Chico Unified School District Marsh newsletter OCTOBER 2014 MARSH NEWSLETTER Principal’s Message: Marsh Families: It is hard to believe but we have completed seven weeks of school. I am pleased to report that the entire staff and student body at Marsh Junior High School are working very hard at the important business of learning. As always, we are pleased with the positive attitudes of our students and with a level of support and involvement of our parents. I encourage you to call or email us to speak with any of our outstanding staff members during the course of the year should any questions or concerns arise. Our goal is to provide the best possible education for your children. This can be accomplished when communication lines are open and the children see us working as a team. Best wishes for a happy and productive school year. Jay Marchant MAGAZINE DRIVE FUNDRAISER!! YEARBOOK We need your help with our big, annual fundraiser—the Magazine Drive! Our drive starts on Friday, October 3rd, and the last day to turn in orders is Friday, October 17th. Thank you in advance for your support!! The yearbook is going to be spectacular! Our yearbook staff have come up with a very classic idea and are working hard. Prices go up to $45.00 after Winter Break, so hurry up and get yours ordered! You won’t be disappointed!! MARSH NEWSLETTER Page 2 CJSF California Jr. Scholarship Federation This semester our Marsh Jr. High CJSF Chapter #923 is certainly moving along! CJSF is a statewide organization that honors students for strong academic performance and service to their school and community. We currently have 67 enthusiastic 8th grade members eagerly participating in a wide variety of community service projects. Members are serving dinner at the Jesus Center, working with the senior citizens at WindChime and Courtyard Assisted Living Centers, a ribbon tying for the American Cancer Society and preparing for a day of pumpkin activities with the 1st grade Little Buddies at Little Chico Creek Elementary School. The new officers are also considering a number of other service projects including a visit to the Butte Humane Society and a Bidwell Park Clean-Up. Stayed tuned for more events as they are scheduled. We will also be holding our Pennies For Patients Fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society from February 9th through February 20th to support prevention and research efforts. The annual Butte County Special Olympics will be held on May 1st at Harrison Field in Oroville. We will train a group of MJHS students to be Special Olympics coaches to assist our amazing special needs athletes. They will assist the athletes in preparing for all the track and field events. We also have many more CJSF members who will serve as Buddies to special athletes from other schools around the county. This is always one of the most memorable events of the year! Reminder to all 7th and 8th graders who will wish to apply for membership NEXT semester – Applications will be available the first 4 weeks of second semester in the main office. You MUST reapply every semester for membership based on the previous semester’s grades. Congratulations to our new 2014-2015 CJSF Officers President – Leahana Mishelof V.P – Rica Rebusit Secretary – Hannah Bond Treasurer – Jaron Plumer As always, contact Pam Bodnar in the counseling office or at 895-4115 if you have any questions. Hannah Bond & Jaron Plumer CJSF Secretary & Treasurer MARSH NEWSLETTER Page 3 Marsh Junior High School Marsh PTSO Parent, Teacher, Student Organization The Marsh Junior High PTSO is excited to have ALL our returning families and our NEW incoming parents and students on campus for the 2014-2015 year! We would love your MEMBERSHIP support! Please BE A GATOR GIVER!!! Please submit your E-mail to us because it’s very important that we keep you informed of all the wonderful activities we have planned for this school year! We’ll also need volunteers throughout the year to make all activities successful. We would love to have you as a member, but you do not need to be one in order to volunteer for any events. If you do wish to be a member, you do not have to attend all the meetings. Thank you in advance for your support!!!! 8th Grade Committee We will be forming an 8th grade committee to help with our 8th grade graduation dance. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining this committee. First meeting will be held in November. Thanksgiving Holiday Baskets Every year PTSO hands out Thanksgiving food baskets to Marsh families who may be having a rough time. We need lots of donations to make this happen. Sign Ups for donations will be emailed soon. If we do not have your email and you would like to help, please contact us. Thank you! Marsh PTSO Facebook Page We do have a Facebook page!! We try to keep it updated with all that will be happening. There are old pages up as well so when you go to join, please make sure it the correct one. Marsh Jr. High PTSO. Opportunities to Volunteer These are just a few things we will need help with: Magazine drive, Staff Breakfasts, Dance Chaperons, Thanksgiving baskets, Popcorn fundraisers, Root beer floats, 8th grade graduation. Many more things will happen throughout the year. Please keep an eye out for our emails for more details. Each PTSO officer’s email is listed on the Marsh Website. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you, Angelica Gomez-Haro Marsh PTSO President Calling All Cheerleaders! Please come by the office to pick up a flyer regarding a mandatory parent meeting on Wednesday, October 8th, in the Marsh library to discuss the Cheer Club. You will receive information about the club and when clinics and tryouts will be held. Thank you!! MARSH NEWSLETTER Page 4 GATOR RUNNING CLUB 2014‐2015 M.J.H.S. XC Schedule Date: Loca on: Time: Bidwell Park (One‐Mile So ball Fields) (1.3 mile course) 3:15pm (check in) 3:45pm (start) Hooker Oak Park (1.7 mile course) 3:15pm (check in) 3:45pm (start) Bidwell Park (One‐Mile So ball Fields) (1.3 mile course) 3:15pm (check in) 3:45pm (start) Hooker Oak Park (1.7 mile course) 3:15pm (check in) 3:45pm (start) Bidwell Park (One‐Mile So ball Fields) (1.3 mile course) 3:15pm (check in) 3:45pm (start) Almond Bowl 5K (3.1 mile course) Sign up info coming soon 10/1 10/8 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/2 • • • Wear your “Gator Gear” if you plan to par cipate in these races. The official Running Club t‐shirt can be purchased in the office for $20. You are responsible for your own ride to the running events and home from the running events. We will con nue to run every Tuesday & Thursday rain or shine throughout the school year. MARSH NEWSLETTER Page 5 SECURITY CAMERAS - 24 Hour Surveillance A few years ago we had several video cameras installed to help curb vandalism. We now have 24-hour surveillance on our site. Signs are posted on campus to relay this information to our community. We have been fortunate over the past few years in that the vandalism has not been rampant, but with the area around campus growing, and having no fencing, we felt this would be a big deterrent. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our site for clarification. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR TALENTED YOUTH CTY TALENT SEARCH 2014‐2015 What is the Talent Search? The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY), a world leader in gi ed educa‐ on, conducts na onal and interna onal talent searches to iden fy, assess, and recognize outstanding academic talent in mathema cal and/or reasoning abili es. Students scoring at or above the 95th percen le on a na onally‐normed stand‐ ardized test and demonstrate superior academic performance may apply to par cipate in the Talent Search. The CTY Talent Search gives students the opportunity to take a test designed for older students, one with a higher perfor‐ mance ceiling. This tes ng will reveal more about their academic abili es and will allow them to compare their results with those of other highly able students. They will also learn about educa onal op ons and opportuni es for students with similar abili es, and they will receive recogni on for their outstanding achievements. Why par cipate in the CTY Talent Search? Par cipa on will: Help families be er understand the extent of a child’s verbal and math talent. Provide an interpreta on of test results for students to see how they scored rela ve to their highly able peers. Introduce an important test, the SAT, to young students in a “low stakes” environment. Allow students to register for the Spa al Test Ba ery (STB), a unique test developed by CTY. Recognize outstanding ability with a Cer ficate of Par c‐ ipa on from The Johns Hopkins University. Enable qualifying students to take CTY summer courses on college campuses throughout the U.S. or CTY distance educa on courses (fees associated); offer priority in compe ve CTY programs course assignment process; remain qualified for courses through high school. Invite families to a end conferences (lectures, per‐ formances and workshops) offered through CTY (fees associated). Honor the top‐scoring par cipants at Awards Ceremo‐ nies held in each state. Guide parents, schools and students in developing an educa on plan. If you would like informa on about applying, stop by the MJHS Counseling Office and pick up a brochure. If you have any further ques ons about CTY, call Pam Bodnar, MJHS counselor, at 895‐4115. You may access the CTY Tal‐ ent Search website at: for more informa on. UPCOMING EVENTS: Magazine Drive Assembly Magazine Drive Re-Take Picture Day Veterans’ Day—No School Meredith O’Connor Anti-Bully Assembly Thanksgiving Break October 3 October 3—17 October 10 November 11 November 14 November 24-28 MARSH NEWSLETTER Page 6 Attendance Key Notes Tips for Improving Attendance 1. Good attendance benefits your child's education. Students who miss a day of school not only miss instruction, but must make up work and catch up with the new material at the same time. Make education a family priority and emphasize the important role education plays throughout life. 2. It is important for your child to arrive at school in a timely manner. Arriving late can be disruptive for your child, the teacher, and the other children in the class. 3. Try to schedule off campus appointments on school breaks or at the beginning or end of the school day. 4. Students must submit a note or parents/guardians must call, fax or email the Attendance Office to excuse absences – (unverified absences are considered a truant/cut). 5. Monitor your child's attendance through the Aeries Parent Portal to keep track of absences. (If you do not have an Aeries account, please contact Mrs. Dempsey at 895-4112 to set one up) If an absence is marked incorrectly, please contact Mrs. Robbins in the attendance office (895-4115). 6. Keep in mind that patterns are formed early. It is more difficult to break a bad habit (children begging to stay home from school “just this once”) than saying “no” in the beginning. 7. If there are reasons why your child is not coming to school (school phobia, relationships with peers, academic difficulties), please contact one of our school counselors (Mrs. Bodnar or Mrs. Murphy at 895-4115) so that the underlying issue can be addressed. 8. A team effort is very important! When parents, guardians, students and school personnel work together, students are more likely to be successful. Thank you for supporting your child's education by encouraging good school attendance! Multi-Cultural Club Hi Gators! Do you want to learn some fancy Zumba moves? How about having your face painted in celebration of “Dia de los Muertos”? Come join us for lots of fun in Multi-Cultural Club! We meet every Wednesday at lunchtime in Room P-28. All students are welcome to come try out our activities. This year we have enjoyed nacho snacks, karaoke singing, Japanese lantern & pumpkin crafts, and cookie decorating. Coming up this month is the “Dia de los Muertes” face painting, “Abuelita” Mexican hot chocolate and mask decorating. There will be LOTS more crafts, music, dancing, snacks and cultural events planned for the remainder of the year. Come join the fun and games! Hosted by our CA State University, Chico interns. MARSH NEWSLETTER Page 7 TERM Grading Period Ends MAILED OR HANDED OUT TO STUDENTS 1st Progress Report Friday, September 19, Handed out during 6th period on Friday, September 26, 2014 2014 2nd Progress Report Friday, October 17, 2014 3rd Progress Report Friday, November 14, Handed out during 6th period on Friday, November 21, 2014 2014 1ST SEMESTER REPORT CARD Thursday, December 18, 2014 Mailed home by Monday, December 22, 2014 4th Progress Report Friday, February 6, 2015 Handed out during 6th period Thursday, February 12, 2015 5th Progress Report Friday, March 13, 2015 Handed out during 6th period on Friday, March 27, 2015 6th Progress Report Friday, April 24, 2015 Handed out during 6th period on Friday, May 1, 2015 2nd SEMESTER REPORT CARD Thursday, June 4, 2015 Mailed home by June 11, 2015 Handed out during 6th period on Friday, October 24, 2014 Contact the Registrar (Andrea Dempsey at 530-895-4112) if you’d like information on how to set up your Break the silence The marsh junior high school Picture Re-Takes!!!! Bully hotline 895-4110, ext. 400 Your Picture Re-Take Day is Friday, October 10th!! Flyers/order forms were handed out in PE classes. Be sure to bring your entire packet back if you didn’t like your first pictures or if there is something wrong with the picture. “You’re only a phone call away from safety.” Helping make our school a safer environment!! Sponsored by MJHS Peer Mediators [email protected] WAYS TO SUPPORT MARSH JUNIOR HIGH schoolPAX A new way to earn money for your designated school! Visit or call 1-877-724-5729. Marsh Junior High School Code is: JTGF Family packets will be arriving soon! Vendors who now support schoolPAX are: Subway—go to to register. Be sure to use the Marsh school code. Or call 1-800-564-1343 to register. Verizon Wireless—Each new 2-year activation of a Family SharePlan line and each new 2-year equipment upgrade agreement can earn our school money! Travelocity—Book a trip through Travelocity and earn money for our school! Foot Locker—Purchase at one of the stores or and earn $$ for our school!—Purchase through their website or call 1800-356-9377 and earn $$ for our school! Always be sure to use our school code: JTGF TAKE CHARGE OF EDUCATION—REWARD YOUR SCHOOL: You don’t have a TARGET REDcard? It’s easy to apply. Get started in person at any TARGET store or go to Remember to use the Marsh Junior High School ID: 115668. There are 6 easy steps to register as a supporter with eScrip. The first step of the registration process is for you to identify the school, group or organizations that you would like to support. Your privacy is important to us at ESI. We have taken security measures to protect your information. Search to see if your group is enrolled with the program. Group Name Group ID City where Group is Located Zip Code where Group is Located Marsh Group ID: 6662763 Existing Supporters To update your existing account information go to my eScrip. ESI has made a firm commitment to protect all customer information provided. ESI will not license, sell, exchange or distribute any personally identifying information about eScrip participants to any third parties not directly involved in the eScrip program. About the Program | Welcome New Members | Contact Us | Privacy | Program Terms ©2000-06 Electronic Scrip Incorporated. All rights reserved. Information on this website is confidential and cannot be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever. Take advantage of the Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program. Use the school ID: 70006691 and you’ll earn money for Marsh Junior High School. Office Depot and YOU can Take Care of Our Schools! MARSH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Chico Unified School District 1163 East Seventh Street Chico, CA 95928 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 346 CHICO, CALIFORNIA OR CURRENT RESIDENT To The Parent/Guardian of: Marsh Gator 2253 Humboldt Road Chico, CA 95928 It’s Newsletter Time!! Important Information Inside!
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