AUTHOR’S COPY | AUTORENEXEMPLAR Article in press - uncorrected proof Mammalia 74 (2010): xxx-xxx 2010 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/MAMM.2010.006 Short Note Sample-size effects on diet analysis from scats of jaguars and pumas Rebecca J. Foster1,2,*, Bart J. Harmsen1,2 and C. Patrick Doncaster1 1 School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, Boldrewood Campus, Southampton, SO16 7PX, UK, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Panthera, 8 West 40th Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10018, USA *Corresponding author Keywords: diet; jaguar; puma; sample size; scat. The Neotropics support more species of terrestrial vertebrate than any of the other seven biogeographic realms, including ;1300 mammals and ;2600 reptiles (Mace et al. 2005, Loyola et al. 2009). These provide a rich base of potential prey for large neotropical predators. Single rainforest locations have yielded as many as 24 different taxa in the diet of the jaguar, Panthera onca Linnaeus 1758, and 20 in the diet of puma, Puma concolor Linnaeus 1771 (Garla et al. 2001, Leite and Galva˜o 2002, Moreno et al. 2006). Published diets deduced from the scats of top predators rarely acknowledge the taxonomic richness of potential prey in the area when evaluating whether the sample size can adequately represent the true dietary richness and breadth. Diet studies consequently risk underestimating plasticity in feeding ecology, and wildlife managers could fail to distinguish predator species that have the potential to adapt to diminishing prey diversity from those that do not. Jaguars and pumas coexist in increasingly fragmented and human-dominated landscapes where they must compete with humans not only for habitat but also for prey (Leite and Galva˜o 2002, Foster et al. 2010). Understanding dietary flexibility of such large felids will allow us to better predict the impact of changes in prey availability on their long-term persistence, and on patterns of coexistence (Foster et al. 2010). Here, we investigate the influence of scat sample size on: (1) the number of taxa detected in jaguar and puma diets, using data from 25 published studies; and (2) the precision of estimates of the relative occurrence of common prey species in jaguar and puma diets, by subsampling from our own large datasets of geno- typed scats (Foster et al. 2010). Relative occurrence is defined as {number of prey items belonging to species X}/ {total number of prey items}=100. Species are considered common at G5% occurrence in the diet. The majority of the published diet studies of jaguars from the neotropics have sampled from populations occupying tropical and subtropical forest, whereas diet studies of neotropical pumas are more equally divided between tropical and temperate forest and grassland ecoregions (Table 1). Across the 18 ecoregions that have been sampled for jaguar and puma scats (Table 1), terrestrial vertebrate species richness (and thus potential prey richness) is highest on average in the tropical forests (mean"SDs1045"310, ns10), followed by tropical grasslands (715"74, ns3), temperate grasslands (357"148, ns3) and temperate forests (229"86, ns2). Mammalian species richness follows the same pattern. Although not all these species can be appropriate prey for big cats, we assume that the general trend for higher terrestrial vertebrate richness reflects the potential prey richness of the area. The sample sizes of scats reported in the published studies rarely exceed 100 (jaguar medians32 scats, Quartile 1s13, Q3s73, ns23 samples; puma medians51, Q1s15, Q3s93, ns28). In these studies, the number of taxa detected in the diets of both cats increases with increasing sample size, both for forested and grassland tropical ecoregions (Figure 1). Such a pattern could conceivably occur if smaller sample sizes were collected in areas with a coincidentally lower richness of prey, in which case we would expect sample size to correlate positively with species richness. We found no significant correlations between the number of scats collected (for either cat) and the species richness of terrestrial vertebrates (or of mammals only) in those ecoregions (Spearman rank correlations, all p)0.2, jaguar ns23, puma ns28). We therefore conclude that the Figure 1 relationships between sample size and dietary richness are a true cause and effect. The effect appeared to cease above a certain sample size so a two-process model for significant early increase (linear regression) followed by a plateau was fitted to the data to identify the switch from rise to horizontal (Figure 1). The switch occurred at 69 scats for tropical jaguars and 71 for tropical pumas (Figure 1A,B). No such pattern was detected for temperate pumas, where the maximum number of taxa (ns11) were detected in samples of G168 scats, whereas 10 taxa were detected in samples as small as 28 scats (Figure 1C). The insignificant increase in number 2010/016 AUTHOR’S COPY | AUTORENEXEMPLAR AUTHOR’S COPY | AUTORENEXEMPLAR Article in press - uncorrected proof 2 R.J. Foster et al.: Influence of sample size on scat analysis Table 1 Ecoregion classification (Olson et al. 2001) of the 25 published studies of neotropical jaguar and puma diets from scats. Ecoregion Number of samples (n) Refs Jaguar Puma Tropical forests Southwest Amazon moist forests Alto Parana Atlantic forests Serra do Mar coastal forests Isthmian-Atlantic moist forests Peten-Veracruz moist forests Dry Chaco Isthmian-Pacific moist forests Bahia coastal forests Yucatan moist forests Jalisco dry forests 2 2 1 0 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 Temperate forests Valdivian temperate forests Magellanic subpolar forests 0 0 Tropical grasslands Llanos Pantanal Caatinga Temperate grasslands Espinal Patagonian steppe Cordillera Central pa´ramo Terrestrial vertebrate species All Mammals 1, 2 3, 4 5 6 7–10 11 12 13, 14 15 16 1486 1264 1173 1021 988 952 839 827 638 612 303 213 175 217 191 193 190 166 111 137 3 3 17, 18 19 290 168 46 30 1 4 1 1 0 1 20 21, 22 23 766 750 631 223 172 159 0 0 0 5 1 1 24 19 25 502 363 207 81 60 40 Where studies compared between habitats, seasons or sites, each is treated as a distinct sample. Terrestrial vertebrate species richness is shown for each ecoregion (World Wildlife Fund 2006). 1: Emmons 1987; 2: Kuriowa and Ascorra 2002; 3: Crawshaw et al. 2004; 4: Azevedo 2008; 5: Leite and Galva˜o 2002; 6: Moreno et al. 2006; 7: Rabinowitz and Nottingham 1986; 8: Novack et al. 2005; 9: Weckel et al. 2006; 10: Foster et al. 2010; 11: Taber et al. 1997; 12: Chinchilla 1997; 13: Facure and Giaretta 1996; 14: Garla et al. 2001; 15: Aranda and Sa´nchez-Cordero 1996; 16: Nu´n˜ez et al. 2000; 17: Rau et al. 1991; 18: Rau and Jime´nez 2002; 19: Ya´n˜ez et al. 1986; 20: Polisar et al. 2003; 21: Dalponte 2002; 22: Azevedo and Murray 2007; 23: Olmos, 1993; 24: Branch et al. 1996; 25: Romo 1995. of taxa detected with sample size probably reflects the lower richness of potential prey available to pumas in temperate compared with tropical ecoregions (Table 1). Within the neotropics, particularly in tropical ecoregions, Figure 1 suggests that samples with less than ;70 scats could fail to detect all taxa present in the diet. Clearly more informative comparisons between cats and regions could be made from estimates of dietary breadth that evaluate sample sizes in relation to the potential prey richness of the habitat. By subsampling from our own large datasets of genotyped scats (Foster et al. 2010), we demonstrate both under- and over-representation of common prey types in the diet from small samples, and significant underestimation of true richness even from samples of 100 scats. We analysed the number of scats required to adequately represent the diet of each cat species, using 312 jaguar and 126 puma scats collected in south-east Belize, Central America. Scats were genotyped to distinguish jaguar from puma, and prey remains were identified to species (Foster et al. 2010). The total number of species consumed and relative occurrence of each was calculated for an initial sample of ten randomly selected scats, then repeatedly after each incremental addition to the sample of five scats, up to 100 scats. This procedure was repeated for 25 sequences of random selections. The species accumulation curves (Figure 2) demonstrated that even 100 randomly selected scats greatly underestimated the true richness of the jaguars’ diet as defined by the 20 taxa present in the full sample of 312 jaguar scats. Although as few as 45 scats might suffice to detect the six most common prey (i.e., those species making up G5% of the prey items in the full sample, Figure 2), we can expect that their relative occurrence will be overestimated in proportion to the underestimation of rare prey. Likewise for pumas, 100 randomly selected scats significantly underestimated the total of 11 taxa identified in the diet from 126 scats; however, 40 scats were sufficient to detect the five most common prey species (Figure 2). Our empirical findings corroborate the simulations of Trites and Joy (2005) who predicted that a sample size of ;60 scats is required to detect principal prey species ()5% occurrence) in hypothetical diets containing up to 15 principal prey. Variance in the estimates of prey occurrences was high at low sample sizes (Figure 3). We considered estimates of mean occurrence derived from multiple subsamples as pre- AUTHOR’S COPY | AUTORENEXEMPLAR AUTHOR’S COPY | AUTORENEXEMPLAR Article in press - uncorrected proof R.J. Foster et al.: Influence of sample size on scat analysis 3 Figure 2 Species accumulation curves for jaguar and puma diet. Mean and 95% confidence intervals are shown for 25 trials. Dashed lines indicate the number of prey species of all taxa (upper lines) and of those with G5% relative occurrence (lower lines) detected in 312 jaguar scats (A) and 126 puma scats (B). Figure 1 Variation in number of taxa detected in neotropical jaguar and puma diets with sample size. Data are from Table 1 and are analysed separately for (A) tropical jaguars, (B) tropical pumas and (C) temperate pumas. Empty circles indicate forest ecoregions, circles with black dot indicate grassland ecoregions. For (A) and (B) a two-process model was fitted to the data in which the switch from rise to horizontal was identified iteratively from the highest adjusted r2 values derived from significant linear regression (p-0.001). The mean of the remaining data points was substituted into the regression equation to calculate the threshold above which the number of taxa does not vary significantly with sample size (indicated by an arrow). cise if their 95% confidence intervals fell within "2 of the ‘true’ occurrence derived from the whole sample of scats (jaguar: ns312, puma: ns126). Under this definition, the minimum number of scats required for precise estimation of each of the principle prey varied between prey species (Figure 3). To estimate the occurrence of the most common jaguar prey to within "2 of their ‘true’ occurrence required ;65 scats for armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) but only 15 scats for pacas (Agouti paca, Figure 3A,E, 95% confidence limits lie within the "2 band). For pumas, the minimum number of scats required varied from ;65 for pacas to 25 for kinkajous, Potos flavus (Figure 3G–K). Relative occurrence was consistently underestimated for some species, e.g., armadillos and pacas (jaguar, Figure 3A,E), but overestimated for others, e.g., white-lipped peccary (Dictoyles pecari) and domestic sheep, Ovis aries (jaguar, Figure 3C,D,F). We can find no clear explanation for this difference. Some studies of jaguar and puma diets have attempted to assess post hoc whether the sample size analysed is large enough to adequately describe diet (Nu´n˜ez et al. 2000, Azevedo 2008); however, the majority do not address the issue. We advise that studies of jaguars and pumas from biodiverse regions such as tropical rainforests should aim to collect samples of at least 70–100 scats to adequately describe diet. Samples half this size will probably detect the principal prey species but cannot yield reliable estimates of relative occurrence. The interpretation of findings from studies with low sample sizes would be helped by presenting dietary components with an accompanying list or count of potential prey species occurring in the local area and/or a species accumulation curve. Although felid scats are generally difficult to find, particularly in hot humid climates where faecal material rapidly decomposes or washes away, often scat collection is opportunistic and given low priority in felid studies. Scat detector dogs are increasingly used for a range of studies monitoring carnivore diversity and abundance (Harrison 2006, Long et al. 2007), and these have the potential to greatly improve scat collection rates for diet studies. AUTHOR’S COPY | AUTORENEXEMPLAR AUTHOR’S COPY | AUTORENEXEMPLAR Article in press - uncorrected proof 4 R.J. Foster et al.: Influence of sample size on scat analysis Figure 3 Relative occurrences of the principal prey species in jaguar (A–F) and puma (G–K) diets as a function of sample size, from random subsamples of scats each replicated 25 times (showing mean and 95% CI). Dashed lines indicate % occurrence estimates with all 312 jaguar scats and with all 126 puma scats (middle line, upper and lower lines showing "2). Acknowledgements The study was funded by the Wildlife Conservation Society, the UK Natural Environment Research Council, Tom Kaplan, Panthera, the Liz Claiborne Art Ortenberg Foundation, the North of England Zoological Society, Brevard Zoo, Woodland Park Zoo and the Darwin Initiative Grant 17-012 (the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). Genetic analysis of the faecal samples was conducted by the Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics at the American Museum of Natural History. 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