Weekly Plan

Weekly Plan
Each week your group will submit a listing of the tasks you aim to complete over the course of that
week. This allows us to track our goal productivity form our real productivity. It will be a useful tool to
allow you to re-scope your project as the semester passes. It doesn't mean that if you finish all your
tasks you can't do more, and it doesn't mean that if you don't finish your tasks you will lose marks.
We use a system of points to describe how difficult we believe tasks to be on a relative scale. A task
costs a number of points that is proportional to the amount of time and energy a task will take to
complete. As long as we rate things relative to each other, the system will work.
Each week you will submit a plan and a report (except the first week where you'll only submit a plan).
Below is an example weekly plan.
Sample Weekly Plan
Total Point Cost: 95
Game Screen Flow
Create a flowchart showing which screens can be accessed from which actions in the game. Include
menus, inventory, gameplay modes. Include sample block layouts of each screen's UI elements.
15 points
Create Character Interaction Level
Create a 'playground' level that include all of the major types of character interaction. Areas with
crouching, jumping, swing and shooting behaviour. Create mock objects for interactions that aren't
already created.
25 points
Create Character Controls
Create a character controller that has left and right movement, jumping and crouching behaviour.
20 points
Character art Draft
Draft the character's art , blocking out the elements on the character and creating several full fidelity
frames illustrating the art style. List the total number of assets for the character.
35 points
Task Name
Assigned team member
Describe the task briefly.
Point Cost
Weekly Report
The weekly report looks back on your week and compares the goals you set for yourselves with what
actually occurred, compares your number of points completed this week with previous weeks, details
the changes you have to your design based on new information you've found, difficulties you've
encountered and recognized uncompletable deadlines.
Sample Weekly Report
Total Points Used: 164
Previous Average Points: 122
Tasks in Hindsight
expected actual
Game Screen Flow Chart
We discovered through conversation that we really only
needed four screens and the layouts seem fairly obvious
Create Character Interaction Level
We couldn't get rigidbodies working properly and had to
spend alot of extra time building the props.
Create Character Controls
Was able to adapt sample code provided by Instructor
Character Art Draft
Art needed a second revision, needed to do research.
Grappling hook Prototype
Dave had a Fey mood...
Changes in Scope
We discussed the railgun's xray mode and have decided that it will take too much time to make work
and might not even be fun. We're going to remove it from our design. We also decided that we'll try to
bite off a little more work next week given our average accomplishment so far and looming midterms
on the horizon.
Oct 9
Oct 16
Oct 23
Oct 30