. Randomly permute the marsh 1 and marsh 2 data in such a way that the identities of the samples are randomly assigned. Calculate the Within Distances and the Between Distances (W and B) and their averages for the permuted data sets. Calculate the test statistic L for the permuted data sets. Repeat (5) through (7) for 500 times to obtain 500 L values. Rank the L values in ascending order. Compute the P-value by determining the rank of L0 value among the rank order of the L values. The level of the P-value is used to determine whether there is a difference between the two data sets at the 5% significance level. For example, if L0 value falls at the 200th rank of the 500 rank ordered L values, then the P-value is 200/500 or P = 0.400; if L0 value falls at the 15th rank of the 500 rank ordered L values, then the P-value is 15/500 or P = 0.030. Wetlands Ecol Manage (2007) 15:335–345 12. 13. 14. Repeat steps (2) through (11) 200 times for each sample size. Determine empirical power as the number of rejections (as indicated the permutation procedure in step 11), at an alpha of 0.05 out of the 200. Repeat steps (1) through (13) for each possible pair-wise comparison of marsh data sets for each sample size. 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