EVA ULVEN FREELANCE TRANSLATOR Kjølberggata 18, 0653 Oslo, Norway SUMMARY ________________________________________________________________ English – Norwegian (bokmål) translation Danish/Swedish – Norwegian translation Copyediting and proofreading Assistant professor at Agder University, Kristiansand, Faculty of Humanities and Education 1997–2010 Currently working full time as a translator/copyeditor/proofreader Proficient in SDL Trados 2007 (SDLX, TagEditor), Trados Studio 2009/2011 and Passolo 2009/2011 TRANSLATED BOOK TITLES Et pukka liv, Gyldendal (to be published 2012/2013) Bli kvitt avhengigheten (Breaking Addiction), DANOR Forlag AS, 2012 Mine vidunderlige gener (Mitt smukke genom), DANOR Forlag AS, 2012 Sannheten om sunnhet (Sandheden om sundhed), Gyldendal, 2012 Hemmeligheten til folk som aldri blir syke (The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick), Gyldendal, 2011 Spis deg gravid (Spis dig gravid), Gyldendal, 2010 Detox, 14 avgiftningskurer som gir deg et sunnere liv (Detox), Gyldendal, 2009 Kulturelt mangfold på arbeidsplassen (4 chapters), Fagbokforlaget, 2009 Kamasutra supersex (Kama Sutra Super Sex), Gyldendal, 2009 Kåt, glad og fornøyd (Kåt, glad och tacksam), Gyldendal (unpublished) Stram opp! (Shape Up, Size Down), Gyldendal, 2008 Ny kropp på 10 minutter – Effektiv morgentrim (Wake-up Workout), Gyldendal, 2008 GI – den enkleste måten å gå ned i vekt på (GI Basics), Gyldendal, 2008 Bli kvitt cellulittene (Cellulite Solutions), Gyldendal, 2008 The Mind Gym (The Mind Gym), Gyldendal, 2005 OTHER TRANSLATION EXPERIENCE SDL Norway, numerous assignments since 2008 o Medical documentation, equipment and software o IT and software documentation o User manuals (e.g. medical equipment and instruments, mobile phones, computers and accessories, photographic equipment, etc.) o Customer service and help functions o o o o HR materials Computer games Marketing texts Facebook maintenance Amesto Translations AS since 2010 o Various translation work o Copyediting of public information materials Various translation work for other translation agencies: ACC Global, Adepto Norway, CSOFT (China), Broad Solutions (USA), Fachübersetzungsservice (Germany) MISCELLANEOUS LANGUAGE WORK _________________________________________________________________ Copyediting and proofreading assignments for Versal forlag, Oslo, 2009 and Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS, 2010, 2011 Worked on the team of editors for Engelsk stor ordbok, Kunnskapsforlaget 2001 o Bilingual English – Norwegian dictionary Co-author of several English coursebooks for upper secondary school, vocational studies in particular (Universitetsforlaget, Aschehoug and Gan publishers) o Health and social services o Catering o Environmental studies o Art and design Latest title: Gateways (co-authored with Audun Rugset; 2010, 2011) Has working experience as a newspaper proofreader FORMAL EDUCATION _________________________________________________________________ Cand. philol., English major, University of Oslo 1985 Other subjects: Nordic, Development Studies, Teacher Training International Baccalaureate from Atlantic College, South Wales, 1976 CONTACT INFORMATION ____________________________________________________ Email [email protected] Phone +47 900 16 746 REFEREES Anne Lilleholt, Associate Translation Manager, SDL Norway, Tel + 47 22 31 49 04 Hege Lien Kristiansen, Editor, Gyldendal Fakta, Tel + 47 22 03 42 94
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