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F a m i ly D a y K i t e F e s t i v a l : p o s t e r Client work Projects Veterans’ Administration Hospital Detroit, Michigan Aggregates Sherwood Corners Mississauga, Ontario High Point University Fine Arts Center High Point, North Carolina Alan Earp Residence, Brock University St. Catharines, Ontario Rock Elements Escanaba, Michigan Agilia Hotel Bourbon New Orleans, Louisiana Residential Driveway Dellwood, Minnesota Ameristar Casino Great Plains Steakhouse Project Kansas City, Missouri Lake City Station Burnaby, British Columbia War Memorial Stadium, University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming City Market Rifle, Colorado Cement Liberty View Towers Jersey City, New Jersey Mountain Equipment Co-op Montreal, Quebec Drywall / Finishing Products Headquarters Library, Collier County Public Libraries Naples, Florida Sculptural form: Nineteenth-century architects were sometimes suspicious of reinforced concrete, then a very new and poorly understood material, because it had no inherent form. It is precisely this same characteristic, however, that makes concrete such a tantalizing medium for many architects today. Shapes and compositions that would be difficult or impossible to build out of other common materials are often readily achievable in reinforced concrete. Like clay in the hands of a sculptor, concrete allows architects to create structures that are uniquely evocative, referential, or geometrically adventurous. Ductal Shawnessy LRT Station Calgary, Alberta Precast Spruce Meadows Calgary, Alberta Autzen Stadium, University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon National Bank of South Carolina Greenville, South Carolina 3.2 Wohlen High School — Wohlen, Switzerland, 1983-88 Pushing the Limit of Concrete and Architecture Lafarge North America, Inc. 2004 Annual Report We have the resources, the leadership, and the knowhow to shape possibilities into realities and to turn ideas into form. Products The largest construction materials company in the U.S. and Canada, Lafarge North America offers a full line of products for building projects large and small. From sidewalks to schools, highways to high-rises, in all regions of the United States and Canada, Lafarge is the building materials supplier of choice. Aggregates Aggregates include a full line of graded stone in various sizes, as well as concrete and masonry sand, gravel and slag aggregates. Aggregates have a broad range of uses, from road base to rail beds, and are a key ingredient in concrete and asphalt. Asphalt and Construction Services Lafarge is a leading road building contractor as well as a major producer of hot-mix asphalt in many areas of North America. Our size and diversification enables us to provide the expertise required to manage everything from the most complex construction projects to the smallest commercial works, from the smallest patch or driveway to the largest interstate highway project. Wohlen High School — Wohlen, Switzerland, 1983-88 Cement / Cement-Related Products Lafarge offers quality portland cements as well as low-alkali, high-early strength, silica fume, oil well, slag, masonry and mortar cements. They are used in everything from offices and homes to dams, factories, tunnels, roads, highways and airports. Cement-related products are by-products from coal combustion, steel mills and the silicon/ferro silicon industry. Fly ash, slag cement and silica fume are used as cement supplements to enhance concrete and also in mine backfilling, shotcreting and soil stabilization applications. Ductal® Lafarge’s revolutionary new material for new solutions, Ductal® is an ultra-high performance material that provides strength, ductility, durability and aesthetics. This unique combination of superior properties allows engineers and architects to realize a new level of design and unparalleled potential in creation. With chameleon qualities, it can replicate texture, form and shape and is available in a range of colors. Possible applications are numerous, including: structural wall panels, containers, raised access floors, countertops, safety vaults, anchor blocks/plates, moulds, bridges, long-span roofs/ floors, columns, bus shelters, LRT stations, gates/ signs/louvers and portable classrooms. Drywall & Finishing Products Lafarge offers a complete line of drywall and finishing products for commercial and residential construction. Pipe and Precast Concrete A vast line of concrete products for public works includes manholes, catch basins, valve chambers, concrete pressure and sewer pipe, box culverts and precast bridge spans, as well as specialized systems, such as the patented Stormceptor?. Ready-Mixed Concrete Lafarge produces a wide range of ready-mixed concrete (a mixture of aggregates, water and cement) for a variety of applications from curbs and sidewalks to foundations, highways and buildings. Specialty mix formations such as Agilia®, Ultra?, Weathermix and Agrifarge? provide a range of enhancements for specific applications. Recycling and Reuse options for Waste Streams— Unconventional Raw Materials and Fuels Many industries have waste streams that traditionally have been disposed of in landfills or incinerators. Not only are these waste streams costly to dispose of in this manner, they also represent a long-term liability to the generator with today’s “cradle to grave” responsibility. Lafarge may have a better solution for your company. Lafarge currently reuses many select waste streams that contain ingredients necessary for the manufacture of cement which include silica, alumina, calcium iron and materials that contain fuel value. Ballast-Crete® Ballast-Crete ® has fast become the preferred choice in ballasting for shipyards, naval architects and engineers around the world. Its superior performance under demanding conditions coupled with the expertise of Lafarge’s technical staff have allowed us to find answers to just about any stability concern. 3.1 3. SCULPTURAL Wohlen High School — Wohlen, Switzerland, 1983-88 We have the resources, the leadership, and the know-how to shape possibilities into realities and to turn ideas into form. LAFA R G E : ANNUAL R EPO R T Client work (PWFSONFOU4PMVUJPOT >> >> C o mm - W o rk s : G o v e r n m e n t m i c r o s i t e d e s i g n Client work -AIN-ENU 3AFETY 3TYLE #ONFORT 0OWER 0ERFORMANCE 0LEASE#LICKONASUBJECTTO34!24 #LICKHERETO34!24 #LICKHERETOGOBACKTO(OME0AGE 0OWER 4HEh7vREFERSTOTHEWAY WECONFIGUREDTHECYLINDERS 4WO62ENGINESAREOVER LAPPEDATAªANGLETO CREATEACYLINDERENGINE 4HISUNIQUEDESIGNRESULTSIN UNUSUALLYCOMPACTDIMEN SIONSLOWWEIGHTANDA HIGHDEGREEOFRIGIDITY 7 "UILTUSINGDIECASTMAGNE SIUMCYLINDERHEADSANDAN ALUMINUMCYLINDERBLOCKWITH SILICONTOREDUCE WEIGHTTHE0HAETONS6 ENGINEOFFERSOUTSTANDING POWERINANIMBLEPACKAGE 6 0LEASE#LICKONA%NGINEFORMOREINFORMATION #LICKHERETOGO"ACK VW : I n t e r a c t i v e i n t e r f a c e f o r c a r s h o w d i s p l a y S t ud e n t w o r k
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