ICPSR Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research Census of Population and Housing, 1990 [United States]: Public Use Microdata Sample: 1/1,000 Sample Appendix G: PUMS Maps United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research ICPSR 6497 This document was previously available in paper format only. It was converted to Portable Document Format (PDF), with no manual editing, on the date below as part of ICPSR's electronic document conversion project. The document may not be completely searchable. No additional updating of this collection has been performed (pagination, missing pages, etc.). June 2002 ICPSR Inter-university Consortium for Politicd and Social Research Census of Population and Housing, 1990 [United States]: Public Use Microdata Sample: i/i ,000 Sample Appendix G: PUMS Maps U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Reseach ICPSR 6497 CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING, 1990 [UNITED STATES] : PUBLIC USE MICRODATA SAMPLE: l/1,000 SAMPLE (ICPSR Appendix Principal United States Inter-university G: PUMS Maps Investigators Department of Consortium First 6497) Commerce, Bureau of the for Political and Social ICPSR Edition March 1995 Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research P.O. Box 1248 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Census Research _ - .,. . _. BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION should Publications based on ICPSR data collections bibliographic means of sources by those acknowledge attributions are To ensure that such source citations. science bibliographic utilities, for social captured the reference citations must appear in footnotes or in The bibliographic citation for section of publications. this data collection is: the Census, of Commerce, Bureau of U.S. Dept. and Consortium for Political Inter-university and Social Research. CENSUS OF POPULATION AND 1990 [UNITED STATES]: PUBLIC USE HOUSING, SAMPLE [Computer l/1,000 MICRODATA SAMPLE: file]. ICPSR edition. Washington, DC: U.S. Census/Ann Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the for Consortium Arbor, MI: Inter-university and Social [producers], Political Research Ann Arbor, MI: 1995. Inter-university and Research Consortium for Political Social [distributor], 1995. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON USE OF ICPSR RESOURCES To provide funding agencies information with essential about resources and to facilitate the use of archival exchange of information about ICPSR participants' research activities, users of ICPSR data are requested to send to ICPSR bibliographic citations for each completed manuscript or thesis abstract. Please indicate in a cover letter which data were used. DATA DISCLAIMER The original collector of the data, ICPSR, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for uses of this collection or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses. DATA COLLECTION DESCRIPTION the Census, and United States Department of Commerce. Bureau of Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research PUBLIC CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING, 1990 [UNITED STATES]: USE MICRODATA SAMPLE: l/1,000 SAMPLE (ICPSR 6497) Consortium prepared by the Inter-university SUMMARY: This dataset, comprises 2 percent of the cases for Political and Social Research, 1990 AND HOUSING, in the second release of CENSUS OF POPULATION SAMPLE: 5-PERCENT SAMPLE USE MICRODATA [UNITED STATES1 : PUBLIC Use Microdata (ICPSR 9952). As 2 percent of the 5-percent Public Sample (PUMS), it constitutes a l-in-l,000 sample, and contains all original 5-percent PUMS. housing and population variables in the Housing variables state and area of residence; include area type; built; was farm/nonfarm status; type of structure; year structure rooms and bedrooms; vacancy and boarded-up number of status; presence or absence of a telephone; presence or absence of complete kitchen and plumbing facilities; type of sewage, water source, and housing heating fuel used; property value; tenure; year moved into unit; of household/family; type of group quarters; household type language; number of children, persons, related own/adopted children, and stepchildren in the household; number of persons and workers in the family; status of mortgage, second and mortgage, home loan; equity number of vehicles available; household income; sales of agricultural products; payments formortgage, rent, and property tax; condominium fees; mobile home costs; and cost of electricity, water, heating fuel, and flood/fire/hazard insurance. Person variables cover sex, relationship to householder, age, educational attairlrnent, Hispanic origin, school enrollment, race, ancestry, language place of birth, spoken at home, citizenship, marital status, year of immigration, place of residence in 1985, number oE children ever born, presence and age of own children, military service, mobility and care limitation, work personal limitation status, employment status, employment status of parents, occupation, industry, class of worker, hours worked last week, weeks worked in 1989, usual hours worked per week, temporary absence from work, place of work, time of departure for work, travel time to work, means of transportation to work, number of occupants in vehicle during ride to work, total earnings, total income, wages and salary income, farm and nonfarm self-employment income, Social Security income, public assistance income, retirement income, and rent, dividends, and net rental income. UNIVERSE: All persons and housing units in the United States. SAMPLING: This dataset was extracted by ICPSR from the 5-percent PUMS using a systematic selection procedure. It contains all housing records in the 5-percent PUMS coded 37 or 87 on the subsample variable, SUBSAMPL, plus all person records associated with these housing records. The number 37 was obtained by randomly selecting a number between 0 and 99 (i.e., one of the 100 possible codes for SUBSAMPL), and the number 87 was obtained by adding 50 to 37. (See Chapter 4 of the codebook for an explanation of how SUBSAMPL may be used to select PUMS subsamples.) The 5-percent PUMS, derived from responses to the census long-form questionnaire, sample of and housing units persons is a 5-percent stratified the 1990 Census (housing units and their occupants, enumerated in and persons in group quarters). The long-form vacant housing units, questionnaire was administered to approximately 15.9 percent of households counted by the 1990 Census. weighted frequencies given by the original NOTE: (1) To approximate 5-percent PUMS, users should multiply the weight variables, HOUSWGT hierarchical and PWGTl, by 50. This dataset has the same (2) is a separate record type the 5-percent PUMS. There structure as level is for each of the two levels in the hierarchy: the housing a housing record comprising 112 housing variables, represented by comprising 123 person record the person level by a person do not include the housing serial variables. (These variable counts the record variable denoting the SERIALNO, and number, type, These two variables appear on both the housing and person RECTYPE. Each occupied housing unit is represented by a single records). one or more person records, one for followed by housing record, vacant household. Each housing unit is each person in the represented by a solitary housing record, which is not followed by residing in quarters is any person records. Every person group represented by a single housing record followed by a person record. Appendix this dataset contains 361,185 records. (3) G of In all, only in hardcopy form upon codebook (PUMS maps) is available the l-in-l,000 which this Code 6, denotes request from ICPSR. (4) has been added to the variable SAMPLE. sample, EXTENT OF COLLECTION: (text) + database SPSS data definition 1 data file dictionary statements EXTENT OF PROCESSING: MDATA.PR/ Logical DATA FORMAT: definition statements Record documentation statements + machine-readable -1- SAS data definition DDEF.ICPSR/ Length with RECODE/ SAS + SCAN and SPSS data Part 1: Data File File Structure: hierarchical Record Length: 231 Part 2: SAS Data Definition Statements Record Length: 80 Part 3: Data Dictionary Record Length: 80 Part 4: Geographic File Record Length: 80 Equivalency .- .- APPENDIX G. PUMS MAPS l’lICSC arc 1llC maps Wlkll sl101vlhc PUMks for tbc 5% and 1% PUhlS fiics. Thcsc maps arc for user wuvcnicnu. The detaikd wmpnents of the Public USC hfiuodata Arcas (PUhLAs) arc prcscntcd in the equivalency files which accompaokd your tapes. NO’IE: There will be tbrcc PUMS fiics for the U.S.: 5%. 1% and 3%. PUMS files arc available on a state-bystate basis for tie 5%, 1% and 3% samples. There isnational file per se available from the Census Bureau. A user must acquire (use) all of the rcspectivc state files (or have a third party draw e.xtracts from them) to get a national sampic. Bcwusc of budgetary restraints, the l/1003 extract products were not produced for 1990. The records from each state’s 1% fide whcrc the PUhlAz crowd statelines appear on the state ‘99’ fit will accompany all 1% fik orders. Users of the 1% fide can locate rccor& of choice by searching under lhe appropriate hlSA/PhlSA codes. See tic listing of these PUMAS beginning on page G-l. wld~ 5% PUMA maps are available for the following states as of March, ICPSR note: 1995: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DC, HI, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY. ‘ q - -I - - 1 s 0 -2 .I t? 1 J JL - , i 1 -I _ -. . I CALIFORNIA 5X PUMA Boundarlrs CALIFORNIA 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES cl Counties cl PUMA PUMAS in selected OIJOO-01402 01501-01602 al6Dl-ol6as 0,700-01805 DlgOl-01906 02000-02100 So4 lnrsl Hop - areas: Sanomq County udn county SOlOllD county Conh Corb County Son rranclqco cky Alameda County 02201-02206 02301-02~04 02400-02SOO 02801-02906 Son Ynleo County Son Jooquln Counly Slmlrlour County Socmmqnto Counly 032ot -03202 03301-03315 03401-0341t 03600-03902 0400044100 Santa Barbara Cauntr Srn Ml96 county Sml0 Cloro Cody knlt*r*y coun1y rr*mo Caunly 04200-04806 04900-05002 05,0,-OS,02 Orange COUntr Kwn County San Luh Obhpo 05200-06600 06701-06705 Lo, Angetrr county V~nturo Cody 06600-06005 O7O0+07207 Rivsnidq County San Bcmordina County County Miles 0 -,.- 100 - I 200 I CALIFORNIA 5% PUMA Boundarles CALIFORNIA -iI 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES cl Counties q PUMA PUMAS in selected OISOO-01402 01dOI-01502 01601-016OS 01700-01605 OIPOI-OlPOO OZOOO-02106 02201-02206 areas: knoma County hladn county Sobno County contra Costa county Son Franclqco elly Alambda County Son Ydco County D2JOI-OZJO4Sm Joaquh Counly 024ao-02s00stanlrbur County 028Of-02906 Socmmdo County 03201-03202 Sonlo &Mbcw county OJsol-0331s Son MI60 Covnly OMOl -OS41 I Santa clwq County oma-039902 hht*r*y county OIOO-04100 Frqmo Counly a42o0-046a6 Or01190 co~nt7 04900-05002 05101-05102 Kqm County San luiq Obimpo County 052Oo-06600lor An9ekr coudy 06701-06705 Vwmtum Couniy 06600-06905 Rivrnidr County 07000-07207 Son Bcmordina S-30 Equivolsncy Cl PUYk County Filw for q complrtr Miles I 0 California 5X Inset __,.. . . -.. 20 40 lilt q -. .- . .- _...-_ HAWAII 57. PUMA Boundarles HAWAII 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES a T_‘az) CoJOl00307 00200 (part) I 0 Counties q PUMAS PUMAs in Selected 00301-00307 zs qi+ Areas: Honolulu including County Honolulu COP. Miles I 0 50 0 l- J INDIANA 57. PUMA Boundarlss INCIANA 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES Counties cl Ll PUMAS PUMAs in Selected OOlOl-00107 Areos: Indlonapolh city and hlarion county port*. 00800 Gmy city 00000 Earl ChIcago. Whilinq cilicr. 01000 B4hCb 01500 South Bend city 01600 01700 01800 Bolnncr cd 51. Jo.cph Coun,y Balance of Allw County fort Wayne cYy Wommond. of hh and County Miles 0 50 I ! m -W 11 0 L0 8P 8 12 .r 5: 0 KENTUCKY 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES KENTUCKY 5X PUMA Boundarles 0 cl Counties PUMAS PUMAS in Selected _. _ Amos: 01801-01802 hlngton-Foy.ltb 02OOl-02002 Louirdle 02101-02103 Balance 01 Jellwlo#l city Counly LOUISIANA 5X PUMA BoundarIes LOUISIANA Ll 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES Counties PUMA IPUMAS in Selected 01301-01302 01400 Balm Baloncr 01901-01904 02000 Areas: Rot190 city of Ed Baton Rouga Porlrh Nar Orbans city MrloH* 02,00-02200 COP 0oh-o of Jdf4rson 02300 (Pad / oosw 4 ( 01 loo, > Miles I 0 -L - . ._._.. _.. - 20 40 Parish MARYLAND 59; PUMA Boundarler MARYLAND 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES 0 cl 0 Counties PUMA States Anne Arundd Ealllmar* County 00201-00204 County OO.lOl-00306 Montgomery Counly OlZOl-01206 P#hlC~ obor9da Ealumore ceunty 01301-01307 city otso1 -MS04 1 I I I I , I MICHIGAN 5% PUMA Eloundarlst MICHIGAN 0 0 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES Counties PUMAS 01300 Grand Rapid8 city 01700 Lonrlng 02000 Flint city 03too hn city I Atir city 03500Uvonlo clly 04000 Slorling 03JOI -03700 .--. .-. .---. .__ I I Heiphlm city Wayne County including Ddroil city. I 10 MINNESOTA 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES 4-T 00200 (Port) 00200 PUMAS (Port) 00300 1 rmz PUMAs in Selected 01200-01 01500 so0 An&~ bhl*apolir 01800-02000 Areas: Counly city Balma of H*nnopin comly 02lOO SI. Pod city 02200 Bolonc* 02500-02400 01 ftomrry County Dakota County IO2700 Miles 02300 I I I 0 50 100 . I 1 - - . I NEVADA 5% PUMA Boundarles NEVADA cl 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES Counties s PUMAS cl PUMAS in Selected 00201-04205 Areas: Cloh County Including la* v~qo* city. 00300 hlo city oc400 8ohmcr Of wa*ftoa Do+,. Lyon. md Sbrry and Canon cily. Miles cntmlty. cotmlkr. NEW YORK 5% PUMA Boundarles NEW YORK 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES cl Counties PUMA PUMAS in Selected 01500 Syracuse 02100 Rochester 03001-03003 05001-05414 Areos: city city Buffalo city New York city Miles I 0 . _ _ _ . 50 100 NORTH CAROLINA IX PUMA Ooundorh NORTH CAROLINA 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES q 0 q Counties PUMA Stales PUMAS In Selected 00801-00804 01300-01400 D2000-02100 D2301-02303 DJOOO-03100 Areos: Mecklenburg Counly Guilford County Forsyth County Woke County Cumbcrland County Miles I 0 50 100 OHIO 5X PUMA Boundarles OHIO 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES q Counties cl PUMAS PUMAS in Selected 0520 1 02600 p@Jo 1 I 05301 05200 /J---f Areas: 03601-03604 Lucoa Cody Tolrdc. city. including 03700-03600 LoraIn County 03901-03905 Clwalond 04000-04500 04701-04704 O’IOI-04602 O’OOI-04002 05001-0~003 OtiiOl-05107 Bolane~ ot Cuyahoga County Summit County Trumbull County Mohonlng County stork county FranWin Counly includiq Calumbua city. 05201-OS205 05301-05302 05401-05406 Nontgomwy Cody flullrr County Homilton County includh~ Cincinnali city. city 05401 0350 03400 l-vv-fl --+p-\r’ 03500 !ii!iy Miles u “V I 0 - .-.. - 20 40 1 3 8 0 .-i-i 5: f i TENNESSEE 5X PUMA Boundarler TENNESSEE cl 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES Counties PUMAS cl PUMba in Selected Areaa: 0050140505 NorhG#e-Dovkfson 00800 Knoxvillr city 00000 Bdoncr of Knox Counly 0 I200 Chattanooga city 01300 klancs of Hamilton county 01 BOO Uomphir city 02000 kloncr of Shelby County Miles I 0 -i 50 100 VIRGINIA 5% PUMA Boundarlrs VIRGINIA 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES Counties 0. cl PUMA 0 States JULUI in lndopendenl )I000 NrKondrla 114GD Bedford 10200 Brirtol M6GG Burna vi*to )I 300 Chadotlwlllr >2500 Chrloproke ID500 Clifton 32400 Cslonlol HAghI* Do500 Covin9lon 0 I500 Oonrlllr 02400 Emparla DIIW roifior 0, (00 Ft,Us Church DZBC!O Frankkn 02200 Fredericksburg DDZDG Color 33000 Hampton 00600 tiarrlsonburg 02400 Hoperell 00600 Lexinqlon 0,400 Lynchburg Cilisr: DDQGD Monoasas 00800 h4ono~sor Por Cl 600 Morllnl*lllr 03100 Newport Nwa 02700 Noriolk 03200 Narton 02400 Potonburq OJJDD Poquown 02600 Por(,,,,out,, 00300 Radlord 02100 Richmond 00400 Roonohe 00400 hlem 01700 south Barton Do600 Staunton 02800 sldlolh 029W Virqlnio Baoct 00600 Waynesboro 03300 Wllllamaburg OG?OO Wlnchr,tw __- --_.,.__ WISCONSIN 5% PUMA Boundarles WISCONSIN 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES cl u Counties PUMAS PUMA9 in: Dons County 01600 01700 btilwaukee County 02201 02202 02203 02204 02205 02206 Miles I 0 50 100 WYOMING 5% PUMA Boundarler WYOMING Counties cl 5% PUMA BOUNDARIES cl El PUMA DO100 00200 00300 00400 PUMAS States COUNTY Albany Goshen Laramie Plalte Converse Fremont Natrona Niobrara Carbon Lincoln Sublette S;~~waler Uinto Big Horn Campbell Crook Hot Springs E;;lsan Sheridon Woshakia Miles I 0 50 100
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