Computer Maintenance and Repair I Course Syllabus Prerequisites None Textbook A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC Instructor Mr. Pelletier E-mail Dept Phone [email protected] (603) 893-7073 Ext. 5337 Classroom Website Office Hours V119 7:30 to 3:30 Software: Students who successfully complete the course will receive a fully licensed copy of Windows 7 Server Edition to take home and install on their home computer. The software is distributed under the Microsoft Dreamspark program to encourage students to pursue careers in Networking and Servers utilizing Microsoft products. Course Objectives: This course maps fully to CompTIA’s A+ Exam objectives. The course is designed to be a complete, step-by-step approach for learning the fundamentals of supporting and troubleshooting computer hardware and software. Specific topic coverage includes: Introducing Hardware Introducing Operating Systems PC Repair Fundamentals Form Factors and Power Supplies Processors and Chipsets Motherboards Hard Drives Installing and Supporting I/O Devices Installing Windows Maintaining Windows PCs on a Network Securing your PC and LAN Notebooks, Tablet PCs, and PDAs Supporting Printers and Scanners Catalog Description: This course prepares students for the CompTIA IT Essentials certification exam and provides students with the basic skills to properly install, build, upgrade, repair, configure, troubleshoot, optimize, and diagnose problems with PC hardware and operating systems. A great deal of time will be spent with simulation software that lets students get hands-on practice with computer hardware and operating systems. This rich, full-scale software allows users to move freely through a safe, simulated environment to accomplish computer maintenance tasks in a variety of ways. Website: Supplementary information for the course is available at The website contains the course syllabus, course outline, project details, and other information for the course. A mobile app is available at E-mail: All students are required to obtain an e-mail account. The e-mail account name must be school appropriate and the student’s full name must be included in the e-mail name field. If you have any questions about the course or need assistance, please contact the instructor in person or by e-mail at any time. Assignments must be submitted by e-mail on or before 3:00 P.M. on the due date. Common Microsoft formats are to be used for e-mail attachments. Attendance: Students are expected to be present and punctual for all scheduled classes and labs. Grading Rationale: In this class, students will be evaluated according to performance in the following categories: Assignments, labs and performance tests 50% Exams, quizzes, research and presentation 30% Final Exam 20% Grades can be accessed on Infinite Campus using the portal at On your smart phone you can download the Infinite Campus Mobile Portal App. Launch the Campus App and enter your District ID in settings. The District ID is: GFHWMN Special Accommodations: If you have a special learning need or issue, please notify your instructor immediately. Students are required to provide documentation of disability to Disability Support Services prior to receiving accommodations. Classroom Etiquette: Pagers and cell phones will be turned off or set to vibrate mode during class. Please show courtesy to the class by restricting conversation to in-class topics, and raise your hand to gain attention when asking a question or raising a point of discussion. Lab Equipment: Students are expected to respect the equipment in the lab and make the learning environment relaxed and comfortable for all. Much of the equipment in the lab is in for servicing and does not belong to the school. Students are not to use or work on any equipment without first checking with the instructor. Academic Honesty: The high school experience is founded on the concepts of honesty and integrity. Dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the school are regarded as particularly serious offenses. Cases of dishonesty will be handled by levying heavy penalties. In flagrant cases the penalty may be dismissal from school after proper due process proceedings. Turning in Work: In order to help reduce printing and paper costs, all documents need to be submitted via e-mail. Be sure your e-mail account includes your full name and the assignment topic is in the subject field. Late Coursework: All assignments are to be turned in on the due date. Late work will be accepted at the instructor’s discretion for partial credit. Research and Communication: Communication skills, both oral and written, are a widely recognized issue in need of improvement in the field of information technology. Many proficient technicians have limited skills communicating with co-workers and end-users. Our goal is to address this issue by having students perform research and present findings as part of the class. College Credit: 6 college credits are available through Manchester Community College’s Running Start program for students successfully completing both Computer Maintenance I and Computer Maintenance II.
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