VET guidelines for government schools Leaders’ Tool #7 sulta Con n tio Sample D RA F T student SACE plans for Industry Pathways Programs IPPs Vocational Education and Training Teaching and Learning Services 1 Leaders’ Tool #7 Sample student SACE plans for Industry Pathways Programs (IPPs) Contents Purpose of Leaders’ Tool #7 2 Purpose of Leaders’ Tool #7 2Context 3 IPPs – developed by industry and endorsed by DECD 3 Valid pathways 3 Further information Leaders’ Tool #7 includes: ÒÒ examples of how VET qualifications and units of competency can be integrated with SACE Board subjects to provide students with both SACE and VET outcomes 4 Industry expectations and advice ÒÒ a sample student SACE plan for each IPP showing recommended SACE subjects and VET selections 6 6 6 SACE structure and requirements ÒÒ a link to editable templates for customising and designing your school’s IPPs Structure diagram About the IPP sample student SACE plans ÒÒ cautionary advice from industry about the viability of students undertaking certain VET certificate courses while still at school Context IPP sample student SACE plans 7Automotive 8 Business Services 11 Civil Construction 12 Community Services – Children’s Services 13 Digital Media 14 Electrotechnology – Electronics 15Engineering 17 Food Processing and Preparation 18 General Construction 19Health 20 Manufacturing Technology 21Plumbing 23 Primary Industries 24 Seafood Industries — Aquaculture 62% of all jobs require a training qualification. Modelling done by Access Economics for Skills Australia has estimated on their most likely scenario that ‘in the five years to 2015, Australia will need an additional 2.1 million people in the workforce with VET’. A total of 1.6 million people are expected to complete a VET qualification by 2015, leaving a shortfall of almost half a million qualifications across the economy. [Source: Transforming the training system for the new economy, Senator the Hon Chris Evans Address to the National Press Club, 14 March 2012.] Direct employment DECD Industry Pathways Programs (IPPs) VET/ university Other VET options ASBA — Aust School Based Apprenticeships SACE TGSS — Training Guarantee for SACE Students VET pathways within and beyond SACE 2 Skills for All ‘One of the key changes to the SACE is the capacity for students to undertake significantly more, and higher-level vocational education and training (VET) as part of their SACE. This change was introduced to provide flexibility and options for students to successfully complete their SACE and commence a pathway towards a vocational career while still at school. ‘A total of 37.7% of students completed their SACE with a VET component, across 405 different VET qualifications. Of these, 440 students completed their SACE having undertaken a traineeship or a school-based apprenticeship in industries important to South Australia’s economic future, such as electrotechnology, construction, and community services.’ [Source: SACE Board Annual Report 2011] The South Australian government Skills for All commits $194 million of additional funding to help support an extra 100,000 training places from July 2010. As part of Skills for All students can sign up to the DFEEST Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS) while at school and be on a clear pathway to a job or trade. Industry Pathways Programs support students to meet some of the eligibility criteria for the TGSS. Refer to: Leader’s Tool #14 — DFEEST VET in SACE Training Guarantee for SACE Students IPPs — developed by DECD and endorsed by industry The IPPs listed below have been developed and supported by state and peak industry bodies and local enterprises. These IPPs are explicitly endorsed by DECD as the preferred and most effective approach that schools can use to develop the VET opportunities for their students. IPPs cover the following industry areas: ÒÒ Automotive ÒÒ Business Services ÒÒ Civil Construction ÒÒ Community Services ÒÒ Digital Media ÒÒ Electrotechnology ÒÒ Engineering ÒÒ Food Processing and Preparation ÒÒ General Construction ÒÒ Health ÒÒ Manufacturing Technology ÒÒ Plumbing ÒÒ Primary Industries ÒÒ Seafood (in development) Valid pathways The student SACE plans included in this tool have been designed to ensure that students who undertake IPPs are provided with valid entry-level pathways into the chosen industry. These models represent the recommended pattern of studies for students and take into account such factors as: ÒÒ qualification-specific requirements ÒÒ award and industrial implications ÒÒ age appropriateness ÒÒ future pathway and employment opportunities There is an IPP Sample Student SACE Plan for each IPP. Each sample plan describes the enrolment pattern for an individual student, including: ÒÒ the year level that the VET starts ÒÒ the qualification and units of competency in which the student is enrolled ÒÒ details of the SACE recognition for the VET (ie credits achieved for Stage 1 or Stage 2) ÒÒ the number of SACE credits earned ÒÒ post-school learning options/pathways Further information Industry Pathways Programs For details about each IPP including: ÒÒ the qualifications and unit of competency endorsed by the relevant industry for inclusion in each IPP ÒÒ the competency unit descriptors ÒÒ various VET, career and IPP resources visit the IPP moodle site: SACE Board For details of the range of nominal hours recognised for SACE credits for each IPP and the SACE Board Recognition Register: 3 Industry expectations and advice The following table has been created to summarise information from the SACE Board Recognition Register. The Register provides specific advice from industry that should be examined carefully before using a qualification as part of a pathway for a student in a secondary context. For industry-specific advice relating to the following qualifications, refer to: IPPQualification Automotive Certificate II in Automotive Business Services Certificate III in Business Certificate III in Business Administration Electrotechnology Certificate III in Electrotechnology (Electrician) Certificate III in Electronics and Communications Certificate III in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning General Construction Certificate II in Construction Engineering Certificate II and III in Engineering Health Most Certificate III except Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Manufacturing Technology Certificate II and III in Manufacturing Technology Plumbing Certificate III in Plumbing Primary Industries Sheep related Certificate II and specialist animal industry Certificate III Other industry-specific advice More IPP specific industry advice is provided below. Business Services The Industry Reference Group that assisted the development of this Industry Pathways Program advises that students should not enrol in Certificate III in Business or a Certificate III in Business Administration without a contract of training. Community Services — Children’s Services Industry generally supports students commencing but not necessarily completing a Certificate III qualification while at school. Where students want to complete the Certificate III, good information and advice will be critical to ensure the student has the best opportunity to achieve their desired outcome and it will be important that the delivery of programs is undertaken in partnership with industry. Given the workload required for Certificate III, it is recommended that students commence the qualification in Year 11 and undertake it over two years. Some employers prefer delivery to be through school-based traineeships, as this provides more opportunity for input from the sector into the training process. 4 Certificate III in Children’s Services is a requirement for entry-level work as an early childhood educator in the childcare sector. Certificate III in Disability is regarded as an entry-level qualification for employment as a support worker in disability services. These workers may assist clients to maintain independence and achieve their goals in a variety of settings including in their homes and the wider community. Certificate III in Aged Care is the preferred entry-level qualification for employment in roles in aged and community care such as personal care worker or support worker. This qualification is useful for students who wish to move into further education and training. It also provides a solid foundation for a pathway to nursing. Certificate II in Community Services can provide Year 10 students with an introduction to work in this diverse industry area. Digital Media The Digital Media industry relies heavily on a portfolio of evidence of work as well as a Certificate II or III in Media when selecting employees. Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance is an entry-level qualification for such roles as allied health assistant or therapy aide. These workers assist and support the work of allied health professionals (eg physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, podiatrist). Depending on how the training program is constructed, the qualification can also provide a pathway to other direct care roles and training opportunities. Electrotechnology — Electronics Certificate II in Health Support Services can provide Year 10 students with an introduction to work in this industry area. Certificate II in Electronics is a good introduction to the industry and provides competencies which can contribute to many related electrotechnology qualifications. Manufacturing Technology Students should be able to complete a Certificate II in Media and even a Certificate III in Media without it negatively affecting their employment prospects in the industry. Food Processing and Preparation Industry advises that it is not in a student’s interest to complete a Certificate II while at school, as this may make them less attractive to employers due to their increased cost and minimal experience. Any program offered (delivered or purchased) by the school should take this information into consideration prior to program implementation. The Certificate III qualifications from the Food Processing Training Package that are normally undertaken are those based on the Certificate III in Retail Baking. Students are advised that this level of qualification is considered a Tradelevel certificate and is done under a contract of training. Health Industry generally supports students commencing but not necessarily completing a Certificate III qualification while at school. Where students want to complete the Certificate III good information and advice will be critical to ensure the student has the best opportunity to achieve their desired outcome and it will be important that the delivery of programs is undertaken in partnership with industry. Given the workload required for Certificate III, it is recommended students commence the qualification in Year 11 and undertake it over two years. Some employers prefer delivery to be through school-based traineeships, as this provides more opportunity for input from the sector into the training process. The Manufacturing Training Package (MSA07)states that: ‘This qualification applies to a learning and assessment environment where access to normal production operations is not available. A typical environment will be for application in a VET in Schools delivery environment or other simulated or trial manufacturing environment where a high degree of supervision exists. The units are suitable for delivery in a school environment and for schools to contextualise the units to local manufacturing industry activities.’ Primary Industries The Certificate I in Rural Operations is considered a starting point for student engagement with this industry and will have minimal effect on a student’s employability. The Certificate II in Rural Operations is a generic certificate without specialist area components and is of value across most primary industry sectors. The industry considers that specialist learning is appropriate in a Certificate III in Agriculture and this qualification should be undertaken in an industry environment. Students can start this qualification while at school, but schools should not attempt to have a program that includes completion of a Certificate III while the student is still attending school. Certificate III in Health Services Assistance is a useful entry-level qualification for direct care roles in health services such as patient care assistant, ward assistant, assistant in nursing, orderly or theatre orderly and may provide a pathway to nursing. 5 Stage 2 co mp ul s y or Resea r c h Pr 10 credit oject s Liter a 20 c cy redi ts Learning Personal credits Plan 10 1 y lsor u mp o c y rac me its Nu cred 10 Sta ge SACE structure and requirements Stage 2 subjects 60 credits Free choice subjects from either Stage 1 or Stage 2 90 credits SACE = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plans Basis of the plans Customising plans + link to templates The IPP sample student SACE plans on the following pages are based on SACE completion requirements and the recognition arrangements for VET in SACE. Schools can peruse the range of models contained in this leaders’ tool in the light of their students’ vocational pathways needs and the school’s current and potential curriculum offerings. For further information refer to: ÒÒ ÒÒ Leaders’ tool #16 — VET and SACE Such an examination provides staff with an overview of the range of IPPs and some sample content for each specific industry area. This will act as a starting point for further exploration and refinement by the leadership and teaching staff based on the processes detailed in Leaders Tool #8 — Implementing Industry Pathways Programs. To assist the process, all IPP sample student SACE plans and a blank template are available in an editable format at: 6 ÒÒ IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert II ATAR Automotive YEAR 10 SACE credits earned Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects 10-12 Small Engines course — can be part of Technology subject. 1 No assessment of VET and no SACE recognition hours. Builds the underpinning knowledge for competencies to be delivered in Year 11. n Personal Learning Plan (PLP) 110 n n YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 n Research Project 110 n Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 nChoice 220 n Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 120 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with 60 hours evidence for vocational learning assessment. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 140. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional SWL hours = 120. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (AUR10105) Certificate I in Automotive AURC270103A AURC172003A AURT100164A AURT125667A AURT100064A AURT100308A AURT200108A AURT100264A AURC251677A Apply safe working practices Identify environmental regulations and best practice in a workplace Remove and tag steering, suspension and brake system components Use and maintain basic measuring devices Remove and tag engine system components Carry out workshop practice activities Carry out servicing operations Remove and tag transmission system components Use numbers in the workplace Total nominal hours n Nominal hours 20 20 15 15 15 10 20 15 10 1402 20 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Choice Choice n Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20). Recommended 80 hours SWL done for one semester. n n VET in SACE 220 220 220 Total nominal hours = 80. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Half year/semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional 60 hours SWL – up to 1 day/week/semester as part of Workplace Practices. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (AUR 20505 or AUR 20705) Certificate II in Automotive (can be set up as a Traineeship) Nominal hours AURT270278A AURE218670A AURT202170A AURT206670A AURT201170A AURT213170A Use and maintain workplace tools and equipment Service, maintain or replace batteries Inspect and service cooling systems Inspect and service transmissions (manual) Inspect and service engines Service final drive (driveline) Total nominal hours n TOTALS 20 10 10 10 20 10 80 110 Total VET hours = 220 Total SACE credits = 200 School-based Traineeship – Certificate II in Automotive The young person would spend one day per fortnight at TAFE, two days per fortnight on the job and seven days per fortnight at school. For example, a student enrolled in the TAFE SA T3 Toyota program completes a total of 395 hours of training over 3 years (Year 1 – 100 hours, Year 2 – 140 hours and Year 3 – 155 hours). School-based Apprenticeship – Certificate III in Automotive The young person undertaking an apprenticeship would be more likely to complete 180 hours of competencies from the Certificate III in Automotive via Block Release three or four times per year. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 7 IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert II Partial Cert III ATAR Business Services Example 1 YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 80. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Additional SWL hours = 40. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (BSB20107) Certificate II in Business BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents BSBWOR204A Use business technology 10-12 110 Total nominal hours n Nominal hours 60 20 80*1* YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 60 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with evidence for vocational learning assessment. VET in SACE Total nominal hours Year 10 & 11 = 320*. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Additional SWL hours = 120. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (BSB20107) Certificate II in Business BSBOHS201A BSBINM202A BSBCMM201A BSBIND201A BSBWOR202A BSBWOR203A BSBADM101A BSMINM201A BSBITU202A Participate on OHS processes – CORE Handle mail Communicate in the workplace Work effectively in a business environment Organise and complete daily work activities Work effectively with others Use business equipment and resources Process and maintain workplace information Create and use spreadsheets BSBITU203A Communicate electronically Total nominal hours (including Year 10 hours)* n Nominal hours 20 20 40 30 20 15 15 30 30 20 320*3* 45 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Research Project 110 Choice 220 n Choice: Workplace Practices (2WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 40 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with evidence for vocational learning assessment. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 220. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (BSB30107) Certificate III in Business BSBITU301A BSBITU304A BSBITU309A BSBITU303A BSBINM301A Create and use databases Produce spreadsheets Produce desktop published documents Design and produce text documents Organise workplace information Total nominal hours n TOTALS Nominal hours 15 35 50 90 30 220 3 1020 Total VET hours = 540 Total SACE credits = 205 The Year 11 Certificate II in Business has often led to a School-based Apprenticeship — Certificate III in Business or Certificate III in Business Administration in Year 12. The apprentice would spend one day per week in training, one day per week on the job and the balance of time at school. In rural areas where a trainer may not be available, school-based apprentices may spend two or three days per week at school and two days per week on the job. The trainer visits the student once a month. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits 8 Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert II ATAR Business Services Example 2 YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 n Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 nChoice 220 n Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 40 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with evidence for vocational learning assessment. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 240. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Additional SWL hours = 40. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (BSB20107) Certificate II in Business BSBOHS201A BSBINM202A BSBCMM201A BSBIND201A BSBWOR202A BSBWOR203A BSBADM101A BSMINM201A BSBITU202A Participate on OHS processes – CORE Handle mail Communicate in the workplace Work effectively in a business environment Organise and complete daily work activities Work effectively with others Use business equipment and resources Process and maintain workplace information Create and use spreadsheets BSBSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Total nominal hours n Nominal hours 20 20 40 30 20 15 15 30 30 20 2403 30 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Research Project 110 Choice 220 Choice 220 Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) 220 VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 80. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (BSB20107) Certificate II in Business BSBITU201A BSBWOR204A Produce simple word processed documents Use business technology Total nominal hours n TOTALS Nominal hours 60 20 80 110 Total VET hours = 320 Total SACE credits = 210 The Year 11 Certificate II in Business has often led to a School-based Apprenticeship — Certificate III in Business or Certificate III in Business Administration in Year 12. The apprentice would spend one day per week in training, one day per week on the job and the balance of time at school. In rural areas where a trainer may not be available, school-based apprentices may spend two or three days per week at school and two days per week on the job. The trainer visits the student once a month. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 9 IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert II ATAR Business Services Example 3 YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 40 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with evidence for vocational learning assessment. VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 240. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Additional SWL hours = 40. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (BSB20107) Certificate II in Business BSBOHS201A BSBINM202A BSBCMM201A BSBIND201A BSBWOR202A BSBWOR203A BSBADM101A BSMINM201A BSBITU202A Participate on OHS processes – CORE Handle mail Communicate in the workplace Work effectively in a business environment Organise and complete daily work activities Work effectively with others Use business equipment and resources Process and maintain workplace information Create and use spreadsheets BSBSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices n Total nominal hours Nominal hours 20 20 40 30 20 15 15 30 30 20 2403 30 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n Research Project B 110 Choice (TAS subject or Recognised Studies) 220 Choice (TAS subject or Recognised Studies) 220 Choice (TAS subject or Recognised Studies) 110 Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) 220 VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 80. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. n n Competencies – (BSB20107) Certificate II in Business BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents BSBWOR204A Use business technology n Total nominal hours TOTALS Nominal hours 60 20 80 110 Total VET hours = 320 Total SACE credits = 200 The Year 11 Certificate II in Business has often led to a School-based Apprenticeship — Certificate III in Business or Certificate III in Business Administration in Year 12. The apprentice would spend one day per week in training, one day per week on the job and the balance of time at school. In rural areas where a trainer may not be available, school-based apprentices may spend two or three days per week at school and two days per week on the job. The trainer visits the student once a month. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits 10 Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert II ATAR Civil Construction YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 n Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 nChoice 220 n Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 160 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with 160 hours evidence for vocational learning assessment. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 298. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Each semester program of 8 hours per fortnight instruction. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (RII10109) Certificate I in Resources & Infrastructure Operations RIICOM201A RIIOHS201A RIIBEF201A RIICCM201A RIICCM203A RIIQUA201A RIISAM201A RIISAM203A RIISAM204A RIISTD201A RIISTD202A Communicate in the workplace Work safely and follow OHS policies Plan and organise work Carry out measurements and calculations Read and interpret plans and specifications Conduct local risk control Handle res and infra and safely dispose of non-toxic material Use hand and power tools Operate small plant and equipment Read and interpret maps Collect routine samples RIIENV201A Identify and assess environmental and heritage concerns Nominal hours 18 25 20 35 30 25 40 20 20 10 25 30 2982 40 Total nominal hours n YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Research Project Choice Choice Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) Stage 2 work placement for industry context VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 135. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional 60 hours SWL – up to one day/week/semester as part of Workplace Practices. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (RII30909) Certificate III in Resources & Infrastructure Operations RIIRIS201A RIICRC303A RIIOHS205A RIISAM205A RIICCM205A Conduct local risk control Lay pavers Control traffic – stop slow bat Cut, weld and bend materials Carry out manual excavation RIICCM207A Spread and compact materials 110 220 220 220 Total nominal hours n TOTALS Nominal hours 25 40 10 20 30 10 135 215 Total VET hours = 433 Total SACE credits = 225 School-based Traineeship – (RII10109) Certificate I in Resources & Infrastructure Operations The young person would spend one day per fortnight at CivilTrain, four days per fortnight on the job, and six days per fortnight at school. School-based Apprenticeship – (RII30809) Certificate III in in Civil Construction Plant Operations The young person undertaking an apprenticeship would be more likely to complete 240 hours of competencies from the Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations via Block Release two times per year. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 11 IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert III ATAR Community Services — Children’s Services YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n n n n n Mathematics Pathways (1MPW10) or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways (1EPW20) or other Literacy subject 220 Research Project 110 Choice, eg Health (1HEH10) 110 Choice, eg Biology (1BIG20) 220 Choice, eg Child Studies (1CSD20) 220 Choice, eg Nutrition (1NUT10) 110 Choice: Workplace Practices (IWPS10) Work placement for industry context 110 Recommended 30 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with 30 hours evidence for vocational learning assessment. VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 168. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional SWL hours = 30. Delivered by teacher (VISA). Competencies – (CHC30708) Certificate III in Children’s Services [11 CORE, 4 ELECTIVES] HLTOHS300A CHCCN303A HLTFS207B HLTFA301B CHCCS400A CHCORG303A Contribute to OHS processes CORE Contribute to provision of nutritionally balanced food in a safe and hygienic manner CORE Follow basic food safety practices ELECTIVE Apply first aid OUTSOURCE CORE Work within the relevant legal and ethical framework TAFE SA CORE Participate effectively in the work environment ELECTIVE HLTHIR403B Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers ELECTIVE n Nominal hours 20 20 20 18 50 20 20 Total nominal hours 1682 20 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n Choice, eg Child Studies (2CSD20) 220 Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) Recommended 50 hours SWL 220 VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 375. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year program of 10 hours per week instruction. Additional 50 hours SWL – up to one day/week/semester as part of Workplace Practices Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (CHC30708) Certificate III in Children’s Services CHCIC301D CHCCN302A CHCPR301A CHCFC301A CHCCN305A CHCCHILD401A CHCPR303D CHCCN301A n Interact effectively with children TAFE SA CORE Provide care for children TAFE SA CORE Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning TAFE SA CORE Support the development of children TAFE SA CORE Provide care for babies TAFE SA ELECTIVE Identify and respond to children and young people at risk TAFE SA CORE Develop an understanding of children’s interests and developmental needs TAFE SA CORE Ensure the health and safety of children CORE Nominal hours 70 70 40 45 40 30 Total nominal hours TOTALS 20 60 375 550 Total VET hours = 543 Total SACE credits = 230 School-based Traineeship Possible model of two days per week employment, self directed training using a log book, correspondence study and on-the-job training, completing the Traineeship in 18-24 months. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits 12 Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert II ATAR Digital Media YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 85. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Each semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (CUF20107) Certificate II in Creative Industries (Media) CUFIND201A BSBCRT101A BSBWOR203A CUSOHS301A Develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge Apply critical thinking techniques Work effectively with others Follow occupational health and safety procedures ICPMM296A Create and test a DVD 10-12 110 Nominal hours 20 20 15 10 20 85110 Total nominal hours n YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 Choice (eg Art, Creative Arts, Design & Technology, Media Studies, Visual Arts) 360 Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 50-60 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 160. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program of 8 hours per week instruction. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (CUF20107) Certificate II in Creative Industries (Media) or (CUF30107) Certificate III in Media CUVDIG301A BSBDES201A CUFCAM201A CUFPOS201A CUFRES201A Nominal hours 30 40 30 40 20 Produce digital images Follow a design process Assist with a basic camera shoot Perform basic vision & sound editing Collect and organise content for broadcast or publication Total nominal hours 1602 20 n YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Research Project Choice (eg Art, Creative Arts, Design & Technology, Media Studies, Visual Arts) nChoice n Choice: Workplace Practices (2WPS20) Stage 2 work placement for industry context 50-60 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 80. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (CUF30107) Certificate III in Media CUFWRT302A CUFDIG303A Write simple stories Produce and prepare photo images CUFDIG304A Create visual design components 110 120 110 220 Nominal hours 30 20 30 80 110 Total nominal hours n TOTALS Total VET hours = 325 Total SACE credits = 220 School-based Apprenticeship — Certificate III in Media The young person undertaking an apprenticeship would spend two days per week at TAFE SA or on the job and three days per week at school. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 13 IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert II ATAR Electrotechnology —Electronics YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 n Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 110 nChoice 220 n Research Project 110 n Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 120 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with 60 hours evidence for vocational learning assessment. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 140. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Each semester program of 8 hours per fortnight instruction. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – Certificate II in Electronics (UEE21907) UEENEEE001B UEENEEE002B UEENEEE003B Apply OHS practices in the workplace Dismantle, assemble and fabricate electrotechnology components Solve problems in extra-low voltage single path circuits UEENEEE004B Solve problems in multiple path d.c. circuits Nominal hours 20 40 40 40 1402 20 Total nominal hours n YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Choice Choice: eg could be 140 additional VET hours n n 220 220 UEENEEH069B Solve problems in electronic circuits (100 hours), plus UEENEEA001B Assemble electronic apparatus (40 hours) PURCHASED Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WPS20) Recommended 60 hours SWL for one semester n VET in SACE Competencies – Certificate II in Electronics (UEE21907) UEENEEC001B Maintain documentation UEENEEE038B Participate in development and follow a personal competency development plan UEENEEH002B Carry out basic repairs to electronic apparatus by replacement of components UEENEEK0042 Participate in environmental sustainable work practices UEENEEE034B Document occupational. hazards and risks in electronics UEENEED001B 220 Total nominal hours = 140. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional 60 hours SWL – up to one day/week/semester as part of Workplace Practices. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. 20 40 20 20 20 140 220 Use basic computer applications relevant to a workplace Total nominal hours n TOTALS Nominal hours 20 Total VET hours = 280 Total SACE credits = 200 School-based Apprenticeship — eg Certificate III in Data and Communication The young person would spend one day per week in employment, 40 days (6-8 one-week blocks) in training, and the remainder of the time at school. Progression to apprenticeships at ETSA Utilities in power line and electrical worker areas is possible. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits 14 Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Engineering Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert II ATAR Example 1 YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n n Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 Research Project 110 Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 120 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with 60 hours evidence for vocational learning assessment. VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 228. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year program of 6 hours per week instruction. Additional 120 hours SWL. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – Certificate II in Engineering (MEM20105) MEM07032B MEM12023A MEM12024A MEM09002B MEM16008A MEM13014A MEM18001C MEM18002B Use workshop machines for basic operations Perform engineering measurements Perform computations Interpret technical drawings Interact with computing technology Apply principles of OH in the work environment Use hand tools Use power tools/hand-held operations MEM5002A Apply quality systems n Nominal hours 20 30 30 40 20 10 20 20 20 2103 30 Total nominal hours YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Choice Choice n Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) Recommended 60 hours SWL done over full year. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 152. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional 60 hours SWL – up to one day/week/semester as part of Workplace Practices. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – Certificate II in Engineering (MEM20105) MEM05004C MEM05012C MEM14004B MEM15024A MEM11011B MEM16006A MEM16007A Perform routine oxy acetylene welding Perform Routine manual metal arc welding Plan to undertake a routine task Apply quality procedures Undertake manual handling Organise and communicate information Work with others in a manufacturing engineering or related environment MEM13001B Perform emergency first aid n 220 220 220 18 152 220 Total nominal hours TOTALS Nominal hours 20 20 18 18 20 20 18 Total VET hours = 362 [not 382] Total SACE credits = 200 School-based Apprenticeship — Certificate III in Engineering Students spend two consecutive days per week on the job (employed), 6-8 weeks (40 days) in one-week blocks at TAFE, and the remainder of time at school. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 15 IPP sample student SACE plan Engineering Outcomes SACE completion Partial Cert II ATAR Example 2 [starting Yr 10] YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 70. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. One semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – Certificate II in Engineering (MEM20105) MEM16008A MEM13014A MEM18001C MEM18002B 9-12 110 Nominal hrs 20 10 20 20 Interact with computing technology Apply principles of OH in the work environment Use hand tools Use power tools/hand-held operations Total nominal hours 70110 n YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n n Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 Research Project 110 Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 120 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with 60 hours evidence for vocational learning assessment. VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 140. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional 120 hours SWL. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – Certificate II in Engineering (MEM20105) MEM07032B MEM12023A MEM12024A MEM09002B Use workshop machines for basic operations Perform engineering measurements Perform computations Interpret technical drawings MEM5002A Apply quality systems Nominal hours 20 30 30 40 20 1402 20 Total nominal hours n YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Choice Choice n Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) Recommended 60 hours SWL done over full year. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 152. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional 60 hours SWL – up to one day/week/semester as part of Workplace Practices. Delivered by Teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – Certificate II in Engineering (MEM20105) MEM05004C MEM05012C MEM14004B MEM15024A MEM11011B MEM16006A MEM16007A Perform routine oxy acetylene welding Perform routine manual metal arc welding Plan to undertake a routine task Apply quality procedures Undertake manual handling Organise and communicate information Work with others in a manufacturing engineering or related environment MEM13001B Perform emergency first aid TOTALS Nominal hours 20 20 18 18 20 20 18 18 152 220 Total nominal hours n Total VET hours = 362 Additional Engineering VET competencies* 16 220 220 220 Certificate II in Engineering (MEM20105) – Stage 1 or 2 [delivery under VISA schedule] MEMO5O5OB MEM03001B MEM03003B MEMOS007C MEMO5OO5B Certificate III in Engineering (MEM30105) – Stage 2 [delivery by purchase only (with SWL), not by VISA] MEM07005B Perform routine gas metal arc welding Perform manual production assembly Perform sheet and plat assembly Perform manual heating and thermal cutting Carry out mechanical cutting Perform general machining Total SACE credits = 200 School-based Apprenticeship — Cert III 20 40 40 20 20 80 *These competencies could be substituted for other competencies pending school facilities/VISA/purchasing arrangements; or added to the competencies in the table to complete MEM0105 Certificate II in Engineering (possible but unlikely, as the 160 hours would need to be undertaken in place of one Stage 1 or 2 subject). Students spend two consecutive days per week on the job (employed), 6-8 weeks (40 days) in one-week blocks at TAFE, and the remainder of time at school. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Partial Cert II ATAR Food Processing & Preparation YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 n Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 nChoice 110 n Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 40 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with evidence for vocational learning assessment. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 140. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Additional SWL hours = 50. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (FDF20111) Certificate II in Food Processing (FDF20111) FDFFS2001A FDFOHS200A MTMMP11C FDFPO2001A Implement the food safety program and procedures Participate in OHS processes Sharpen knives Operate a dicing, stripping or mincing process Total nominal hours n Nominal hours 30 40 40 30 1402 20 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Research Project 110 Choice 220 nChoice 220 n Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) Stage 2 work placement for industry context 220 VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 160. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Additional SWL hours = 50. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. n n Competencies – (FDF20111) Certificate II in Food Processing FDFOP2041A FDFOP2064A FDFOP2052A FDFOP2003A n Operate a mixing or blending and cooking process Provide and apply workplace information Operate a chocolate tempering process Clean equipment in place Total nominal hours TOTALS Nominal hours 60 30 40 30 160 220 Total VET hours = 300 Total SACE credits = 200 17 IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert II ATAR General Construction YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 n Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 220 nChoice 220 n Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 160 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with 160 hours evidence for vocational learning assessment. n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 290. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Each semester program of 4 hours per fortnight instruction. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (CPC10111) Certificate I in Construction CPCCCM1002A CPCCCM1003A CPCCCM1004A CPCCCM1005A CPCVE1001A CPCCM2001A CPCCM2004A CPCCM2005A CPCCM2006A Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry Plan and organise work Conduct workplace communications Carry out measurements and calculations Undertake basic construction project Read and interpret plans Handle construction materials Use construction tools and equip Apply basic levelling CPCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry (White Card included) Total nominal hours n Nominal hours 20 20 20 20 40 36 16 90 8 20 2902 40 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Research Project Choice Choice Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) Stage 2 work placement for industry context VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 146. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Additional 60 hours SWL – up to one day/week/semester as part of Workplace Practices. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – from Certificate IIIs (CPC30108/30208/31208/31508) CPCCBL2001A CPCCBL2002A CPCCA2002A CPCCPB3001A Handle and prepare brick and block materials Use brick and block tools Handle carpentry materials Fix standard plasterboard CPCCA2003A Erect and dismantle formwork for footings and slabs 110 220 220 220 Total nominal hours n TOTALS Nominal hours 16 30 16 60 24 146 120 Total VET hours = 436 Total SACE credits = 230 School-based Traineeship – Certificate I in General Construction The young person would spend one day per week in the program delivered by a qualified teacher. Project work and training may be complementary, plus 4 weeks SWL. School-based Apprenticeship – Certificate III in Construction The young person undertaking an apprenticeship would be more likely to complete 240 hours of competencies from the Certificate III in Construction in their trade of choice via their employer. SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits 18 Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert III ATAR Health YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n 10-12 110 YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n n n Mathematics Pathways (1MPW10) or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways (1EPW20) or other Literacy subject 220 Research Project 110 Choice, eg Health (1HEH20) 220 Choice, eg Nutrition (1NUT10) 110 Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Recommended 100 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) with 60 hours evidence for vocational learning assessment. VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 278. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year program of 8 hours per week instruction. Additional 100 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). Delivered by teacher (VISA). Competencies – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT32407) HLTOHS200A HLTHIR301A HLTHIR403B HLTIN301A HLTFA301B HLTFS204B HLTNA302B HLTS207B BSBMED201A BSBMED303A Nominal hours Participate on OHS processes CORE 20 Communicate and work effectively in health CORE 40 Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers ELECTIVE20 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in health work CORE40 Apply first aid OUTSOURCE ELECTIVE 18 Provide ward or unit based food preparation and distribution services ELECTIVE 20 Plan and evaluate meals and menus ELECTIVE 20 Follow basic food safety practice ELECTIVE 30 Use basic medical terminology CORE 20 Maintain patient records ELECTIVE 30 BSBCMN305A Organise workplace information CORE20 Total nominal hours n 2784 40 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Choice, eg Health (2HEH20) 220 Choice: eg Workplace Practices (2WCP20) Recommended 100 hours SWL for one semester 220 n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 215. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year program of 6 hours per week instruction. Additional 60 hours SWL – up to one day/week/semester as part of Workplace Practices. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT32407) HLTAH301A HLTCSD201B HLTCSD203B BSBFLM303B HLTCSD305B HLTAP301A Nominal hours Assist with an allied health program CORE TAFE SA40 Maintain high standard of client services CORE Partner30 Prepare and maintain beds ELECTIVE15 Contribute to effective workplace relations CORE40 Assist with client movement CORE Partner20 Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context CORE Partner70 Total nominal hours n TOTALS 215 330 Total VET hours = 493 Total SACE credits = 210 SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 19 IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert II ATAR Manufacturing Technology YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics 2 English 2 nScience 2 n School-determined program – three other semester subjects n Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 140. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Program of 4 hours per week instruction each semester. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Manufacturing Technology I incorporating VET stand-alone 140 hours. Competencies – (MSA20208) Certificate II in Manufacturing Technology MCMP295A MCMP296A MCMP299A MCM0290A Operate manufacturing equipment Make a small furniture item from timber Make an object from plastic Work safely in manufacturing Total nominal hours 3 110 Nominal hours 40 40 40 20 1402 20 n YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 n Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 110 nChoice 220 n Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 110 20-30 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 140. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Program of 4 hours per week instruction each semester. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (MSA20208) Certificate II in Manufacturing Technology MCMS200A MCMT251A MCMT280A MCMP298A Apply competitive manufacturing practices Apply quality standards Undertake root cause analysis Make an object from metal Total nominal hours Nominal hrs 40 30 30 40 1402 20 n YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n n Research Project Choice Choice Choice Scientific Studies 110 220 220 220 220 VET – not used for SACE credits Competencies – (MSA20208) Certificate II in Manufacturing Technology MCMT271A MCMT270A MCMC210A n Use sustainable environmental practices Use sustainable energy practices Manage the impact of change on own work Total nominal hours TOTALS Nominal hrs 30 30 30 90 Total VET hours = 280 for SACE not claimed Total SACE credits = 210 SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits 20 Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert III ATAR Plumbing YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 156. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year program (one line) includes White Card. Competencies – Certificate I in Construction (CPC10108) (Plumbing bias) CPCPHS1001A CPCCCM1003A CPCCCM1004A CPCCCM1005A CPCCV1001A CPCCV1002A Work safely in the construction industry Plan and organise work Conduct workplace communication Carry out measurements and calculations Undertake a basic construction project Undertake a basic computer design project Total nominal hours 40 hours Structured Work Placement n 9-11 110 Nominal hours 20 20 20 20 40 36 1562 20 n YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 Choice (eg additional Mathematics) 110 Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) hours recognised VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 192 semester 1 and 140 semester 2. Two separate one-semester programs of one day per week instruction. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – Certificate I in Construction (CPC10108) (Plumbing bias) CPCCCM200 1A CPCCCM200 4A CPCCCM200 5A CPCCCM200 6A CPCCCM100 1A CPCCCM100-2A Read and interpret plans and specifications Handle construction materials Use construction tools and equipment Apply basic levelling procedures Undertake basic estimating and costing Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry Total nominal hours n Competencies – Certificate III in Plumbing (2000 Series) (CPC32408) CPCPCM2021A CPCPCM2004A CPCPCM2025A CPCPCM2026A CPCPCM2027A CPCPCM2030A CPCPCM2011A CPCPCM2023A Work effectively in the plumbing and services sector Read plans and calculate plumbing quantities Handle and store plumbing materials Use Plumbing hand and power tools Carry out levelling Mark out materials Apply first aid in the workplace Carry out OHS requirements Total nominal hours 160 hours Structured Work Placement n Nominal hrs 36 16 96 8 16 20 1921 25 Nominal hrs 12 8 6 40 6 20 8 40 1401 20 n Note Opportunities for School Based Trainee and School Based Apprentice positions will be explored with the Plumbing Industry Association during 2012. continued overleaf SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 21 IPP sample student SACE plan Plumbing continued YEAR 12 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Research Project Choice: Workplace Practices (2WPS20) including recommended 70-100 hours SWL n Choice: eg additional SACE subject or VET – Roofing focus (see below) n n VET in SACE 110 220 220 Total nominal hours = 140 General or 148 Roofing focus 142 General delivered as 2 lines for one semester or 1 line for a full year by an RTO Competencies – Certificate III in Plumbing (CPC32408) CPCPCM3012A CPCPCM3013A CPCPCM2034A CPCPCM2028A CPCPRF2012A CPCPCM3011A CPCPRF3011A CPCPRF3012A CPCPRF2013A Weld plastic pipe using fusion method Fabricate and install non-ferrous pressure piping Carry out simple concreting and rendering Cut and join sheet metal Select and install roof sheeting and wall cladding Flash penetrations through roofs and walls Receive roofing materials Fabricate and install roof drainage components Collect and store roof water Total nominal hours n OR 148 Roofing focus delivered as 2 lines for one semester or 1 line for a full year by an RTO Competencies – Certificate III in Plumbing (CPC32408) CPCPCM2033A CPCPCM2032A CPCPCM2029A CPCCCM2010A CPCPCM2035A BCCCM2009B CPCCCM2008A CPCCCM3001B Weld using arc welding equipment Weld using Oxy-LPL-Acetylene equipment Cut using oxy-LPG-acetylene equipment Work safely at heights Work Safely on roofs Work in confined spaces Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding Operate elevated work platforms Total nominal hours n Nominal hrs 8 12 16 8 16 18 4 48 10 140220 Nominal hrs 16 16 8 8 20 8 40 32 148 [or 2] [or 20] 70-100 hours Structured Work Placement n TOTALS Total VET hours = up to 776 Total SACE credits = 205 SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits 22 Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert II ATAR Primary Industries YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 70. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Program of 4 hours per week instruction each semester. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (AHCS10108/20108) Certificate I or Cert II in Rural Operations AHCOHS101A AHCWRK102A AHCCHM101A AHCWRK201A AHCOHS201A Work safely CORE Prepare for work CORE Follow basic chemical safety rules Observe and report on the weather Participate on OHS processes CORE Total nominal hours 10 110 Nominal hours 10 10 10 20 20 70110 n YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 n Choice (eg Agriculture or Horticulture) 220 nChoice 110 n Choice: Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 20-30 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 140. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Program of 4 hours per week instruction each semester. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (AHCS20108/30108) Certificate II or Cert III in Rural Operations AHCMOM204A AHCMOM203A AHCMOM202A AHCLSK205A AHCSOL201A Undertake operational maintenance of machinery Operate basic machinery and equipment Operate tractors Handle livestock using basic techniques Determine basic properties of soils/growing media Total nominal hours Nominal hrs 30 30 30 25 25 1402 20 n YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Research Project Choice Choice Choice: Workplace Practices (2WPS20) Stage 2 work placement for industry context 50-60 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 70. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program of 4 hours per week instruction. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (AHCS20108/30108) Certificate II or Cert III in Rural Operations AHCPMG202A AHCCHM201A AHCLSK209A n Treat plant pests, disease & disorders Apply chemicals under supervision Monitor water supplies Total nominal hours TOTALS 110 220 220 220 Nominal hrs 30 30 10 70110 Total VET hours = 280 Total SACE credits = 200 SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 23 IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert II ATAR Seafood – Aquaculture YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 90. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (SFI11) Certificate I & II – Seafood Industries Training Package SFICORE106B SFICORE105B SFIAQUA205C SFIAQUA102B Meet workplace OHS requirements Work effectively in the seafood industry Feed stock Carry out basic aquaculture activities Total nominal hours 10 110 Nominal hours 20 30 20 20 90110 n YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 Choice — Stage 1 subjects 330 Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 50-60 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 155. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year (two semesters) program. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (SFI11) Certificate II – Seafood Industries Training Package SFICORE101C SFICORE103C SFIAQUA206C SFIAQUA209C SFIAQUA211C SFIAQUA213C SFIAQUA216B Nominal hrs Apply basic food handling and safety practices 20 Communicate in the seafood industry 30 Handle stock 15 Manipulate stock culture environment 20 Undertake routine maintenance of water supply & disposal systems & structures25 Monitor stock and environmental conditions 30 Harvest cultured or held stock 15 Total nominal hours 1552 20 n YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Choice — Stage 2 subjects 440 Research Project 110 n Workplace Practices (2WPS20) Stage 2 work placement for industry context 220 50-60 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 80. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (SFI11) Certificate II or III – Seafood Industries Training Package SFIAQUA221A SFIAQUA222A SFIAQUA308C Control predators and pests Control disease Maintain water quality & environmental monitoring Total nominal hours n TOTALS Nominal hrs 20 20 40 80110 Total VET hours = 325 Total SACE credits = 200 SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits 24 Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits IPP sample student SACE plan Outcomes SACE completion Complete Cert I Partial Cert II University entry ATAR Seafood – Aquaculture YEAR 10 Semesters SACE credits earned Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects School-determined program – compulsory and choice subjects Personal Learning Plan (PLP) n n VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 90. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Semester program. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (SFI11) Certificate I & II – Seafood Industries Training Package SFICORE106B SFICORE105B SFIAQUA205C SFIAQUA102B Meet workplace OHS requirements Work effectively in the seafood industry Feed stock Carry out basic aquaculture activities Total nominal hours 10 110 Nominal hours 20 30 20 20 90110 n YEAR 11 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects n n n n Mathematics Pathways or other Mathematics subject 110 English Pathways or other Literacy subject 220 Choice — Stage 1 subjects 330 Workplace Practices (1WPS20) Work placement for industry context 220 50-60 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) VET in SACE Total nominal hours = 85. 70 nominal hours ≈ 10 credits. Full year (two semesters) program. Delivered by teacher (VISA) and/or purchased from RTO. Competencies – (SFI11) Certificate II – Seafood Industries Training Package SFICORE101C SFICORE103C SFIAQUA206C SFIAQUA209C n Apply basic food handling and safety practices Communicate in the seafood industry Handle stock Manipulate stock culture environment Total nominal hours Nominal hrs 20 30 15 20 85110 YEAR 12 Semesters Stage 1 or 2 Stage 2 School subjects Choice — Stage 2 subjects 660 Research Project 110 n Workplace Practices (2WPS20) Stage 2 work placement for industry context 220 50-60 hours Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) n n TOTALS Total VET hours = 175 Total SACE credits = 200 SACE requirements = 200 credits Compulsory Stage 1 = 40 credits Compulsory Stage 2 = 70 credits Free choice St 1 or 2 = 90 credits 25 For the latest practical tools and guidelines for schools visit v1
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