英語による授業 授 業 科 目 名 英語によるビジネス・コミュニケーション 開 講 学 期 (講義題目) 単 位 数 Business Communication 担 当 教 員 履 修 条 件 全体の教育 目 標 Brian Quinn All Registered Students 講義コード 15176009 キーワード 科 目 区 分 対 象 学 生 前 期 2 単位 必 修 1 年生 Business Commmunication 個別の学習 目 標 授業の概要 This course is for students at an upper intermediate level who need to improve their skills in the key areas of business communication: taking part in meetings, telephoning, negotiating, presenting and socializing based on extensive pair-work drills. There will also be additional hand-outs to provide practice in essential communicative language skills through a series of realistic situations in the world of work. In addition, the students will also be presented with a wide range of authentic reading passages from a variety of sources which are closely related the theme of each unit. Class discussions are designed to get students to think about what makes communication effective. This course will give students a chance to connect what you have studied with your own daily experience, either as a student or as a professional working in business. This skills gained from this course will be useful for both those preparing to start work and for those already in work 授業の進め方 This course provides students with realistic controlled and open-ended activities so that they can build up their fluency and confidence based on pair-work practice. There are also weekly written assignments. 教科書および 参 考 図 書 This course will utilize weekly prints that are generated by the teacher. 試験・成績評 価の方法等 Class Participation 33% Homework 33% Final Exam 33% 52
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