Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 Update on Cluster Splitting: TTbar sample at 8 TeV Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Swartz, Petar Maksimowic, Kevin Nash, Marc Antoine Osherson 12th April 2013 Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 1 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 Outline Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 2 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 Remind: the problem I Tracks close together can have their clusters merged I The reconstructed hit has typically a small error (due to being large) and wrong location I Tracking performance (efficiency and quality) seriously affected I It happens in dense tracking environments in the pixel detector and the first layers of the strip tracker Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 3 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 Remind: when/what/how to split Splitting merged cluster is not straightforward. I the tracking performance is lost at the seeding step. I to recover lost tracks, the splitting has to be done before seeding. I identification of merged clusters possible but relies on tracking (which relies on seeding) Identification of merged cluster is based on cluster charge corrected for the track angle. Splitting algorithm designed that floats cluster templates to the identified merged cluster. Track hypothesis to split: straight line from the first PV (since we are interested in boosted object) NB: we split clusters that should not be split, they are coming from a different PV, or from low pt tracks Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 4 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 samples and analysis We compared the t t¯ samples (with and without PU) before and after the use of the Cluster splitting algorithm. Release CMSSW 5 3 5. Selections: I “Standard” top muon selection, with pt > 45 GeV and PF isolation < 0.2 I ≥ 2 PFJets with pt > 30 GeV I Leading PFJet with pt > 200 GeV I ≥1 PFJets have b-tag with SSVHE discriminant > 2.74 I ≥ 2 PFJets with deltaR(muon, jet) > 2.0 (labeled “hadronic-side” jets) I ≥1 “hadronic-side” jet must have jet mass > 60 & jet mass < 100, and explicitly fail the b-tag requirement I The other “hadronic-side” b-jet is the probe jet. It is over 85% pure b. Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 5 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 efficiency using t t¯ MC sample (PU = 0) track reconstruction efficiency track reconstruction efficiency Efficiency improvement at high pt and at low dR. 1 0.8 0.6 No splitting Cluster splitter Truth based splitter 0.4 0.2 0 10-1 1 0.8 0.6 No splitting Cluster splitter Truth based splitter 0.4 0.2 1 10 102 103 track pT [GeV] 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 track opening angle [mRad] obtained using TrackAssociatorByChi2. Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 6 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC fakerate PU 0 0.5 0.45 track reconstruction fakerate track reconstruction fakerate Only a very small increase of fakerate after splitting. No splitting 0.4 Cluster splitter 0.35 Truth based splitter 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 10-1 1 10 102 103 track pT [GeV] No splitting Cluster splitter Truth based splitter 0.2 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 track opening angle [mRad] obtained using TrackAssociatorByChi2. Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 7 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 on/off track cluster statistics in 0 PU MC Clusters in the different categories for the different samples: cluster type on track off track No Split 323647 (56%) 250923 (44%) Sim Split 327029 (54%) 275586 (46%) Temp Split 328194(51%) 313240 (49%) After splitting: Number of tracks: + 1.6% Number of PV: + 0.6% The splitting is more ‘active’ on the off-track cluster. The template splitting splits more than the sim split (on both off and on track cluster). Why? Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 8 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 average number of tracks Looking to all the events, on average after the splitting we have 2 tracks more: 1 true track and 1 fake track if comparing with the sim split. Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 9 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 splitted cluster Looking at the clusters that have been splitted and performing a match with the no splitted sample: cluster type on track off track No Split 27529 58951 Temp Split 30849 122441 The 15% of clusters has been splitted. if the original cluster was on/off track, the splitted cluster are associated to 0, 1 or 2 track as in table: original cl on track off track 0 1085 56390 1 24777 2362 2 1657 198 the 4% of on-track clusters becomes off-track but more off-tracks clusters become on-track Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 10 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 BACKUP Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 11 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 efficiency using t t¯ MC sample (PU = 0) track reconstruction efficiency track reconstruction efficiency Efficiency improvement at high pt and at low dR. 1 0.8 0.6 No splitting Cluster splitter Truth based splitter 0.4 0.2 0 10-1 1 0.8 0.6 No splitting Cluster splitter Truth based splitter 0.4 0.2 1 10 102 103 Track pT [GeV] 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 track opening angle [mRad] obtained using quickTrackAssociatorByHits. Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 12 / 13 Introduction MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC efficiency and fakerate PU 0 MC fakerate PU 0 0.5 track reconstruction fakerate track reconstruction fakerate Only a very small increase of fakerate after splitting. 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 No splitting Cluster splitter Truth based splitter 0.15 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 10-1 1 10 102 103 track pT [GeV] No splitting Cluster splitter Truth based splitter 0.2 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 track opening angle [mRad] Silvia Taroni Vincenzo Chiochia, Hella Snoek, Morris Update Swartz, on Petar Cluster Maksimowic,Kevin Splitting: TTbar Nash, sample Marc at Antoine 8 TeV Osherson 12th April 2013 13 / 13
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