Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Questions Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! QUESTIONS DIRECTIONS: Solve each problem, choose the correct answer, and then darken the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. Do not linger over problems that take too much time. Solve as many as you can; then return to the others in the time you have left for this test. You are permitted to use a calculator on this test. You may use your calculator for any problems you choose, 2QDOHYHOILHOGDWHOHSKRQHSROHIHHWWDOOFDVWVDVKDGRZ IHHWORQJDQGDWWKHVDPHWLPHRIGD\DQRWKHUQHDUE\WHOHSKRQH SROHFDVWVDVKDGRZIHHWORQJ+RZPDQ\IHHWWDOOLVWKH VHFRQGWHOHSKRQHSROH" $ % & ' ( but some of the problems may best be done without using a calculator. Note: Unless otherwise stated, all of the following should be assumed: 1. Illustrative figures are NOT necessarily drawn to scale. 2. Geometric figures lie in a plane. 3. The word line indicates a straight line. 4. The word average indicates arithmetic mean. DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. 7KHPHPEHUVKLSIHHVIRU:HE)LOPVFRQVLVWRIDPRQWKO\FKDUJH RIDQGDRQHWLPHQHZPHPEHUIHHRI6KHUZRRGPDGH DFUHGLWFDUGSD\PHQWRIWRSD\KLV:HE)LOPVIHHVIRU DFHUWDLQQXPEHURIPRQWKVLQFOXGLQJWKHQHZPHPEHUIHH +RZPDQ\PRQWKVRIPHPEHUVKLSGLG6KHUZRRGLQFOXGHLQ KLVFUHGLWFDUGSD\PHQW" ) * + - . ,Iy ăZKDWLVWKHYDOXHRI $ ă % ă & ' ( y2 − 4 " y−2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 1 | Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Questions Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series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| Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Tests GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Questions Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! ANSWER EXPLANATIONS FOR PREVIOUS PAGE 1. E Set up a proportion with the information you have and the information you are looking for: height 24 ft x ft = = length of shadow 6 ft 18 ft Do the cross-multiplication to find that x = 72 feet, choice (E). 2. G Remember that Sherwood’s $100 payment covers both his one-time new-member fee and a few months of a membership. Since the new-member fee is $16, this means that Sherwood put $100 – $16 = $84 toward his monthly fees. Since each month costs $14, Sherwood paid for $84 ÷ $14 = 6 months of membership. 3. B Although this looks like a problem in which you’ll need to factor, you actually can just substitute y2 − 4 (−6)2 − 4 the y value: y − 2 = (−6) − 2 = (36) − 4 32 = = −4. −8 −8 4. J Because the group ended up with more than 15 students, they overpaid. Figure out the total amount they should have paid and subtract it from the amount that they did pay: (18)($11.50) – (18)($10.25) = $22.50. 5. C When you are finding a probability, you need to figure out a basic part/whole relationship. In this case, there are 16 members in the orchestra, but only 12 of them are eligible to become speakers, so the “whole” (the denominator) must be 12. If you selected choice (B), you forgot to omit the 1 4 soloists. The likelihood that Itzhak would be chosen for this person is therefore , because he 12 represents one possibility out of the twelve eligible for the speaker position. 6. H In order to find the perimeter of a rectangle, remember that there are four sides. In this case the four sides add up as follows: 8 ft + 8 ft + 17 ft + 17 ft = 50 ft. If you selected choice (F), you may have only added two sides of the rectangle, and if you selected choice (J), be careful—this is the area! 7. B Work slowly through this problem. The group has sold 240 passes online at $9 each. This means that they have already made (240)($9) = $2160. In order to reach their goal, they will need $4000 – $2160 = $1840. Since the question asks how many in-person tickets they will need to sell, you can approximate how many tickets will get them $1840 by dividing: $1840 ÷ $12 = 153.333. Since there is no such thing as 0.333 tickets, you have to round up to get 154 tickets, choice (B). 3 | Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Questions Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! QUESTIONS DIRECTIONS: There are four passages in this test. Each passage is followed by several questions. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary. Passage I PROSE FICTION: This passge is adapted from the novel A Well-Worn Jacket by Antonia Duke (© 2008 by Antonia Duke). 0RQLTXHZDVHQMR\LQJWKLVDIWHUQRRQPRUHWKDQVKHKDG DQWLFLSDWHG2IWHQWKHWU\RXWVIRUWKHVSULQJPXVLFDOWHVWHGWKH OLPLWV RI KHU SDWLHQFH DQG QHUYHV ZLWK RQH KRSHIXO JLUO DIWHU WKHQH[WWDNLQJWXUQVVWUXWWLQJRQWRWKHWDUQLVKHGZRRGHQVWDJH 5 GHOLYHULQJDFRPSHWHQWEXWXQLQVSLUHGYHUVLRQRIVRPH5RGJHUV +DPPHUVWHLQQXPEHUDQGWKHQEHLQJSROLWHO\H[FXVHGE\0UV 'RPLQJXH]DVWKHQH[WQDPHRQWKHOLVWZDVFDOOHG +RZHYHUWKLVZDVWREH0RQLTXH¶VWKLUGVWUDLJKW\HDULQ WKHPXVLFDODQGWKHFRQILGHQFHWKDWKHUVHQLRULW\DIIRUGHGKHU 10 DURXQGWKHPRUHQHUYRXVQHZFRPHUVDOORZHGKHUWREDVNLQWKH UDGLDQFHRIKHURZQSRLVH 6KHKDGDOUHDG\VXQJKHUDXGLWLRQVRQJDQKRXUDJRFRP PHQFLQJWKHGD\¶VFHUHPRQLHV7KLV\HDU0RQLTXHXVHG³*RG %OHVVWKH&KLOG´DFKRLFHVKHIRXQGWREHTXLWHVRSKLVWLFDWHG 15 VLQFH%LOOLH+ROLGD\¶VYHUVLRQRILWZDVIDPLOLDUPRVWO\WRDGXOWV DQGHYHQWKHQPRVWO\WRDGXOWVRIWKHSUHYLRXVJHQHUDWLRQ0RUH LPSRUWDQWO\LWUHTXLUHGDUHVHUYHGSHUIRUPDQFHZKLFK0RQLTXH IHOWVKRZFDVHGKHUPDWXULW\HVSHFLDOO\EHFDXVHPRVWRIWKHRWKHU DXGLWLRQHUVFKRVHVRQJVWKDWZRXOGVKRZWKHLUHQWKXVLDVPHYHQ 20 LILWPHDQWWKHLUWHFKQLFDOPDVWHU\ZRXOGQRWEHRQIXOOGLVSOD\ 1RUPDOO\WKHILUVWDXGLWLRQVORWZDVGUHDGHGE\PRVW0UV 'RPLQJXH]ZRXOGDVNLIDQ\RQHZDQWHGWRYROXQWHHUWR³JHWLW RYHUZLWK´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¶V 35 GHFLVLRQWRJRILUVW$OWKRXJKVKHZDVDQQR\HGE\0RQLTXH¶V HVFDODWLQJDUURJDQFHVKHDOVRDFNQRZOHGJHGWKDW0RQLTXHZDV 4 | Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Tests RQH RI WKH PRUH WDOHQWHG DFWRUV DQG ZDV SUREDEO\ FRUUHFW LQ DVVXPLQJKHUVHOIDVKRRLQ $WWKLVODWHVWDJHRIWKHDIWHUQRRQ0RQLTXHIHOWOLNHDPRQ 40 DUFKVLWWLQJLQWKHEDFNRIWKHDXGLWRULXPZLWKKHUUR\DOFRXUW RIIULHQGVDQGDGPLUHUV7KH\WRRNFDUHWRVLWIDUHQRXJKDZD\ IURP0UV'RPLQJXH]WKDWWKH\ZRXOGQRWEHFDXJKWLQWKHDFW RIEHOLWWOLQJWKHRWKHUVWXGHQWV¶DXGLWLRQV 7R0RQLTXHWKHHQGOHVVSDUDGHRIDVSLUDQWVZKRVDQJWKHLU 45 KHDUWVRXWIRUWKUHHPLQXWHVHDFKZHUHOLNHMHVWHUVSHUIRUPLQJ IRUKHUDPXVHPHQW$V0UV'RPLQJXH]UHDG(VSHUDQ]D6ROLWR¶V QDPHRIIKHUOLVW0RQLTXHDQGKHUHQWRXUDJHSUHSDUHGWKHPVHOYHV IRUDVSHFLDOWUHDW (VSHUDQ]DZDVRQHRIWKHPRVWDZNZDUGVWXGHQWVDW7KRUQ 50 WRQ+LJK+HUFDUDPHOFRORUHGIDFHZDVXVXDOO\KLGGHQEHKLQG WKLFNWRUWRLVHVKHOOJODVVHV+HUZDY\EODFNKDLUH[SORGHGRIIKHU VFDOSOLNHDVQDSVKRWRIDQDWRPERPE6KHZRUHFORWKLQJWKDW ORRNHGOLNHLWKDGVSHQW\HDUVLQDPXVW\DWWLF8QGHUVWDQGLQJ KHUGHEDVHGSRVLWLRQRQWKHVRFLDOWRWHPSROH(VSHUDQ]DVFXU 55 ULHGWKURXJKWKHKLJKVFKRRO¶VKDOOZD\VZLWKKHUH\HVORRNLQJ QDUURZO\DWWKHEDFNRIWKHSHUVRQZDONLQJLQIURQWRIKHUWU\LQJ WRGLVDSSHDUZLWKLQWKHKHUGOHVWVKHEHUHFRJQL]HGE\DQ\PDOL FLRXVRQORRNHUVDVHDV\SUH\ (VSHUDQ]DKDGEHHQVLWWLQJDORQHLQWKHIURQWURZSD\LQJOLWWOH 60 DWWHQWLRQWRWKHRWKHUDXGLWLRQVZRUNLQJRQJHRPHWU\KRPHZRUN XQWLOKHUQDPHZDVFDOOHG6KXIIOLQJKHUIHHWWRZDUGWKHFHQWHU RIWKHVWDJH(VSHUDQ]DGLGQRWORRNXSXQWLOVKHZDVWKHUHDQG HYHQWKHQORRNHGRQO\DW0UV'RPLQJXH] ³:KHQHYHU\RX¶UHUHDG\´0UV'RPLQJXH]VDLGSROLWHO\ 65 VHQVLQJWKHSRWHQWLDOIRUWKLVDXGLWLRQWRGHYROYHLQWRDSDLQIXO WDUJHWRIULGLFXOH $V(VSHUDQ]DEHJDQWKHRSHQLQJQRWHVWR³7KH6WDU6SDQ JOHG%DQQHU´0RQLTXHDQGKHUIULHQGVORRNHGDWHDFKRWKHULQ WRWDOGLVEHOLHI&OHDUO\WKH\WKRXJKW(VSHUDQ]DKDGQRWKHDWHU 70 SHGLJUHHRUVKHZRXOGQHYHUVWRRSWRVLQJLQJVXFKDWULWHIRU PXODLFVRQJ6WDQGLQJSHUIHFWO\VWLOO(VSHUDQ]DPRYHGPHWKRGL FDOO\WKURXJKWKHWXQHZLWKOLWWOHIODLURUHPRWLRQ+RZHYHUWKH GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Questions Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! QUESTIONS H[SHFWDQWVPLOHVRIPRFNHU\ZHUHTXLFNO\YDQLVKLQJIURPWKH IDFHVRIDOOZKROLVWHQHG $QWLFLSDWLQJDWHQWDWLYHPRXV\YRLFHWKDWZRXOGEHILWVXFK DTXLUN\SUHVHQFHDV(VSHUDQ]D¶VWKHDXGLHQFHLQVWHDGKHDUGDQ XQXVXDOO\VPRRWKULFKWRQHZLWKIXOOFRPPDQGRIWKHPXOWLSOH UHJLVWHUVWKDWWKHQDWLRQDODQWKHP¶VPHORG\UHTXLUHV$WWKHFOL PDFWLF³URFNHW¶VUHGJODUH´(VSHUDQ]D¶VYRLFHILOOHGWKHURRPZLWK 80 DFDOPUHVRQDQFHWKDWIRUFHGRQH¶VKHDUWWROLIWZLWKLQRQH¶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¶VUHSHU WRLUH & ZRXOGOLNHO\EHPRUHUHFRJQL]DEOHWR0RQLTXH¶VSDUHQWV WKDQWRKHUIULHQGV ' ZRXOGDOORZ0RQLTXHWRPRUHHIIHFWLYHO\VKRZFDVHKHU HQWKXVLDVP 5 | Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Tests 7KHSDVVDJHLQLWLDOO\SRUWUD\V0RQLTXHDQGKHUIULHQGVDV ) * + - FRQFHUQHGDQGQHUYRXV FRQIXVHGDQGVXUSULVHG IULHQGO\DQGLQFOXVLYH DORRIDQGGLVSDUDJLQJ $FFRUGLQJWRWKHQDUUDWRUZKDWGLG(VSHUDQ]DGRSULRUWRVLQJ LQJ³7KH6WDU6SDQJOHG%DQQHU´" $ % & ' /RRNHGRQO\DW0UV'RPLQJXH] :DONHGFRQILGHQWO\XSWRWKHVWDJH :DWFKHGWKHRWKHUDXGLWLRQVFDUHIXOO\ )LQLVKHGKHUJHRPHWU\KRPHZRUN 7KHPDLQSXUSRVHRIWKHVWDWHPHQWLQOLQHLVWR ) LQIRUPWKHUHDGHUWKDWVWXGHQWV¶IHDUVRIJRLQJILUVWZHUH ODUJHO\DWKLQJRIWKHSDVW * SUHVHQWUHDVRQVIRUZK\WKLV\HDU¶VDXGLWLRQZDVWKHVWUDQJ HVW\HW + VXJJHVW WKDW 0RQLTXH¶V LPDJLQDWLRQ QR ORQJHU LQYROYHG WKHVDPHLPDJHU\ - RIIHUDFRQWUDVWFUHDWHGE\0RQLTXH¶VFKRLFHRIDXGLWLRQ VORW Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Questions Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! ANSWER EXPLANATIONS FOR PREVIOUS PAGE 1. C Choice (C) is correct because the third paragraph states that “God Bless the Child” was familiar mostly to adults. Because of this, it is more likely that the song would be familiar to Monique’s parents, who must be adults, than it would be to her friends, who are presumably high school students and not yet adults. Choice (A) is incorrect because the passage never identifies “God Bless the Child” as a Rodgers & Hammerstein number. Choice (B) is incorrect because the passage does not support the extreme claim that “God Bless the Child” is the most sophisticated Billie Holiday song. Choice (D) is incorrect because Monique’s song choice is presented as a contrast to the overly enthusiastic choices of her peers. 2. J Choice (J) is correct because the passage initially describes Monique and her friends as aloof, because they isolate themselves in the auditorium and Monique acts like a monarch with a royal court, and disparaging, because they are anxious to belittle the other students during their auditions. Choice (F) is incorrect because, although the passage describes that most students are nervous about going first, this does not describe how Monique and her friends are presented. Choice (G) is incorrect because, although Monique and her friends react to Esperanza’s song choice with disbelief, that is not how they are initially portrayed in the passage. Choice (H) is incorrect because Monique and her friends are portrayed as being unfriendly and excluding. 3. A Choice (A) is correct because the passage states that Esperanza did not look up until she got to center stage and then looked only at Mrs. Dominguez. Choice (B) is incorrect because the passage says she shuffled her feet on her walk to the stage, which is not a confident stride. Choice (C) is incorrect because the passage states she was paying little attention to the other auditions. Choice (D) is incorrect because the passage only states that she was working on her geometry homework, not that she finished it. 4. J The question is asking for the rhetorical effect of the statement But not this year. The previous paragraph establishes that students generally dread the first audition slot and relates the tense manner in which Monique used to view the first slot. The paragraph that follows this phrase explains that Monique had decided to embrace the first slot as a means of surprising her peers. Choice (J) is correct because it identifies the statement in question as a contrast between the status quo and Monique’s surprising decision. Choice (F) is incorrect because the passage provides no evidence that most students have resolved their fears of going first, only that Monique has. Choice (G) is incorrect because the passage never establishes the extreme claim that this year’s audition was the strangest yet. Choice (H) is incorrect because the passage does not go on to describe any different imagery Monique associates with the uncomfortable first slot but rather to say she is no longer uncomfortable with it at all. 6 | Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Questions Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! QUESTIONS Ferric oxide)H2LVPRUHFRPPRQO\NQRZQDVUXVW7KLVLV SURGXFHGLQDUHDFWLRQEHWZHHQLURQDFRPPRQPHWDODQGZDWHU +2 Fe2O3 + 3H2 2Fe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ey pH = 6.0 pH = 7.0 (regular water) pH = 8.0 pH = 10.0 &RQVLGHUWKHDPRXQWRI)H2SURGXFHGE\WKHVDOWVROXWLRQRQ 'D\%DVHGRQ7DEOHDQG)LJXUHWKHZDWHUEXIIHUHGWR S+ SURGXFHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\WKHVDPHDPRXQWRI)H2 RQZKLFKRIWKHIROORZLQJGD\V" ) * + - 3.50 3.00 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ g Fe2 O3 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 day )LJXUH 7 | Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Tests 7 8 9 10 $FFRUGLQJWR7DEOHZKDWZDVWKHDPRXQWRI)H2SURGXFHG E\WKHVXJDUVROXWLRQIURPWKHWLPHWKHDPRXQWZDVPHDVXUHG RQ'D\XQWLOWKHWLPHWKHDPRXQWZDVPHDVXUHGRQ'D\" $ J % J & J ' J Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Questions Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! ANSWER EXPLANATIONS FOR PREVIOUS PAGE 6. J Based on Table 1, the salt solution increased the amount of rust every day. On Day 8, the sample had 1.84 g of rust, so on Day 9 the amount of rust would likely be higher than 1.84 g, choice (J). 7. B The formula shows that when rust is produced, H2 is also produced, so choice (B) is the only possible correct answer. 8. J Table 1 shows that the salt solution produced 0.56 g Fe2O3 on Day 2. Figure 1 shows that the water buffered to pH " 10.0 had less than 0.50 g Fe2O3 until Day 8, so the only correct answer is choice (J). 9. A Table 1 shows that the sugar solution produced 0.11 g Fe2O3 by Day 6 and 0.19 g by Day 8. The amount produced from Day 6 to Day 8, then, would have been 0.19 – 0.11 " 0.08 g. 8 | Sample Cracking the ACT Practice Tests
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