This Sample is includes: Grade Level Scales Standard-‐by-‐Standard Scales Pre-‐Assessments Summative Mastery Assessment for Grade 5 Math (MA) Number and Quantity/Place Value MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 SAMPLE Grade Level Scales for Grade 5 Math– MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 In the Purchased Package Grade Level Proficiency Scales Will Include: A complete K-‐8 scope and sequence of Math and English/Language Arts standards and proficiency scales Key Features: • organized in an Excel format • separated by grade level • proficiency scales include score 2.0 and 3.0 performance expectations • specific common core alignment indicated within standard description and score 2.0/3.0 expectations Note: Scores 1.0 and 4.0 will be completed in the near future Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 Grade Level Scales -‐ Math, Grade 5 Number and Quantity Standard Code (Educate) Standard Description The student will: solve word problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators (5.NF.2) use benchmark fractions to MA.05.NQ.AF.01.01 estimate answers and check for reasonableness (5.NF.2) The student will: solve real-‐world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers (5.NF.6) solve real-‐world problems involving division of unit fractions by non-‐zero whole numbers and division of whole numbers by unit fractions (5.NF.7c) MA.05.NQ.MF.01.01 Score 4 Score 3 The student will: solve word problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators (5.NF.2) use benchmark fractions to estimate answers and check for reasonableness (5.NF.2) (Analysis) Score 2 The student will: recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as: add, addition, benchmark fraction, denominator, estimate, fraction, mixed number, reasonableness, refer, subtract, subtraction, unlike, whole, word problem. The student will perform basic processes, such as: add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, including mixed numbers (5.NF.1) (Retrieval) The student will: solve real-‐world The student will: recognize or recall problems involving multiplication of specific vocabulary, such as: denominator, fractions and mixed numbers (5.NF.6) divide, division, fraction, greater than, solve real-‐world problems involving division interpret, less than, mixed number, of unit fractions by non-‐zero whole multiplication, multiply, number, numbers and division of whole numbers by numerator, product, real-‐world, scaling, unit fractions (5.NF.7c) (Analysis) unit fraction, whole number. The student will perform basic processes, such as: interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator and determine the location of the fraction between two whole numbers (5.NF.3) multiply a fraction by a whole number or a fraction (5.NF.4) interpret multiplication as scaling (e.g., multiplying a given number by a fraction greater than 1 results in a product greater than the given number; multiplying a given number by a fraction less than 1 results in a product smaller than the given number) (5.NF.5) divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions (5.NF.7a, 5.NF.7b) (Comprehension) Score 1 Standard Code (Educate) Standard Description Score 3 Score 2 The student will: compare two decimals to thousandths (5.NBT.3b) round decimals to any place (5.NBT.4) The student will: compare two decimals to The student will: recognize or recall thousandths (5.NBT.3b) round decimals to specific vocabulary, such as: base-‐ten any place (5.NBT.4) (Analysis) numeral, decimal, decimal point, digit, divide, expanded form, multi-‐digit number, multiply, number name, pattern, place, round, thousandth, value, whole number. The student will perform basic processes, such as: read and write decimals to thousandths using base-‐ten numerals, number names, and expanded form (5.NBT.3a) (Retrieval) The student will: use whole number exponents to denote powers of 10 (5.NBT.2) The student will: use whole number exponents to denote powers of 10 (5.NBT.2) (Comprehension) MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.02.01 Score 4 The student will: recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as: base-‐ten numeral, decimal, decimal point, digit, divide, exponent, multi-‐digit number, multiply, number name, pattern, place, powers of 10, thousandth, value, whole number. The student will perform basic processes, such as: describe the value of digits in a multi-‐digit number (e.g., a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left) (5.NBT.1) explain patterns in the number of zeroes and the decimal point when multiplying or dividing by powers of 10 (5.NBT.2) read and write decimals to thousandths using base-‐ten numerals, number names, and expanded form (5.NBT.3a) (Retrieval) Score 1 SAMPLE -‐ Standard by Standard Scales for Math, Grade 5 – MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 In the Purchased Package, Standard-‐by-‐Standard Scales Will Include: The complete K-‐8 Math and ELA scope and sequence, as in the grade level proficiency scales, but organized as separate scales (documents) for each standard and including sample assessment items. In this lay-‐out, the proficiency scales may be shared with students as each is studied. Key Features: • shared as both PDF (printer-‐friendly) and Excel documents (allows for revisions for learner-‐friendly language and addition of score 1.0/4.0 expectations) • organized by grade level and separated by standard • proficiency scales include score 2.0 and 3.0 performance indicators (same as those within Grade Level Scales), as well as a sample assessment item and specific taxonomy levels • specific common core alignment indicated within standard description and score 2.0/3.0 expectations Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 Content Area: Math Measurement Topic: Number and Quantity: Place Value Scope Level: 05 Learning Target: MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 Proficiency Level Proficiency Level Description Taxonomy Level Assessment Items 3.0 The student will:• compare two decimals to thousandths (5.NBT.3b)• round decimals to any place (5.NBT.4) Analysis (5.NBT.3b), (5.NBT.4) Using the symbols <, =, or >, describe the relationship between the pairs of numbers below: 5.6 _____5.599 3.781 ____ 4.0 3.99 ____3. 785 2.9 ____ 2.900 Which of the following have been rounded correctly? 3.891 rounded to the nearest tenths is 3.9 correct incorrect 2.586 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 2.6 correct incorrect 3.359 rounded to the nearest whole number is 3 correct incorrect 2.0 The student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as:• base-ten numeral, decimal, decimal point, digit, divide, expanded form, multi-digit number, multiply, number name, pattern, place, round, thousandth, value, whole numberThe student will perform basic processes, such as:• read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form (5.NBT.3a) Retrieval (5.NBT.3) Read the following decimal numbers out lout: 3.45 6.2 122.673 Write the following as numbers: one hundred ten and thirty-one hundredths eight and five hudred twenty-one thousandths three tenths seventyeight hundredths 4.0 1.0 SAMPLE -‐ Pre-‐Assessments Math, Grade 5 – MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 In the purchased package, Pre-‐Assessments will include: The pre-‐assessments, developed and aligned with each individual Math and ELA standard, may be used to support initial placement of students based upon readiness levels and to support on-‐going formative assessment for instructional planning. Key Features: • Each Math and ELA standard is supported with a score 2.0 and score 3.0 assessment item • Pre-‐assessments were written in alignment with intended rigor of standard • Complete set K-‐6 • PDF format Note: Grades 7-‐8th will be completed and available in the near future. Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 PRE-‐ASSESSMENTS MATH – Grade 5 MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 Number and Quantity: Place Value The student will: • (5.NBT.3b) compare two decimals to thousandths • (5.NBT.4) round decimals to any place Score 3/ (Analysis): Using the symbols <, =, or >, describe the relationship between the pairs of numbers below: 5.6 _____5.599 3.781 ____ 4.0 3.99 ____3. 785 2.9 ____ 2.900 Which of the following have been rounded correctly? 3.891 rounded to the nearest tenths is 3.9 correct incorrect 2.586 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 2.6 correct incorrect 3.359 rounded to the nearest whole number is 3 correct incorrect Score 2/ (Retrieval): The student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as base-‐ten numeral, decimal, decimal point, digit, divide, expanded form, multi-‐digit number, multiply, number name, pattern, place, round, thousandth, value, whole number The student will perform basic processes, such as read and write decimals to thousandths using base-‐ ten numerals, number names, and expanded form (5.NBT.3a) Read the following decimal numbers out loud: 3.45 6.2 122.673 Write the following as numbers: one hundred ten and thirty-‐one hundredths eight and five hundred twenty-‐one thousandths three tenths seventy-‐eight hundredths Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition 2013 Grade 5– Math Pre Assessment MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.02.01 Number and Quantity: Place Value The student will: • (5.NBT.2) use whole number exponents to denote powers of 10 Score 3/ (Comprehension): Fill in the blank with the exponent that will produce the answer. 10? = 1000 _______ 10? = 1,000,000 _________ 10? = 100 __________ 10? = 10 __________ Score 2/ (Retrieval): The student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as base-‐ten numeral, decimal, decimal point, digit, divide, exponent, multi-‐digit number, multiply, number name, pattern, place, powers of 10, thousandth, value, whole number The student will perform basic processes, such as describe the value of digits in a multi-‐digit number (e.g., a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left) (5.NBT.1), explain patterns in the number of zeroes and the decimal point when multiplying or dividing by powers of 10 (5.NBT.2), read and write decimals to thousandths using base-‐ten numerals, number names, and expanded form (5.NBT.3a) For the number 3,542: *state the place value of each number: ex. 3 is at the thousandth place 5 is at the ____________ place 4 is at the ___________ place 2 is at the __________ place How much greater is the thousandths place than the hundredths place? How much less is the tenths place than the hundredths place? Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition 2013 Grade 5-‐ Math Pre Assessment SAMPLE – Summative Mastery Assessments for Math Grade 5 – MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 In the purchased package, Summative Mastery Assessment will include: The mastery assessments, developed and aligned with each individual Math and ELA standard, may be used to validate proficiency for a standard/standards after student has demonstrated mastery on a class performance activity or other task. Mastery assessments will ensure inter-‐rater reliability and consistency of expectations within an organization. These items will also support teacher developed assessments, as they are an indication of needed rigor for mastery. Key Features: • Each Math and ELA standard is supported by 2 score 3.0 (mastery) assessment items • Each assessment item question is followed by the correct answer • As needed with open-‐ended responses and other specific questions, a rationale to support the correct answer is provided • Assessment items are organized by measurement topic and grade level • PDF format Note: Grades 7-‐8th will be completed and available in the near future. Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition -‐ 2013 SUMMATIVE MASTERY ASSESSMENT GRADE 5 MATH-‐NUMBER AND QUANTITY:PLACE VALUE MA.05.NQ.NQ.PV.01.01 (5.NBT.3b)(5.NBT.4): The student will compare two multi-‐digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place using and = Score 3.0/(Analysis): Using the symbols <, =, or >, describe the relationship between the pairs of numbers below: 3.8 _____3.799 7.900 ____ 7.9 .7 ____.554 786.450 ____ 786.8 Which of the following have been rounded correctly? Write either correct or incorrect in the blank provided. 7.85 rounded to the nearest tenths is 7.9 __________ 3.658 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 3.7 ____________ 3.359 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 3.36 ______________ Correct Answer: > = > < correct incorrect correct Using the symbols <, =, or >, describe the relationship between the pairs of numbers below: 74.39 _________ 74.67 354.2 ________354.187 2.01 ____ 2.1 .87 ____ .599 Which of the following have been rounded correctly? Write either correct or incorrect in the blank provided. 8.63 rounded to the nearest tenths is 8.7 __________ 42.355 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 42.4 ____________ 2.768 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 2.77 ______________ Correct Answer: < > < > incorrect incorrect correct Re-‐Inventing Schools Coalition 2013 5-‐NQ Math Summative
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