MicroFuel Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis uniquely engineered technology Kjell Ivar Kasin Scandinavian Biofuel Company as Notodden, den 26 mars 2012 SBC2 EU 7th Framework Programme • The European Union has financed a specific project based on the SBC2 microwave assisted pyrolysis technology • The coordinator of the project is the Norwegian Forest Owners FederaLon • The ConfederaLon of European Forest owners together with 9 other European partners parLcipates in the supply chain. Commission of the European Communi<es, Research Directorate General Grant Agreement Number: 218454 SBC2 microwave technology is the key technology in the EU project, financed by the 7th framework programme. The project is scheduled to be finalized in Q1 2012; with an semi-‐industrial facility to be built in Notodden, Norway. The feedstock will be pine wood. The major scienLfic partner is the University of NoMngham, NaLonal Centre for Industrial Microwave Processing (NCIMP), the foremost R&D insLtuLon on applied microwave technologies. Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 Termokjemiske Omvandlingsprosesser Pyrolyse Trekull Grillkull Bio-olje Metallurgisk industri Motor Generator Drivstoff Brennbar gass Gassturbin Kjel Fjernvarme Dampturbin Elektrisitet 3 Heating the total bulk material or ….? 14,3 % ca. 30 % Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 What are microwaves? ElectromagneLc waves, radio waves Molecule vibraLon + + - The energy is evenly received within the material - Heat results from the absorpLon of energy by the water molecules - O H + Molecules vibrates up to 2,45 billion Lmes each second H Pyrolysis of wood blocks (water molecule) Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 4 reactor chambers, high capacity, high flexibility, small footprint Sector 3 Sector 4 Feed in Concentrated, high intensity microwave field Sector 2 Feed out Scandinavian Biofuel Company as Sector 1 SBC2 Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 SBC2 Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 MicroFuel X 1 000 X 2 000 Scandinavian Biofuel Company as X 4 000 X 10 000 SBC2 MicroFuel Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 Økonomi: - Bakgrunn for valgt pris på trekull og olje... ! Kilde: Sintef Rapportens side 50: Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 ! Nøkkeltall alterna+v 1: Innvesteringer: Kapasitet: Råstoff pris: Inntekter : Karbon pris Bio-‐olje Produksjonsanlegg – 31,38 mill. 28.000 tonn ut av skog > 20.000 tonn flis pyrolysert i anlegg. NOK 500/fm3 NOK 2 300,-‐ pr. tonn NOK 2 797,-‐ ( 0,53 pr. kWh ) Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 Nøkkeltall alterna+v 2: IRR 10% Innvesteringer: Kapasitet: Råstoff pris: Inntekter : Karbon pris Bio-‐olje Produksjonsanlegg – 31,38 mill. 28.000 tonn ut av skog > 20.000 tonn flis pyrolysert i anlegg. NOK 500/fm3 NOK 1 105,-‐ pr. tonn NOK 2 797,-‐ ( 0,53 pr. kWh ) Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 Nøkkeltall alterna+v 3: Innvesteringer: Kapasitet: Råstoff pris: Inntekter : Karbon pris Bio-‐olje Produksjonsanlegg – 31,38 mill. 28.000 tonn ut av skog > 20.000 tonn flis pyrolysert i anlegg. NOK 400/fm3 NOK 550,-‐ pr. tonn NOK 2 797,-‐ ( 0,53 pr. kWh ) Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 Erfaringer fra MicroFuel prosjektet: • Fungerte godt i innledende faser med planlegging, design og innledende tester etc. • Fungerte ikke i leveranse og avslutningsfase. • Årsaken Ll svikt i avslutningsfasen synes å være manglende moLvasjon Ll å levere… • Heller spare penger enn å levere varer og tjenester for slik å få størst mulig økonomisk udelling… Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 Veien videre ……. Målsetning: • 3 -‐ 6 mnd > roterende disk > innmaLng > opLmalisering • 6 -‐ 12 mnd > finansiere et industrielt fullskala pilot prosjekt • 18-‐24 mnd > oppstart av industrielt fullskala pilot prosjekt Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 MicroFuel Takk for oppmerksomheten! Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 Scandinavian Biofuel Company as SBC2 MicroFuel MicroFuel
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