Sample Involvement Process: LCAP Template, Section 1

Sample Involvement Process: LCAP Template, Section 1
Involvement Process
Impact on LCAP
Stakeholders attended training on LCFF, the LCAP, and how to read
and interpret the eight priority metrics (data). These training
sessions occurred on February 20, March 10, and March 19.
Additional trainings were available and delivered at school sites by
district personnel upon request.
LCAP and EL Advisory Committees reviewed input from all
stakeholders. They synthesized input to include 5 major goal areas in
the LCAP over the next five years, and these goals areas are reflected
in the 2014-15 LCAP goals:
Gathering of input began on February 20 and was on-going.
Input gathered at Open Houses at each campus from parents,
students and staff
Notified public of opportunity to submit written input on February
Input gathered on district website from community members,
parents, students and staff.
Input gathered during meetings with teachers, principals,
administrators, other school personnel, all local bargaining units of
the district, parents and pupils
LCAP Advisory Committee met on February 21 and 27, March 6, 13,
20, 27, April 15, 20, 27
EL Advisory Committee met on February 22 and 27, March 6, 13,
20, 27, April 15, 20, 27
Consultation with teacher association on March 5
Superintendent provided written responses to input from Parent
and English Learner Advisory Committees not included in LCAP on
April 10
Draft goals available on website beginning April 15
Draft of Sections 2 and 3 available on website beginning April 30
Complete LCAP draft available on website and in Board Agenda on
May 14 for May 21 public hearing at regularly scheduled governing
board meeting
LCAP adopted at regularly scheduled governing board meeting on
June 15
Increase opportunities for academic support to enable all
students access to A-G and AP courses [result of student
achievement data and input from students, parents and local
business leaders]
Increase school connectedness and socio-emotional wellbeing of students through research-based programs
implemented with fidelity [result of school climate and
other student outcome data, parent input, health and
counseling personnel input and teacher and administrator
Increase teacher and administrator content and pedagogical
knowledge by providing targeted professional learning and
access to Teacher Induction/Clear and Administrative
Services Induction/Clear Credential programs [teacher
association, teachers, and administrators]
Develop stakeholder involvement programs based upon
national research and resources from CDE (among others)
to create meaningful engagement and input into annual
LCAP reviews [result of stakeholder surveys, parent
involvement data, and school climate data]
Analyze facility, instructional materials and technology
needs to develop a prioritized and sequenced plan to
provide all students and school personnel with resources
they need for 21 Century career and academic success.
Include in the analysis whether regionalized purchased
instructional services are more cost effective than district
provided services [result of input from students, parents,
business leaders, community members, Work Force
Investment Board, classified district staff, teachers and
LCAP and EL Advisory Committees identified the following items as
focus areas to consider in the future: expanded busing for before
and after school programs, a Parent Center classroom on each
campus, and a bilingual paraeducator assigned to each TK-3 grade
classroom with 5 or more English learners.