Title: D300 Asks Parents and Guardians to Activate Their Infinite Campus Parent Portal Accounts by March 31, 2015 In an effort to expedite the school registration process for all families, District 300 will transition to an online registration process this spring. Starting in April of 2015, parents of students attending Gilberts Elementary School, Hampshire Elementary School, Hampshire Middle School, Hampshire High School, and Wright Elementary School will register for the 2015-2016 school year online. In the spring of 2016, parents of students attending any District 300 school will complete an online registration process for the 2016-2017 school year. “District 300 is extremely excited to offer our community online registration,” says District 300 Director of Technology Jason Emricson. “Online registration will streamline the registration process, making it easier for parents to register their children for school on their own time.” Online registration means that all school registration must be completed online. District 300 is making every effort to ensure accommodations will be provided for any parent or guardian encountering difficulties securing computer or internet access. Information regarding these accommodations will be provided once finalized. In order to successfully register a child (or children) for school, one parent or guardian per household must have an active Infinite Campus Parent Portal account by March 31, 2015. Parents or guardians who do not already have an active Infinite Campus Parent Portal account may activate their account by visiting www.d300.org/ActivationKey or by calling their school’s main office and requesting their Infinite Campus Parent Portal Activation Key.
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