CV Nina Græger Name: Nina Græger Address: Søndre vei 96, 1397 Nesøya, [email protected], mobile: + 47 918 48 675 Marital status: Married, two children (8 and 11) Academic degree 2007 1994 1989 Dr. polit (Ph D), Department of Political Science, University of Oslo - Dissertation: Norsk forsvarsdiskurs 1990-2005: Internasjonaliseringen av Forsvaret [The Norwegian Defence Discourse 1990-2005: The internationalisation of the Armed Forces] Cand.polit (MPhil), Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. - International Relations (main subject) - Dissertation: European Integration and the Legitimation of Supranational Power: Dilemmas, Strategies and New Challenges Cand.mag (Bacherlor), University of Oslo: - Eastern European and Russian History, Politics & Culture (foundation) - Political Science (foundation + intermediate course) - French (prep. course + foundation), incl. 3 months at the Université de Caen, France Academic employment record 200820062000-2006 1998-2000 1997-1998 & 1994-1995 1994-1995 1992-1994 1991-1992 1993 Head of Department, Department of International Politics, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) (acting Head of Dept. Aug 2008-July 2009) Senior Research Fellow, NUPI Research Fellow, NUPI * Researcher, NUPI Researcher, the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) Research Coordinator, “Nation building and identity”, research programme under the ARENA programme, University of Oslo (50% position) Student intern, PRIO Research assistant, The Norwegian Atlantic Committee Research assistant, NUPI *Maternity leave: 4.5.2000 – 15.2.2001, and 5.11.2002-15.8.2003 Other professional experience 1996 1990-1991 1989-1990 Political adviser to Jens Stoltenberg, Minister of Industry and Energy (Jan – Nov) Project assistant/Trainee, IKO-Gruppen AS, IKO Public Management (50 % position) Secretary General, Young European Federalists in Norway (50% position) Academic project management 20112010- 2006-2008 Project leader, Work Package 5 under GREEN, research project (2011-2013) funded by EU‟s FP7 (coordinated by Univ. of Warwick, UK) Project leader, EU-NATO-project under EUPERFORM, research project funded by European Science Foundation/ Norwegian Research Council (2010-2014) (coordinated by Univ. of Aarhus) Research Program Director, “Hegemony and World Order”, NUPI research program funded by the Norwegian Research Council CV Nina Græger 2001-2004 1998-2000 Research Co-ordinator, “Military power and security thinking”, under The Nordic Research Programme on Security Policy (2000-2004), funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers OSCE Research Co-ordinator, NUPI Other academic experience (editing, teaching, supervision, peer reviews) 200520072008 2007 1997-98 2010 1998- 1997- 2005- Co-editor, International Peacekeeping (Routledge) Member, Advisory Editorial Board of Internasjonal Politikk (Universitetsforlaget) Guest editor, ”Fokus: Imperier”, Internasjonal Politikk 1: 85-208. Member, Expert Panel under PRISE, EU-funded project on internal security at The Norwegian Council for Technology Head of the board of “The role and development of international institutions in a security policy perspective”, research project, the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) Responsible for MA Module “The Security and Politics of the EU”, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences Lecturer at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, The Norwegian Atlantic Committee (courses in international politics), occasionally at Norwegian Defence University College, the Norwegian Military Academy, Swedish Defence College, the University of Tromsø, the University of Oslo (International Summer School) Tutor and external examiner (theses, oral and written exams), Bachelor- and Master level at the University of Oslo, University of Trondheim (NTNU), the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and occasionally at the Norwegian Defence University College Peer reviewer for Security Dialogue, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cooperation and Conflict, European Security, European Journal of International Relations, Routledge, Internasjonal Politikk Boards & committees Academic Member of the Advisory Editorial Board of Internasjonal Politikk (2007- ) Member of the Oslo Military Society (2010-) Member of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee (1995- ) Member of the Advisory Council for Disarmament and Security Affairs of the Norwegian Government (1997-2005) Member of the Board of The Nordic Summer University (1997-1999) Other (selected) Board Member (employees representative), NUPI (2005-2009) Member of various appointment committees at NUPI (incl. the appointment of Director and Research Director in 2007) as employees representative Head of the Civil Servants Association (NTL), NUPI (2006-2008) Head of the Civil Servants Association (NTL), PRIO (1997-1998) President of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) in Norway (1997-1998) Secretary General of Young European Federalists in Norway (JEF-Norway) (1989-1990) Political (selected) 2007-2011 Member of the Local City Council (Bydelsutvalg) of Grünerløkka in Oslo (directly elected by popular vote), representing the Oslo Labour Party 1998Member of the Advisory Committee on Defence Policy of the Norwegian Labour Party defence faction in Parliament (Forsvarspolitisk Kontaktutvalg) 2 CV Nina Græger 1998-2010 1995-1999 Member of the Board of the International Forum of Oslo Labour Party (Vice Chairman 1998-1999) Member of the International Committee of the Norwegian Labour Party Awards and scholarships Merit-based doctoral scholarship (PhD/dr.polit) Merit based research scholarship (MPhil thesis), PRIO Merit based research scholarship, (MPhil thesis), The Norwegian Atlantic Committee Relevant courses Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution. A Multi Regional Project 1999, 3.-26. February in Washington, Los Angeles and New York. Arr.: US Information Agency (the International Visitor Program) in cooperation with the Meridian International Center in New York. Conflict Management Workshop: Basic Conflict Management Skills 1998, 14.-16. December, Sørmarka, Norway. Organised by The Centre for Conflict Management, Norway/PRIO. Conflict Management Workshop: Advanced Conflict Management Skills 1999, June, Sørmarka, Norway. Organised by The Centre for Conflict Management, Norway/PRIO. Languages English (fluent), Swedish (fluent), French (very good), German (basic) Publications Monographs and books (2007) Norsk forsvarsdiskurs 1990-2005: Internasjonaliseringen av Forsvaret. Dr. Polit dissertation (Ph D). Oslo: Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, 365 pages. (2002) The ESDP and the Nordic Countries: Four Variations on a Theme. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs / Berlin: Institut für Europäische Politik, 236 pages. (with Henrik Larsen & Hanna Ojanen) (1994) European Integration and the Legitimation of Supranational Power: Dilemmas, Strategies and New Challenges, Master thesis (hovedoppgave). University of Oslo, Department of Political Science, April Articles (2011) “The EU‟s performance at NATO: Assessing Objectives, Outcomes and Practices”, European Journal of Integration 33(6) forthcoming (with Kristin M. Haugevik) (2011) “„Home and Away? Internationalism and Territory in the Post-1990 Norwegian Defence Discourse”, Cooperation and Conflict 44(1): 1-18. (2011) ”Offisersprofesjon i endring: Internasjonaliseringen av norsk forsvarspolitikk etter 1990” [Officer Profession in Transformation: The Internatoinalisation of Norwegian Defence Policy post 1990], Sosiologi i dag 41(1): 76-101 (2010) ”Utenriksministerens norske ‟konkurrenter‟ – Utenriksdepartementets ‟funksjonstap‟ på hjemmebane”, Internasjonal Politikk 68(1): 31-37 (Universitetsforlaget) 3 CV Nina Græger (2009) ”Norsk forsvarsdiskurs post-1990: Internasjonalisering og nasjonalt forsvar i nytt samspill”, Internasjonal Politikk 67 (3): 351-380 (Universitetsforlaget) (2008) ”Det franske imperium gjennom 400 år”, Internasjonal Politikk 66(1): 157-171. (2008) ”Konklusjon” om Imperier, Internasjonal Politikk 66(1): 201-208 (with Erlend Grøner Krogstad) (2007) ”Internasjonal politikk og Forsvaret: Internasjonalisering og akademisering av den militære utdanningen”, Internasjonal Politikk 65(2) (2005) “Norway between NATO, the EU and the US: A Case Study of Post-Cold War Security and Defence Discourse”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 18, No. 1, April, pp. 89108. (2005) ”Norway in a Transatlantic Tight Spot between US and European Security Strategies?”, Security Dialogue 36(3): 412-416, September (Special section: “European Security and Transatlantic Relations in the Age of International Terrorism: Challenges for the Nordic Countries”) (2005) “Norwegian Strategic Culture after World War II: From a Local to a Global Perspective”, Cooperation and Conflict 40(1): 45-66, March (with Halvard Leira) (2005) “Norsk NATO-debatt etter den kalde krigen”, Internasjonal politikk 63(2-3): 217-240 (2004) “Power Politics and the Use of Limited Force”, Global Change, Peace & Security 16(3), October (Special section: “Symposium. Christian Reus-Smit‟s American Power and World Order”) (1996) “Environmental Security?”, Journal of Peace Research 33(1): 109-116 (1993) “The Legitimacy Deficit”, The New Federalist 1 Book chapters (2011) “EU-NATO relations”, in Jørgensen, Knud Erik and Katie Laatikainen (eds.) Handbook of EU’s Performance in Multilateral Organisations. London/Thousand Oaks/New Dehli: SAGE (Handbook of European Politics series), forthcoming end of 2011 (with Kristin M. Haugevik) (2009) ”NATOs tilpasning til nye rammebetingelser – militær og politisk omstilling”, i Rieker, Pernille & Walter Carlsnaes (red.) Nye utfordringer for europeisk og norsk sikkerhetspolitikk – ’aktører’, instrumenter og operasjoner. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (2009) ”Norges sikkerhetspolitiske instrumenter – utfordringer og muligheter”, i Rieker, Pernille & Walter Carlsnaes (red.) Nye utfordringer for europeisk og norsk sikkerhetspolitikk – ’aktører’, instrumenter og operasjoner. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (2007) “Norway between Europe and the US”, pp. 94-114 in Clive Archer (ed.) New Security Issues in Northern Europe: The Nordic and Baltic states and the ESDP. London: Routledge (2006) “Utenriksdepartementet og Forsvarsdepartementets rolle”, s. 67-88 in Birgitte Kjos-Fonn; Ole Jakob Sending & Iver B. Neumann (eds.) Norsk utenrikspolitisk praksis. Aktører og prosesser. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk forlag. (with Iver B. Neumann) 4 CV Nina Græger (2003) “The role of the OSCE and the European Union”, pp. 75-95 in Mike Pugh and Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu (eds.) The United Nations and Regional Security. Europe and Beyond. Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner (with Alexandra Novosseloff) (2002) “Norway and the EU security dimension: A „troops-for-influence‟ strategy”, p. 33-89 in Græger, Nina, Henrik Larsen & Hanna Ojanen, The ESDP and the Nordic Countries: Four Variations on a Theme. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs (UPI)/Berlin: Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP), 236 pages. (2000) “Human Rights and Multi-functional Peace Operations”, pp. 175-190 in Robert G. Patman (ed.) Universal Human Rights? Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd./New York, NY: St Martin's Press. Research reports (2011) “NATO‟s new strategy – Implications for Norway”, Policy Brief/Report to the Ministry of Defence. Oslo: NUPI (forthcoming July) (2011) “Norden in a Changing Global Order”, p. 25-39 in Tiilikainen, Teija and Kaisa Korhonen (eds.) Norden – Making a Difference? Possibilities of enhanced Nordic cooperation in international affairs, FIIA REPORT 29. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs (2010) “Towards a NATO à la carte?Assessing the alliance‟s adaptation to new tasks and changing relationships”, NUPI Report. Oslo: NUPI (with Jakub M. Godzimirski, Kristin M. Haugevik) (2009) “Inside NATO - Outside the EU: Norwegian Security and Defence Policy in the High North”, Series 4: Working Papers No. 32, 2009. Helsinki: Finnish Defence University, Department of Strategic and Defence Studies ( 663bf5c59076224/STRATL-4_32.pdf) (2009) “The revival of Atlanticism in NATO? Changing security identities in Britain, Norway and Denmark”, NUPI- report. Oslo: NUPI (with Kristin M. Haugevik) (2009) (ed.) International Institutions, States and Conflict in a Non-Polar World: Political and Strategic Challenges for Norway, Conference Proceedings from the 9th Military Power Seminar. Oslo: Norwegian Defence University College/NUPI (with Tormod Heier) (2009) ”Hva betyr NATO for norsk sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitikk i dag?”,pp. 37-46 in Edström, Håkan (ed.) NATO at 60: Challenges Ahead – Implications for Norway, Conference proceedings from the 10th Military Power Seminar 2008. Oslo: The Norwegian Defence University College/NUPI (2009) Nordic security competence: Bibliography on the foreign and security policy of the Nordic countries. Oslo: NUPI, 99 p. (with Forsberg, Tuomas; Leira, Halvard; Løvold, Andreas; Rahbek-Clemmensen, Jon; Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby and Maria Strömvik) (2008) “Empowering commercial actors: Outsourcing of humanitarian and development services in international peace operations and post-war settings”, Working Paper 751, NUPI Series on Security in Practice 15/08. Oslo: NUPI 5 CV Nina Græger (2008) ”Norge, USA og det nye NATO”, in Iver B. Neumann (ed.) Norge og alliansene – gamle tradisjoner, nytt spillerom. Oslo: NUPI (2008) “Utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk”, in Helge Blakkisrud (ed.) Utsyn Nord 2018. Oslo: NUPI (with Jakub Godzimirski, Pernille Rieker, John Kristen Skogan) (2007) ”Norges globale og regionale utfordringer i utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikken”, Globale Norge - hva nå? Oslo: Utenriksdepartementet, Refleksprosjektet, 6. desember (2007) ”Norge er sine venners venn, men seg selv nok”, in Leira, Halvard (ed.) Norske selvbilder og norsk utenrikspolitikk. Oslo: NUPI (2000) ”Security Organisations in Europe – Lessons Learned from the European Experience”, Occasional Paper No. 7. Durban: ACCORD (1999) ”Regional stabilitet i Sørøst-Europa i lys av Kosovo-konflikten”, Aktuelle utenrikspolitiske spørsmål, UD-rapportserien 3 (99). Oslo: NUPI (with Espen Barth Eide, Bengt Holmen, Kari Osland & Ståle Ulriksen) (1999) “Changing security concepts: The human rights challenge”, pp 45-60 in Anthony McDermott (ed.), Sovereign Intervention, PRIO Report 2/99. Oslo: PRIO (1999) “The European Security and Defence Dimension. Dilemmas and challenges for the EU, the WEU and NATO”. NUPI Report 251, November. Oslo: NUPI (1997) Norwegian Experience from Participation in Multi-functional Peace Operations. Research report to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1996) The Western European Union: A Legitimate Instrument in the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Defence Policy of the European Union? Research report to the Norwegian Ministry of Defence (1995) “The Concept of Environmental Security – Political Slogan or Analytical Tool?”, PRIO Report no. 2/95. Oslo: PRIO (with Karin Dokken) (1994) (eds.) “Environment, Poverty, Conflict”, PRIO Report no. 2/94, August. Oslo: PRIO. (with Dan Smith) (1994) ”En Union for alle? Demokrati, legitimitet og identitet i EU”, PRIO-report no. 3/94, November. Oslo: PRIO (with Kjersti Løken) (1993) “Moldova and Transdnjestr”, Conflicts in the OSCE area. Oslo: PRIO/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1993) “Central-Asia”, Conflicts in the OSCE area. Oslo: PRIO/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1992) “EU-institusjonene: sammensetning og funksjon”, in Norge ved et veiskille – følgene av ulike former for tilknytning til Det europeiske fellesskap, Statssekretærutvalget for Europautredningen, Hovedrapporten. Oslo: Statsministerens kontor/Utenriksdepartementet Popular/ non-academic publications (selected) (2011) ”Norge mellom NATO, USA og EU”, Kort Info 2-2011, Oslo: Den norske Atlanterhavskomité 6 CV Nina Græger KortInfo/2011/4377%20kortinfo%202-2011.pdf (2010) ”NATO etter toppmøtet”, Hvor Hender Det? (with Kristin M. Haugevik and Jakub Godzimirski) (2010) ”Utsyn: NATO foran toppmøtet”, Forsvarets forum nr. 11, november. (2009) ”Obamas rakett-retrett”, Verdens Gang (Op.ed), 29. September (with Julie Wilhelmsen) (2009) “Utsyn: Nato etter toppmøtet”, Forsvarets forum no. 5, May. (2009) ”NATO 60 år: Jubilant ved viktig veiskille?”, Hvor hender det? Vol 2008-2009, No. 21, 31. March. Oslo: NUPI. (with Kristin M. Haugevik) (2009) ”NATO tilbake til start?”, Bergens Tidende (Op.ed), 3. April. (with Kristin M. Haugevik) (2005) ”Forsvarspolitikk som utenrikspolitikk?”, Dagbladet (Op.ed), 19. April (with Halvard Leira) (2001) ”Ny giv i europeisk forsvarspolitikk – utfordringer for Norge”, Befalsbladet, Vol. 106, No. 2 (1999) “OSSE som en operativ sikkerhetsorganisasjon”, Hvor hender det?, Vol, 1998/99, No. 25. Oslo: NUPI (1999) “EUs sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitiske dimensjon”, Vårt Europa, Nr. 2. Oslo: Europeisk Ungdom/Young European Federalists in Norway) (1997) “Europeisk sikkerhet gjennom EU?”, Dagbladet (Op.ed), 4. April. (with Bjørn Olav Knutsen) (1995) “Sikkerhet og miljøet”, Hvor Hender det?, No. 14, 20. November. Oslo: NUPI (1995) “Miljø eller sikkerhet?”, Dagbladet (Op.ed), 26. September Book reviews (selected) (2009) “Idealer og interesser i nytt samspill”, kommentar til Stortingsmelding nr. 15 (2008-2009), Internasjonal Politikk 67 (3) (Universitetsforlaget) (1999) “Security and the Copenhagen School”, Woodrow Wilson Center Report, May 1999, The Environment and Security Project. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center (1998) “Sjelden vare”, Stat & styring Nr. 2. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (1998) “Et europeisk perspektiv på EU”, Internasjonal politikk Nr. 2. Oslo: NUPI ISA and ECPR research papers 2011: Challenges facing the Union as a security actor: The EU‟s performance in NATO. Annual Convention of International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal, 16.-19 March 2011. 2010: The military dimension of Norway‟s engagement policy: New practices, old self images? European Consortium for Political Research/the Seventh Pan-European International Relations Conference, Stockholm 9.-11.September 2010. 7 CV Nina Græger 2010: The military dimension of Norway‟s engagement policy, Annual Convention of International Studies Association (ISA) 2010, New Orleans, 17.-20. February 2010. 2009: Defence identity, professionalism and privatization: Lessons learnt from the Norwegian case (Section 11, panel 344: Global Ethics in the War on Terror), ECPR General Conference, Potsdam 9.12. September 2009. 2009: A new strategy for US global leadership: The US-EU relation and why having Europe on board matters (Panel: EU-US Relations After George W. Bush: Evolution or Revolution?), Annual Convention of International Studies Association (ISA) 2009, New York, 15.-18. February 2009. 2008: Norwegian Strategic Culture and US hegemony. Panel SD25: Strategic Culture from a Comparative Perspective (also co-chairing the panel), Annual Convention of International Studies Association (ISA) 2008, San Francisco, 26.-29. March 2008. 2007: New politics of intervention? Exploring the EU‟s comprehensive security and defence agenda. Panel 4-12: The ESDP Yesterday and Today, European Consortium for Political Research/the Sixth Pan-European International Relations Conference 2007, Turin, 12.-15. September 2007. 2005: Norwegian discourses on NATO transformation and the post nine-eleven transatlantic relations. Panel: Domestic Discourse Analyses of Foreign Policy Issue”, Annual Convention of International Studies Association (ISA) 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1.-5. March 2005. . 2005: Norway in a transatlantic tight spot between American and European security strategies? Roundtable on European Security and Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Terrorism: Challenges for the Nordic countries, Annual Convention of International Studies Association (ISA) 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1.-5. March 2005. 2004: Norway between NATO, the EU and the US. The Norwegian discourse on the ESDP. Panel: European States and the Transatlantic Crisis, European Consortium for Political Research/Fifth PanEuropean International Relations Conference 2004, The Hague 9-11 September 2004. 2003: Globalisation vs. localisation, Norwegian strategic culture after World War Two. Panel SB21: Strategic Culture: Knowledge and Military Power (with Halvard Leira). Annual Convention of International Studies Association (IS) 2003, Portland, OR, 25. February – 1. March 2003. 8
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